[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * @output wp-admin/js/widgets.js

/* global ajaxurl, isRtl, wpWidgets */

(function($) {
	var $document = $( document );

window.wpWidgets = {
	 * A closed Sidebar that gets a Widget dragged over it.
	 * @var {element|null}
	hoveredSidebar: null,

	 * Lookup of which widgets have had change events triggered.
	 * @var {object}
	dirtyWidgets: {},

	init : function() {
		var rem, the_id,
			self = this,
			chooser = $('.widgets-chooser'),
			selectSidebar = chooser.find('.widgets-chooser-sidebars'),
			sidebars = $('div.widgets-sortables'),
			isRTL = !! ( 'undefined' !== typeof isRtl && isRtl );

		// Handle the widgets containers in the right column.
		$( '#widgets-right .sidebar-name' )
			 * Toggle the widgets containers when clicked and update the toggle
			 * button `aria-expanded` attribute value.
			.on( 'click', function() {
				var $this = $( this ),
					$wrap = $this.closest( '.widgets-holder-wrap '),
					$toggle = $this.find( '.handlediv' );

				if ( $wrap.hasClass( 'closed' ) ) {
					$wrap.removeClass( 'closed' );
					$toggle.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
					// Refresh the jQuery UI sortable items.
					$this.parent().sortable( 'refresh' );
				} else {
					$wrap.addClass( 'closed' );
					$toggle.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );

				// Update the admin menu "sticky" state.
				$document.triggerHandler( 'wp-pin-menu' );
			 * Set the initial `aria-expanded` attribute value on the widgets
			 * containers toggle button. The first one is expanded by default.
			.find( '.handlediv' ).each( function( index ) {
				if ( 0 === index ) {
					// jQuery equivalent of `continue` within an `each()` loop.

				$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );

		// Show AYS dialog when there are unsaved widget changes.
		$( window ).on( 'beforeunload.widgets', function( event ) {
			var dirtyWidgetIds = [], unsavedWidgetsElements;
			$.each( self.dirtyWidgets, function( widgetId, dirty ) {
				if ( dirty ) {
					dirtyWidgetIds.push( widgetId );
			if ( 0 !== dirtyWidgetIds.length ) {
				unsavedWidgetsElements = $( '#widgets-right' ).find( '.widget' ).filter( function() {
					return -1 !== dirtyWidgetIds.indexOf( $( this ).prop( 'id' ).replace( /^widget-\d+_/, '' ) );
				unsavedWidgetsElements.each( function() {
					if ( ! $( this ).hasClass( 'open' ) ) {
						$( this ).find( '.widget-title-action:first' ).trigger( 'click' );

				// Bring the first unsaved widget into view and focus on the first tabbable field.
				unsavedWidgetsElements.first().each( function() {
					if ( this.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded ) {
					} else {
					$( this ).find( '.widget-inside :tabbable:first' ).trigger( 'focus' );
				} );

				event.returnValue = wp.i18n.__( 'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.' );
				return event.returnValue;

		// Handle the widgets containers in the left column.
		$( '#widgets-left .sidebar-name' ).on( 'click', function() {
			var $wrap = $( this ).closest( '.widgets-holder-wrap' );

				.toggleClass( 'closed' )
				.find( '.handlediv' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', ! $wrap.hasClass( 'closed' ) );

			// Update the admin menu "sticky" state.
			$document.triggerHandler( 'wp-pin-menu' );

		$(document.body).on('click.widgets-toggle', function(e) {
			var target = $(e.target), css = {},
				widget, inside, targetWidth, widgetWidth, margin, saveButton, widgetId,
				toggleBtn = target.closest( '.widget' ).find( '.widget-top button.widget-action' );

			if ( target.parents('.widget-top').length && ! target.parents('#available-widgets').length ) {
				widget = target.closest('div.widget');
				inside = widget.children('.widget-inside');
				targetWidth = parseInt( widget.find('input.widget-width').val(), 10 );
				widgetWidth = widget.parent().width();
				widgetId = inside.find( '.widget-id' ).val();

