## temporarily remove this check, to make sure processing the queue with a remote call continues to work
## https://mantis.phplist.com/view.php?id=17316
if (isset($_GET['login']) || isset($_GET['password'])) {
print Error(s('Remote processing of the queue is now handled with a processing secret'));
$inRemoteCall = false;
if (isset($_GET['secret'])) {
$ourSecret = getConfig('remote_processing_secret');
if ($ourSecret != $_GET['secret']) {
print Error(s('Incorrect processing secret'));
} else {
$inRemoteCall = true;
} else {
## we're in a normal session, so the csrf token should work
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../accesscheck.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) .'/../sendemaillib.php';
$status = 'OK';
$processqueue_timer = new timer();
$domainthrottle = array();
# check for other processes running
if ((!empty($GLOBALS['commandline']) && isset($cline['f'])) || $inRemoteCall) {
# force set, so kill other processes
cl_output('Force set, killing other send processes');
$send_process_id = getPageLock(1);
} else {
$send_process_id = getPageLock();
if (empty($send_process_id)) {
output(s('Unable get lock for processing'));
$status = s('Error processing');
#cl_output('page locked on '.$send_process_id);
if (empty($GLOBALS['commandline']) && isset($_GET['reload'])) {
$reload = sprintf('%d',$_GET['reload']);
} else {
$reload = 0;
## this one sends a notification to plugins that processing has started
foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
## let's make sure all subscribers have a uniqid
## only when on CL
if ($GLOBALS['commandline']) {
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select id from %s where uniqid is NULL or uniqid = ""',$GLOBALS["tables"]["user"]));
$num = Sql_Affected_Rows();
if ($num) {
cl_output(s('Giving a Unique ID to %d subscribers, this may take a while', $num));
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set uniqid = "%s" where id = %d',$GLOBALS["tables"]["user"],getUniqID(),$row[0]));
$num_per_batch = 0;
$batch_period = 0;
$script_stage = 0; # start
$someusers = $skipped = 0;
$maxbatch = -1;
$minbatchperiod = -1;
# check for batch limits
$ISPrestrictions = '';
$ISPlockfile = '';
//$rssitems = array(); //Obsolete by rssmanager plugin
$user_attribute_query = '';
$lastsent = !empty($_GET['lastsent']) ? sprintf('%d',$_GET['lastsent']):0;
$lastskipped = !empty($_GET['lastskipped']) ? sprintf('%d',$_GET['lastskipped']):0;
if ($fp = @fopen("/etc/phplist.conf","r")) {
$contents = fread($fp, filesize("/etc/phplist.conf"));
$lines = explode("\n",$contents);
$ISPrestrictions = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('The following restrictions have been set by your ISP:')."\n";
foreach ($lines as $line) {
list($key,$val) = explode("=",$line);
switch ($key) {
case "maxbatch": $maxbatch = sprintf('%d',$val);$ISPrestrictions .= "$key = $val\n";break;
case "minbatchperiod": $minbatchperiod = sprintf('%d',$val);$ISPrestrictions .= "$key = $val\n";break;
case "lockfile": $ISPlockfile = $val;
if ($maxbatch > 0) {
$num_per_batch = min(MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE,$maxbatch);
} else {
$num_per_batch = sprintf('%d',MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE);
} else {
if ($maxbatch > 0) {
$num_per_batch = $maxbatch;
if ($minbatchperiod > 0) {
$batch_period = max(MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD,$minbatchperiod);
} else {
## force batch processing in small batches when called from the web interface
* bad idea, we shouldn't touch the batch settings, in case they are very specific for
* ISP restrictions, instead limit webpage processing by time (below)
if (empty($GLOBALS['commandline'])) {
$num_per_batch = min($num_per_batch,100);
$batch_period = max($batch_period,1);
} elseif (isset($cline['m'])) {
$cl_num_per_batch = sprintf('%d',$cline['m']);
## don't block when the param is not a number
if (!empty($cl_num_per_batch)) {
$num_per_batch = $cl_num_per_batch;
cl_output("Batch set with commandline to $num_per_batch");
$maxProcessQueueTime = 0;
$maxProcessQueueTime = (int)MAX_PROCESSQUEUE_TIME;
# in-page processing force to a minute max, and make sure there's a batch size
if (empty($GLOBALS['commandline'])) {
$maxProcessQueueTime = min($maxProcessQueueTime,60);
if ($num_per_batch <= 0) {
$num_per_batch = 10000;
if (VERBOSE && $maxProcessQueueTime) {
output(s('Maximum time for queue processing').': '.$maxProcessQueueTime,'progress');
if (isset($cline['m'])) {
cl_output('Max to send is '.$cline['m'].' num per batch is '.$num_per_batch);
$clinemax = (int)$cline['m'];
## slow down just before max
if ($clinemax < 20) {
$num_per_batch = min(2,$clinemax,$num_per_batch);
} elseif ($clinemax < 200) {
$num_per_batch = min(20,$clinemax,$num_per_batch);
} else {
$num_per_batch = min($clinemax,$num_per_batch);
cl_output('Max to send is '.$cline['m'].' setting num per batch to '.$num_per_batch);
$safemode = 0;
if (ini_get("safe_mode")) {
# keep an eye on timeouts
$safemode = 1;
$num_per_batch = min(100,$num_per_batch);
print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Running in safe mode').'<br/>';
$original_num_per_batch = $num_per_batch;
if ($num_per_batch && $batch_period) {
