[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
/* @license
 * MyFonts Webfont Build ID 2367596, 2012-09-18T13:33:58-0400
 * The fonts listed in this notice are subject to the End User License
 * Agreement(s) entered into by the website owner. All other parties are
 * explicitly restricted from using the Licensed Webfonts(s).
 * You may obtain a valid license at the URLs below.
 * Webfont: Adelle Basic Bold by TypeTogether
 * URL: http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/type-together/adelle-basic/bold/
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009 by TypeTogether. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed pageviews: 10,000
 * License: http://www.myfonts.com/viewlicense?type=web&buildid=2367596
 * © 2012 Bitstream Inc

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    /************** Search ********************/
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    /************** End of Search ********************/

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    /* Tabs on Homepage ***********************/

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    /*Family to Family Connections */

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    /**********************************End of Tabs*/

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    /*Transition - Events and Education =================
    Events now uses the Presentation Style used on the Professional Education Section

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    /*==========================END Events and Education*/
    /*Contact Us - Getting Here - Parking ==============================*/

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    /*Address - see http://microformats.org/wiki/adr for HTML markup */

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    /*======================================= End Address*/
    /*Child Health Computer Program ==========================*/

    .healthspot-how-to li>img {
        margin: 0 25px 13px;
    /*=====================END - Child Health Computer Program*/
    /*Professional Education==================================*/

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        margin: 5px;
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        padding: 5px 0 5px 25px;
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    /*********************** End Professional Education*/
    /* Community Links *********************************/

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    /*Notification Boxes *****************************/
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/* Parking */

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