= 7.9.9 =
* Removed use of the utf8_decode() function deprecated with PHP 8.2
* Fixed notice on some internal pages with PHP 8.2
* Fixed mobile preview for multicolumns block
* Fixed translation domain for the activation message
= 7.9.8 =
* Fixed PHP notice for "add_submenu_page()"
* Fixed PHP waning on user meta
= 7.9.7 =
* Fixed a "foreach" error on 7.9.6
= 7.9.6 =
* Added custom welcome email support
* More linking information on lists panel
* Fixed is_private() error under some specific settings
* Fixed warning with minimal form widget
* Updated Char.min.js (thanks to H. Nguyen)
* Added support for subscriber meta values
* Fixed "nocrop" missing key
= 7.9.5 =
* Fixed missing width for Outlook on packaged templates
* Foxed private list filtering on subscription form
= 7.9.4 =
* Fixed list max change and database upgrade
* Added a couple of templates
* Fixed debug notice on some composer blocks when WP_DEBUG is active
= 7.9.3 =
* Added check on custom fields when the configuration is missing
* Added twitter new logo
* New template management panel
* Fix attempt for shortcode not working on some blogs
* Added subscriber ID and connected WP User ID on export
* Newsletter list panel aligned with the new layout
* Added the template change on the composer
= 7.9.2 =
* Removed image format filters when we generate thumbnail to avoid the creation of webp images
* Added image crop control on posts block (experimental)
* Fixed test error on template configuration
* Added new controls and options to NewsletterFields
* Fixed antibot for keyed parameters
= 7.9.1 =
* Added the "required" attribute on profile fields
* Fixed "deprecated" notice with PHP 8.2
* Fixed debug notices on profile page with some PHP installations
= 7.9.0 =
* Fixed some line heights
* Added registration of shortcodes under the AJAX context
* Added shortcode management on newsletter online view
* Fixed line-height for Outlook on some blocks
* Fixed the template message test
* Added webp images check since Outlook does not support that format
* Fixed error text field on subscription panel not displaying when customized
* Security fix on minimal form shortcode
* Removed the "before" and "after" attributes of the main shortcode
= 7.8.9 =
* Added default subject when it is missing
* Added check on regeneration for missing subject
* Text block editor now uses the block background
* Added sub-menu to the subscriber edit page
= 7.8.8 =
* Fixed dismiss button no reloading the page correctly
* Restored error messages when adding as new an extiting email
* Added constant to define a delay between emails
= 7.8.7 =
* Fixed the dashboard layout (side effect of links not clickable)
= 7.8.6 =
* Restored the welcome wizard on new installations
* Revisited the main settings page
* Fixed preset deletion
* Added check on controls for fatal errors on some installations (apparently using the plugin in the wrong way)
* Fixed errors with PHP 8 on profile page
= 7.8.5 =
* Added new options to the "hero" block (alignement, color schema)
* Change the font scaling on blocks to scale only when the size is set to "default"
* Restored public access to $instance in Newsletter class since someone is (wrongly) using it
* Added post order patch by B. K.
* Fixed debug notice
* Fix on style.css
* Fixed captcha
* Fixed warning on newsletter online with with {title} tag
* Fixed custom fields not showing on profile page
= 7.8.4 =
* Fixed sanitization method used by the API
* Fixed missing cleanup functions used after massive deletions
* Fixed sending of text messages for activation and welcome emails
* Fixed warnings with wp-cli ()
* Fixed error with the old "default" legacy theme
* Fixed automatic subject from posts block
= 7.8.3 =
* Fixed debug notices
* Fixed missing form on public page
* Fixed notices on main settings (in debug mode)
= 7.8.2 =
* Fixed migration of custom HTML forms
= 7.8.1 =
* Fixed menu order
* Fixed gender field sanitization
* Fixed submit button style on subscription form created with shortcodes
* Fixed privacy label not aligned with the checkbox
* Fixed errors on legacy themes
* Fixed the export respoding with "0"
= 7.8.0 =
* Removed the unsed feed by mail references
* Fixed CSS for profile page form
* Improved configuration of the standard subscription form
* Added configuration for the profile page form
* Relativized font size and spaces on forms
* New admin organization with sub-menus
* New translation management (both for single language and multilanguage blogs)
* Removed the legacy SMTP
* Removed the PHPMailer instantiator
* Removed deprecated and unused code
* Added option to use the pre-translated texts (default on new installations)
= 7.7.0 =
* Fixed block detection on full post block
= 7.6.9 =
* Security fix
* Added new controls to uniform the user experience
* Fixed PHP notice on the footer
* Added filter on welcome email
= 7.6.8 =
* More strict checks on get_option function (object caching plugins...)
* Added massive status change for subscribers
* Added new controls on common code
* Fixed some doc links
* Fixed help badge on some panels
* Changed the posts block for Outlook on Mac
= 7.6.7 =
* Fixed hook linked functions on status page when closures are used
* Fixed green color on links in the composer
* Changed the default style of the text block
* Optimized CSS an JS
* Removed old composer code
* Added trimming for long fields
* Code for logged in users moved to the WP User Addon
* Added link on status page to see the advanced report
* Removed obsolete status page data
* Fixes for PHP 8.2
* Removed obsolete "define" statements
* Fixed permalink generation with WPML in multidomain configuration and block post without a specified language
* Improved email validation
* Minor style fixes
* Fixed composer javascript loading
= 7.6.6 =
* Improved the full post layout of the Posts block
* Improved the test message to check image loading from different servers
* Changed the system error reports
* Merge of CSS to avoid problems with optimizers
= 7.6.5 =
* Urgent. Removed the WPGlobus support from the core
= 7.6.4 =
* Fixed possible composer width not set
* Added version number on CSS to avoid browser caching
* Changed the full post alignment (should fix layout problems)
* When a test newsletter is sent from the composer to a custom address, the matching subscriber is used, if present
* Fixed lists missing on subscribers' panel
= 7.6.3 =
* Fixed composer sidebar not working on Firefox
= 7.6.2 =
* New administration look and feel
* Added ID attribute to form shortcodes
* Fix attempt to the posts block (layout one column) for Outlook on Mac
= 7.6.1 =
* Fixed newsletter global settings saving
= 7.6.0 =
* Added control on admin notification of cancellations
* Fixed the wrong error logged as "missing block.php" (anyway not affecting the plugin functionality)
* Added fix to avoid mod_security false positive and newsletter saving problems
* Improved image block for gmail web
* Added filters' check on Status panel
* Fixed Google Plus social url not cleared upon company info saving
= NEXT =
* New interface to configure the subscription flow
* Bright style on the admin side
* New configuration for the opt-out (was unsubscription - wrong word)
* Improved subscribers' general statistics
* Improved list panel readability when there are lot of notes
= 7.5.9 =
* Fixed underlined excerpt on posts block
= 7.5.8 =
* Added filter on newsletter message before online view
* Added excerpt lenght in character (useful for Chinese) on posts block
* Improved the excerpt extraction
* Add link on excerpt on posts block
= 7.5.7 =
* Check on ctype_space function (there are installation without it)
* Improved the html-2-text conversion
* Added language to the export
* Status labels fixed on subscriber search and edit panel
* Stripped HTML tags on block generated subjects
= 7.5.6 =
* Added new filter for multilanguage support for GTranslate (experimental)
* Added link to the backup/recovery documentation
= 7.5.5 =
* Fixed access control on form manager base class
= 7.5.4 =
* Fixed composer icons path for Amazon AWS+Bitnami installations
* Fixed profile form on multilanguage installation
= 7.5.3 =
* Fixed missing languages on profile page with WPML
= 7.5.2 =
* Fixed the global newsletter styles not applied when it is regenerated
* Fixed "title" tag not showing the value for "not specified" gender
= 7.5.1 =
* Fixed PHPMailer loading for WP 5.4.10
* Updated WP version compatibility
= 7.5.0 =
* Fixed image block width for small images or specific width
= 7.4.9 =
* Composer fix not updating new newsletters
= 7.4.8 =
* Changed the image block for Gmail
* Removed the WP emojis staticizer on emails sent by Newsletter
= 7.4.7 =
* Changed removal order of the emojis admin script breaking newsletters' body
* Disabled DOM warnings
= 7.4.6 =
* XSS security fix
= 7.4.5 =
* Fixed image block font-size to show the alt text (not for Outlook, it never shows the alt text)
* XSS security fix
= 7.4.4 =
* Changed the dedicated page retrieval to intercept misconfigurations
* Added option to accept repeated subscription in single opt-in (you should check if it is compatible with your privacy regulation)
* Posts field selector keep now track of the previous post selected even if no more in list
* Improved the error management when delivery fails using the WP native mailing function
* Added title filter on posts block for compatibility with WPGlobus
= 7.4.3 =
* Removed obsolete note about the newsletter textual part
* Introduced text part generator right now only for the Composer (with permission of Frank M.)