# check how many were sent in the last batch period and take off that
# amount from this batch
output(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where entered > date_sub(current_timestamp,interval %d second) and status = "sent"',
$recently_sent = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where entered > date_sub(current_timestamp,interval %d second) and status = "sent"',
cl_output('Recently sent : '.$recently_sent[0]);
$num_per_batch -= $recently_sent[0];
# if this ends up being 0 or less, don't send anything at all
if ($num_per_batch == 0) {
$num_per_batch = -1;
# output some stuff to make sure it's not buffered in the browser
for ($i=0;$i<10000; $i++) {
print ' ';
if ($i%100 == 0) print "\n";
print '<style type="text/css" src="css/app.css"></style>';
print '<style type="text/css" src="ui/'.$GLOBALS['ui'].'/css/style.css"></style>';
print '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/'.$GLOBALS['jQuery'].'"></script>';
## not sure this works, but would be nice
print '<script type="text/javascript">$("#favicon").attr("href","images/busy.gif");</script>';
# report keeps track of what is going on
$report = "";
$nothingtodo = 0;
$cached = array(); # cache the message from the database to avoid reloading it every time
function my_shutdown () {
global $script_stage,$reload;
# output( "Script status: ".connection_status(),0); # with PHP 4.2.1 buggy. http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=17774
output( s('Script stage').': '.$script_stage,0,'progress');
global $counters,$report,$send_process_id,$tables,$nothingtodo,$processed,$notsent,$unconfirmed,$num_per_batch,$batch_period;
$some = $processed;
$delaytime = 0;
if (!$some) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Finished, Nothing to do'),0,'progress');
$nothingtodo = 1;
$totaltime = $GLOBALS['processqueue_timer']->elapsed(1);
if ($totaltime > 0) {
$msgperhour = (3600/$totaltime) * $counters['sent'];
} else {
$msgperhour = s('Calculating');
if ($counters['sent']) {
output(sprintf('%d %s %01.2f %s (%d %s)',$counters['sent'],$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('messages sent in'),
if ($counters['invalid']) {
output(s('%d invalid email addresses',$counters['invalid']),1,'progress');
if ($counters['failed_sent']) {
output(s('%d failed (will retry later)',$counters['failed_sent']),1,'progress');
foreach ($counters as $label => $value) {
# output(sprintf('%d %s',$value,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get($label)),1,'progress');
cl_output(sprintf('%d %s',$value,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get($label)));
if ($unconfirmed) {
output(sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('%d emails unconfirmed (not sent)'),$unconfirmed),1,'progress');
foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
if ($script_stage < 5 && !$nothingtodo) {
output ($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Warning: script never reached stage 5')."\n".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('This may be caused by a too slow or too busy server')." \n");
} elseif ($script_stage == 5 && (!$nothingtodo || isset($GLOBALS["wait"]))) {
# if the script timed out in stage 5, reload the page to continue with the rest
if (!$GLOBALS["commandline"] && $num_per_batch && $batch_period) {
if ($counters['sent'] + 10 < $GLOBALS["original_num_per_batch"]) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Less than batch size were sent, so reloading imminently'),1,'progress');
$counters['delaysend'] = 10;
} else {
$counters['delaysend'] = (int)($batch_period - $totaltime);
$delaytime = 30; ## actually with the iframe we can reload fairly quickly
output(s('Waiting for %d seconds before reloading',$delaytime),1,'progress');
$counters['delaysend'] = (int)($batch_period - $totaltime);
if (empty($GLOBALS['inRemoteCall']) && empty($GLOBALS['commandline'])) {
printf( '<script type="text/javascript">
document.location = "./?page=pageaction&action=processqueue&ajaxed=true&reload=%d&lastsent=%d&lastskipped=%d%s";
} elseif ($script_stage == 6 || $nothingtodo) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Finished, All done'),0);
print '<script type="text/javascript">
var parentJQuery = window.parent.jQuery;
window.parent.allDone("'.s('All done').'");
} else {
output(s('Script finished, but not all messages have been sent yet.'));
if (!empty($GLOBALS['inRemoteCall'])) {
print outputCounters();
if (empty($GLOBALS['inRemoteCall']) && empty($GLOBALS['commandline']) && empty($_GET['ajaxed'])) {
} elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['inRemoteCall']) || !empty($GLOBALS['commandline'])) {
## some general functions
function finish ($flag,$message,$script_stage) {
global $nothingtodo,$counters,$messageid;
if ($flag == "error") {
$subject = s("Maillist errors");
} elseif ($flag == "info") {
$subject = s("Maillist Processing info");
if (!$nothingtodo && !$GLOBALS['inRemoteCall']) {
output(s('Finished this run'),1,'progress');
print '<script type="text/javascript">
var parentJQuery = window.parent.jQuery;
parentJQuery("#progressmeter").updateSendProgress("'.$counters['sent'].','.$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid].'");
if (!$GLOBALS['inRemoteCall'] && !TEST && !$nothingtodo && SEND_QUEUE_PROCESSING_REPORT) {
$reportSent = false;
