[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $

//prints select list of days in a month, with the $select_value selected
function days_in_month_select($select_name, $select_value){
	echo "\n<select class='form-control' name=\"" . $select_name . "\">";
	for ($day=1; $day<=31; $day++){
		echo "\n<option value=\"" . $day . "\"";
		if ($select_value == $day)
			echo " selected";
		echo ">" . $day . "</option>";
	echo "\n</select>";

//prints select list of Canadian provinces, with the $select_value selected
function provinces_select($select_name, $select_value){
	$provinces = array("AB", "BC", "MB", "NB", "NF", "NS", "NT", "NT", "ON", "PE", "PQ", "SK", "YT");
	echo "\n<select class='form-control' name=\"" . $select_name . "\">";
	foreach ($provinces as $province_abv){
		echo "\n<option value=\"" . $province_abv . "\"";
		if ($select_value == $province_abv)
			echo " selected";
		echo ">" . $province_abv . "</option>";
	echo "\n</select>";

//prints select list of months, with the $select_value selected
function month_name_select($select_name, $select_value){
	$months = array("01" => "Jan", "02" => "Feb", "03" => "Mar", "04" => "Apr", "05" => "May", "06" => "Jun", "07" => "Jul", "08" => "Aug", "09" => "Sep", "10" => "Oct", "11" => "Nov", "12" => "Dec");
	echo "\n<select class='form-control' name=\"" . $select_name . "\">";
	foreach ($months as $month_digit => $month_abv){
		echo "\n<option value=\"" . $month_digit . "\"";
		if ($select_value == $month_digit)
			echo " selected";
		echo ">" . $month_abv . "</option>";
	echo "\n</select>";

//prints select list of years with the $select_value selected and year range between $start_year and $end_year
//2012-04-10 - wsopko - added start_year and end_year as parameters so could override the date ranges - did so season reports could have dates in the past
//function year_select($select_name, $select_value){
function year_select($select_name, $select_value, $start_year = 0, $end_year = 0){
	//2012-04-10 - wsopko - if no start or end date parameters set, set to defaults
	//$start_year = date('Y');
	//$end_year =  date('Y')+5;
	if($start_year == 0){
		$start_year = date('Y');
	if($end_year == 0){
		$end_year = date('Y')+5;

	if (!empty($select_value) && $select_value < $start_year) //just in case the select year is less than the start year, we want to be able to output the select year
		$start_year = $select_value;
	if (!empty($select_value) && $select_value > $end_year) //just in case the select year is greater than the end year, we want to be able to output the select year
		$end_year = $select_value;
	echo "\n<select class='form-control' name=\"" . $select_name . "\">";
	for ($year=$start_year; $year<=$end_year; $year++){
		echo "\n<option value=\"" . $year . "\"";
		if ($select_value == $year)
			echo " selected";
		echo ">" . $year . "</option>";
	echo "\n</select>";

//prints select list of hours in a day (12 hour clock), with the $select_value selected
function hours_in_day_select($select_name, $select_value){
	echo "\n<select class='form-control' name=\"" . $select_name . "\">";
	for ($hour=1; $hour<=12; $hour++){
		echo "\n<option value=\"" . $hour . "\"";
		if ($select_value == $hour)
			echo " selected";
		echo ">" . $hour . "</option>";
	echo "\n</select>";

//prints select list of minutes in an hour (five minute increments), with the $select_value selected
function minutes_in_hour_select($select_name, $select_value){
	echo "\n<select class='form-control' name=\"" . $select_name . "\">";
	for ($minute=0; $minute<=55; $minute+=5){
		if($minute<10) //pad one digit minutes with a zero
			$minute = "0" . $minute;
		echo "\n<option value=\"" . $minute . "\"";
		if ($select_value == $minute)
			echo " selected";
		echo ">" . $minute . "</option>";
	echo "\n</select>";

//prints select list of part of day (AM vs PM), with the $select_value selected
function meridiem_select($select_name, $select_value){
	$meridiem = array("AM", "PM");
	echo "\n<select class='form-control' name=\"" . $select_name . "\">";
	foreach ($meridiem as $meridiem_abv){
		echo "\n<option value=\"" . $meridiem_abv . "\"";
		if ($select_value == $meridiem_abv)
			echo " selected";
		echo ">" . $meridiem_abv . "</option>";
	echo "\n</select>";

//prints a select list based on data selected from a database with SQL from $sql
//$select_name is the key field name in the database
//$select_key is the key field value in the database
//$select_value is the field name of the value we show to the user in the select list
function build_db_select_list($sql, $select_name, $select_key, $select_value, $select_parms = ''){
	echo "\n<select class='form-control' name=\"" . $select_name . "\" $select_parms>";
	while ($query_result = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
		echo "\n<option value=\"" . $query_result[$select_name] . "\"";
		if ($select_key == $query_result[$select_name])
			echo " selected";
		echo ">" . $query_result[$select_value] . "</option>";
	echo "\n</select>";

//prints a select list based on data selected from a database with SQL from $sql
// first selection will be blank
//$select_name is the key field name in the database
//$select_key is the key field value in the database
//$select_value is the field name of the value we show to the user in the select list
function build_db_select_list_with_blank($sql, $select_name, $select_key, $select_value, $select_parms = ''){
	echo "\n<select class='form-control' name=\"" . $select_name . "\" $select_parms>";
	echo "\n<option></option>";
	while ($query_result = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
		echo "\n<option value=\"" . $query_result[$select_name] . "\"";
		if ($select_key == $query_result[$select_name])
			echo " selected";
		echo ">" . $query_result[$select_value] . "</option>";
	echo "\n</select>";

//takes a hour in 12 hour format and returns it in 24 hour format
function convert_hour($hour, $meridiem){
	if($meridiem == 'PM' && $hour <> 12)
		return $hour += 12;
	elseif ($meridiem == 'AM' && $hour == 12)
		return 0; //12:00AM is 00:00 on 24 hour clock
	else //no hour adjustment necessary
		return $hour;

function register_person_in_session($session_id, $id, $location_id, $on_waiting_list, $already_on_waiting_list, $attend = "", $num_guests_attending = 0){
	//Text for this function is wrong when an ADMIN unregisters a user, and another user from the wait list is added automatically
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	global $default_date_format; //set in config.php

	$result = '';
	$session_type = session_type($session_id);

	if ($num_guests_attending == ''){
		$num_guests_attending = 0;
	$via_video = 0;
	$via_audio = 0;
	$online = 0;
	$webex = 0;

	if($attend == "video"){
		$via_video = 1;
		$on_waiting_list = 0;
	elseif($attend == "audio"){
		$via_audio = 1;
		$on_waiting_list = 0;
	elseif($attend == "recorded"){
		$on_waiting_list = 0;
		$online = 1;
	elseif($attend == "webex"){
		$on_waiting_list = 0;
		$webex = 1;

	if($already_on_waiting_list == '1'){
		$sql = "UPDATE ces_course_registration SET on_waiting_list = '0' WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND id = '$id'";

		$sql = "INSERT INTO ces_course_registration (session_id, id, location_id, registration_dt, on_waiting_list, num_guests_attending, via_audio, via_video) VALUES ('$session_id', '$id', '$location_id', now(), '$on_waiting_list', '$num_guests_attending', '$via_audio', '$via_video')";

	if(mysqli_query($db, $sql)){ //if the registration was successful send confirmation email

