[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
if (!defined('PHPLISTINIT')) exit;

if (!isset($_SESSION["userselection"]) || !is_array($_SESSION["userselection"]) || $_GET["reset"]) {
  $_SESSION["userselection"] = array();
$tables = array(
  "attribute" => "attribute",
  "user_attribute" => "user_attribute",
$GLOBALS["table_prefix"] = "phplist_";
if ($_GET["deleterule"]) {
$baseurl = PageURL2($_GET["page"].'&id='.$_GET["id"]);

# should move this to common library area
function parseDate($strdate,$format = 'Y-m-d') {
  # parse a string date into a date
  $strdate = trim($strdate);
  if (strlen($strdate) < 6) {
    $newvalue = 0;
  } elseif  (preg_match("#(\d{2,2}).(\d{2,2}).(\d{4,4})#",$strdate,$regs)) {
    $newvalue = mktime(0,0,0,$regs[2],$regs[1],$regs[3]);
  } elseif (preg_match("#(\d{4,4}).(\d{2,2}).(\d{2,2})#",$value,$regs)) {
    $newvalue = mktime(0,0,0,$regs[3],$regs[1],$regs[1]);
  } elseif (preg_match("#(\d{2,2}).(\w{3,3}).(\d{2,4})#",$value,$regs)) {
    $newvalue = strtotime($value);
  } elseif (preg_match("#(\d{2,4}).(\w{3,3}).(\d{2,2})#",$value,$regs)) {
    $newvalue = strtotime($value);
  } else {
    $newvalue = strtotime($value);
    if ($newvalue < 0) {
      $newvalue = 0;
  if ($newvalue) {
    return date($format,$newvalue);
  } else {
    return "";

# new criteria system, add one by one:
if ($_POST["criteria_attribute"]) {
  $operator = $_POST["criteria_operator"];
  if (is_array($_POST["criteria_values"])) {
    $values = join(", ",$_POST["criteria_values"]);
  } else {
    $values = $_POST["criteria_values"];
  foreach ($_POST["attribute_names"] as $key => $val) {
    $att_names[$key] = $val;
  $newcriterion = array(
    "attribute" => sprintf('%d',$_POST["criteria_attribute"]),
    "attribute_name" => $att_names[$_POST["criteria_attribute"]],
    "operator" => $operator,
    "values" => $values,
  # find out what number we are
  $num = $_SESSION["userselection"]["num"];
  if (!$num) $num = 1;
  # store this one
#    print $att_names[$_POST["criteria_attribute"]];
#    print $_POST["attribute_names[".$_POST["criteria_attribute"]."]"];
  print '<p class="information">Adding '.$newcriterion["attribute_name"]." ".$newcriterion["operator"]." ".$newcriterion["values"]."</p>";
  $_SESSION["userselection"]["criterion$num"] = delimited($newcriterion);
  # increase number
if (isset($_POST["criteria_match"])) {
  $_SESSION["criteria_overall_operator"] = $_POST["criteria_match"];

$num = sprintf('%d',$_SESSION["userselection"]["num"]);
#print '<br/>'.$num . " criteria already defined";
$ls = new WebblerListing("Existing criteria");
$used_attributes = array();
$delete_base = sprintf('%s&amp;id=%d&amp;tab=%s',$_GET["page"],$_GET["id"],$_GET["tab"]);
$tc = 0; # table counter
$mainoperator = $_SESSION["criteria_overall_operator"] == "all"? ' and ':' or ';

for ($i = 1; $i<=$num;$i++) {
  $crit_data = parseDelimitedData($_SESSION["userselection"]["criterion$i"]);
  if ($crit_data["attribute"]) {
    $attribute = $_POST["criteria"][$i];
    # hmm, rather get is some other way, this is a bit unnecessary
    $type = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select type from {$tables["attribute"]} where id = ".$crit_data["attribute"]);
    $operator = "";
    switch($type[0]) {
      case "checkboxgroup":
        if ($tc) {
          $where_clause .= " $mainoperator ";
          $select_clause .= " left join $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc on table0.userid = table$tc.userid ";
        } else {
          $select_clause = "table$tc.userid from $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc ";

        $where_clause .= " ( table$tc.attributeid = ".$crit_data["attribute"]." and (";
        if ($crit_data["operator"] == "is") {
          $operator = ' or ';
          $compare = ' > ';
        } else {
          $operator = ' and ';
          $compare = ' <  ';
        foreach (explode(",",$crit_data["values"]) as $val) {
          if (isset($or_clause)) {
            $or_clause .= " $operator ";
          $or_clause .= "find_in_set('$val',table$tc.value) $compare 0";
        $where_clause .= $or_clause . ") ) ";
      case "checkbox":
        $value = $crit_data["values"][0];

        if ($tc) {
          $where_clause .= " $mainoperator ";
          $select_clause .= " left join $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc on table0.userid = table$tc.userid ";
        } else {
          $select_clause = "table$tc.userid from $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc";

