=== Press Elements - Widgets for Elementor ===
Contributors: ramiy
Tags: elementor, press elements, elements, widgets, page builder, builder, visual editor,
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 4.9
Requires PHP: 5.4
Stable tag: 1.7.2
License: GPLv3
License URI: https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0
Easy-to-use widgets that help you display and design your content using Elementor page builder.
== Description ==
We all enjoy simple, intuitive and visually appealing sites. But in order to create stunning websites you need to use the right tools.
With [Press Elements](https://press-elements.com/) you can combine the simplicity of [Elementor](https://wordpress.org/plugins/elementor/) with the efficiency of the built-in WordPress theme components.
Our goal is to give you uniquely and efficient experience to express yourself. Whether you are a designer seeking to create a breath taking effect, or a developer seeking to replacing the theme-functions with simpler Elementor drag-and-drop widgets, or even an implementer who needs to integrate WordPress plugins into Elementor.
The plugin adds powerful Elementor widgets built specifically for WordPress professionals. Our Elementor widgets organized in four categories:
**Site Elements**
General site related components integrated in WordPress.
- **Site Title** - The name of the site.
- **Site Description** - The tagline.
- **Site Logo** - Custom site logo.
- **Site Counters** - General site stats for Post Types, Taxonomies, Comments and Users.
**Post Elements**
Post related components based on WordPress theme architecture.
- **Post Title** - The title of the post.
- **Post Excerpt** - A short description.
- **Post Date** - Publish date or last modified date.
- **Post Author** - The post author information.
- **Post Terms** - The taxonomies assigned to the post.
- **Post Featured Image** - An image assigned to the post.
- **Post Custom Field (Pro)** - Extra information saved as WordPress meta-data.
- **Post Comments** - The default Comments Template included in the theme.
Special text effects and advanced image effects.
- [__Image Accordion (Pro)__](https://press-elements.com/widgets/image-accordion/) - Display images in a beautiful accordion effect.
- [__Before After Effect (Pro)__](https://press-elements.com/widgets/before-after-effect/) - Visual differences between two images.
- [__Notes (Pro)__](https://press-elements.com/widgets/notes/) - Display your ordinary lists as styled sticky notes.
- [__Typing Effect__](https://press-elements.com/widgets/typing-effect/) - Type out sentences and then delete them with a beautiful animation.
WordPress plugins and 3rd party services integrated into Elementor.
- **Advanced Custom Fields (Pro)** - Fields added by [Advanced Custom Fields](https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/) plugin.
- [__Gravatar (Pro)__](https://press-elements.com/widgets/gravatar/) - Display single [Gravatars](https://gravatar.com/) based on an email address.
- **Flickr (Pro)** - Display Flickr photostream based on Flickr User ID.
- **Pinterest (Pro)** - Display Pinterest pins based on Pinterest username.
= WordPress Elements =
When you create a new post (or a page) on WordPress, you choose a title, write an excerpt, select a publish date, add an author, choose featured image, select several taxonomies and maybe you define some custom fields.
In the Elementor page builder you can't display and style those components. You need to repeat the process and manually add a title, write the excerpt and add images.
That's where Press Elements comes in handy. The plugin adds smart widgets that let you display those post components. Now you can drag a "Post Title" widget and style it your way. The widget will automatically insert the title used as the post title. Same applies for all the other post components.
= Dynamic Content =
Regular Elementor widgets save the data as hard-coded content in the database. To change something you need to open the page builder and manually change the element inside the builder. Updating post titles, excerpts, authors and other WordPress Element won't affect the builder.
Press Elements uses dynamic content architecture. It doesn't save the title and other element as hard-coded content. It generates them on-the-fly. Just like the WordPress theme system.
When you change post titles and other post elements from your WordPress dashboard (outside of Elementor), they will be automatically updated in the content area and in the page builder.
For example, you can bulk edit several posts from your sites dashboard to change the author, post that use "Post Author" widget will be automatically updates with the new data.
= Template Design =
When using page builders, you need to create all the page element for each page over and over again. Currently you can't design single page templates and apply the design on the post. When you use the template system you need to manually change titles and images for each post/page.