		//2012-02-04 - wsopko - log the event to event_log table
		log_event("register_person_in_session()", "registered user ID $id in session ID $session_id, location ID $location_id, on_waiting_list = $on_waiting_list");

			if($session_type === "recorded" || $session_type === "webex" ){
				$session_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT session.session_id, session.url, course.course_id, course.course_name, course.course_description, unix_timestamp(session.start_dt) start_dt, unix_timestamp(session.end_dt) end_dt
					FROM ces_sessions session
					LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_courses course ON session.course_id = course.course_id
					WHERE session.session_id = '$session_id'");
				//get the course details to include in the email
				$session_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT session.session_id, session.url, course.course_id, course.course_name, course.course_description, unix_timestamp(session.start_dt) start_dt, unix_timestamp(session.end_dt) end_dt, location.location_name, location.address_line1, location.address_line2, location.city, location.province, location.postal_code
					FROM ces_sessions session
					LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_courses course ON session.course_id = course.course_id
					LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_locations location ON location.location_id = '$location_id'
					WHERE session.session_id = '$session_id'
					and location.location_id = '$location_id'");
			//now send confirmation email to person

			while ($session_query = mysqli_fetch_array($session_sql)){ //course details, should only be one row
				//2008-01-27 - wsopko - only send email if the course has not started yet
				$current_date_GMT = time(); //timezone is now set properly in no need to convert it
				$start_date_GMT = convert_local_to_GMT($session_query['start_dt']); //convert session start date to GMT

				if(($start_date_GMT > $current_date_GMT || $online) && $session_type != "webex" ){ //only send email if session has not started yet (dates are both in seconds since UNIX Epoch - Jan 1, 1970)
					//find details about the person we're sending the email to
					$user_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT email FROM phplist_user_user WHERE id = '$id'");
					$user_array = mysqli_fetch_row($user_sql);
					$email = $user_array[0];

					if($on_waiting_list == 1){ //putting person on waiting list
						$subject = "CES - Course Registration - On Waiting List - " . stripslashes($session_query['course_name']);
						$body = "As requested, you have been put on the waiting list for the following course. If space in the course becomes available, you will be automatically registered and receive an email confirmation.";
						//$body .= "\n\nYour current positon on the wait list is: ";
						$body .= "\n\nPlease login to your account to see updates on your position on the waiting list. http://community.hmhc.ca/login/\n";
					elseif($online){ //person is being registered in online session
						$subject = "CES - Course Registration - Confirmation - " . stripslashes($session_query['course_name']);
						$body = "As requested, you have been registered to attend the following Recorded session:";
					elseif ($via_audio) {
						$subject = "CES - Course Registration - Audioline Confirmation - " . stripslashes($session_query['course_name']);
						$body = "As requested, you have been registered to attend the following session via AUDIOLINE:";
						$subject = "CES - Course Registration - Telehealth Confirmation - " . stripslashes($session_query['course_name']);
						$body = "As requested, you have been registered to attend the following session via TELEHEALTH / VIDEO CONFERENCING:";
					}else{ //person is being registered in session
						$subject = "CES - Course Registration - Confirmation - " . stripslashes($session_query['course_name']);
						$body =  "As requested, you have been registered to attend the following session IN PERSON:>";

					$body .= "\n\nCourse Name: " . stripslashes($session_query['course_name']);
					$body .= "\nCourse Start: " . date($default_date_format, $session_query['start_dt']);
					$body .= "\nCourse End: " . date($default_date_format, $session_query['end_dt']);
					//$body .= "\n\nCourse Description: " . stripslashes($session_query['course_description']);

					//if(!$via_video && !$via_audio && !$online){
					$haystack = array("recorded", "webex");
					if(!in_array($session_type, $haystack) && !$via_video && !$via_audio){
						$body .= "\n\nLocation:\n\t " . stripslashes($session_query['location_name']);
						if (strlen($session_query['address_line1']) > 0)
							$body .= "\n\t " . stripslashes($session_query['address_line1']);
						if (strlen($session_query['address_line2']) > 0)
							$body .= "\n\t " . stripslashes($session_query['address_line2']);
						if (strlen($session_query['city']) > 0)
							$body .= "\n\t " . stripslashes($session_query['city']);
						if (strlen($session_query['province']) > 0)
							$body .= ", " . stripslashes($session_query['province']);
						if (strlen($session_query['postal_code']) > 0)
							$body .= "\n\t " . stripslashes($session_query['postal_code']);

					if($num_guests_attending > 0){
						$body .= "\n\nGuests Attending: " . $num_guests_attending;

					if($via_audio){ // AUDIOLINE MESSAGE
						$body .= "\n\nAudioline Registration Instructions:";
						$body .= "\n\n\t1. Prior to the session (48 hrs):";
						$body .= "\n\t\tFor handout, sign-in sheet and evaluation, visit:";
						$body .= "\n\t\thttp://community.hmhc.ca/";
						$body .= "\n\t\tor login and view 'Your Courses'.";
						$body .= "\n\n\t2. 15 minutes before the start of the session:";
						$body .= "\n\t\tDial 1-866-236-8306 and enter part code 6530253.";
						$body .= "\n\n\t\tRemember to MUTE your phone once connected.";
						$body .= "\n\n\t\tShould you have any problems during the video conference,";
						$body .= "\n\t\tcall 310-8822 (no area code needed if you are calling within Alberta).";
						$body .= "\n\n\t3. After the session:";
						$body .= "\n\n\t\tReturn the sign-in sheet and evaluation within 2 days by:";
						$body .= "\n\t\tFax - 403-955-8184 or,";
						$body .= "\n\t\tEmail - ces@ahs.ca";
						$body .= "\n\nSessions with low registration may be cancelled within 48hrs.";
						$body .= "\n\nWe hope you find the session useful.";
					elseif($via_video){ // Video MESSAGE
						$body .= "\n\nTo complete your registration, please read the following carefully:";
						$body .= "\n\nTelehealth/Video Conferencing Instructions";
						$body .= "\n\nIf you are an AHS employee, use VCScheduler to book and confirm your site:";
						$body .= "\n\n\thttps://ischeduler.albertahealthservices.ca/ischeduler/eceptionist.asp";
						$body .= "\n\n\tOnce your site has been confirmed:";
						$body .= "\n\n\t\t1. Prior to the session (48 hrs):";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tFor handout, sign-in sheet and evaluation, visit:";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\thttp://community.hmhc.ca/";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tor login and view 'Your Courses'.";
						$body .= "\n\n\t\t2. After the session:";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tReturn the sign-in sheet and evaluation within 2 days by:";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tFax - 403-955-8184 or,";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tEmail - ces@ahs.ca";
						$body .= "\n\nIf you are NOT an AHS employee:";
						$body .= "\n\n\t1. If you know that your facility has the necessary equipment";
						$body .= "\n\t\tcontact the AHS Bridge techs at 403-310-8822 to conduct a test connection";
						$body .= "\n\t\tto determine if we are able to connect to your site.";
						$body .= "\n\n\t2. If you would like to request to attend a site close to you (i.e. Local Hospital):";
						$body .= "\n\t\temail ces@ahs.ca specifying the session title,";
						$body .= "\n\t\tdate and the name and location of the site you are requesting.";
						$body .= "\n\n\tOnce your site has been confirmed:";
						$body .= "\n\n\t\t1. Prior to the session (48 hrs):";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tFor handout, sign-in sheet and evaluation, visit:";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\thttp://community.hmhc.ca";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tor login and view 'Your Courses'.";
						$body .= "\n\n\t\t2. After the session:";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tReturn the sign-in sheet and evaluation within 2 days by:";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tFax - 403-955-8184 or,";
						$body .= "\n\t\t\tEmail - ces@ahs.ca";
						$body .= "\n\nSessions with low registration may be cancelled within 48hrs.";
						$body .= "\n\nWe hope you find the session useful,";