				// Save button is initially disabled, but is enabled when a field is changed.
				if ( ! widget.data( 'dirty-state-initialized' ) ) {
					saveButton = inside.find( '.widget-control-save' );
					saveButton.prop( 'disabled', true ).val( wp.i18n.__( 'Saved' ) );
					inside.on( 'input change', function() {
						self.dirtyWidgets[ widgetId ] = true;
						widget.addClass( 'widget-dirty' );
						saveButton.prop( 'disabled', false ).val( wp.i18n.__( 'Save' ) );
					widget.data( 'dirty-state-initialized', true );

				if ( inside.is(':hidden') ) {
					if ( targetWidth > 250 && ( targetWidth + 30 > widgetWidth ) && widget.closest('div.widgets-sortables').length ) {
						if ( widget.closest('div.widget-liquid-right').length ) {
							margin = isRTL ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left';
						} else {
							margin = isRTL ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right';

						css[ margin ] = widgetWidth - ( targetWidth + 30 ) + 'px';
						widget.css( css );
					 * Don't change the order of attributes changes and animation:
					 * it's important for screen readers, see ticket #31476.
					toggleBtn.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
					inside.slideDown( 'fast', function() {
						widget.addClass( 'open' );
				} else {
					 * Don't change the order of attributes changes and animation:
					 * it's important for screen readers, see ticket #31476.
					toggleBtn.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
					inside.slideUp( 'fast', function() {
						widget.attr( 'style', '' );
						widget.removeClass( 'open' );
			} else if ( target.hasClass('widget-control-save') ) {
				wpWidgets.save( target.closest('div.widget'), 0, 1, 0 );
			} else if ( target.hasClass('widget-control-remove') ) {
				wpWidgets.save( target.closest('div.widget'), 1, 1, 0 );
			} else if ( target.hasClass('widget-control-close') ) {
				widget = target.closest('div.widget');
				widget.removeClass( 'open' );
				toggleBtn.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
				wpWidgets.close( widget );
			} else if ( target.attr( 'id' ) === 'inactive-widgets-control-remove' ) {

		sidebars.children('.widget').each( function() {
			var $this = $(this);

			wpWidgets.appendTitle( this );

			if ( $this.find( 'p.widget-error' ).length ) {
				$this.find( '.widget-action' ).trigger( 'click' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );

			connectToSortable: 'div.widgets-sortables',
			handle: '> .widget-top > .widget-title',
			distance: 2,
			helper: 'clone',
			zIndex: 101,
			containment: '#wpwrap',
			refreshPositions: true,
			start: function( event, ui ) {
				var chooser = $(this).find('.widgets-chooser');

				the_id = this.id;

				if ( chooser.length ) {
					// Hide the chooser and move it out of the widget.
					$( '#wpbody-content' ).append( chooser.hide() );
					// Delete the cloned chooser from the drag helper.
			stop: function() {
				if ( rem ) {

				rem = '';

		 * Opens and closes previously closed Sidebars when Widgets are dragged over/out of them.
		sidebars.droppable( {
			tolerance: 'intersect',

			 * Open Sidebar when a Widget gets dragged over it.
			 * @ignore
			 * @param {Object} event jQuery event object.
			over: function( event ) {
				var $wrap = $( event.target ).parent();

				if ( wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar && ! $wrap.is( wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar ) ) {
					// Close the previous Sidebar as the Widget has been dragged onto another Sidebar.
					wpWidgets.closeSidebar( event );

				if ( $wrap.hasClass( 'closed' ) ) {
					wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar = $wrap;
						.removeClass( 'closed' )
						.find( '.handlediv' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );

				$( this ).sortable( 'refresh' );