* Added check on System>Status for images with relative URL
* Addec check for Freesoul Deactivate Plugins
* Minimal for layout now consider the button_label attribute
= 7.4.2 =
* Fixed the post date (regression)
* Added link to the automatic plaintext generator plugin by franciscus
* Possible fix for our Gutenberg block (sometimes) not working
* Added uoloads dir and url on System>Status panel
* Fixed Status panel error when a newsletter is in "error" status
* Added default width to the logo on header block
= 7.4.1 =
* Added check on invalid media on two columns post type
* WP 5.9.2 compatibility check
= 7.4.0 =
* Added privacy links
* Added filter "newsletter_subscription" (documentation is under writing)
= 7.3.9 =
* Fixed grid layout not showing correctly on gmail
* Fixed notice on widget page about the wrong editor enqueued
* Removed wrong top bar warning
* Fixed block options on posts block
* Fixed padding on two column posts block
= 7.3.8 =
* Fixed graph scale on System/Scheduler panel
* Fixed untraslated labels on subscriber management panels
* Fixed the "toggle" private/public status on sent newsletter
* Removed the "action call test" from the status panel since it does not work with some providers but does not affect the correct working of Newsletter
* Added developer information on this readme
= 7.3.7 =
* Fixed unwanted redirects on subscription errors
* Fixed composer page HTML
* Minor fixes on PHP, CSS
* Fixed notice on image block
= 7.3.6 =
* Improved composer reusability in other contexts
* Removed obsolete composer code
* Fixed default tracking for old theme-based neewsletters
* Forced enconding on export (attempt)
* WP 5.9 check
= 7.3.5 =
* WP 5.8.3 compatibility check
* Fixed 2021 max year in date picker
* Typos
= 7.3.4 =
* Fixed delivery fatal error management
* Fixed link to the schduler dianostica panel
= 7.3.3 =
* Added "complained" status to subscriber filters
* Fixed some links bringing to a "not allowed" page
* Fixed a notice on delivery diagnostic page
* Fixed logo width notice on header block
= 7.3.2 =
* Fixed the remote ip retrieval and clean up
* Fixed header link to status page
* Fixed database error with too long IPs
* Fixed the subscription of cancelled addresses
* Fixed sender and name customization
= 7.3.1 =
* Dropped old mailers support
* Improved sending process and limits checking
* Removed obsolete notifications
* Fixed the wrong report on single email delivery speed
* Added support for custom sending speed by addons
* Improved excerpt generation (but it still depends on plugins and themes...)
* Support for building button option on composer blocks
= 7.3.0 =
* Fixed header block layout with (logo only layout)
* Check for conflicts on newsletter saving
* Added the subscriber complained status (actually not managed automatically)
= 7.2.9 =
* Fixed generic action button confirmation popup not showing the message
* [SECURITY] Pre parsing of IP addresses on security panel
* [SECURITY] Comments allowed on IP address list on security panel
* [COMPOSER] Fixed preset name/subject
* Improved generated forms for accessibility
= 7.2.8 =
* Fixed the print_date() when no time is provided
* Fixed date alignment on posts block
* Folders reorganization
* Social block with a new set of icons
* Boosted performances of the lists management page (for big databases)
* Added a new scheduler diagnostic panel
* Seriously improved the cron statistics and diagnostic panel (check it out!)
* Removed obsolete migration code from ancient versions
= 7.2.7 =
* Fixed JS error on composer sometimes preventing the correct initialization
= 7.2.6 =
* Fixed links on test emails sent to a free email address
* Added attachment explanation
* Added link to explain the use of the snippet
= 7.2.5 =
* Fixed subject not saved under specific circumstance
= 7.2.4 =
* Fixed the composer not starting for blog with SSL plugin but still HTTP configured on main WP settings
* Changed labels on subscriber maintenance panel
* Updated requirements for WP version
= 7.2.3 =
* [COMPOSER] Added approx. indicators of the subsject visibile part in Apple and Android clients (experimental)
* [COMPOSER] New mobile version view directly while composing (experimental)
* [COMPOSER] New test email to test subscribers or to specific email address
* [COMPOSER] Fixed missing background when creating a new message from a preset
* [COMPOSER] Added media selector to the CTA block
* [COMPOSER] Added reference to the tags on HTML and Text blocks
* [COMPOSER] Move the snippet (preheader) field near the subject
* [COMPOSER] Footer block with three link options: unsubscribe, manage and view online
* [COMPOSER] Improve font coherence between blocks (by default)
* [ANTISPAM] Improved the antispam checks on subscription
* [GENERAL] Removed obsolete folders and code
* [NEWSLETTERS] Refactored subject ideas selector
* [SUBSCRIPTION] Inverted extra profile fields and lists on standard subscription form
* [GENERAL] IP address extracted checking proxy variables
* [GENERAL] Improved sending stats collection and display for the delivery engine (not related to click/open stats)
= 7.2.2 =
* [COMPOSER] Posts block excerpt removed when set to 0-length
* [GENERAL]Added special characters on test message
* [GENERAL]Added more specific error for action calls on System/Status panel
* [SUBSCRIPTION] Check for the _wp_amp_action_xhr_converted parameter by AMP plugin
= 7.2.1 =
* [GENERAL] Added more detailed admin logging
* [NEWSLETTERS] Fixed scheduled date sometimes reset to 1/1/1970
= 7.2.0 =
* [PROFILE] Fixed activation email on profile change
* [NEWSLETTERS] Extended year selection on newsletter scheduling
* [DELIVERY] Breaking change: old enqueue() and flush() methods have been removed
* [GENERAL] Fixed alert message on some buttons
* [SUBSCRIPTION] Fixed error message on multiple subscriptions (when not allowed)
* [GENERAL] Fixed erratic error log line on main log
= 7.1.9 =
* [GENERAL] Removed the encodign defatlt to Base 64 when not specified since it seems incompatible with some SMTP plugins
* [GENERAL] Review some controls layout and behavior
* [DEBUG] Improved logging on database errors
* [GENERAL] Added TikTok, Discord and Twitch socials
* [GENERAL] Fixed odd error reported related to the cron call statistics collection
* [DEBUG] Added a delivery diagnostic panel
= 7.1.8 =
* [COMPOSER] Fixed alignment of single big image on Outlook Android
= 7.1.7 =
* [GENERAL] Fix of permalink onm email with multilanguage plugins
= 7.1.6 =
* [COMPOSER] Fixed one column big image Read more links
= 7.1.5 =
* [COMPOSER] Improve buttons on posts layout
* [COMPOSER] Improved header layout and logo
* [COMPOSER] Generally improved block spacing
= 7.1.4 =
* [COMPOSER] Fixed image block for Outlook
* [GENERAL] Fix undefined values in Gutenberg block
= 7.1.3 =
* [COMPOSER] Improvements on blocks layout compatibility
* [COMPOSER] Fixed preset global options saving
* [COMPOSER] Content regeneration on preset selection
* [GENERAL] Added to System menu the Site Health link, a not well known native page of WordPress with system information
* [GENERAL] Added sending statistics reset button on status panel
= 7.1.2 =
* [ADDONS] Fixed the addons list
= 7.1.1 =
* [GENERAL] Improved profile related functions
* [GENERAL] Fixed check on field names (thanks Peter P.)
* [COMPOSER] Fix on preset selection
* [GENERAL] Fix ajax subscription on error
= 7.1.0 =
* [COMPOSER] Added link to tags documentation to inject subscriber's data
* [COMPOSER] Fixed layout of posts block for Outlook 365
* [GENERAL] Improved caching of addons json (even on error)
* [GENERAL] Status menu changed to System/Status and System/Logs
* [API] Fixed the subscriber status management (the API Addon should be updated as well)
* [GENERAL] Fixed management of fatal errors on sending
* [GENERAL] Limited error string per message to 250 chars
* [GENERAL] Fixed check on field names (thanks Peter P.)
= 7.0.9 =
* [CAPTCHA] Fixed button label translation
* [DELIVERY] Mailing fatal error management with newsletter stop and reporting
* [SMTP] Marked obsolete the internal SMTP and made available the free SMTP addon
* [DELIVERY] Better management of delivery fatal errors with a new "error" status for newsletters
* [GENERAL] New log files panel
* [IMPORT] Old import panel replaced by the new (really better) import addon (file, copy and paste, bounced addresses import)
* [NEWSLETTERS] It's now possible to specify the sender name and email per newsletter (thanks to Matthew S.)
= 7.0.8 =
* [SUBSCRIBERS] Changed action buttons
* [GENERAL] Reorganization of CSS and removal of unused files
* [DASHBOARD] New window open for links and fix of invalid URLs
* [NEWSLETTERS] New action buttons
* [GENERAL] Minor fixes and optimizations
* [COMPOSER] Fixed rare size error on gif images
= 7.0.7 =
* [COMPOSER] Fixed a warning in some inline editable blocks
* [NEWSLETTERS] Fixed style which made list labels badly readable
* [NEWSLETTERS] Fixed style which made bullet lists white (not on delivered newsletters)
* [GENERAL] Added some references to the not working scheduler warning
= 7.0.6 =
* [COMPOSER] CTA block not grabbing settings from the "old" blocks
* [COMPOSER] CSS issue on button settings group
* [COMPOSER] Posts block two columns layout (author and padding)
* [IMPORT] Removed the old low-featured import (the free import addon has everything needed!)