## @@TODO work out a way to deal with the order of processing the plugins
## as that can make a difference here.
foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
if (!$reportSent) {
$reportSent = $plugin->sendReport($subject,$message);
if (!$reportSent) {
## fall back to the central one
$message .= "\n\n".s('To stop receiving these reports read:').' https://resources.phplist.com/system/config/send_queue_processing_report'. "\n\n";
function ProcessError ($message) {
global $report;
$report .= $message;
output( "Error: $message");
function output ($message,$logit = 1,$target = 'summary') {
global $report,$shadecount,$counters,$messageid;
if (isset($counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid])) {
$total = $counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid];
} else {
$total = 0;
if (!isset($shadecount)) $shadecount = 0;
if (is_array($message)) {
$tmp = '';
foreach ($message as $key => $val) {
$tmp .= $key .'='.$val.'; ';
$message = $tmp;
if (!empty($GLOBALS["commandline"])) {
cl_output(strip_tags($message).' ['.$GLOBALS['processqueue_timer']->interval(1).'] ('.$GLOBALS["pagestats"]["number_of_queries"].')');
$infostring = "[". date("D j M Y H:i",time()) . "] [CL]";
} elseif ($GLOBALS['inRemoteCall']) {
## with a remote call we suppress output
$infostring = '';
$message = '';
} else {
$infostring = "[". date("D j M Y H:i",time()) . "] [" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ."]";
#print "$infostring $message<br/>\n";
$lines = explode("\n",$message);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = preg_replace('/"/','\"',$line);
## contribution in forums, http://forums.phplist.com/viewtopic.php?p=14648
//Replace the "’" which is not replaced by html_decode
$line = preg_replace("/’/","'",$line);
//Decode HTML chars
$line = html_entity_decode($line,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8');
print "\n".'<div class="output shade'.$shadecount.'">'.$line.'</div>';
$line = str_replace("'", "\'", $line); // #16880 - avoid JS error
print '<script type="text/javascript">
var parentJQuery = window.parent.jQuery;
parentJQuery("#processqueue'.$target.'").append(\'<div class="output shade'.$shadecount.'">'.$line.'</div>\');
parentJQuery("#processqueue'.$target.'").animate({scrollTop:100000}, "slow");
$shadecount = !$shadecount;
for ($i=0;$i<10000; $i++) {
print ' ';
if ($i % 100 == 0) print "\n";
$report .= "\n$infostring $message";
if ($logit) {
function outputCounters() {
global $counters;
$result = '';
if (function_exists('json_encode')) { // only PHP5.2.0 and up
return json_encode($counters);
} else {
## keep track of which php versions we need to continue to support
$counters['PHPVERSION'] = phpversion();
foreach ($counters as $key => $val) {
$result .= $key.'='.$val.';';
return $result;
function sendEmailTest ($messageid,$email) {
global $report;
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('(test)').' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Would have sent').' '. $messageid .$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('to').' '. $email);
$report .= "\n".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('(test)').' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Would have sent').' '. $messageid.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('to').' '. $email;
// fake a bit of a delay,
usleep(0.75 * 1000000);
// and say it was fine.
return true;
# we don not want to timeout or abort
$abort = ignore_user_abort(1);
if (empty($reload)) { ## only show on first load
if (defined('SYSTEM_TIMEZONE')) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Time now ').date('Y-m-d H:i'));
#output('Will process for a maximum of '.$maxProcessQueueTime.' seconds '.MAX_PROCESSQUEUE_TIME);
## ask plugins if processing is allowed at all
foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
# cl_output('Asking '.$pluginname);
if (!$plugin->allowProcessQueue()) {
output(s('Processing blocked by plugin %s',$pluginname));
finish('info',s('Processing blocked by plugin %s',$pluginname));
if (empty($reload)) { ## only show on first load
if (!empty($ISPrestrictions)) {
if (is_file($ISPlockfile)) {
ProcessError(s('Processing has been suspended by your ISP, please try again later'),1);
if ($num_per_batch > 0) {
if ($safemode) {
output(s('In safe mode, batches are set to a maximum of 100'));
if ($original_num_per_batch != $num_per_batch) {
if (empty($reload)) {
output(s('Sending in batches of %d messages',$original_num_per_batch),0);
$diff = $original_num_per_batch - $num_per_batch;
if ($diff < 0) $diff = 0;
output(s('This batch will be %d emails, because in the last %d seconds %d emails were sent',$num_per_batch,$batch_period, $diff),0,'progress');
} else {
output(s('Sending in batches of %d emails',$num_per_batch),0,'progress');
} elseif ($num_per_batch < 0) {
output(s('In the last %d seconds more emails were sent (%d) than is currently allowed per batch (%d)', $batch_period,$recently_sent[0],$original_num_per_batch),0,'progress');
$processed = 0;
$script_stage = 5;
$GLOBALS["wait"] = $batch_period;
$counters['batch_total'] = $num_per_batch;
$counters['failed_sent'] = 0;
$counters['invalid'] = 0;
$counters['sent'] = 0;
if (0 && $reload) {
output(s('Sent in last run').": $lastsent",0,'progress');
output(s('Skipped in last run').": $lastskipped",0,'progress');
$script_stage = 1; # we are active
$notsent = $unconfirmed = $cannotsend = 0;
## check for messages that need requeuing
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select id,requeueinterval,embargo < now() as inthepast from %s where requeueinterval > 0 and requeueuntil > now() and status = "sent"',$tables['message']));
while ($msg = Sql_Fetch_Assoc($req)) {
if ($msg['inthepast']) {
Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set status = "submitted",sendstart = null, embargo = date_add(now(),interval %d minute) where id = %d',$GLOBALS['tables']['message'],$msg['requeueinterval'],$msg['id']));
} else {
Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set status = "submitted",sendstart = null, embargo = date_add(embargo,interval %d minute) where id = %d',$GLOBALS['tables']['message'],$msg['requeueinterval'],$msg['id']));
## @@@ need to update message data as well
$messagelimit = '';
## limit the number of campaigns to work on
if (defined('MAX_PROCESS_MESSAGE')) {
$messagelimit = sprintf(' limit %d ',MAX_PROCESS_MESSAGE);
= " select id"
. " from ${tables['message']}"
. " where status not in ('draft', 'sent', 'prepared', 'suspended')"
. " and embargo <= current_timestamp"
. " order by entered ".$messagelimit;
if (VERBOSE) {
$messages = Sql_query($query);
$num_messages = Sql_Num_Rows($messages);
if (Sql_Has_Error($database_connection)) { ProcessError(Sql_Error($database_connection)); }
if ($num_messages) {
$counters['status'] = $num_messages;
if (empty($reload)) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Processing has started,'));
if ($num_messages == 1) {
output(s('One campaign to process.'));
} else {
output(s('%d campaigns to process.',$num_messages));
if (!$GLOBALS["commandline"] && empty($reload)) {
output(s('Please leave this window open.').' '.s('phpList will process your queue until all messages have been sent.').' '.s('This may take a while'));
output(s('Report of processing will be sent by email'));
