[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
$lan = array(
  "Import emails from IMAP folders" => "Importar emails de directorios IMAP",
  "No lists available" => "No hay listas disponibles",
  "Add a list" => "A&ntilde;adir una lista",
  "personal" => "personal",
  "email" => "email",
  "folder" => "directorio",
  "date" => "fecha",
  "can't connect" => "no se puede conectar",
  "Processing" => "Procesando",
  "messages" => "mensajes",
  "done" => "listo",
  "imap_getmailboxes failed" => "imap_getmailboxes fracas&oacute;",
  "Please enter details of the IMAP account" => "Introduzca los datos
  de la cuenta IMAP",
  "Select the headers fields to search" => "Seleccione los campos de la
  cabecera en los que hay que buscar",
  "Select the lists to add the emails to" => "Seleccione las listas a
  las que hay que a&ntilde;adir los emails",
  "Adding users to list" => "A&ntilde;adiendo usuarios a la lista",
  "Mark new users as HTML" => "Seleccionar HTML para los nuevos usuarios",
/* read lines below as sentences: if you check 'overwrite' information about a user... etc. */
  "If you check" => "Si marca la casilla",
  "Overwrite Existing" => "Sobreescribir",
  "information about a user in the database will be replaced by the imported information. Users are matched by email." => "la informaci&oacute;n que hay en la base sobre el usuario ser&aacute; reemplazada por la informaci&oacute;n importada. A los usuarios se les identifica por el email",
  "Only use complete addresses" => "Utilice solamente direcciones completas",
  "addresses that do not have a real name will be ignored. Otherwise all emails will be imported." => "se har&aacute; caso omiso de las direcciones que no contengan un nombre real. Aparte de esto se importar&aacute;n todos los emails.",
  "If you choose" => "Si escoje",
  "send notification email" => "enviar correo de notificaci&oacute;n",
  "the users you are adding will be sent the request for confirmation of subscription to which they will have to reply. This is recommended, because it will identify invalid emails." => "los usuarios que est&aacute; a&ntilde;adiendo recibir&aacute;n un correo pidi&eacute;ndoles que confirmen su inscripci&oacute;n, al que deber&aacute;n responder. Se recomienda esta opci&oacute;n porque elimina los emails no v&aacute;lidos.",
  "Send&nbsp;Notification&nbsp;email&nbsp;" => "Enviar&nbsp;correo&nbsp;de&nbsp;notificaci&oacute;n&nbsp;",
  "Make confirmed immediately" => "Confirmar inmediatamente&nbsp;",
  "import3info" => "Hay dos modos de a&ntilde;adir los nombres de los
  usuarios: o bien con un solo atributo para el nombre completo, o
  bien con dos atributos, uno para el nombre y otro para el
  apellido. Si utiliza &#171;dos atributos&#187; el nombre quedar&aacute;
  dividido por el primer espacio en blanco.",
  "Use one attribute for name" => "Utilizar un solo atributo por nombre",
  'Use two attributes for the name' => 'Utilizar dos atributos por nombre',
  "Attribute one" => "Primer atributo",
  "Create Attribute" => "Crear atributo",
  "Attribute two" => "Segundo atributo",
  "Cannot continue" => "No se puede continuar",
  "ok" => "ok",
  "failed" => "fracasado",
  "Processed" => "Procesado",
  "folders and" => "directorios y",
  "unique emails found" => "emails &uacute;nicos encontrados",
  "list" => "lista",
  "lists" => "listas",
  "new email was" => "el nuevo email era",
  "new emails were" => "los nuevos emails eran",
  "email was" => "el email era",
  "emails were" => "los emails eran",
  "All the emails already exist in the database and are members of the" => "todos los emails estaban ya en la base de datos y son miembros de",
  "succesfully imported to the database and added to" => "importados a la base de datos y a&ntilde;adidos a",
  "subscribed to the" => "suscrito a la",
  "emails already existed in the database" => "algunos emails ya estaban en la base de datos",
  "Invalid Emails found." => "Se han encontrado emails no v&aacute;lidos.",
  "These records were added, but the email has been made up. You can find them by doing a search on" => "Se han a&ntilde;adido estos
  registros, pero el email es inventado. Puede encontrarlos buscando",
  "These records were deleted. Check your source and reimport the data. Duplicates will be identified." => "Se eliminaron estos registros. Compruebe el origen e importe los datos de nuevo. Se identificar&aacute;n los registros duplicados.",
  "No emails found" => "No se encontr&oacute; ning&uacute;n correo",
  "Import some more emails" => "Importar m&aacute;s emails",
  'Server' => 'Servidor',
  'User' => 'Usuario',
  'Password' => 'Contrase&ntilde;a',
  'Continue' => 'Continuar',
  'Process Selected Folders' => 'Procesar los directorios seleccionados',


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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bounces.php File 1.46 KB 0644
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dlusers.php File 211 B 0644
domainstats.php File 149 B 0644
editattributes.php File 925 B 0644
editlist.php File 683 B 0644
eventlog.php File 921 B 0644
export.php File 615 B 0644
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getrss.php File 633 B 0644
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reconcileusers.php File 5.39 KB 0644
send.php File 7.39 KB 0644
setup.php File 411 B 0644
spage.php File 393 B 0644
spageedit.php File 3.07 KB 0644
statsmgt.php File 261 B 0644
template.php File 2.33 KB 0644
templates.php File 327 B 0644
uclicks.php File 674 B 0644
usercheck.php File 517 B 0644
userclicks.php File 925 B 0644
userhistory.php File 1.37 KB 0644
usermgt.php File 282 B 0644
viewtemplate.php File 9.38 KB 0644