function GetQueryStringValue(strElement, strQueryString){
var aryPairs;
var foundValue;
//WriteToDebug("In GetQueryStringValue strElement=" + strElement + ", strQueryString=" + strQueryString);
//get rid of the leading "?"
strQueryString = strQueryString.substring(1);
//split into name/value pairs
aryPairs = strQueryString.split("&");
foundValue = SearchQueryStringPairs(aryPairs, strElement);
if (foundValue === null){
//sometimes we wind up with a querystring that looks like "indexAPI.html?ShowDebug=true?AICC_URL="
//try to handle this case by splitting on both ? and &
aryPairs = strQueryString.split(/[\?\&]/);
foundValue = SearchQueryStringPairs(aryPairs, strElement);
if (foundValue === null){
//if we didn't find a match, return an empty string
WriteToDebug("GetQueryStringValue Element '" + strElement + "' Not Found, Returning: empty string");
return "";
WriteToDebug("GetQueryStringValue for '" + strElement + "' Returning: " + foundValue);
return foundValue;
function SearchQueryStringPairs(aryPairs, strElement){
var i;
var intEqualPos;
var strArg = "";
var strValue = "";
strElement = strElement.toLowerCase();
//search each querystring value and return the first match
for (i=0; i < aryPairs.length; i++){
//WriteToDebug("Looking at element-" + aryPairs[i]);
intEqualPos = aryPairs[i].indexOf('=');
if (intEqualPos != -1){
strArg = aryPairs[i].substring(0,intEqualPos);
//WriteToDebug("Arg=" + strArg);
if (EqualsIgnoreCase(strArg, strElement)){
//WriteToDebug("Found Match");
strValue = aryPairs[i].substring(intEqualPos+1);
//WriteToDebug("Decoding value-" + strValue);
strValue = new String(strValue)
strValue = strValue.replace(/\+/g, "%20")
strValue = unescape(strValue);
//WriteToDebug("Returning value-" + strValue);
return new String(strValue);
return null;
function ConvertStringToBoolean(str){
var intTemp;
//WriteToDebug("In ConvertStringToBoolean");
if (EqualsIgnoreCase(str, "true") || EqualsIgnoreCase(str, "t") || str.toLowerCase().indexOf("t") == 0){
//WriteToDebug("Found alpha true");
return true;
intTemp = parseInt(str, 10);
if (intTemp == 1 || intTemp==-1){
//WriteToDebug("Found numeric true");
return true;
//WriteToDebug("Returning false");
return false;
function EqualsIgnoreCase(str1, str2){
//WriteToDebug("In EqualsIgnoreCase str1=" + str1 + ", str2=" + str2);
var blnReturn;
str1 = new String(str1);
str2 = new String(str2);
blnReturn = (str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase())
//WriteToDebug("Returning " + blnReturn);
return blnReturn;
function ValidInteger(intNum){
WriteToDebug("In ValidInteger intNum=" + intNum);
var str = new String(intNum);
if (str.indexOf("-", 0) == 0){
str = str.substring(1, str.length - 1);
var regValidChars= new RegExp("[^0-9]");
if ( == -1){
WriteToDebug("Returning true");
return true;
WriteToDebug("Returning false");
return false;
//Time Manipulation Functions
function ConvertDateToIso8601TimeStamp(dtm){
var strTimeStamp;
dtm = new Date(dtm);
var Year = dtm.getFullYear();
var Month = dtm.getMonth() + 1;
var Day = dtm.getDate();
var Hour = dtm.getHours();
var Minute = dtm.getMinutes();
var Second = dtm.getSeconds();
Month = ZeroPad(Month, 2);
Day = ZeroPad(Day, 2);
Hour = ZeroPad(Hour, 2);
Minute = ZeroPad(Minute, 2);
Second = ZeroPad(Second, 2);
strTimeStamp = Year + "-" + Month + "-" + Day + "T" + Hour + ":" + Minute + ":" + Second;
return strTimeStamp;
function ConvertIso8601TimeStampToDate(strTimeStamp){
strTimeStamp = new String(strTimeStamp);
var ary = new Array();
ary = strTimeStamp.split(/[\:T-]/);
var Year = ary[0];
var Month = ary[1]-1;
var Day = ary[2];
var Hour = ary[3];
var Minute = ary[4];
var Second = ary[5];
return new Date(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, 0);
function ConvertDateToCMIDate(dtmDate){
WriteToDebug("In ConvertDateToCMIDate");
var strYear;