} else {
## check for a future embargo, to be able to report when it expires.
$future = Sql_Fetch_Assoc_Query('select unix_timestamp(embargo) - unix_timestamp(current_timestamp) as waittime '
. " from ${tables['message']}"
. " where status not in ('draft', 'sent', 'prepared', 'suspended')"
. " and embargo > current_timestamp"
. " order by embargo asc limit 1");
$counters['status'] = 'embargo';
$counters['delaysend'] = $future['waittime'];
$script_stage = 2; # we know the messages to process
#include_once "footer.inc";
if (!isset($num_per_batch)) {
$num_per_batch = 1000000;
while ($message = Sql_fetch_array($messages)) {
$throttlecount = 0;
$messageid = $message["id"];
$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid] = 0;
$counters['processed_users_for_message '.$messageid] = 0;
$counters['failed_sent_for_message '.$messageid] = 0;
if (!empty($getspeedstats)) output('start send '.$messageid);
$msgdata = loadMessageData($messageid);
foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
if (!empty($msgdata['resetstats'])) {
## make sure to reset the resetstats flag, so it doesn't clear it every run
## check the end date of the campaign
$stopSending = false;
if (!empty($msgdata['finishsending'])) {
$finishSendingBefore = mktime($msgdata['finishsending']['hour'],$msgdata['finishsending']['minute'],0,$msgdata['finishsending']['month'],$msgdata['finishsending']['day'],$msgdata['finishsending']['year']);
$secondsTogo = $finishSendingBefore - time();
$stopSending = $secondsTogo < 0;
if (empty($reload)) {
### Hmm, this is probably incredibly confusing. It won't finish then
if (VERBOSE) {
output(sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('sending of this campaign will stop, if it is still going in %s'),secs2time($secondsTogo)));
$userselection = $msgdata["userselection"]; ## @@ needs more work
## load message in cache
if (!precacheMessage($messageid)) {
## precache may fail on eg invalid remote URL
## any reporting needed here?
# mark the message as suspended
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set status = "suspended" where id = %d',$GLOBALS['tables']['message'],$messageid));
output(s('Error loading message, please check the eventlog for details'));
# wait a little, otherwise the message won't show
if (!empty($getspeedstats)) output('message data loaded ');
if (VERBOSE) {
// output($msgdata);
if (!empty($msgdata['notify_start']) && !isset($msgdata['start_notified'])) {
$notifications = explode(',',$msgdata['notify_start']);
foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
sendMail($notification,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Campaign started'),
sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('phplist has started sending the campaign with subject %s'),$msgdata['subject']."\n\n".
sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('to view the progress of this campaign, go to http://%s'),getConfig('website').$GLOBALS['adminpages'].'/?page=messages&tab=active')));
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert ignore into %s (name,id,data) values("start_notified",%d,current_timestamp)',
if (empty($reload)) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Processing message').' '. $messageid);
// if(isset($GLOBALS['plugins']['rssmanager']) && $GLOBALS['plugins']['rssmanager']->enabled && $message["rsstemplate"]) {
// $processrss = 1;
// output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Message').' '. $messageid.' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('is an rss feed for').' '. $GLOBALS['I18N']->get($rssmessage));
// } else {
// $processrss = 0;
// }
= " update ${tables['message']}"
. " set status = 'inprocess'"
. " where id = ?";
$status = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid));
= " update ${tables['message']}"
. " set sendstart = current_timestamp"
. " where sendstart is null and id = ?";
$sendstart = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid));
if (empty($reload)) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Looking for users'));
if (Sql_Has_Error($database_connection)) { ProcessError(Sql_Error($database_connection)); }
