<?php verifyCsrfGetToken(); if (!empty($_SESSION['LoadDelay'])) { sleep($_SESSION['LoadDelay']); } $status = ''; if (isset($_GET['domain'])) { //Replace everything except alphanumerical chars and period. $domain = preg_replace('@[^0-9a-z\.]+@i', ' ', $_GET['domain']); } if (isset($_GET['bounces'])) { //make sure that bounces is integer. $bounces = (int) $_GET['bounces']; } $ls = new WebblerListing(s('Domain statistics')); $ls->setElementHeading('Domain'); $sent = Sql_Query(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT COUNT(email) FROM %s AS u INNER JOIN %s AS m ON u.id = m.userid WHERE STATUS = 'sent' AND email LIKE '%%$domain' GROUP BY email ) t", $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], $GLOBALS['tables']['usermessage'], 'sent')); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($sent)) { $sent = $row[0]; } $viewed = Sql_Query(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT COUNT(email) FROM %s AS u INNER JOIN %s AS m ON u.id = m.userid WHERE STATUS IS NOT NULL AND email LIKE '%%$domain' GROUP BY email ) t", $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], $GLOBALS['tables']['usermessage'])); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($viewed)) { $viewed = $row[0]; } $bounceRate= sprintf('%0.2f', $bounces / $sent * 100)."%"; $viewRate= sprintf('%0.2f', $viewed / $sent * 100)."%"; $ls->addElement($domain); $ls->addColumn( $domain, s('Total bounced emails'), number_format($bounces)); $ls->addColumn( $domain, s('Total sent emails'), number_format($sent)); $ls->addColumn( $domain, s('Bounce rate'), $bounceRate); $ls->addColumn( $domain, s('View rate').Help("viewrate"), $viewRate); $status .= $ls->display();
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
.htaccess | File | 31 B | 0644 |
addemail.php | File | 874 B | 0644 |
addlist.php | File | 69 B | 0644 |
bounce.php | File | 166 B | 0644 |
bounces.php | File | 1.35 KB | 0644 |
campaigns.php | File | 2.57 KB | 0644 |
checkurl.php | File | 838 B | 0644 |
configure.php | File | 2.37 KB | 0644 |
domainbounces.php | File | 1.66 KB | 0644 |
domainstats.php | File | 7.2 KB | 0644 |
export.php | File | 6.92 KB | 0644 |
generatetext.php | File | 1.01 KB | 0644 |
generatetextpreview.php | File | 1.42 KB | 0644 |
getservertime.php | File | 127 B | 0644 |
hidenote.php | File | 245 B | 0644 |
import.php | File | 182 B | 0644 |
import1.php | File | 9.21 KB | 0644 |
import2.php | File | 23.54 KB | 0644 |
importsimple.php | File | 182 B | 0644 |
initlanguage.php | File | 243 B | 0644 |
keepalive.php | File | 180 B | 0644 |
listbounces.php | File | 2.4 KB | 0644 |
markread.php | File | 341 B | 0644 |
mclicks.php | File | 4.81 KB | 0644 |
mergeduplicatelists.php | File | 1.41 KB | 0644 |
msgbounces.php | File | 2.35 KB | 0644 |
msgsent.php | File | 881 B | 0644 |
msgstatus.php | File | 5.35 KB | 0644 |
mviews.php | File | 4.97 KB | 0644 |
plugins.php | File | 943 B | 0644 |
processqueue.php | File | 53.08 KB | 0644 |
reconcileusers.php | File | 471 B | 0644 |
removeemptylists.php | File | 379 B | 0644 |
searchemail.php | File | 825 B | 0644 |
shownotes.php | File | 74 B | 0644 |
statsoverview.php | File | 5.83 KB | 0644 |
storemessage.php | File | 2.05 KB | 0644 |
subscription.php | File | 3.91 KB | 0644 |
test.php | File | 13 B | 0644 |
updatetranslation.php | File | 824 B | 0644 |
upgrade.php | File | 183 B | 0644 |
user.php | File | 710 B | 0644 |
viewtemplate.php | File | 1.09 KB | 0644 |