<?php ## notes to translators: # do not translate anything in square brackets: eg [RSS] $lan = array ( 'noaccess' => 'Essa mensagem não foi encontrada ou você não tem acesso a ela', 'htmlusedwarning' => 'Atenção: você indicou que o conteúdo não era HTML, mas há alguns códigos HTMLWarning. Isso pode causar erros', 'adding' => 'Adicionando', 'longmimetype' => 'Mime Type possui mais de 255 caracteres, isso é um problema', 'addingattachment' => 'Anexo adicionado', 'uploadfailed' => 'O upload do arquivo não foi bem sucessido, o arquivo está vazio', 'saved' => 'Mensagem salva', 'added' => 'Mensagem adicionada', 'queued' => 'Mensagem na caixa de saída para ser enviada', 'processqueue' => 'Processar as mensagens ', 'errorsubject' => 'Desculpe, você usou caracteres inválidos no campo Assunto.', 'errorfrom' => 'Desculpe, você usou caracteres inválidos no campo De.', 'enterfrom' => 'Please enter a from line.', 'entermessage' => 'Por favor, escreva a mensagem', 'entersubject' => 'Por favor, insira um assunto', 'duplicateattribute' => 'Error: you can use an attribute in one rule only', 'selectlist' => 'Por favor, selecione as listas para as quais você quer enviar as mensagens', 'notargetemail' => 'Nenhum email foi indicado para para o teste.', 'emailnotfound' => 'O email indicado para enviar a mensagem de teste não foi encontrado.', 'sentemailto' => 'Enivar um email de teste para', 'removedattachment' => 'Anexo Removido', 'existingcriteria' => 'Critérios existentes', 'remove' => 'Remover', 'calculating' => 'Calculando', 'calculate' => 'Calcular', 'content' => 'Conteúdo', 'format' => 'Formatar', 'attach' => 'Anexar', 'scheduling' => 'Agendando', 'criteria' => 'Critérios', 'lists' => 'Listas', 'unsavedchanges' => 'Atenção, Warning, You have unsaved changes\nSave them first, or click cancel to ignore changes and continue', 'whatisprepare' => 'What is prepare a message', 'subject' => 'Subject', 'fromline' => 'From Line', 'embargoeduntil' => 'Embargoed Until', 'repeatevery' => 'Repeat message every', 'norepetition' => 'no repetition', 'hour' => 'Hour', 'day' => 'Day', 'week' => 'Week', 'repeatuntil' => 'Repeat Until', 'format' => 'Format', 'autodetect' => 'Auto Detect', 'sendas' => 'Send As', 'html' => 'HTML', 'text' => 'text', 'pdf' => 'PDF', // 'textandhtml' => 'Text and HTML', //obsolete by bug 0009687 'textandpdf' => 'Text and PDF', 'usetemplate' => 'Use Template', 'selectone' => 'select one', 'rssintro' => 'If you want to use this message as the template for sending RSS feeds select the frequency it should be used for and use [RSS] in your message to indicate where the list of items needs to go.', 'none' => 'none', 'message' => 'Message', 'expand' => 'expand', 'plaintextversion' => 'Plain text version of message', 'messagefooter' => 'Message Footer', 'messagefooterexplanation' => 'Use <b>[UNSUBSCRIBE]</b> to insert the personal unsubscribe URL for each user. <br/>Use <b>[PREFERENCES]</b> to insert the personal URL for a user to update their details', 'addattachments' => 'Add attachments to your message', 'uploadlimits' => 'The upload has the following limits set by the server', 'maxtotaldata' => 'Maximum size of total data being sent to the server', 'maxfileupload' => 'Maximum size of each individual file', 'currentattachments' => 'Current Attachments', 'filename' => 'filename', 'desc' => 'desc',# short for description 'size' => 'size', 'file' => 'file', 'del' => 'del', # short for delete 'newattachment' => 'New Attachment', 'addandsave' => 'Add (and save)', 'pathtofile' => 'Path to file on server', 'attachmentdescription' => 'Description of attachment', 'delchecked' => 'Delete Checked', 'sendtestmessage' => 'Send Test Message', 'toemailaddresses' => ' to email address(es)', 'sendtestexplain' => '(comma separate addresses - all must be users)', 'criteriaexplanation' => ' <p><b>Select the criteria for this message:</b> <ol> <li>to use a criteria, check the box next to it <li>then check the radio button next to the attribute you want to use <li>then choose the values of the attributes you want to send the message to <i>Note:</i> Messages will