[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<p>&#7902; &#273;&acirc;y b&#7841;n c&#7847;n cung c&#7845;p c&aacute;c th&ocirc;ng tin ch&iacute;nh x&aacute;c cho trang web c&#7911;a b&#7841;n.<br/>
B&#7841;n c&oacute; th&#7875; d&ugrave;ng c&aacute;c h&#7897;p ch&#7913;a (placeholder) trong c&aacute;c m&#7909;c d&#432;&#7899;i &#273;&acirc;y.
H&#7897;p ch&#7913;a c&oacute; h&igrave;nh th&#7913;c nh&#432; l&agrave;<b> [SOMETEXT]</b>, trong &#273;&oacute; <i>SOMETEXT</i> s&#7869; l&agrave; kh&aacute;c nhau cho t&#7915;ng tr&#432;&#7901;ng h&#7907;p.
M&#7897;t s&#7889; h&#7897;p ch&#7913;a th&#432;&#7901;ng d&ugrave;ng l&agrave;:
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<li>WEBSITE - &#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881; b&#7841;n d&ugrave;ng cho website c&#7911;a m&igrave;nh
<li>DOMAIN - t&ecirc;n mi&#7873;n c&#7911;a trang web 
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<li>CONFIRMATIONURL - &#273;&#432;&#7901;ng d&#7851;n t&#7899;i trang  h&#7897;i vi&ecirc;n c&#7847;n ph&#7843;i x&aacute;c nh&#7853;n &#273;&#259;ng k&yacute;
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
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