					}elseif($online){//Online MESSAGE
						$body .= "\n\nPlease note:";
						$body .= "\n\n\tThis session is presented in Windows Media Video (WMV) format and requires";
						$body .= "\n\tInternet Explorer and/or Windows Media Player to view.";
						$body .= "\n\n\tTo access this session please login with your CES account, and visit 'Your Courses'. ";
						$body .= "\n\tThe session link will be available until ". date($default_date_format, $session_query['end_dt']);
						$body .= "\n\n\tHere is a direct link to Video Page (you will need to be logged in):";
						$body .= "\n\thttp://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/online/?id=".$session_id;
						$body .= "\n\nSessions with low registration may be cancelled within 48hrs.";
						$body .= "\n\nWe hope you find the session useful,";

					}elseif ($on_waiting_list==0){//In Person MESSAGE
						$body .= "\n\nPlease note:";
						$body .= "\n\nTo allow time for parking and registration, arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the session.";
						$body .= "\n\nSession handouts will be provided upon sign in. Bring a pen/pencil and extra notepaper.";
						$body .= "\n\nAt the end of the session, you will be given an Attendance Receipt.";
						$body .= "\n\nAlberta Children's Hospital website:";
						$body .= "\nhttp://www.albertahealthservices.ca/Facilities/ACH/";
						$body .= "\n\nParking Options, If the session is at Alberta Children's Hospital:";
						$body .= "\nhttp://www.albertahealthservices.ca/Facilities/ACH/page55.asp";
						$body .= "\n\nSessions with low registration may be cancelled within 48hrs.";
						$body .= "\n\n*** To remove yourself from this session, login and go to Your Courses:*** http://community.hmhc.ca/login/";
						$body .= "\n\nThank you for your ongoing interest and support of our program. Please share our homepage link with anyone you feel would benefit from CES' programming. http://community.hmhc.ca/.";

					$return_code = fcrc_send_email($email, $subject, $body);

					if($return_code == 1){
						//email sent successfully
						//2012-02-04 - wsopko - only output message if person was not on the waiting list. Don't want to output this message when a user removes themselves from a session, and another user is automatically registered from the waiting list
						if($already_on_waiting_list == '0'){ //user was not on the waiting list
							$result = "<p class='alert alert-success'>Thank you for for registering. A confirmation email has been sent to <strong>" . $email."</strong></p>";
							$result = "<p class='alert alert-success'><strong>".$email."</strong> Has been registered from the waiting list. A confirmation email has been sent</p>";
						echo "<p class='alert alert-error'>Confirmation email to " . $email . " could not be sent.</p>";
						echo "<p class='alert alert-error'>Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "</p>";

				else{ //no email sent since person was registered after course started
					if($session_type === "webex"){
						$result = "<p class='alert alert-success'>Thank for for registering. A confirmation email has been sent.</p>";
						$result = "<p class='alert alert-success'>Thank for for registering. No confirmation email sent since registration occurred after session started.</p>";


	} //if

	else { //else the update did not happen so output an error
    	print_sql_error('Error - registration failed when doing:', $sql);
	}//end else

	//return true success, false on fail.

	return $result;


function print_sql_error($error_message, $sql){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	echo "<div class='alert alert-error'><br>" . $error_message . "<br>" . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($db) . "</div>";

	//2012-02-04 - wsopko - log the event to event_log table
	log_event("print_sql_error", $error_message . " SQL: " . $sql);

function return_sql_error($error_message, $sql){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$error = "<div class='alert alert-error'>" . $error_message . "<br>" . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($db) . "</div>";
	//2012-02-04 - wsopko - log the event to event_log table
	log_event("print_sql_error", $error_message . " SQL: " . $sql);
	return $error;

//function takes a string as input and returns the same string with new line characters "\n" converted to HTML newline characters "<br>"
function convert_line_returns($input_string){
	return str_replace("\n", "<br>", $input_string);

//function returns how many mailing lists a user is on
function num_mailing_lists($id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established

	$mailing_list_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phplist_listuser WHERE userid = '$id'");
	$num_lists = mysqli_fetch_row($mailing_list_sql);

	return $num_lists[0];

//function returns true if session if full, false otherwise
function is_session_full($session_id, $location_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established

	$session_type = session_type($session_id);
	if ($session_type == 'online' || $session_type == 'webex'){
		return false;

	//find out how many seats are available in the session
	$location_id = get_session_location_id($session_id);
	$seats_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT seats FROM ces_locations WHERE location_id = '$location_id'");
	$num_seats = mysqli_fetch_row($seats_sql);

	//2015-07-31 - nwmosses - account for users who signed up for video or audio sessions
	//find out how many people are registered in the session
	//$attendees_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(num_guests_attending) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND location_id = '$location_id' AND on_waiting_list <> 1");
	$attendees_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(num_guests_attending) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND location_id = '$location_id' AND on_waiting_list <> 1 AND via_video <> 1 AND via_audio <> 1");
	$num_attendees = mysqli_fetch_row($attendees_sql);

	//find out if session if full or not
	//2011-05-23 - wsopko - take guests attending into account
	//if($num_attendees[0] < $num_seats[0]){
	//for debugging
	//echo "num_attendees=" . ($num_attendees[0] + $num_attendees[1]);
	//echo "num_seats=" . $num_seats[0];
	if(($num_attendees[0] + $num_attendees[1]) < $num_seats[0]){
		return false;
		return true;

//print report in table format based on SQL in $sql
//2015-07-13 - nwmosses - update to work with mysqli
function generate_report($sql_query, $title, $border, $width, $column_names){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$sql = mysqli_query($db, $sql_query);
	//Calculate how many fields are there in supplied resource and store their name in $this->fields[] array
	$field_count = mysqli_field_count($db);
	$i = 0;

	//Now start table generation - draw table according to number of fields
	echo "\n<h5>". $title . "</h5>";

	echo "\n<table class='table table-striped'>";
	echo "\n<thead>";
	echo "\n<tr>";

	//Header Draw

	/* 2007-12-09 - wsopko - had to change for apache seg fault bug
	for ($i = 0; $i< $field_count; $i++){
	    //Now Draw Headers
	    echo "\n<td class=reportTableHeading>" .$this->fields[$i] . "</td>";
	foreach($column_names as $name){
		//Now Draw Headers
	    echo "\n\t<th>" . $name . "</th>";

	echo "\n\t</tr>";
	echo "\n\t</thead>";
	echo "\n\t<tbody>";

	//Now fill the table with data
	while ($rows = mysqli_fetch_row($sql)){
	    //2011-09-04 - wsopko - added table striping

		echo "\n\t<tr>";
	    for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++)
	        //Now Draw Data
	        echo "\n\t<td>" . $rows[$i] . "</td>";
	    echo "\n\t</tr>";
	echo "\n</tbody>";
	echo "\n</table>";


//check if session is authenticated, redirect otherwise
function check_if_authenticated($user_type){
	if($user_type =='user' || ((isset($_GET['user_type']) && $_GET['user_type'] == 'user') || (isset($_POST['user_type']) && $_POST['user_type'] == 'user'))){
	elseif($user_type =='admin' || ((isset($_GET['user_type']) && $_GET['user_type'] == 'admin') || (isset($_POST['user_type']) && $_POST['user_type'] == 'admin'))){

//universal session_status check
function is_session_started()
    if ( php_sapi_name() !== 'cli' ) {
        if ( version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '>=') ) {
            return session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE ? TRUE : FALSE;
        } else {
            return session_id() === '' ? FALSE : TRUE;
    return FALSE;
//check if the current user is logged in as an admin
function is_admin_logged_in(){
	//if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
	if (!is_session_started()) {
	if(isset($_SESSION['adminusername']) && $_SESSION["adminloggedin"] == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]){
		return true;
		return false;