# make selection on attribute, users who at least apply to the attributes
# lots of ppl seem to use it as a normal mailinglist system, and do not use attributes.
# Check this and take anyone in that case.
## keep an eye on how long it takes to find users, and warn if it's a long time
$findUserStart = $processqueue_timer->elapsed(1);
$rs = Sql_Query('select count(*) from ' . $tables['attribute']);
$numattr = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs);
$user_attribute_query = ''; #16552
if ($userselection && $numattr[0]) {
$res = Sql_Query($userselection);
$counters['total_users_for_message'] = Sql_Num_Rows($res);
if (empty($reload)) {
output($counters['total_users_for_message'].' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('users apply for attributes, now checking lists'),0,'progress');
$user_list = "";
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_row($res)) {
$user_list .= $row[0] . ",";
$user_list = substr($user_list,0,-1);
if ($user_list)
$user_attribute_query = " and listuser.userid in ($user_list)";
else {
if (empty($reload)) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No users apply for attributes'));
= " update ${tables['message']}"
. " set status = 'sent', sent = current_timestamp"
. " where id = ?";
$status = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid));
finish("info","Message $messageid: \nNo users apply for attributes, ie nothing to do");
$script_stage = 6;
# we should actually continue with the next message
if ($script_stage < 3)
$script_stage = 3; # we know the users by attribute
# when using commandline we need to exclude users who have already received
# the email
# we don't do this otherwise because it slows down the process, possibly
# causing us to not find anything at all
$exclusion = "";
$doneusers = array();
$skipusers = array();
## 8478, avoid building large array in memory, when sending large amounts of users.
$req = Sql_Query("select userid from {$tables["usermessage"]} where messageid = $messageid");
$skipped = Sql_Affected_Rows();
if ($skipped < 10000) {
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
$alive = checkLock($send_process_id);
if ($alive)
ProcessError($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Process Killed by other process'));
} else {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Warning, disabling exclusion of done users, too many found'));
logEvent($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Warning, disabling exclusion of done users, too many found'));
# also exclude unconfirmed users, otherwise they'll block the process
# will give quite different statistics than when used web based
# $req = Sql_Query("select id from {$tables["user"]} where !confirmed");
# while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
# array_push($doneusers,$row[0]);
# }
if (sizeof($doneusers))
$exclusion = " and listuser.userid not in (".join(",",$doneusers).")";
if (VERBOSE) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('looking for users who can be excluded from this mailing'));
if (count($msgdata['excludelist'])) {
= " select userid"
. " from ". $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser']
. " where listid in (".join(',',$msgdata['excludelist']).")";
if (VERBOSE) {
output('Exclude query '.$query);
$req = Sql_Query($query);
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
Sql_Replace($tables['usermessage'], array('entered' => 'current_timestamp', 'userid' => $row[0], 'messageid' => $messageid, 'status' => "excluded"), array('userid', 'messageid'), false);
## 8478
$query = sprintf('select distinct user.id from
%s as listuser,
%s as user,
%s as listmessage
listmessage.messageid = %d and
listmessage.listid = listuser.listid and
user.id = listuser.userid %s %s %s',
$queued = 0;
## we duplicate messageid to match the query_params or the main query
$query = sprintf('select userid from '.$tables['usermessage'].' where messageid = ? and messageid = ? and status = "todo"');
# cl_output($query.' '.$messageid);
$queued_count = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid, $messageid));
$queued = Sql_Affected_Rows();
# if (VERBOSE) {
cl_output('found pre-queued subscribers '.$queued,0,'progress');
# }
## if the above didn't find any, run the normal search (again)
if (empty($queued)) {
## remove pre-queued messages, otherwise they wouldn't go out
$remove_query = sprintf('delete from '.$tables['usermessage'].' where messageid = ? and status = "todo"');
Sql_Query_Params($remove_query, array($messageid));
$removed = Sql_Affected_Rows();
if ($removed) {
cl_output('removed pre-queued subscribers '.$removed,0,'progress');
= ' select distinct u.id'
. ' from %s as listuser'
. ' cross join %s as u'
. ' cross join %s as listmessage'
. ' left join %s as um'
. ' on (um.messageid = ? and um.userid = listuser.userid)'
. ' where true'
. ' and listmessage.messageid = ?'
. ' and listmessage.listid = listuser.listid'
. ' and u.id = listuser.userid'
. ' and um.userid IS NULL'
. ' and u.confirmed and !u.blacklisted and !u.disabled'
. ' %s %s';
$query = sprintf($query, $tables['listuser'],
$tables['user'], $tables['listmessage'], $tables['usermessage'],
$exclusion, $user_attribute_query);
if (VERBOSE) {
output('User select query '.$query);
$userids = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid, $messageid));
if (Sql_Has_Error($database_connection)) { ProcessError(Sql_Error($database_connection)); }
# now we have all our users to send the message to
$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid] = Sql_Num_Rows($userids);
if ($skipped >= 10000) {
$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid] -= $skipped;
$findUserEnd = $processqueue_timer->elapsed(1);
if ($findUserEnd - $findUserStart > 300 && !$GLOBALS["commandline"]) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Warning, finding the subscribers to send out to takes a long time, consider changing to commandline sending'));
if (empty($reload)) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Found them').': '.$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid].' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('to process'));
setMessageData($messageid,'to process',$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid]);
