<?php if ( ! class_exists( 'SimplePie', false ) ) : // Load classes we will need. require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Misc.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Cache.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/File.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Sanitize.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Registry.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/IRI.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Locator.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Content/Type/Sniffer.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/XML/Declaration/Parser.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Parser.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Item.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Parse/Date.php'; require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/SimplePie/Author.php'; /** * WordPress autoloader for SimplePie. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param string $class Class name. */ function wp_simplepie_autoload( $class ) { if ( ! str_starts_with( $class, 'SimplePie_' ) ) return; $file = ABSPATH . WPINC . '/' . str_replace( '_', '/', $class ) . '.php'; include $file; } /** * We autoload classes we may not need. */ spl_autoload_register( 'wp_simplepie_autoload' ); /** * SimplePie * * A PHP-Based RSS and Atom Feed Framework. * Takes the hard work out of managing a complete RSS/Atom solution. * * Copyright (c) 2004-2017, Ryan Parman, Sam Sneddon, Ryan McCue, and contributors * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the SimplePie Team nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @package SimplePie * @version 1.5.8 * @copyright 2004-2017 Ryan Parman, Sam Sneddon, Ryan McCue * @author Ryan Parman * @author Sam Sneddon * @author Ryan McCue * @link http://simplepie.org/ SimplePie * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License */ /** * SimplePie Name */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAME', 'SimplePie'); /** * SimplePie Version */ define('SIMPLEPIE_VERSION', '1.5.8'); /** * SimplePie Build * @todo Hardcode for release (there's no need to have to call SimplePie_Misc::get_build() only every load of simplepie.inc) */ define('SIMPLEPIE_BUILD', gmdate('YmdHis', SimplePie_Misc::get_build())); /** * SimplePie Website URL */ define('SIMPLEPIE_URL', 'http://simplepie.org'); /** * SimplePie Useragent * @see SimplePie::set_useragent() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT', SIMPLEPIE_NAME . '/' . SIMPLEPIE_VERSION . ' (Feed Parser; ' . SIMPLEPIE_URL . '; Allow like Gecko) Build/' . SIMPLEPIE_BUILD); /** * SimplePie Linkback */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LINKBACK', '<a href="' . SIMPLEPIE_URL . '" title="' . SIMPLEPIE_NAME . ' ' . SIMPLEPIE_VERSION . '">' . SIMPLEPIE_NAME . '</a>'); /** * No Autodiscovery * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_NONE', 0); /** * Feed Link Element Autodiscovery * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_AUTODISCOVERY', 1); /** * Local Feed Extension Autodiscovery * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_EXTENSION', 2); /** * Local Feed Body Autodiscovery * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_BODY', 4); /** * Remote Feed Extension Autodiscovery * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_EXTENSION', 8); /** * Remote Feed Body Autodiscovery * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_BODY', 16); /** * All Feed Autodiscovery * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_ALL', 31); /** * No known feed type */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_NONE', 0); /** * RSS 0.90 */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_090', 1); /** * RSS 0.91 (Netscape) */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_NETSCAPE', 2); /** * RSS 0.91 (Userland) */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_USERLAND', 4); /** * RSS 0.91 (both Netscape and Userland) */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091', 6); /** * RSS 0.92 */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_092', 8); /** * RSS 0.93 */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_093', 16); /** * RSS 0.94 */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_094', 32); /** * RSS 1.0 */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_10', 64); /** * RSS 2.0 */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_20', 128); /** * RDF-based RSS */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_RDF', 65); /** * Non-RDF-based RSS (truly intended as syndication format) */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION', 190); /** * All RSS */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_ALL', 255); /** * Atom 0.3 */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_03', 256); /** * Atom 1.0 */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_10', 512); /** * All Atom */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_ALL', 768); /** * All feed types */ define('SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ALL', 1023); /** * No construct */ define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_NONE', 0); /** * Text construct */ define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT', 1); /** * HTML construct */ define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML', 2); /** * XHTML construct */ define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_XHTML', 4); /** * base64-encoded construct */ define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_BASE64', 8); /** * IRI construct */ define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI', 16); /** * A construct that might be HTML */ define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML', 32); /** * All constructs */ define('SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_ALL', 63); /** * Don't change case */ define('SIMPLEPIE_SAME_CASE', 1); /** * Change to lowercase */ define('SIMPLEPIE_LOWERCASE', 2); /** * Change to uppercase */ define('SIMPLEPIE_UPPERCASE', 4); /** * PCRE for HTML attributes */ define('SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_HTML_ATTRIBUTE', '((?:[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20]+[^\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\x2F\x3E][^\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\x2F\x3D\x3E]*(?:[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20]*=[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20]*(?:"(?:[^"]*)"|\'(?:[^\']*)\'|(?:[^\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\x22\x27\x3E][^\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20\x3E]*)?))?)*)[\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x20]*'); /** * PCRE for XML attributes */ define('SIMPLEPIE_PCRE_XML_ATTRIBUTE', '((?:\s+(?:(?:[^\s:]+:)?[^\s:]+)\s*=\s*(?:"(?:[^"]*)"|\'(?:[^\']*)\'))*)\s*'); /** * XML Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XML', 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'); /** * Atom 1.0 Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'); /** * Atom 0.3 Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03', 'http://purl.org/atom/ns#'); /** * RDF Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'); /** * RSS 0.90 Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090', 'http://my.netscape.com/rdf/simple/0.9/'); /** * RSS 1.0 Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10', 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/'); /** * RSS 1.0 Content Module Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10_MODULES_CONTENT', 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/'); /** * RSS 2.0 Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20', ''); /** * DC 1.0 Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.0/'); /** * DC 1.1 Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'); /** * W3C Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO', 'http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#'); /** * GeoRSS Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_GEORSS', 'http://www.georss.org/georss'); /** * Media RSS Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS', 'http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); /** * Wrong Media RSS Namespace. Caused by a long-standing typo in the spec. */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS_WRONG', 'http://search.yahoo.com/mrss'); /** * Wrong Media RSS Namespace #2. New namespace introduced in Media RSS 1.5. */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS_WRONG2', 'http://video.search.yahoo.com/mrss'); /** * Wrong Media RSS Namespace #3. A possible typo of the Media RSS 1.5 namespace. */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS_WRONG3', 'http://video.search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); /** * Wrong Media RSS Namespace #4. New spec location after the RSS Advisory Board takes it over, but not a valid namespace. */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS_WRONG4', 'http://www.rssboard.org/media-rss'); /** * Wrong Media RSS Namespace #5. A possible typo of the RSS Advisory Board URL. */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS_WRONG5', 'http://www.rssboard.org/media-rss/'); /** * iTunes RSS Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES', 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd'); /** * XHTML Namespace */ define('SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_XHTML', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'); /** * IANA Link Relations Registry */ define('SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY', 'http://www.iana.org/assignments/relation/'); /** * No file source */ define('SIMPLEPIE_FILE_SOURCE_NONE', 0); /** * Remote file source */ define('SIMPLEPIE_FILE_SOURCE_REMOTE', 1); /** * Local file source */ define('SIMPLEPIE_FILE_SOURCE_LOCAL', 2); /** * fsockopen() file source */ define('SIMPLEPIE_FILE_SOURCE_FSOCKOPEN', 4); /** * cURL file source */ define('SIMPLEPIE_FILE_SOURCE_CURL', 8); /** * file_get_contents() file source */ define('SIMPLEPIE_FILE_SOURCE_FILE_GET_CONTENTS', 16); /** * SimplePie * * @package SimplePie * @subpackage API */ class SimplePie { /** * @var array Raw data * @access private */ public $data = array(); /** * @var mixed Error string * @access private */ public $error; /** * @var int HTTP status code * @see SimplePie::status_code() * @access private */ public $status_code; /** * @var object Instance of SimplePie_Sanitize (or other class) * @see SimplePie::set_sanitize_class() * @access private */ public $sanitize; /** * @var string SimplePie Useragent * @see SimplePie::set_useragent() * @access private */ public $useragent = SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT; /** * @var string Feed URL * @see SimplePie::set_feed_url() * @access private */ public $feed_url; /** * @var string Original feed URL, or new feed URL iff HTTP 301 Moved Permanently * @see SimplePie::subscribe_url() * @access private */ public $permanent_url = null; /** * @var object Instance of SimplePie_File to use as a feed * @see SimplePie::set_file() * @access private */ public $file; /** * @var string Raw feed data * @see SimplePie::set_raw_data() * @access private */ public $raw_data; /** * @var int Timeout for fetching remote files * @see SimplePie::set_timeout() * @access private */ public $timeout = 10; /** * @var array Custom curl options * @see SimplePie::set_curl_options() * @access private */ public $curl_options = array(); /** * @var bool Forces fsockopen() to be used for remote files instead * of cURL, even if a new enough version is installed * @see SimplePie::force_fsockopen() * @access private */ public $force_fsockopen = false; /** * @var bool Force the given data/URL to be treated as a feed no matter what * it appears like * @see SimplePie::force_feed() * @access private */ public $force_feed = false; /** * @var bool Enable/Disable Caching * @see SimplePie::enable_cache() * @access private */ public $cache = true; /** * @var bool Force SimplePie to fallback to expired cache, if enabled, * when feed is unavailable. * @see SimplePie::force_cache_fallback() * @access private */ public $force_cache_fallback = false; /** * @var int Cache duration (in seconds) * @see SimplePie::set_cache_duration() * @access private */ public $cache_duration = 3600; /** * @var int Auto-discovery cache duration (in seconds) * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_cache_duration() * @access private */ public $autodiscovery_cache_duration = 604800; // 7 Days. /** * @var string Cache location (relative to executing script) * @see SimplePie::set_cache_location() * @access private */ public $cache_location = './cache'; /** * @var string Function that creates the cache filename * @see SimplePie::set_cache_name_function() * @access private */ public $cache_name_function = 'md5'; /** * @var bool Reorder feed by date descending * @see SimplePie::enable_order_by_date() * @access private */ public $order_by_date = true; /** * @var mixed Force input encoding to be set to the follow value * (false, or anything type-cast to false, disables this feature) * @see SimplePie::set_input_encoding() * @access private */ public $input_encoding = false; /** * @var int Feed Autodiscovery Level * @see SimplePie::set_autodiscovery_level() * @access private */ public $autodiscovery = SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_ALL; /** * Class registry object * * @var SimplePie_Registry */ public $registry; /** * @var int Maximum number of feeds to check with autodiscovery * @see SimplePie::set_max_checked_feeds() * @access private */ public $max_checked_feeds = 10; /** * @var array All the feeds found during the autodiscovery process * @see SimplePie::get_all_discovered_feeds() * @access private */ public $all_discovered_feeds = array(); /** * @var string Web-accessible path to the handler_image.php file. * @see SimplePie::set_image_handler() * @access private */ public $image_handler = ''; /** * @var array Stores the URLs when multiple feeds are being initialized. * @see SimplePie::set_feed_url() * @access private */ public $multifeed_url = array(); /** * @var array Stores SimplePie objects when multiple feeds initialized. * @access private */ public $multifeed_objects = array(); /** * @var array Stores the get_object_vars() array for use with multifeeds. * @see SimplePie::set_feed_url() * @access private */ public $config_settings = null; /** * @var integer Stores the number of items to return per-feed with multifeeds. * @see SimplePie::set_item_limit() * @access private */ public $item_limit = 0; /** * @var bool Stores if last-modified and/or etag headers were sent with the * request when checking a feed. */ public $check_modified = false; /** * @var array Stores the default attributes to be stripped by strip_attributes(). * @see SimplePie::strip_attributes() * @access private */ public $strip_attributes = array('bgsound', 'class', 'expr', 'id', 'style', 'onclick', 'onerror', 'onfinish', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'onfocus', 'onblur', 'lowsrc', 'dynsrc'); /** * @var array Stores the default attributes to add to different tags by add_attributes(). * @see SimplePie::add_attributes() * @access private */ public $add_attributes = array('audio' => array('preload' => 'none'), 'iframe' => array('sandbox' => 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin'), 'video' => array('preload' => 'none')); /** * @var array Stores the default tags to be stripped by strip_htmltags(). * @see SimplePie::strip_htmltags() * @access private */ public $strip_htmltags = array('base', 'blink', 'body', 'doctype', 'embed', 'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'html', 'iframe', 'input', 'marquee', 'meta', 'noscript', 'object', 'param', 'script', 'style'); /** * @var bool Should we throw exceptions, or use the old-style error property? * @access private */ public $enable_exceptions = false; /** * The SimplePie class contains feed level data and options * * To use SimplePie, create the SimplePie object with no parameters. You can * then set configuration options using the provided methods. After setting * them, you must initialise the feed using $feed->init(). At that point the * object's methods and properties will be available to you. * * Previously, it was possible to pass in the feed URL along with cache * options directly into the constructor. This has been removed as of 1.3 as * it caused a lot of confusion. * * @since 1.0 Preview Release */ public function __construct() { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6', '<')) { trigger_error('Please upgrade to PHP 5.6 or newer.'); die(); } // Other objects, instances created here so we can set options on them $this->sanitize = new SimplePie_Sanitize(); $this->registry = new SimplePie_Registry(); if (func_num_args() > 0) { $level = defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') ? E_USER_DEPRECATED : E_USER_WARNING; trigger_error('Passing parameters to the constructor is no longer supported. Please use set_feed_url(), set_cache_location(), and set_cache_duration() directly.', $level); $args = func_get_args(); switch (count($args)) { case 3: $this->set_cache_duration($args[2]); case 2: $this->set_cache_location($args[1]); case 1: $this->set_feed_url($args[0]); $this->init(); } } } /** * Used for converting object to a string */ public function __toString() { return md5(serialize($this->data)); } /** * Remove items that link back to this before destroying this object */ public function __destruct() { if (!gc_enabled()) { if (!empty($this->data['items'])) { foreach ($this->data['items'] as $item) { $item->__destruct(); } unset($item, $this->data['items']); } if (!empty($this->data['ordered_items'])) { foreach ($this->data['ordered_items'] as $item) { $item->__destruct(); } unset($item, $this->data['ordered_items']); } } } /** * Force the given data/URL to be treated as a feed * * This tells SimplePie to ignore the content-type provided by the server. * Be careful when using this option, as it will also disable autodiscovery. * * @since 1.1 * @param bool $enable Force the given data/URL to be treated as a feed */ public function force_feed($enable = false) { $this->force_feed = (bool) $enable; } /** * Set the URL of the feed you want to parse * * This allows you to enter the URL of the feed you want to parse, or the * website you want to try to use auto-discovery on. This takes priority * over any set raw data. * * You can set multiple feeds to mash together by passing an array instead * of a string for the $url. Remember that with each additional feed comes * additional processing and resources. * * @since 1.0 Preview Release * @see set_raw_data() * @param string|array $url This is the URL (or array of URLs) that you want to parse. */ public function set_feed_url($url) { $this->multifeed_url = array(); if (is_array($url)) { foreach ($url as $value) { $this->multifeed_url[] = $this->registry->call('Misc', 'fix_protocol', array($value, 1)); } } else { $this->feed_url = $this->registry->call('Misc', 'fix_protocol', array($url, 1)); $this->permanent_url = $this->feed_url; } } /** * Set an instance of {@see SimplePie_File} to use as a feed * * @param SimplePie_File &$file * @return bool True on success, false on failure */ public function set_file(&$file) { if ($file instanceof SimplePie_File) { $this->feed_url = $file->url; $this->permanent_url = $this->feed_url; $this->file =& $file; return true; } return false; } /** * Set the raw XML data to parse * * Allows you to use a string of RSS/Atom data instead of a remote feed. * * If you have a feed available as a string in PHP, you can tell SimplePie * to parse that data string instead of a remote feed. Any set feed URL * takes precedence. * * @since 1.0 Beta 3 * @param string $data RSS or Atom data as a string. * @see set_feed_url() */ public function set_raw_data($data) { $this->raw_data = $data; } /** * Set the default timeout for fetching remote feeds * * This allows you to change the maximum time the feed's server to respond * and send the feed back. * * @since 1.0 Beta 3 * @param int $timeout The maximum number of seconds to spend waiting to retrieve a feed. */ public function set_timeout($timeout = 10) { $this->timeout = (int) $timeout; } /** * Set custom curl options * * This allows you to change default curl options * * @since 1.0 Beta 3 * @param array $curl_options Curl options to add to default settings */ public function set_curl_options(array $curl_options = array()) { $this->curl_options = $curl_options; } /** * Force SimplePie to use fsockopen() instead of cURL * * @since 1.0 Beta 3 * @param bool $enable Force fsockopen() to be used */ public function force_fsockopen($enable = false) { $this->force_fsockopen = (bool) $enable; } /** * Enable/disable caching in SimplePie. * * This option allows you to disable caching all-together in SimplePie. * However, disabling the cache can lead to longer load times. * * @since 1.0 Preview Release * @param bool $enable Enable caching */ public function enable_cache($enable = true) { $this->cache = (bool) $enable; } /** * SimplePie to continue to fall back to expired cache, if enabled, when * feed is unavailable. * * This tells SimplePie to ignore any file errors and fall back to cache * instead. This only works if caching is enabled and cached content * still exists. * @param bool $enable Force use of cache on fail. */ public function force_cache_fallback($enable = false) { $this->force_cache_fallback= (bool) $enable; } /** * Set the length of time (in seconds) that the contents of a feed will be * cached * * @param int $seconds The feed content cache duration */ public function set_cache_duration($seconds = 3600) { $this->cache_duration = (int) $seconds; } /** * Set the length of time (in seconds) that the autodiscovered feed URL will * be cached * * @param int $seconds The autodiscovered feed URL cache duration. */ public function set_autodiscovery_cache_duration($seconds = 604800) { $this->autodiscovery_cache_duration = (int) $seconds; } /** * Set the file system location where the cached files should be stored * * @param string $location The file system location. */ public function set_cache_location($location = './cache') { $this->cache_location = (string) $location; } /** * Return the filename (i.e. hash, without path and without extension) of the file to cache a given URL. * @param string $url The URL of the feed to be cached. * @return string A filename (i.e. hash, without path and without extension). */ public function get_cache_filename($url) { // Append custom parameters to the URL to avoid cache pollution in case of multiple calls with different parameters. $url .