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<p align="center">
<h1 align="center"><font face="Century Gothic">Community Education Service<br />
  October 2018</font></h1>
<p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 align="center"> <p>Today, October 10, 2018, is </p>
  <p>Remember to be kind to you yourself and others.</p>
<p align="center">
(click <a href="http://www.who.int/mental_health/world-mental-health-day/en/">here</a> for more information)</p>
<p><img src="10-helpful-things-to-say-to-someone-with-depression (1).jpeg" width="474" height="900
" alt=""/></p></center>
<p><strong>**All sessions Level 1 unless otherwise indicated and qualify for ACSW B Level credits.</strong><br />
  <strong>It is recommended not to bring children to CES sessions, unless indicated otherwise<br />
Courses with low registration may be cancelled.</strong>**</p>
<p align="left"><strong>Monday October 15 </strong><strong><br />
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM</strong><br />
Alberta Children’s Hospital<br />
Kinsmen Learning Centre (4th floor)<br />
2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary</p>
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-08-24-21-16-08-Oct-15-Keeping-Kids-Safe.pdf">Keeping Kids Safe: Confidently fulfilling the Duty to Report </a><img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/tele.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="tele" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/phone.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="phone" /></p>
<p>Child abuse is a serious, pervasive and complex  issue experienced by approximately 1/3 of Canadians. All adults who work with  children and youth have an obligation to report suspected abuse. Talking with a  child or youth about suspected abuse or making a report is often very  stressful. Knowing what signs to look for, how to respond and what to expect  when you report can help make this difficult situation more manageable. This  session is designed to increase the capacity of adults who work with children  and youth to:<br />
- Recognize behavioral and physical signs of potential child abuse<br />
- Respond to children and youth who disclose or give subtle verbal clues<br />
- Confidently report suspected child abuse. </p>
<hr align="center" />
<p><strong>Monday October 15<br />
  6:30 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br />
  Family Connections Parent Linkl<br />
520 78th Ave NW, Calgary</p>
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-08-16-15-48-42-Oct-15-Tantrums.pdf">Taming  Toddler Tantrums</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p>
<p>Ever wondered how to break through a toddler  meltdown? This presentation will help you gain an understanding of toddler  emotions and how to tame the tantrums that go with it. You will also learn  techniques and tips on how to prevent them, how you can handle these strong  emotions and also teach toddlers better ways to express them. Covers 1-4 years  of age.</p>
<hr align="center" />
<strong>Tuesday October 16<br />
</strong><strong>6:30 PM - 8:30 PM  </strong><br />
Mitford School<br />
110 Quigley Drive, Cochrane
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-19-13-51-56-Oct-16-Mindfulness.pdf">Let's Talk Mindfullness</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p>
<p>This session will outline and discuss the main concepts in mindfulness and how understanding the brain can improve self-regulation.  Using a hands-on approach this session will teach skills related to these concepts. This session will discuss how the brain influences thinking, emotions and behaviour. Improved self-regulation can lead to better focus in school, better cooperation with others and improved self-awareness and self-control.</p>
<hr align="center" />
<p><strong>Thursday October 18 </strong><strong><br />
  10:45 AM - 12:15 PM</strong><br />
  Alberta Children’s Hospital<br />
  Kinsmen Learning Centre (4th floor)<br />
2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary</p>
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-12-17-46-52-Oct-18---ASD--the-Brain.pdf">Restricted Interests in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): How do they engage the brain?</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/tele.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="tele" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/phone.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="phone" /></p>
<p>One of the lesser studied symptoms in ASD is restricted interests. In a series of studies conducted at the University of Calgary and Alberta Children's Hospital we asked: how does the brain respond to restricted interests? In this presentation I will talk about how we use techniques like electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain, and what the images we get tell us about how restricted interests are processed in the brain.</p>
<hr align="center" />
<p><strong>Thursday October 18 </strong><strong><br /></strong><strong>6:30 PM - 8:30 PM  </strong><br />
The Ability Hub<br />
300, 3820 24th Ave NW, Calgary</p>
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-08-24-21-22-01-Oct-18-evening-ASD--Brain.pdf">Restricted Interests in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): How do they engage the brain?</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p>
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-08-24-21-31-44-October-18-ASD--the-Brain.pdf">Restricted Interests in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): How do they engage the brain?</a> <strong><img src="news_files/web.jpg" width="22" height="22" alt="webinar" /></strong></p>
<p>One of the lesser studied symptoms in ASD is restricted interests. In a series of studies conducted at the University of Calgary and Alberta Children's Hospital we asked: how does the brain respond to restricted interests? In this presentation I will talk about how we use techniques like electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain, and what the images we get tell us about how restricted interests are processed in the brain.</p>
<hr align="center" />
<strong>Monday October 22 </strong><strong><br />
</strong><strong>6:00 PM - 7:30 PM  </strong><br />
South Health Campus - YMCA Wellness Centre <br /> 
4448 Front St SE, Calgary
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-21-20-05-20-Oct-22-Fent.pdf">Youth Fentanyl and Prescription Drug Use</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p>