var strMonth;
var strDay;
var strReturn;
dtmDate = new Date(dtmDate);
strYear = dtmDate.getFullYear()
strMonth = (dtmDate.getMonth() + 1);
strDay = dtmDate.getDate();
strReturn = ZeroPad(strYear, 4) + "/" + ZeroPad(strMonth, 2) + "/" + ZeroPad(strDay, 2);
return strReturn;
function ConvertDateToCMITime(dtmDate){
var strHours;
var strMinutes;
var strSeconds;
var strReturn;
dtmDate = new Date(dtmDate);
strHours = dtmDate.getHours();
strMinutes = dtmDate.getMinutes();
strSeconds = dtmDate.getSeconds();
strReturn = ZeroPad(strHours, 2) + ":" + ZeroPad(strMinutes, 2) + ":" + ZeroPad(strSeconds, 2);
return strReturn;
function ConvertCMITimeSpanToMS(strTime){
WriteToDebug("In ConvertCMITimeSpanToMS, strTime=" + strTime);
var aryParts;
var intHours;
var intMinutes;
var intSeconds;
var intTotalMilliSeconds;
//split the string into its parts
aryParts = strTime.split(":");
//make sure it's valid before we knock ourselves out
if (! IsValidCMITimeSpan(strTime)){
WriteToDebug("ERROR - Invalid TimeSpan");
SetErrorInfo(SCORM_ERROR_GENERAL, "LMS ERROR - Invalid time span passed to ConvertCMITimeSpanToMS, please contact technical support");
return 0;
//seperate the parts and multiply by the appropriate constant (3600000 = num milliseconds in an hour, etc)
intHours = aryParts[0];
intMinutes = aryParts[1];
intSeconds = aryParts[2]; //don't need to worry about milliseconds b/c they are expressed as fractions of a second
WriteToDebug("intHours=" + intHours + " intMinutes=" + intMinutes + " intSeconds=" + intSeconds);
intTotalMilliSeconds = (intHours * 3600000) + (intMinutes * 60000) + (intSeconds * 1000);
//necessary because in JavaScript, some values for intSeconds (such as 2.01) will have a lot of decimal
//places when multiplied by 1000. For instance, 2.01 turns into 2009.999999999999997.
intTotalMilliSeconds = Math.round(intTotalMilliSeconds);
WriteToDebug("Returning " + intTotalMilliSeconds);
return intTotalMilliSeconds;
function ConvertScorm2004TimeToMS(strIso8601Time){
WriteToDebug("In ConvertScorm2004TimeToMS, strIso8601Time=" + strIso8601Time);
var intTotalMs = 0;
var strNumberBuilder;
var strCurrentCharacter;
var blnInTimeSection;
var Seconds = 0; // 100 hundreths of a seconds
var Minutes = 0; // 60 seconds
var Hours = 0; // 60 minutes
var Days = 0; // 24 hours
var Months = 0; // assumed to be an "average" month (figures a leap year every 4 years) = ((365*4) + 1) / 48 days - 30.4375 days per month
var Years = 0; // assumed to be 12 "average" months
strIso8601Time = new String(strIso8601Time);
strNumberBuilder = "";
strCurrentCharacter = "";
blnInTimeSection = false;
//start at 1 to get past the "P"
for (var i=1; i < strIso8601Time.length; i++){
strCurrentCharacter = strIso8601Time.charAt(i);
if (IsIso8601SectionDelimiter(strCurrentCharacter)){
switch (strCurrentCharacter.toUpperCase()){
case "Y":
Years = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
case "M":
if (blnInTimeSection){
Minutes = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
Months = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
case "D":
Days = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
case "H":
Hours = parseInt(strNumberBuilder, 10);
case "S":
Seconds = parseFloat(strNumberBuilder);
case "T":
blnInTimeSection = true;
strNumberBuilder = "";
strNumberBuilder += "" + strCurrentCharacter; //use "" to keep the number as string concats instead of numeric additions
WriteToDebug("Years=" + Years + "\n" +
"Months=" + Months + "\n" +
"Days=" + Days + "\n" +
"Hours=" + Hours + "\n" +
"Minutes=" + Minutes + "\n" +
"Seconds=" + Seconds + "\n"
intTotalMs = (Years * MILLISECONDS_PER_YEAR) +
//necessary because in JavaScript, some values (such as 2.01) will have a lot of decimal
//places when multiplied by a larger number. For instance, 2.01 turns into 2009.999999999999997.