= $this->force_feed ? '#force_feed' : ''; $options = array(); if ($this->timeout != 10) { $options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = $this->timeout; } if ($this->useragent !== SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT) { $options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = $this->useragent; } if (!empty($this->curl_options)) { foreach ($this->curl_options as $k => $v) { $options[$k] = $v; } } if (!empty($options)) { ksort($options); $url .= '#' . urlencode(var_export($options, true)); } return call_user_func($this->cache_name_function, $url); } /** * Set whether feed items should be sorted into reverse chronological order * * @param bool $enable Sort as reverse chronological order. */ public function enable_order_by_date($enable = true) { $this->order_by_date = (bool) $enable; } /** * Set the character encoding used to parse the feed * * This overrides the encoding reported by the feed, however it will fall * back to the normal encoding detection if the override fails * * @param string $encoding Character encoding */ public function set_input_encoding($encoding = false) { if ($encoding) { $this->input_encoding = (string) $encoding; } else { $this->input_encoding = false; } } /** * Set how much feed autodiscovery to do * * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_NONE * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_AUTODISCOVERY * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_EXTENSION * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_LOCAL_BODY * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_EXTENSION * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_REMOTE_BODY * @see SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_ALL * @param int $level Feed Autodiscovery Level (level can be a combination of the above constants, see bitwise OR operator) */ public function set_autodiscovery_level($level = SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_ALL) { $this->autodiscovery = (int) $level; } /** * Get the class registry * * Use this to override SimplePie's default classes * @see SimplePie_Registry * @return SimplePie_Registry */ public function &get_registry() { return $this->registry; } /**#@+ * Useful when you are overloading or extending SimplePie's default classes. * * @deprecated Use {@see get_registry()} instead * @link http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.basic.php#language.oop5.basic.extends PHP5 extends documentation * @param string $class Name of custom class * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise */ /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for caching */ public function set_cache_class($class = 'SimplePie_Cache') { return $this->registry->register('Cache', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for auto-discovery */ public function set_locator_class($class = 'SimplePie_Locator') { return $this->registry->register('Locator', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for XML parsing */ public function set_parser_class($class = 'SimplePie_Parser') { return $this->registry->register('Parser', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for remote file fetching */ public function set_file_class($class = 'SimplePie_File') { return $this->registry->register('File', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for data sanitization */ public function set_sanitize_class($class = 'SimplePie_Sanitize') { return $this->registry->register('Sanitize', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for handling feed items */ public function set_item_class($class = 'SimplePie_Item') { return $this->registry->register('Item', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for handling author data */ public function set_author_class($class = 'SimplePie_Author') { return $this->registry->register('Author', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for handling category data */ public function set_category_class($class = 'SimplePie_Category') { return $this->registry->register('Category', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for feed enclosures */ public function set_enclosure_class($class = 'SimplePie_Enclosure') { return $this->registry->register('Enclosure', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for `<media:text>` captions */ public function set_caption_class($class = 'SimplePie_Caption') { return $this->registry->register('Caption', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for `<media:copyright>` */ public function set_copyright_class($class = 'SimplePie_Copyright') { return $this->registry->register('Copyright', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for `<media:credit>` */ public function set_credit_class($class = 'SimplePie_Credit') { return $this->registry->register('Credit', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for `<media:rating>` */ public function set_rating_class($class = 'SimplePie_Rating') { return $this->registry->register('Rating', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for `<media:restriction>` */ public function set_restriction_class($class = 'SimplePie_Restriction') { return $this->registry->register('Restriction', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses for content-type sniffing */ public function set_content_type_sniffer_class($class = 'SimplePie_Content_Type_Sniffer') { return $this->registry->register('Content_Type_Sniffer', $class, true); } /** * Set which class SimplePie uses item sources */ public function set_source_class($class = 'SimplePie_Source') { return $this->registry->register('Source', $class, true); } /**#@-*/ /** * Set the user agent string * * @param string $ua New user agent string. */ public function set_useragent($ua = SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT) { $this->useragent = (string) $ua; } /** * Set callback function to create cache filename with * * @param mixed $function Callback function */ public function set_cache_name_function($function = 'md5') { if (is_callable($function)) { $this->cache_name_function = $function; } } /** * Set options to make SimplePie as fast as possible. * * Forgoes a substantial amount of data sanitization in favor of speed. * This turns SimplePie into a less clever parser of feeds. * * @param bool $set Whether to set them or not. */ public function set_stupidly_fast($set = false) { if ($set) { $this->enable_order_by_date(false); $this->remove_div(false); $this->strip_comments(false); $this->strip_htmltags(false); $this->strip_attributes(false); $this->add_attributes(false); $this->set_image_handler(false); $this->set_https_domains(array()); } } /** * Set maximum number of feeds to check with autodiscovery * * @param int $max Maximum number of feeds to check */ public function set_max_checked_feeds($max = 10) { $this->max_checked_feeds = (int) $max; } public function remove_div($enable = true) { $this->sanitize->remove_div($enable); } public function strip_htmltags($tags = '', $encode = null) { if ($tags === '') { $tags = $this->strip_htmltags; } $this->sanitize->strip_htmltags($tags); if ($encode !== null) { $this->sanitize->encode_instead_of_strip($tags); } } public function encode_instead_of_strip($enable = true) { $this->sanitize->encode_instead_of_strip($enable); } public function strip_attributes($attribs = '') { if ($attribs === '') { $attribs = $this->strip_attributes; } $this->sanitize->strip_attributes($attribs); } public function add_attributes($attribs = '') { if ($attribs === '') { $attribs = $this->add_attributes; } $this->sanitize->add_attributes($attribs); } /** * Set the output encoding * * Allows you to override SimplePie's output to match that of your webpage. * This is useful for times when your webpages are not being served as * UTF-8. This setting will be obeyed by {@see handle_content_type()}, and * is similar to {@see set_input_encoding()}. * * It should be noted, however, that not all character encodings can support * all characters. If your page is being served as ISO-8859-1 and you try * to display a Japanese feed, you'll likely see garbled characters. * Because of this, it is highly recommended to ensure that your webpages * are served as UTF-8. * * The number of supported character encodings depends on whether your web * host supports {@link http://php.net/mbstring mbstring}, * {@link http://php.net/iconv iconv}, or both. See * {@link http://simplepie.org/wiki/faq/Supported_Character_Encodings} for * more information. * * @param string $encoding */ public function set_output_encoding($encoding = 'UTF-8') { $this->sanitize->set_output_encoding($encoding); } public function strip_comments($strip = false) { $this->sanitize->strip_comments($strip); } /** * Set element/attribute key/value pairs of HTML attributes * containing URLs that need to be resolved relative to the feed * * Defaults to |a|@href, |area|@href, |blockquote|@cite, |del|@cite, * |form|@action, |img|@longdesc, |img|@src, |input|@src, |ins|@cite, * |q|@cite * * @since 1.0 * @param array|null $element_attribute Element/attribute key/value pairs, null for default */ public function set_url_replacements($element_attribute = null) { $this->sanitize->set_url_replacements($element_attribute); } /** * Set the list of domains for which to force HTTPS. * @see SimplePie_Sanitize::set_https_domains() * @param array List of HTTPS domains. Example array('biz', 'example.com', 'example.org', 'www.example.net'). */ public function set_https_domains($domains = array()) { if (is_array($domains)) { $this->sanitize->set_https_domains($domains); } } /** * Set the handler to enable the display of cached images. * * @param string $page Web-accessible path to the handler_image.php file. * @param string $qs The query string that the value should be passed to. */ public function set_image_handler($page = false, $qs = 'i') { if ($page !