With Press Elements you can create custom designs with post elements and save them as template. When you apply the template on other posts, it will inherit the data from the new post. No more manual updates!
You don't need to hire developers to generate custom page templates - with Press Elements you can do it using a simple drag & drop interface! Now you can design different templates for different blog posts, pages and other Post Types. When creating new posts, load your predefined templates from your template library.
With Press Elements you can use Elementor widgets to display and design your post elements! Just like developers use theme-functions to generate themes. How cool is that?!
= Translations =
You can help translating the plugin to your language from [__translate.wordpress.org__](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/press-elements).
== Screenshots ==
1. Post edit screen with WordPress elements.
2. Elementor widgets for each site and post element.
3. Styling post title with a dedicated Elementor widget.
4. Display post custom fields.
5. Create your own author bio section.
6. Widgets for your site logo, site name and site description.
7. Site counters for Post Types, Taxonomies, Comments and Users.
8. Custom fields as text fields and images, and linking to other custom fields.
9. Display Gravatars based on an email address.
10. Display Flickr photostream based on Flickr User ID.
11. Display Pinterest pins based on Pinterest username.
12. Display images in a beautiful accordion effect.
13. Display visual differences between two images.
14. Display your ordinary lists as styled sticky notes.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Is Press Elements compatible with any Theme? =
It sure is! Press Elements uses standard theme functions. The plugin will work on any WordPress theme!
= Is Press Elements compatible with Custom Post Types? =
Yes. It works on any post type as long as it supports the relevant post element.
= Can I use Press Elements to design archive pages? =
Currently the plugin displays post elements on "single" pages. But in the future, it will support "archive" page too.
= I am a theme developer, how can it help me? =
As a theme developer you probably use theme-functions in your work-flow. Press Elements turns those functions to widgets. Replacing code with a visual builder to reduce your development time.
= Can I optimize the source code for SEO? =
Yes you can! Each element has an "HTML Tag" field, which is used as a container tag. This way you can optimize your template design source code the way you want. You are no longer dependent on theme authors for Search Engine Optimization in your source code.
= Does the plugin has minimum requirements? =
**Minimum Requirements**
* WordPress version 4.7 or greater.
* Elementor version 1.7.0 or greater.
* PHP version 5.4 or greater.
* MySQL version 5.0 or greater.
**Recommended Requirements**
* The latest WordPress version.
* The latest Elementor version.
* PHP version 7.0 or greater.
* MySQL version 5.6 or greater.
= Where can I suggest new features? =
You can suggest new features on our [wp.org support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/press-elements).
= Can I customize the author data? =
Yes you can. The "Post Author" widgets allows you to display author first name, last name, username, user bio, user image and other user data.
= How do I use the custom field widgets? =
When using WordPress based custom fields, the data is saved as text based fields. With 3rd party plugins, each plugin saves the data in it's own format (text, array, object). It's impossible to provide solutions for each and every plugin data structure.
That's why Press Elements has two widgets to display custom fields. The "Post Custom Field" widget is used to display WordPress based custom fields, and the "Advanced Custom Fields" widget is used to display ACF custom fields.
Both widgets can display custom fields as "Text" or as "Images". Each display type reveals it's own advances options in the styling tab. You can also link the fields to URL stored in other custom fields.
For more advanced uses, please contact us in our [wp.org support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/press-elements). The plugin is developed based on user feedback.
== Changelog ==
= 1.7.2 =
* Fix - Add missing minified scripts and styles.
= 1.7.1 =
* Fix - In the "Post Featured Image" widget, use only WordPress generated sizes.
* Tweak - Add new "Text Shadow" control to ALL the widgets that use the "Typography" control.
* Tweak - Enhance the "Post Terms" widget with a new "Separator" control to change the comma character between the terms.
* Tweak - Remove the "Changelog" tab from the admin screen.
* Tweak - Remove the "Getting Started" admin tab and move the content to the "About" tab.
* Tweak - Minify all the CSS & JS files for better performance.
* Tweak - Upgrade Freemius SDK to version 1.2.4.
* Tweak - Upgrade Minimum Requirements from Elementor 1.3.4 to Elementor 1.7.0.
