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Baby sign language reduces frustration, accelerates verbal development and strengthens cognitive skills. It also enhances child-parent bonding through time spent teaching signs to your baby. Research shows that preverbal infants can communicate through the use of sign language long before they can verbalize their needs. During this session the skills and knowledge necessary to communicate with your preverbal, hearing baby, will be explained using examples from American Sign Language (ASL) signs. Some basic infant signs will be taught. <br /> <br /> Children under 18 months can attend but please inform CES of this prior to the session; unregistered children/partners will not be permitted due to fire and health and safety regulations.</p> <hr align="center" /> <strong>Thursday May 3 </strong><strong><br /> 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM</strong><br /> Dalhousie School<br /> 4440 Dallyn Street NW, Calgary <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-03-23-22-49-24-May-3-Anxiety.pdf">Childhood Anxiety: Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention Strategies</a> </a><img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" /></p> <p>Participants can expect to learn:<br /> <br /> - symptoms of anxiety and anxiety disorders and common presentations for children aged 5-12<br /> - evidenced-based treatment strategies for treating anxiety<br /> - review of emerging practices and research related to prevention and mental wellness</p> <hr align="center" /> <p><strong>Monday May 7 </strong><strong><br /> 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br /> Family Connections - Parent Link<br /> 520 78th Ave SW, Calgary</p> <p> <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-03-16-25-48-May-7-Anger.pdf">Understanding Children’s Emotions & Anger</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p> <p>Join us for an evening of learning regarding children’s strong emotions and anger. We will discuss causes and concerns and learn ways to teach children how to regulate emotions and better ways to express these strong feelings.</p> <hr align="center" /> <p><strong>Tuesday May 8<br /> 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br /> Sarah Thompson School<br /> 42 4th St NE, Langdon</p> <p> <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-02-13-15-35-49-May-8-Healthy-Relationships.pdf">Healthy Relationships: How parents can help their children create positive and healthy relationships</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p> <p>This presentation will focus on how parents can help children develop positive healthy relationships in their lives. Healthy relationships among youth are key to fostering positive social-emotional development, as well as preventing bullying and other relationship problems. The qualities of a healthy relationship will be outlined. Strategies to help parents talk about relationships and promote healthy and positive relationships will be provided. The purpose of this presentation is to empower parents to have meaningful conversations with their children to build the parent-child relationship, as well as provide strategies that parents can use to help their children develop healthy relationships with other adults and their peers.</p> <hr align="center" /> <strong>Tuesday May 8<br /> 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM</strong><br /> Cochrane Community Health Centre<br /> 60 Grande Blvd, Cochrane <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-16-16-05-21-May-8-Concussion.pdf">Concussions: 101 - Heading In The Right Direction</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p> <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-16-16-04-43-May-8-Concussion.pdf">Concussions: 101 - Heading In The Right Direction</a> <img src="news_files/web.jpg" width="22" height="22" alt="webinar" /></p> <p>"So what's the deal with concussions? It's just a little bump to the head.......right?"<br /> Would you know what to look for if your kid sustained a concussion? Would you know what to do?<br /> Participants are provided with the most current information on the importance of recognizing and properly managing this invisible injury. Whether a parent, volunteer coach, athlete or health care professional... participants will leave feeling empowered in their ability recognize the signs and symptoms, and know what to do when a concussion is suspected. Further discussion surrounding resources and help available for those who are experiencing the long term effects of post-concussion syndrome.</p> <hr align="center" /> <p><strong>Wednesday May 9<br /> 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM</strong><br /> Centennial High School <br /> 55 Sun Valley Blvd SE, Calgary</p> <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-13-16-56-30-May-9-Youth-Justice.pdf">Responding to Youth Crime: An Overview of the Youth Criminal Justice Act</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p> <p>This presentation will provide a general overview of the purpose, principles and procedures found in the Youth Criminal Justice Act, and will address a number of common misconceptions about the criminal justice system as it relates to youth between the ages of 12-17. Participants will gain an understanding of the ways in which youth in conflict with the law are treated differently than adults, with particular focus on the areas of diversion from the formal court process, bail, sentencing and youth records.</p> <hr align="center" /> <strong>Thursday May 10<br /> 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br /> Bert Church High School<br /> 1010 East Lake Blvd, Airdrie <p> <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-02-08-18-41-04-May-19-Stress-and-Anxiety.pdf">Understanding Childhood Stress and Anxiety with Practical Tools to Implement in the Home</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p> <p>A discussion on anxiety and stress in children; what it is, what it may look like, how you can help your child. How to use strategies such as mindfulness and relaxation with your child as well as resources that can support caregivers and their children.