[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: phpList 2.11.X\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-01 06:47+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-01 08:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ivan <ivan@selidor.net>\n"
"Language-Team: phpList <info@phplist.com>\n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: admin/actions\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: admin/commonlib/pages\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: public_html\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: /home/michiel/svn/phplist/translate/phplist\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1406881249.000000\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;gettext;gettext_noop;get;s\n"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:591
#, php-format
msgid "You are logged in as administrator (%s) of this phpList system"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:592
msgid ""
"You are therefore offered the following choice, which your subscribers will "
"not see when they load this page."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:593
msgid "Go back to admin area"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:594
msgid "Please choose"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:594
msgid "Make this subscriber confirmed immediately"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:595
msgid "Send this subscriber a request for confirmation email"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:667
msgid ""
"Subscriber removed from Blacklist for manual confirmation of subscription"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:682
msgid "Subscriber has been removed from blacklist"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:772
msgid "Forwarded receiver requested blacklist"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:780
msgid "\"Jump off\" used by subscriber, reason not requested"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:782
msgid "\"Jump off\" set, reason not requested"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:970
msgid ""
"When testing the phpList forward functionality, you need to be logged in as "
"an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Para probar la funcionalidad de reenvío de phpList, debe iniciar sesión como "

#: public_html/lists/index.php:1056 public_html/lists/index.php:1063
msgid "Message Forwarded"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:1056
#, php-format
msgid "%s has forwarded message %d to %s"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:1063
#, php-format
msgid "%s tried forwarding message %d to %s but failed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:1079
#, php-format
msgid "Forward request from invalid user ID: %s"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importlib.php:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid email"
msgstr "Correo no válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:18
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:31
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:28
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:39
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:20
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:39
#, fuzzy
msgid "You do not have enough privileges to view this page"
msgstr "No tiene sufucientes privilegios para ver esta p&aacute;gina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:42
msgid "Choose a list"
msgstr "Elegir una lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:46
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:134
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:145
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:209
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:64 public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:472
msgid "list"
msgstr "lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:49
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:13
msgid "# bounced"
msgstr "# rebotado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:54
msgid "None found"
msgstr "Ninguno encontrado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:77
msgid "Select another list"
msgstr "Seleccione otra lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:89
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces to list %s"
msgstr "%d rebotes de la lista %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:109
msgid "Bounces on"
msgstr "Rebotes en"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:119
msgid "address"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:120
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:69
msgid "# bounces"
msgstr "# rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:84
msgid "All draft campaigns deleted"
msgstr "Eliminados todos los borradores de campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:85
msgid "campaigns deleted"
msgstr "campañas eliminadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:88
msgid "campaign deleted"
msgstr "campaña eliminada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:89
msgid "Campaign deleted"
msgstr "Campaña eliminada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:96
msgid "start a new message"
msgstr "comenzar un nuevo mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:96 public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:77
msgid "Start a new campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:97
msgid "Choose an existing draft message to work on"
msgstr "Elegir un borrador de mensaje ya existente sobre el que trabajar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:98
msgid "Draft messages"
msgstr "Borradores de mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:105
msgid "entered"
msgstr "creado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:106
msgid "age"
msgstr "edad"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:107 public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:69
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:898
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:117
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:103
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:101
msgid "del"
msgstr "eliminar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:109
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:47
msgid "delete all"
msgstr "Eliminar todos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:136
msgid "Please select the lists you want to send your campaign to"
msgstr "Por favor, seleccione las listas a las que desea enviar su campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:144
msgid "Please select the lists you want to exclude from this campaign"
msgstr "Por favor, seleccione las listas que desea excluir de esta campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:149
msgid ""
"The campaign will go to users who are a member of the lists above,     "
"unless they are a member of one of the lists you select here."
msgstr ""
"El mensaje se enviar&aacute; a los usuarios  que son miembros de las listas "
"enumeradas m&aacute;s arriba, a no ser que sean  miembros de alguna de las "
"listas que escoja aqu&iacute;."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:10
msgid "Your database is out of date, please make sure to upgrade"
msgstr "Su  base de datos no está actualizada. Por favor, actualícela."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:11 public_html/lists/admin/home.php:75
msgid "Your version"
msgstr "Su versi&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:12
msgid "phplist version"
msgstr "Versión de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:13 public_html/lists/admin/home.php:368
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:236
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:558
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Actualizar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:18
msgid "Database has not been initialised"
msgstr "La base de datos no se ha inicializado."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:19
msgid "go to"
msgstr "ir a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:20 public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:21
msgid "Initialise Database"
msgstr "Inicializar la base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:21
msgid "to continue"
msgstr "para continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:72
msgid "A new version of phpList is available!"