* [GENERAL] Compatibility check with WP 5.7
= 7.0.5 =
* [COMPOSER] Hero CTA button not working
* Fixed to the hero block button
* Added support for the SMTP addon
= 7.0.4 =
* [COMPOSER] Redesigned drag and drop composer
* [COMPOSER] NEW! Save drag and drop composed newsletters as templates to reuse easily
* Redesigned dashboard
* Several bug and fixes
= 7.0.3 =
* Option to choose between unsubscription and profile link in the footer block
* Direct image src URL for image block
* New media selector for blocks
* Minor fixes
* Updated codemirror
* Updated default theme
* Fixed tag filter on posts block (when tags have parathesis or like)
* Fixed composer visualization of bullet points
= 7.0.2 =
* Fixed media 2x resize
= 7.0.1 =
* Fixed enforced lists by language with Polylang
= 7.0.0 =
* Added multiple newsletter selection for deletion
* Added text part on welcome and activation email
* Added the attribute "show_form" to "newsletter" shortcode
* Added filter on subscriber saving (from external systems) with wrong list field values
* Added index.html on log folder
= 6.9.9 =
* Not specified gender fix
* Labels translation
* Added "newsletter_message" filter to act on the whole message before sending
* Removed X-Mailer when sending with the internal SMTP
* Added referrer field on subscriber editing page
* Fixed button label control on composer
= 6.9.8 =
* New color picker
* Extended the IP field on stats table
* Removed filter for temporary email services (can be added in the security page)
* Added support to show the last regular newsletter (not private) adding to the home url ?na=view&id=last
* Hero and image blocks now use high res images
= 6.9.7 =
* Fixed country filter
* Fixed tag replacements for server with TR-tr locale
= 6.9.6 =
* Added 3 months option for inactive subscriber selection
* Improved the add-ons classes
* Improved admin messages for multilanguage blogs
* Updated link to documentation on main settings
* Added VK and Telegram socials
* Removed the old bounce import on subscribe maintenance panel
* Added Telegram and VK icon on social block component
= 6.9.5 =
* Added new posts block layout
* Improved the mobile version of hero block
* Added title and text global fonts
= NEXT =
* Added pagination on newsletters page table
* Changed label text for empty language in edit user page
* Added preheader text on email
* If email is paused but scheduled in the future it is now possible to change the sending date
* Fixed font weight selection for titles on posts block
= 6.9.4 =
* Fixed the profile save
* Improved the email change management from the subscriber data page
* Removed custom javascript and opted for HTML5 validation (you can use a polyfill plugin like parsely)
* Removed custom error messages (see above)
* Check on delivery speed to be minimum 10 emails per hour
= 6.9.3 =
* Fixed profile saving spam check
= 6.9.2 =
* Fixed error on TNP::subscribe()
= 6.9.1 =
* Fix of administrator notice on form about worng list
= 6.9.0 =
* Improved and optimized the lists field shortcode
* Added the dropdown option to the lists field shortcode
* Optimized the standard generated form aligned with the structure of the form generated by shortcodes
* Added notices **only for the administrator** on online forms to better discover wrong or unwanted configurations
* Added support for the next to come API version 2
* Internally revised the subscription process
* Fixed empty tag {profile_20}
* Fix CSS class on mininmal form privacy field
* Improved error message with notes for administrator on form submission errors
* Improved error repoting on invalid tracking links (very rare anyway)
= 6.8.9 =
* Welcome and activation messages test sent using the admin language
* Added RTL/LTR button on composer text block
= 6.8.8 =
* Fixed cancellation notification for admins
= 6.8.7 =
* Fix of confirmation_url attribute on minimal subscription form
= 6.8.6 =
* Disabled the default WordPress emoji to image replacer on admin pages of Newsletter
= 6.8.5 =
* Updated Controls class to support the new Reports Addon
= 6.8.4 =
* Code update for WordPress 5.5 compatibility (PHPMailer)
* Added dummy user-related-links on newsletter preview
* Fixed optin form option for the minimal subsbscription form
= 6.8.3 =
* Changed the administrative notification of subscription removing the lists and linking the user profile
* Fixed missing user token on data from some external sources
* Extra profiles fix and optmization
* Improved notificatons for usage of private fields on custom forms
* Better management of opt-in override on forms and notices for administration when used in wrong ways
* Fixed the posts block with odd numbers of posts on Automated context
* Added administrative notices on custom form for invalid list usage
* Added multilanguage support on lists on custom forms
* Added multilanguage support on extra profiles on custom forms
* Fixed CSS for extra profile fields
* Improved antibot/antispam performances
* Multilanguage on validation JS (but will be removed in favor of pure HTML validation)
* Fixed label "for" attribute for extra fields on custom forms
* Better test message from status panel
* Fixed vulnerability reported by WordFence
= 6.8.2 =
* Added HTML filtering on block rendering
= 6.8.1 =
* Fixed welcome message not being displayed (on 6.8.0)
= 6.8.0 =
* Improved license checking (only for who set a license code - it is not required)
* Imporved extra field configuration with multilanguage blogs
* Improved subscription form with extra fields for multilanguage blogs
* Minor code improvements
* Improved HTTP responses for invalid profile links (good for users and acceptance tests)
* Fixed newsletter page url generation with Polylang
= 6.7.9 =
* Fixed posts block
= 6.7.8 =
* Removed old themes (anyway not usable since long time)
= 6.7.7 =
* Fixed text escape for header and footer blocks (was reported as security required fix)
= 6.7.6 =
* Fixed error on profile save
= 6.7.5 =
* Added language selector on subscriber profile page on multilanguage site
* Fix multilanguage label on profile page
* Added newsletter_user_post_subscribe hook (just after saving the subscription, before saving you can use newsletter_user_subscribe)
* Added checks for WP 5.5 breaking changes
* Added new layout (big images) on posts block
* Added standard button on post block
* Minor fix on hero block
* Added support for Popup Maker (need a free addon)
= 6.7.4 =
* Improved posts block in the Automated context with more options
* Improved the unsubscribe header
* Removed the Auto-Submitted header
= 6.7.3 =
* Added the company_legal tag
* Change a column type on statitics table to improve performances on site with big subscription lists (100k+)
* Fix attempt on posts block for RTL languages
= 6.7.2 =
* Fix post permalink with WPML on language specific setting for Newsletter themes and blocks
* Added action newsletter_user_reactivated
= 6.7.1 =
* Changed the lists configuration to be more clear
= 6.7.0 =
* Fixed the text part not sent when using the standard mailing function of WP
* Added warning on statistic panel for email without the tracking active
* Fixed the hero block align when specified manually with text-align on text part
= 6.6.9 =
* Fixed the admin email preview not showing the correct email after visiting the online view of a newsletter
* Fixed possible not "100%" display percentage for sent newsletters (was only a display problem)
= 6.6.8 =
* Fixed newsletter view returning "not found"
= 6.6.7 =
* Fixed a debug notice on image resize
= 6.6.6 =
* Added check on submission for private lists (error shown only to administrator as debug information)
* Improved right layout on hero block
* Improved internal actions management (better performances)
* Added lists, media selector, charmap on text block
* Absolute path fix form media file with non relative path on database
* Internal admin pages review for code coherence with our standard
* Changed the action name from `newsletter_unsubscribed` to `newsletter_user_unsubscribed`. [See our developer documentation](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/developers/).
