<?php /** * MagpieRSS: a simple RSS integration tool * * A compiled file for RSS syndication * * @author Kellan Elliott-McCrea <kellan@protest.net> * @version 0.51 * @license GPL * * @package External * @subpackage MagpieRSS * @deprecated 3.0.0 Use SimplePie instead. */ /** * Deprecated. Use SimplePie (class-simplepie.php) instead. */ _deprecated_file( basename( __FILE__ ), '3.0.0', WPINC . '/class-simplepie.php' ); /** * Fires before MagpieRSS is loaded, to optionally replace it. * * @since 2.3.0 * @deprecated 3.0.0 */ do_action( 'load_feed_engine' ); /** RSS feed constant. */ define('RSS', 'RSS'); define('ATOM', 'Atom'); define('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT', 'WordPress/' . $GLOBALS['wp_version']); class MagpieRSS { var $parser; var $current_item = array(); // item currently being parsed var $items = array(); // collection of parsed items var $channel = array(); // hash of channel fields var $textinput = array(); var $image = array(); var $feed_type; var $feed_version; // parser variables var $stack = array(); // parser stack var $inchannel = false; var $initem = false; var $incontent = false; // if in Atom <content mode="xml"> field var $intextinput = false; var $inimage = false; var $current_field = ''; var $current_namespace = false; //var $ERROR = ""; var $_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS = array('content', 'summary', 'info', 'title', 'tagline', 'copyright'); /** * PHP5 constructor. */ function __construct( $source ) { # Check if PHP xml isn't compiled # if ( ! function_exists('xml_parser_create') ) { wp_trigger_error( '', "PHP's XML extension is not available. Please contact your hosting provider to enable PHP's XML extension." ); return; } $parser = xml_parser_create(); $this->parser = $parser; # pass in parser, and a reference to this object # set up handlers # xml_set_object( $this->parser, $this ); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'feed_start_element', 'feed_end_element' ); xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->parser, 'feed_cdata' ); $status = xml_parse( $this->parser, $source ); if (! $status ) { $errorcode = xml_get_error_code( $this->parser ); if ( $errorcode != XML_ERROR_NONE ) { $xml_error = xml_error_string( $errorcode ); $error_line = xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser); $error_col = xml_get_current_column_number($this->parser); $errormsg = "$xml_error at line $error_line, column $error_col"; $this->error( $errormsg ); } } xml_parser_free( $this->parser ); unset( $this->parser ); $this->normalize(); } /** * PHP4 constructor. */ public function MagpieRSS( $source ) { self::__construct( $source ); } function feed_start_element($p, $element, &$attrs) { $el = $element = strtolower($element); $attrs = array_change_key_case($attrs, CASE_LOWER); // check for a namespace, and split if found $ns = false; if ( strpos( $element, ':' ) ) { list($ns, $el) = explode( ':', $element, 2); } if ( $ns and $ns != 'rdf' ) { $this->current_namespace = $ns; } # if feed type isn't set, then this is first element of feed # identify feed from root element # if (!isset($this->feed_type) ) { if ( $el == 'rdf' ) { $this->feed_type = RSS; $this->feed_version = '1.0'; } elseif ( $el == 'rss' ) { $this->feed_type = RSS; $this->feed_version = $attrs['version']; } elseif ( $el == 'feed' ) { $this->feed_type = ATOM; $this->feed_version = $attrs['version']; $this->inchannel = true; } return; } if ( $el == 'channel' ) { $this->inchannel = true; } elseif ($el == 'item' or $el == 'entry' ) { $this->initem = true; if ( isset($attrs['rdf:about']) ) { $this->current_item['about'] = $attrs['rdf:about']; } } // if we're in the default namespace of an RSS feed, // record textinput or image fields elseif ( $this->feed_type == RSS and $this->current_namespace == '' and $el == 'textinput' ) { $this->intextinput = true; } elseif ( $this->feed_type == RSS and $this->current_namespace == '' and $el == 'image' ) { $this->inimage = true; } # handle atom content constructs elseif ( $this->feed_type == ATOM and in_array($el, $this->_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS) ) { // avoid clashing w/ RSS mod_content if ($el == 'content' ) { $el = 'atom_content'; } $this->incontent = $el; } // if inside an Atom content construct (e.g. content or summary) field treat tags as text elseif ($this->feed_type == ATOM and $this->incontent ) { // if tags are inlined, then flatten $attrs_str = join(' ', array_map(array('MagpieRSS', 'map_attrs'), array_keys($attrs), array_values($attrs) ) ); $this->append_content( "<$element $attrs_str>" ); array_unshift( $this->stack, $el ); } // Atom support many links per containing element. // Magpie treats link elements of type rel='alternate' // as being equivalent to RSS's simple link element. // elseif ($this->feed_type == ATOM and $el == 'link' ) { if ( isset($attrs['rel']) and $attrs['rel'] == 'alternate' ) { $link_el = 'link'; } else { $link_el = 'link_' . $attrs['rel']; } $this->append($link_el, $attrs['href']); } // set stack[0] to current element else { array_unshift($this->stack, $el); } } function feed_cdata ($p, $text) { if ($this->feed_type == ATOM and $this->incontent) { $this->append_content( $text ); } else { $current_el = join('_', array_reverse($this->stack)); $this->append($current_el, $text); } } function feed_end_element ($p, $el) { $el = strtolower($el); if ( $el == 'item' or $el == 'entry' ) { $this->items[] = $this->current_item; $this->current_item = array(); $this->initem = false; } elseif ($this->feed_type == RSS and $this->current_namespace == '' and $el == 'textinput' ) { $this->intextinput = false; } elseif ($this->feed_type == RSS and $this->current_namespace == '' and $el == 'image' ) { $this->inimage = false; } elseif ($this->feed_type == ATOM and in_array($el, $this->_CONTENT_CONSTRUCTS) ) { $this->incontent = false; } elseif ($el == 'channel' or $el == 'feed' ) { $this->inchannel = false; } elseif ($this->feed_type == ATOM and $this->incontent ) { // balance tags properly // note: This may not actually be necessary if ( $this->stack[0] == $el ) { $this->append_content("</$el>"); } else { $this->append_content("<$el />"); } array_shift( $this->stack ); } else { array_shift( $this->stack ); } $this->current_namespace = false; } function concat (&$str1, $str2="") { if (!isset($str1) ) { $str1=""; } $str1 .= $str2; } function append_content($text) { if ( $this->initem ) { $this->concat( $this->current_item[ $this->incontent ], $text ); } elseif ( $this->inchannel ) { $this->concat( $this->channel[ $this->incontent ], $text ); } } // smart append - field and namespace aware function append($el, $text) { if (!$el) { return; } if ( $this->current_namespace ) { if ( $this->initem ) { $this->concat( $this->current_item[ $this->current_namespace ][ $el ], $text); } elseif ($this->inchannel) { $this->concat( $this->channel[ $this->current_namespace][ $el ], $text ); } elseif ($this->intextinput) { $this->concat( $this->textinput[ $this->current_namespace][ $el ], $text ); } elseif ($this->inimage) { $this->concat( $this->image[ $this->current_namespace ][ $el ], $text ); } } else { if ( $this->initem ) { $this->concat( $this->current_item[ $el ], $text); } elseif ($this->intextinput) { $this->concat( $this->textinput[ $el ], $text ); } elseif ($this->inimage) { $this->concat( $this->image[ $el ], $text ); } elseif ($this->inchannel) { $this->concat( $this->channel[ $el ], $text ); } } } function normalize () { // if atom populate rss fields if ( $this->is_atom() ) { $this->channel['description'] = $this->channel['tagline']; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($this->items); $i++) { $item = $this->items[$i]; if ( isset($item['summary']) ) $item['description'] = $item['summary']; if ( isset($item['atom_content'])) $item['content']['encoded'] = $item['atom_content']; $this->items[$i] = $item; } } elseif ( $this->is_rss() ) { $this->channel['tagline'] = $this->channel['description']; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($this->items); $i++) { $item = $this->items[$i]; if ( isset($item['description'])) $item['summary'] = $item['description']; if ( isset($item['content']['encoded'] ) ) $item['atom_content'] = $item['content']['encoded']; $this->items[$i] = $item; } } } function is_rss () { if ( $this->feed_type == RSS ) { return $this->feed_version; } else { return false; } } function is_atom() { if ( $this->feed_type == ATOM ) { return $this->feed_version; } else { return false; } } function map_attrs($k, $v) { return "$k=\"$v\""; } function error( $errormsg, $lvl = E_USER_WARNING ) { if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG ) { wp_trigger_error('', $errormsg, $lvl); } else { error_log( $errormsg, 0); } } } if ( !function_exists('fetch_rss') ) : /** * Build Magpie object based on RSS from URL. * * @since 1.5.0 * @package External * @subpackage MagpieRSS * * @param string $url URL to retrieve feed. * @return MagpieRSS|false MagpieRSS object on success, false on failure. */ function fetch_rss ($url) { // initialize constants init(); if ( !isset($url) ) { // error("fetch_rss