</p> <hr align="center" /> <p><strong>Thursday May 10<br /> </strong><strong>6:30 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br /> Ability Hub<br /> 300, 3820 - 24th Ave, NW, Calgary</p> <p> <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-11-16-08-18-May-10-Personal-Safety.pdf">Personal Safety</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p> <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-11-16-20-30-May-10-Personal-Safety.pdf">Personal Safety</a> <img src="news_files/web.jpg" width="22" height="22" alt="webinar" /></p> <p>Safety can be a very real concern for all adolescents and young adults, but especially for individuals with Autism. This presentation will include safety and security tips for staying safe in and around your community; including a home and in cyber space.</p> <hr align="center" /> <strong>Tuesday May 15<br /> </strong><strong>6:30 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br /> Ralph McCall Elementary School<br /> 1505 1st Ave NW, Airdrie<br /> <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-16-15-07-54-May-15-Parent-after-Separation.pdf">Parenting After Separation</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p> <p>This session will offer information to parents about the separation and divorce process, the effects of separation and divorce on their children, techniques for communication and legal information that affects parents and children. <br /> <br /> Topics will include:<br /> <br /> Children Can Cope with Separation and Divorce – Put your children FIRST<br /> Learning Your Way Around the Legal System<br /> Parenting Plans That Work for Your Family</p> <hr align="center" /> <p><strong>Tuesday May 15<br /> </strong><strong>11:00 AM - 12:30 PM</strong><br /> Alberta Children’s Hospital<br /> Kinsmen Learning Centre (4th floor)<br /> 2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary</p> <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-16-16-01-44-May-16-ADHD.pdf">Helping Teens Diagnosed with ADD/ADHD Part 1</a></a></a><img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/tele.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="tele" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/phone.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="phone" /></p> <p>Discover strategies and skills for parents and caregivers of teens with ADD/ADHD </p> <p>** This is a 2 part series, it is recommended that you attend both sessions. Part 2 will be held on September 27th at 11:00am at the Alberta Children’s Hospital **</p> <hr align="center" /> <p><strong>Wednesday May 16<br /> </strong><strong>6:30 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br /> Kids & Company - Britannia Location<br /> 300, 5119 Elbow Drive SW, Calgary<br /> </p> <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-16-16-52-41-May-16-Speech.pdf">The New Guidelines on Screen Time for Preschool-Aged Children: The Importance of Interaction in Early Language Acquisition</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p> In a world where 'screen time' is rapidly increasing, how we interact with our children is changing. We will present the revised guidelines on digital media use from the American Academy of Pediatrics (released in October 2016) with a focus on the impacts of screen time on the development of language in the preschool years. <hr align="center" /> <p><strong>Thursday May 17<br /> </strong><strong>6:30 PM - 8:00 PM</strong><br /> Mountain Park School<br /> 312 Mount Douglas Close SE, Calgary</p> <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-03-23-22-48-20-May-17-Anxiety.pdf">Taming Anxiety Gremlins</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p> <p>Anxiety is at epidemic levels among children and teens. This workshop will promote parent and teachers' understanding of anxiety and teach them how traditional ways of offering help may unwittingly feed into the child's worries and associated behaviours. Participants will learn effective tools to help children manage their anxiety to promote their resilience and overall well-being.</p> <hr align="center" /> <p><strong>Tuesday May 22<br /> </strong><strong>noon - 1:00 PM</strong> - WEBINAR ONLY<br /> </p> <p></a></a><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-09-22-08-44-May-22-Teens--Risk-taking.pdf">Teens & Risk-Taking: Challenges & Opportunities</a> <img src="news_files/web.jpg" width="22" height="22" alt="webinar" /></p> <p>Teens are faced with making decisions about many new kinds of risk. Choices about drugs, alcohol, social media, relationships and sexuality can be life changing. Research shows that brain development continues until the mid 20s with the pleasure centre of the brain developing before the judgement centre. That is why teens often do not recognize the risk in the things they do or think about the bad things that can happen. Learn tips and tools to allow teens enough risk to grow yet manage risk so they are safe.</p> <hr align="center" /> <p><strong>Wednesday May 30<br /> </strong><strong>11:00 AM - 12:30 PM</strong><br /> Alberta Children’s Hospital<br /> Kinsmen Learning Centre (4th floor)<br /> 2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary</p> <p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-12-20-51-24-May-30-Parents-Address-BC-and-MH-School.pdf">Partnering with Parents to Address Behavioural Challenges and Mental Health Concerns at School</a></a></a><img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/tele.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="tele" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/phone.