//check if the current user is a normal user (not an admin)
function is_user_logged_in(){
	if(isset($_SESSION['userid']) && $_SESSION["userloggedin"] == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]){
		return true;
		return false;

//make sure email address is in valid format
function validate_email($email){
        $pattern = "/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([\.a-zA-Z0-9_-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+/";
        if(preg_match($pattern, $email)){
        	return true;
        	return false;
    	return false;

//make sure postal code is in valid format (A#A#A#)
//No postal code includes the letters D, F, I, O, Q, or U. The letters W and Z are used, but are not currently used as the first letter
function validate_postal_code($postal_code){
	$postal_code = strtoupper($postal_code);
    	if(preg_match($pattern, $postal_code)){
       		return true;
        	return false;
		return false;

//converts a timestamp from the local time to GMT
//$time_stamp needs to be in unix timestamp format (seconds since the epoch)
function convert_local_to_GMT($time_stamp){
	global $timezone_offset; //set in config.php
	//return $time_stamp - $timezone_offset; //convert date to GMT
	return $time_stamp; //timezone set in php, no need to convert

//converts a timestamp from the system time to GMT
//$time_stamp needs to be in unix timestamp format (seconds since the epoch)
function convert_system_to_GMT($time_stamp){
	//return $time_stamp - date('Z'); //convert to GMT since system timezone could be different than registration system timezone
	return time(); //timezone is now set properly in no need to convert it

//sends an email using the PHPMailser class
//made function for this as need to get some common variables (from email address, reply to email address etc. for all system generated emails
function fcrc_send_email($email_to, $email_subject, $email_body){
	global $db; //connection to database already established

	//2015-08-21 - nwmosses - PHPlist changed their PHPMailer class with the newest version, using old version to avoid changes
	if(defined('STDIN')){ //script is running from the command line so document root is different
  		//require_once($_SERVER['OLDPWD'] . "/web/phplist/admin/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");
  		require_once($_SERVER['OLDPWD'] . "/phplist/admin/oldmailer/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");

	else{ //script running from web browser
  		//require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/phplist/admin/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");
		require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/phplist/admin/oldmailer/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");

	$mail = new PHPMailer();

	$mail->IsSMTP();            // set mailer to use SMTP
	$mail->Host = PHPMAILERHOST;  // specify main and backup server
	$mail->SMTPAuth = false;     // turn on SMTP authentication
	//$mail->Username = "phplist_bounce@sacyhn.ca";  // SMTP username
	//$mail->Password = "PHPlist2007"; // SMTP password

	//get the domain from the phplist setup - in case phplist has been setup with [DOMAIN] placeholders in the phplist config
	$domain_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT value FROM phplist_config WHERE item = 'domain'");
	$domain = mysqli_fetch_row($domain_sql);

	//get the from address from the phplist setup
	$from_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT value FROM phplist_config WHERE item = 'message_from_address'");
	$from = mysqli_fetch_row($from_sql);
	//set from email address to the same value that is defined in phplist config
	//in case the [DOMAIN] placeholder has been used in phplist config, replace it with the $domain from the phplist config
	$mail->From = preg_replace('/\[DOMAIN\]/i', $domain[0], $from[0]);

	$from_name_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT value FROM phplist_config WHERE item = 'message_from_name'");
	$from_name = mysqli_fetch_row($from_name_sql); //set from name to the same value that is defined in phplist config
	$mail->FromName = $from_name[0];


	$reply_to_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT value FROM phplist_config WHERE item = 'message_replyto_address'");
	$reply_to = mysqli_fetch_row($reply_to_sql);
	//set reply to email address to the same value that is defined in phplist config
	//in case the [DOMAIN] placeholder has been used in phplist config, replace it with the $domain from the phplist config
	$mail->AddReplyTo(preg_replace('/\[DOMAIN\]/i', $domain[0], $reply_to[0]));

	$mail->IsHTML(false); // set email format to HTML if user has defined that in their phplist preferences

	$mail->Subject = $email_subject;

	//common footer to include in all system emails
	$body_footer = "\n\n--\nCommunity Education Service (CES)\nAlberta Health Services\nemail: ces@ahs.ca\nphone: 403-955-4730\nfax: 403-955-8184\n";

	$mail->Body = $email_body . $body_footer;
	//$mail->AltBody = $body;

	//2015-07-21 - nwmosses - send mail error on test server, halts script with no error messages
		return 1;
		return $mail->ErrorInfo;

//2011-05-23 - wsopko - added function to output row class based on if the parameter is odd or even - for row strping
function output_row_stripe($row_count){
	if($row_count % 2 == 0){
		return "courseTableRowEven";
		return "courseTableRowOdd";

//sanitize input for use in database queries
function check_input($value){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	// Stripslashes
	if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
	  $value = stripslashes($value);
	// Quote if not a number
	if (!is_numeric($value)){
	  $value = "'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $value) . "'";
	return $value;

//output a HTML link to a google map with a given location shown
function output_map_link($location_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established

	$location_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT location.location_name, location.address_line1, location.address_line2, location.city, location.province, location.postal_code
		FROM ces_locations location
		WHERE location.location_id = '$location_id'");

	while ($location_query = mysqli_fetch_array($location_sql)){
		echo "<a target='_blank' href='http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&amp;source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=" . urlencode($location_query['address_line1'] . " " . $location_query['address_line2'] . " " . $location_query['city'] . " " . $location_query['province']) . "' title='". $location_query['address_line1'] . " " . $location_query['address_line2'] . " " . $location_query['city'] . " " . $location_query['province'] ."'>" . $location_query['location_name']  . "</a>";

//2011-08-27 - wsopko - added function to output all sessions a user is registered in
function output_registered_sessions($user_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	global $default_date_format; //already set in config.php

	//find out if person is registered in any current sessions
	$registered_courses_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*)
	FROM ces_course_registration registration
	LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_sessions session ON session.session_id = registration.session_id
	WHERE registration.id = '$user_id'
	AND session.end_dt >= now()");
	$num_courses = mysqli_fetch_row($registered_courses_sql);

	if ($num_courses[0] > 0){ //person is registered in at least one current session, so output it

		$session_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT course.course_id, session.session_id, session.url, course.course_name, course.course_description, location.location_id, location.location_name, unix_timestamp(session.start_dt) start_dt, unix_timestamp(session.end_dt) end_dt, registration.on_waiting_list, registration.num_guests_attending, session.telehealth, session.webex_url, session.webex_password
		FROM ces_course_registration registration
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_sessions session ON session.session_id = registration.session_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_courses course ON course.course_id = session.course_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_locations location ON location.location_id = registration.location_id
		WHERE registration.id = '$user_id'
		AND session.end_dt >= now()
		ORDER BY session.start_dt, session.end_dt, course.course_name, location.location_name");

		while ($session_query = mysqli_fetch_array($session_sql)) { //output the session information - one session per table row
			$session_type = session_type($session_query['session_id']);
			//$online = is_session_online($session_query['session_id']);

		//replace 12:00 PM with Noon
		    $start_time = date('g:i A', $session_query["start_dt"]);
		    if ($start_time == "12:00 PM"){
		      $start_time = "Noon";
		    $end_time = date('g:i A', $session_query["end_dt"]);
		    if ($end_time == "12:00 PM"){
		      $end_time = "Noon";

