[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
if (!defined('PHPLISTINIT')) exit;

$types = array('textline','checkbox','checkboxgroup','radio','select',"hidden","textarea","date");
if ((defined('IN_WEBBLER') && IN_WEBBLER)  || (defined('WEBBLER') && WEBBLER)){
  $types[] = 'avatar';

$formtable_exists = Sql_Table_exists("formfield");

#foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
#  print "$key = ".print_r($val)."<br/>";
print '<div class="panel"><div class="header"></div><div class="content">';
print '<script language="Javascript" src="js/progressbar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
if (isset($_POST["action"])) {
  if (isset($_POST["name"])) {
    print '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.write(progressmeter); start();</script>';flush();
    while (list($id,$val) = each ($_POST["name"])) {
      if (!$id && isset($_POST["name"][0]) && $_POST["name"][0] != "") {
        # it is a new one
        $lc_name = getNewAttributeTablename($_POST["name"][0]);        
        if ($lc_name == "email") { print Warn(s('Email is a system attribute')); }

        #print "New attribute: ".$lc_name."<br/>";
        if ( empty($_POST["required"][0]) ) {
          $nRequired = 0;        
        } else {
          $nRequired = $_POST["required"][0];        
        $query = sprintf('insert into %s (name,type,listorder,default_value,required,tablename) values("%s","%s",%d,"%s",%d,"%s")',
        $tables["attribute"],sql_escape(strip_tags($_POST["name"][0])),sql_escape($_POST["type"][0]),$_POST["listorder"][0],sql_escape($_POST["default"][0]), $nRequired,$lc_name);
        $insertid = Sql_Insert_id();
        # text boxes and hidden fields do not have their own table
        if ($_POST["type"][$id] != "textline" && $_POST["type"][$id] != "hidden") {
          $query = "create table $table_prefix"."listattr_$lc_name (id integer not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(255) unique,listorder integer default 0)";
        } else {
          # and they cannot currently be required, changed 29/08/01, insert javascript to require them, except for hidden ones :-)
          if (isset($_POST["type"][$id]) && $_POST["type"][$id] == "hidden")
            Sql_Query("update {$tables['attribute']} set required = 0 where id = $insertid");
        if ($_POST["type"][$id] == "checkbox") {
          # with a checkbox we know the values
#          Sql_Query('insert into '.$table_prefix.'listattr_'.$lc_name.' (name) values("Checked")');
#          Sql_Query('insert into '.$table_prefix.'listattr_'.$lc_name.' (name) values("Unchecked")');
          # we cannot "require" checkboxes, that does not make sense
          Sql_Query("update {$tables['attribute']} set required = 0 where id = $insertid");
        if ($_POST["type"][$id] == "checkboxgroup")
          Sql_Query("update {$tables['attribute']} set required = 0 where id = $insertid");

        # fix all existing users to have a record for this attribute, even with empty data
        $req = Sql_Query("select id from {$tables["user"]}");
        while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
          Sql_Query(sprintf('insert ignore into %s (attributeid,userid) values(%d,%d)',
      } elseif ($_POST["name"][$id] != "") {
        # it is a change
        # get the original type