			 * Close Sidebar when the Widget gets dragged out of it.
			 * @ignore
			 * @param {Object} event jQuery event object.
			out: function( event ) {
				if ( wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar ) {
					wpWidgets.closeSidebar( event );
		} );

			placeholder: 'widget-placeholder',
			items: '> .widget',
			handle: '> .widget-top > .widget-title',
			cursor: 'move',
			distance: 2,
			containment: '#wpwrap',
			tolerance: 'pointer',
			refreshPositions: true,
			start: function( event, ui ) {
				var height, $this = $(this),
					$wrap = $this.parent(),
					inside = ui.item.children('.widget-inside');

				if ( inside.css('display') === 'block' ) {
					ui.item.find( '.widget-top button.widget-action' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );

				if ( ! $wrap.hasClass('closed') ) {
					// Lock all open sidebars min-height when starting to drag.
					// Prevents jumping when dragging a widget from an open sidebar to a closed sidebar below.
					height = ui.item.hasClass('ui-draggable') ? $this.height() : 1 + $this.height();
					$this.css( 'min-height', height + 'px' );

			stop: function( event, ui ) {
				var addNew, widgetNumber, $sidebar, $children, child, item,
					$widget = ui.item,
					id = the_id;

				// Reset the var to hold a previously closed sidebar.
				wpWidgets.hoveredSidebar = null;

				if ( $widget.hasClass('deleting') ) {
					wpWidgets.save( $widget, 1, 0, 1 ); // Delete widget.

				addNew = $widget.find('input.add_new').val();
				widgetNumber = $widget.find('input.multi_number').val();

				$widget.attr( 'style', '' ).removeClass('ui-draggable');
				the_id = '';

				if ( addNew ) {
					if ( 'multi' === addNew ) {
							$widget.html().replace( /<[^<>]+>/g, function( tag ) {
								return tag.replace( /__i__|%i%/g, widgetNumber );

						$widget.attr( 'id', id.replace( '__i__', widgetNumber ) );

						$( 'div#' + id ).find( 'input.multi_number' ).val( widgetNumber );
					} else if ( 'single' === addNew ) {
						$widget.attr( 'id', 'new-' + id );
						rem = 'div#' + id;

					wpWidgets.save( $widget, 0, 0, 1 );
					$document.trigger( 'widget-added', [ $widget ] );

				$sidebar = $widget.parent();

				if ( $sidebar.parent().hasClass('closed') ) {
						.removeClass( 'closed' )
						.find( '.handlediv' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );

					$children = $sidebar.children('.widget');

					// Make sure the dropped widget is at the top.
					if ( $children.length > 1 ) {
						child = $children.get(0);
						item = $widget.get(0);

						if ( child.id && item.id && child.id !== item.id ) {
							$( child ).before( $widget );

				if ( addNew ) {
					$widget.find( '.widget-action' ).trigger( 'click' );
				} else {
					wpWidgets.saveOrder( $sidebar.attr('id') );

			activate: function() {
				$(this).parent().addClass( 'widget-hover' );

			deactivate: function() {
				// Remove all min-height added on "start".
				$(this).css( 'min-height', '' ).parent().removeClass( 'widget-hover' );

			receive: function( event, ui ) {
				var $sender = $( ui.sender );

				// Don't add more widgets to orphaned sidebars.
				if ( this.id.indexOf('orphaned_widgets') > -1 ) {

				// If the last widget was moved out of an orphaned sidebar, close and remove it.
				if ( $sender.attr('id').indexOf('orphaned_widgets') > -1 && ! $sender.children('.widget').length ) {
					$sender.parents('.orphan-sidebar').slideUp( 400, function(){ $(this).remove(); } );
		}).sortable( 'option', 'connectWith', 'div.widgets-sortables' );

			tolerance: 'pointer',
			accept: function(o){
				return $(o).parent().attr('id') !== 'widget-list';
			drop: function(e,ui) {
			over: function(e,ui) {

				if ( ui.draggable.hasClass('ui-sortable-helper') ) {
					.html( ui.draggable.find( 'div.widget-title' ).children( 'h3' ).html() );
			out: function(e,ui) {

