if (!empty($_SESSION['LoadDelay'])) {
// domain stats
$status = '';
// Fetch all subscribers' data
$totalreq = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf(
%s', $GLOBALS['tables']['user']));
$total = $totalreq[0];
// Check if download flag is set (for downloading CSV)
$download = !empty($_GET['dl']);
// if download requested
if ($download) {
header('Content-type: text/csv');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="phpList Domain statistics.csv"');
// zero out counter to check if results were returned
$some = 0;
$confirmed = array();
// Count the number of confirmed users per domain and return them in descending order
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf(
lcase( substring_index( email,"@",-1 ) ) as domain
,count(email) as num
confirmed group by domain
order by
num desc
50', $GLOBALS['tables']['user']));
$ls = new WebblerListing($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Top 50 domains with more than 5 subscribers'));
// Loop through the resulting top 50 domains and fetch extra data
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
if ($row['num'] > 5) {
$some = 1;
$confirmed[$row['domain']] = $row['num'];
// Calculate the number of confirmed subs on this domain as a percentage of all subs
$perc = sprintf('%0.0f', ($row['num'] / $total * 100));
// Add data to the table
$ls->addColumn($row['domain'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('confirmed'),
'<strong>'.number_format($row['num']).'</strong> ('.$perc.'%)');
// If confirmed subscribers were found
if ($some) {
// Print download button
$status .= '<div class="actions">'.PageLinkButton('page=pageaction&action=domainstats&dl=true',
$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Download as CSV file')).'</div>';
} else {
// Print missing data notice
$status .= '<h3>'.s('Once you have some more subscribers, this page will list statistics on the domains of your subscribers. It will list domains that have 5 or more subscribers.').'</h3>';
// Count the number of unconfirmed users per domain and return them in descending order
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf(
lcase(substring_index(email,"@",-1)) as domain
, count(email) as num
group by
order by
num desc
50', $GLOBALS['tables']['user']));
// Loop through the resulting top 50 domains and fetch extra data
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
// Add data for the unconfirmed subscribers to the domain info already retrieved for the confirmed subscribers
if (in_array($row['domain'], array_keys($confirmed))) {
if ($row['num'] > 5) {
// Calculate the number of unconfirmed subs on this domain as a percentage of all subs on this domain
$percentUnconfirmed = sprintf('%0.0f', ($row['num'] / $total * 100));
$ls->addColumn($row['domain'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('unconfirmed'),
'<strong>'.number_format($row['num']).'</strong> ('.$percentUnconfirmed.'%)');
// Calculate the number subs on this domain as a percentage of all subs
$percentTotal = sprintf('%0.0f', (($row['num'] + $confirmed[$row['domain']]) / $total * 100));
$ls->addColumn($row['domain'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('total'),
'<strong>'.number_format($row['num'] + $confirmed[$row['domain']]).'</strong> ('.$percentTotal.'%)');
// If download was requested, send CSV
if ($download) {
echo $ls->tabDelimited();
$status .= $ls->display();
$status .= '<br /><br />';
// Print top 50 domains ordered by total bounces descending
// Fetch top 50 domains ordered by total unconfirmed descending
$query = Sql_Query(sprintf(
lcase(substring_index(email,"@",-1)) as domain
, count(email) as total
, sum(confirmed = 0) AS unconfirmed
, sum(confirmed = 1) AS confirmed
, sum(blacklisted = 1) AS blacklisted
group by
order by
unconfirmed DESC
, total DESC
25', $GLOBALS['tables']['user']));
// initialise empty array for collecting query results
$resultArray = array();
// Get the query results and map to array
// NOTE: deliberately avoiding use of mysqli_fetch_all() as it requires mysqlnd
// which may not be available
while ($row = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
$resultArray[] = $row;
// Filter results to include only subscribers who are confirmed
$filteredResults = multiArrayFilterByNot($resultArray, 'unconfirmed', 0);
// Find total domains found
$totalDomains = count($filteredResults);
// Only print table if results are found
if ($totalDomains > 0) {
$ls = new WebblerListing($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Domains with most unconfirmed subscribers'));
// Loop through each domain result
foreach ($filteredResults as $row) {
// Calculate the number of confirmed subs on this domain as a percentage of all subs using that domain
$percentConfirmed = sprintf('%0.0f', ($row['confirmed'] / $row['total'] * 100));
$ls->addColumn($row['domain'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('confirmed'),
'<strong>'.number_format($row['confirmed']).'</strong> ('.$percentConfirmed.'%)');
// Calculate the number of unconfirmed subs on this domain as a percentage of all subs using that domain
$percentUnconfirmed = sprintf('%0.0f', ($row['unconfirmed'] / $row['total'] * 100));
$ls->addColumn($row['domain'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('unconfirmed'),
'<strong>'.number_format($row['unconfirmed']).'</strong> ('.$percentUnconfirmed.'%)');
// Calculate the number of blacklisted subs on this domain as a percentage of all subs using that domain
$percentBlacklisted = sprintf('%0.0f', ($row['blacklisted'] / $row['total'] * 100));
$ls->addColumn($row['domain'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('blacklisted'),
'<strong>'.number_format($row['blacklisted']).'</strong> ('.$percentBlacklisted.'%)');
// Calculate the number subs on this domain as a percentage of all subs
$percentTotal = sprintf('%0.0f', ($row['total'] / $total * 100));
// Show the total subscribers using this domain
$ls->addColumn($row['domain'], $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('total'),
'<strong>'.number_format($row['total']).'</strong> ('.$percentTotal.'%)');
// Print table
$status .= $ls->display();
$status .= '<br /><br />';
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf(
lcase(substring_index(email,"@",1)) as preat
, count(email) as num
group by
order by
num desc
25', $GLOBALS['tables']['user']));
$ls = new WebblerListing($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Top 25 pre-@ of email addresses'));
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
if ($row['num'] > 0) {
$percentTotal = sprintf('%0.0f', $row['num'] / $total * 100);
$ls->addColumn($row['preat'], s('total'), '<strong>'.$row['num'].'</strong> ('.$percentTotal.'%)');
$status .= $ls->display();