		    $session_user_id = "&id=";
		        if (isset($_SESSION["userid"])){ $session_user_id = '&id='.$_SESSION["userid"];}

		      echo "<section class='presentation ces-presentation'>\n";
		      echo "  <div class='ces-session-left'>\n";
		      echo "    <div class='date'>\n";
		      echo "      <span class='day'>" . date('d', $session_query["start_dt"]) . "</span>\n";
		      echo "      <span class='month'>" . date('M', $session_query["start_dt"]) . "</span>\n";
		      echo "      <span class='year'>" . date('Y', $session_query["start_dt"]) . "</span>\n";
		      echo "    </div>\n";
		      echo "  </div>\n";

		      echo "  <div class='info ces-session-center'>\n";
		      echo "    <h3>". $session_query["course_name"]."</h3>\n";

	        if($session_type === "recorded")
	        	echo "      <p class='ces-course-time'>Avalible until: ". date('F j, Y', $session_query["end_dt"]) ." - ".$end_time. "</p>\n";
	        	echo "      <p class='ces-course-time'>". $start_time . " - ". $end_time . "</p>\n";

		    if($session_type != "recorded" && $session_type != "webex"){
		      echo "      <p class='ces-course-location'>";
		      echo "      </p>\n";
			echo "      <p class='ces-course-description'>". $session_query["course_description"] ."</p>\n";
			echo "      <div style='margin-top:10px;'>";
			echo registration_type($user_id, $session_query['session_id']);
			if($session_type != "webex"){
				echo "<a class='btn btn-lg btn-primary  ces-orange-btn' href='../unregister/?session_id=" . $session_query["session_id"] . "&amp;id=" . $user_id . "&location_id=" . $session_query["location_id"] . "&amp;user_type=user'><i class='fa fa-minus-square' aria-hidden=true'></i> Unregister</a>";
            	echo "    <span class='btn ces-red-btn' style='cursor:default;'><i class='fa fa-calendar-times-o' aria-hidden=true'></i> Session Cancelled</span>\n";
			if($session_query["on_waiting_list"] == '1'){
				$waitlist_position = waitlist_position($user_id, $session_query['session_id']);
				echo "<div class='btn ces-green-btn' style='cursor:default; title='Position on Waiting List'><i class='fa fa-list-ul' aria-hidden=true'></i> Waitlist Position - ".$waitlist_position. "</div>";
                echo "</div>";
            //online link
				if($session_type == "recorded" && $session_query["start_dt"] < time()){
			  		echo "      <p class='ces-session-links'><a class='btn btn-lg ces-green-btn' href='../../sessions/recorded/?id=".$session_query['session_id']."'><i class='fa fa-play fa-fw'></i> View Recorded Session</a></p>\n";
				}elseif($session_type == "webex"){
					echo "      <p class='ces-session-links'><a href='".$session_query['webex_url']."' title='".$session_query['webex_url']."' target='blank'>Click here</a> to join the online event.</p>\n";
					echo "      <p class='ces-session-links'>Event password: <strong>".$session_query['webex_password']."</strong></p>\n";
		      echo "      <p class='ces-session-files'>";
		                      output_session_files($session_query['session_id'], "<br>");
		      echo "      </p>\n";

		      echo "  </div>\n";

		      echo "  <div>\n";

      echo "  </div>\n";
      echo "</section>\n\n";


	else{ //no registered sessions
		echo "<p class='alert alert-info'>No sessions found.</p>";

function output_past_registered_sessions($user_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	global $default_date_format; //already set in config.php

	//find out if person was registered in any past sessions
	$past_registered_courses_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*)
	FROM ces_course_registration registration
	LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_sessions session ON session.session_id = registration.session_id
	WHERE registration.id = '$user_id'
	AND session.end_dt < now()");
	$num_courses = mysqli_fetch_row($past_registered_courses_sql);

	if ($num_courses[0] > 0){ //person aws registered in at least one past session, so output it

		$session_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT course.course_id, session.session_id, course.course_name, location.location_id, location.location_name, unix_timestamp(session.start_dt) start_dt, unix_timestamp(session.end_dt) end_dt, registration.on_waiting_list, registration.num_guests_attending, session.telehealth, course.course_description
		FROM ces_course_registration registration
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_sessions session ON session.session_id = registration.session_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_courses course ON course.course_id = session.course_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_locations location ON location.location_id = registration.location_id
		WHERE registration.id = '$user_id'
		AND session.end_dt < now()
		ORDER BY session.start_dt DESC, session.end_dt, course.course_name, location.location_name");

		while ($session_query = mysqli_fetch_array($session_sql)) { //output the session information - one session per table row
					//replace 12:00 PM with Noon
		    $start_time = date('g:i A', $session_query["start_dt"]);
		    if ($start_time == "12:00 PM"){
		      $start_time = "Noon";
		    $end_time = date('g:i A', $session_query["end_dt"]);
		    if ($end_time == "12:00 PM"){
		      $end_time = "Noon";

		    $session_user_id = "&id=";
		        if (isset($_SESSION["userid"])){ $session_user_id = '&id='.$_SESSION["userid"];}

		      echo "<section class='presentation ces-presentation'>\n";
		      echo "  <div class='ces-session-left'>\n";
		      echo "    <div class='date'>\n";
		      echo "      <span class='day'>" . date('d', $session_query["start_dt"]) . "</span>\n";
		      echo "      <span class='month'>" . date('M', $session_query["start_dt"]) . "</span>\n";
		      echo "      <span class='year'>" . date('Y', $session_query["start_dt"]) . "</span>\n";
		      echo "    </div>\n";
		      echo "  </div>\n";

		      echo "  <div class='info ces-session-center'>\n";
		      echo "    <h3>". $session_query["course_name"];
		      echo "</h3>\n";

		      	echo "      <p class='ces-course-time'>". $start_time . " - ". $end_time . "</p>\n";
			      echo "      <p class='ces-course-location'>";
			      echo "      </p>\n";
		      echo "      <p class='ces-course-description'>". $session_query["course_description"] ."</p>\n";
		      echo "      <p class='ces-session-files'>";
		                      output_session_files_past($session_query['session_id'], "<br>");
		      echo "</p>\n";
		      echo "</div>\n";

		      echo "  <div class='ces-session-right'>\n";
      echo "  </div>\n";
      echo "</section>\n\n";


	else{ //no registered sessions
		echo "<p class='alert alert-info'>No past sessions found.</p>";

//2011-09-14 - wsopko - created function to output a link to each file that is associated with a session
//only output link to file if session is within 48 hours of starting, and 48 hours after finishing
//seperator parameter is an optional string that will be output after each link
function output_session_files($session_id, $seperator = ''){
	global $db; //connection to database already established

	//if display_immediately is true, show the file as long as the end of the session is not more than 48 hours ago
	//if display_immediately is false, show the file as long as the session starts less than 48 hours from now, and ended not more than 48 hours ago
	$file_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT filename, file_description
		FROM ces_sessions session
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_files_to_sessions fts ON fts.session_id = session.session_id
		WHERE session.session_id = '$session_id'
		AND ((fts.display_immediately = 0 AND DATE_ADD(session.end_dt, INTERVAL 48 HOUR) >= now() AND DATE_SUB(session.start_dt, INTERVAL 48 HOUR) <= now())
		OR (fts.display_immediately = 1 AND DATE_ADD(session.end_dt, INTERVAL 48 HOUR) >= now()))
		ORDER BY fts.display_immediately desc, file_description");

	while ($file_query = mysqli_fetch_array($file_sql)) {
		//2009-01-21 - wsopko - bug fix - if special characters in filename, HTML link not working - addslashes() was already added to edit_session.php
		//echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . $file_query['filename'] . "\" target=_new>" . $file_query['file_description'] . "</a><br>";
		echo "<a href=\"/sessions/files/" . addslashes($file_query['filename']) . "\" target=_blank>" . $file_query['file_description'] . "</a>" . $seperator;

function output_session_files_past($session_id, $seperator = ''){
	global $db; //connection to database already established