if (defined('MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE') && MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE && empty($queued)) {
## experimental MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE will first mark all messages as todo and then work it's way through the todo's
## that should save time when running the queue multiple times, which avoids the user search after the first time
## only do this first time, ie empty($queued);
## the last run will pick up changes
while ($userdata = Sql_Fetch_Row($userids)) {
## mark message/user combination as "todo"
$userid = $userdata[0]; # id of the user
Sql_Replace($tables['usermessage'], array('entered' => 'current_timestamp', 'userid' => $userid, 'messageid' => $messageid, 'status' => "todo"), array('userid', 'messageid'), false);
## rerun the initial query, in order to continue as normal
$query = sprintf('select userid from '.$tables['usermessage'].' where messageid = ? and messageid = ? and status = "todo"');
$userids = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid, $messageid));
$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid] = Sql_Num_Rows($userids);
## in case of sending multiple campaigns, reduce batch with "sent"
$num_per_batch -= $counters['sent'];
# send in batches of $num_per_batch users
$batch_total = $counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid];
if ($num_per_batch > 0) {
$query .= sprintf(' limit 0,%d',$num_per_batch);
if (VERBOSE) {
output($num_per_batch .' query -> '.$query);
$userids = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid, $messageid));
if (Sql_Has_Error($database_connection)) { ProcessError(Sql_Error($database_connection)); }
} else {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No users to process for this batch'),0,'progress');
$userids = Sql_Query("select * from ${tables['user']} where id = 0");
$affrows = Sql_Num_Rows($userids);
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Processing batch of ').': '.$affrows,0,'progress');
while ($userdata = Sql_Fetch_Row($userids)) {
$counters['processed_users_for_message '.$messageid]++;
$failure_reason = '';
if ($num_per_batch && $counters['sent'] >= $num_per_batch) {
output(s('batch limit reached').": ".$counters['sent']." ($num_per_batch)",1,'progress');
$GLOBALS["wait"] = $batch_period;
$userid = $userdata[0]; # id of the user
if (!empty($getspeedstats)) output('-----------------------------------'."\n".'start process user '.$userid);
$some = 1;
$secondsTogo = $finishSendingBefore - time();
$stopSending = $secondsTogo < 0;
# check if we have been "killed"
# output('Process ID '.$send_process_id);
$alive = checkLock($send_process_id);
## check for max-process-queue-time
$elapsed = $GLOBALS['processqueue_timer']->elapsed(1);
if ($maxProcessQueueTime && $elapsed > $maxProcessQueueTime && $counters['sent'] > 0) {
cl_output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('queue processing time has exceeded max processing time ').$maxProcessQueueTime);
} elseif ($alive && !$stopSending) {
} elseif ($stopSending) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Campaign sending timed out, is past date to process until'));
} else {
ProcessError($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Process Killed by other process'));
# check if the message we are working on is still there and in process
$status = Sql_Fetch_Array_query("select id,status from {$tables['message']} where id = $messageid");
if (!$status['id']) {
ProcessError($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Message I was working on has disappeared'));
} elseif ($status['status'] != 'inprocess') {
$script_stage = 6;
ProcessError($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Sending of this message has been suspended'));
#Sql_Query_Params(sprintf('delete from %s where userid = ? and messageid = ? and status = "active"',$tables['usermessage']), array($userid,$messageid));
# check whether the user has already received the message
if (!empty($getspeedstats)) output('verify message can go out to '.$userid);
$um = Sql_query("select entered from {$tables['usermessage']} where userid = $userid and messageid = $messageid and status != 'todo'");
if (!Sql_Num_Rows($um)) {
## mark this message that we're working on it, so that no other process will take it
## between two lines ago and here, should hopefully be quick enough
$userlock = Sql_Replace($tables['usermessage'], array('entered' => 'current_timestamp', 'userid' => $userid, 'messageid' => $messageid, 'status' => "active"), array('userid', 'messageid'), false);
if ($script_stage < 4)
$script_stage = 4; # we know a subscriber to send to
$someusers = 1;
$users = Sql_query("select id,email,uniqid,htmlemail,confirmed,blacklisted,disabled from {$tables['user']} where id = $userid");
# pick the first one (rather historical from before email was unique)
$user = Sql_fetch_Assoc($users);
if ($user['confirmed'] && is_email($user['email'])) {
$userid = $user['id']; # id of the subscriber
$useremail = $user['email']; # email of the subscriber
$userhash = $user['uniqid']; # unique string of the user
$htmlpref = $user['htmlemail']; # preference for HTML emails
$confirmed = $user['confirmed'] && !$user['disabled']; ## 7 = disabled flag
$blacklisted = $user['blacklisted'];
$cansend = !$blacklisted && $confirmed;
## Ask plugins if they are ok with sending this message to this user
if (!empty($getspeedstats)) output('start check plugins ');
while ($cansend && $plugin = current($GLOBALS['plugins']) ) {
if (VERBOSE) {
cl_output('Checking plugin '. $plugin->name());
$cansend = $plugin->canSend($msgdata, $user);
if (!$cansend) {
$failure_reason .= 'Sending blocked by plugin '.$plugin->name;
$counters['send blocked by '.$plugin->name]++;
if (VERBOSE) {
cl_output('Sending blocked by plugin '.$plugin->name);
if (!empty($getspeedstats)) output('end check plugins ');
# Throttling
$throttled = 0;
if ($cansend && USE_DOMAIN_THROTTLE) {
list($mailbox,$domainname) = explode('@',$useremail);
$now = time();
$interval = $now - ($now % DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD);
if (!isset($domainthrottle[$domainname]) || !is_array($domainthrottle[$domainname])) {
$domainthrottle[$domainname] = array(
'interval' => '',
'sent' => 0,
'attempted' => 0,
} elseif (isset($domainthrottle[$domainname]['interval']) && $domainthrottle[$domainname]['interval'] == $interval) {
