[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
	$page_title = "List Attendees | CES Admin";
    include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/php/common_functions.php"); //common functions in the course registartion system
    include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/php/config.php"); //holds global config variables
    check_if_authenticated('admin');//check if user is logged in

//opens connection to database
	$db = mysqli_connect($mysql_server, $user, $pass, $database);

 	$session_id = isset($_GET['session_id']) ? $_GET['session_id'] : $_POST['session_id'];
 	$course_name = '';

    include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/admin/php/top-admin.php"); //get the HTML heading common to all pages in the CES admin module

 <article class="ces-admin">
        <h2>CES Admin - List of Attendees</h2>

	include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/admin/php/nav-admin.php");
//Submit Bulk Confirm Attended
 if(isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['attended'])){
  	$sql = "UPDATE ces_course_registration
		SET confirm_attended = !confirm_attended
		WHERE session_id = '$session_id'
		AND id IN (" . implode(',', $_POST['attended']) . ")";
		if (!mysqli_query($db, $sql)) //updates the database
			echo "<p class='alert alert-error'>ERROR - Record not updated when doing:<br>" . $sql . "</p>";


	//get the course details
	$session_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT session.session_id, session.online, session.telehealth, course.course_id, course.course_name, course.course_description, unix_timestamp(session.start_dt) start_dt, unix_timestamp(session.end_dt) end_dt, location.location_name, location.address_line1, location.address_line2, location.city, location.province, location.postal_code 
	FROM ces_sessions session 
	LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_courses course ON session.course_id = course.course_id
	LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_locations location ON location.location_id = session.location_id
	WHERE session.session_id = '$session_id'");
	while ($session_query = mysqli_fetch_array($session_sql)){

		$course_name = $session_query["course_name"];
	<h3>Session Information:</h3>
		<dl class='ces-description-list'>
			<dt>Course Name:</dt>
			<dd><?php echo $session_query['course_name']; ?></dd>
			<dt>Course Description:</dt>
			<dd><?php echo ($session_query['course_description'] > ""? $session_query['course_description']: "None"); ?></dd>
			<dd><?php echo date($default_date_format, $session_query['start_dt']); ?></dd>
			<dd><?php echo date($default_date_format, $session_query['end_dt']); ?></dd>
				echo $session_query['location_name'];
				if (strlen($session_query['address_line1']) > 0)
					echo "\n<br>" . $session_query['address_line1'];
				if (strlen($session_query['address_line2']) > 0)
					echo "\n<br>" . $session_query['address_line2'];
				if (strlen($session_query['city']) > 0)
					echo "\n<br>" . $session_query['city'];
				if (strlen($session_query['province']) > 0)
					echo "\n<br>" . $session_query['province'];
				if (strlen($session_query['postal_code']) > 0)
					echo "\n<br>" . $session_query['postal_code'];


//if $confirm_attended_change is set then need to update one attendee record to flip ces_course_registration.confirm_attended	
if(isset($_GET['confirm_attended_change']) && ($_GET['confirm_attended_change'] == '1' || $_GET['confirm_attended_change'] == '0')){
	$sql = "UPDATE ces_course_registration
	SET confirm_attended = \"$_GET[confirm_attended_change]\"
	WHERE session_id = '$session_id'
	AND id = '$_GET[id]'";
	if (!mysqli_query($db, $sql)) //updates the database
		echo "<div class=error>ERROR - Record not updated when doing:<br>" . $sql . "</div>";
	echo "\n<h3>Registered (".(registered_seats($session_id) + registered_guests($session_id))."):</h3>";
	echo "\n<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "'>";
	echo "\n<a href=\"email-attendees.php?session_id=$session_id&amp;email_type=all\" class='btn ces-green-btn' title='Includes In-Person, Telehealth/Audioline, and Waitlist'><span class='fa fa-envelope' aria-hidden='true'></span> All</a>";
	echo "\n<a href=\"email-attendees.php?session_id=$session_id&amp;email_type=registered\" class='btn ces-green-btn' title='Includes In-Person and Telehealth/Audioline, Excludes Waitlist'><span class='fa fa-envelope' aria-hidden='true'></span> Attendees</a>";
	echo "\n<a href=\"email-attendees.php?session_id=$session_id&amp;email_type=inperson\" class='btn ces-green-btn' title='In-Person Only'><span class='fa fa-envelope' aria-hidden='true'></span> In Person</a>";
	echo "\n<input type='hidden' name='session_id' value=" . $session_id . ">"; //so we can keep track of which record we're modifying
	echo "\n<table class='table table-striped' id='ces-attendees-table'>";
	echo "\n<thead>";
	echo "\n  <tr>";
	echo "    <th>Last Name</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>First Name</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Email Address</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Registration Date</th>\n";
	echo "    <th># Guests</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Mailing List?</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Attended?</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Remove</th>\n";
	echo "</tr>\n";
	echo "</thead>\n";