	$file_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT filename, file_description
		FROM ces_sessions session
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_files_to_sessions fts ON fts.session_id = session.session_id
		WHERE session.session_id = '$session_id'
		ORDER BY fts.display_immediately desc, file_description");

	while ($file_query = mysqli_fetch_array($file_sql)) {
		//2009-01-21 - wsopko - bug fix - if special characters in filename, HTML link not working - addslashes() was already added to edit_session.php
		//echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . $file_query['filename'] . "\" target=_new>" . $file_query['file_description'] . "</a><br>";
		echo "<a href=\"" . addslashes($file_query['filename']) . "\" target=_blank>" . $file_query['file_description'] . "</a>" . $seperator;

//2012-02-04 - wsopko - created function to log events in the system
//added this in response to question of why some users received a confirmation email stating they were registered in a session, but they didn't show up on registration list
function log_event($event_type = "unknown", $event_text = ""){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	global $web_user_email_address; //defined in config.php
	global $database; //defined in config.php

		//user trying to access admin page, so check if admin is already logged in, if not send to admin login page
		$user_type = "user";
		$user_name = $_SESSION["email"];
		$user_id = $_SESSION["userid"];
		$ip_address = "'" . $_SESSION["userloggedin"] . "'";
	elseif(is_admin_logged_in()){//user trying to access admin page, so check if admin is already logged in, if not send to admin login page
		$user_type = "admin";
		$user_name = $_SESSION["adminusername"];
		$user_id = $_SESSION["adminuserid"];
		$ip_address = "'" . $_SESSION["adminloggedin"] . "'";
	else{ //no one is logged in
		$user_type = "not logged in";
		$user_name = "not logged in";;
		$user_id = 0;
		$ip_address = "NULL";

	$event_text = "username " . $user_name . " " . $event_text; //add the friendly user name to the log for easier identification

	$sql = "INSERT INTO ces_event_log (event_dt, user_type, user_id, ip_address, event_type, event_text) VALUES (now(), '$user_type', $user_id, $ip_address, '$event_type', '$event_text')";

	if(!mysqli_query($db, $sql)){ //if the log entry could not be created, send email to web user to notify
		$body = "A problem occurred while trying to write to the event log";
		$body .= "\n\r\n\r" . "user_type: " . $user_type;
		$body .= "\n\r" . "user_id: " . $user_id;
		$body .= "\n\r" . "ip_address: " . $ip_address;
		$body .= "\n\r" . "event_type: " . $event_type;
		$body .= "\n\r" . "event_text: " . $event_text;
		fcrc_send_email($web_user_email_address, "$database - problem - event log", $body);

function waitlist_position($userid, $session_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$waitlist_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT id, registration_dt FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND on_waiting_list = 1 AND via_video <> 1 AND via_audio <> 1 ORDER BY registration_dt");
	$waitlist_position = 0;
	while($file_query = mysqli_fetch_array($waitlist_sql)){
		$waitlist_position += 1;
		if ($file_query['id'] == $userid){
	return $waitlist_position;
function registration_type($user_id, $session_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$registration_type_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT via_video, via_audio FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND id = '$user_id'");
	$user_info = mysqli_fetch_row($registration_type_sql);
	$registration_type = "";
	if(session_type($session_id) === 'online'){
		$registration_type = "<a href='../../sessions/instructions/online.php' class='btn ces-blue-btn' title='Online'><i class='fa fa-desktop fa-fw' aria-hidden='true'></i>  Instructions</a>";
	elseif(session_type($session_id) === 'webex'){
		$registration_type = "<a href='../../sessions/instructions/webex.php' class='btn ces-blue-btn' title='Webex'><i class='fa fa-tablet fa-fw' aria-hidden='true'></i>  Instructions</a>";
	elseif ($user_info[0] == 1 && $user_info[1] == 0){
		$registration_type = "<a href='../../sessions/instructions/telehealth.php' class='btn ces-blue-btn' title='Via Video'><i class='fa fa-video-camera fa-fw' aria-hidden='true'></i> Instructions</a>";
	}elseif ($user_info[0] == 0 && $user_info[1] == 1) {
		$registration_type = "<a href='../../sessions/instructions/audioline.php' class='btn ces-blue-btn' title='Via Audio'><i class='fa fa-phone fa-fw' aria-hidden='true'></i> Instructions</a>";
		$registration_type = "<a href='../../sessions/instructions/inperson.php' class='btn ces-blue-btn' title='In Person'><i class='fa fa-users fa-fw' aria-hidden='true'></i> Instructions</a>";
	return $registration_type;

//2015-07-31 - nwmosses - added some stat functions -
function registered_users($session_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$attendees_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(num_guests_attending) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id'");
	$row =  mysqli_fetch_row($attendees_sql);
	return $row[0];
function registered_seats($session_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$attendees_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(num_guests_attending) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND on_waiting_list <> 1 AND via_video <> 1 AND via_audio <> 1");
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($attendees_sql);
	return $row[0];
function registered_guests($session_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$attendees_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(num_guests_attending) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND on_waiting_list <> 1 AND via_video <> 1 AND via_audio <> 1");
	$row =  mysqli_fetch_row($attendees_sql);
	return $row[1];

function registered_waitlist($session_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$attendees_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(num_guests_attending) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND on_waiting_list = 1 AND via_video <> 1 AND via_audio <> 1");
	$attendees = mysqli_fetch_row($attendees_sql);
	return ($attendees[0] + $attendees[1]);

function registered_video($session_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$attendees_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND on_waiting_list <> 1 AND via_video = 1 AND via_audio <> 1");
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($attendees_sql);
	return $row[0];

function registered_audio($session_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$attendees_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND on_waiting_list <> 1 AND via_video <> 1 AND via_audio = 1");
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($attendees_sql);
	return $row[0];

function attended_session($session_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$attendees_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT SUM(confirm_attended) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND on_waiting_list <> 1 AND via_video <> 1 AND via_audio <> 1");
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($attendees_sql);
	return $row[0];

function instructors_sessions($instructor_id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ces_instructors_to_sessions WHERE instructor_id = '$instructor_id'");
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($sql);
	return $row[0];

function location_sessions($id){
	global $db; //connection to database already established
	$sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ces_sessions WHERE location_id = '$id'");
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($sql);
	return $row[0];
function file_count($session_id){
	global $db;
	$file_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT session_id FROM ces_files_to_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'");
	return mysqli_num_rows($file_sql);

function human_filesize($bytes, $decimals = 2) {
  $sz = 'BKMGTP';
  $factor = floor((strlen($bytes) - 1) / 3);
  return sprintf("%.{$decimals}f ", $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) . @$sz[$factor];

function get_users_email($user_id){
	global $db;
	$email_sql = "SELECT email FROM phplist_user_user WHERE id = '$user_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $email_sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	return $row[0];
function get_course_name($session_id){
	global $db;
	$name_sql = "SELECT course_name FROM ces_courses
				 LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_sessions ON ces_sessions.course_id = ces_courses.course_id
				 WHERE ces_sessions.session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $name_sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	return $row[0];

function get_course_id($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT course_id FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	return $row[0];

function get_session_location_id($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT location_id FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$location_id = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($location_id);
	return $row[0];

function get_session_time($session_id, $start_or_end){
	global $db;
	global $default_date_format;

