[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $

## notes to translators:
# do not translate anything in square brackets: eg [RSS]

$lan = array (
  'noaccess' => 'No such message, or you do not have access to it',
  'htmlusedwarning' => 'Warning: You indicated the content was not HTML, but there were  some HTML  tags in it. This  may  cause  errors',
  'adding' => 'Adding',
  'longmimetype' => 'Mime Type is longer than 255 characters, this is trouble',
  'addingattachment' => 'Added attachment ',
  'uploadfailed' => 'Uploaded file not properly received, empty file',
  'saved' => 'Message saved',
  'added' => 'Message added',
  'queued' => 'Message queued for send',
  'processqueue' => 'Process the Message Queue',
  'errorsubject' => 'Sorry, you used invalid characters in the Subject field.',
  'errorfrom' => 'Sorry, you used invalid characters in the From field.',
  'enterfrom' => 'Please enter a from line.',
  'entermessage' => 'Please enter a message',
  'entersubject' => 'Please enter a subject',
  'duplicateattribute' => 'Error: you can use an attribute in one rule only',
  'selectlist' => 'Please select the list(s) to send the message to',
  'notargetemail' => 'No target email addresses listed for testing.',
  'emailnotfound' => 'Email address not found to send test message.',
  'sentemailto' => 'Sent test mail to',
  'removedattachment' => 'Removed Attachment ',
  'existingcriteria' => 'Existing criteria',
  'remove' => 'Remove',
  'calculating' => 'Calculating',
  'calculate' => 'Calculate',
  'content' => 'Content',
  'format' => 'Format',
  'attach' => 'Attach',
  'scheduling' => 'Scheduling',
  'criteria' => 'Criteria',
  'lists' => 'Lists',
  'unsavedchanges' => 'Warning, You have unsaved changes\nClick OK to continue or Cancel to stay on this page\nso you can save the changes.',
  'whatisprepare' => 'What is prepare a message',
  'subject' => 'Subject',
  'fromline' => 'From Line',
  'embargoeduntil' => 'Embargoed Until',
  'repeatevery' => 'Repeat message every',
  'norepetition' => 'no repetition',
  'hour' => 'Hour',
  'day' => 'Day',
  'week' => 'Week',
  'repeatuntil' => 'Repeat Until',
  'format' => 'Format',
  'autodetect' => 'Auto Detect',
  'sendas' => 'Send As',
  'html' => 'HTML',
  'text' => 'text',
  'pdf' => 'PDF',
//  'textandhtml' => 'Text and HTML', //obsolete by bug 0009687
  'textandpdf' => 'Text and PDF',
  'usetemplate' => 'Use Template',
  'selectone' => 'select one',
  'rssintro' => 'If you want to use this message as the template for sending RSS feeds
    select the frequency it should be used for and use [RSS] in your message to indicate where the list of items needs to go.',
  'none' => 'none',
  'message' => 'Message',
  'expand' => 'expand',
  'plaintextversion' => 'Plain text version of message',
  'messagefooter' => 'Message Footer',
  'messagefooterexplanation' => 'Use <b>[UNSUBSCRIBE]</b> to insert the personal unsubscribe URL for each user.
    <br/>Use <b>[PREFERENCES]</b> to insert the personal URL for a user to update their details',
  'addattachments' => 'Add attachments to your message',
  'uploadlimits' => 'The upload has the following limits set by the server',
  'maxtotaldata' => 'Maximum size of total data being sent to the server',
  'maxfileupload' => 'Maximum size of each individual file',
  'currentattachments' => 'Current Attachments',
  'filename' => 'filename',
  'desc' => 'desc',# short for description
  'size' => 'size',
  'file' => 'file',
  'del' => 'del', # short for delete
  'newattachment' => 'New Attachment',
  'addandsave' => 'Add (and save)',
  'pathtofile' => 'Path to file on server',
  'attachmentdescription' => 'Description of attachment',
  'delchecked' => 'Delete Checked',
  'sendtestmessage' => 'Send Test Message',
  'toemailaddresses' => ' to email address(es)',
  'sendtestexplain' => '(comma separate addresses - all must be users)',
  'criteriaexplanation' => '
        <p><b>Select the criteria for this message:</b>
        <li>to use a criteria, check the box next to it
        <li>then check the radio button next to the attribute you want to use
        <li>then choose the values of the attributes you want to send the message to
        <i>Note:</i> Messages will be sent to people who fit to <i>Criteria 1</i> <b>AND</b> <i>Criteria 2</i> etc
  'criterion' => 'Criterion',
  'usethisone' => 'Use this one',
  'or' => 'or', # "alternative" ie this or this
  'is' => 'is',
  'isnot' => 'is not',
  'isbefore' => 'is before', # date and time wise
  'isafter' => 'is after', # date and time wise
  'nocriteria' => 'There are currently no attributes available to use for sending a message. The message will go to any user on the lists selected',
  'checked' => 'Checked', # as for checkbox
  'unchecked' => 'Unchecked', # as for checkbox
  'buggywithie' => 'Warning, this functionality is buggy and unreliable with IE.\nIt will be better to use Mozilla, Firefox or Opera\nAlternatively switch off STACKED_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTION in your config file', # Don't translate STACKED_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTION
  'matchallrules' => 'Match all of these rules',
  'matchanyrules' => 'Match any of these rules',
  'addcriterion' => 'Add Criterion',
  'saveasdraft' => 'Save Message as Draft',
  'savechanges' => 'Save Changes',
  'selectattribute' => 'select attribute',
  'dd-mm-yyyy' => 'dd-mm-yyyy', # it's essential that the format is the same (ie dd-mm-yyyy)