msgstr "¡Nueva  versión de phpList disponible!"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:74
msgid ""
"The new version may have fixed security issues,<br/>so it is recommended to "
"upgrade as soon as possible"
msgstr ""
"La nueva versión puede haber arreglado problemas de seguridad,<br />por lo "
"que le recomendamos actualizarse tan pronto como sea posible."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:76
msgid "Latest version"
msgstr "&Uacute;ltima versi&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:77
msgid "Read what has changed in the new version"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:77
msgid "View what has changed"
msgstr "Ver los cambios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:78
msgid "Download the new version"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:78
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Descargar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:88 public_html/lists/admin/index.php:392
msgid "Continue Configuration"
msgstr "Continuar la configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:90
msgid "Continue the Configuration process of phpList"
msgstr "Continuar el proceso de configuración de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:96
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:99
msgid "Send a campaign"
msgstr "Enviar una campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:98
msgid "Start or continue a campaign"
msgstr "Iniciar o continuar una campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:103
msgid "Manage Campaigns"
msgstr "Administrar campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:105
msgid "View current campaigns"
msgstr "Ver campañas actuales"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:110
msgid "Manage Subscribers"
msgstr "Administrar suscritos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:112
msgid "Search, edit and add Subscribers"
msgstr "Buscar, editar y añadir suscritos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:117 public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:253
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:312
msgid "View Statistics"
msgstr "Ver estadísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:119
msgid "View statistics"
msgstr "Ver estadísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:124
msgid "Main"
msgstr "Principal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:134
msgid "Manage Lists"
msgstr "Administrar listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:136
msgid "View, edit and add lists, that your subscribers can sign up to"
msgstr "Ver, editar y añadir listas, a las que sus suscritos puedan apuntarse"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:141
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:108
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:384
msgid "users"
msgstr "usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:143
msgid "List all Users"
msgstr "Enumerar todos los usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:148
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:216
msgid "import"
msgstr "importar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:150
msgid "Import Users"
msgstr "Importar usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:155
msgid "export"
msgstr "Exportar usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:157
msgid "Export Users"
msgstr "Exportar usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:162
msgid "reconcileusers"
msgstr "Conciliar usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:164
msgid "Reconcile the User Database"
msgstr "Conciliar la base de datos de usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:168
msgid "List and user functions"
msgstr "Funciones de lista y usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:177
msgid "configure"
msgstr "configurar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:179
msgid "Configure"
msgstr "Configurar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:184
msgid "attributes"
msgstr "Atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:186
msgid "Configure Attributes"
msgstr "Configurar atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:193
msgid "Control values for"
msgstr "Valores de control para"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:201
msgid "spage"
msgstr "Páginas de suscripción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:203
msgid "Configure Subscribe Pages"
msgstr "Configurar las páginas de suscripción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:208
msgid "Configuration Functions"
msgstr "Funciones de configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:218
msgid "admins"
msgstr "Administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:220
msgid "Add, edit and remove Administrators"
msgstr "Añadir, editar y eliminar administradores."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:225
msgid "adminattributes"
msgstr "Atributos de administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:227
msgid "Configure Attributes for administrators"
msgstr "Configurar atributos de administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:231
msgid "Administrator Functions"
msgstr "Funciones del administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:241 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:208
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:291
msgid "send"
msgstr "enviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:243
msgid "Send a Message"
msgstr "Enviar un mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:249
msgid "preparesend"
msgstr "Preparar envío"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:251
msgid "Prepare a Message"
msgstr "Preparar un mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:256
msgid "sendprepared"
msgstr "Enviar preparado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:258
msgid "Send a Prepared Message"
msgstr "Enviar un mensaje preparado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:264
msgid "templates"
msgstr "plantillas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:266
msgid "Configure Templates"
msgstr "Configurar plantillas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:271
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:148
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:350
msgid "messages"
msgstr "mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:273
msgid "List all Messages"
msgstr "Enumerar todos los mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:278
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:382
msgid "processqueue"
msgstr "Procesar la cola de mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:280
msgid "Process the Message Queue"
msgstr "Procesar la cola de mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:283
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:465
msgid "warning"
msgstr "advertencia"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:283
msgid ""
"You have set TEST in config.php to 1, so it will only show what would be sent"
msgstr ""
"Usted ha puesto TEST=1 en config.php, de modo que sólo se mostrará lo que "
"habría sido enviado."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:288
msgid "processbounces"
msgstr "Procesar rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:290
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:12
msgid "Process Bounces"
msgstr "Procesar rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:295
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:362
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:363
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:196
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:206
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:471
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:485
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:74
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:125
msgid "bounces"
msgstr "rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:297
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:8
msgid "View Bounces"
msgstr "Ver rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:301
msgid "Message Functions"
msgstr "Funciones del mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:349 public_html/lists/admin/about.php:61
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "M&oacute;dulos (plugins)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:359
msgid "setup"
msgstr "configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:361
msgid "Setup "
msgstr "Configuración "

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:366
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "Actualizar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:373
msgid "dbcheck"
msgstr "comprobar BD"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:375
