[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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window.onload = function()
	var oRange = document.selection.createRange() ;
	var sNormal ;
	var sFormats = '' ;
	for ( var i = 1 ; i <= 9 ; i++ )
		oRange.moveToElementText( document.getElementById( 'x' + i ) ) ;
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	document.getElementById('xFontFormats').innerHTML = sFormats + sNormal + ' (DIV)' ;
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					<h3>FontFormats Localization</h3>
						IE has some limits when handling the "Font Format". It actually uses localized 
						strings to retrieve the current format value. This makes it very difficult to 
						make a system that works on every single computer in the world.
						With FCKeditor, this problem impacts in the "Format" toolbar command that 
						doesn't reflects the format of the current cursor position.
						There is only one way to make it work. We must localize FCKeditor using the 
						strings used by IE. In this way, we will have the expected behavior at least 
						when using FCKeditor in the same language as the browser. So, when localizing 
						FCKeditor, go to a computer with IE in the target language, open this page and 
						use the following string to the "FontFormats" value:
					<div style="white-space: nowrap">
						FontFormats : "<span id="xFontFormats" style="COLOR: #000099"></span>",
		<div style="DISPLAY: none">
			<p id="x1">&nbsp;</p>
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			<address id="x3">&nbsp;</address>
			<h1 id="x4">&nbsp;</h1>
			<h2 id="x5">&nbsp;</h2>
			<h3 id="x6">&nbsp;</h3>
			<h4 id="x7">&nbsp;</h4>
			<h5 id="x8">&nbsp;</h5>
			<h6 id="x9">&nbsp;</h6>


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