	echo "\n<tfoot style='text-align:right;'>";
	echo "\n   <tr>";
	echo "\n   <td colspan='6'></td>";
	echo "\n   <td colspan='2'>";
	echo "<input class='btn btn-lg btn-block ces-orange-btn' type='submit' name='submit' value='Bulk Update'>";
	echo "      </td>";
	echo "\n   </tr>";
	echo "\n   <tr>";
	echo "\n    <td colspan='8'>";
	echo "\n 	 <p><strong>Registered:</strong> ".registered_seats($session_id)."</p>";
	echo "\n     <p><strong>Guests:</strong> ".registered_guests($session_id)."</p>";

	if(registered_seats($session_id)>0 && attended_session($session_id)>0){
		$percent = 100*attended_session($session_id)/registered_seats($session_id);
		$percent = " (".round($percent, 2)."%)";
	else {
		$percent = '';

	echo "\n     <p><strong>Attended:</strong> ".attended_session($session_id). $percent."</p>";
	echo "\n   </td></tr>";
	echo "\n</tfoot>";

	echo "<tbody>\n";

	$attendee_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT registration.session_id, registration.id, location.location_id, location.location_name, CASE registration.confirm_attended WHEN '1' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS confirm_attended, first_name.value as first_name, last_name.value as last_name, user.email, unix_timestamp(registration.registration_dt) as registration_dt, registration.num_guests_attending
	FROM ces_course_registration registration 
	LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_locations location ON location.location_id = registration.location_id 
	LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user user ON registration.id = user.id
	LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute first_name ON registration.id = first_name.userid AND first_name.attributeid = '1'
	LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute last_name ON registration.id = last_name.userid AND last_name.attributeid = '2'
	WHERE registration.session_id = '$session_id'
	AND registration.on_waiting_list <> '1'
	AND registration.via_video <> '1'
	AND registration.via_audio <> '1'
	ORDER BY registration_dt, last_name, first_name");

	//output the query results in html table format
	while ($attendee_query = mysqli_fetch_array($attendee_sql)) {
		//$confirm_attended_change is the opposite of the confirm_attended of the current attendee - used so we can flip confirm status of an attendee
		if ($attendee_query['confirm_attended'] == 'Yes')
			$confirm_attended_change = 0;
			$confirm_attended_change = 1;
		//figure out if person is on one or more mailing lists
		if (num_mailing_lists($attendee_query['id']) > 0){
			$on_mailing_list = "Yes";
			$on_mailing_list = "No";
		echo "\n<tr title='User ID: ".$attendee_query['id']."'>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $attendee_query["last_name"] . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $attendee_query["first_name"] . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $attendee_query["email"] . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . date($iso_date_format, $attendee_query["registration_dt"]) . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $attendee_query["num_guests_attending"] . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $on_mailing_list . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td style='text-align:center'><a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?session_id=" . $session_id . "&id=" . $attendee_query["id"] . "&confirm_attended_change=" . $confirm_attended_change . "'>" . $attendee_query['confirm_attended'] . "</a><br><input type='checkbox' name='attended[]' value='".$attendee_query['id']."'>";
			echo "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td style='text-align:center'><a href='remove-attendee.php?session_id=" . $session_id . "&id=" . $attendee_query["id"] . "&location_id=" . $attendee_query["location_id"] . "'>[remove]</a></td>";
		echo "\n</tr>";
	echo "</tbody>\n";
	echo "</table>";

	echo "</form>\n";

		//now show people on the waiting list for this session
		echo "<h3>Waiting list (".registered_waitlist($session_id)."):</h3>";
		echo "\n<a href=\"email-attendees.php?session_id=$session_id&amp;email_type=waitlist\" class='btn ces-green-btn' title='Send e-mail to everyone on the waitlist for this session'><span class='fa fa-envelope' aria-hidden='true'></span> Email Waitlist</a>";
		echo "\n<table class='table table-striped' id='ces-waitlist-table'>\n";
		echo "<thead>\n";
		echo "  <tr>\n";
		echo "		<th>Last Name</th>\n";
		echo "		<th>First Name</th>\n";
		echo "		<th>Email Address</th>\n";
		echo "		<th>Registration Date</th>\n";
		echo "		<th># Guests</th>\n";
		echo "		<th>Mailing List?</th>\n";
		echo "		<th>Position</th>\n";
		echo "		<th>Remove</th>\n";
		echo "  </tr>\n";
		echo "</thead>\n";

		echo "<tbody>\n";

