[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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function GetQueryStringValue(strElement, strQueryString){
	var aryPairs;
	var foundValue;
	//WriteToDebug("In GetQueryStringValue strElement=" + strElement + ", strQueryString=" + strQueryString);
	//get rid of the leading "?"
	strQueryString = strQueryString.substring(1);
	//split into name/value pairs
	aryPairs = strQueryString.split("&");
	foundValue = SearchQueryStringPairs(aryPairs, strElement);
	if (foundValue === null){
		//sometimes we wind up with a querystring that looks like "indexAPI.html?ShowDebug=true?AICC_URL=http://www.blah.com/blahblah&AICC_SID=12345"
		//try to handle this case by splitting on both ? and &
		aryPairs = strQueryString.split(/[\?\&]/);
		foundValue = SearchQueryStringPairs(aryPairs, strElement);
	if (foundValue === null){
		//if we didn't find a match, return an empty string
		WriteToDebug("GetQueryStringValue Element '" + strElement + "' Not Found, Returning: empty string");
		return "";
		WriteToDebug("GetQueryStringValue for '" + strElement + "' Returning: " + foundValue);
		return foundValue;

function SearchQueryStringPairs(aryPairs, strElement){
	var i;
	var intEqualPos;
	var strArg = "";
	var strValue = "";
	strElement = strElement.toLowerCase();
	//search each querystring value and return the first match
	for (i=0; i < aryPairs.length; i++){
		//WriteToDebug("Looking at element-" + aryPairs[i]);
		intEqualPos = aryPairs[i].indexOf('=');
		if (intEqualPos != -1){
			strArg = aryPairs[i].substring(0,intEqualPos);
			//WriteToDebug("Arg=" + strArg);
			if (EqualsIgnoreCase(strArg, strElement)){
				//WriteToDebug("Found Match");
				strValue = aryPairs[i].substring(intEqualPos+1);
				//WriteToDebug("Decoding value-" + strValue);	
				strValue = new String(strValue)
				strValue = strValue.replace(/\+/g, "%20")
				strValue = unescape(strValue);

				//WriteToDebug("Returning value-" + strValue);	
				return new String(strValue);
	return null;

function ConvertStringToBoolean(str){
	var intTemp;
	//WriteToDebug("In ConvertStringToBoolean");
	if (EqualsIgnoreCase(str, "true") || EqualsIgnoreCase(str, "t") || str.toLowerCase().indexOf("t") == 0){
		//WriteToDebug("Found alpha true");
		return true;   
		intTemp = parseInt(str, 10);
		if (intTemp == 1 || intTemp==-1){
			//WriteToDebug("Found numeric true");
		     return true;
			//WriteToDebug("Returning false");
		    return false;

function EqualsIgnoreCase(str1, str2){
	//WriteToDebug("In EqualsIgnoreCase str1=" + str1 + ", str2=" + str2);
	var blnReturn;
	str1 = new String(str1);
	str2 = new String(str2);
	blnReturn = (str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase())
	//WriteToDebug("Returning " + blnReturn);
	return blnReturn;

function ValidInteger(intNum){
	WriteToDebug("In ValidInteger intNum=" + intNum);
	var str = new String(intNum);
	if (str.indexOf("-", 0) == 0){
		str = str.substring(1, str.length - 1);
	var regValidChars= new RegExp("[^0-9]"); 
	if (str.search(regValidChars) == -1){
		WriteToDebug("Returning true");
		return true; 
	WriteToDebug("Returning false");
	return false;

//Time Manipulation Functions

function ConvertDateToIso8601TimeStamp(dtm){
	var strTimeStamp;
	dtm = new Date(dtm);
	var Year   = dtm.getFullYear();
	var Month  = dtm.getMonth() + 1;
	var Day    = dtm.getDate();
	var Hour   = dtm.getHours();
	var Minute = dtm.getMinutes();
	var Second = dtm.getSeconds();
	Month  = ZeroPad(Month, 2);
	Day    = ZeroPad(Day, 2);
	Hour   = ZeroPad(Hour, 2);
	Minute = ZeroPad(Minute, 2);
	Second = ZeroPad(Second, 2);
	strTimeStamp = Year + "-" + Month + "-" + Day + "T" + Hour + ":" + Minute + ":" + Second;
	return strTimeStamp;