<p>Improve your knowledge of youth over-the-counter and prescription drug use, misuse and abuse. Information provided will include prevalence of use, drugs of abuse (including fentanyl), signs and symptoms of misuse/abuse, the link to mental health concerns, a harm-reduction approach, and available resources.</p>
<hr align="center" />
<strong>Monday October 22</strong><strong><br />
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br />
Alberta Children’s Hospital<br />
Kinsmen Learning Centre (4th floor) <br />
2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-17-16-40-04-Oct-22-P1-EF.pdf">Skills that Help the Brain Get Things Done: Understanding Executive Functioning in Children and Adolescents Part 1</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p>

<p>Executive functioning skills are mental processes that help us tolerate change, control our emotions, resist impulses, juggle information, make a plan, and start and finish tasks. Much like an air traffic controller who manages the arrivals and departures of many aircraft on multiple runways at a busy airport, the brain needs this skill set to get things done in an organized and efficient way. In this session you will learn about these skills and their importance for both school and personal success. Part 2 will be Nov 5, 2018.</p>
<hr align="center" />
<strong>Monday October 22</strong><strong><br />
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM</strong><br />
Western Canada High School<br />
641 17th Ave SW, Calgary
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-18-18-09-56-Oct-22-Student-Stress.pdf">Helping your stressed out student: Tips for parents to combat test anxiety and school stress</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p>
<p>This session will provide parents with information about stress in adolescence and signs to look for. It will also focus on strategies that parents can use to help their teen manage general and school stress, with specific strategies for combating test anxiety. </p>
<hr align="center" />
<p><strong>Wednesday October 24</strong><strong><br />
Noon - 1 PM</strong><br />
Cochrane Community Health Centre<br />
60 Grande Blvd, Cochrane</p>
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-21-19-19-26-Oct-24-Tech-Neck.pdf">Tech Neck</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p>
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-21-19-50-58-Oct-24-Tech.pdf">Tech Neck</a> <strong><img src="news_files/web.jpg" width="22" height="22" alt="webinar" /></strong></p>
<p>Are your teens and tweens spending endless hours on electronic devices? A phenomenon called Tech Neck <br />
(yes... it's so prevalent, it's actually been named) is having detrimental effects on the posture and health of our youth! Our mission is to educate our community in prevention of postural related-problems with a grassroots approach. <br />
The good news: Tech Neck is totally preventable with a proper awareness and understanding of what causes it, and some simple strategies to prevent it.<br />
<br />
The workshop is brief, interactive and applicable to all ages.</p>
<hr align="center" />
<p><strong>Thursday October 25</strong><strong><br />
  6:30 PM - 8:00 PM</strong><br />
Bert Church High School<br />
1010 East Lake Blvd, Airdrie</p>
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-19-14-05-53-Oct-25-Cannabis.pdf">Cannabis: Legalization, Harms and Benefits</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p>
<p>This session will start by briefly reviewing the history of cannabis use. The session will discuss the reasons cannabis is being legalized and the prevalence of its use. The benefits and harms of cannabis will then be reviewed and  guidelines for youth will be presented.</p>
<hr align="center" />
<strong>Tuesday October 30</strong><strong><br />
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM</strong><br />
ReidBuilt Centre for Community Leadership<br />
101 340 Merganser Dr W, Chestermere
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-19-14-06-19-Oct-30-Cannabis.pdf">Cannabis: Legalization, Harms and Benefits</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /></p>
<p>This session will start by briefly reviewing the history of cannabis use. The session will discuss the reasons cannabis is being legalized and the prevalence of its use. The benefits and harms of cannabis will then be reviewed and  guidelines for youth will be presented.</p>
<hr align="center" />
<p><strong>Wednesday  October 31 </strong><strong><br />
  10:30 AM - 12:30 PM</strong><br />
  Alberta Children’s Hospital<br />
  Kinsmen Learning Centre (4th floor)<br />
2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary </p>
<p><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-09-19-14-18-25-Oct-31-Speech-Language-and-MH.pdf">A Focus on Speech &amp; Language: Information &amp; tips for improving communication abilities in children &amp; youth</a> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/tele.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="tele" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/phone.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="phone" /></p>
<p>Learn about speech and language difficulties and their impact on children and youth in terms of academic achievement, psychological and social development. The presentation will describe what to do if you are concerned about your child&rsquo;s communication abilities or fluency. Therapy resources for children and youth and information about speech and language treatment options will be provided. This presentation will also discuss ISTAR's speech and language services, research projects and how to access ISTAR&rsquo;s services.</p>
<h2 align="center">&nbsp;</h2>
<h2 align="center">&nbsp;</h2>
<h2 align="center">RECORDED SESSIONS &nbsp; <img src="news_files/record.jpg" width="45" height="45" /><br />
      <div align="center">
        <p>The following are prerecorded sessions and are presented in the<br />
      Windows Media Video (WMV) format or MP4.<br />
      Click on titles for poster        </p>
        <p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-07-10-15-54-24-July-10-to-Oct-1-Ed-Assessments.pdf">Not  falling through the cracks - How Psychoeducational Assessments can help Foster  Success!  </a></p>
        <p align="left">Does your child struggle in a mainstream classroom? Are you  concerned that your child may be anxious, overwhelmed or inattentive at school?  Does your child struggle to understand new academic concepts or lessons? Do you  think your child needs extra support to achieve academic or social success? If  you can relate to any of these questions, please join the presenters to explore  when a psychoeducational assessment may be warranted for your child. Within the  current session, presenters will provide parents and supports with an overview  of how psychoeducational assessments can be helpful in identifying a child&rsquo;s  strengths, areas of difficulty, and learning style, as well as help caregivers  learn how to advocate through the educational system and community supports to  foster growth and success. </p>