== false) { $this->sanitize->set_image_handler($page . '?' . $qs . '='); } else { $this->image_handler = ''; } } /** * Set the limit for items returned per-feed with multifeeds * * @param integer $limit The maximum number of items to return. */ public function set_item_limit($limit = 0) { $this->item_limit = (int) $limit; } /** * Enable throwing exceptions * * @param boolean $enable Should we throw exceptions, or use the old-style error property? */ public function enable_exceptions($enable = true) { $this->enable_exceptions = $enable; } /** * Initialize the feed object * * This is what makes everything happen. Period. This is where all of the * configuration options get processed, feeds are fetched, cached, and * parsed, and all of that other good stuff. * * @return boolean True if successful, false otherwise */ public function init() { // Check absolute bare minimum requirements. if (!extension_loaded('xml') || !extension_loaded('pcre')) { $this->error = 'XML or PCRE extensions not loaded!'; return false; } // Then check the xml extension is sane (i.e., libxml 2.7.x issue on PHP < 5.2.9 and libxml 2.7.0 to 2.7.2 on any version) if we don't have xmlreader. elseif (!extension_loaded('xmlreader')) { static $xml_is_sane = null; if ($xml_is_sane === null) { $parser_check = xml_parser_create(); xml_parse_into_struct($parser_check, '<foo>&</foo>', $values); xml_parser_free($parser_check); $xml_is_sane = isset($values[0]['value']); } if (!$xml_is_sane) { return false; } } // The default sanitize class gets set in the constructor, check if it has // changed. if ($this->registry->get_class('Sanitize') !== 'SimplePie_Sanitize') { $this->sanitize = $this->registry->create('Sanitize'); } if (method_exists($this->sanitize, 'set_registry')) { $this->sanitize->set_registry($this->registry); } // Pass whatever was set with config options over to the sanitizer. // Pass the classes in for legacy support; new classes should use the registry instead $this->sanitize->pass_cache_data($this->cache, $this->cache_location, $this->cache_name_function, $this->registry->get_class('Cache')); $this->sanitize->pass_file_data($this->registry->get_class('File'), $this->timeout, $this->useragent, $this->force_fsockopen, $this->curl_options); if (!empty($this->multifeed_url)) { $i = 0; $success = 0; $this->multifeed_objects = array(); $this->error = array(); foreach ($this->multifeed_url as $url) { $this->multifeed_objects[$i] = clone $this; $this->multifeed_objects[$i]->set_feed_url($url); $single_success = $this->multifeed_objects[$i]->init(); $success |= $single_success; if (!$single_success) { $this->error[$i] = $this->multifeed_objects[$i]->error(); } $i++; } return (bool) $success; } elseif ($this->feed_url === null && $this->raw_data === null) { return false; } $this->error = null; $this->data = array(); $this->check_modified = false; $this->multifeed_objects = array(); $cache = false; if ($this->feed_url !== null) { $parsed_feed_url = $this->registry->call('Misc', 'parse_url', array($this->feed_url)); // Decide whether to enable caching if ($this->cache && $parsed_feed_url['scheme'] !== '') { $filename = $this->get_cache_filename($this->feed_url); $cache = $this->registry->call('Cache', 'get_handler', array($this->cache_location, $filename, 'spc')); } // Fetch the data via SimplePie_File into $this->raw_data if (($fetched = $this->fetch_data($cache)) === true) { return true; } elseif ($fetched === false) { return false; } list($headers, $sniffed) = $fetched; } // Empty response check if(empty($this->raw_data)){ $this->error = "A feed could not be found at `$this->feed_url`. Empty body."; $this->registry->call('Misc', 'error', array($this->error, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__)); return false; } // Set up array of possible encodings $encodings = array(); // First check to see if input has been overridden. if ($this->input_encoding !== false) { $encodings[] = strtoupper($this->input_encoding); } $application_types = array('application/xml', 'application/xml-dtd', 'application/xml-external-parsed-entity'); $text_types = array('text/xml', 'text/xml-external-parsed-entity'); // RFC 3023 (only applies to sniffed content) if (isset($sniffed)) { if (in_array($sniffed, $application_types) || substr($sniffed, 0, 12) === 'application/' && substr($sniffed, -4) === '+xml') { if (isset($headers['content-type']) && preg_match('/;\x20?charset=([^;]*)/i', $headers['content-type'], $charset)) { $encodings[] = strtoupper($charset[1]); } $encodings = array_merge($encodings, $this->registry->call('Misc', 'xml_encoding', array($this->raw_data, &$this->registry))); $encodings[] = 'UTF-8'; } elseif (in_array($sniffed, $text_types) || substr($sniffed, 0, 5) === 'text/' && substr($sniffed, -4) === '+xml') { if (isset($headers['content-type']) && preg_match('/;\x20?charset=([^;]*)/i', $headers['content-type'], $charset)) { $encodings[] = strtoupper($charset[1]); } $encodings[] = 'US-ASCII'; } // Text MIME-type default elseif (substr($sniffed, 0, 5) === 'text/') { $encodings[] = 'UTF-8'; } } // Fallback to XML 1.0 Appendix F.1/UTF-8/ISO-8859-1 $encodings = array_merge($encodings, $this->registry->call('Misc', 'xml_encoding', array($this->raw_data, &$this->registry))); $encodings[] = 'UTF-8'; $encodings[] = 'ISO-8859-1'; // There's no point in trying an encoding twice $encodings = array_unique($encodings); // Loop through each possible encoding, till we return something, or run out of possibilities foreach ($encodings as $encoding) { // Change the encoding to UTF-8 (as we always use UTF-8 internally) if ($utf8_data = $this->registry->call('Misc', 'change_encoding', array($this->raw_data, $encoding, 'UTF-8'))) { // Create new parser $parser = $this->registry->create('Parser'); // If it's parsed fine if ($parser->parse($utf8_data, 'UTF-8', $this->permanent_url)) { $this->data = $parser->get_data(); if (!($this->get_type() & ~SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_NONE)) { $this->error = "A feed could not be found at `$this->feed_url`. This does not appear to be a valid RSS or Atom feed."; $this->registry->call('Misc', 'error', array($this->error, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__)); return false; } if (isset($headers)) { $this->data['headers'] = $headers; } $this->data['build'] = SIMPLEPIE_BUILD; // Cache the file if caching is enabled if ($cache && !$cache->save($this)) { trigger_error("$this->cache_location is not writable. Make sure you've set the correct relative or absolute path, and that the location is server-writable.", E_USER_WARNING); } return true; } } } if (isset($parser)) { // We have an error, just set SimplePie_Misc::error to it and quit $this->error = $this->feed_url; $this->error .= sprintf(' is invalid XML, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: %s at line %d, column %d', $parser->get_error_string(), $parser->get_current_line(), $parser->get_current_column()); } else { $this->error = 'The data could not be converted to UTF-8.'; if (!extension_loaded('mbstring') && !extension_loaded('iconv') && !class_exists('\UConverter')) { $this->error .= ' You MUST have either the iconv, mbstring or intl (PHP 5.5+) extension installed and enabled.'; } else { $missingExtensions = array(); if (!extension_loaded('iconv')) { $missingExtensions[] = 'iconv'; } if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $missingExtensions[] = 'mbstring'; } if (!class_exists('\UConverter')) { $missingExtensions[] = 'intl (PHP 5.5+)'; } $this->error .= ' Try installing/enabling the ' . implode(' or ', $missingExtensions) . ' extension.'; } } $this->registry->call('Misc', 'error', array($this->error, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__)); return false; } /** * Fetch the data via SimplePie_File * * If the data is already cached, attempt to fetch it from there instead * @param SimplePie_Cache_Base|false $cache Cache handler, or false to not load from the cache * @return array|true Returns true if the data was loaded from the cache, or an array of HTTP headers and sniffed type */ protected function fetch_data(&$cache) { // If it's enabled, use the cache if ($cache) { // Load the Cache $this->data = $cache->load(); if (!empty($this->data)) { // If the cache is for an outdated build of SimplePie if (!isset($this->data['build']) || $this->data['build'] !== SIMPLEPIE_BUILD) { $cache->unlink(); $this->data = array(); } // If we've hit a collision just rerun it with caching disabled elseif (isset($this->data['url']) && $this->data['url'] !== $this->feed_url) { $cache = false; $this->data = array(); } // If we've got a non feed_url stored (if the page isn't actually a feed, or is a redirect) use that URL. elseif (isset($this->data['feed_url'])) { // If the autodiscovery cache is still valid use it. if ($cache->mtime() + $this->autodiscovery_cache_duration > time()) { // Do not need to do feed autodiscovery yet. if ($this->data['feed_url'] !== $this->data['url']) { $this->set_feed_url($this->data['feed_url']); return $this->init(); } $cache->unlink(); $this->data = array(); } } // Check if the cache has been updated elseif ($cache->mtime() + $this->cache_duration < time()) { // Want to know if we tried to send last-modified and/or etag headers // when requesting this file. (Note that it's up to the file to // support this, but we don't always send the headers either.) $this->check_modified = true; if (isset($this->data['headers']['last-modified']) || isset($this->data['headers']['etag'])) { $headers = array( 'Accept' => 'application/atom+xml, application/rss+xml, application/rdf+xml;q=0.9, application/xml;q=0.8, text/xml;q=0.8, text/html;q=0.7, unknown/unknown;q=0.1, application/unknown;q=0.1, */*;q=0.1', ); if (isset($this->data['headers']['last-modified'])) { $headers['if-modified-since'] = $this->data['headers']['last-modified']; } if (isset($this->data['headers']['etag'])) { $headers['if-none-match'] = $this->data['headers']['etag']; } $file = $this->registry->create('File', array($this->feed_url, $this->timeout/10, 5, $headers, $this->useragent, $this->force_fsockopen, $this->curl_options)); $this->status_code = $file->status_code; if ($file->success) { if ($file->status_code === 304) { // Set raw_data to false here too, to signify that the cache // is still valid. $this->raw_data = false; $cache->touch(); return true; } } else { $this->check_modified = false; if($this->force_cache_fallback) { $cache->touch(); return true; } unset($file); } } } // If the cache is still valid, just return true else { $this->raw_data = false; return true; } } // If the cache is empty, delete it else { $cache->unlink(); $this->data = array(); } } // If we don't already have the file (it'll only exist if we've opened it to check if the cache has been modified), open it. if (!isset($file)) { if ($this->file instanceof SimplePie_File && $this->file->url === $this->feed_url) { $file =& $this->file; } else { $headers = array( 'Accept' => 'application/atom+xml, application/rss+xml, application/rdf+xml;q=0.9, application/xml;q=0.8, text/xml;q=0.8, text/html;q=0.7, unknown/unknown;q=0.1, application/unknown;q=0.1, */*;q=0.1', ); $file = $this->registry->create('File', array($this->feed_url, $this->timeout, 5, $headers, $this->useragent, $this->force_fsockopen, $this->curl_options)); } } $this->status_code = $file->status_code; // If the file connection has an error, set SimplePie::error to that and quit if (!$file->success && !