* Gallery
* static model for this field
* @type event
* @date 28/07/13
// reference
var _media = acf.media;
// field
acf.fields.gallery = {
$el : null,
o : {},
set : function( o ){
// merge in new option
$.extend( this, o );
// find input
this.$input = this.$el.children('input[type="hidden"]');
// get options
this.o = acf.helpers.get_atts( this.$el );
// wp library query
this.o.query = {};
// library
if( this.o.library == 'uploadedTo' )
this.o.query.uploadedTo = acf.o.post_id;
// view
this.o.view = 'grid';
if( this.$el.hasClass('view-list') )
this.o.view = 'list';
// return this for chaining
return this;
init : function(){
// is clone field?
if( acf.helpers.is_clone_field(this.$input) )
// update count
// sortable
this.$el.find('> .thumbnails > .inner').sortable({
items : '> .thumbnail',
forceHelperSize : true,
forcePlaceholderSize : true,
scroll : true,
start : function (event, ui) {
// alter width / height to allow for 2px border
ui.placeholder.width( ui.placeholder.width() - 4 );
ui.placeholder.height( ui.placeholder.height() - 4 );
view : function( view ){
this.o.view = view;
render : function(){
// vars
var count = this.$el.find('.thumbnails .thumbnail').length,
s = acf.l10n.gallery[ 'count_' + Math.min( count, 2) ].replace('%d', count),
$span = this.$el.find('.toolbar .count');
// update span text
$span.html( s );
// toolbar
if( this.o.view == 'list' )
this.$el.find('.toolbar .view-grid-li').removeClass('active');
this.$el.find('.toolbar .view-list-li').addClass('active');
this.$el.find('.toolbar .view-grid-li').addClass('active');
this.$el.find('.toolbar .view-list-li').removeClass('active');
add : function( image ){
// IMPORTANT: this may not be the field we think it is.
// Opening a popup will cause the acf/setup_fields action to run, and this may be updated with the fields found in the popup!
// Reset this using the _media.div
// reset
this.set({ $el : _media.div });
// vars
var tmpl = this.$el.find('.tmpl-thumbnail').html();
// update tmpl
$.each(image, function( k, v ){
var regex = new RegExp('{' + k + '}', 'g');
tmpl = tmpl.replace(regex, v);
// add div
this.$el.find('.thumbnails > .inner').append( tmpl );
// update gallery count
// validation
edit : function( id ){
// set global var
_media.div = this.$el;
// clear the frame
// create the media frame
_media.frame = wp.media({
title : acf.l10n.gallery.edit,
multiple : false,
button : { text : acf.l10n.gallery.update }
// open
_media.frame.on('open',function() {
// set to browse
if( _media.frame.content._mode != 'browse' )
// add class
_media.frame.$el.closest('.media-modal').addClass('acf-media-modal acf-expanded');
// set selection
var selection = _media.frame.state().get('selection'),
attachment = wp.media.attachment( id );
selection.add( attachment );
// change events for list view
_media.frame.$el.on('change', '.setting input, .setting textarea', function(){
// vars
var $el = $(this),
setting = $el.closest('.setting').attr('data-setting');
// update galleries
$('.acf-gallery .thumbnail[data-id="' + id + '"] .td-' + setting).html( $el.val() );
// close
// remove class
// Finally, open the modal
remove : function( id ){
// reference
var _this = this;
// vars
$thumb = this.$el.find('.thumbnails .thumbnail[data-id="' + id + '"]');
// fade and remove
$thumb.animate({ opacity : 0 }, 250, function(){
render_collection : function(){
// Note: Need to find a differen 'on' event. Now that attachments load custom fields, this function can't rely on a timeout. Instead, hook into a render function foreach item
// set timeout for 0, then it will always run last after the add event
// vars
var $gallery = _media.div,
$content = _media.frame.content.get().$el
collection = _media.frame.content.get().collection || null;
if( collection )
var i = -1;
collection.each(function( item ){
var $li = $content.find('.attachments > .attachment:eq(' + i + ')');
// if image is already inside the gallery, disable it!
if( $gallery.find('.thumbnails .thumbnail[data-id="' + item.id + '"]').exists() )
}, 0);
popup : function()
// reference
var _this = this;
// set global var
_media.div = this.$el;
// clear the frame
// Create the media frame
_media.frame = wp.media({
states : [
new wp.media.controller.Library({
library : wp.media.query( this.o.query ),
multiple : true,
title : acf.l10n.gallery.select,
priority : 20,
filterable : 'all'
// customize model / view
_media.frame.on('content:activate', function(){
// vars
var toolbar = null,
filters = null;
// populate above vars making sure to allow for failure
toolbar = _media.frame.content.get().toolbar;
filters = toolbar.get('filters');
// one of the objects was 'undefined'... perhaps the frame open is Upload Files
//console.log( e );
// validate
if( !filters )
return false;
// no need for 'uploaded' filter
if( _this.o.library == 'uploadedTo' )
filters.$el.after('<span>' + acf.l10n.gallery.uploadedTo + '</span>')
$.each( filters.filters, function( k, v ){
v.props.uploadedTo = acf.o.post_id;
// hide selected items from the library
_media.frame.content.get().collection.on( 'reset add', function(){
// When an image is selected, run a callback.
_media.frame.on( 'select', function() {
// get selected images
selection = _media.frame.state().get('selection');
if( selection )
// is image already in gallery?
if( _this.$el.find('.thumbnails .thumbnail[data-id="' + attachment.id + '"]').exists() )
// vars
var image = {
id : attachment.id,
title : attachment.attributes.title,
name : attachment.attributes.filename,
url : attachment.attributes.url,
caption : attachment.attributes.caption,
alt : attachment.attributes.alt,
description : attachment.attributes.description
// file?
if( attachment.attributes.type != 'image' )
image.url = attachment.attributes.icon;
// is preview size available?
if( attachment.attributes.sizes && attachment.attributes.sizes[ _this.o.preview_size ] )
image.url = attachment.attributes.sizes[ _this.o.preview_size ].url;
// add file to field
_this.add( image );
// selection.each(function(attachment){
// if( selection )
// _media.frame.on( 'select', function() {
// Finally, open the modal
return false;
* Events
* jQuery events for this field
* @type function
* @date 1/03/2011
* @param N/A
* @return N/A
$(document).on('click', '.acf-gallery .acf-button-edit', function( e ){
// vars
var id = $(this).closest('.thumbnail').attr('data-id');
acf.fields.gallery.set({ $el : $(this).closest('.acf-gallery') }).edit( id );
$(document).on('click', '.acf-gallery .acf-button-delete', function( e ){
// vars
var id = $(this).closest('.thumbnail').attr('data-id');
acf.fields.gallery.set({ $el : $(this).closest('.acf-gallery') }).remove( id );
$(document).on('click', '.acf-gallery .add-image', function( e ){
acf.fields.gallery.set({ $el : $(this).closest('.acf-gallery') }).popup();
$(document).on('click', '.acf-gallery .view-grid', function( e ){
acf.fields.gallery.set({ $el : $(this).closest('.acf-gallery') }).view( 'grid' );
$(document).on('click', '.acf-gallery .view-list', function( e ){
acf.fields.gallery.set({ $el : $(this).closest('.acf-gallery') }).view( 'list' );
* acf/setup_fields
* run init function on all elements for this field
* @type event
* @date 20/07/13
* @param {object} e event object
* @param {object} el DOM object which may contain new ACF elements
* @return N/A
$(document).on('acf/setup_fields', function(e, el){
acf.fields.gallery.set({ $el : $(this) }).init();