<p align="left">        <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-08-15-16-16-23-Aug-10-Dating-Violence.pdf">Adolescent  Dating Violence: Prevalence, Correlates, Outcomes and Prevention</a>                                 </p>
<p align="left">This  presentation will introduce attendees to the topic of adolescent dating  violence. The latest research on prevalence, correlates and outcomes will be reviewed,  as well as best practices for prevention. The presenter will also review key  take-aways for health care providers, parents and educators.</p>
<p align="left"><a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/files/2018-08-16-16-30-30-Aug-16-Marijuana-and-Brain.pdf">Marijuana  and Development of the Brain</a>                                                                                            </p>
<p align="left">Please join visiting  Neuroscientist from New York, Dr. Diana Dow-Edwards to learn about:<br />
  • Pharmacology and anatomy of endocannabinoid system<br />
  • What exogenous cannabinoids do to developing nervous system<br />
  • Mental health consequences of adolescent marijuana smoking</p>
        <p align="left"><strong>         To register for these sessions,<a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/"> click here</a></strong></p>
        <p align="center"><strong><em><img src="news_files/note.jpg" width="73" height="74" />Attendance Certificates are not available for TH, Audioline or Webinar sessions</em></strong></p>
        <p align="center">It is recommended to use your confirmation email you received when registering as proof of registration and also a copy of the handout if one was provided.</p>
        <hr align="center" />
        <p align="center"><span class="teen"><strong>CES is always looking for new partnerships and presenters!<br />
        Please <a href="mailto:mailto:ces@ahs.ca">contact us</a> should you be interested in sharing your expertise as it relates to child and youth health and emotional well-being.</strong></span>        </p>
        <hr align="center" />
        <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
        <h1><strong>HOW TO REGISTER</strong></h1>
        <p align="left"><strong>Public</strong></p>
        <div align="left">To attend <u><strong>in person</strong></u>: <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /><br />
            <li>First time? Create an account: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/">http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/</a>, then register.<br />
            <li> Already have an account? Register: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/login/">http://community.hmhc.ca/login/</a><br />
            <li> OR call (403) 955-4747 for assistance if you do not have computer.        </li>
        <p align="left"><strong><u>To attend via Telehealth TH (aka video-conference) / Audio Line:</u></strong> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/tele.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="tele" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/phone.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="phone" /><br />
          Only those sessions marked with the icons above are available as TH or audioline.<br />
        Click on these icons on the website for more information.        </p>
        <p align="left"><strong><u>To view a Recorded session or Webinar :</u></strong> <img src="news_files/record.jpg" width="21" height="15" /> <img src="news_files/web.jpg" width="22" height="22" alt="webinar" /><br />
 <ul> <li>
   <div align="left">Create an account:<a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/"> http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/</a>, then register.<br />
   <div align="left">     Already have an account? Register: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/?p=online ">http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/?p=online </a></div>
 <p align="left"><strong>AHS Employees</strong></p>
 <div align="left"></div>
 <div align="left"></div>
 <div align="left">
   <p>To attend <u><strong>in person</strong></u>: <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/live.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="live" /><br />
        <li>    First time? Create an account: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/registration">http://community.hmhc.ca/registration</a>/, then register.<br />
     <li>     Already have an account? Register: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/login">http://community.hmhc.ca/login</a>/
   <p><strong><u>To attend via Telehealth TH (aka video-conference) / Audio Line:</u></strong> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/tele.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="tele" /> <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/phone.jpg" width="15" height="15" alt="phone" /><br />
     Only those sessions marked with the icons above are available as TH or audioline.<br />
    Click on these icons on the website for more information</p>
   <p><strong>Step 1</strong>: Book your site using this <a href="https://ischeduler.albertahealthservices.ca/ ">scheduler link</a></p>
   <p><br />
     <strong>Step 2</strong>: Once site has been confirmed, register for the session here:<br />
     <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/login/">http://community.hmhc.ca/login/</a></p>
   <p><strong><u>To view a Recorded session or Webinar :</u></strong> <img src="news_files/record.jpg" width="21" height="15" /> <img src="news_files/web.jpg" width="22" height="22" alt="webinar" /><br />
      Create an account: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/">http://community.hmhc.ca/registration/</a><br />
    Already have an account? Register: <a href="http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/?p=online">http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/?p=online</a></p>
   <hr align="center" /><p>Follow us on <img src="http://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/news_files/twitter.jpg" width="98" height="28" /> @CES_AHS</p>
   <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>


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