called without a url"); return false; } // if cache is disabled if ( !MAGPIE_CACHE_ON ) { // fetch file, and parse it $resp = _fetch_remote_file( $url ); if ( is_success( $resp->status ) ) { return _response_to_rss( $resp ); } else { // error("Failed to fetch $url and cache is off"); return false; } } // else cache is ON else { // Flow // 1. check cache // 2. if there is a hit, make sure it's fresh // 3. if cached obj fails freshness check, fetch remote // 4. if remote fails, return stale object, or error $cache = new RSSCache( MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR, MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE ); if (MAGPIE_DEBUG and $cache->ERROR) { debug($cache->ERROR, E_USER_WARNING); } $cache_status = 0; // response of check_cache $request_headers = array(); // HTTP headers to send with fetch $rss = 0; // parsed RSS object $errormsg = 0; // errors, if any if (!$cache->ERROR) { // return cache HIT, MISS, or STALE $cache_status = $cache->check_cache( $url ); } // if object cached, and cache is fresh, return cached obj if ( $cache_status == 'HIT' ) { $rss = $cache->get( $url ); if ( isset($rss) and $rss ) { $rss->from_cache = 1; if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) { debug("MagpieRSS: Cache HIT", E_USER_NOTICE); } return $rss; } } // else attempt a conditional get // set up headers if ( $cache_status == 'STALE' ) { $rss = $cache->get( $url ); if ( isset($rss->etag) and $rss->last_modified ) { $request_headers['If-None-Match'] = $rss->etag; $request_headers['If-Last-Modified'] = $rss->last_modified; } } $resp = _fetch_remote_file( $url, $request_headers ); if (isset($resp) and $resp) { if ($resp->status == '304' ) { // we have the most current copy if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) { debug("Got 304 for $url"); } // reset cache on 304 (at minutillo insistent prodding) $cache->set($url, $rss); return $rss; } elseif ( is_success( $resp->status ) ) { $rss = _response_to_rss( $resp ); if ( $rss ) { if (MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) { debug("Fetch successful"); } // add object to cache $cache->set( $url, $rss ); return $rss; } } else { $errormsg = "Failed to fetch $url. "; if ( $resp->error ) { # compensate for Snoopy's annoying habit to tacking # on '\n' $http_error = substr($resp->error, 0, -2); $errormsg .= "(HTTP Error: $http_error)"; } else { $errormsg .= "(HTTP Response: " . $resp->response_code .')'; } } } else { $errormsg = "Unable to retrieve RSS file for unknown reasons."; } // else fetch failed // attempt to return cached object if ($rss) { if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG ) { debug("Returning STALE object for $url"); } return $rss; } // else we totally failed // error( $errormsg ); return false; } // end if ( !MAGPIE_CACHE_ON ) { } // end fetch_rss() endif; /** * Retrieve URL headers and content using WP HTTP Request API. * * @since 1.5.0 * @package External * @subpackage MagpieRSS * * @param string $url URL to retrieve * @param array $headers Optional. Headers to send to the URL. Default empty string. * @return Snoopy style response */ function _fetch_remote_file($url, $headers = "" ) { $resp = wp_safe_remote_request( $url, array( 'headers' => $headers, 'timeout' => MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT ) ); if ( is_wp_error($resp) ) { $error = array_shift($resp->errors); $resp = new stdClass; $resp->status = 500; $resp->response_code = 500; $resp->error = $error[0] . "\n"; //\n = Snoopy compatibility return $resp; } // Snoopy returns headers unprocessed. // Also note, WP_HTTP lowercases all keys, Snoopy did not. $return_headers = array(); foreach ( wp_remote_retrieve_headers( $resp ) as $key => $value ) { if ( !is_array($value) ) { $return_headers[] = "$key: $value"; } else { foreach ( $value as $v ) $return_headers[] = "$key: $v"; } } $response = new stdClass; $response->status = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $resp ); $response->response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $resp ); $response->headers = $return_headers; $response->results = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $resp ); return $response; } /** * Retrieve * * @since 1.5.0 * @package External * @subpackage MagpieRSS * * @param array $resp * @return MagpieRSS|bool */ function _response_to_rss ($resp) { $rss = new MagpieRSS( $resp->results ); // if RSS parsed successfully if ( $rss && (!isset($rss->ERROR) || !