function ConvertIso8601TimeStampToDate(strTimeStamp){
	strTimeStamp = new String(strTimeStamp);
	var ary = new Array();
	ary = strTimeStamp.split(/[\:T-]/);
	var Year   = ary[0];
	var Month  = ary[1]-1;
	var Day    = ary[2];
	var Hour   = ary[3];
	var Minute = ary[4];
	var Second = ary[5];
	return new Date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, 0);

function ConvertDateToCMIDate(dtmDate){

	WriteToDebug("In ConvertDateToCMIDate");
	var strYear;
	var strMonth;
	var strDay;
	var strReturn;
	dtmDate = new Date(dtmDate);
	strYear = dtmDate.getFullYear()
	strMonth = (dtmDate.getMonth() + 1);
	strDay = dtmDate.getDate();
	strReturn = ZeroPad(strYear, 4) + "/" + ZeroPad(strMonth, 2) + "/" + ZeroPad(strDay, 2);
	return strReturn;

function ConvertDateToCMITime(dtmDate){
	var strHours;
	var strMinutes;
	var strSeconds;
	var strReturn;
	dtmDate = new Date(dtmDate);
	strHours = dtmDate.getHours();
	strMinutes = dtmDate.getMinutes();
	strSeconds = dtmDate.getSeconds();
	strReturn = ZeroPad(strHours, 2) + ":" + ZeroPad(strMinutes, 2) + ":" + ZeroPad(strSeconds, 2);
	return strReturn;

function ConvertCMITimeSpanToMS(strTime){
	WriteToDebug("In ConvertCMITimeSpanToMS, strTime=" + strTime);
	var aryParts;
	var intHours;
	var intMinutes;
	var intSeconds;
	var intTotalMilliSeconds;
	//split the string into its parts
	aryParts = strTime.split(":");
	//make sure it's valid before we knock ourselves out
	if (! IsValidCMITimeSpan(strTime)){
		WriteToDebug("ERROR - Invalid TimeSpan");
		SetErrorInfo(SCORM_ERROR_GENERAL, "LMS ERROR - Invalid time span passed to ConvertCMITimeSpanToMS, please contact technical support");
		return 0;
	//seperate the parts and multiply by the appropriate constant (3600000 = num milliseconds in an hour, etc)
	intHours   = aryParts[0];
	intMinutes = aryParts[1];
	intSeconds = aryParts[2];	//don't need to worry about milliseconds b/c they are expressed as fractions of a second
	WriteToDebug("intHours=" + intHours + " intMinutes=" + intMinutes + " intSeconds=" + intSeconds);
	intTotalMilliSeconds = (intHours * 3600000) + (intMinutes * 60000) + (intSeconds * 1000);
	//necessary because in JavaScript, some values for intSeconds (such as 2.01) will have a lot of decimal
	//places when multiplied by 1000. For instance, 2.01 turns into 2009.999999999999997.
	intTotalMilliSeconds = Math.round(intTotalMilliSeconds);
	WriteToDebug("Returning " + intTotalMilliSeconds);
	return intTotalMilliSeconds;

function ConvertScorm2004TimeToMS(strIso8601Time){
	WriteToDebug("In ConvertScorm2004TimeToMS, strIso8601Time=" + strIso8601Time);
	var intTotalMs = 0;
	var strNumberBuilder;
	var strCurrentCharacter;
	var blnInTimeSection;

	var Seconds = 0;	// 100 hundreths of a seconds
	var Minutes = 0;	// 60 seconds
	var Hours = 0;		// 60 minutes
	var Days = 0;		// 24 hours
	var Months = 0;		// assumed to be an "average" month (figures a leap year every 4 years) = ((365*4) + 1) / 48 days - 30.4375 days per month
	var Years = 0;		// assumed to be 12 "average" months
	var MILLISECONDS_PER_MONTH  = MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY * (((365 * 4) + 1) / 48);

	strIso8601Time = new String(strIso8601Time);
	strNumberBuilder = "";
	strCurrentCharacter = "";
	blnInTimeSection = false;