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="phone" /></p> <p>Good mental health starts with an understanding of the brain and its primary roles. This session will introduce parents and those who work with youth to the basic concepts in establishing and maintaining positive mental health in these young people. Topics will include discussion of the teenage brain, common myths about mental illness, teenage stress, promoting positive mental health in the child and accessing help. <a href="http://teenmentalhealth.org/">http://teenmentalhealth.org/</a></p> <p><img src="TMH.png" width="154" height="150" alt=""/><a href="http://teenmentalhealth.org/"></a></p> <hr align="center" /> <strong>Thursday May 31<br /> </strong><strong>6:30 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br /> South Calgary Health Centre<br /> 31 Sunpark Plaza SE, Calgary <p>TEEN SERIES Navigating Mental Health Services - Who to Call <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /> (no poster currently available)</p> <p>Finding out about the appropriate services for mental health can be very challenging. Explore the services that are offered in the Calgary area for teens.</p> <hr align="center" /> <p> </p> <h2 align="center">RECORDED SESSIONS <img src="news_files/record.jpg" width="45" height="45" /><br /></h2> <div align="center"> <p>The following are prerecorded sessions and are presented in the<br /> Windows Media Video (WMV) format or MP4.<br /> Click on titles for poster </p> <p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-13-15-41-22-April-12-Videogame-ONLINE.pdf">Videogaming and Youth</a></p> <p align="left">Increase your comprehension of videogame culture, including popularity of play in Canada, pros and cons of play and signs of problematic use. Identify strategies to open up conversations at home, within your organization, or in the classroom that raise awareness and help people to make informed decisions. Session is run by Alberta Health Services, Youth Addiction Services. <strong>Available until: August 1, 2018</strong></p> <p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-04-13-16-43-11-May-1-ONLINE-Cannabis.pdf">Curious about Cannabis</a></p> <p align="left">Learn about cannabis, youth, and the pending legalization of this drug. Tools and resources will be shared to support you and your family. <strong>Available until: August 1, 2018</strong></p> <p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2017-11-27-18-26-26-Nov-30-2017-Laughing-Families.pdf">Laugh Until it Helps: Building Resilience through Humour and Laughter</a></p> <p align="left">In helping children be more resilient, the goal is not to deny the reality of their struggles but rather to recognize areas of special need & help them gain insight into their talents and inner strengths. Knowing how to face up to & answer tough questions, connect with people in ways that are helpful,& deal with frustration with creativity, imagination & even humour are all ways we can teach children to become more independent & enjoy success in school & in the community. <br /> <strong>Available until: March 1, 2018 </strong></p> <p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2017-11-16-21-20-37-Nov-2017-Music-Therapy.pdf">Music Therapy and Early Childhood Development</a> </p> <p align="left">The purpose of this session will be to educate participants on the benefits of using music in early childhood. The presenters will also give an overview of how the development of infants and toddlers is promoted through music therapy interventions.<strong> Available until: January 31, 2018 </strong></p> <p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-01-10-18-34-35-Jan-10-Online-Collaborative-Problem-Solving.pdf">Collaborative Problem Solving Approach for Children, Youth and Families</a></p> <p align="left">Objectives:<br /> 1. To learn about the difference between triggers/expectations, lagging skills and challenging behavior.<br /> 2. To understand the rationale for helping children and youth develop 5 common lagging skills for better adaptation.<br /> 3. To learn the advantages of collaborative vs. coercive approaches with children and youth.<strong><br /> Available until: July 10, 2018</strong></p> <p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-01-10-22-30-13-Jan-10-Online-Disability-Tax-Credit.pdf">Disability Tax Credit and RDSP Workshop</a></p> <p align="left">The RDSP is a program for those that qualify for the Disability Tax Credit and are under the age of 60. There is up to $70,000 in grants and $20,000 in bonds that can be collected until their 49th year. Come get all your questions answered about the Disability Tax Credit and Registered Disability Saving Plan.<strong> Available until: July 10, 2018</strong></p> <p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-01-12-17-43-38-Jan-12-Online-Can-One-Story-Change-Everything.pdf">Can One Story Change Everything?</a></p> <p align="left">Participants will develop an understanding of early brain development and its impact on health throughout life.<br /> Participants will learn about applying brain development knowledge into policies and practice.<br /> Participants will receive information about learning tools (including the new online Brain Story course)they can access to learn more. <strong>Available until: July 12, 2018</strong></p> <p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-01-17-21-23-43-Feb-1-Boys-and-Girls-Learn-Differently-Recorded.pdf">Boys and Girls Learn Differently: How Gender Differences Influence Learning and Behaviour</a></p> <p align="left">The author of Raising Boys in a New Kind of World presents how gender differences have a profound influence on learning and behaviour. Boys’ brains and girls’ brains develop and operate very differently. Current brain research has revealed fascinating differences between the way males and females think and communicate. The implications for teaching and raising boys and girls are profound. Teachers and parents of both genders will benefit from this entertaining and enlightening workshop. <strong>Available until: July 1, 2018</strong><br /> </p> <p align="center"><strong><br /> To register for these sessions,<a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/"> click here</a></strong></p> <p align="center"> </p> <hr align="center" /> <p align="center"><span class="teen"><strong>CES is always looking for new partnerships and presenters!