($file->method & SIMPLEPIE_FILE_SOURCE_REMOTE === 0 || ($file->status_code === 200 || $file->status_code > 206 && $file->status_code < 300))) { $this->error = $file->error; return !empty($this->data); } if (!$this->force_feed) { // Check if the supplied URL is a feed, if it isn't, look for it. $locate = $this->registry->create('Locator', array(&$file, $this->timeout, $this->useragent, $this->max_checked_feeds, $this->force_fsockopen, $this->curl_options)); if (!$locate->is_feed($file)) { $copyStatusCode = $file->status_code; $copyContentType = $file->headers['content-type']; try { $microformats = false; if (class_exists('DOMXpath') && function_exists('Mf2\parse')) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($file->body); $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); // Check for both h-feed and h-entry, as both a feed with no entries // and a list of entries without an h-feed wrapper are both valid. $query = '//*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " h-feed ") or '. 'contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " h-entry ")]'; $result = $xpath->query($query); $microformats = $result->length !== 0; } // Now also do feed discovery, but if microformats were found don't // overwrite the current value of file. $discovered = $locate->find($this->autodiscovery, $this->all_discovered_feeds); if ($microformats) { if ($hub = $locate->get_rel_link('hub')) { $self = $locate->get_rel_link('self'); $this->store_links($file, $hub, $self); } // Push the current file onto all_discovered feeds so the user can // be shown this as one of the options. if (isset($this->all_discovered_feeds)) { $this->all_discovered_feeds[] = $file; } } else { if ($discovered) { $file = $discovered; } else { // We need to unset this so that if SimplePie::set_file() has // been called that object is untouched unset($file); $this->error = "A feed could not be found at `$this->feed_url`; the status code is `$copyStatusCode` and content-type is `$copyContentType`"; $this->registry->call('Misc', 'error', array($this->error, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__)); return false; } } } catch (SimplePie_Exception $e) { // We need to unset this so that if SimplePie::set_file() has been called that object is untouched unset($file); // This is usually because DOMDocument doesn't exist $this->error = $e->getMessage(); $this->registry->call('Misc', 'error', array($this->error, E_USER_NOTICE, $e->getFile(), $e->getLine())); return false; } if ($cache) { $this->data = array('url' => $this->feed_url, 'feed_url' => $file->url, 'build' => SIMPLEPIE_BUILD); if (!$cache->save($this)) { trigger_error("$this->cache_location is not writable. Make sure you've set the correct relative or absolute path, and that the location is server-writable.", E_USER_WARNING); } $cache = $this->registry->call('Cache', 'get_handler', array($this->cache_location, call_user_func($this->cache_name_function, $file->url), 'spc')); } } $this->feed_url = $file->url; $locate = null; } $this->raw_data = $file->body; $this->permanent_url = $file->permanent_url; $headers = $file->headers; $sniffer = $this->registry->create('Content_Type_Sniffer', array(&$file)); $sniffed = $sniffer->get_type(); return array($headers, $sniffed); } /** * Get the error message for the occurred error * * @return string|array Error message, or array of messages for multifeeds */ public function error() { return $this->error; } /** * Get the last HTTP status code * * @return int Status code */ public function status_code() { return $this->status_code; } /** * Get the raw XML * * This is the same as the old `$feed->enable_xml_dump(true)`, but returns * the data instead of printing it. * * @return string|boolean Raw XML data, false if the cache is used */ public function get_raw_data() { return $this->raw_data; } /** * Get the character encoding used for output * * @since Preview Release * @return string */ public function get_encoding() { return $this->sanitize->output_encoding; } /** * Send the Content-Type header with correct encoding * * This method ensures that the SimplePie-enabled page is being served with * the correct {@link http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/ mime-type} * and character encoding HTTP headers (character encoding determined by the * {@see set_output_encoding} config option). * * This won't work properly if any content or whitespace has already been * sent to the browser, because it relies on PHP's * {@link http://php.net/header header()} function, and these are the * circumstances under which the function works. * * Because it's setting these settings for the entire page (as is the nature * of HTTP headers), this should only be used once per page (again, at the * top). * * @param string $mime MIME type to serve the page as */ public function handle_content_type($mime = 'text/html') { if (!headers_sent()) { $header = "Content-Type: $mime;"; if ($this->get_encoding()) { $header .= ' charset=' . $this->get_encoding(); } else { $header .= ' charset=UTF-8'; } header($header); } } /** * Get the type of the feed * * This returns a SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_* constant, which can be tested against * using {@link http://php.net/language.operators.bitwise bitwise operators} * * @since 0.8 (usage changed to using constants in 1.0) * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_NONE Unknown. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_090 RSS 0.90. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_NETSCAPE RSS 0.91 (Netscape). * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_USERLAND RSS 0.91 (Userland). * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091 RSS 0.91. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_092 RSS 0.92. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_093 RSS 0.93. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_094 RSS 0.94. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_10 RSS 1.0. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_20 RSS 2.0.x. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_RDF RDF-based RSS. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION Non-RDF-based RSS (truly intended as syndication format). * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_ALL Any version of RSS. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_03 Atom 0.3. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_10 Atom 1.0. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_ALL Any version of Atom. * @see SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ALL Any known/supported feed type. * @return int SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_* constant */ public function get_type() { if (!isset($this->data['type'])) { $this->data['type'] = SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ALL; if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'])) { $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_10; } elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'])) { $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_03; } elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'])) { if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10]['channel']) || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10]['image']) || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10]['item']) || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10]['textinput'])) { $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_10; } if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090]['channel']) || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090]['image']) || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090]['item']) || isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090]['textinput'])) { $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_090; } } elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'])) { $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_ALL; if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0]['attribs']['']['version'])) { switch (trim($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0]['attribs']['']['version'])) { case '0.91': $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091; if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['skiphours']['hour'][0]['data'])) { switch (trim($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['skiphours']['hour'][0]['data'])) { case '0': $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_NETSCAPE; break; case '24': $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_091_USERLAND; break; } } break; case '0.92': $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_092; break; case '0.93': $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_093; break; case '0.94': $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_094; break; case '2.0': $this->data['type'] &= SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_20; break; } } } else { $this->data['type'] = SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_NONE; } } return $this->data['type']; } /** * Get the URL for the feed * * When the 'permanent' mode is enabled, returns the original feed URL, * except in the case of an `HTTP 301 Moved Permanently` status response, * in which case the location of the first redirection is returned. * * When the 'permanent' mode is disabled (default), * may or may not be different from the URL passed to {@see set_feed_url()}, * depending on whether auto-discovery was used, and whether there were * any redirects along the way. * * @since Preview Release (previously called `get_feed_url()` since SimplePie 0.8.) * @todo Support <itunes:new-feed-url> * @todo Also, |atom:link|@rel=self * @param bool $permanent Permanent mode to return only the original URL or the first redirection * iff it is a 301 redirection * @return string|null */ public function subscribe_url($permanent = false) { if ($permanent) { if ($this->permanent_url !== null) { // sanitize encodes ampersands which are required when used in a url. return str_replace('&', '&', $this->sanitize($this->permanent_url, SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI)); } } else { if ($this->feed_url !