be sent to people who fit to <i>Criteria 1</i> <b>AND</b> <i>Criteria 2</i> etc', 'criterion' => 'Criterion', 'usethisone' => 'Use this one', 'or' => 'or', # "alternative" ie this or this 'is' => 'is', 'isnot' => 'is not', 'isbefore' => 'is before', # date and time wise 'isafter' => 'is after', # date and time wise 'nocriteria' => 'There are currently no attributes available to use for sending a message. The message will go to any user on the lists selected', 'checked' => 'Checked', # as for checkbox 'unchecked' => 'Unchecked', # as for checkbox 'buggywithie' => 'Warning, this functionality is buggy and unreliable with IE.\nIt will be better to use Mozilla, Firefox or Opera\nAlternatively switch off STACKED_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTION in your config file', # Don't translate STACKED_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTION 'matchallrules' => 'Match all of these rules', 'matchanyrules' => 'Match any of these rules', 'addcriterion' => 'Add Criterion', 'saveasdraft' => 'Save Message as Draft', 'savechanges' => 'Save Changes', 'selectattribute' => 'select attribute', 'dd-mm-yyyy' => 'dd-mm-yyyy', # it's essential that the format is the same (ie dd-mm-yyyy) # above is all from send_core 'selectlists' => 'Please select the lists you want to send it to', 'alllists' => 'All Lists', 'listactive' => 'List is Active', 'listnotactive' => 'List is not Active', 'selectexcludelist' => 'Select the lists to be excluded.', 'excludelistexplain' => 'The message will go to users who are a member of the lists above, unless they are a member of one of the lists you select here.', 'nolistsavailable' => 'Sorry, there are currently no lists available', 'sendmessage' => 'Send Message to the Selected Mailinglists', 'warnnopearhttprequest' => 'You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP/Request is not available, so this will fail', # ); ?>
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
about.php | File | 750 B | 0644 |
admin.php | File | 2.09 KB | 0644 |
adminattributes.php | File | 617 B | 0644 |
admins.php | File | 572 B | 0644 |
attributes.php | File | 1.8 KB | 0644 |
bounce.php | File | 1.96 KB | 0644 |
bouncemgt.php | File | 1000 B | 0644 |
bouncerule.php | File | 1.02 KB | 0644 |
bouncerules.php | File | 946 B | 0644 |
bounces.php | File | 1.12 KB | 0644 |
checkbouncerules.php | File | 362 B | 0644 |
common.php | File | 5.67 KB | 0644 |
configure.php | File | 266 B | 0644 |
defaults.php | File | 283 B | 0644 |
dlusers.php | File | 212 B | 0644 |
domainstats.php | File | 130 B | 0644 |
editattributes.php | File | 923 B | 0644 |
editlist.php | File | 706 B | 0644 |
eventlog.php | File | 879 B | 0644 |
export.php | File | 589 B | 0644 |
frontend.php | File | 943 B | 0644 |
generatebouncerules.php | File | 489 B | 0644 |
getrss.php | File | 648 B | 0644 |
home.php | File | 2.92 KB | 0644 |
import1.php | File | 4.25 KB | 0644 |
import2.php | File | 9.32 KB | 0644 |
import3.php | File | 4.65 KB | 0644 |
import4.php | File | 2.23 KB | 0644 |
importadmin.php | File | 4.17 KB | 0644 |
initialise.php | File | 2.89 KB | 0644 |
list.php | File | 635 B | 0644 |
login.php | File | 76 B | 0644 |
mclicks.php | File | 793 B | 0644 |
members.php | File | 2.42 KB | 0644 |
message.php | File | 1.94 KB | 0644 |
messages.php | File | 1.25 KB | 0644 |
mviews.php | File | 785 B | 0644 |
pagetitles.php | File | 3.32 KB | 0644 |
processbounces.php | File | 3.51 KB | 0644 |
processqueue.php | File | 4.57 KB | 0644 |
reconcileusers.php | File | 5.62 KB | 0644 |
send.php | File | 6.23 KB | 0644 |
setup.php | File | 377 B | 0644 |
spage.php | File | 394 B | 0644 |
spageedit.php | File | 3.41 KB | 0644 |
statsmgt.php | File | 161 B | 0644 |
template.php | File | 2.37 KB | 0644 |
templates.php | File | 311 B | 0644 |
uclicks.php | File | 696 B | 0644 |
user.php | File | 1.15 KB | 0644 |
usercheck.php | File | 506 B | 0644 |
userclicks.php | File | 1.02 KB | 0644 |
userhistory.php | File | 1.35 KB | 0644 |
usermgt.php | File | 328 B | 0644 |
users.php | File | 1.82 KB | 0644 |
viewtemplate.php | File | 5.23 KB | 0644 |