<br /> Please <a href="mailto:mailto:ces@ahs.ca">contact us</a> should you be interested in sharing your expertise as it relates to child and youth health and emotional well-being.</strong></span> </p> <hr align="center" /> <p align="center"><strong>If you are interested in any of the studies below, please<br /> contact the program directly.</strong><br /> <br /> <strong>What does your brain look like? Come find out!</strong><br /> We are looking for healthy kids aged 6-7 years for our research study involving an MRI scan and neuropsychological (math and language) assessments at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. It takes ~3 hours, and we provide a picture of your brain, $30, and parking reimbursement.<br /> If you are interested, please contact Bryce Geeraert: <a href="mailto:blgeerae@ucalgary.ca">blgeerae@ucalgary.ca</a>, 403-874-2050. </p> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"><img src="news_files/study1.jpg" width="785" height="130" /></p> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"><img src="news_files/study2.jpg" width="729" height="551" /></p> <hr align="center" /> <h1><strong>HOW TO REGISTER</strong></h1> <p align="left"><strong>Public</strong></p> <div align="left">To attend <u><strong>in person</strong></u>: <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /><br /> <ul> <li>First time? Create an account: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/">http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/</a>, then register.<br /> <li> Already have an account? Register: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/login/">http://community.hmhc.ca/login/</a><br /> <li> OR call (403) 955-4747 for assistance if you do not have computer. </li> </ul> </div> <p align="left"><strong><u>To attend via Telehealth TH (aka video-conference) / Audio Line:</u></strong> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/tele.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="tele" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/phone.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="phone" /><br /> Only those sessions marked with the icons above are available as TH or audioline.<br /> Click on these icons on the website for more information. </p> <p align="left"><strong><u>To view a Recorded session or Webinar :</u></strong> <img src="news_files/record.jpg" width="21" height="15" /> <img src="news_files/web.jpg" width="22" height="22" alt="webinar" /><br /> <ul> <li> <div align="left">Create an account:<a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/"> http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/</a>, then register.<br /> </div> <li> <div align="left"> Already have an account? Register: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/?p=online ">http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/?p=online </a></div> </li> </ul> <p align="left"><strong>AHS Employees</strong></p> <div align="left"></div> <div align="left"></div> <div align="left"> <p>To attend <u><strong>in person</strong></u>: <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /><br /> </p> <ul> <li> First time? Create an account: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/registration">http://community.hmhc.ca/registration</a>/, then register.<br /> <li> Already have an account? Register: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/login">http://community.hmhc.ca/login</a>/ </p> </li> </ul> <p><strong><u>To attend via Telehealth TH (aka video-conference) / Audio Line:</u></strong> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/tele.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="tele" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/phone.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="phone" /><br /> Only those sessions marked with the icons above are available as TH or audioline.<br /> Click on these icons on the website for more information</p> <p><strong>Step 1</strong>: Book your site using scheduler link below:<br /> <a href="https://vcscheduler.ca/schedule20/calendar/calendar.aspx?ID=1268">https://vcscheduler.ca/schedule20/calendar/calendar.aspx?ID=1268</a></p> <p><br /> <strong>Step 2</strong>: Once site has been confirmed, register for the session here:<br /> <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/login/">http://community.hmhc.ca/login/</a></p> <p><strong><u>To view a Recorded session or Webinar :</u></strong> <img src="news_files/record.jpg" width="21" height="15" /> <img src="news_files/web.jpg" width="22" height="22" alt="webinar" /><br /> Create an account: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/">http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/</a><br /> Already have an account? Register: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/?p=online">http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/?p=online</a></p> <p> </p> <p align="center"><strong>All sessions are Level 1 unless otherwise indicated and qualify for ACSW B Level credits.</strong><br /> <strong>It is recommended not to bring children to CES sessions, unless indicated otherwise<br /> Courses with low registration may be canceled.</strong></p> <p align="center"><img src="news_files/note.jpg" width="73" height="74" /></p> <p align="center"><strong><em>Attendance Certificates are not available for TH, Audioline or Webinar sessions </em></strong></p> <p align="center">It is recommended to use your confirmation email you received when registering as proof of registration and also a copy of the handout if one was provided.</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>