= 1.7.0 =
* New - Typing Effect widget.
* Fix - Solve "Site Counters" error in some post-types and taxonomies.
* Fix - Update "Before After Effect" widget JS.
* Tweak - Update plugin setup process.
* Tweak - Check for minimum required PHP version.
* Tweak - Upgrade Freemius SDK to version
= 1.6.1 =
* Fix - Solve "Site Logo" link issue by changing the way the logo is loaded.
* Tweak - Enhance "Image Accordion" widget with new image border control.
* Tweak - Update plugin setup process.
= 1.6.0 =
* New - Image Accordion (Pro) widget.
* New - Before After Effect (Pro) widget.
* New - Notes (Pro) widget.
* Tweak - Release "Post Featured Image" as a free widget!!
= 1.5.0 =
* New - Flickr (Pro) widget.
* New - Pinterest (Pro) widget.
* Fix - Solve single quotes characters issue in "Post Title" and "Post Excerpt" widgets.
* Fix - Escape the URL returned by the "Link to" control in all the widgets.
* Tweak - Move "Press Elements" menu from "Appearance" to "Settings".
* Tweak - Add warnings in widgets that dependent on external plugins like ACF.
* Tweak - Enhance "Advanced Custom Fields" widget to display fields saved as arrays.
= 1.4.0 =
* New - Advanced Custom Fields (Pro) widget.
* New - Gravatar (Pro) widget.
* Fix - The "Site Counters" post types display.
* Fix - The "Site Counters" taxonomy total count.
* Tweak - Update "Custom Field" widget with display condition to the image angle control.
* Tweak - Enhance "Post Author" widget "Style" tab. Different design controls for author images and other author data.
* Tweak - Upgrade Minimum Requirements to PHP 5.4, like Elementor.
= 1.3.1 =
* Fix - Allow image rotation angle control to set 360deg rotation.
* Fix - Enhance "Post Terms" to display only the post-terms not all the terms.
= 1.3.0 =
* New - Enhance "Post Custom Field" widget with links to other custom fields.
* New - Enhance "Post Custom Field" widget with "Display as" as control to display as simple text or an image.
* New - Enhance "Post Custom Field" widget "Style" tab. Different fields for simple text values and images.
* New - Enhance "Site Logo", "Post Featured Image" and "Post Custom Field" with an image rotation feature.
* Tweak - Remove redundant hidden control in "Site Title" and "Site Description" widgets.
= 1.2.2 =
* Fix - When adding new widgets the design is not applied because of an undefined hover animation.
= 1.2.1 =
* Fix - Display plugin admin even if Elementor is not active.
* Tweak - Add an admin menu linking to the plugin support forum.
= 1.2.0 =
* New - Site Logo widget.
* New - Site Counters widget.
* New - Add Hover Animation field to all the widgets.
* Fix - Solve reload glitch on "Post Author" widget.
* Tweak - Enhance the "Post Date" with new select field to choose either "Publish Date" or "Last Modified Date".
* Tweak - Remove redundant hidden control in Post Title, Excerpt and Date widgets.
* Tweak - Upgrade Minimum Requirements to WordPress 4.7 for the site logo feature.
= 1.1.2 =
* Fix - Solve Freemius opt-in issue.
* Tweak - Upgrade Minimum Requirements to PHP 5.3.
* Tweak - Merge similar translation strings.
= 1.1.1 =
* Fix - Update Freemius "first-path" parameter on plugin activation.
* Tweak - Update translators comments for string placeholders.
= 1.1.0 =
* New - Post Terms widget.
* New - Post Comments widget.
* Fix - Add admin notices for missing parent plugin and minimum required Elementor version.
* Fix - Solve animation issue in "Post Featured Image" widget.
* Tweak - Move Freemius init functions to a separate file.
* Tweak - Upgrade Freemius SDK to version
* Tweak - Extend the link field for all widgets.
= 1.0.0 =
* New - Site Title widget.
* New - Site Description widget.
* New - Post Title widget.
* New - Post Excerpt widget.
* New - Post Date widget.
* New - Post Author widget.
* New - Post Featured Image (Pro) widget.
* New - Post Custom Field (Pro) widget.