        $where_clause .= " ( table$tc.attributeid = ".$crit_data["attribute"]." and ";
        if ($crit_data["operator"] == "isnot") {
          $where_clause .= ' not ';
        if ($value) {
          $where_clause .= "( length(table$tc.value) and table$tc.value != \"off\" and table$tc.value != \"0\") ";
        } else {
          $where_clause .= "( table$tc.value = \"\" or table$tc.value = \"0\" or table$tc.value = \"off\") ";
        $where_clause .= ' ) ';
      case "date":
        $date_value = parseDate($crit_data["values"]);
        if (!$date_value) {
        if (isset($where_clause)) {
          $where_clause .= " $mainoperator ";
          $select_clause .= " left join $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc on table0.userid = table$tc.userid ";
        } else {
          $select_clause = " table$tc.userid from $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc ";

        $where_clause .= ' ( table'.$tc.'.attributeid = '.$crit_data["attribute"].' and table'.$tc.'.value != "" and table'.$tc.'.value ';
        switch ($crit_data["operator"]) {
          case "is":
            $where_clause .= ' = "'.$date_value . '" )';break;
          case "isnot":
            $where_clause .= ' != "'.$date_value . '" )';break;
          case "isbefore":
            $where_clause .= ' <= "'.$date_value . '" )';break;
          case "isafter":
            $where_clause .= ' >= "'.$date_value . '" )';break;
#        $where_clause .= " )";
        if (isset($where_clause)) {
          $where_clause .= " $mainoperator ";
          $select_clause .= " left join $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc on table0.userid = table$tc.userid ";
        } else {
          $select_clause = " table$tc.userid from $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc ";

        $where_clause .= " ( table$tc.attributeid = ".$crit_data["attribute"]." and table$tc.value ";
        if ($crit_data["operator"] == "isnot") {
          $where_clause .= ' not in (';
        } else {
          $where_clause .= ' in (';
        $where_clause .= $crit_data["values"] . ") )";
if ($num) {
  $userselection_query = "select $select_clause where $where_clause";
#    $count_query = addslashes($count_query);
  if ($_GET["calculate"]) {
    print "<h3>$userselection_query</h3>";
    print '<p class="information">Calculating ...';
    $req = Sql_Query($userselection_query);
    print '.. '.Sql_Num_Rows($req). " users apply</p>";

  $existing_criteria = $ls->display();

$att_js = '
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
  var values = Array();
  var operators = Array();
  var value_divs = Array();
  var value_default = Array();

if (sizeof($used_attributes)) {
  $already_used = ' and id not in ('.join(',',$used_attributes).')';
} else {
  $already_used = "";
$attreq = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where type in ("select","radio","date","checkboxgroup","checkbox") %s',$tables["attribute"],$already_used));
while ($att = Sql_Fetch_array($attreq)) {
  $att_drop .= sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',
  $num = Sql_Affected_Rows();
  switch ($att["type"]) {
    case "select":case "radio":case "checkboxgroup":
      $att_js .= sprintf('value_divs[%d] = "criteria_values_select";'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('value_default[%d] = "";'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $value_req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s order by listorder,name',$GLOBALS["table_prefix"]."listattr_".$att["tablename"]));
      $num = Sql_Num_Rows($value_req);
      $att_js .= sprintf('values[%d] = new Array(%d);'."\n",$att["id"],$num+1);
      #$att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][0] =  new Option("[choose]","0",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $c = 0;
      while ($value = Sql_Fetch_Array($value_req)) {
        $att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][%d] =  new Option("%s","%d",false,false);'."\n",$att["id"],$c,$value["name"],$value["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d] = new Array(2);'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][0] =  new Option("IS","is",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][1] =  new Option("IS NOT","isnot",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
    case "checkbox":
      $att_js .= sprintf('value_divs[%d] = "criteria_values_select";'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('value_default[%d] = "";'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('values[%d] = new Array(%d);'."\n",$att["id"],2);
      $att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][0] =  new Option("%s",0,false,true);'."\n",$att["id"],"Unchecked");
      $att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][1] =  new Option("%s",1,false,true);'."\n",$att["id"],"Checked");
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d] = new Array(2);'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][0] =  new Option("IS","is",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][1] =  new Option("IS NOT","isnot",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
    case "date":
      $att_js .= sprintf('value_divs[%d] = "criteria_values_text";'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('value_default[%d] = "dd-mm-yyyy";'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('values[%d] = new Array(%d);'."\n",$att["id"],1);
      $att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][%d] =  new Option("%s","%d",false,false);'."\n",$att["id"],$c,"Date","dd-mm-yyyy");
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d] = new Array(4);'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][0] =  new Option("IS","is",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][1] =  new Option("IS NOT","isnot",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][2] =  new Option("IS BEFORE","isbefore",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
      $att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][3] =  new Option("IS AFTER","isafter",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= '

