[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $

$lan = array(
'General Information' => 'Informaci&oacute;n general',
'Title' => 'T&iacute;tulo',
'Title of this set of lists' => 'T&iacute;tulo de este conjunto de listas',
'Please indicate how often you want to receive messages' => 'Indique
la frecuencia con la que quiere recibir mensajes',
'Don\'t offer choice, default to <b>text</b>' => 'No ofrecer
elecci&oacute;n, enviar <b>texto plano</b> por defecto',
'Don\'t offer choice, default to <b>HTML</b>' => 'No ofrecer
elecci&oacute;n, enviar <b>HTML</b> por defecto',
'Don\'t display email confirmation' => 'No mostrar confirmaci&oacute;n
por correo electr&oacute;nico',
'Intro' => 'Introducci&oacute;n',
'Header' => 'Encabezado',
'Footer' => 'Pie',
'Thank you page' => 'P&aacute;gina de agradecimiento',
'Text for Button' => 'Texto para el bot&oacute;n',
'HTML Email choice' => 'Opci&oacute;n de mensajes HTML',
'Offer checkbox for text' => 'Ofrecer casilla de verificaci&oacute;n
para texto plano',
'Offer checkbox for HTML' => 'Ofrecer casilla de verificaci&oacute;n para HTML',
'Radio buttons, default to text' => 'Radiobotones, valor por defecto
texto plano',
'Radio buttons, default to HTML' => 'Radiobotones, valor por defecto HTML',
'Display Email confirmation' => 'Mostrar confirmaci&oacute;n
por correo electr&oacute;nico',
'Display email confirmation' => 'Mostrar confirmaci&oacute;n
por correo electr&oacute;nico',
'Message they receive when they subscribe' => 'Mensaje que reciben al inscribirse',
'Message they receive when they confirm their subscription' =>
'Mensaje que reciben al confirmar su inscripci&oacute;n',
'Subject' => 'Asunto',
'Message' => 'Mensaje',
'Select the attributes to use' => 'Escoja los atributos que quiere usar',
'No lists available, please create one first' => 'No hay listas
disponibles, cree una',
'Attribute' => 'Atributo',
'Check this box to use this attribute in the page' => 'Marque esta
casilla para utilizar este atributo en la p&aacute;gina',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Default Value' => 'Valor por defecto',
'Order of Listing' => 'Orden de lista',
'Is this attribute required?' => '&#191;Es obligatorio este atributo?',
'Attribute' => 'Atributo',
'Check this box to use this attribute in the page' => 'Marque esta
casilla para utilizar este atributo en la p&aacute;gina',
'Type' => 'Tipo',
'Default Value' => 'Valor por defecto',
'Order of Listing' => 'Orden de lista',
'Is this attribute required?' => '&#191;Es obligatorio este atributo?',
'RSS settings' => 'Configuraci&oacute;n RSS',
'Intro Text' => 'Texto de introducci&oacute;n',
'Offer option to receive' => 'Ofrecer opci&oacute;n para recibir',
'Daily' => 'a diario',
'default' => 'por defecto',
'Offer option to receive' => 'Ofrecer opci&oacute;n para recibir',
'Weekly' => 'semanalmente',
'default' => 'por defecto',
'Offer option to receive' => 'Ofrecer opci&oacute;n para recibir',
'Monthly' => 'mensualmente',
'default' => 'por defecto',
'Select the lists to offer' => 'Escojer las listas que se ofrecer&aacute;n',
'Owner' => 'Due&ntilde;o',
'Save Changes' => 'Salvar cambios',
'Save and Activate' => 'Salvar y activar',
'Save and Deactivate' => 'Salvar y desactivar',



Name Type Size Permission Actions
about.php File 755 B 0644
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admins.php File 646 B 0644
attributes.php File 1.73 KB 0644
bounce.php File 1.84 KB 0644
bouncemgt.php File 852 B 0644
bouncerule.php File 976 B 0644
bouncerules.php File 945 B 0644
bounces.php File 1.46 KB 0644
checkbouncerules.php File 310 B 0644
common.php File 6.03 KB 0644
configure.php File 228 B 0644
defaults.php File 250 B 0644
dlusers.php File 211 B 0644
domainstats.php File 149 B 0644
editattributes.php File 925 B 0644
editlist.php File 683 B 0644
eventlog.php File 921 B 0644
export.php File 615 B 0644
generatebouncerules.php File 427 B 0644
getrss.php File 633 B 0644
home.php File 2.81 KB 0644
import1.php File 4.2 KB 0644
import3.php File 4.59 KB 0644
import4.php File 2.17 KB 0644
importadmin.php File 4.11 KB 0644
initialise.php File 2.73 KB 0644
list.php File 642 B 0644
login.php File 77 B 0644
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members.php File 2.38 KB 0644
message.php File 1.98 KB 0644
messages.php File 1.53 KB 0644
mviews.php File 728 B 0644
pagetitles.php File 3.31 KB 0644
processbounces.php File 3.98 KB 0644
processqueue.php File 5.96 KB 0644
reconcileusers.php File 5.39 KB 0644
send.php File 7.39 KB 0644
setup.php File 411 B 0644
spage.php File 393 B 0644
spageedit.php File 3.07 KB 0644
statsmgt.php File 261 B 0644
template.php File 2.33 KB 0644
templates.php File 327 B 0644
uclicks.php File 674 B 0644
usercheck.php File 517 B 0644
userclicks.php File 925 B 0644
userhistory.php File 1.37 KB 0644
usermgt.php File 282 B 0644
viewtemplate.php File 9.38 KB 0644