		//get the attendees for a session that are on the waiting list
		$attendee_wait_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT registration.session_id, registration.id, location.location_id, location.location_name, CASE registration.confirm_attended WHEN '1' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS confirm_attended, first_name.value as first_name, last_name.value as last_name, user.email, unix_timestamp(registration.registration_dt) as registration_dt, registration.num_guests_attending
		FROM ces_course_registration registration
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_locations location ON location.location_id = registration.location_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user user ON registration.id = user.id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute first_name ON registration.id = first_name.userid AND first_name.attributeid = '1'
		LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute last_name ON registration.id = last_name.userid AND last_name.attributeid = '2'
		WHERE registration.session_id = '$session_id'
		AND registration.on_waiting_list = '1'
		ORDER BY location.telehealth, location.location_name, last_name, first_name");
		//output the query results in html table format
		$row_count = 0;
		while ($attendee_wait_query = mysqli_fetch_array($attendee_wait_sql)) {
			//$confirm_attended_change is the opposite of the confirm_attended of the current attendee - used so we can flip confirm status of an attendee
			if ($attendee_wait_query['confirm_attended'] == 'Yes')
				$confirm_attended_change = 0;
				$confirm_attended_change = 1;
			//figure out if person is on one or more mailing lists
			if (num_mailing_lists($attendee_wait_query['id']) > 0){
				$on_mailing_list = "Yes";
				$on_mailing_list = "No";
			//2011-05-23 - wsopko - modified so could do table striping
			//echo "\n<tr>\n<td class=courseTableData>" . $attendee_wait_query["location_name"] . "</td>";
			echo "\n<tr  title='User ID: ".$attendee_wait_query['id']."'>";
			echo "\n  <td>" . $attendee_wait_query["last_name"] . "</td>";
			echo "\n  <td>" . $attendee_wait_query["first_name"] . "</td>";
			echo "\n  <td>" . $attendee_wait_query["email"] . "</td>";
			echo "\n  <td>" . date($iso_date_format, $attendee_wait_query["registration_dt"]) . "</td>";
			//2011-05-23 - wsopko - added # guests field
			echo "\n  <td>" . $attendee_wait_query["num_guests_attending"] . "</td>";
			echo "\n  <td>" . $on_mailing_list . "</td>";
			//echo "\n  <td><a href=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?session_id=" . $session_id . "&id=" . $attendee_wait_query["id"] . "&confirm_attended_change=" . $confirm_attended_change . ">" . $attendee_wait_query['confirm_attended'] . "</a></td>";
			echo "\n  <td>" . waitlist_position($attendee_wait_query["id"], $attendee_wait_query["session_id"]) . "</td>";
			echo "\n  <td><a href=remove-attendee.php?session_id=" . $session_id . "&id=" . $attendee_wait_query["id"] . "&location_id=" . $attendee_wait_query["location_id"] . ">[remove]</a></td>";
			echo "\n</tr>";

		echo "\n</tbody>";

		echo "\n<tfoot>";
		echo "\n <tr>";
		echo "\n   <td></td>";
		echo "\n   <td></td>";
		echo "\n   <td></td>";
		echo "\n   <td></td>";
		echo "\n   <td></td>";
		echo "\n   <td></td>";
		echo "\n   <td></td>";
		echo "\n   <td></td>";
		echo "\n</tr>";
		echo "\n</tfoot>";

		echo "\n</table>";

	if(!is_session_online($session_id) && is_session_telehealth($session_id)){
	echo "\n<h3>Telehealth (".(registered_audio($session_id) + registered_video($session_id))."):</h3>";
	echo "\n<a href=\"email-attendees.php?session_id=$session_id&amp;email_type=remote\" class='btn ces-green-btn' title='Both Telehealth and Audioline'><span class='fa fa-envelope' aria-hidden='true'></span> Remote Attendees</a>";
	echo "\n<a href=\"email-attendees.php?session_id=$session_id&amp;email_type=telehealth\" class='btn ces-green-btn' title='Telehealth Only'><span class='fa fa-envelope' aria-hidden='true'></span> Telehealth</a>";
	echo "\n<a href=\"email-attendees.php?session_id=$session_id&amp;email_type=audioline\" class='btn ces-green-btn' title='Audioline Only'><span class='fa fa-envelope' aria-hidden='true'></span> Audioline</a>";
	echo "\n<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "'>";
	echo "\n<input type='hidden' name='session_id' value=" . $session_id . ">"; //so we can keep track of which record we're modifying
	echo "\n<table class='table table-striped' id='ces-telehealth-table'>";
	echo "\n<thead>";
	echo "\n  <tr>";
	echo "    <th>Last Name</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>First Name</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Email Address</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Registration Date</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Type</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Mailing List?</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Attended?</th>\n";
	echo "    <th>Remove</th>\n";
	echo "</tr>\n";
	echo "</thead>\n";

	echo "\n<tfoot style='text-align:right;'>";
	echo "\n   <tr>";
	echo "\n   <td colspan='6'></td>";
	echo "\n   <td colspan='2'>";
	echo "<input class='btn btn-lg btn-block ces-orange-btn' type='submit' name='submit' value='Bulk Update'>";
	echo "      </td>";
	echo "\n   </tr>";
	echo "\n   <tr>";
	echo "\n    <td colspan='8'>";
	echo "\n 	 <p><strong>Audio:</strong> ".registered_audio($session_id)."</p>";
	echo "\n     <p><strong>Video:</strong> ".registered_video($session_id)."</p>";
	echo "\n   </td></tr>";
	echo "\n</tfoot>";

	echo "<tbody>\n";