$rss->ERROR) ) { // find Etag, and Last-Modified foreach ( (array) $resp->headers as $h) { // 2003-03-02 - Nicola Asuni (www.tecnick.com) - fixed bug "Undefined offset: 1" if (strpos($h, ": ")) { list($field, $val) = explode(": ", $h, 2); } else { $field = $h; $val = ""; } if ( $field == 'etag' ) { $rss->etag = $val; } if ( $field == 'last-modified' ) { $rss->last_modified = $val; } } return $rss; } // else construct error message else { $errormsg = "Failed to parse RSS file."; if ($rss) { $errormsg .= " (" . $rss->ERROR . ")"; } // error($errormsg); return false; } // end if ($rss and !$rss->error) } /** * Set up constants with default values, unless user overrides. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @global string $wp_version The WordPress version string. * * @package External * @subpackage MagpieRSS */ function init () { if ( defined('MAGPIE_INITALIZED') ) { return; } else { define('MAGPIE_INITALIZED', 1); } if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON') ) { define('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON', 1); } if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR') ) { define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', './cache'); } if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE') ) { define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 60*60); // one hour } if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY') ) { define('MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY', 0); } if ( !defined('MAGPIE_DEBUG') ) { define('MAGPIE_DEBUG', 0); } if ( !defined('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT') ) { $ua = 'WordPress/' . $GLOBALS['wp_version']; if ( MAGPIE_CACHE_ON ) { $ua = $ua . ')'; } else { $ua = $ua . '; No cache)'; } define('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT', $ua); } if ( !defined('MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT') ) { define('MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT', 2); // 2 second timeout } // use gzip encoding to fetch rss files if supported? if ( !defined('MAGPIE_USE_GZIP') ) { define('MAGPIE_USE_GZIP', true); } } function is_info ($sc) { return $sc >= 100 && $sc < 200; } function is_success ($sc) { return $sc >= 200 && $sc < 300; } function is_redirect ($sc) { return $sc >= 300 && $sc < 400; } function is_error ($sc) { return $sc >= 400 && $sc < 600; } function is_client_error ($sc) { return $sc >= 400 && $sc < 500; } function is_server_error ($sc) { return $sc >= 500 && $sc < 600; } class RSSCache { var $BASE_CACHE; // where the cache files are stored var $MAX_AGE = 43200; // when are files stale, default twelve hours var $ERROR = ''; // accumulate error messages /** * PHP5 constructor. */ function __construct( $base = '', $age = '' ) { $this->BASE_CACHE = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache'; if ( $base ) { $this->BASE_CACHE = $base; } if ( $age ) { $this->MAX_AGE = $age; } } /** * PHP4 constructor. */ public function RSSCache( $base = '', $age = '' ) { self::__construct( $base, $age ); } /*=======================================================================*\ Function: set Purpose: add an item to the cache, keyed on url Input: url from which the rss file was fetched Output: true on success \*=======================================================================*/ function set ($url, $rss) { $cache_option = 'rss_' . $this->file_name( $url ); set_transient($cache_option, $rss, $this->MAX_AGE); return $cache_option; } /*=======================================================================*\ Function: get Purpose: fetch an item from the cache Input: url from which the rss file was fetched Output: cached object on HIT, false on MISS \*=======================================================================*/ function get ($url) { $this->ERROR = ""; $cache_option = 'rss_' . $this->file_name( $url ); if ( ! $rss = get_transient( $cache_option ) ) { $this->debug( "Cache does not contain: $url (cache option: $cache_option)" ); return 0; } return $rss; } /*=======================================================================*\ Function: check_cache Purpose: check a url for membership in the cache and whether the object is older then MAX_AGE (ie. STALE) Input: url from which the rss file was fetched Output: cached object on HIT, false on MISS \*=======================================================================*/ function check_cache ( $url ) { $this->ERROR = ""; $cache_option = 'rss_' . $this->file_name( $url ); if ( get_transient($cache_option) ) { // object exists and is current return 'HIT'; } else { // object does not exist return 