[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * @license 
 * jQuery Tools 1.2.2 Scrollable - New wave UI design
 * http://flowplayer.org/tools/scrollable.html
 * Since: March 2008
 * Date:    Wed May 19 06:53:17 2010 +0000 
(function($) { 

	// static constructs
	$.tools = $.tools || {version: '1.2.2'};
	$.tools.scrollable = {
		conf: {	
			activeClass: 'active',
			circular: false,
			clonedClass: 'cloned',
			disabledClass: 'disabled',
			easing: 'swing',
			initialIndex: 0,
			item: null,
			items: '.items',
			keyboard: true,
			mousewheel: false,
			next: '.next',   
			prev: '.prev', 
			speed: 400,
			vertical: false,
			wheelSpeed: 0
	// get hidden element's width or height even though it's hidden
	function dim(el, key) {
		var v = parseInt(el.css(key), 10);
		if (v) { return v; }
		var s = el[0].currentStyle; 
		return s && s.width && parseInt(s.width, 10);	

	function find(root, query) { 
		var el = $(query);
		return el.length < 2 ? el : root.parent().find(query);
	var current;		
	// constructor
	function Scrollable(root, conf) {   
		// current instance
		var self = this, 
			 fire = root.add(self),
			 itemWrap = root.children(),
			 index = 0,
			 vertical = conf.vertical;
		if (!current) { current = self; } 
		if (itemWrap.length > 1) { itemWrap = $(conf.items, root); }
		// methods
		$.extend(self, {
			getConf: function() {
				return conf;	
			getIndex: function() {
				return index;	

			getSize: function() {
				return self.getItems().size();	

			getNaviButtons: function() {
				return prev.add(next);	
			getRoot: function() {
				return root;	
			getItemWrap: function() {
				return itemWrap;	
			getItems: function() {
				return itemWrap.children(conf.item).not("." + conf.clonedClass);	
			move: function(offset, time) {
				return self.seekTo(index + offset, time);
			next: function(time) {
				return self.move(1, time);	
			prev: function(time) {
				return self.move(-1, time);	
			begin: function(time) {
				return self.seekTo(0, time);	
			end: function(time) {
				return self.seekTo(self.getSize() -1, time);	
			focus: function() {
				current = self;
				return self;
			addItem: function(item) {
				item = $(item);
				if (!conf.circular)  {
				} else {
				fire.trigger("onAddItem", [item]);
				return self;
			/* all seeking functions depend on this */		
			seekTo: function(i, time, fn) {	
				// avoid seeking from end clone to the beginning
				if (conf.circular && i === 0 && index == -1 && time !== 0) { return self; }
				// check that index is sane
				if (!conf.circular && i < 0 || i > self.getSize() || i < -1) { return self; }
				var item = i;
				if (i.jquery) {
					i = self.getItems().index(i);	
				} else {
					item = self.getItems().eq(i);
				// onBeforeSeek
				var e = $.Event("onBeforeSeek"); 
				if (!fn) {
					fire.trigger(e, [i, time]);				
					if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || !item.length) { return self; }			
				var props = vertical ? {top: -item.position().top} : {left: -item.position().left};  
				index = i;
				current = self;  
				if (time === undefined) { time = conf.speed; }   
				itemWrap.animate(props, time, conf.easing, fn || function() { 
					fire.trigger("onSeek", [i]);		
				return self; 
		// callbacks	
		$.each(['onBeforeSeek', 'onSeek', 'onAddItem'], function(i, name) {
			// configuration
			if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { 
				$(self).bind(name, conf[name]); 
			self[name] = function(fn) {
				$(self).bind(name, fn);
				return self;
		// circular loop
		if (conf.circular) {
			var cloned1 = self.getItems().slice(-1).clone().prependTo(itemWrap),
				 cloned2 = self.getItems().eq(1).clone().appendTo(itemWrap);
			self.onBeforeSeek(function(e, i, time) {

				if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; }
					1. animate to the clone without event triggering
					2. seek to correct position with 0 speed
				if (i == -1) {
					self.seekTo(cloned1, time, function()  {
					return e.preventDefault();
				} else if (i == self.getSize()) {
					self.seekTo(cloned2, time, function()  {
			// seek over the cloned item
			self.seekTo(0, 0);
		// next/prev buttons
		var prev = find(root, conf.prev).click(function() { self.prev(); }),
			 next = find(root, conf.next).click(function() { self.next(); });	
		if (!conf.circular && self.getSize() > 1) {
			self.onBeforeSeek(function(e, i) {
				prev.toggleClass(conf.disabledClass, i <= 0);
				next.toggleClass(conf.disabledClass, i >= self.getSize() -1);
		// mousewheel support
		if (conf.mousewheel && $.fn.mousewheel) {
			root.mousewheel(function(e, delta)  {
				if (conf.mousewheel) {
					self.move(delta < 0 ? 1 : -1, conf.wheelSpeed || 50);
					return false;
		if (conf.keyboard)  {
			$(document).bind("keydown.scrollable", function(evt) {

				// skip certain conditions
				if (!conf.keyboard || evt.altKey || evt.ctrlKey || $(evt.target).is(":input")) { return; }
				// does this instance have focus?
				if (conf.keyboard != 'static' && current != self) { return; }
				var key = evt.keyCode;
				if (vertical && (key == 38 || key == 40)) {
					self.move(key == 38 ? -1 : 1);
					return evt.preventDefault();
				if (!vertical && (key == 37 || key == 39)) {					
					self.move(key == 37 ? -1 : 1);
					return evt.preventDefault();
		// initial index
		$(self).trigger("onBeforeSeek", [conf.initialIndex]);

	// jQuery plugin implementation
	$.fn.scrollable = function(conf) { 
		// already constructed --> return API
		var el = this.data("scrollable");
		if (el) { return el; }		 

		conf = $.extend({}, $.tools.scrollable.conf, conf); 
		this.each(function() {			
			el = new Scrollable($(this), conf);
			$(this).data("scrollable", el);	
		return conf.api ? el: this; 


Name Type Size Permission Actions
jquery-1.7.1.min.js File 91.67 KB 0644
jquery-3.3.1.min.js File 84.89 KB 0644
jquery-ui-1.8.1.all.min.js File 195.12 KB 0644
jquery.cycle2.min.js File 27.8 KB 0644
jquery.tools.scrollable.js File 6.37 KB 0644
jslib.js File 2.3 KB 0644
phplistapp.js File 12.54 KB 0644
progressbar.js File 3.94 KB 0644
select_style.js File 4.01 KB 0644