== null) { return str_replace('&', '&', $this->sanitize($this->feed_url, SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI)); } } return null; } /** * Get data for an feed-level element * * This method allows you to get access to ANY element/attribute that is a * sub-element of the opening feed tag. * * The return value is an indexed array of elements matching the given * namespace and tag name. Each element has `attribs`, `data` and `child` * subkeys. For `attribs` and `child`, these contain namespace subkeys. * `attribs` then has one level of associative name => value data (where * `value` is a string) after the namespace. `child` has tag-indexed keys * after the namespace, each member of which is an indexed array matching * this same format. * * For example: * <pre> * // This is probably a bad example because we already support * // <media:content> natively, but it shows you how to parse through * // the nodes. * $group = $item->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS, 'group'); * $content = $group[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_MEDIARSS]['content']; * $file = $content[0]['attribs']['']['url']; * echo $file; * </pre> * * @since 1.0 * @see http://simplepie.org/wiki/faq/supported_xml_namespaces * @param string $namespace The URL of the XML namespace of the elements you're trying to access * @param string $tag Tag name * @return array */ public function get_feed_tags($namespace, $tag) { $type = $this->get_type(); if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_10) { if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_03) { if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_RDF) { if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION) { if (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20]['rss'][0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } return null; } /** * Get data for an channel-level element * * This method allows you to get access to ANY element/attribute in the * channel/header section of the feed. * * See {@see SimplePie::get_feed_tags()} for a description of the return value * * @since 1.0 * @see http://simplepie.org/wiki/faq/supported_xml_namespaces * @param string $namespace The URL of the XML namespace of the elements you're trying to access * @param string $tag Tag name * @return array */ public function get_channel_tags($namespace, $tag) { $type = $this->get_type(); if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_ATOM_ALL) { if ($return = $this->get_feed_tags($namespace, $tag)) { return $return; } } if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_10) { if ($channel = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'channel')) { if (isset($channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } } if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_090) { if ($channel = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'channel')) { if (isset($channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } } if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION) { if ($channel = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'channel')) { if (isset($channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $channel[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } } return null; } /** * Get data for an channel-level element * * This method allows you to get access to ANY element/attribute in the * image/logo section of the feed. * * See {@see SimplePie::get_feed_tags()} for a description of the return value * * @since 1.0 * @see http://simplepie.org/wiki/faq/supported_xml_namespaces * @param string $namespace The URL of the XML namespace of the elements you're trying to access * @param string $tag Tag name * @return array */ public function get_image_tags($namespace, $tag) { $type = $this->get_type(); if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_10) { if ($image = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'image')) { if (isset($image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } } if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_090) { if ($image = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'image')) { if (isset($image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } } if ($type & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION) { if ($image = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'image')) { if (isset($image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag])) { return $image[0]['child'][$namespace][$tag]; } } } return null; } /** * Get the base URL value from the feed * * Uses `<xml:base>` if available, otherwise uses the first link in the * feed, or failing that, the URL of the feed itself. * * @see get_link * @see subscribe_url * * @param array $element * @return string */ public function get_base($element = array()) { if (!($this->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION) && !empty($element['xml_base_explicit']) && isset($element['xml_base'])) { return $element['xml_base']; } elseif ($this->get_link() !== null) { return $this->get_link(); } return $this->subscribe_url(); } /** * Sanitize feed data * * @access private * @see SimplePie_Sanitize::sanitize() * @param string $data Data to sanitize * @param int $type One of the SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_* constants * @param string $base Base URL to resolve URLs against * @return string Sanitized data */ public function sanitize($data, $type, $base = '') { try { return $this->sanitize->sanitize($data, $type, $base); } catch (SimplePie_Exception $e) { if (!$this->enable_exceptions) { $this->error = $e->getMessage(); $this->registry->call('Misc', 'error', array($this->error, E_USER_WARNING, $e->getFile(), $e->getLine())); return ''; } throw $e; } } /** * Get the title of the feed * * Uses `<atom:title>`, `<title>` or `<dc:title>` * * @since 1.0 (previously called `get_feed_title` since 0.8) * @return string|null */ public function get_title() { if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], $this->registry->call('Misc', 'atom_10_construct_type', array($return[0]['attribs'])), $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], $this->registry->call('Misc', 'atom_03_construct_type', array($return[0]['attribs'])), $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } return null; } /** * Get a category for the feed * * @since Unknown * @param int $key The category that you want to return. Remember that arrays begin with 0, not 1 * @return SimplePie_Category|null */ public function get_category($key = 0) { $categories = $this->get_categories(); if (isset($categories[$key])) { return $categories[$key]; } return null; } /** * Get all categories for the feed * * Uses `<atom:category>`, `<category>` or `<dc:subject>` * * @since Unknown * @return array|null List of {@see SimplePie_Category} objects */ public function get_categories() { $categories = array(); foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'category') as $category) { $term = null; $scheme = null; $label = null; if (isset($category['attribs']['']['term'])) { $term = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['term'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if (isset($category['attribs']['']['scheme'])) { $scheme = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['scheme'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if (isset($category['attribs']['']['label'])) { $label = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['label'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } $categories[] = $this->registry->create('Category', array($term, $scheme, $label)); } foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'category') as $category) { // This is really the label, but keep this as the term also for BC. // Label will also work on retrieving because that falls back to term. $term = $this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); if (isset($category['attribs']['']['domain'])) { $scheme = $this->sanitize($category['attribs']['']['domain'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } else { $scheme = null; } $categories[] = $this->registry->create('Category', array($term, $scheme, null)); } foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'subject') as $category) { $categories[] = $this->registry->create('Category', array($this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null)); } foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'subject') as $category) { $categories[] = $this->registry->create('Category', array($this->sanitize($category['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null)); } if (!empty($categories)) { return array_unique($categories); } return null; } /** * Get an author for the feed * * @since 1.1 * @param int $key The author that you want to return. Remember that arrays begin with 0, not 1 * @return SimplePie_Author|null */ public function get_author($key = 0) { $authors = $this->get_authors(); if (isset($authors[$key])) { return $authors[$key]; } return null; } /** * Get all authors for the feed * * Uses `<atom:author>`, `<author>`, `<dc:creator>` or `<itunes:author>` * * @since 1.1 * @return array|null List of {@see SimplePie_Author} objects */ public function get_authors() { $authors = array(); foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'author') as $author) { $name = null; $uri = null; $email = null; if (isset($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['name'][0]['data'])) { $name = $this->sanitize($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['name'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if (isset($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['uri'][0]['data'])) { $uri = $this->sanitize($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['uri'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['uri'][0])); } if (isset($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['email'][0]['data'])) { $email = $this->sanitize($author['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['email'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if ($name !== null || $email !== null || $uri !== null) { $authors[] = $this->registry->create('Author', array($name, $uri, $email)); } } if ($author = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'author')) { $name = null; $url = null; $email = null; if (isset($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['name'][0]['data'])) { $name = $this->sanitize($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['name'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if (isset($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['url'][0]['data'])) { $url = $this->sanitize($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['url'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['url'][0])); } if (isset($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['email'][0]['data'])) { $email = $this->sanitize($author[0]['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['email'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if ($name !== null || $email !== null || $url !