* Removed deprecated function `save_profile()` on NewsletterSubscription
= 6.6.5 =
* Fixed email reference lost on double step cancellation
* Update to support Instasend
* Added "optin" support on shortcodes (see the documentation)
= 6.6.4 =
* Added filter on profile fields on targeting
* Administrator notice on custom forms using provate lists
* Added translation code on some words
* Compatibility check with WP 5.4.1
* Tip changed on SMTP panel about GMail
= 6.6.3 =
* Changed the administration script enqueuing
* Improved the status page
* Added notice on page list to highlight the Newsletter dedicated page
= 6.6.2 =
* Fixed incomplete blocks package on previous release
= 6.6.1 =
* Improved WMPL permalink filter (not working with custom slugs and old WPML releases)
* Fixed the hero block not rendering correctly with "left" layout
* Added the one-click list unsubscribe header
= 6.6.0 =
* Fixed a jQuery bug on drag and drop composer
* Fix for report number animations
= 6.5.9 =
* Revisited the posts block
* Support for the new Reports addon styles
* Improved the excerpt extraction
* Cancellation administrative notifications on/off switch
= 6.5.8 =
* Improvements on controls
* Delivery test mode fix for Autoresponder
* Fixed link to documentation on status panel
* Added link to documentation on SMTP page
* Reorganized status page with more links to the documentation
* Improved image block dimensions management for Outlook
* Fixed the mobile preview in the composer
* Added "image to the right" in the hero block
* Fixed dark color schema in hero block
= 6.5.7 =
* Fixed posts block to stop automated by default when there are no new contents
= 6.5.6 =
* Improved post image extraction
= 6.5.5 =
* Revised the posts block for the new Automated features
* Added action_link to controls
* Revised the newsletter regeneration and added blocks behaviors
= 6.5.4 =
* Font awesome now included
* Spacing fix on hero block
* Support methods for the WooCommerce addon
* Security fix on CSV export (reported by Vishnupriya Ilango of Fortinet's FortiGuard Labs)
* Removed obsolete fonts
* PHP 5.6 check
= 6.5.3 =
* Removed a background wrapper for outlook otherwise outlook cut down long emails
* Added background gradient (experimental, no supported by all mail clients)
* Added dark color schema to cta and hero blocks
* Fixed a debug notice
= 6.5.2 =
* Fixed image block
* Newsletter editing page with TinyMCE now saves before sending a test
= 6.5.1 =
* Solved hero block media problem not showing
= 6.5.0 =
* Hero block fix
= 6.4.9 =
* Added background selection to the composer
* Reactivated the Pint theme
* Improved blocks layout
* Inline editing for title and excerpt on Posts block
* Changed the image cropping method on newsletter included images
* Posts block can now specify an offset to skip the first *n* posts
* Fixed the display of multiline title on some blocks (was overlapping)
* Added the excerpt length on Posts block
* Removed the shortcodes from generated excerpt for blog post composer block
* New media resize to better fit the email layout standards
* Updated image block
= 6.4.8 =
* Antispam on PHP API
* Improved hero block layout
* Added color schema to some blocks
* Added background gradient (experimental)
* Added image width control on image block
= 6.4.7 =
* Default theme thumbnail fix
* Profile saving antispam check
* Fixed hero block (button)
* Added logging on spam checking (enable info lov level to see the spam check results in the logs)
= 6.4.6 =
* Added hook to [register custom theme folders](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/developers/newsletter-themes)
* Removed old themes
* Removed packages theme folder scan (so locally added themes are not loaded, see site documentation if you need to create a custom theme)
* Polylang support on default theme
* Better error check on addon list retrieval
* Added language on targeting options
* Fixed user list pagination
* Subject replacement for online preview
= 6.4.5 =
* Restored a missing method used by addons
* Added the changelog.txt file
= 6.4.4 =
* Automatic language detection on subscription when available
* New statistics panel
= 6.4.3 =
* Fixed error reported in log on wrong subscription calls
= 6.4.2 =
* Improved the antispam check on subscription
= 6.4.1 =
* Added statistics shortcut for sent newsletters
* Fixed unsubscription from email tracking
* Password field in smtp configuration
* Small fixes to header block
* Fixed the subject on online newsletter view
* Fixed the subject ideas popup X button
= 6.4.0 =
* Fixed extra profile fields management in REST and PHP API
* Removed the "read more" added by themes on posts excerpt
* Core improvements
6.3.9 =
* Improved antibot and/or spam subscription checks (please review your security configuration)
= 6.3.8 =
* Fixed email encoding when sent with wp_mail() and an encoding is selected on main settings
* Optimization on sending process
* Test newsletter stats cleared when real delivery starts
* Improved image resize
* Fixed security page help texts
= 6.3.7 =
* Schedules registration fix
= 6.3.6 =
* Improved error detection
* Fixed stats collection for Autoresponder
* Changed the init sequence to grant full load of other plugins (newsletter preview problems on some installations)
* Better reporting on tests
= 6.3.5 =
* New addons panel
= 6.3.4 =
* Fixes
= 6.3.3 =
* Fixed the missing admin notification when using the internal SMTP
= 6.3.2 =
* Fixed the admin notification email not sent or bot correctly formatted
= 6.3.1 =
* Empty subject fix
= 6.3.0 =
* New mailer infrastructure: better compatibility and performance
* New [TEST] prefix for newsletter tests
* Fix on composer subject saving
* General performance improvements
* Fixed title display in header composer block
= 6.2.2 =
* Fixed custom blocks style.css loading
* Fixed loading sequence for Archive Addon
* Labels translation on profile panel
= 6.2.1 =
* Fixed foreach warning
* Added IP on subscription via API
* All addons update logics moved to our free [Addons Manager](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/how-to-install-the-addons-manager) to make Newsletter even lighter
= 6.2.0 =
* Fixed integration with addons manager
* Support for new addon format
* Added PHP minimum version declaration
= 6.1.9 =
* Fixed a missing default on profile configuration
* Fixed the default message template
* Added image alt on image block
* Improved addons version check and performances
* Post block and image block fixes
= 6.1.8 =
* Fixed a version check on main settings
= 6.1.7 =
* Fix for Automated
= 6.1.6 =
* Fixed roles management
= 6.1.5 =
* Improved the Gutenberg block
= 6.1.4 =
* Support for Automated theme regeneration
* Fixed link tracking
= 6.1.3 =
* Fix to avoid third party plugin notices to interfere with the composer
* NEW! Added subscription block to the Gutenberg editor
* Code cleanup
= 6.1.2 =
* Added support for roles
= 6.1.1 =
* Added support for custom blocks
= 6.1.0 =
* Fixed data cleanup for non utf8mb4 database. Emoji not saved solved.
* Small changes to the addons panel
= 6.0.9 =
* Changed the access control for editors
* Added the convert to utf8mb4 on status panel
* Small loading improvements
* API Subscribe activation message fix
* Fixed debug notice on composer
* Fixed alt attribute on social block
= 6.0.8 =
* Specific link tracking patch for ElasticEmail
* Compatibility code for WP 4.7
* Fixed minimal widget subscribe button
= 6.0.7 =
* Fixed the wrong edit mode of duplicated newsletters
* Fixed the alignment of small images on composer
* Added addons update notice on status panel
= 6.0.6 =
* Fixed the textual part saving
* Fixed required check on extra field of type "select"
* Fixed old CTA theme text part
= 6.0.5 =
* Fixed repated CSS inclusion in emails
* Email body weight optimization
* Fix warning on posts block
= 6.0.4 =
* Fixed the hero block
= 6.0.3 =
* Fixed link and color picker on text block
= 6.0.2 =
* Fixed posts block (link missing)
= 6.0.1 =
* Fixed new newsletter creating panel "proceed" button
= 6.0.0 =
* The Newsletter Plugin Composer - A new revamped drag & drop composer
* Several improvements and fixes
= 5.9.5 =
* Changed edit and delete icons on composer to avoid conflict with FontAwesome JS
= 5.9.4 =
* Added multi subscriber deletion
= 5.9.3 =
* Fixed multi newsletter deletion warning
* Fixed privacy checkbox
* Fixed a link on header warning
= 5.9.2 =
* Fixed a debug notice on subscription page
= 5.9.1 =
* Fixed language support on some shortcodes
= 5.9.0 =
* Fixes on privacy setting with multilanguage plugins
* Added per language statistics on subscribers statistics panel
* Added language set action on subscribers maintenance panel
* Separated the pre confirm and post confirm tokens
= 5.8.9 =
* Global constant to block the media resizing
* Resized thumbnails folder changed to the uploads folder (newsletter/thumbnails subfolder)
* Fall back on first post gallery image if the featured image is missing
* Patch to block third party plugins visual editor injection in out pages
* Fix media selector button on visual composer
= 5.8.8 =
* Fixed multilanguage text for newsletter page
* Fixed a profile panel debug notice
= 5.8.7 =
* Tags replacement even on template for messages
* Fixed profile page labels translation
* Added text and title color on hero block
* Added text color on preheader block
* Fixed giphy options panel
= 5.8.6 =
* Improved geolocation support
* Improved composer image block
= 5.8.5 =
* Reverted back to select2 3.x
* Added last_ip field for better geolocation
* Changed the thumbnails folder from wp-content to wp-content/uploads
* Added a more uniform internal mailer management
* Improved the mail test on status panel
= 5.8.4 =
* Fixed export error
= 5.8.3 =
* Fixed a debug notice with PHP 7.2
* Status, SMTP and main settings limited to the administrators
* Fixed buttons overlapping on composer text block
* Support for the advanced import addons
= 5.8.2 =
* Fixed shortcode check on dedicated page
= 5.8.1 =
* Delivery expected time indicator on status panel
* Fixed notice on email token missing
* Addons installation availability on status panel
* Option to remove the dedicated page check
= 5.8.0 =
* Addons manager compatibility
= 5.7.9 =
* Fixes on add-ons panel
= 5.7.8 =
* Support for the [Add on Manager](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/how-to-install-the-addons-manager)
