<?php $lan = array( 'Please select a message to display' => 'Wählen Sie eine Nachricht', 'Attachments for this message' => 'Attachments für diese Nachricht', 'No attachments' => 'Keine Attachments', 'Filename' => 'Dateiname', 'Size' => 'Grösse', 'Mime Type' => 'MIME Type', 'Description' => 'Beschreibung', 'Lists this message has been sent to' => 'Listen, an deren Abonnenten diese Nachricht gesandt wurde', 'None yet' => 'Keine', 'Send this (same) message to (a) new list(s)' => 'Diese Nachricht an Abonnenten weiterer Listen senden', 'List is Active' => 'aktive Liste', 'List is not Active' => 'inaktive Liste', '<b>Note:</b> this message has already been sent to all lists. To resend it to new users use the "Requeue" function.' => '<b>Hinweis:</b> Diese Nachricht wurde bereits an alle Listen gesandt. Um sie nochmals an neue Abonnenten zu senden benutzen Sie bitte die "Requeue"-Funktion.', 'Resend' => 'Erneut senden', 'id' => 'ID', 'subject' => 'Betreff', 'fromfield' => 'Absenderadresse (From)', 'tofield' => 'Empfängeradresse (To)', 'replyto' => 'Antwortadresse (Reply to)', 'message' => 'Nachricht', 'textmessage' => 'Textnachricht', 'footer' => 'Fussbereich', 'entered' => 'Erfasst am', 'modified' => 'Geändert am', 'embargo' => 'Sperrfrist bis', 'repeatinterval' => 'repearinterval', 'repeatuntil' => 'Wiederholen bis', 'status' => 'Status', 'userselection' => 'userselection', 'sent' => 'Gesendet', 'htmlformatted' => 'HTML-formatiert', 'sendformat' => 'Format', 'template' => 'Template', 'processed' => 'Verarbeitet', 'astext' => 'als Text', 'ashtml' => 'als HTML', // 'astextandhtml' => 'als Text und HTML', //obsolete by bug 0009687 'aspdf' => 'als PDF', 'astextandpdf' => 'als Text und PDF', 'viewed' => 'Betrachtet', 'bouncecount' => 'Anzahl Retouren', 'sendstart' => 'Versandbeginn', 'rsstemplate' => 'RSS-Template', 'owner' => 'Besitzer', ); ?>
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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admins.php | File | 608 B | 0644 |
attributes.php | File | 1.8 KB | 0644 |
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bouncemgt.php | File | 1.08 KB | 0644 |
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bounces.php | File | 1.54 KB | 0644 |
checkbouncerules.php | File | 365 B | 0644 |
common.php | File | 6.61 KB | 0644 |
configure.php | File | 230 B | 0644 |
defaults.php | File | 247 B | 0644 |
dlusers.php | File | 212 B | 0644 |
domainstats.php | File | 131 B | 0644 |
editattributes.php | File | 991 B | 0644 |
editlist.php | File | 654 B | 0644 |
eventlog.php | File | 891 B | 0644 |
export.php | File | 616 B | 0644 |
frontend.php | File | 928 B | 0644 |
generatebouncerules.php | File | 447 B | 0644 |
getrss.php | File | 613 B | 0644 |
home.php | File | 3.65 KB | 0644 |
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importadmin.php | File | 4.14 KB | 0644 |
initialise.php | File | 2.82 KB | 0644 |
list.php | File | 580 B | 0644 |
login.php | File | 76 B | 0644 |
mclicks.php | File | 685 B | 0644 |
members.php | File | 2.35 KB | 0644 |
message.php | File | 1.89 KB | 0644 |
messages.php | File | 1.5 KB | 0644 |
mviews.php | File | 738 B | 0644 |
pagetitles.php | File | 3.72 KB | 0644 |
processbounces.php | File | 4.08 KB | 0644 |
processqueue.php | File | 5.76 KB | 0644 |
reconcileusers.php | File | 5.45 KB | 0644 |
send.php | File | 7.54 KB | 0644 |
setup.php | File | 364 B | 0644 |
spage.php | File | 351 B | 0644 |
spageedit.php | File | 2.72 KB | 0644 |
statsmgt.php | File | 272 B | 0644 |
template.php | File | 2.47 KB | 0644 |
templates.php | File | 376 B | 0644 |
uclicks.php | File | 645 B | 0644 |
user.php | File | 2.12 KB | 0644 |
usercheck.php | File | 440 B | 0644 |
userclicks.php | File | 859 B | 0644 |
userhistory.php | File | 1.35 KB | 0644 |
usermgt.php | File | 289 B | 0644 |
users.php | File | 2.23 KB | 0644 |
viewtemplate.php | File | 5.21 KB | 0644 |