        $req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select type,tablename from {$tables['attribute']} where id = $id");
        $existingtype = $req[0];
        #print "Existing attribute: ".$_POST["name"][$id]." new type:".$_POST["type"][$id]." existing type: ".$req[0]."<br/>";
        if ($_POST["type"][$id] != $existingtype)
        switch ($existingtype) {
          case "textline":case "hidden":case "date":
          	 print s('Converting %s from %s to %s',htmlentities($_POST["name"][$id]),$existingtype,htmlentities($_POST["type"][$id]))."<br/>";
             switch ($_POST["type"][$id]) {
            	case "radio":
              case "checkboxgroup":
              case "select":
                $lc_name = getNewAttributeTablename($req[1]);
                Sql_Query("update {$tables['attribute']} set tablename = \"$lc_name\" where id = $id");
                Sql_Query("create table $table_prefix"."listattr_$lc_name (id integer not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(255) unique,listorder integer default 0)");
                $attreq = Sql_Query("select distinct value from {$tables['user_attribute']} where attributeid = $id");
                while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($attreq)) {
                  $attindexreq = Sql_Query("select id from $table_prefix"."listattr_$lc_name where name = \"$row[0]\"");
                  if (!Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
                    Sql_Query("insert into $table_prefix"."listattr_$lc_name (name) values(\"$row[0]\")");
                    $attid = Sql_Insert_Id();
                  } else {
                    $attindex = Sql_Fetch_Row($attindexreq);
                    $attid = $attindex[0];
                  Sql_Query("update {$tables['user_attribute']} set value = $attid where attributeid = $id and value = \"$row[0]\"");
              case "checkbox":
              # in case of checkbox we just need to set the value to "on"
                Sql_Query("update {$tables['user_attribute']} set value = \"off\" where attributeid = $id and (value = 0 or value = \"off\")");
                Sql_Query("update {$tables['user_attribute']} set value = \"on\" where attributeid = $id and (value = 1 or value = \"on\") ");
              case "date":
              	$attreq = Sql_Query("select * from {$tables['user_attribute']} where attributeid = $id");
                while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($attreq)) {
#                	if (strlen($row["value"] > 5)) {
                  	Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set value = "%s" where attributeid = %d and userid = %d',$tables["user_attribute"],parseDate($row["value"]),$row["attributeid"],$row["userid"]));
#                  }
          case "radio":case "select": case "checkbox":
            if ($_POST["type"][$id] != "date" && $_POST["type"][$id] != "hidden" && $_POST["type"][$id] != "textline") break;
          	print s('Converting %s from %s to %s',htmlentities($_POST["name"][$id]),$existingtype,htmlentities($_POST["type"][$id]))."<br/>";
            # we are turning a radio,select or checkbox into a hidden or textline field
            $valuereq = Sql_Query("select id,name from $table_prefix"."listattr_$req[1]");
            while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($valuereq))
              Sql_Query("update {$tables['user_attribute']} set value = \"$row[1]\" where attributeid = $id and value=\"$row[0]\"");
            Sql_Query("drop table $table_prefix"."listattr_$req[1]");
          case "checkboxgroup":
            if ($_POST["type"][$id] == "hidden" || $_POST["type"][$id] == "textline") {
          	 print s('Converting %s from %s to %s',htmlentities($_POST["name"][$id]),$existingtype,htmlentities($_POST["type"][$id]))."<br/>";
            	# we are changing a checkbox group into a hidden or textline
              # take the first value!
              $valuereq = Sql_Query("select id,name from $table_prefix"."listattr_$req[1]");
              while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($valuereq))
                Sql_Query("update {$tables['user_attribute']} set value = \"$row[1]\" where attributeid = $id and value like \"$row[0]%\"");
	            Sql_Query("drop table if exists $table_prefix"."listattr_$req[1]");
            } elseif ($_POST["type"][$id] == "radio" || $_POST["type"][$id] == "select") {
              $valuereq = Sql_Query("select userid,value from {$tables["user_attribute"]} where attributeid = $id");
              # take the first value!
              while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($valuereq)) {
              	$values = explode(",",$row[1]);
                Sql_Query("update {$tables['user_attribute']} set value = \"$values[0]\" where attributeid = $id and userid = \"$row[0]\"");
        if ( empty($_POST["required"][$id]) ) {
          $nRequired = 0;        
        } else {
          $nRequired = $_POST["required"][$id];        
        $query = sprintf('update %s set name = "%s" ,type = "%s" ,listorder = %d,default_value = "%s" ,required = %d where id = %d',
        # save keywordlib seperately in case the DB hasn't been upgraded
        if ((defined('IN_WEBBLER') && IN_WEBBLER)  || (defined('WEBBLER') && WEBBLER)){
          Sql_Query(sprintf('update ignore %s set keywordlib = %d where id = %d',
    print '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> finish();</script>';flush();
} elseif (isset($_POST["tagaction"]) && is_array($_POST["tag"])) {
  if (isset($_POST["tagaction"]['delete'])) {
    while (list($k,$id) = each ($_POST["tag"])) {
      # check for dependencies
      $id = sprintf('%d',$id);
      if ($formtable_exists) {
        $req = Sql_Query("select * from formfield where attribute = $id");
        $candelete = !Sql_Affected_Rows();
      } else {
        $candelete = 1;
      if ($candelete) {
        print s('deleting')." $id<br/>";
        $row = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select tablename,type from {$tables['attribute']} where id = $id");