= 5.7.7 =
* TinyMCE library fix
= 5.7.6 =
* Included third party's js libraries
= 5.7.5 =
* Init hook priority fix for who uses alternative wp cron
= 5.7.4 =
* Support for first and last name from wp users integration extension
* CSS fix for few themes
= 5.7.3 =
* Fixed block padding warning
* Fixed lists display on import panel
* Fixed lists display on targeting panel when in multilanguage mode
= 5.7.2 =
* Improvements on posts block
* New hero block layout
* Transaltepress extension compatibility pack
= 5.7.1 =
* Improvements on posts block
= 5.7.0 =
* Cancellation error message fix
= 5.6.9 =
* Improved separator block for Outlook compatibility
* Fixed "read more" button on posts block
* Fixed lists on notification email
= 5.6.8 =
* Removed debug notices
= 5.6.7 =
* Fixed multilanguage support for service messages template
= 5.6.6 =
* Fixed unsubscription two-steps process message
= 5.6.5 =
* Fixed email validation message
= 5.6.4 =
* Fixed reactivation message display
= 5.6.3 =
* Removed unused files
* Fixed few links with permalink disabled and WMPL language as parameter
* Fixed the minimal form with WPML
= 5.6.2 =
* readme.txt improvements
* Fixed subscribe URL for blogs with WPML and permalinks disabled
= 5.6.1 =
* Fix debug notice on profile URL when no privacy page is set on WP
* Fixed export list filter
= 5.6.0 =
* Lists pre-assignment by language (no more need to customize the newsletter shortcode or duplicate the widgets)
* Improved Polylang support (still not fully tested)
= 5.5.9 =
* Fixed a possible debug notice on subscription without a dedicated page configured
* Fixed minimal widget with WPML language selector without permalink
= 5.5.8 =
* Fixed multilanguage text on profile page
* Fix the image resizer for small images
* Page message url based on subscriber language if available
= 5.5.7 =
* Fixed the unsubscription multilanguage messages using even the user language
* Fixed the goodby message
= 5.5.5 =
* Minimal form fix with WPML
* Privacy label fix with WPML
= 5.5.4 =
* WPML integration. [Read our integration page](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/multilanguage)
= 5.5.3 =
* Updated tinyMCE for Edge compatibility
* Debug mode notification
* Fix debug notice on profile page
= 5.5.2 =
* Fixed the multiple dedicated page creation on Welcome screen
= 5.5.1 =
* Fixed few debug notices
* API unsubscription messages fix
= 5.5.0 =
* Added IP storage control
* Fixed a warning and a debug notice
* Aggregated warnings on admin side
= 5.4.9 =
* Lists management in APIs
* Code cleanup
* New subscribers data export controls
* New global check and notice if the dedicated page is misconfigured
* Fix privacy note display on profile page even without a privacy url set
= 5.4.8 =
* Fixed the (duplicated) style.css reference
= 5.4.7 =
* Fixed pre-assigned lists
= 5.4.6 =
* Fixed few debug notices
* Added more translatable texts
* Improved performances
* Profile saving used as confirmation
* Fixed the captcha layout and style
* Fix initialization default messages template on first install
= 5.4.5 =
* Fixed tested up version value in readme.txt
* Added support for the WP privacy url
* Added initialization values for company info on first installation
* Fixed few debug notices
* Added button in lists panel to dissociate the list from every subscriber (list clean up)
* Fix of messages on profile editing panel
= 5.4.4 =
* Fixed warning on default option init
= 5.4.3 =
* Improved the profile editing page and the email change check with activation id in double opt-in mode
* New profile editing panel configuration
* Privacy notice optionally even on profile panel
* New list change logging with source
* Removed old tabled-layout on profile editing page
* Clean up procedure for statistics and logs tables
* Removed old widget layout
* New options on list management panel
* Forced lists option removed from the subscription panel
* Dedicated page moved to main settings panel
* Tracking default value on main settings panel
* Removed old translations
* Added default option files
* Service message template no more on PHP file, the configurable template must be used
* Reactivation after cancellation feature
* Revised and simplified all texts for easy translation by the community
* The messages alternative page (/extensions/newsletter/subscription/page.php) is now deprecated and will be removed
* New [cancellation documentation page published](/extensions/newsletter/subscription/page.php)
* Integrated SMTP is now deprecated (soon will be replaced with a **free extension**)
* {home_url} tag is now deprecated, use {blog_url} instead
* Introduced tags {company_name} and {company_address} replaced by info in the company info configuration
* Default template for messages has been improved with company contacts
* Repeated subscriptions management
* Generally improved the performances with caching and code clean up
* General CSS moved to the main settings panel
* Option to disable the default CSS
* Profile export fix
= 5.4.2 =
* SVN Deleted files fix
= 5.4.1 =
* Fixed debug notice in the standard widget
* Gender label fix
* Fixed the global variable conflict on widget (rare case)
* CSS fix on widget list field
= 5.4.0 =
* Fix lists as dropdown in the widget
= 5.3.9 =
* Version number fix
= 5.3.8 =
* Fixed failed insert on ip null
= 5.3.7 =
* Fixed the newsletter deletion with clean up of log tables
= 5.3.6 =
* Fixed composer block background editing
* Fixed API functions
* Minor fixes
= 5.3.5 =
* Fixed error notice on profile.php
= 5.3.4 =
* GDPR ready
* Maintenance option to add all subscriber without a list to a specified list
* Dismissed the tabled subscription form
* Fixed privacy checkbox label for field shortcode
* Logs of lists change
* Last activity tracking
* Retargeting/deletion of inactive subscribers
* Privacy checkbox without the checkbox (option)
* Personal data export
* Improved subscriber deletion with cleanup of log tables
= 5.3.3 =
* Added GIPHY composer block
* Added raw HTML composer block
* API: Newsletters and subscribers lists
= 5.3.2 =
* Security panel reorganized
* Added Akismet spam check
= 5.3.1 =
* Name and last name check for spam
* 404 responses on error condition
* jQuery fix
* Email cleanup on admin edit panel
* Name check for spam on subscription
= 5.3.0 =
* CAPTCHA system
* IP black list
* Email address black list
= 5.2.8 =
* Redirect fix
= 5.2.7 =
* Improved block layout
* Added filter on profile url
* Removed old obsolete query
* Improved the antibot
* Antiflood configurable to 30 minutes
= 5.2.6 =
* Fixed url attributes on privacy field shortcode
* Fixed few debug notices
* (NEW) PHP API for coders (and companion REST API with the free Newsletter API extension)
= 5.2.4 =
* readme.txt fix
* Improved extension version checking
* Changed the database timeout check on status panel
* Added support for pixel perfect thumb nails of media library images
= 5.2.3 =
* Newsletter subject ideas popup
= 5.2.2 =
* Removed create_function from widgets (compatibility PHP 7.2)
* Fixed the list exclusion condition
* Added [options to Newsletter shortcodes](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/subscription-form-shortcodes) to show the lists as dropdown
= 5.2.1 =
* Commit fix
= 5.2.0 =
* Fixed email_url tag (broken to fix Automated in previous version)
= 5.1.9 =
* Fixed debug notice on test email from Automated Extension
= 5.1.8 =
* Newsletter page creation fix
= 5.1.7 =
* NEW! Welcome wizard
= 5.1.6 =
* Fix list selection on first save
= 5.1.5 =
* Re-confirmation is now allows for unsubscribed and bounced
* Fixed to minimal widget and minimal css
* Fixed the approx. subscriber count on newsletter creation (was showing encoded data)
= 5.1.4 =
* Fixed notices on email edit panel
* Added microdata to the call to action block
* Added filter on name field while sending. [See this post](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/?p=54292)
* Improved the online [viewability rules](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/newsletters-module#view-online)
* Fixed theme editor bad behavior
* Fixed the min size of thumbnails on default theme
* Removed references to font awesome where not used
= 5.1.3 =
* Fixed newsletter duplication which was loosing the editor type
* Fixed gender saving on targeting
= 5.1.2 =
* Improved the speed report on status panel
* Removed the obsolete diagnostic panel
* Removed obsolete code
* Removed the locked content menu entry (please install the free content lock extension)
* Fixed validation call on widget minimal
* Added more translatable strings
* Fixed the editor CSS when a theme has its own
* Confirmation is now activation
* CSS clean up
= 5.1.1 =
* Fix on email check
= 5.1.0 =
* "ncu" parameter can be used for alternative welcome page as well, not only confirmation, when single opt in is selected
* Removed the old "email alternative" to create custom subscription messages templates (has no effects)
* Added the antiflood system
= 5.0.9 =
* Removed wp users integration and locked content now available as FREE optional extensions (to make the plugin smaller)
* Removed obsolete code loading old-style extensions
= 5.0.8 =
* Improved select 2 layout
* Support for conditional comments in the editor
= 5.0.7 =
* Fix a database table field size
= 5.0.6 =
* Improved performance with new db indexes
* Fixed a bug in social URLs
* Home URL check on status panel
* Fixed a not removable notice
= 5.0.5 =
* Fixed an administration notice removal
= 5.0.4 =
* Fix media selector for blog without absolute URLs
* Notice to install the wp users integration
* Added workaround for XSS protection in chrome on custom form when they contains JS code
= 5.0.3 =
* Added {email_url_encoded} tag
* Changed https to http for compatibility with old servers
= 5.0.2 =
* Fixed a notice on theme selection panel
* Fixed a block initialization error notice for woocommerce
* Improved the emoji support on newsletter subject
= 5.0.1 =
* Fixed and improved the heading block
* Fixed the can spam block (not showing default texts is not configured)
* Fixed the footer block changed the unsubscribe url to the profile url
= 5.0.0 =
* Added wp user identifier on subscriber details panel
* Fixed a notice on subscriber list panel
* Added the Auto-Submit header