msgid "Check Database structure"
msgstr "Comprobar la estructura de la base de  datos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:381
msgid "eventlog"
msgstr "registro de eventos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:383
msgid "View the eventlog"
msgstr "Ver el registro de eventos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:388
msgid "admin"
msgstr "Administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:390
msgid "Change your details (e.g. password)"
msgstr "Cambiar sus datos (ej.: contraseña)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:394
msgid "System Functions"
msgstr "Funciones del sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:14
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:68
msgid "requeue"
msgstr "Volver a añadir a la cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:18
msgid "Stalled"
msgstr "Estancado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:26
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:71
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:81
msgid "still to process"
msgstr "no procesado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:27
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:117
msgid "ETA"
msgstr "Tiempo de llegada estimado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:28
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:98
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:82
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:72
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:98
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:117
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:83
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:193 public_html/databasestructure.php:63
msgid "sent"
msgstr "enviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:29
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:76
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:113
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:118
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:145
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Procesando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:29
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:118
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:232
msgid "msgs/hr"
msgstr "mensajes/hora"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:163
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:184
msgid "Invalid value for email address"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:386
msgid "error"
msgstr "error"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:435
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:439
msgid "fatalerror"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:459
msgid "Documentation about this error"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:753
msgid "Main Page"
msgstr "P&aacute;gina principal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:753
msgid "about"
msgstr "informaci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:818
msgid "In this section"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:855
msgid "Recently visited"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1148
msgid "All Lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1154
msgid "All Public Lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1158
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:51 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:55
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:328
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:620
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:40
msgid "Add a list"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir una lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1168
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:90 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:100
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:122 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:130
msgid "Uncategorised"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1184
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:170
msgid "Public list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1186
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:172
msgid "Private list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1229
msgid "There are no lists available"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:25
msgid "January"
msgstr "Enero"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:26
msgid "February"
msgstr "Febrero"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:27
msgid "March"
msgstr "Marzo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:28
msgid "April"
msgstr "Abril"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:29
msgid "May"
msgstr "May"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:30
msgid "June"
msgstr "Junio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:31
msgid "July"
msgstr "Julio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:32
msgid "August"
msgstr "Agosto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:33
msgid "September"
msgstr "Septiembre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:34
msgid "October"
msgstr "Octubre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:35
msgid "November"
msgstr "Noviembre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1440
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:36
msgid "December"
msgstr "Diciembre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Ene"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Abr"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Jun"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Jul"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Ago"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Set"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Oct"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1441
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:11
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dic"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1755
msgid "years"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1758
msgid "days"
msgstr "días"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1761
msgid "hours"
msgstr "horas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1764
msgid "mins"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1767
msgid "secs"
msgstr "segs"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1773
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:170
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:180
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:335
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:291
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1773
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1835
#, php-format
msgid "Listing %d to %d of %d"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1837
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "Listing %d to %d"
msgstr "Listando del %d al %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1853
msgid "First Page"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1854
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:869
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Anterior"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1855
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:903
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Siguiente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1856
msgid "Last Page"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:20
msgid "The plugin "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:27
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:69
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:42
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:57
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:32
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:25
msgid "Invalid security token, please reload the page and try again"
msgstr ""
"El certificado de seguridad no es válido, por favor recargue la página y "
"vuelva a intentarlo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:36
msgid "Invalid download URL, please reload the page and try again"
msgstr ""
"La URL de descarga no es válida, por favor recargue la página y vuelva a "

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:43
msgid "Fetching plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:45
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Desarrollador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:46
msgid "Project"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:51
msgid "Unable to download plugin package, check your connection"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:57
msgid "Installing plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:110