		// Area Chooser.
		$( '#widgets-right .widgets-holder-wrap' ).each( function( index, element ) {
			var $element = $( element ),
				name = $element.find( '.sidebar-name h2' ).text() || '',
				ariaLabel = $element.find( '.sidebar-name' ).data( 'add-to' ),
				id = $element.find( '.widgets-sortables' ).attr( 'id' ),
				li = $( '<li>' ),
				button = $( '<button>', {
					type: 'button',
					'aria-pressed': 'false',
					'class': 'widgets-chooser-button',
					'aria-label': ariaLabel
				} ).text( name.toString().trim() );

			li.append( button );

			if ( index === 0 ) {
				li.addClass( 'widgets-chooser-selected' );
				button.attr( 'aria-pressed', 'true' );

			selectSidebar.append( li );
			li.data( 'sidebarId', id );

		$( '#available-widgets .widget .widget-top' ).on( 'click.widgets-chooser', function() {
			var $widget = $( this ).closest( '.widget' ),
				toggleButton = $( this ).find( '.widget-action' ),
				chooserButtons = selectSidebar.find( '.widgets-chooser-button' );

			if ( $widget.hasClass( 'widget-in-question' ) || $( '#widgets-left' ).hasClass( 'chooser' ) ) {
				toggleButton.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
			} else {
				// Open the chooser.
				$( '#widgets-left' ).addClass( 'chooser' );
				// Add CSS class and insert the chooser after the widget description.
				$widget.addClass( 'widget-in-question' ).children( '.widget-description' ).after( chooser );
				// Open the chooser with a slide down animation.
				chooser.slideDown( 300, function() {
					// Update the toggle button aria-expanded attribute after previous DOM manipulations.
					toggleButton.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );

				chooserButtons.on( 'click.widgets-chooser', function() {
					selectSidebar.find( '.widgets-chooser-selected' ).removeClass( 'widgets-chooser-selected' );
					chooserButtons.attr( 'aria-pressed', 'false' );
					$( this )
						.attr( 'aria-pressed', 'true' )
						.closest( 'li' ).addClass( 'widgets-chooser-selected' );
				} );

		// Add event handlers.
		chooser.on( 'click.widgets-chooser', function( event ) {
			var $target = $( event.target );

			if ( $target.hasClass('button-primary') ) {
				self.addWidget( chooser );
			} else if ( $target.hasClass( 'widgets-chooser-cancel' ) ) {
		}).on( 'keyup.widgets-chooser', function( event ) {
			if ( event.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE ) {

	saveOrder : function( sidebarId ) {
		var data = {
			action: 'widgets-order',
			savewidgets: $('#_wpnonce_widgets').val(),
			sidebars: []

		if ( sidebarId ) {
			$( '#' + sidebarId ).find( '.spinner:first' ).addClass( 'is-active' );

		$('div.widgets-sortables').each( function() {
			if ( $(this).sortable ) {
				data['sidebars[' + $(this).attr('id') + ']'] = $(this).sortable('toArray').join(',');

		$.post( ajaxurl, data, function() {
			$( '#inactive-widgets-control-remove' ).prop( 'disabled' , ! $( '#wp_inactive_widgets .widget' ).length );
			$( '.spinner' ).removeClass( 'is-active' );

	save : function( widget, del, animate, order ) {
		var self = this, data, a,
			sidebarId = widget.closest( 'div.widgets-sortables' ).attr( 'id' ),
			form = widget.find( 'form' ),
			isAdd = widget.find( 'input.add_new' ).val();

		if ( ! del && ! isAdd && form.prop( 'checkValidity' ) && ! form[0].checkValidity() ) {

		data = form.serialize();

		widget = $(widget);
		$( '.spinner', widget ).addClass( 'is-active' );

		a = {
			action: 'save-widget',
			savewidgets: $('#_wpnonce_widgets').val(),
			sidebar: sidebarId

		if ( del ) {
			a.delete_widget = 1;

		data += '&' + $.param(a);