        Sql_Query("drop table if exists $table_prefix"."listattr_$row[0]");
        Sql_Query("delete from {$tables['attribute']} where id = $id");
        # delete all user attributes as well
        Sql_Query("delete from {$tables['user_attribute']} where attributeid = $id");
      } else {
        print Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Cannot delete attribute, it is being used by the following forms:')."<br/>");
        while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
          print PageLink2("editelements&id=".$row["form"].'&option="edit_elements"&pi="formbuilder"',"form ".$row["form"]."")."<br/>\n";
 	} elseif (isset($_POST["tagaction"]['merge'])) {
    $first = array_shift($_POST["tag"]);
    $firstdata = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d',$tables["attribute"],$first));
    $first = $firstdata['id'];
    if (!sizeof($_POST["tag"])) {
    	print Error(s('cannot merge just one attribute'));
    } else {
    	$cbg_initiated = 0;
    	foreach ($_POST["tag"] as $attid) {
      	print s('Merging %s into %d',htmlspecialchars($attid),htmlspecialchars($first)).'<br/>';
		    $attdata = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d',$tables["attribute"],$attid));
        if ($attdata["type"] != $firstdata["type"]) {
        	print Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Can only merge attributes of the same type'));
        } else {
          # debugging: check values for every user. This is very memory demanding, so you'll need to
          # add loads of memory to actually use it.
          $before = array();
          $second = array();
          $after = array();
          $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where attributeid = %d',$tables["user_attribute"],$first));
          while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
            $before[$row["userid"]] = $row["value"];
          $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where attributeid = %d',$tables["user_attribute"],$attid));
          while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
            $second[$row["userid"]] = $row["value"];
          $valuestable = sprintf('%slistattr_%s',$table_prefix,$firstdata["tablename"]);
        	if ($firstdata["type"] == "checkbox" && !$cbg_initiated) {
            # checkboxes are merged into a checkbox group
            # set that up first
            Sql_query(sprintf('create table %s
            (id integer not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(255) unique,
            listorder integer default 0)',$valuestable),1);
            Sql_query(sprintf('insert into %s (name) values("%s")',$valuestable,$firstdata["name"]));
            $val = Sql_Insert_Id();
            Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set value="%s" where attributeid = %d',
            Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set type="checkboxgroup" where id = %d',
            $cbg_initiated = 1;
        	switch ($firstdata["type"]) {
          	case "textline":
            case "hidden":
            case "textarea":
            case "date":
			        Sql_query(sprintf('delete from %s where attributeid = %d and value = ""',$tables["user_attribute"],$first));
            	# we can just keep the data and mark it as the first attribute
              Sql_query(sprintf('update ignore %s set attributeid = %d where attributeid = %d',
              # delete the ones that didn't copy across, because there was a value already
              Sql_query(sprintf('delete from %s where id = %d',
              # mark forms to use the merged attribute
              if ($formtable_exists)
                Sql_Query(sprintf('update formfield set attribute = %d where attribute = %d',$first,$attid),1);
            case "radio":
            case "select":
            	# merge user values
			        Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where attributeid = %d and value = ""',$tables["user_attribute"],$first));
              $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s',
              while ($val = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
              	# check if it already exists
                $exists = Sql_Fetch_row_Query(sprintf('select id from %s where name = "%s"',
                if (!$exists[0]) {
                  Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (name) values("%s")',
                  $val_index = Sql_Insert_id();
                } else {
                	$val_index = $exists[0];
                Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set value = %d where attributeid = %d',
              Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set attributeid = %d where attributeid = %d',
              Sql_Query(sprintf('drop table %s',$table_prefix."listattr_".$attdata["tablename"]),1);
              Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where id = %d',
              # mark forms to use the merged attribute
              if ($formtable_exists)
                Sql_Query(sprintf('update formfield set attribute = %d where attribute = %d',$first,$attid),1);
            case "checkbox":
              $exists = Sql_Fetch_row_Query(sprintf('select id from %s where name = "%s"',
              if (!$exists[0]) {
                Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (name) values("%s")',
                $val_index = Sql_Insert_id();
              } else {
                $val_index = $exists[0];
              Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set value = concat(value,",","%s") where attributeid = %d and (value != 0 or value != "off") ',
              Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where id = %d',
              # mark forms to use the merged attribute
              if ($formtable_exists)
                Sql_Query(sprintf('update formfield set attribute = %d where attribute = %d',$first,$attid),1);
            case "checkboxgroup":
            	# hmm, this is a tricky one.
             	print Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Sorry, merging of checkbox groups is not implemented yet'));