$throttled = $domainthrottle[$domainname]['sent'] >= DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE;
if ($throttled) {
$counters['send blocked by domain throttle']++;
&& $domainthrottle[$domainname]['attempted'] > 25 # skip a few before auto throttling
&& $num_messages <= 1 # only do this when there's only one message to process otherwise the other ones don't get a chance
&& $counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid] < 1000 # and also when there's not too many left, because then it's likely they're all being throttled
) {
$domainthrottle[$domainname]['attempted'] = 0;
logEvent(sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('There have been more than 10 attempts to send to %s that have been blocked for domain throttling.'),$domainname));
logEvent($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Introducing extra delay to decrease throttle failures'));
if (VERBOSE) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Introducing extra delay to decrease throttle failures'));
if (!isset($running_throttle_delay)) {
$running_throttle_delay = (int)(MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE + (DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD / (DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE * 4)));
} else {
$running_throttle_delay += (int)(DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD / (DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE * 4));
#output("Running throttle delay: ".$running_throttle_delay);
} elseif (VERBOSE) {
output(sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('%s is currently over throttle limit of %d per %d seconds').' ('.$domainthrottle[$domainname]['sent'].')',$domainname,DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE,DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD));
if ($cansend) {
$success = 0;
if (!TEST) {
while (!$throttled && $plugin = current($GLOBALS['plugins']) ) {
$throttled = $plugin->throttleSend($msgdata, $user);
if ($throttled) {
if (!isset($counters['send throttled by plugin '.$plugin->name])) {
$counters['send throttled by plugin '.$plugin->name] = 0;
$counters['send throttled by plugin '.$plugin->name]++;
$failure_reason .= 'Sending throttled by plugin '.$plugin->name;
if (!$throttled) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Sending').' '. $messageid.' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('to').' '. $useremail);
$emailSentTimer = new timer();
$success = sendEmail($messageid,$useremail,$userhash,$htmlpref); // $rssitems Obsolete by rssmanager plugin
if (!$success) {
$counters['sendemail returned false total']++;
$counters['sendemail returned false']++;
} else {
$counters['sendemail returned false'] = 0;
if ($counters['sendemail returned false'] > 10) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
$plugin->processError(s('Warning: a lot of errors while sending campaign %d',$messageid));
if (VERBOSE) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('It took').' '.$emailSentTimer->elapsed(1).' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('seconds to send'));
} else {
} else {
$success = sendEmailTest($messageid,$useremail);
# tried to send email , process succes / failure
if ($success) {
list($mailbox,$domainname) = explode('@',$useremail);
if ($domainthrottle[$domainname]['interval'] != $interval) {
$domainthrottle[$domainname]['interval'] = $interval;
$domainthrottle[$domainname]['sent'] = 1;
} else {
$counters['sent_users_for_message '.$messageid]++;
$um = Sql_Replace($tables['usermessage'], array('entered' => 'current_timestamp', 'userid' => $userid, 'messageid' => $messageid, 'status' => "sent"), array('userid', 'messageid'), false);
//obsolete, moved to rssmanager plugin
// if (ENABLE_RSS && $pxrocessrss) {
// foreach ($rssitems as $rssitemid) {
// $status = Sql_query("update {$tables['rssitem']} set processed = processed +1 where id = $rssitemid");
// $um = Sql_query("replace into {$tables['rssitem_user']} (userid,itemid) values($userid,$rssitemid)");
// }
// Sql_Query("replace into {$tables["user_rss"]} (userid,last) values($userid,date_sub(current_timestamp,interval 15 minute))");
// }
} else {
$counters['failed_sent_for_message '.$messageid]++;
## need to check this, the entry shouldn't be there in the first place, so no need to delete it
## might be a cause for duplicated emails
Sql_Query_Params(sprintf('update %s set status = "todo" where userid = ? and messageid = ? and status = "active"',$tables['usermessage']), array($userid,$messageid));
} else {
Sql_Query_Params(sprintf('delete from %s where userid = ? and messageid = ? and status = "active"',$tables['usermessage']), array($userid,$messageid));
if (VERBOSE) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Failed sending to').' '. $useremail);
logEvent("Failed sending message $messageid to $useremail");
# make sure it's not because it's an underdeliverable email
# unconfirm this user, so they're not included next time
if (!$throttled && !validateEmail($useremail)) {
$counters['email address invalidated']++;
logEvent("invalid email address $useremail user marked unconfirmed");
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set confirmed = 0 where email = "%s"',
if ($script_stage < 5) {
$script_stage = 5; # we have actually sent one user
if (isset($running_throttle_delay)) {
if ($counters['sent'] % 5 == 0) {
# retry running faster after some more messages, to see if that helps
usleep(MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE * 1000000);
$totaltime = $GLOBALS['processqueue_timer']->elapsed(1);
$msgperhour = (3600/$totaltime) * $counters['sent'];
$msgpersec = $msgperhour / 3600;
##11336 - this may cause "division by 0", but 'secpermsg' isn't used at all
# $secpermsg = $totaltime / $counters['sent'];
$target = (MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD / MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE) * $counters['sent'];
$delay = $target - $totaltime;
if ($delay > 0) {
if (VERBOSE) {
/* output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('waiting for').' '.$delay.' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('seconds').' '.
$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('to make sure we don\'t exceed our limit of ').MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE.' '.