'MISS'; } } /*=======================================================================*\ Function: serialize \*=======================================================================*/ function serialize ( $rss ) { return serialize( $rss ); } /*=======================================================================*\ Function: unserialize \*=======================================================================*/ function unserialize ( $data ) { return unserialize( $data ); } /*=======================================================================*\ Function: file_name Purpose: map url to location in cache Input: url from which the rss file was fetched Output: a file name \*=======================================================================*/ function file_name ($url) { return md5( $url ); } /*=======================================================================*\ Function: error Purpose: register error \*=======================================================================*/ function error ($errormsg, $lvl=E_USER_WARNING) { $this->ERROR = $errormsg; if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG ) { wp_trigger_error( '', $errormsg, $lvl); } else { error_log( $errormsg, 0); } } function debug ($debugmsg, $lvl=E_USER_NOTICE) { if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG ) { $this->error("MagpieRSS [debug] $debugmsg", $lvl); } } } if ( !function_exists('parse_w3cdtf') ) : function parse_w3cdtf ( $date_str ) { # regex to match W3C date/time formats $pat = "/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(:(\d{2}))?(?:([-+])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})|(Z))?/"; if ( preg_match( $pat, $date_str, $match ) ) { list( $year, $month, $day, $hours, $minutes, $seconds) = array( $match[1], $match[2], $match[3], $match[4], $match[5], $match[7]); # calc epoch for current date assuming GMT $epoch = gmmktime( $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $month, $day, $year); $offset = 0; if ( $match[11] == 'Z' ) { # zulu time, aka GMT } else { list( $tz_mod, $tz_hour, $tz_min ) = array( $match[8], $match[9], $match[10]); # zero out the variables if ( ! $tz_hour ) { $tz_hour = 0; } if ( ! $tz_min ) { $tz_min = 0; } $offset_secs = (($tz_hour*60)+$tz_min)*60; # is timezone ahead of GMT? then subtract offset # if ( $tz_mod == '+' ) { $offset_secs = $offset_secs * -1; } $offset = $offset_secs; } $epoch = $epoch + $offset; return $epoch; } else { return -1; } } endif; if ( !function_exists('wp_rss') ) : /** * Display all RSS items in a HTML ordered list. * * @since 1.5.0 * @package External * @subpackage MagpieRSS * * @param string $url URL of feed to display. Will not auto sense feed URL. * @param int $num_items Optional. Number of items to display, default is all. */ function wp_rss( $url, $num_items = -1 ) { if ( $rss = fetch_rss( $url ) ) { echo '<ul>'; if ( $num_items !== -1 ) { $rss->items = array_slice( $rss->items, 0, $num_items ); } foreach ( (array) $rss->items as $item ) { printf( '<li><a href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a></li>', esc_url( $item['link'] ), esc_attr( strip_tags( $item['description'] ) ), esc_html( $item['title'] ) ); } echo '</ul>'; } else { _e( 'An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later.' ); } } endif; if ( !function_exists('get_rss') ) : /** * Display RSS items in HTML list items. * * You have to specify which HTML list you want, either ordered or unordered * before using the function. You also have to specify how many items you wish * to display. You can't display all of them like you can with wp_rss() * function. * * @since 1.5.0 * @package External * @subpackage MagpieRSS * * @param string $url URL of feed to display. Will not auto sense feed URL. * @param int $num_items Optional. Number of items to display, default is all. * @return bool False on failure. */ function get_rss ($url, $num_items = 5) { // Like get posts, but for RSS $rss = fetch_rss($url); if ( $rss ) { $rss->items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, $num_items); foreach ( (array) $rss->items as $item ) { echo "<li>\n"; echo "<a href='$item[link]' title='$item[description]'>"; echo esc_html($item['title']); echo "</a><br />\n"; echo "</li>\n"; } } else { return false; } } endif;
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update.php | File | 52.02 KB | 0555 |
user.php | File | 185.67 KB | 0555 |
vars.php | File | 22.34 KB | 0555 |
version.php | File | 16.94 KB | 0555 |
widgets.php | File | 85.03 KB | 0555 |
wp-db.php | File | 16.44 KB | 0555 |
wp-diff.php | File | 16.64 KB | 0555 |