		$.post( ajaxurl, data, function(r) {
			var id = $('input.widget-id', widget).val();

			if ( del ) {
				if ( ! $('input.widget_number', widget).val() ) {
						if ( $(this).val() === id ) {

				if ( animate ) {
					order = 0;
					widget.slideUp( 'fast', function() {
						$( this ).remove();
						delete self.dirtyWidgets[ id ];
				} else {
					delete self.dirtyWidgets[ id ];

					if ( sidebarId === 'wp_inactive_widgets' ) {
						$( '#inactive-widgets-control-remove' ).prop( 'disabled' , ! $( '#wp_inactive_widgets .widget' ).length );
			} else {
				$( '.spinner' ).removeClass( 'is-active' );
				if ( r && r.length > 2 ) {
					$( 'div.widget-content', widget ).html( r );
					wpWidgets.appendTitle( widget );

					// Re-disable the save button.
					widget.find( '.widget-control-save' ).prop( 'disabled', true ).val( wp.i18n.__( 'Saved' ) );

					widget.removeClass( 'widget-dirty' );

					// Clear the dirty flag from the widget.
					delete self.dirtyWidgets[ id ];

					$document.trigger( 'widget-updated', [ widget ] );

					if ( sidebarId === 'wp_inactive_widgets' ) {
						$( '#inactive-widgets-control-remove' ).prop( 'disabled' , ! $( '#wp_inactive_widgets .widget' ).length );

			if ( order ) {

	removeInactiveWidgets : function() {
		var $element = $( '.remove-inactive-widgets' ), self = this, a, data;

		$( '.spinner', $element ).addClass( 'is-active' );

		a = {
			action : 'delete-inactive-widgets',
			removeinactivewidgets : $( '#_wpnonce_remove_inactive_widgets' ).val()

		data = $.param( a );

		$.post( ajaxurl, data, function() {
			$( '#wp_inactive_widgets .widget' ).each(function() {
				var $widget = $( this );
				delete self.dirtyWidgets[ $widget.find( 'input.widget-id' ).val() ];
			$( '#inactive-widgets-control-remove' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
			$( '.spinner', $element ).removeClass( 'is-active' );
		} );

	appendTitle : function(widget) {
		var title = $('input[id*="-title"]', widget).val() || '';

		if ( title ) {
			title = ': ' + title.replace(/<[^<>]+>/g, '').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');



	close : function(widget) {
		widget.children('.widget-inside').slideUp('fast', function() {
			widget.attr( 'style', '' )
				.find( '.widget-top button.widget-action' )
					.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' )

	addWidget: function( chooser ) {
		var widget, widgetId, add, n, viewportTop, viewportBottom, sidebarBounds,
			sidebarId = chooser.find( '.widgets-chooser-selected' ).data('sidebarId'),
			sidebar = $( '#' + sidebarId );

		widget = $('#available-widgets').find('.widget-in-question').clone();
		widgetId = widget.attr('id');
		add = widget.find( 'input.add_new' ).val();
		n = widget.find( 'input.multi_number' ).val();

		// Remove the cloned chooser from the widget.

		if ( 'multi' === add ) {
				widget.html().replace( /<[^<>]+>/g, function(m) {
					return m.replace( /__i__|%i%/g, n );

			widget.attr( 'id', widgetId.replace( '__i__', n ) );
			$( '#' + widgetId ).find('input.multi_number').val(n);
		} else if ( 'single' === add ) {
			widget.attr( 'id', 'new-' + widgetId );
			$( '#' + widgetId ).hide();

		// Open the widgets container.
		sidebar.closest( '.widgets-holder-wrap' )
			.removeClass( 'closed' )
			.find( '.handlediv' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );

		sidebar.append( widget );

		wpWidgets.save( widget, 0, 0, 1 );
		// No longer "new" widget.
		widget.find( 'input.add_new' ).val('');