	//start at 1 to get past the "P"
	for (var i=1; i < strIso8601Time.length; i++){
		strCurrentCharacter = strIso8601Time.charAt(i);

		if (IsIso8601SectionDelimiter(strCurrentCharacter)){
			switch (strCurrentCharacter.toUpperCase()){
				case "Y":
					Years = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
				case "M":
					if (blnInTimeSection){
						Minutes = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
						Months = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
				case "D":
					Days = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
				case "H":
					Hours = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
				case "S":
					Seconds = parseFloat(strNumberBuilder);
				case "T":
					blnInTimeSection = true;

			strNumberBuilder = "";
			strNumberBuilder += "" + strCurrentCharacter;		//use "" to keep the number as string concats instead of numeric additions
	WriteToDebug("Years=" + Years + "\n" +
				"Months=" + Months + "\n" +
				"Days=" + Days + "\n" +
				"Hours=" + Hours + "\n" +
				"Minutes=" + Minutes + "\n" +
				"Seconds=" + Seconds + "\n"
	intTotalMs = (Years * MILLISECONDS_PER_YEAR) +
	//necessary because in JavaScript, some values (such as 2.01) will have a lot of decimal
	//places when multiplied by a larger number. For instance, 2.01 turns into 2009.999999999999997.
	intTotalMs = Math.round(intTotalMs);
	WriteToDebug ("returning-" + intTotalMs);
	return intTotalMs;

function IsIso8601SectionDelimiter(str){
	if (str.search(/[PYMDTHS]/) >=0 ){
		return true;
		return false;

function IsValidCMITimeSpan(strValue){
	WriteToDebug("In IsValidCMITimeSpan strValue=" + strValue);
	//note that the spec does not say that minutes or seconds have to be < 60
	var regValid = /^\d?\d?\d?\d:\d?\d:\d?\d(.\d\d?)?$/;	

	if (strValue.search(regValid) > -1){
		WriteToDebug("Returning True");
		return true;
		WriteToDebug("Returning False");
		return false;

function IsValidIso8601TimeSpan(strValue){
	WriteToDebug("In IsValidIso8601TimeSpan strValue=" + strValue);	
	var regValid = /^P(\d+Y)?(\d+M)?(\d+D)?(T(\d+H)?(\d+M)?(\d+(.\d\d?)?S)?)?$/;	

	if (strValue.search(regValid) > -1){
		WriteToDebug("Returning True");
		return true;
		WriteToDebug("Returning False");
		return false;

function ConvertMilliSecondsToSCORMTime(intTotalMilliseconds, blnIncludeFraction){
	var intHours;
	var intintMinutes;
	var intSeconds;
	var intMilliseconds;
	var intHundredths;
	var strCMITimeSpan;
	WriteToDebug("In ConvertMilliSecondsIntoSCORMTime, intTotalMilliseconds = " + intTotalMilliseconds + ", blnIncludeFraction = " + blnIncludeFraction);
	if (blnIncludeFraction == null || blnIncludeFraction == undefined){
		blnIncludeFraction = true;
	//extract time parts
	intMilliseconds = intTotalMilliseconds % 1000;

	intSeconds = ((intTotalMilliseconds - intMilliseconds) / 1000) % 60;

	intMinutes = ((intTotalMilliseconds - intMilliseconds - (intSeconds * 1000)) / 60000) % 60;

	intHours = (intTotalMilliseconds - intMilliseconds - (intSeconds * 1000) - (intMinutes * 60000)) / 3600000;
	WriteToDebug("Separated Parts, intHours=" + intHours + ", intMinutes=" + intMinutes + ", intSeconds=" + intSeconds + ", intMilliseconds=" + intMilliseconds);
	deal with exceptional case when content used a huge amount of time and interpreted CMITimstamp 
	to allow a number of intMinutes and seconds greater than 60 i.e. 9999:99:99.99 instead of 9999:60:60:99
	note - this case is permissable under SCORM, but will be exceptionally rare

	if (intHours == 10000) 
		WriteToDebug("Max intHours detected");
		intHours = 9999;

		intMinutes = (intTotalMilliseconds - (intHours * 3600000)) / 60000;
		if (intMinutes == 100) 
			intMinutes = 99;
		intMinutes = Math.floor(intMinutes);
		intSeconds = (intTotalMilliseconds - (intHours * 3600000) - (intMinutes * 60000)) / 1000;
		if (intSeconds == 100) 
			intSeconds = 99;
		intSeconds = Math.floor(intSeconds);
		intMilliseconds = (intTotalMilliseconds - (intHours * 3600000) - (intMinutes * 60000) - (intSeconds * 1000));
		WriteToDebug("Separated Parts, intHours=" + intHours + ", intMinutes=" + intMinutes + ", intSeconds=" + intSeconds + ", intMilliseconds=" + intMilliseconds);