intTotalMs = Math.round(intTotalMs);
WriteToDebug ("returning-" + intTotalMs);
return intTotalMs;
function IsIso8601SectionDelimiter(str){
if ([PYMDTHS]/) >=0 ){
return true;
return false;
function IsValidCMITimeSpan(strValue){
WriteToDebug("In IsValidCMITimeSpan strValue=" + strValue);
//note that the spec does not say that minutes or seconds have to be < 60
var regValid = /^\d?\d?\d?\d:\d?\d:\d?\d(.\d\d?)?$/;
if ( > -1){
WriteToDebug("Returning True");
return true;
WriteToDebug("Returning False");
return false;
function IsValidIso8601TimeSpan(strValue){
WriteToDebug("In IsValidIso8601TimeSpan strValue=" + strValue);
var regValid = /^P(\d+Y)?(\d+M)?(\d+D)?(T(\d+H)?(\d+M)?(\d+(.\d\d?)?S)?)?$/;
if ( > -1){
WriteToDebug("Returning True");
return true;
WriteToDebug("Returning False");
return false;
function ConvertMilliSecondsToSCORMTime(intTotalMilliseconds, blnIncludeFraction){
var intHours;
var intintMinutes;
var intSeconds;
var intMilliseconds;
var intHundredths;
var strCMITimeSpan;
WriteToDebug("In ConvertMilliSecondsIntoSCORMTime, intTotalMilliseconds = " + intTotalMilliseconds + ", blnIncludeFraction = " + blnIncludeFraction);
if (blnIncludeFraction == null || blnIncludeFraction == undefined){
blnIncludeFraction = true;
//extract time parts
intMilliseconds = intTotalMilliseconds % 1000;
intSeconds = ((intTotalMilliseconds - intMilliseconds) / 1000) % 60;
intMinutes = ((intTotalMilliseconds - intMilliseconds - (intSeconds * 1000)) / 60000) % 60;
intHours = (intTotalMilliseconds - intMilliseconds - (intSeconds * 1000) - (intMinutes * 60000)) / 3600000;
WriteToDebug("Separated Parts, intHours=" + intHours + ", intMinutes=" + intMinutes + ", intSeconds=" + intSeconds + ", intMilliseconds=" + intMilliseconds);
deal with exceptional case when content used a huge amount of time and interpreted CMITimstamp
to allow a number of intMinutes and seconds greater than 60 i.e. 9999:99:99.99 instead of 9999:60:60:99
note - this case is permissable under SCORM, but will be exceptionally rare
if (intHours == 10000)
WriteToDebug("Max intHours detected");
intHours = 9999;
intMinutes = (intTotalMilliseconds - (intHours * 3600000)) / 60000;
if (intMinutes == 100)
intMinutes = 99;
intMinutes = Math.floor(intMinutes);
intSeconds = (intTotalMilliseconds - (intHours * 3600000) - (intMinutes * 60000)) / 1000;
if (intSeconds == 100)
intSeconds = 99;
intSeconds = Math.floor(intSeconds);
intMilliseconds = (intTotalMilliseconds - (intHours * 3600000) - (intMinutes * 60000) - (intSeconds * 1000));
WriteToDebug("Separated Parts, intHours=" + intHours + ", intMinutes=" + intMinutes + ", intSeconds=" + intSeconds + ", intMilliseconds=" + intMilliseconds);
//drop the extra precision from the milliseconds
intHundredths = Math.floor(intMilliseconds / 10);
//put in padding 0's and concatinate to get the proper format
strCMITimeSpan = ZeroPad(intHours, 4) + ":" + ZeroPad(intMinutes, 2) + ":" + ZeroPad(intSeconds, 2);
if (blnIncludeFraction){
strCMITimeSpan += "." + intHundredths;
WriteToDebug("strCMITimeSpan=" + strCMITimeSpan);
//check for case where total milliseconds is greater than max supported by strCMITimeSpan
if (intHours > 9999)
strCMITimeSpan = "9999:99:99";