	$session_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT unix_timestamp(start_dt) start_dt, unix_timestamp(end_dt) end_dt FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'");
	$time_query = mysqli_fetch_row($session_sql);
	if($start_or_end == 'start'){
		return date($default_date_format, $time_query[0]);
	elseif($start_or_end == 'end'){
		return date($default_date_format, $time_query[1]);

function output_location_address($location_id, $indent = ""){
	global $db;
	$sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT location_name, address_line1, address_line2, city, province, postal_code FROM ces_locations location WHERE location_id = '$location_id'");
	$location_query = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
	$location .= $indent . stripslashes($location_query['location_name']);
	if (strlen($location_query['address_line1']) > 0)
		$location .= "\n".$indent  . stripslashes($location_query['address_line1']);
	if (strlen($location_query['address_line2']) > 0)
		$location .= "\n".$indent . stripslashes($location_query['address_line2']);
	if (strlen($location_query['city']) > 0)
		$location .= "\n".$indent . stripslashes($location_query['city']);
	if (strlen($location_query['province']) > 0)
		$location .= ", " . stripslashes($location_query['province']);
	if (strlen($location_query['postal_code']) > 0)
		$location .= "\n".$indent . stripslashes($location_query['postal_code']);

	return $location;

function remove_attendee($session_id, $user_id, $location_id, $reason = 'user'){
	global $db;
	$result = false;

	$delete_sql = "DELETE FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND id = '$user_id'";

	if(mysqli_query($db, $delete_sql)){ //if we were able to delete the attendee from the session
		$result = true;
		//send email
		$email = get_users_email($user_id);
		$subject = "CES - Session Removal - ". get_course_name($session_id);
		$body = "As requested, you have been removed from the following session:\n";
		$body .= "\nCourse Name: ". get_course_name($session_id);
		$body .= "\nCourse Start: ". get_session_time($session_id, 'start');
		$body .= "\nCourse End: ". get_session_time($session_id, 'end');
			$body .= "\n\nLocation:\n". output_location_address(get_session_location_id($session_id), "\t");
		$body .= "\n";
		if($reason != 'cancel'){
			$return_code = fcrc_send_email($email, $subject, $body);
			if($return_code == 1){
				//email sent successfully
				echo "<p class='alert alert-error'>Email to " . $email . " could not be sent.</p>";
				echo "<p class='alert alert-error'>Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "</p>";

		log_event("remove attendee", "removed user ID $_POST[id] from session ID $_POST[session_id]");

		$waitlist_result = check_waitlist($session_id, $location_id);
			echo $waitlist_result;
		$result = false;

	return $result;

function check_waitlist($session_id, $location_id){
	global $db;
	$result = '';
	while(!is_session_full(check_input($session_id), check_input($location_id)) && (registered_waitlist($session_id) > 0) ){
		//find out if there is anyone on the waiting list for this session, if yes, then register the first person (by registration_dt) on the waiting list in the session
		$waiting_list_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT reg.id, reg.location_id FROM ces_course_registration reg
			WHERE reg.session_id = '$session_id'
			AND reg.on_waiting_list = '1'
			AND reg.registration_dt = (SELECT MIN(registration_dt) FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = reg.session_id AND on_waiting_list = reg.on_waiting_list)");
		$waiting_list_attendee = mysqli_fetch_row($waiting_list_sql);
		if ($waiting_list_attendee[0] > 0){ //we found someone on the waiting list for this session, so register them
			$result .= register_person_in_session($session_id, $waiting_list_attendee[0], $waiting_list_attendee[1], '0', '1');
	return $result;

function updated_capacity($location_id){
	global $db;
	$return = "";
	$sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT session_id FROM ces_sessions WHERE location_id ='$location_id'");
	while($result = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
		$return .= check_waitlist($result["session_id"], $location_id);
	return $return;


function is_cancelled($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id' AND cancelled = 1");
	$result = mysqli_fetch_row($sql);
	if($result[0] == 0) {
		return false;
		return true;

//2015-09-30 - nwmosses - old version of cancel session - removes all registered users and emails them
//						- this proved to be too powerful, a less final approach was requested
function cancel_session_remove_all($session_id){
	global $db;
	global $default_date_format;

	$result = 1;
	$error = 0;
	$body ="Please note that the following session has been CANCELLED:";

	if(mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE ces_sessions SET cancelled=1 WHERE session_id = '$session_id'")){

		//get session info
		$session_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT course.course_id, course.course_name, course.course_description, unix_timestamp(session.start_dt) start_dt, unix_timestamp(session.end_dt) end_dt
			FROM ces_sessions session
			LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_courses course ON session.course_id = course.course_id
			WHERE session.session_id = '$session_id'");

		if($session_query = mysqli_fetch_array($session_sql)){ //course details, should only be one row
			$body .= "\n\nCourse Name: " . stripslashes($session_query['course_name']);
			$body .= "\nCourse Start: " . date($default_date_format, $session_query['start_dt']);
			$body .= "\nCourse End: " . date($default_date_format, $session_query['end_dt']);

		$body .= "\n\nLocation: \n".output_location_address(get_session_location_id($session_id), "\t");

		$body .= "\n\nThis session may be offered again.";
		$body .= "\n\nPlease watch the website:";
		$body .= "\nhttp://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/current/";
		$body .= "\n\nOr the newsletter:";
		$body .= "\nhttp://community.hmhc.ca/newsletter/";

		$subject = "CES - Session Cancellation - ".$session_query['course_name'];

		//get user info, cancel sessions and email users
		$attendee_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT registration.session_id, registration.id, location.location_id, location.location_name, first_name.value as first_name, last_name.value as last_name, user.email, unix_timestamp(registration.registration_dt) as registration_dt, registration.num_guests_attending
		FROM ces_course_registration registration
		LEFT OUTER JOIN ces_locations location ON location.location_id = registration.location_id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user user ON registration.id = user.id
		LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute first_name ON registration.id = first_name.userid AND first_name.attributeid = '1'
		LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute last_name ON registration.id = last_name.userid AND last_name.attributeid = '2'
		WHERE registration.session_id = '$session_id'
		ORDER BY registration_dt, last_name, first_name");

		while ($attendee_query = mysqli_fetch_array($attendee_sql)) {

			remove_attendee($session_id, $attendee_query['id'], $attendee_query['location_id'], 'cancel');
			//$last_name = $attendee_query["last_name"];
			//$first_name = $attendee_query["first_name"];
			$email = $attendee_query["email"];

			if(fcrc_send_email($email, $subject, $body)){
				$result = 1;
				echo "<p class='alert alert-error'>Cancellation email to " . $email . " could not be sent.</p>";
				//echo "<p class='alert alert-error'>Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo . "</p>";
				$error = $error+1;
		if($error > 0){
			return 0;
			return 1;
	}//IF (update_query)
		return 1;

//2015-09-30 - nwmosses - marks the session as cancelled
function cancel_session($session_id){
	global $db;
	if(mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE ces_sessions SET cancelled=1 WHERE session_id = '$session_id'")){
		return 1;
	}//IF (update_query)
		return 0;

//2015-09-30 - nwmosses - marks the session as not cancelled
function uncancel_session($session_id){
	global $db;
	if(mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE ces_sessions SET cancelled=0 WHERE session_id = '$session_id'")){
		return 1;
	}//IF (update_query)
		return 0;

function is_session_cancelled($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT cancelled FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	if ($row[0] == 1)
		return true;
		return false;

//2015-09-30 - nwmosses - marks the session as closed
function lock_session($session_id){
	global $db;
	if(mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE ces_sessions SET open=0 WHERE session_id = '$session_id'")){
		return 1;
	}//IF (update_query)
		return 0;

//2015-09-30 - nwmosses - marks the session as open
function open_session($session_id){
	global $db;
	if(mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE ces_sessions SET open=1 WHERE session_id = '$session_id'")){
		return 1;
	}//IF (update_query)
		return 0;

function is_session_open($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT open FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	if ($row[0] == 1)
		return true;
		return false;