* Added the X-Auto-Response-Suppress header
* Added microdata markup for native confirmation button on email clients
* Fixed url checking with ending spaces
* Fix for sites with forced relative content url
* Fix debug notices on vimeo theme
= 4.9.9 =
* Fixed action URL for hand written forms in the subscription text
* Fixed rewrite not working with specific html formatting
* Change the composer text editor height
= 4.9.8 =
* Fixed the antibot option
= 4.9.7 =
* Fixed setup script throwing a debug notice
* Changed chart library
= 4.9.6 =
* Extension version check improved
* HTML5 form source code on profile panel
= 4.9.5 =
* Fixed table creation with dbDelta
= 4.9.4 =
* Admin css fix
* Log fix
= 4.9.3 =
* Replacing fix
= 4.9.2 =
* Style fix
= 4.9.1 =
* Small code fixes
* Chart js conflict fix
* Curl SSL version on status panel
= 4.9.0 =
* Fixed logo editing when not set in the Company Info
* Fix few layout problem on the user statistics panel
* Composer layout improvements
* Added select2 support
* Fixed syntax error on status panel auto call check
* Fixed notice for theme without the text part
* Added chart.js from cdn
* Improved stats collection and aggregation
= 4.8.9 =
* Package problems on WP.org
= 4.8.8 =
* WP Users Integration and Locked Content Extensions readiness
* Improved the SSL management on admin side
* Fix privacy checkbox layout when the link is used
* Standard form CSS improvements
= 4.8.7 =
* Empty excerpt fix
* Fixed the list of blocks not appearing on few PHP installations
* Fixed the composer editor
= 4.8.6 =
* Warnings on SMTP panel when configured but not yet activated
* Warning management in controls
* Font family selector in the editor
* Font size selector in the editor
* Removed embedded tiny
* Removed embedded ace
* HTTPS on external links
* Fixed tag replacement on subject on test confirmation and welcome emails
= 4.8.5 =
* Added HTML editor plugin to tiny
* Fixed a couple of debug notices on widget
= 4.8.4 =
* Fixed posts block background editing
* Composer js improvements
* Fixed a couple of debug notices
* CSS fix
= 4.8.3 =
* Fixed debug notices on widgets
* Fixed Vimeo icon on social block
* Fixed javascript in the editor
= 4.8.2 =
* Changed few labels
* CSS fix on admin panels
= 4.8.1 =
* Lists selection on widget
* CSS fix for submit button on widget
* Fixed the status panel on action call check
* Fixed the dedicated page creation
* New editor for service messages' template with desktop and mobile preview
* New raw html editor for newsletter with with desktop and mobile preview
* Improved status panel scheduler check
* Removed the old tiny mce 3
= 4.8.0 =
* New media selection on newsletter editor with size picker
* Fixed the required attribute on profile form
* Support for Analytics extension
= 4.7.9 =
* Removed the TGMPA library
* Some CSS fixes
* Fix few debug notices
= 4.7.8 =
* Old TGMPA library compatibility
= 4.7.7 =
* New extensions panel
* Minor fixes and enhancements
* New media selection on newsletter edit panel
* Removed enqueuing of no more used scripts
* Fixed the subscriber count on targeting panel
= 4.7.6 =
* New status panel
= 4.7.5 =
* Removed references to old css
* Fixed the relative URLs problem in the composer
= 4.7.4 =
* Improved widget CSS
* Added Instagram to social icons
* Little style improvements
= 4.7.3 =
* Added custom CSS field to customize the forms appearance
* Added codemirror for CSS edit
* Added plugin version to style link
* Added plugin version to script link
* Corrected a tag in newsletter widget minimal
* Added line height on form fields
* Changed CSS class prefixes to tnp
* Fixed a divide by zero on diagnostic panel
* Improved the collection of emails sending speed data
* Fixed a bug when adding a new subscriber from the admin panel
= 4.7.2 =
* Fixed a debug notice
= 4.7.1 =
* Fixed missing files in the package
= 4.7.0 =
* Added the selection for the Newsletter messages dedicated page
* New forms CSS and validator
* New widget for a minimal form
* Use shortcode attribute "layout" to revert to old style table forms, using layout=table
* Added reset button for diagnostic scheduler statistics
= 4.6.8 =
* Fixed the image browser/upload URL error in themes
= 4.6.7 =
* Fixed blank page without a newsletter dedicated page
= 4.6.6 =
* Fixed the blocks reload
= 4.6.5 =
* Fixed the style stripped when switching back and forth betwenn the visual and raw editor (from version 4.6.4)
= 4.6.4 =
* Fixed the profile link in admin panels
* Fixed the composer editor
* Cleanup of old code
* Force the composer editor to keep the absolute urls
= 4.6.3 =
* Fixed the profile save with new action url
= 4.6.2 =
* Fixed the import option "override status" not working in update mode
* Fixed the missing http when the couldflare plugin is installed (!)
* Improved controls and security on open tracking link
* Added few new diagnostic parameters
= 4.6.1 =
* Fixed a security issue on admin side only exploitable by logged in admins
= 4.6.0 =
* Fixed debug notices on composer post blocks
* Improved image styles on composer hero block
* Added support for WP_Error in the logger
* Improved the license checking
= 4.5.9 =
* Fixed a PHP syntax error on composer panel
= 4.5.8 =
* Edit image alt text in the composer
* Fixed german characters problem on visual composer
* Added new data to diagnostic panel
* Change the export to be more compatible with specific blog installations
* Added translations to export panel
= 4.5.7 =
* Fixed the total sent email in dashboard
* Fixed the total sent number on newsletter list when an already sent newsletter is edited
* Removed the save button on sent newsletter
* Code cleanup
* Service message for stats panel of draft newsletters
= 4.5.6 =
* New unified themes and composer selection screen
* Fixed the WP integration panel (incompatibility with WP 4.5.3)
* Removed few notices
* More warning fix
* Fix "isHTML" error
* jQuery conflict fix
* Escape fix
* Warning fix
* Fixed the mime header
= 4.5.0 =
* New responsive email Drag & Drop composer, see [the guide](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/plugins/newsletter/composer).
= 4.2.4 =
* Fixed the notices display in Newsletter admin pages
* Administrative emails sent now with the Newsletter engine
* New {email_id} and {email_subject} placeholders
= 4.2.3 =
* Improvements in database error management
* Added hook for Reports Extension
= 4.2.2 =
* The lock feature is disabled for editors and administrators
* Fixed the newsletter sent table
= 4.2.1 =
* Fixed the progress indicator on newsletter list
= 4.2.0 =
* New statistics dashboard
* Newsletter Reports 4 support
= 4.1.3 =
* Fixed the notice dismiss not working on every page
* Fixed debug notice on WP 4.5
* Added unverified SSL connection option on SMTP panel
= 4.1.2 =
* Minor security fix (on admin side with admin access)
= 4.2.0 =
* Added support for Reports Extension 4
* Improved license check
= 4.1.1 =
* Added compatibility with SMTP plugins (Newsletter now sends with wp_mail if not otherwise configured)
* Small CSS fixes
= 4.1.0 =
* Fix statistics link in the dashboard newsletter list
= 4.0.9 =
* Updated jQuery UI
* Updated compatibility notice
* Fixed tabs on subscriber stats panel
* Fixed documentation on profile page
= 4.0.8 =
* Dashboard style fix for WordPress >= 4.4
* Minor improvements
= 4.0.7 =
* New check to prevent not correct message template settings to block emails
* Improved confirmation email test
* Added welcome email test
* Resubscription in single opt-in does not send the confirmation email anymore
* Fixed second subscription with Facebook extension
= 4.0.6 =
* Fixed forced lists on subscription panel
* Fixed few i18n tags
* Fixed background color on theme selector
= 4.0.5 =
* Fixed an error on content lock
* Fixed CSS for extensions
* Fixed few debug notices
* Improved the content lock user recognition
* Subscriber search by list
= 4.0.4 =
* Fixed and improved the email template for service messages
= 4.0.3 =
* Fixed the welcome email enable/disable setting
= 4.0.2 =
* Fixed main settings saving
* Fixed unsubscription settings saving
= 4.0.0 =
* Shiny new look
* New top menu
* Locked content feature moved into the subscription module
* Separated SMTP configuration panel
* Newsletter users import transfer first and last name
* Various bug fixes and improvements
= 3.9.5 =
* Corrected the call to maybe_maybe_convert_table_to_utf8mb4
= 3.9.4 =
* CSV export fix
* Delete button on newsletter list fixed (wrong since version 3.9.3)
= 3.9.3 =
* Added the blog charset to the dagnostic panel
* Fixed the read count (was due to antispam filter changes)
* Language domain fixes
= 3.9.2 =
* Fixed the tab separator in CSV export
* Removed the already subscribed option
* Removed obsolete code for anchor tracking
* Added the sent newsletters to the subscriber editing panel
* Added a sent-to table
= 3.9.1 =
* Enable the tracking key edit
* Removed the antibot option, active by default
* First round of changes for translate.wordpress.org
* Fixed few notices
* Added deprecation notices for the email.php and email-alternative.php files
* Fixed the export separator
* Removed reference to plugin files in URLs to avoid spam filter
* Removed the selection of Newsletter action URL
* Removed obsolete files
= 3.9.0 =
* Fixed the new excerpt extraction
= 3.8.9 =
* Fixed few debug notices
* Improved support for browser without javascript
* Adding multi subscription support
* Improved antibot
* Fixed some debug/deprecated noticies
* Added support for new beta Report Extension features
= 3.8.8 =
* Unsubscription works now only with JavaScript enabled browser to block bots
* New way to extract excerpts to avoid third party filters
* Fixed the image selector for header logo
* Added preview form subscription message template
* Added WordPress like metadata on themes
* Fixed the default theme
* Changed few theme screeshots
* Added attribute "layout" to shortcode with value "html5" for tableless form
= 3.8.7 =
* Fixed the widget constructor
= 3.8.6 =
* Improved checks on tracking links which could be used for spamming links (open redirect)
= 3.8.5 =
* Changed the widget constructor
* Fixed the newsletter_form shortcode
* Added shortcodes for in page form building (beta): see the [plugin documentation](https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/plugins/newsletter/newsletter-documentation).