var browser = navigator.appName.substring ( 0, 9 );
var warned = browser != "Microsoft";

function findEl(name) {
  var div;
  if (document.getElementById){
    div = document.getElementById(name);
  } else if (document.all){
    div = document.all[name];
  return div;

function changeDropDowns() {
  var choice = document.userselection.criteria_attribute.options[document.userselection.criteria_attribute.selectedIndex].value;
  if (choice == "")
  if (!warned) {
    alert("Warning, this functionality is buggy and unreliable with IE.\nIt will be better to use Mozilla, Firefox or Opera");
    warned = 1;
  var value_el_select = findEl("criteria_values_select");
  var value_el_text = findEl("criteria_values_text");
  for (i=0;i<value_el_select.length;) {
    value_el_select.options[i] = null;
  for (i=0;i<values[choice].length;i++) {
    value_el_select.options[i] = values[choice][i];
  value_el_select.selectedIndex = 0;
  value_el_text.value = value_default[choice];

  for (i=0;i<document.userselection.criteria_operator.length;) {
    document.userselection.criteria_operator.options[i] = null;
  for (i=0;i<operators[choice].length;i++) {
    document.userselection.criteria_operator.options[i] = operators[choice][i];
  document.userselection.criteria_operator.selectedIndex = 0;
  var div1 = findEl("criteria_values_select");
  var div2 = findEl("criteria_values_text");
  var div3 = findEl(value_divs[choice]);
  div1.style.visibility = "hidden";
  div2.style.visibility = "hidden";
  div3.style.visibility = "visible";



$att_drop = '<select name="criteria_attribute" onchange="changeDropDowns()" class="criteria_element" >';
$att_drop .= '<option value="">[select attribute]</option>';
$att_names = '';# to remember them later
$attreq = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where type in ("select","radio","date","checkboxgroup","checkbox") %s',$tables["attribute"],$already_used));
while ($att = Sql_Fetch_array($attreq)) {
  $att_drop .= sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',
    $att["id"],"",substr(stripslashes($att["name"]),0,30).' ('.$att["type"].')');
  $att_names .= sprintf('<input type=hidden name="attribute_names[%d]" value="%s" />',$att["id"],stripslashes($att["name"]));
$att_drop .= '</select>'.$att_names;

$operator_drop = '
  <select name="criteria_operator" class="criteria_element" >
  <option value="is">IS</option>
  <option value="isnot">IS NOT</option>
  <option value="gt">IS GREATER THAN</option>
  <option value="lt">IS LESS THAN</option>
  <option value="before">IS BEFORE</option>
  <option value="after">IS AFTER</option>

$values_drop = '
<style type="text/css">
#criteria_values_select {
  visibility : hidden;
  background-color: #ffffff;
#criteria_values_select > option {
  background-color: #ffffff;
#criteria_values_text {
  visibility : hidden;
span.values_span {
  vertical-align: top;
  display: block;
input.criteria_element {
  vertical-align: top;
select.criteria_element {
  vertical-align: top;

$values_drop .= '<span id="values_span" class="values_span">';
$values_drop .= '<input class="criteria_element" name="criteria_values" id="criteria_values_text" size="15" type="text"/>';
#  $values_drop .= '</span>';
#  $values_drop .= '<span id="values_select">';
$values_drop .= '<select class="criteria_element" name="criteria_values[]" id="criteria_values_select" multiple size="10"></select>';
$values_drop .= '</span>';

$existing_overall_operator = $_SESSION["criteria_overall_operator"] == "any" ? "any":"all";
$criteria_overall_operator =
  sprintf('Match all of these rules <input type="radio" name="criteria_match" value="all" %s />
    Match any of these rules <input type="radio" name="criteria_match" value="any" %s />',
    $existing_overall_operator == "all"? 'checked="checked"':'',$existing_overall_operator == "any"? 'checked="checked"':'');

$criteria_styles = '
<style type="text/css">

div.criteria_container {
  /*border: 1px solid black;
  background-color: #ffeeee;*/
  width: 100%;
  z-index: 8;
span.criteria_element {
  vertical-align: top;
  display: inline;

$criteria_content = $criteria_overall_operator.$existing_criteria.$criteria_styles.$att_js.
'<div class="criteria_container">'.
'<span class="criteria_element">'.$att_drop.'</span>'.
'<span class="criteria_element">'.$operator_drop.'</span>'.
'<span class="criteria_element">'.$values_drop.'</span>'.
'<span class="criteria_element"><input type="submit" name="save" value="Add Criterion" /></span>';

print '<form name="userselection" method="post">';
print $criteria_content;
print '</form>';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.htaccess File 31 B 0644
attributes.php File 21.77 KB 0644
dbcheck.php File 2.95 KB 0644
importcsv.php File 32.41 KB 0644
user.php File 24.3 KB 0644
userhistory.php File 7.69 KB 0644
usermgt.php File 15.68 KB 0644
users.php File 17.53 KB 0644