          $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where attributeid = %d',$tables["user_attribute"],$first));
          while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
            $after[$row["userid"]] = $row["value"];
          foreach ($before as $userid => $value) {
            printf("\n".'<br/>%d before -> %s and %s<br/>after ->%s',$userid,$value,$second[$userid],$after[$userid]);

Sql_Query("update {$tables['attribute']} set required = 0 where type = \"checkbox\" or type = \"checkboxgroup\" or type = \"hidden\"");


<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
var warned = 0;
function warn() {
  if (!warned)
    alert("<?php echo $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Warning, changing types of attributes can take a long time')?>");
  warned = 1;
<?php echo formStart()?>
print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Load data from')." ".PageLinkButton("defaults",$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('predefined defaults')).'<br />';

$res = Sql_Query("select * from {$tables['attribute']} order by listorder");
if (Sql_Affected_Rows()) 
  print '<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Existing attributes').':</p>';
else {
  print '<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No Attributes have been defined yet').'</p>';
$c= 0;
    print '<div class="accordion">';	
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_array($res)) {
  print '<h3><a name="'. $row["id"].'">'.
  $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Attribute').': '. $row["id"].' '.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(strip_tags($row["name"])));
  if ($formtable_exists) {
    sql_query("select * from formfield where attribute = ".$row["id"]);
    print "  (".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('used in').' '.Sql_affected_rows().' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('forms').')';
  print '</a></h3><div><label>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Tag').'
  <input type="checkbox" name="tag['.$c.']" value="'.$row["id"].'" /></label>';
  print '<label>'.s('Name').':</label>
  <input type="text" name="name['.$row["id"].']" value="'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(strip_tags($row["name"]))).'" size="40" />';
  print '<label>'.s('Type').': </label>
  <!--<input type="hidden" name="type['.$row["id"].']" value="'.$row["type"].'">'.$row["type"].'-->';

  print '<select name="type['.$row["id"].']" onchange="warn();">';
  foreach($types as $key => $val) {
    printf('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',$val,$val == $row["type"] ? 'selected="selected"': '',$GLOBALS['I18N']->get($val));
  print ' 

  if ((defined('IN_WEBBLER') && IN_WEBBLER) || (defined('WEBBLER') && WEBBLER) ) {
    if ($row['type'] == 'select' || $row['type'] == 'radio' || $row['type'] == 'checkboxgroup') {
      print ' '.$I18N->get('authoritative list') .'&nbsp;';
      printf('<select name="keywordlib[%d]"><option value="">-- select</option>',$row['id']);
      $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select id,name from keywordlib order by listorder,name'));
      while ($kwlib = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
        printf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',$kwlib['id'],$row['keywordlib'] == $kwlib['id'] ? 'selected="selected"':'',htmlspecialchars($kwlib['name']));
      print '</select>';

  if ((!defined('IN_WEBBLER') || !IN_WEBBLER) && (!defined('WEBBLER') || !WEBBLER) ) {
    if ($row['type'] == 'select' || $row['type'] == 'radio' || $row['type'] == 'checkboxgroup') {
      print PageLinkButton('editattributes&id='.$row['id'],$I18N->get('edit values'));

  print '<label>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Default Value').':</label>
  <input type="text" name="default['.$row["id"].']" value="'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row["default_value"])).'" size="40" />';
  print '<label>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Order of Listing').':</label>
  <input type="text" name="listorder['.$row["id"].']" value="'.$row["listorder"].'" size="5" />';
  print '<label>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Is this attribute required ?').'<input type="checkbox" name="required['.$row["id"].']" value="1" ';
  print $row["required"] ? 'checked="checked"': '';
  print  '/></label>';
  print  '</div>';
print '</div><br /><!--close accordion-->';
 printf('<input class="submit" type="submit" name="action" value="%s" /> ',s('Save Changes'));
if ($c) {
  printf('<span class="buttonGroup"><input class="submit" type="submit" name="tagaction[delete]" value="%s" /> 
  <input class="submit" type="submit" name="tagaction[merge]" value="%s" />%s
  </span>',$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Delete tagged attributes'),$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Merge tagged attributes'),Help("mergeattributes"));

print '<br /><br /><br /><div id="new-attribute">
<a name="new"></a>
<h3>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Add new Attribute').':</h3>
<div class="label"><label class="label">'.s('Name').': </label></div>
<div class="field"><input type="text" name="name[0]" value="" size="40" /></div>
<div class="label"><label class="label">'.s('Type').': </label></div>
<div class="field"><select name="type[0]">';
foreach($types as $key => $val) {
  printf('     <option value="%s" %s>%s</option>',$val,"",$GLOBALS['I18N']->get($val));
<div class="label"><label class="label">'.s('Default Value').': </label></div>
<div class="field"><input type="text" name="default[0]" value="" size="40" /></div>
<div class="label"><label class="label">'.s('Order of Listing').': </label></div>
<div class="field"><input type="text" name="listorder[0]" value="" size="5" /></div>
<div class="label"><label class="label">'.s('Is this attribute required?').': </label></div>
<div class="field"><input type="checkbox" name="required[0]" value="1" checked="checked" /></div>

<div class="field"><input class="submit" type="submit" name="action" value="'.s('Save Changes').'" /></div>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.htaccess File 31 B 0644
attributes.php File 21.77 KB 0644
dbcheck.php File 2.95 KB 0644
importcsv.php File 32.41 KB 0644
user.php File 24.3 KB 0644
userhistory.php File 7.69 KB 0644
usermgt.php File 15.68 KB 0644
users.php File 17.53 KB 0644