== null) { $authors[] = $this->registry->create('Author', array($name, $url, $email)); } } foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'creator') as $author) { $authors[] = $this->registry->create('Author', array($this->sanitize($author['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null)); } foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'creator') as $author) { $authors[] = $this->registry->create('Author', array($this->sanitize($author['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null)); } foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'author') as $author) { $authors[] = $this->registry->create('Author', array($this->sanitize($author['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT), null, null)); } if (!empty($authors)) { return array_unique($authors); } return null; } /** * Get a contributor for the feed * * @since 1.1 * @param int $key The contrbutor that you want to return. Remember that arrays begin with 0, not 1 * @return SimplePie_Author|null */ public function get_contributor($key = 0) { $contributors = $this->get_contributors(); if (isset($contributors[$key])) { return $contributors[$key]; } return null; } /** * Get all contributors for the feed * * Uses `<atom:contributor>` * * @since 1.1 * @return array|null List of {@see SimplePie_Author} objects */ public function get_contributors() { $contributors = array(); foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'contributor') as $contributor) { $name = null; $uri = null; $email = null; if (isset($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['name'][0]['data'])) { $name = $this->sanitize($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['name'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if (isset($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['uri'][0]['data'])) { $uri = $this->sanitize($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['uri'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['uri'][0])); } if (isset($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['email'][0]['data'])) { $email = $this->sanitize($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['email'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if ($name !== null || $email !== null || $uri !== null) { $contributors[] = $this->registry->create('Author', array($name, $uri, $email)); } } foreach ((array) $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'contributor') as $contributor) { $name = null; $url = null; $email = null; if (isset($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['name'][0]['data'])) { $name = $this->sanitize($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['name'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if (isset($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['url'][0]['data'])) { $url = $this->sanitize($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['url'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['url'][0])); } if (isset($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['email'][0]['data'])) { $email = $this->sanitize($contributor['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['email'][0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } if ($name !== null || $email !== null || $url !== null) { $contributors[] = $this->registry->create('Author', array($name, $url, $email)); } } if (!empty($contributors)) { return array_unique($contributors); } return null; } /** * Get a single link for the feed * * @since 1.0 (previously called `get_feed_link` since Preview Release, `get_feed_permalink()` since 0.8) * @param int $key The link that you want to return. Remember that arrays begin with 0, not 1 * @param string $rel The relationship of the link to return * @return string|null Link URL */ public function get_link($key = 0, $rel = 'alternate') { $links = $this->get_links($rel); if (isset($links[$key])) { return $links[$key]; } return null; } /** * Get the permalink for the item * * Returns the first link available with a relationship of "alternate". * Identical to {@see get_link()} with key 0 * * @see get_link * @since 1.0 (previously called `get_feed_link` since Preview Release, `get_feed_permalink()` since 0.8) * @internal Added for parity between the parent-level and the item/entry-level. * @return string|null Link URL */ public function get_permalink() { return $this->get_link(0); } /** * Get all links for the feed * * Uses `<atom:link>` or `<link>` * * @since Beta 2 * @param string $rel The relationship of links to return * @return array|null Links found for the feed (strings) */ public function get_links($rel = 'alternate') { if (!isset($this->data['links'])) { $this->data['links'] = array(); if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'link')) { foreach ($links as $link) { if (isset($link['attribs']['']['href'])) { $link_rel = (isset($link['attribs']['']['rel'])) ? $link['attribs']['']['rel'] : 'alternate'; $this->data['links'][$link_rel][] = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($link)); } } } if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'link')) { foreach ($links as $link) { if (isset($link['attribs']['']['href'])) { $link_rel = (isset($link['attribs']['']['rel'])) ? $link['attribs']['']['rel'] : 'alternate'; $this->data['links'][$link_rel][] = $this->sanitize($link['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($link)); } } } if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'link')) { $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); } if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'link')) { $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); } if ($links = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'link')) { $this->data['links']['alternate'][] = $this->sanitize($links[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($links[0])); } $keys = array_keys($this->data['links']); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($this->registry->call('Misc', 'is_isegment_nz_nc', array($key))) { if (isset($this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key])) { $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key] = array_merge($this->data['links'][$key], $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key]); $this->data['links'][$key] =& $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key]; } else { $this->data['links'][SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY . $key] =& $this->data['links'][$key]; } } elseif (substr($key, 0, 41) === SIMPLEPIE_IANA_LINK_RELATIONS_REGISTRY) { $this->data['links'][substr($key, 41)] =& $this->data['links'][$key]; } $this->data['links'][$key] = array_unique($this->data['links'][$key]); } } if (isset($this->data['headers']['link'])) { $link_headers = $this->data['headers']['link']; if (is_string($link_headers)) { $link_headers = array($link_headers); } $matches = preg_filter('/<([^>]+)>; rel='.preg_quote($rel).'/', '$1', $link_headers); if (!empty($matches)) { return $matches; } } if (isset($this->data['links'][$rel])) { return $this->data['links'][$rel]; } return null; } public function get_all_discovered_feeds() { return $this->all_discovered_feeds; } /** * Get the content for the item * * Uses `<atom:subtitle>`, `<atom:tagline>`, `<description>`, * `<dc:description>`, `<itunes:summary>` or `<itunes:subtitle>` * * @since 1.0 (previously called `get_feed_description()` since 0.8) * @return string|null */ public function get_description() { if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'subtitle')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], $this->registry->call('Misc', 'atom_10_construct_type', array($return[0]['attribs'])), $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'tagline')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], $this->registry->call('Misc', 'atom_03_construct_type', array($return[0]['attribs'])), $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'description')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'description')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_MAYBE_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'description')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'description')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'description')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'summary')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'subtitle')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_HTML, $this->get_base($return[0])); } return null; } /** * Get the copyright info for the feed * * Uses `<atom:rights>`, `<atom:copyright>` or `<dc:rights>` * * @since 1.0 (previously called `get_feed_copyright()` since 0.8) * @return string|null */ public function get_copyright() { if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'rights')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], $this->registry->call('Misc', 'atom_10_construct_type', array($return[0]['attribs'])), $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'copyright')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], $this->registry->call('Misc', 'atom_03_construct_type', array($return[0]['attribs'])), $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'copyright')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'rights')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'rights')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } return null; } /** * Get the language for the feed * * Uses `<language>`, `<dc:language>`, or @xml_lang * * @since 1.0 (previously called `get_feed_language()` since 0.8) * @return string|null */ public function get_language() { if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'language')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'language')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'language')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]['xml_lang'])) { return $this->sanitize($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10]['feed'][0]['xml_lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]['xml_lang'])) { return $this->sanitize($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03]['feed'][0]['xml_lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif (isset($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['xml_lang'])) { return $this->sanitize($this->data['child'][SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RDF]['RDF'][0]['xml_lang'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif (isset($this->data['headers']['content-language'])) { return $this->sanitize($this->data['headers']['content-language'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } return null; } /** * Get the latitude coordinates for the item * * Compatible with the W3C WGS84 Basic Geo and GeoRSS specifications * * Uses `<geo:lat>` or `<georss:point>` * * @since 1.0 * @link http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/ W3C WGS84 Basic Geo * @link http://www.georss.org/ GeoRSS * @return string|null */ public function get_latitude() { if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO, 'lat')) { return (float) $return[0]['data']; } elseif (($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_GEORSS, 'point')) && preg_match('/^((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)) ((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+))$/', trim($return[0]['data']), $match)) { return (float) $match[1]; } return null; } /** * Get the longitude coordinates for the feed * * Compatible with the W3C WGS84 Basic Geo and GeoRSS specifications * * Uses `<geo:long>`, `<geo:lon>` or `<georss:point>` * * @since 1.0 * @link http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/ W3C WGS84 Basic Geo * @link http://www.georss.org/ GeoRSS * @return string|null */ public function get_longitude() { if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO, 'long')) { return (float) $return[0]['data']; } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_W3C_BASIC_GEO, 'lon')) { return (float) $return[0]['data']; } elseif (($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_GEORSS, 'point')) && preg_match('/^((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)) ((?:-)?