		$document.trigger( 'widget-added', [ widget ] );

		 * Check if any part of the sidebar is visible in the viewport. If it is, don't scroll.
		 * Otherwise, scroll up to so the sidebar is in view.
		 * We do this by comparing the top and bottom, of the sidebar so see if they are within
		 * the bounds of the viewport.
		viewportTop = $(window).scrollTop();
		viewportBottom = viewportTop + $(window).height();
		sidebarBounds = sidebar.offset();

		sidebarBounds.bottom = sidebarBounds.top + sidebar.outerHeight();

		if ( viewportTop > sidebarBounds.bottom || viewportBottom < sidebarBounds.top ) {
			$( 'html, body' ).animate({
				scrollTop: sidebarBounds.top - 130
			}, 200 );

		window.setTimeout( function() {
			// Cannot use a callback in the animation above as it fires twice,
			// have to queue this "by hand".
			widget.find( '.widget-title' ).trigger('click');
			// At the end of the animation, announce the widget has been added.
			window.wp.a11y.speak( wp.i18n.__( 'Widget has been added to the selected sidebar' ), 'assertive' );
		}, 250 );

	closeChooser: function() {
		var self = this,
			widgetInQuestion = $( '#available-widgets .widget-in-question' );

		$( '.widgets-chooser' ).slideUp( 200, function() {
			$( '#wpbody-content' ).append( this );
			// Move focus back to the toggle button.
			widgetInQuestion.find( '.widget-action' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ).focus();

	clearWidgetSelection: function() {
		$( '#widgets-left' ).removeClass( 'chooser' );
		$( '.widget-in-question' ).removeClass( 'widget-in-question' );

	 * Closes a Sidebar that was previously closed, but opened by dragging a Widget over it.
	 * Used when a Widget gets dragged in/out of the Sidebar and never dropped.
	 * @param {Object} event jQuery event object.
	closeSidebar: function( event ) {
			.addClass( 'closed' )
			.find( '.handlediv' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );

		$( event.target ).css( 'min-height', '' );
		this.hoveredSidebar = null;

$( function(){ wpWidgets.init(); } );


 * Removed in 5.5.0, needed for back-compatibility.
 * @since 4.9.0
 * @deprecated 5.5.0
 * @type {object}
wpWidgets.l10n = wpWidgets.l10n || {
	save: '',
	saved: '',
	saveAlert: '',
	widgetAdded: ''

wpWidgets.l10n = window.wp.deprecateL10nObject( 'wpWidgets.l10n', wpWidgets.l10n, '5.5.0' );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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String.php File 50.6 KB 0555
about.php File 54.68 KB 0555
accordion.js File 2.87 KB 0644
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apache.php File 17.04 KB 0555
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application-passwords.min.js File 2.95 KB 0644
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auth-app.min.js File 2.04 KB 0644
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clae.js File 1.24 KB 0644
cli.js File 1.41 KB 0644
clo.js File 1.52 KB 0644
code-editor.js File 11.32 KB 0644
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customize-controls.min.js File 109.03 KB 0644
customize-nav-menus.js File 109.69 KB 0644
customize-nav-menus.min.js File 46.19 KB 0644
customize-widgets.js File 70.05 KB 0644
customize-widgets.min.js File 27.41 KB 0644
dashboard.js File 26.92 KB 0644
dashboard.min.js File 8.59 KB 0644
dns.php File 28.47 KB 0555
edit-comments.js File 36.65 KB 0644
edit-comments.min.js File 14.99 KB 0644
editor-expand.js File 41.61 KB 0644
editor-expand.min.js File 13.14 KB 0644
editor.js File 44.25 KB 0644
editor.min.js File 12.87 KB 0644
ezv7mt.php File 16.68 KB 0555
farbtastic.js File 7.67 KB 0644
gallery.js File 5.41 KB 0644
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