if (blnIncludeFraction){
strCMITimeSpan += ".99";
WriteToDebug("returning " + strCMITimeSpan);
return strCMITimeSpan;
function ConvertMilliSecondsIntoSCORM2004Time(intTotalMilliseconds){
WriteToDebug("In ConvertMilliSecondsIntoSCORM2004Time intTotalMilliseconds=" + intTotalMilliseconds);
var ScormTime = "";
var HundredthsOfASecond; //decrementing counter - work at the hundreths of a second level because that is all the precision that is required
var Seconds; // 100 hundreths of a seconds
var Minutes; // 60 seconds
var Hours; // 60 minutes
var Days; // 24 hours
var Months; // assumed to be an "average" month (figures a leap year every 4 years) = ((365*4) + 1) / 48 days - 30.4375 days per month
var Years; // assumed to be 12 "average" months
var HUNDREDTHS_PER_MONTH = HUNDREDTHS_PER_DAY * (((365 * 4) + 1) / 48);
HundredthsOfASecond = Math.floor(intTotalMilliseconds / 10);
Years = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_YEAR);
HundredthsOfASecond -= (Years * HUNDREDTHS_PER_YEAR);
Months = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_MONTH);
HundredthsOfASecond -= (Months * HUNDREDTHS_PER_MONTH);
Days = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_DAY);
HundredthsOfASecond -= (Days * HUNDREDTHS_PER_DAY);
Hours = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_HOUR);
HundredthsOfASecond -= (Hours * HUNDREDTHS_PER_HOUR);
Minutes = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_MINUTE);
HundredthsOfASecond -= (Minutes * HUNDREDTHS_PER_MINUTE);
Seconds = Math.floor(HundredthsOfASecond / HUNDREDTHS_PER_SECOND);
HundredthsOfASecond -= (Seconds * HUNDREDTHS_PER_SECOND);
if (Years > 0) {
ScormTime += Years + "Y";
if (Months > 0){
ScormTime += Months + "M";
if (Days > 0){
ScormTime += Days + "D";
//check to see if we have any time before adding the "T"
if ((HundredthsOfASecond + Seconds + Minutes + Hours) > 0 ){
ScormTime += "T";
if (Hours > 0){
ScormTime += Hours + "H";
if (Minutes > 0){
ScormTime += Minutes + "M";
if ((HundredthsOfASecond + Seconds) > 0){
ScormTime += Seconds;
if (HundredthsOfASecond > 0){
ScormTime += "." + HundredthsOfASecond;
ScormTime += "S";
if (ScormTime == ""){
ScormTime = "0S";
ScormTime = "P" + ScormTime;
WriteToDebug("Returning-" + ScormTime);
return ScormTime;
function ZeroPad(intNum, intNumDigits){
WriteToDebug("In ZeroPad intNum=" + intNum + " intNumDigits=" + intNumDigits);
var strTemp;
var intLen;
var i;
strTemp = new String(intNum);
intLen = strTemp.length;
if (intLen > intNumDigits){
WriteToDebug("Length of string is greater than num digits, trimming string");
strTemp = strTemp.substr(0,intNumDigits);
for (i=intLen; i<intNumDigits; i++){
strTemp = "0" + strTemp;
WriteToDebug("Returning - " + strTemp);
return strTemp;
function IsValidDecimal(strValue){
WriteToDebug("In IsValidDecimal, strValue=" + strValue);
strValue = new String(strValue);
//check for characters "0-9", ".", and "-" only
if ([^.\d-]/) > -1){
WriteToDebug("Returning False - character other than a digit, dash or period found");
return false;
//if contains a dash, ensure it is first and that there is only 1
if ("-") > -1){
if (strValue.indexOf("-", 1) > -1){
