[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
	$page_title = "Session Report | CES Admin";
	include_once("../php/common_functions.php"); //common functions in the course registartion system
	include_once("../php/config.php"); //holds global config variables
 	check_if_authenticated('admin');//check if user is logged in
	include_once("../admin/php/top-admin.php"); //get the HTML heading common to all pages in the CES admin module

 <article class="ces-admin">
        <h2>CES Admin - Session Report</h2>

 	//opens connection to database

	$db = mysqli_connect($mysql_server, $user, $pass, $database);
	$border = 0;

	//first get some information about the session to print out as a header
	$course_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT course.course_name, unix_timestamp(session.start_dt), unix_timestamp(session.end_dt) 
	FROM ces_sessions session 
	LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_courses course ON course.course_id = session.course_id
	WHERE session.session_id = '$_GET[session_id]'");
	$course = mysqli_fetch_row($course_sql);
	//output some session information as a report heading
	echo "<table class='table table-striped'>";
	echo "\n<tr>";
	echo "\n<td>Course Name:</td>";
	echo "\n<td>" . $course[0]. "</td>";
	echo "\n</tr>";
	echo "\n<tr>";
	echo "\n<td>Start Date:</td>";
	echo "\n<td>" . date($default_date_format, $course[1]) . "</td>";
	echo "\n</tr>";
	echo "\n<tr>";
	echo "\n<td>End Date:</td>";
	echo "\n<td class=reportMainHeading>" . date($default_date_format, $course[2]) . "</td>";
	echo "\n</tr>";
	echo "\n</table><br><br>";
	//START session report - total registrants by registrant type
	//get the total amount of registrants in a session (do not count those on the waiting list)
	$registrant_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT count(*) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$_GET[session_id]' AND on_waiting_list = 0");
	$num_registrants = mysqli_fetch_row($registrant_sql);
	$sql_query = "SELECT reg_value.name as \"Registrant Type\", COUNT(*) as \"Total Registrants\", ROUND((COUNT(*) / $num_registrants[0]) * 100, 2) as \"Percentage\"
	FROM ces_course_registration reg
	LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute reg_type on reg_type.attributeid = $REGISTRANT_TYPE_ID and reg_type.userid = reg.id
	LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_listattr_registrant reg_value on reg_value.id = reg_type.value
	WHERE reg.session_id = '$_GET[session_id]'
	AND reg.on_waiting_list = 0
	GROUP BY reg_value.name";
	//$sql = mysqli_query($db, $sql_query);
	$title = "Total Registrants (not including waiting list) by Registrant Type";
	$column_names = array("Registrant Type", "Total Registrants", "Percentage");
	generate_report($sql_query, $title, $border, 500, $column_names);
    echo "\n<div class=reportTotal>Total Registrants: " . $num_registrants[0] . "</div>";
    //END - total registrants by registrant type

    //START session report - people who registered but did not show up
	$no_shows_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT count(*) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$_GET[session_id]' AND on_waiting_list = 0 AND confirm_attended = 0");
	$num_no_shows = mysqli_fetch_row($no_shows_sql);
	echo "\n<br><br>\n<div class=reportMainHeading>Number of people who registered but did not attend this session: " . $num_no_shows[0] . "</div>";
	echo "\n<div class=reportMainHeading>Percentage of total registrants: " . round(($num_no_shows[0] / $num_registrants[0]) * 100, 2) . "%</div>";
    //END session report - people who registered but did not show up
	$location_sql_query = "SELECT TRIM(city.value) as location, COUNT(*) as \"Total Registrants\", ROUND((COUNT(*) / $num_registrants[0]) * 100, 2) as \"Percentage\"
	FROM ces_course_registration reg
	LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute city on city.attributeid = $CITY_ID and city.userid = reg.id
	WHERE reg.session_id = '$_GET[session_id]'
	AND reg.on_waiting_list = 0
	GROUP BY location";
	//$location_sql = mysqli_query($db, $sql_query);
	$title = "Total Registrants (not including waiting list) by Location";
	echo "\n<br><br>";
	$column_names = array("Location", "Total Registrants", "Percentage");
	generate_report($location_sql_query, $title, $border, 500, $column_names);
	//generate_report($location_sql, $title, $border, 500, $column_names);
    //END session report - where registrants are from

	//START session report - registration survey results

	$survey_sql_query = "SELECT SUM(answer_word_mouth) \"Word of mouth\",
	SUM(answer_community_agency) \"Community Agency\",
	SUM(answer_colleague) \"Colleague\",
	SUM(answer_friend_family) \"Friend / Family\",
	SUM(answer_email_list) \"E-mail list\",
	SUM(answer_flyer_poster) \"Flyer / Poster\",
	SUM(answer_newsletter) \"Newsletter\",
	SUM(answer_website) \"Web site\",
	COUNT(answer_other) \"Other\"
	FROM ces_course_registration
	WHERE session_id = '$_GET[session_id]'";
	//$survey_sql = mysqli_query($db, $sql_query);
	//$course = mysql_fetch_row($course_sql);

	include_once("admin_html_bottom.php"); //get the bottom HTML common to all pages in the CES admin module


Name Type Size Permission Actions
error_log File 27.9 KB 0644
report_season.php File 11.54 KB 0644
report_session.php File 4.96 KB 0644