msgid "updating existing plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:117
msgid "new plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:142
msgid "Plugin installed successfully"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:144
msgid "Error installing plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:147
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:158
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:49
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:72 public_html/lists/admin/login.php:100
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:108 public_html/lists/admin/login.php:120
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:42
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:44
#: public_html/lists/admin/massunconfirm.php:35
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:280
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:340
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:43
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:360
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:264
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:59
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:151
msgid "Plugin directory is not writable"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:154
msgid "Invalid plugin package"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:157
msgid "Plugin installation failed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:164
msgid ""
"The plugin root directory is not writable, please install plugins manually"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:166
msgid ""
"PHP has no <a href=\"http://php.net/zip\">Zip capability</a>. This is "
"required to allow installation from a remote URL"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:168
msgid "Install a new plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:169
msgid "Find plugins"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:172
msgid "Plugin package URL"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:174
msgid "Install plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:178
msgid "Installed plugins"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:196
msgid "name"
msgstr "Nombre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:198
msgid "version"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:200
msgid "description"
msgstr "descripción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:207
msgid "installed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:212
msgid "installation Url"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:217
msgid "developer"
msgstr "desarrollador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:220
msgid "enabled"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:227
msgid "initialise"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:229
msgid "Initialise"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:235
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:34
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:68
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:183
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:106
msgid "delete"
msgstr "eliminar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:235
msgid "delete this plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:241
msgid "update this plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:241
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:242
msgid "update"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:245
msgid "details"
msgstr "detalles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:25
msgid "delete subscriber"
msgstr "Eliminar suscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:26
msgid "unconfirm subscriber"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:27
msgid "blacklist subscriber"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:28
msgid "blacklist email address"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:29
#, fuzzy
msgid "delete subscriber and bounce"
msgstr "eliminar usuario y rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:30
#, fuzzy
msgid "unconfirm subscriber and delete bounce"
msgstr "marcar al usuario como no confirmado y eliminar el rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "blacklist subscriber and delete bounce"
msgstr "añadir al usuario a la lista negra y eliminar el rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:32
msgid "blacklist email address and delete bounce"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:33
msgid "delete bounce"
msgstr "eliminar el rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:45
msgid "Unnamed List"
msgstr "Lista sin nombre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:257
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Hola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:258
msgid "You have requested a new password for phpList."
msgstr "Usted ha solicitado una nueva contraseña para phpList."

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:259
msgid "To enter a new one, please visit the following link:"
msgstr "Para fijar una nueva contraseña, pulse el siguiente enlace:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:261
msgid ""
"You have 24 hours left to change your password. After that, your token won't "
"be valid."
msgstr ""
"Tiene 24 horas para cambiar su contraseña. Después de este tiempo, esta "
"solicitud dejará de ser válida."

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:262 public_html/lists/admin/login.php:96
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nueva contraseña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:263
msgid ""
"A password change token has been sent to the corresponding email address."
msgstr ""
"Se ha enviado un mensaje de cambio de contraseña a la correspondiente "
"dirección de correo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:265
msgid "Error sending password change token"
msgstr "Error al enviar el mensaje de cambio de contraseña."

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:522
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:76
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:136
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:151
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconocido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:533
msgid "very little time"
msgstr "muy poco tiempo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:593
msgid "This is the Newsletter Subject"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:740
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid ""
"A process for this page is already running and it was still alive %s seconds "
msgstr ""
"Ya se está ejecutando un proceso para esta página y todavía estaba en marcha "
"hace %s segundos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:743
msgid ""
"Running commandline, quitting. We'll find out what to do in the next run."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:746
msgid "Sleeping for 20 seconds, aborting will quit"
msgstr "Descansando 20 segundos, interrumpir para salir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:754
msgid ""
"We have been waiting too long, I guess the other process is still going ok"
msgstr ""
"Hemos esperado demasiado tiempo. Suponemos que el otro proceso todavía va "

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1459 public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1463
msgid "Error, incorrect session token"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1682
msgid "Remote queue processing has been activated successfully"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1683
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:384
msgid "view progress"
msgstr "Ver progreso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1685 public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1696
msgid "Error activating remote queue processing"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1687
msgid "The API key is incorrect"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1689
msgid "The phpList.com server is unable to reach your phpList installation"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1691
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1693
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change settings"
msgstr "Cambiar la configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1694 public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1697
msgid "Run queue locally"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1708
msgid "Sign up to receive news and updates about phpList "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1709
msgid ""
"to make sure you are updated when new versions come out. Sometimes security "
"bugs are found which make it important to upgrade. Traffic on the list is "
"very low."