$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('messages in ').' '.MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('seconds')); */
output(sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('waiting for %.1f seconds to meet target of %s seconds per message'),
usleep($delay * 1000000);
} else {
# mark it as sent anyway, because otherwise the process will never finish
if (VERBOSE) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('not sending to ').$useremail);
$um = Sql_query("replace into {$tables['usermessage']} (entered,userid,messageid,status) values(current_timestamp,$userid,$messageid,\"not sent\")");
# update possible other users matching this email as well,
# to avoid duplicate sending when people have subscribed multiple times
# bit of legacy code after making email unique in the database
# $emails = Sql_query("select * from {$tables['user']} where email =\"$useremail\"");
# while ($email = Sql_fetch_row($emails))
# Sql_query("replace into {$tables['usermessage']} (userid,messageid) values($email[0],$messageid)");
} else {
# some "invalid emails" are entirely empty, ah, that is because they are unconfirmed
## this is quite old as well, with the preselection that avoids unconfirmed users
# it is unlikely this is every processed.
if (!$user['confirmed'] || $user['disabled']) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Unconfirmed user').': '.$userid.' '. $user['email'].' '. $user['id']);
# when running from commandline we mark it as sent, otherwise we might get
# stuck when using batch processing
# if ($GLOBALS["commandline"]) {
$um = Sql_query("replace into {$tables['usermessage']} (entered,userid,messageid,status) values(current_timestamp,$userid,$messageid,\"unconfirmed user\")");
# }
} elseif ($user['email'] || $user['id']) {
if (VERBOSE) {
output(s('Invalid email address').': ' . $user['email'].' '. $user['id']);
logEvent(s('Invalid email address').': userid '. $user['id'].' email '. $user['email']);
# mark it as sent anyway
if ($user['id']) {
$um = Sql_query(sprintf('replace into %s (entered,userid,messageid,status) values(current_timestamp,%d,%d,"invalid email address")',$tables['usermessage'],$userid,$messageid) );
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set confirmed = 0 where id = %d',
s('Subscriber marked unconfirmed for invalid email address'),
s('Marked unconfirmed while sending campaign %d',$messageid)
} else {
## and this is quite historical, and also unlikely to be every called
# because we now exclude users who have received the message from the
# query to find users to send to
## when trying to send the message, it was already marked for this user
## June 2010, with the multiple send process extension, that's quite possible to happen again
$um = Sql_Fetch_Row($um);
if (VERBOSE) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Not sending to').' '. $userdata[0].', '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('already sent').' '.$um[0]);
$status = Sql_query("update {$tables['message']} set processed = processed + 1 where id = $messageid");
$processed = $notsent + $counters['sent'] + $counters['invalid'] + $unconfirmed + $cannotsend + $counters['failed_sent'];
#if ($processed % 10 == 0) {
if (0) {
output('AR'.$affrows.' N '.$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid].' P'.$processed.' S'.$counters['sent'].' N'.$notsent.' I'.$counters['invalid'].' U'.$unconfirmed.' C'.$cannotsend.' F'.$counters['failed_sent']);
$rn = $reload * $num_per_batch;
output('P '.$processed .' N'. $counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid] .' NB'.$num_per_batch .' BT'.$batch_total .' R'.$reload.' RN'.$rn);
* don't calculate this here, but in the "msgstatus" instead, so that
* the total speed can be calculated, eg when there are multiple send processes
* re-added for commandline outputting
$totaltime = $GLOBALS['processqueue_timer']->elapsed(1);
if ($counters['sent'] > 0) {
$msgperhour = (3600/$totaltime) * $counters['sent'];
$secpermsg = $totaltime / $counters['sent'];
$timeleft = ($counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid] - $counters['sent']) * $secpermsg;
$eta = date('D j M H:i',time()+$timeleft);
} else {
$msgperhour = 0;
$secpermsg = 0;
$timeleft = 0;
$eta = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('unknown');
cl_progress('sent '.$counters['sent'].' ETA '.$eta.' sending '.sprintf('%d',$msgperhour).' msg/hr');
setMessageData($messageid,'to process',$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid] - $counters['sent']);
setMessageData($messageid,'last msg sent',time());
# setMessageData($messageid,'totaltime',$GLOBALS['processqueue_timer']->elapsed(1));
if (!empty($getspeedstats)) output('end process user '."\n".'-----------------------------------'."\n".$userid);
$processed = $notsent + $counters['sent'] + $counters['invalid'] + $unconfirmed + $cannotsend + $counters['failed_sent'];
output(s('Processed %d out of %d subscribers',$counters['processed_users_for_message '.$messageid],$counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid]),1,'progress');
if ($counters['total_users_for_message '.$messageid] - $counters['sent_users_for_message '.$messageid] <= 0 || $stopSending) {
# this message is done
if (!$someusers)
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Hmmm, No users found to send to'),1,'progress');
if (!$counters['failed_sent']) {
$status = Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set status = "sent",sent = current_timestamp where id = %d',$GLOBALS['tables']['message'],$messageid));
if (!empty($msgdata['notify_end']) && !isset($msgdata['end_notified'])) {
$notifications = explode(',',$msgdata['notify_end']);
foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
sendMail($notification,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Message campaign finished'),
sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('phpList has finished sending the campaign with subject %s'),$msgdata['subject'])."\n\n".
sprintf($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('to view the results of this campaign, go to http://%s'),getConfig('website').$GLOBALS['adminpages'].'/?page=statsoverview&id='.$messageid)
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert ignore into %s (name,id,data) values("end_notified",%d,current_timestamp)',
= " select sent, sendstart"
. " from ${tables['message']}"
. " where id = ?";
$rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($messageid));
$timetaken = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs);
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('It took').' '.timeDiff($timetaken[0],$timetaken[1]).' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('to send this message'));
## flush cached message track stats to the DB
if (isset($GLOBALS['cached']['linktracksent'])) {
# we're done with $messageid, so get rid of the cache
} else {
if ($script_stage < 5)
$script_stage = 5;
if (!$num_messages)
$script_stage = 6; # we are done
# shutdown will take care of reporting