= 3.8.4 =
* Fixed the unsubscription problem
= 3.8.3 =
* Fixed the editor for unsubscription messages
* Added the unsubscription error message
* Fixed the email change from admin panels
* Fixed the profile field check when set as optionals
= 3.8.2 =
* Improved the profile editing page (with confirmation for email change)
* Added new sync between confirmed email and linked wp user email
* Improved check and messages on subscriber edit panel
* Changed the confirmation behavior for already confirmed users (welcome page reshown)
* Added the subscription delete option when a WordPress user si deleted
* Unsubscribe action for already unsubscribed subscribers reshow the unsubscription message
* Better management of emoji (creating sometime a database error)
= 3.8.1 =
* Corrected open tracking with new tracking URL schema
= 3.8.0 =
* CSV import fix
= 3.7.9 =
* Added subject empty check when sending tests
* Added option to import subscribers as confirmed or not confirmed
* Added import subscribers from CSV file
* Updated the WP compatibility version number
* Fixed the save button on sent emails
* Fixed the List-Unsubscribe header with new URL schema
= 3.7.8 =
* Fixed the online email view with the new URL schema
= 3.7.7 =
* Fixed the editor role
* Fixed the unsubscription url with the new action url schema
* Fixed the readme.txt
* Tested with WP 4.2
= 3.7.6 =
* Fixed the new action URL schema
* Added a notice for blank page on newsletter creation
* Few notices removed
* Added more html require attributes
* Fixed the alternative confirmation redirect
= 3.7.5 =
* Fixed the referrer attribute on shortcodes
= 3.7.4 =
* Added control to avoid the wp super cache caching on newsletter services
* Added the new action URL schema (see the subscription steps panel)
* Added confirmation_url attribute to the form short code
* Added referrer attribute to the form short code
* Newsletters now start with empty subject and it's require to write it
* Fixed the API add service key check
* Fixed a couple of PHP noticies on widget (when not configured)
= 3.7.3 =
* Fixed extra profile field rules and placeholder
= 3.7.2 =
* Fixed the editor issue on subscription steps panel
= 3.7.1 =
* Attempt to fix the home url retrieval on some custom installations
* Removed some unused code
* Fixed the rate request notice
* Added the new URL tracking option (beta)
* Added the new URL tracking option notice
* Added file owner checking on diagnostic panel
* Added action files call checking on diagnostic panel
* Added dimensions on read-tracking image
* Added the html tag to the message templates
* Changed the template generation method to avoid conflicts with themes
= 3.7.0 =
* Bugfix
= 3.6.9 =
* Little fix
= 3.6.8 =
* Fixed the subject of the administrative notification
* Cleaned up obsolete code
* Added support for extension versions check
* Fixed typo in text only themes
* Fixed wrong unsubscribe code in German Welcome Email
= 3.6.7 =
* New Blog Info configuration panel
* New Default Theme
* Minor layout changes
* Fix subscription email link
* Added notices when filters are active on subscriber management panel
* Few fixes on statistic panel
* Fixed undefined index noticies on subscription page
* Several fixes
* A TNT team member quitted smoking, so the plugin become smoking free
= 3.6.6 =
* Added a cron monitor
* Added a xmas theme
* Fixed the opt-in mode for wordpress registsred users
* Fixed the noticies
* Fixed somes styles
* Added the direct newsletter edit for themes without options
* Header changed
* Fixed all links to refer the new site www.thenewsletterplugin.com
* Fixed the newsletter editor default style
= 3.6.5 =
* Added parameter "plugin url" on diagnostic panel
* Added custom post types to the linear theme
* Added custom post types to the vimeo-like theme
* Fixed the feed by mail placeholder panel
* Fixed the antibot option with preferences
= 3.6.4 =
* Support for greek (and others) characters without the entity encoding
* Fixed a debug notice in the widget code
* Added gender on import
* Added support for the constant NEWSLETTER_LOG_DIR in wp-config.php to define the loggin folder
* Fixed the domain removal on subscription steps messages
= 3.6.3 =
* Fixed the feed by mail test function
= 3.6.2 =
* Added the separator selection on CSV export
* Added the UTF-8 BOM to the export
* Fixed some debug noticies
= 3.6.1 =
* Fixed the widget when field names contain double quotes
= 3.6.0 =
* Removed the extension list from welcome panel
* Added the and operator in the newsletter recipients selector
* Fixed the select_group(...) in NewsletterControls class
= 3.5.9 =
* Added a possible antibot to the subscription flow
= 3.5.8 =
* Added soundcloud for social icon on default theme
* Fixed the welcome screen (should)
= 3.5.7 =
* Added the private flag on newsletters
* Fixed old extension version checking/reporting
= 3.5.6 =
* Added custom header for newsletter tagging with mandrill
* Added internally used html 5 subscription form
= 3.5.5 =
* Added the license key field for special installations
= 3.5.4 =
* Fixed the web preview charset
= 3.5.3 =
* Added support for extensions as plugins
= 3.5.2 =
* Fixed the {title} tag replacement for old subscriber list with the gender not set
* Added the upgrade from old versions button on diagnostic panel
= 3.5.1 =
* Support for the SendGrid extension
= 3.5.0 =
* Fixed the subscriber list panel
* Interface reviewed
* Fixed the image chooser for WP 3.8.1
* Fixed the export for editors
* Patch for anonymous users create by woocommerce
* Madrill API adapter
* Header separation between this plugin and the extensions
* Default to base 64 encoding of outgoing email to solve the long lines problem
= 3.4.9 =
* Fixed some warnings in debug mode
* Fixed the disabling setting of the social icons (on default newsletter themes)
* Added filters on widget for WPML
* Added filter for single line feeds refused by some mail servers
= 3.4.8 =
* Added a javascript protection against auto confirmation from bot
* Fixed a warning with debug active on site login
= 3.4.7 =
* Fixed the subscription panel where some panels where no more visible.
= 3.4.6 =
* Added the full_name tag
* Added the "simple" theme
* Added indexes to the statistic table to improve the reports extension response time
* Fixed some noticies in debug mode
= 3.4.5 =
* Revisited the theme chooser and the theme configuration
* Fixed a double field on the locked content configuration
* Improved the delivery engine
= 3.4.4 =
* Improved error messages
* Fixed the last tab store (jquery changes)
* Added some new controls for the pop up extensions
= 3.4.3 =
* Added the precendence bulk header (https://support.google.com/mail/answer/81126)
* Added filter on messages to avoid wrong URLs when the blog change domain or folder
* Added the alt attribute to the tracking image
* New option to set the PHP max execution time
* Fixed some text on main configuration panel
= 3.4.2 =
* Refined the subscription for already subscribed emails
= 3.4.1 =
* Fixed the delivery engine warning message
* Fixed the version check
= 3.4.0 =
* Changed newsletter copy to copy even the editor and traking status
* Fixed the subscribers search list
* Added some more buttons on Newsletter editor
* Added the subscription form menu voice (I cannot answer anymore the same request about subscribe button translation :-)
* Suppressed warning on log function
= 3.3.9 =
* Fixed activation in debug mode
* Fixed some notices
* Added defaults for subscriber titles (Mr, Mrs, ...)