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+))$/', trim($return[0]['data']), $match)) { return (float) $match[2]; } return null; } /** * Get the feed logo's title * * RSS 0.9.0, 1.0 and 2.0 feeds are allowed to have a "feed logo" title. * * Uses `<image><title>` or `<image><dc:title>` * * @return string|null */ public function get_image_title() { if ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_11, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_DC_10, 'title')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_TEXT); } return null; } /** * Get the feed logo's URL * * RSS 0.9.0, 2.0, Atom 1.0, and feeds with iTunes RSS tags are allowed to * have a "feed logo" URL. This points directly to the image itself. * * Uses `<itunes:image>`, `<atom:logo>`, `<atom:icon>`, * `<image><title>` or `<image><dc:title>` * * @return string|null */ public function get_image_url() { if ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ITUNES, 'image')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['attribs']['']['href'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'logo')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'icon')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'url')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'url')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'url')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); } return null; } /** * Get the feed logo's link * * RSS 0.9.0, 1.0 and 2.0 feeds are allowed to have a "feed logo" link. This * points to a human-readable page that the image should link to. * * Uses `<itunes:image>`, `<atom:logo>`, `<atom:icon>`, * `<image><title>` or `<image><dc:title>` * * @return string|null */ public function get_image_link() { if ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'link')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'link')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); } elseif ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'link')) { return $this->sanitize($return[0]['data'], SIMPLEPIE_CONSTRUCT_IRI, $this->get_base($return[0])); } return null; } /** * Get the feed logo's link * * RSS 2.0 feeds are allowed to have a "feed logo" width. * * Uses `<image><width>` or defaults to 88.0 if no width is specified and * the feed is an RSS 2.0 feed. * * @return int|float|null */ public function get_image_width() { if ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'width')) { return round($return[0]['data']); } elseif ($this->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION && $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'url')) { return 88.0; } return null; } /** * Get the feed logo's height * * RSS 2.0 feeds are allowed to have a "feed logo" height. * * Uses `<image><height>` or defaults to 31.0 if no height is specified and * the feed is an RSS 2.0 feed. * * @return int|float|null */ public function get_image_height() { if ($return = $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'height')) { return round($return[0]['data']); } elseif ($this->get_type() & SIMPLEPIE_TYPE_RSS_SYNDICATION && $this->get_image_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'url')) { return 31.0; } return null; } /** * Get the number of items in the feed * * This is well-suited for {@link http://php.net/for for()} loops with * {@see get_item()} * * @param int $max Maximum value to return. 0 for no limit * @return int Number of items in the feed */ public function get_item_quantity($max = 0) { $max = (int) $max; $qty = count($this->get_items()); if ($max === 0) { return $qty; } return ($qty > $max) ? $max : $qty; } /** * Get a single item from the feed * * This is better suited for {@link http://php.net/for for()} loops, whereas * {@see get_items()} is better suited for * {@link http://php.net/foreach foreach()} loops. * * @see get_item_quantity() * @since Beta 2 * @param int $key The item that you want to return. Remember that arrays begin with 0, not 1 * @return SimplePie_Item|null */ public function get_item($key = 0) { $items = $this->get_items(); if (isset($items[$key])) { return $items[$key]; } return null; } /** * Get all items from the feed * * This is better suited for {@link http://php.net/for for()} loops, whereas * {@see get_items()} is better suited for * {@link http://php.net/foreach foreach()} loops. * * @see get_item_quantity * @since Beta 2 * @param int $start Index to start at * @param int $end Number of items to return. 0 for all items after `$start` * @return SimplePie_Item[]|null List of {@see SimplePie_Item} objects */ public function get_items($start = 0, $end = 0) { if (!isset($this->data['items'])) { if (!empty($this->multifeed_objects)) { $this->data['items'] = SimplePie::merge_items($this->multifeed_objects, $start, $end, $this->item_limit); if (empty($this->data['items'])) { return array(); } return $this->data['items']; } $this->data['items'] = array(); if ($items = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_10, 'entry')) { $keys = array_keys($items); foreach ($keys as $key) { $this->data['items'][] = $this->registry->create('Item', array($this, $items[$key])); } } if ($items = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_ATOM_03, 'entry')) { $keys = array_keys($items); foreach ($keys as $key) { $this->data['items'][] = $this->registry->create('Item', array($this, $items[$key])); } } if ($items = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_10, 'item')) { $keys = array_keys($items); foreach ($keys as $key) { $this->data['items'][] = $this->registry->create('Item', array($this, $items[$key])); } } if ($items = $this->get_feed_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_090, 'item')) { $keys = array_keys($items); foreach ($keys as $key) { $this->data['items'][] = $this->registry->create('Item', array($this, $items[$key])); } } if ($items = $this->get_channel_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'item')) { $keys = array_keys($items); foreach ($keys as $key) { $this->data['items'][] = $this->registry->create('Item', array($this, $items[$key])); } } } if (empty($this->data['items'])) { return array(); } if ($this->order_by_date) { if (!isset($this->data['ordered_items'])) { $this->data['ordered_items'] = $this->data['items']; usort($this->data['ordered_items'], array(get_class($this), 'sort_items')); } $items = $this->data['ordered_items']; } else { $items = $this->data['items']; } // Slice the data as desired if ($end === 0) { return array_slice($items, $start); } return array_slice($items, $start, $end); } /** * Set the favicon handler * * @deprecated Use your own favicon handling instead */ public function set_favicon_handler($page = false, $qs = 'i') { $level = defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') ? E_USER_DEPRECATED : E_USER_WARNING; trigger_error('Favicon handling has been removed, please use your own handling', $level); return false; } /** * Get the favicon for the current feed * * @deprecated Use your own favicon handling instead */ public function get_favicon() { $level = defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') ? E_USER_DEPRECATED : E_USER_WARNING; trigger_error('Favicon handling has been removed, please use your own handling', $level); if (($url = $this->get_link()) !== null) { return 'https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=' . urlencode($url); } return false; } /** * Magic method handler * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments to the method * @return mixed */ public function __call($method, $args) { if (strpos($method, 'subscribe_') === 0) { $level = defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') ? E_USER_DEPRECATED : E_USER_WARNING; trigger_error('subscribe_*() has been deprecated, implement the callback yourself', $level); return ''; } if ($method === 'enable_xml_dump') { $level = defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') ? E_USER_DEPRECATED : E_USER_WARNING; trigger_error('enable_xml_dump() has been deprecated, use get_raw_data() instead', $level); return false; } $class = get_class($this); $trace = debug_backtrace(); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.ArgumentFunctionsReportCurrentValue.NeedsInspection $file = $trace[0]['file']; $line = $trace[0]['line']; trigger_error("Call to undefined method $class::$method() in $file on line $line", E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Sorting callback for items * * @access private * @param SimplePie $a * @param SimplePie $b * @return boolean */ public static function sort_items($a, $b) { $a_date = $a->get_date('U'); $b_date = $b->get_date('U'); if ($a_date && $b_date) { return $a_date > $b_date ? -1 : 1; } // Sort items without dates to the top. if ($a_date) { return 1; } if ($b_date) { return -1; } return 0; } /** * Merge items from several feeds into one * * If you're merging multiple feeds together, they need to all have dates * for the items or else SimplePie will refuse to sort them. * * @link http://simplepie.org/wiki/tutorial/sort_multiple_feeds_by_time_and_date#if_feeds_require_separate_per-feed_settings * @param array $urls List of SimplePie feed objects to merge * @param int $start Starting item * @param int $end Number of items to return * @param int $limit Maximum number of items per feed * @return array */ public static function merge_items($urls, $start = 0, $end = 0, $limit = 0) { if (is_array($urls) && sizeof($urls) > 0) { $items = array(); foreach ($urls as $arg) { if ($arg instanceof SimplePie) { $items = array_merge($items, $arg->get_items(0, $limit)); } else { trigger_error('Arguments must be SimplePie objects', E_USER_WARNING); } } usort($items, array(get_class($urls[0]), 'sort_items')); if ($end === 0) { return array_slice($items, $start); } return array_slice($items, $start, $end); } trigger_error('Cannot merge zero SimplePie objects', E_USER_WARNING); return array(); } /** * Store PubSubHubbub links as headers * * There is no way to find PuSH links in the body of a microformats feed, * so they are added to the headers when found, to be used later by get_links. * @param SimplePie_File $file * @param string $hub * @param string $self */ private function store_links(&$file, $hub, $self) { if (isset($file->headers['link']['hub']) || (isset($file->headers['link']) && preg_match('/rel=hub/', $file->headers['link']))) { return; } if ($hub) { if (isset($file->headers['link'])) { if ($file->headers['link'] !== '') { $file->headers['link'] = ', '; } } else { $file->headers['link'] = ''; } $file->headers['link'] .= '<'.$hub.'>; rel=hub'; if ($self) { $file->headers['link'] .= ', <'.$self.'>; rel=self'; } } } } endif;
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