msgstr ""
"para asegurarse de que su instalación está actualizada cuando se liberen "
"nuevas versiones. A veces se encuentran errores de seguridad, por lo que es "
"importante estar actualizado. El tráfico de esta lista es muy bajo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1715
#, fuzzy
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1715
msgid "Do not subscribe"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:33
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:44
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:40
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:20
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:31
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:26
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:26 public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:38
msgid "You do not have access to this page"
msgstr "No tiene acceso a esta p&aacute;gina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:64
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:93
#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:18
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:65
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:73
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:53
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:119
msgid "Download as CSV file"
msgstr "Descargar como fichero CSV"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:85
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:55
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:64
msgid "There are currently no messages to view"
msgstr "Actualmente no hay mensajes que ver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:99
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:442
msgid "bncs"
msgstr "rebts"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:100
msgid "fwds"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:101
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:114
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:85 public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:99
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:197
msgid "views"
msgstr "lecturas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:105
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:116
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:87
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:101
msgid "rate"
msgstr "tasa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:106
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:115
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:174
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:154
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:79 public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:81
msgid "date"
msgstr "fecha"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:112
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:97
msgid "Comparison to other admins"
msgstr "Comparación con otros administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:128
msgid "View all campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:134
msgid "Campaign not found"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:142
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:11
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:12
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:668
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:703
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:65
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:78
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:94
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:116
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:247
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:254
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:261
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:125
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Asunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:146
msgid "Date entered"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:150
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:118
msgid "Date sent"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:154
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:69
msgid "Sent as HTML"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:158
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:68
msgid "Sent as text"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:179
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:384
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:121
msgid "Bounced"
msgstr "Rebotado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:185
msgid "Opened"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:190
msgid "% Opened"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:195
msgid "Clicked"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:200
msgid "% Clicked"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:205
msgid "Forwarded"
msgstr "Reenviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:43
#, php-format
msgid "Sending message %d with subject %s to %s"
msgstr "Enviando mensaje %d con asunto %s a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:761
msgid "sendingtextonlyto"
msgstr "enviando sólo texto a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:955
#, php-format
msgid "Error sending message %d (%d/%d) to %s (%s) "
msgstr "Error enviando mensaje %d (%d/%d) a %s (%s) "

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:970
#, php-format
msgid "Size of HTML email: %s "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:973
#, php-format
msgid "Size of Text email: %s "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:978
#, php-format
msgid "Message too large (%s is over %s), suspending"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:980
msgid ""
"Warning: the final message exceeds the sending limit, this campaign will "
"fail sending. Reduce the size by removing attachments or images"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:983
#, php-format
msgid "Campaign %d suspended. Message too large"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:985
#, php-format
msgid "Campaign %d suspended, message too large"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1019
#, php-format
msgid "Insufficient memory to add attachment to campaign %d %d - %d"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1060
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Error, when trying to send campaign %d the attachment (%s) could not be "
"copied to the repository. Check for permissions."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1061
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1074
msgid "phpList system error"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1066
#, php-format
msgid "failed to open attachment (%s) to add to campaign %d"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1072
#, php-format
msgid "Attachment %s does not exist"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1073
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Error, when trying to send campaign %d the attachment (%s) could not be "
"found in the repository"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1092
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1094
#, php-format
msgid "Campaign %d suspended for too many errors with attachments"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:4 public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:5
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:7
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:16
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:8
#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:5
msgid "import is not available"
msgstr "importación no disponible"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:42
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:620
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:40
msgid "No lists available"
msgstr "No hay listas disponibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:42
msgid "add_list"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir una lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:51
msgid "Please enter details of the remote Server"
msgstr "Introduzca los detalles del servidor remoto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:54
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "Servidor:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:55
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:131
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:42
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:153
msgid "user"
msgstr "Usuario:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:56
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contrase&ntilde;a:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:57
msgid "Database Name:"
msgstr "Nombre de la base de datos:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:58
msgid "Table prefix:"
msgstr "Prefijo de las tablas:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:59
msgid "Usertable prefix:"
msgstr "Prefijo de la tabla de usuarios:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:65
msgid "select_lists"
msgstr "Seleccionar listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:73
msgid "Copy lists from remote server (lists are matched by name)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:75
msgid "Mark new users as HTML:"
msgstr "Seleccionar HTML para los nuevos usuarios:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:76
msgid ""
"If you check \"Overwrite Existing\", information about a user in the "
"database will be replaced by the imported information. Users are matched by "
msgstr ""
"Si usted marca \"Sobreescribir existente\", la información del usuario en la "
"base de datos será reemplazada por la información importada. Los usuarios "
"son identificados y comparados por su correo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:77
msgid "Overwrite Existing:"
msgstr "Sobreescribir:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:78
msgid "continue"
msgstr "Continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:86
msgid "Making connection with remote database"