  # above is all from send_core

  'selectlists' => 'Please select the lists you want to send it to',
  'alllists' => 'All Lists',
  'listactive' => 'List is Active',
  'listnotactive' => 'List is not Active',
  'selectexcludelist' => 'Select the lists to be excluded.',
  'excludelistexplain' => 'The message will go to users who are a member of the lists above,
    unless they are a member of one of the lists you select here.',
  'nolistsavailable' => 'Sorry, there are currently no lists available',
  'sendmessage' => 'Send Message to the Selected Mailinglists',
  'warnnopearhttprequest' => 'You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP/Request is not available, so this will fail',

  ### new in 2.9.5
  'Misc' => 'Misc',
  'email to alert when sending of this message starts' => 'email to alert when sending of this message starts',
  'email to alert when sending of this message has finished' => 'email to alert when sending of this message has finished',
  'separate multiple with a comma' => 'separate multiple with a comma',
  'operator' => 'operator',
  'values' => 'values',
  '%d users apply' => '%d users apply',

  # new in 2.10.1
  'reload' => 'reload',




Name Type Size Permission Actions
about.php File 658 B 0644
admin.php File 1.75 KB 0644
adminattributes.php File 526 B 0644
admins.php File 502 B 0644
attributes.php File 1.45 KB 0644
bounce.php File 1.46 KB 0644
bouncemgt.php File 751 B 0644
bouncerule.php File 892 B 0644
bouncerules.php File 834 B 0644
bounces.php File 1.24 KB 0644
checkbouncerules.php File 281 B 0644
common.php File 7.04 KB 0644
configure.php File 6.21 KB 0644
defaults.php File 215 B 0644
dlusers.php File 195 B 0644
domainstats.php File 132 B 0644
editattributes.php File 813 B 0644
editlist.php File 617 B 0644
eventlog.php File 794 B 0644
export.php File 619 B 0644
frontend.php File 810 B 0644
generatebouncerules.php File 380 B 0644
getrss.php File 549 B 0644
home.php File 3.06 KB 0644
import1.php File 3.38 KB 0644
import2.php File 8.23 KB 0644
import3.php File 4.03 KB 0644
import4.php File 1.82 KB 0644
importadmin.php File 3.48 KB 0644
initialise.php File 2.57 KB 0644
list.php File 538 B 0644
login.php File 76 B 0644
massunconfirm.php File 514 B 0644
mclicks.php File 732 B 0644
members.php File 1.96 KB 0644
message.php File 1.77 KB 0644
messages.php File 1.4 KB 0644
mviews.php File 748 B 0644
pagetitles.php File 3.01 KB 0644
processbounces.php File 3.35 KB 0644
processqueue.php File 5.69 KB 0644
purgerss.php File 387 B 0644
reconcileusers.php File 4.52 KB 0644
send.php File 6.43 KB 0644
setup.php File 346 B 0644
spage.php File 336 B 0644
spageedit.php File 2.63 KB 0644
statsmgt.php File 247 B 0644
template.php File 2.17 KB 0644
templates.php File 366 B 0644
uclicks.php File 588 B 0644
user.php File 1.96 KB 0644
usercheck.php File 488 B 0644
userclicks.php File 806 B 0644
userhistory.php File 1.18 KB 0644
usermgt.php File 303 B 0644
users.php File 1.78 KB 0644
viewtemplate.php File 5.21 KB 0644