	//drop the extra precision from the milliseconds
	intHundredths = Math.floor(intMilliseconds / 10);

	//put in padding 0's and concatinate to get the proper format
	strCMITimeSpan = ZeroPad(intHours, 4) + ":" + ZeroPad(intMinutes, 2) + ":" + ZeroPad(intSeconds, 2);
	if (blnIncludeFraction){
		strCMITimeSpan += "." + intHundredths;
	WriteToDebug("strCMITimeSpan=" + strCMITimeSpan);
	//check for case where total milliseconds is greater than max supported by strCMITimeSpan
	if (intHours > 9999) 
		strCMITimeSpan = "9999:99:99";
		if (blnIncludeFraction){
			strCMITimeSpan += ".99";
	WriteToDebug("returning " + strCMITimeSpan);
	return strCMITimeSpan;

function ConvertMilliSecondsIntoSCORM2004Time(intTotalMilliseconds){
	WriteToDebug("In ConvertMilliSecondsIntoSCORM2004Time intTotalMilliseconds=" + intTotalMilliseconds);
	var ScormTime = "";
	var HundredthsOfASecond;	//decrementing counter - work at the hundreths of a second level because that is all the precision that is required
	var Seconds;	// 100 hundreths of a seconds
	var Minutes;	// 60 seconds
	var Hours;		// 60 minutes
	var Days;		// 24 hours
	var Months;		// assumed to be an "average" month (figures a leap year every 4 years) = ((365*4) + 1) / 48 days - 30.4375 days per month
	var Years;		// assumed to be 12 "average" months
	var HUNDREDTHS_PER_MONTH  = HUNDREDTHS_PER_DAY * (((365 * 4) + 1) / 48);
	HundredthsOfASecond = Math.floor(intTotalMilliseconds / 10);
	Years = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_YEAR);
	HundredthsOfASecond -= (Years * HUNDREDTHS_PER_YEAR);
	Months = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_MONTH);
	HundredthsOfASecond -= (Months * HUNDREDTHS_PER_MONTH);
	Days = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_DAY);
	HundredthsOfASecond -= (Days * HUNDREDTHS_PER_DAY);
	Hours = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_HOUR);
	HundredthsOfASecond -= (Hours * HUNDREDTHS_PER_HOUR);
	Minutes = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_MINUTE);
	HundredthsOfASecond -= (Minutes * HUNDREDTHS_PER_MINUTE);
	Seconds = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_SECOND);
	HundredthsOfASecond -= (Seconds * HUNDREDTHS_PER_SECOND);
	if (Years > 0) {
		ScormTime += Years + "Y";
	if (Months > 0){
		ScormTime += Months + "M";
	if (Days > 0){
		ScormTime += Days + "D";
	//check to see if we have any time before adding the "T"
	if ((HundredthsOfASecond + Seconds + Minutes + Hours) > 0 ){
		ScormTime += "T";
		if (Hours > 0){
			ScormTime += Hours + "H";
		if (Minutes > 0){
			ScormTime += Minutes + "M";
		if ((HundredthsOfASecond + Seconds) > 0){
			ScormTime += Seconds;
			if (HundredthsOfASecond > 0){
				ScormTime += "." + HundredthsOfASecond;
			ScormTime += "S";
	if (ScormTime == ""){
		ScormTime = "0S";
	ScormTime = "P" + ScormTime;
	WriteToDebug("Returning-" + ScormTime);
	return ScormTime;

function ZeroPad(intNum, intNumDigits){
	WriteToDebug("In ZeroPad intNum=" + intNum + " intNumDigits=" + intNumDigits);
	var strTemp;
	var intLen;
	var i;
	strTemp = new String(intNum);
	intLen = strTemp.length;
	if (intLen > intNumDigits){
		WriteToDebug("Length of string is greater than num digits, trimming string");
		strTemp = strTemp.substr(0,intNumDigits);
		for (i=intLen; i<intNumDigits; i++){
			strTemp = "0" + strTemp;
	WriteToDebug("Returning - " + strTemp);
	return strTemp;