msgstr "Conectando con la base de datos remota"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:90
msgid "cannot connect to remote database"
msgstr "no se puede conectar con la base de datos remota"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:101
msgid "Getting data from "
msgstr "Obteniendo datos de "

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:106
msgid "Remote version is"
msgstr "La versi&oacute;n remota es"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:108
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:115
msgid "Remote version has"
msgstr "La versi&oacute;n remota tiene"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:110
msgid "No users to copy, is the prefix correct?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:115
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:209
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:422
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:472
msgid "lists"
msgstr "listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:118
msgid "Copying lists"
msgstr "Copiando listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:134
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:170
msgid "exists locally"
msgstr "existe en local"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:145
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:180
msgid "created locally"
msgstr "creada en local"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:149
msgid "Remote list"
msgstr "La lista remota"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:149
msgid "not created"
msgstr "no fue creada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:154
msgid "Copying attributes"
msgstr "Copiando atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:204
msgid "Copying users"
msgstr "Copiando usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:299
msgid "Error, no mapped attribute for"
msgstr "Error, ning&uacute;n atributo corresponde a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:351
msgid "Error, no local list defined for"
msgstr "Error, no hay ninguna lista local defined para"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:358
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:383
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:232
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:149
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:169
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:198
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:211
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:225
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:235
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:38 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:71
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:269
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:221
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:33 public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:121
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Listo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:359
msgid "new users"
msgstr "usuarios nuevos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:360
msgid "and"
msgstr "y"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:361
msgid "existing users"
msgstr "usuarios existentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:9
msgid "Open Source"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:10
msgid "How to get help"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:11
msgid "How to help out"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:16
msgid "phpList is Open Source software"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:17
msgid ""
"The concept behind open source is collaboration. A loosely organised network "
"of many contributors where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:18
msgid ""
"If you are interested to know more about Open Source, you can visit the "
"links below"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:27
msgid "Get help with phpList"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:28
msgid ""
"To be written. In the meantime you can <a href=\"http://www.phplist.com/"
"support\">visit the support section on the phpList website</a>"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:32
msgid "Help out with phpList"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:33
msgid ""
"To be written. In the meantime you can <a href=\"http://www.phplist.com/"
"developers\">visit the developers section on the phpList website</a>"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:8
#: public_html/lists/admin/initlanguages.php:6
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:28
msgid "This page can only be called from the commandline"
msgstr "A esta página solo se puede acceder desde la línea de comandos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:12
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:7
msgid "Remote processing of the queue is now handled with a processing secret"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:20
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:15
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:270
msgid "Incorrect processing secret"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:50
msgid "Bounce processing error"
msgstr "Error al procesar el mensaje rebotado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:52
msgid "Bounce Processing info"
msgstr "Información sobre el procesamiento de rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:221
msgid "system message bounced, user marked unconfirmed"
msgstr "mensaje del sistema rebotado, usuario marcado como no confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:222
msgid "Bounced system message"
msgstr "Mensaje de sistema rebotado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:223
msgid "User marked unconfirmed"
msgstr "Usuario marcado como no confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:224
msgid "View Bounce"
msgstr "Ver mensaje rebotado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:294
msgid "system message bounced, but unknown user"
msgstr "el mensaje del sistema rebotó, pero el usuario es desconocido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:334
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:196
msgid "Cannot create POP3 connection to"
msgstr "No se puede establecer una conexión POP3 con"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:349
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:211
msgid "Cannot open mailbox file"
msgstr "No se puede abrir el archivo del buzón"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:358
msgid "bounces to fetch from the mailbox"
msgstr "rebotes a recuperar del buzón"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:359
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:223
msgid "Please do not interrupt this process"
msgstr "Por favor no interrumpa este proceso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:360
msgid "bounces to process"
msgstr "rebotes que hay que procesar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:362
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:225
msgid "Processing first"
msgstr "Procesando el primero"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:363
msgid "processing first"
msgstr "procesando el primero"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:367
msgid "Running in test mode, not deleting messages from mailbox"
msgstr ""
"Corriendo en modo de prueba, no se están eliminando los mensajes del buzón"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:369
msgid "Processed messages will be deleted from mailbox"
msgstr "Los mensajes procesados se eliminarán del buzón."

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:384
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:391
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:248
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:253
msgid "Deleting message"
msgstr "Eliminando mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:387
msgid "Not deleting processed message"
msgstr "Sin borrar mensajes procesados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:394
msgid "Not deleting unprocessed message"
msgstr "Sin borrar el mensaje no procesado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:400
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:260
msgid "Closing mailbox, and purging messages"
msgstr "Cerrando el buzón, y purgando los mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:409
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:274
msgid "IMAP is not included in your PHP installation, cannot continue"
msgstr "IMAP no está incluido en su instalación PHP, no se puede continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:410
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:275
msgid "Check out"
msgstr "Consultar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:416
msgid "Bounce mechanism not properly configured"
msgstr "El mecanismo de rebotes no está configurado correctamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:446
msgid "bounce_protocol not supported"
msgstr "protocolo de rebotes no soportado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:459
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "%d bounces to reprocess"
msgstr "%d rebotes para reprocesar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:463
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:475
#, php-format
msgid "%d out of %d processed"
msgstr "%d de %d procesados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:477
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces were re-processed and %d bounces were re-identified"
msgstr "%d rebotes fueron re-procesados y %d rebotes fueron re-identificados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:481
msgid "Processing bounces based on active bounce rules"
msgstr "Procesando los rebotes conforme a las normas de rebote activas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:499
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:907
#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:50
msgid "Process Killed by other process"
msgstr "El proceso fue matado por otro proceso."