	$telehealth_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT registration.session_id, registration.id, location.location_id, location.location_name, CASE registration.confirm_attended WHEN '1' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS confirm_attended, first_name.value as first_name, last_name.value as last_name, user.email, unix_timestamp(registration.registration_dt) as registration_dt, registration.num_guests_attending, registration.via_audio, registration.via_video
	FROM ces_course_registration registration 
	LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_locations location ON location.location_id = registration.location_id 
	LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user user ON registration.id = user.id
	LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute first_name ON registration.id = first_name.userid AND first_name.attributeid = '1'
	LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute last_name ON registration.id = last_name.userid AND last_name.attributeid = '2'
	WHERE registration.session_id = '$session_id'
	AND (registration.via_audio = '1'OR registration.via_video = '1')
	ORDER BY registration_dt");
	//output the query results in html table format
	while ($telehealth_query = mysqli_fetch_array($telehealth_sql)) {
		//$confirm_attended_change is the opposite of the confirm_attended of the current attendee - used so we can flip confirm status of an attendee
		if ($telehealth_query['confirm_attended'] == 'Yes')
			$confirm_attended_change = 0;
			$confirm_attended_change = 1;
		//figure out if person is on one or more mailing lists
		if (num_mailing_lists($telehealth_query['id']) > 0){
			$on_mailing_list = "Yes";
			$on_mailing_list = "No";

		if($telehealth_query['via_video'] == 1){
			$telehealth = 'Video';
		}elseif($telehealth_query['via_audio'] == 1){
			$telehealth = 'Audio';
			$telehealth = "?";
		echo "\n<tr title='User ID: ".$telehealth_query['id']."'>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $telehealth_query["last_name"] . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $telehealth_query["first_name"] . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $telehealth_query["email"] . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . date($iso_date_format, $telehealth_query["registration_dt"]) . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $telehealth . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td>" . $on_mailing_list . "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td style='text-align:center'><a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?session_id=" . $session_id . "&id=" . $telehealth_query["id"] . "&confirm_attended_change=" . $confirm_attended_change . "'>" . $telehealth_query['confirm_attended'] . "</a><br><input type='checkbox' name='attended[]' value='".$telehealth_query['id']."'>";
			echo "</td>";
		echo "\n  <td style='text-align:center'><a href='remove-attendee.php?session_id=" . $session_id . "&id=" . $telehealth_query["id"] . "&location_id=" . $telehealth_query["location_id"] . "'>[remove]</a></td>";
		echo "\n</tr>";
	echo "</tbody>\n";
	echo "</table>";

	echo "</form>\n";


<script type="text/javascript">
	    	"order": [[ 3, 'asc' ]],
	    	"columnDefs": [
		    { "orderable": false, "targets": 7 }],
		    dom: 'Bfrtip',
		    buttons: [
            	extend: 'print',
            	text: 'Print Attendee List',
            	title: <?php echo json_encode(utf8_encode($course_name)); ?> + ' - Attendee List',
            	exportOptions: {
	    	"order": [[ 3, 'asc' ]],
	    	"columnDefs": [
		    { "orderable": false, "targets": 7 }
		    dom: 'Bfrtip',
		    buttons: [
            buttons: [
            	extend: 'print',
            	text: 'Print Wait List',
            	title: <?php echo json_encode(utf8_encode($course_name)); ?> + ' - Waitlist List',
            	exportOptions: {
	    	"order": [[ 3, 'asc' ]],
	    	"columnDefs": [
		    { "orderable": false, "targets": 7 }
		    dom: 'Bfrtip',
		    buttons: [
            buttons: [
            	extend: 'print',
            	text: 'Print Telehealth List',
            	title: <?php echo json_encode(utf8_encode($course_name)); ?> + ' - Telehealth List',
            	exportOptions: {


  </section><!-- #middle-->

</div><!-- #wrapper --> 
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/require/footer.php';?>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
files Folder 0755
add.php File 11.66 KB 0644
attendees.php File 19.54 KB 0644
edit.php File 22.29 KB 0644
email-attendees.php File 8.04 KB 0644
error_log File 9.19 KB 0644
remove-attendee.php File 6.17 KB 0644