function IsValidDecimal(strValue){
	WriteToDebug("In IsValidDecimal, strValue=" + strValue);
	strValue = new String(strValue);
	//check for characters "0-9", ".", and "-" only
	if (strValue.search(/[^.\d-]/) > -1){
		WriteToDebug("Returning False - character other than a digit, dash or period found");
		return false;
	//if contains a dash, ensure it is first and that there is only 1
	if (strValue.search("-") > -1){
		if (strValue.indexOf("-", 1) > -1){
			WriteToDebug("Returning False - dash found in the middle of the string");
			return false;
	//ensure only 1 decimal point
	if (strValue.indexOf(".") != strValue.lastIndexOf(".")){
		WriteToDebug("Returning False - more than one decimal point found");
		return false;
	//ensure there is at least 1 digit
	if (strValue.search(/\d/) < 0){
		WriteToDebug("Returning False - no digits found");
		return false;
	WriteToDebug("Returning True");
	return true;

function IsAlphaNumeric(strValue){
	WriteToDebug("In IsAlphaNumeric");
	if (strValue.search(/\w/) < 0){
		WriteToDebug("Returning false");
		return false;
		WriteToDebug("Returning true");
		return true;

function ReverseNameSequence(strName)
	var strFirstName;
	var strLastName;
	var intCommaLoc;
	if (strName=="") strName="Not Found, Learner Name";
	intCommaLoc = strName.indexOf(",");
	strFirstName = strName.slice(intCommaLoc+1);
	strLastName = strName.slice(0, intCommaLoc);
	strFirstName = Trim(strFirstName);
	strLastName = Trim(strLastName);
	return strFirstName + ' ' + strLastName;

function LTrim(str) {					// remove leading spaces 
	str = new String(str);
	return(str.replace(/^\s+/, '')); 

function RTrim(str) {					// remove trailing spaces
	str = new String(str);
	return(str.replace(/\s+$/, ''));

function Trim(strToTrim) {
	var str = LTrim(RTrim(strToTrim)); // remove leading and trailing spaces
  return (str.replace(/\s{2,}/g," ")); // replace multiple spaces with single spaces

function GetValueFromDataChunk(strID)
	var strChunk = new String(GetDataChunk());
	var aryPairs = new Array();
	var aryValues = new Array();
	var i;
	aryPairs = strChunk.split(parent.DATA_CHUNK_PAIR_SEPARATOR);
	for (i=0;i<aryPairs.length;i++)
		aryValues = aryPairs[i].split(parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
		if (aryValues[0]==strID) return aryValues[1];

	return '';

function SetDataChunkValue(strID, strValue)
	var strChunk = new String(GetDataChunk());
	var aryPairs = new Array();
	var aryValues = new Array();
	var i;
	var blnFound = new Boolean(false);
	aryPairs = strChunk.split(parent.DATA_CHUNK_PAIR_SEPARATOR);

	for (i=0;i<aryPairs.length;i++)
		aryValues = aryPairs[i].split(parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
		if (aryValues[0]==strID) 
			aryValues[1] = strValue;
			blnFound = true;
			aryPairs[i] = aryValues[0] + parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR + aryValues[1];
	if (blnFound==true)
		strChunk = aryPairs.join(parent.DATA_CHUNK_PAIR_SEPARATOR);
		if (strChunk=='') 
			//if data chunk is empty, just add this value
			strChunk = strID + parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR + strValue;
			//otherwise, append
			strChunk += parent.DATA_CHUNK_PAIR_SEPARATOR + strID + parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR + strValue;
	return true;

function GetLastDirAndPageName(str)
	var page = new String(str);
	var LastSlashLocation = page.lastIndexOf("/");
	var SecondLastSlashLocation = page.lastIndexOf("/", LastSlashLocation-1);
	return page.substr(SecondLastSlashLocation+1);

function RoundToPrecision(number, significantDigits){

	number = parseFloat(number);
    return (Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, significantDigits)) / Math.pow(10, significantDigits))

function IsAbsoluteUrl(urlStr) {
    return urlStr != null && (urlStr.indexOf("http://") == 0 || urlStr.indexOf("https://") == 0)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AICCComm.html File 19.44 KB 0644
AICCFunctions.js File 80.38 KB 0644
API.js File 69.5 KB 0644
APIConstants.js File 1.91 KB 0644
Configuration.js File 4.24 KB 0644
LMSAPI.js File 5.42 KB 0644
NONEFunctions.js File 10.67 KB 0644
SCORM2004Functions.js File 73.57 KB 0644
SCORMFunctions.js File 58.85 KB 0644
UtilityFunctions.js File 19.26 KB 0644
blank.html File 1.16 KB 0644
browsersniff.js File 10.34 KB 0644
goodbye.html File 211 B 0644
lms.js File 10.92 KB 0644