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:530
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:689
msgid "Auto Unconfirmed"
msgstr "Sin Confirmar de modo automático"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:530
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:547
msgid "Subscriber auto unconfirmed for"
msgstr "Suscriptor sin confirmar de modo automático por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:530
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:547
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:553
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:557
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:562
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:566
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:572
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:576
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:581
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:585
msgid "bounce rule"
msgstr "regla de rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:547
msgid "Auto unconfirmed"
msgstr "Sin confirmar de modo automático"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:553
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:562
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:572
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:581
msgid "Auto Blacklisted"
msgstr "Añadido automáticamente a la lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:553
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:562
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:581
msgid "User auto blacklisted for"
msgstr "Usuario añadido automáticamente a la lista negra por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:557
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:566
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:576
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:585
msgid "Auto Unsubscribed"
msgstr "Baja automática"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:557
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:566
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:585
msgid "User auto unsubscribed for"
msgstr "Usuario dado de baja automáticamente por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:572
msgid "email auto blacklisted for"
msgstr "e-mail añadido automáticamente a la lista negra por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:576
msgid "email auto unsubscribed for"
msgstr "e-mail dado de baja automáticamente por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:599
msgid "bounces processed by advanced processing"
msgstr "rebotes procesados por procesamiento avanzado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:600
msgid "bounces were not matched by advanced processing rules"
msgstr ""
"los rebotes no se correspondieron con las normas de procesamiento avanzado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:604
msgid "Identifying consecutive bounces"
msgstr "Identificando rebotes consecutivos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:618
msgid "Nothing to do"
msgstr "No hay nada para hacer"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:687
#, php-format
msgid ""
"User (url:%s) has consecutive bounces (%d) over threshold (%d), user marked "
msgstr ""
"El usuario (url:%s) tiene (%d) rebotes consecutivos sobre un limite de (%d), "
"el usuario se ha marcado como No Confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:689
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber auto unconfirmed for %d consecutive bounces"
msgstr "Suscriptor sin confirmar de modo automático por %d rebotes consecutivos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:698
#, php-format
msgid "%d consecutive bounces, threshold reached, blacklisting subscriber"
msgstr ""
"%d rebotes consecutivos, límite alcanzado, suscriptor puesto en lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:699
#, php-format
msgid "%d consecutive bounces, threshold reached"
msgstr "%d rebotes consecutivos, límite alcanzado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:711
#, php-format
msgid "processed %d out of %d subscribers"
msgstr "se procesaron %d de %d suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:721
#, php-format
msgid "total of %d subscribers processed"
msgstr "%d suscriptores procesados en total"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:726
msgid "Report of advanced bounce processing:"
msgstr "Informe del procesamiento de rebotes avanzado:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:729
msgid ""
"Below are users who have been marked unconfirmed. The in () is the number of "
"consecutive bounces."
msgstr ""
"A continuación están los usuarios que han sido marcados como no confirmados ("
"el número de rebotes consecutivos se indica entre paréntesis):"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:733
msgid "Report:"
msgstr "Informe:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:8
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:8
#: public_html/lists/admin/massunconfirm.php:5
msgid "Sorry, this page can only be used by super admins"
msgstr "Lo siento, esta página sólo puede ser utilizada por super admins"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:52
msgid "Resending confirmation request to"
msgstr "Volver a enviar la solicitud de confirmación a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:95
msgid "user found"
msgstr "usuario encontrado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:112
msgid "no user found"
msgstr "no se encontr&oacute; ning&uacute;n usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:119
msgid "unable to find original email"
msgstr "no se pudo encontrar el correo original"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:145
msgid "Marking all subscribers confirmed"
msgstr "Todos los usuarios quedarán confirmados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:148
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "Marking all subscribers on list %s confirmed"
msgstr "Marcar a todos los suscriptos a la lista %s como confirmados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:153
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:159
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:166
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:172
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:181
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:192
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:202
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:212
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:224
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:236
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:243
msgid "subscribers apply"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:156
msgid "Creating UniqID for all subscribers who do not have one"
msgstr "Creando UniqID para todos los usuarios que no tienen ya una."