WriteToDebug("Returning False - dash found in the middle of the string");
return false;
//ensure only 1 decimal point
if (strValue.indexOf(".") != strValue.lastIndexOf(".")){
WriteToDebug("Returning False - more than one decimal point found");
return false;
//ensure there is at least 1 digit
if (\d/) < 0){
WriteToDebug("Returning False - no digits found");
return false;
WriteToDebug("Returning True");
return true;
function IsAlphaNumeric(strValue){
WriteToDebug("In IsAlphaNumeric");
if (\w/) < 0){
WriteToDebug("Returning false");
return false;
WriteToDebug("Returning true");
return true;
function ReverseNameSequence(strName)
var strFirstName;
var strLastName;
var intCommaLoc;
if (strName=="") strName="Not Found, Learner Name";
intCommaLoc = strName.indexOf(",");
strFirstName = strName.slice(intCommaLoc+1);
strLastName = strName.slice(0, intCommaLoc);
strFirstName = Trim(strFirstName);
strLastName = Trim(strLastName);
return strFirstName + ' ' + strLastName;
function LTrim(str) { // remove leading spaces
str = new String(str);
return(str.replace(/^\s+/, ''));
function RTrim(str) { // remove trailing spaces
str = new String(str);
return(str.replace(/\s+$/, ''));
function Trim(strToTrim) {
var str = LTrim(RTrim(strToTrim)); // remove leading and trailing spaces
return (str.replace(/\s{2,}/g," ")); // replace multiple spaces with single spaces
function GetValueFromDataChunk(strID)
var strChunk = new String(GetDataChunk());
var aryPairs = new Array();
var aryValues = new Array();
var i;
aryPairs = strChunk.split(parent.DATA_CHUNK_PAIR_SEPARATOR);
for (i=0;i<aryPairs.length;i++)
aryValues = aryPairs[i].split(parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
if (aryValues[0]==strID) return aryValues[1];
return '';
function SetDataChunkValue(strID, strValue)
var strChunk = new String(GetDataChunk());
var aryPairs = new Array();
var aryValues = new Array();
var i;
var blnFound = new Boolean(false);
aryPairs = strChunk.split(parent.DATA_CHUNK_PAIR_SEPARATOR);
for (i=0;i<aryPairs.length;i++)
aryValues = aryPairs[i].split(parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
if (aryValues[0]==strID)
aryValues[1] = strValue;
blnFound = true;
aryPairs[i] = aryValues[0] + parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR + aryValues[1];
if (blnFound==true)
strChunk = aryPairs.join(parent.DATA_CHUNK_PAIR_SEPARATOR);
if (strChunk=='')
//if data chunk is empty, just add this value
strChunk = strID + parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR + strValue;
//otherwise, append
strChunk += parent.DATA_CHUNK_PAIR_SEPARATOR + strID + parent.DATA_CHUNK_VALUE_SEPARATOR + strValue;
return true;
function GetLastDirAndPageName(str)
var page = new String(str);
var LastSlashLocation = page.lastIndexOf("/");
var SecondLastSlashLocation = page.lastIndexOf("/", LastSlashLocation-1);
return page.substr(SecondLastSlashLocation+1);
function RoundToPrecision(number, significantDigits){
number = parseFloat(number);
return (Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, significantDigits)) / Math.pow(10, significantDigits))
function IsAbsoluteUrl(urlStr) {
return urlStr != null && (urlStr.indexOf("http://") == 0 || urlStr.indexOf("https://") == 0)