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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
 * 		http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php
 * For further information visit:
 * 		http://www.fckeditor.net/
 * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?"
 * File Name: fck_find.html
 * 	"Find" dialog window.
 * File Authors:
 * 		Frederico Caldeira Knabben (fredck@fckeditor.net)
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots" />
	<script type="text/javascript">

var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;

function OnLoad()
	// Whole word is available on IE only.
	if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
		document.getElementById('divWord').style.display = '' ;

	// First of all, translate the dialog box texts.
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage( document ) ;

	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

function btnStat(frm)
	document.getElementById('btnFind').disabled =
		( document.getElementById('txtFind').value.length == 0 ) ;

function ReplaceTextNodes( parentNode, regex, replaceValue, replaceAll )
	for ( var i = 0 ; i < parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ )
		var oNode = parentNode.childNodes[i] ;
		if ( oNode.nodeType == 3 )
			var sReplaced = oNode.nodeValue.replace( regex, replaceValue ) ;
			if ( oNode.nodeValue != sReplaced )
				oNode.nodeValue = sReplaced ;
				if ( ! replaceAll )
					return true ;
			if ( ReplaceTextNodes( oNode, regex, replaceValue ) )
				return true ;
	return false ;

function GetRegexExpr()
	if ( document.getElementById('chkWord').checked )
		var sExpr = '\\b' + document.getElementById('txtFind').value + '\\b' ;
		var sExpr = document.getElementById('txtFind').value ;

	return sExpr ;

function GetCase()
	return ( document.getElementById('chkCase').checked ? '' : 'i' ) ;

function Ok()
	if ( document.getElementById('txtFind').value.length == 0 )
		return ;

	if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
		FindIE() ;
		FindGecko() ;

var oRange ;

if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
	oRange = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.body.createTextRange() ;

function FindIE()
	var iFlags = 0 ;

	if ( chkCase.checked )
		iFlags = iFlags | 4 ;

	if ( chkWord.checked )
		iFlags = iFlags | 2 ;

	var bFound = oRange.findText( document.getElementById('txtFind').value, 1, iFlags ) ;

	if ( bFound )
		oRange.scrollIntoView() ;
		oRange.select() ;
		oRange.collapse(false) ;
		oLastRangeFound = oRange ;
		oRange = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.body.createTextRange() ;
		alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFindNotFoundMsg ) ;

function FindGecko()
	var bCase = document.getElementById('chkCase').checked ;
	var bWord = document.getElementById('chkWord').checked ;

	// window.find( searchString, caseSensitive, backwards, wrapAround, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog ) ;
	if ( !oEditor.FCK.EditorWindow.find( document.getElementById('txtFind').value, bCase, false, false, bWord, false, false ) )
		alert( oEditor.FCKLang.DlgFindNotFoundMsg ) ;
<body onload="OnLoad()" style="overflow: hidden">
	<table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="2" width="100%" border="0">
			<td nowrap="nowrap">
				<label for="txtFind" fcklang="DlgReplaceFindLbl">
					Find what:</label>&nbsp;
			<td width="100%">
				<input id="txtFind" style="width: 100%" tabindex="1" type="text" />
				<input id="btnFind" style="padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px" onclick="Ok();"
					type="button" value="Find" fcklang="DlgFindFindBtn" />
			<td valign="bottom" colspan="3">
				&nbsp;<input id="chkCase" tabindex="3" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkCase" fcklang="DlgReplaceCaseChk">Match
				<br />
				<div id="divWord" style="display: none">
					&nbsp;<input id="chkWord" tabindex="4" type="checkbox" /><label for="chkWord" fcklang="DlgReplaceWordChk">Match
						whole word</label>


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fck_template Folder 0755
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fck_anchor.html File 2.5 KB 0644
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fck_colorselector.html File 4.85 KB 0644
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fck_find.html File 4.17 KB 0644
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fck_hiddenfield.html File 2.33 KB 0644
fck_image.html File 9.06 KB 0644
fck_link.html File 12.09 KB 0644
fck_listprop.html File 3.5 KB 0644
fck_paste.html File 7.22 KB 0644
fck_radiobutton.html File 2.89 KB 0644
fck_replace.html File 4.17 KB 0644
fck_select.html File 5.79 KB 0644
fck_smiley.html File 2.55 KB 0644
fck_source.html File 1.96 KB 0644
fck_specialchar.html File 4.21 KB 0644
fck_spellerpages.html File 1.77 KB 0644
fck_table.html File 10.44 KB 0644
fck_tablecell.html File 8.32 KB 0644
fck_template.html File 5.85 KB 0644
fck_textarea.html File 2.43 KB 0644
fck_textfield.html File 3.64 KB 0644
fck_universalkey.html File 1.88 KB 0644