//2015-09-30 - nwmosses - marks the session as hidden
function hide_session($session_id){
	global $db;
	$result = 1;

	if(mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE ces_sessions SET display=0 WHERE session_id = '$session_id'")){
		return 1;
	}//IF (update_query)
		return 0;

//2015-09-30 - nwmosses - marks the session as hidden
function show_session($session_id){
	global $db;
	$result = 1;

	if(mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE ces_sessions SET display=1 WHERE session_id = '$session_id'")){
		return 1;
	}//IF (update_query)
		return 0;

function is_session_displayed($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT display FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	if ($row[0] == 1)
		return true;
		return false;

function has_session_started($session_id, $specific_time = 0){
	//$spcific_time should be a string of PHP Supported Date and Time Formats => http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php
	global $db;

	$session_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT  unix_timestamp(session.start_dt) start_dt, unix_timestamp(session.end_dt) end_dt
		FROM ces_sessions session
		WHERE session.session_id = '$session_id'");

	$time_query = mysqli_fetch_row($session_sql);
	$start_date_GMT = convert_local_to_GMT($time_query[0]); //convert session start date to GMT

	if ($specific_time = 0){
		//$current_date = getdate();
		//$current_date_GMT = convert_system_to_GMT($current_date[0]); //convert current date to GMT since system timezone could be different than registration system timezone
		$current_date_GMT = time(); //timezone is now set properly in no need to convert it
		$current_date_GMT = convert_local_to_GMT(strtotime($specific_time));

	if($start_date_GMT < $current_date_GMT){
		return true;
		return false;


function has_session_ended($session_id, $specific_time = 0){
	//$spcific_time should be a string of PHP Supported Date and Time Formats => http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php
	global $db;

	$session_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT  unix_timestamp(session.start_dt) start_dt, unix_timestamp(session.end_dt) end_dt
		FROM ces_sessions session
		WHERE session.session_id = '$session_id'");

	$time_query = mysqli_fetch_row($session_sql);
	$end_date_GMT = convert_local_to_GMT($time_query[1]); //convert session start date to GMT

	if ($specific_time == 0){
		//$current_date = getdate();
		//$current_date_GMT = convert_system_to_GMT($current_date[0]); //convert current date to GMT since system timezone could be different than registration system timezone
		$current_date_GMT = time(); //timezone is now set properly in no need to convert it
		$current_date_GMT = convert_local_to_GMT(strtotime($specific_time));

	if($end_date_GMT < $current_date_GMT){
		return true;
		return false;

function is_session_online($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT online FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	if ($row[0] == 1)
		return true;
		return false;

function is_session_telehealth($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT telehealth FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	if ($row[0] == 1)
		return true;
		return false;

function is_session_webex($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT webex FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	if ($row[0] == 1)
		return true;
		return false;

function session_type($session_id){
	global $db;
		return "telehealth";
		return "recorded";
		return "webex";
		return "inperson";


function get_session_link($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT url FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	$link = $row[0];
	return $link;

function get_webex_meeting_key($session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT webex_meeting_key FROM ces_sessions WHERE session_id = '$session_id'";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	$key = $row[0];
	return $key;

function randomPassword() {
    $alphabet = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTWXYZ23456789";
    $pass = array(); //remember to declare $pass as an array
    $alphaLength = strlen($alphabet) - 1; //put the length -1 in cache
    for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
        $n = rand(0, $alphaLength);
        $pass[] = $alphabet[$n];
    return implode($pass); //turn the array into a string

function is_user_registered($user_id, $session_id){
	global $db;
	$sql = "SELECT registration_dt FROM ces_course_registration WHERE session_id = $session_id AND id = $user_id";
	$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
	$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
	if ($row[0])
		return true;
		return false;

function session_icon($session_id){
	global $db;
	$class_options = 'fa fa-fw fa-lg';
	$base_url = '/sessions/instructions';
	$session_type = session_type($session_id);
	echo "<div style='padding: 5px 0;'>";
	if($session_type === "inperson" || $session_type === "telehealth")
		echo "<a href='$base_url/inperson.php' title='In Person\nClick for more information.'><i class='$class_options fa-users blue' aria-hidden='true' ></i>";
	if($session_type === "telehealth")
		echo "<a href='$base_url/telehealth.php' title='Telehealth/Video-Conference Available\nClick for more information'><i class='$class_options fa-video-camera orange'  aria-hidden='true' ></i></a>
                <a href='$base_url/audioline.php' title='Audioline Available\nClick for more information.'><i class='$class_options fa-phone green' aria-hidden='true' ></i></a>";
	if($session_type === "recorded")
		echo "<a href='$base_url/recorded.php' title='Recorded\nClick for more information.'><i class='$class_options fa-desktop red' aria-hidden='true' ></i></a>\n";
	if($session_type === "webex")
		echo "<a href='$base_url/webex.php' title='WebEx\nClick for more information.'><i class='$class_options fa-tablet green' aria-hidden='true' ></i></a>\n";

	echo "</div>";
function session_icon_for_title($session_id){
	global $db;
	$class_options = 'fa fa-fw';
	$base_url = 'sessions/instructions';
	$session_type = session_type($session_id);

	echo "<span style='padding: 0 5px;'>";
	if($session_type === "inperson" || $session_type === "telehealth")
		echo "<a href='$base_url/inperson.php' title='In Person\nClick for more information.'><i class='$class_options fa-users blue' aria-hidden='true' ></i>";
	if($session_type === "telehealth")
		echo "<a href='$base_url/telehealth.php' title='Telehealth/Video-Conference Available\nClick for more information'><i class='$class_options fa-video-camera orange'  aria-hidden='true' ></i></a>
                <a href='$base_url/audioline.php' title='Audioline Available\nClick for more information.'><i class='$class_options fa-phone green' aria-hidden='true' ></i></a>";
	if($session_type === "online")
		echo "<a href='$base_url/online.php' title='Online\nClick for more information.'><i class='$class_options fa-desktop red' aria-hidden='true' ></i></a>\n";
	if($session_type === "webex")
		echo "<a href='$base_url/webex.php' title='WebEx\nClick for more information.'><i class='$class_options fa-tablet green' aria-hidden='true' ></i></a>\n";

	echo "</span>";

function webex_registration_link($user_id, $session_id){
	global $db;
	$mk = get_webex_meeting_key($session_id);
	$attendee_sql = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT first_name.value as first_name, last_name.value as last_name, user.email, city.value as city
		FROM phplist_user_user user
		LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute first_name ON user.id = first_name.userid AND first_name.attributeid = '1'
		LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute last_name ON user.id = last_name.userid AND last_name.attributeid = '2'
		LEFT OUTER JOIN phplist_user_user_attribute city ON user.id = city.userid AND city.attributeid = '10'
		WHERE user.id = '$user_id'");

	$attendee = mysqli_fetch_row($attendee_sql);

	$first_name = $attendee[0];
	$last_name = $attendee[1];
	$attendee_email = $attendee[2]; 
	if($attendee[3] != ''){
		$city = $attendee[3];
		$city = "None";

	$url  = "https://communityeducationservice.webex.com/communityeducationservice/m.php";
	$url .= "?AT=EN";
	$url .= "&MK=$mk";
	$url .= "&FN=$first_name";
	$url .=	"&LN=$last_name";
	$url .= "&AE=$attendee_email";
	$url .= "&CY=$city";
	$url .= "&BU=http://community.hmhc.ca/sessions/registration/%3Fsession_id%3D".$session_id;

	return $url;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
check_login.php File 2.56 KB 0644
common_functions.php File 69.94 KB 0644
config.php File 1.01 KB 0644
course_registration.php File 18.01 KB 0644
error_log File 110.84 KB 0644
remove_attendee.php File 7.08 KB 0644
top.php File 989 B 0644