= 3.3.8 =
* Internal code fixes
* Fixed the "editor" access control
= 3.3.7 =
* Fixed the feed by mail field on widget
* Fixed tab names to avoid mod_security interference
* Fixed the "name" form field rules
* Added (undocumented/untested) way to change the table names
= 3.3.6 =
* Fixed a caching blocking on short code
* New way to create a newsletter
= 3.3.5 =
* Fixed the mailto rewriting
* Added tags and categories to default theme
* Added post type on default theme
* Fixed some administrative CSS
* Revisited the theme selection and configuration
= 3.3.4 =
* Fixed the module version check
= 3.3.3 =
* Fixed the IP tracking on opening
= 3.3.2 =
* Disabled the save button on composer when the newsletter is "sending" or "sent"
* Added ip field on statistics
* Reviewed the subscriber statistics panel
* Fixed some links on welcome panel
* Added extensions version check
* Added the Mandrill Extension support
* Fixed the banner options on default theme
* New "new newsletter" panel (hope simpler to use)
= 3.3.1 =
* Fixed a bug in an administrative query
= 3.3.0 =
* Fixed a replacement on online email version
* Fixed a missing privacy check box configuration
* Improved the split posts
* Added post_type control
* Re-enabled the subscription for addresses not confirmed
* Fixed the welcome and ocnfirmaiton email when sent from subscribers list panel (were not using the theme)
* Added the "pre-checked" option to preferences configuration
= 3.2.9 =
* Fixed a possible loop on widget (when using extended fields in combobox format)
= 3.2.8 =
* Fixed the newsletter_replace filter
* Added the person title for salutation
* Changed the profile field panel
* Fixed the massive deletion of unsubscribed users
= 3.2.7 =
* Added a controls for the Reports module version 1.0.4
* Changed opening tracking and removed 1x1 GIF
* Added support for popup on subscription form
* Fixed the link to the reports module
= 3.2.6 =
* Fixed the forced preferences on subscription panel
= 3.2.5 =
* Fixed the home_url and blog_url replacements
* Added the cleans up of tags used in href attributes
* Fixed the cleans up of URL tags
* Added module version checking support
* Added the welcome email option to disable it
* Fixed the new subscriber notification missing under some specific conditions
= 3.2.4 =
* Added target _blank on theme links so they open on a new windows for the online version
* Changed to the plugins_url() function
* Added clean up of url tags on composer
= 3.2.3 =
* Added schedule list on Diagnostic panel
* Removed the enable/disable resubscription option
* Added a check for the delivery engine shutdown on some particular situations
* Revisited the WordPress registration integration
* Revisited the WordPress user import and moved on subscriber massive action panel
* Added links to new documentation chapter
* Removed a survived reference to an old table
* Reactivated the replacement of the {blog_url} tag
* Fixed the tracking code injection
* Fixed a default query generation for compatibility with 2.5 version
* Fixed the tag replacements when using the old forms
= 3.2.2 =
* Fixed the subscription options change problem during the upgrade
* English corrections by Rita Vaccaro
* Added the Feed by Mail demo module
* Added support for the Facebook module
= 3.2.1 =
* Fixed fatal error with old form formats
= 3.2.0 =
* Added hint() method to NewsletterControls
* Fixed the Newsletter::replace_date() to replace even the {date} tag without a format
* Added NewsletterModule::format_time_delta()
* Added NewsletterModule::format_scheduler_time
* Improved the diagnostic panel
* Fixed an error on subscription with old forms
* Fixed the unsubscription with old formats
* Fixed the confirmation for multiple calls
* Fixed user saving on new installation (column missing for followup module)
* Added compatibility code with domain remaping plugin
* Added a setting to let unsubscribed users to subscribe again
* Added the re-subscription option
= 3.1.9 =
* Improved the delivery engine performances
* Improved the newsletter list panel
* Change the subscription in case of unsubscribed, bounced or confirmed address with a configurable error message
* Some CSS review
* Fixed the unsubscription procedure with a check on user status
* Added Pint theme
= 3.1.7 =
* Added better support for Follow Up for Newsletter
* Fixed integration with Feed by Mail for Newsletter
* Fixed a bug on profile save
* Fixed a message about log folder on diagnostic panel
* Fixed the sex field on user creation
= 3.1.6 =
* Fixed the subscription form absent on some configurations
= 3.1.5 =
* Content locking deactivated if a user is logged in
* Added a button to create a newsletter dedicated page
* Added top message is the newsletter dedicated page is not configured
* Fixed the subscription process with the old "na" action
* Added a new option with wp registration integration
* Added the opt-in mode to wp registration integration
= 3.1.4 =
* Fixed a bug on post/page preview
= 3.1.3 =
* Added support for SendGrid Module
* Fixed a fatal error on new installations on emails.php
= 3.1.2 =
* Fixed the access control for editors
* Improved to the log system to block it when the log folder cannot be created
* Moved all menu voices to the new format
* Improved the diagnostic panel
* Added ability to send and email to not confirmed subscribers
* Fixed a problem with internal module versions
= 3.1.1 =
* Fixed the copy and delete buttons on newsletter list
* Removed the old trigger button on newsletter list
* Fixed the edit button on old user search
* Improved the module version checking
* Added the "unconfirm" button on massive subscriber management panel
= 3.1.0 =
* Added link to change preferences/sex from emails
* Added tag reference on email composer
* Added "negative" preference selection on email targeting
* Improved the subscription during WordPress user registration
* Fixed the preference saving from profile page
* Fixed the default value for the gender field to "n"
* Added loading of the Feed by Mail module
* Added loading of the Follow Up module
* Added loading of the MailJet module
* Changed the administrative page header
* Changed the subscriber list and search panel
* Improved the locked content feature
* Fixed the good bye email not using the standard email template
* Changed the diagnostics panel with module versions checking
* Fixed some code on NewsletterModule
= 3.0.9 =
* Fixed an important bug
= 3.0.8 =
* Fixed the charset on some pages and previews for umlaut characters
= 3.0.7 =
* Fixed a warning in WP 3.5
* Fixed the visual editor on/off on composer panel
= 3.0.6 =
* Added file permissions check on diagnostic panel
* Fixed the default value for "sex" on email at database level
* Fixed the checking of required surname
* Fixed a warning on subscription panel
* Improved the subscription management for bounced or unsubscribed addresses
* Removed the simple theme of tinymce to reduce the number of files
* Added neutral style for subscription form
= 3.0.5 =
* Added styling for widget
* Fixed the widget html
* Fixed the reset button on subscription panels
* Fixed the language initialization on first installation
* Fixed save button on profile page (now it can be an image)
* Fixed email listing showing the planned status
= 3.0.4 =
* Fixed the alternative email template for subscription messages
* Added user statistics by referrer (field nr passed during subscription)
* Added user statistics by http referer (one r missing according to the http protocol)
* Fixed the preview for themes without textual version
* Fixed the subscription redirect for blogs without permalink
* Fixed the "sex" column on database so email configuration is correctly stored
* Fixed the wp user integration
= 3.0.3 =
* Fixed documentation on subscription panel and on subscription/page.php file
* Fixed the statistics module URL rewriting
* Fixed a "echo" on module.php datetime method
* Fixed the multi-delete on newsletter list
* Fixed eval() usage on add_menu_page and add_admin_page function
* Fixed a number of ob_end_clean() called wht not required and interfering with other output buffering
* Fixed the editor access level
= 3.0.2 =
* Documented how to customize the subscription/email.php file (see inside the file) for subscription messages
* Fixed the confirmation message lost (only for who do not already save the subscription options...)
= 3.0.1 =
* Fixed an extra character on head when including the form css
* Fixed the double privacy check on subscription widget
* Fixed the charset of subscription/page.php
* Fixed the theme preview with wp_nonce_url
* Added compatibility code for forms directly coded inside the subscription message
* Added link to composer when the javascript redirect fails on creation of a new newsletter
* Fixed the old email list and conversion
= 3.0.0 =
* Release
= 2.6.2 =
* Added the user massive management panel
= =
* Updated to 20 lists instead of 9
* Max lists can be set on wp-config.php with define('NEWSLETTER_LIST_MAX', [number])
* Default preferences ocnfigurable on subscription panel
= =
* fixed the profile fields generation on subscription form
= =
* fixed javascript email check
* fixed rewrite of link that are anchors
* possible patch to increase concurrency detection while sending
* fixed warning message on email composer panel
= 2.5.3 =
* changed the confirmation and cancellation URLs to a direct call to Newsletter Pro to avoid double emails
* mail opening now tracked
* fixed the add api
* feed by mail settings added: categories and max posts
* feed by mail themes change to use the new settings
* unsubscribed users are marked as unsubscribed and not removed
* api now respect follow up and feed by mail subscription options
* fixed the profile form to add the user id and token
* subscribers' panel changed
* optimizations
* main url fixed everywhere
* small changes to the email composer
* small changes to the blank theme
= =
* subscribers panel now show the profile data
* search can be ordered by profile data
* result limit on search can be specified
* {unlock_url} fixed (it was not pointing to the right configured url)
= =
* fixed the concurrent email sending problem
* added WordPress media gallery integration inside email composer
= =
* added the add_user method
* fixed the API (was not working) and added multilist on API (thankyou betting-tips-uk.com)
* fixed privacy check box on widget
= 2.5.2 =
* added compatibility with lite cache
* fixed the list checkboxes on user edit panel
* removed the 100 users limit on search panel
* category an max posts selection on email composer
= =
* improved the url tag replacement for some particular blog installation
* fixed the unsubscription administrator notification
* replaced sex with gender in notification emails
* fixed the confirm/unconfirm button on user list
* fixed some labels
* subscription form table HTML
= =
* added {date} tag and {date_'format'} tag, where 'format' can be any of the PHP date formats
* added {blog_description} tag
* fixed the feed reset button
* added one day back button to the feed
* updated custom forms documentation
* fixed the trigger button on emails panel
* changed both feed by mail themes (check them if you create your own theme)
* fixed the custom profile field generation (important!)
* fixed documentation about custom forms
- fix the feed email test id (not important, it only generates PHP error logs)
- feed by mail send now now force the sending if in a non sending day
- changed the way feed by mail themes extract the posts: solves the sticky posts problem
- added the feed last check time reset button
- fixed the confirm and cancel buttons on user list
- fixed the welcome email when using a custom thank you page
- added images to theme 1
- added button to trigger the delivery engine
- fixed the widget mail check
- reintroduced style.css for themes
- updated theme documentation
- added CDATA on JavaScript
- fixed theme 1 which was not adding the images
- added theme 3
- fixed the old profile fields saving
- new fr_FR file
- fixed test of SMTP configuration which was sending to test address 2 instead of test address 1
- bounced voice remove on search filter
- added action "of" which return only the subscription form and fire a subcription of type "os"
- added action "os" that subscribe the user and show only the welcome/confirmation required message
- fixed issue with main page url configuration
Version 2.5.1
- Fixed the widget that was not using the extended fields
- Fixed the widget that was not using the lists
- Added the class "newsletter-profile" and "newsletter-profile-[number]" to the widget form
- Added the class "newsletter-profile" and "newsletter-profile-[number]" to the main subscription form
- Added the class "newsletter-profile" and "newsletter-profile-[number]" to the profile form
- Added the classes "newsletter-email", "newsletter-firstname", "newsletter-surname" to the respective fields on every form
- Removed email theme option on subscription panel (was not used)
- Fixed the welcome email on double opt in process
- Subscription notifications to admin only for confirmed subscription
- Fixed subscription process panel for double opt in (layout problems)
- Improved subscription process panel
- Fix unsubscription process not working
Version 2.5.0
- Official first release