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:163
msgid "Marking all subscribers to receive HTML"
msgstr "Todos los suscriptos recibirán HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:169
msgid "Marking all subscribers to receive text"
msgstr "Marcando a todos los suscriptores para que reciban texto plano"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:175
msgid "Deleting subscribers who are not on any list"
msgstr "Eliminando a los suscriptores que no están en ninguna lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:186
msgid "Moving subscribers who are not on any list to"
msgstr "Moviendo a los suscriptores que no están en ninguna lista a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:196
msgid "Deleting subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Eliminando a los suscriptores con más de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:206
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blacklisting subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Eliminando a los suscriptores con más de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:218
msgid "Resending request for confirmation to subscribers who signed up after"
msgstr ""
"Re-enviando la solicitud de confirmación a los suscriptores que se "
"registraron después"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:218
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:230
msgid "and before"
msgstr "y antes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:230
msgid "Deleting unconfirmed subscribers who signed up after"
msgstr "Eliminando a los suscriptores sin confirmar que se registraron después"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:240
msgid "Trying to merge duplicates"
msgstr "Intentando fundir registros duplicados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:268
msgid "Don't know how to"
msgstr "No s&eacute; c&oacute;mo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:281
msgid "Trying to fix subscribers with an invalid email"
msgstr "Intentando arreglar a los suscriptores que tienen correos no válidos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:293
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:297
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:213
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:75
msgid "User"
msgstr "Usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:301
#, fuzzy
msgid "subscribers fixed"
msgstr "suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:301
msgid "subscribers could not be fixed"
msgstr "los suscriptores no pudieron ser arreglados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:305
#, fuzzy
msgid "Marking subscribers with an invalid email as unconfirmed"
msgstr ""
"Marcando como no confirmados a los usuarios que tienen correos no válidos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:316
msgid "subscribers updated"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:318
msgid "Cleaning some user tables of invalid entries"
msgstr "Limpiando algunas tablas de usuario de entradas no válidas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:323
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:330
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:337
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:344
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:351
msgid "entries apply"
msgstr "entradas corresponden"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:369
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:166
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:204
msgid "Delete will delete user and all listmemberships"
msgstr "\"Eliminar\" borrará al usuario y su pertenencia a la listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:396
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:266
msgid "subscribers"
msgstr "suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:397
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:72
msgid "found"
msgstr "encontrado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:397
msgid "in the database"
msgstr "en la base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:414
msgid "-All-"
msgstr "-Todo-"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:427
msgid "Mark all subscribers to receive HTML"
msgstr "Marcar a todos los suscritos para que reciban HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:428
msgid "Mark all subscribers to receive text"
msgstr "Marcar a todos los suscritos para que reciban texto plano"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:440
#, php-format
msgid "Mark all subscribers on list %s confirmed"
msgstr "Marcar a todos los suscritos de la lista %s como confirmados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:443
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:455
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:471
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:485
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:525
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Haga click aqu&iacute;"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:452
#, php-format
msgid "To move all subscribers who are not subscribed to any list to %s"
msgstr ""
"Para mover todas las cuentas de usuario que no están suscrita a ninguna "
"lista a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:462
#, fuzzy
msgid "To delete all subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Para eliminar a todos los usuarios con más de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:476
#, fuzzy
msgid "To blacklist all subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Para eliminar a todos los usuarios con más de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:487
msgid ""
"Note: this will use the total count of bounces on a subscriber, not "
"consecutive bounces"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:492
msgid "Delete subscribers who have an invalid email address"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:519
msgid ""
"To delete subscribers who signed up and have not confirmed their subscription"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:520
msgid "Date they signed up after"
msgstr "Fecha de inscripción posterior a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:521
msgid "Date they signed up before"
msgstr "Fecha de inscripci&oacute;n antes de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:64
msgid "No such template"
msgstr "No existe esa plantilla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:76
msgid "Images stored"
msgstr "Im&aacute;genes almacenadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:78
msgid "No images found"
msgstr "No se encontraron im&aacute;genes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:81
msgid "Template saved and ready for use in campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:98
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:105
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Im&aacute;gen"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:98
msgid "\"not full URL"
msgstr "\"URL incompleta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:105
msgid "does not exist"
msgstr "no existe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:116
msgid "Not a full URL"
msgstr "URL incompleta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:122
msgid "No Title"
msgstr "No tiene nombre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:123
msgid "Template does not contain the [CONTENT] placeholder"
msgstr "La plantilla no contiene el marcador de posición [CONTENT]"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:141
msgid "Template saved"
msgstr "La plantilla fue salvada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:160
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Im&aacute;genes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:160
msgid ""
"Below is the list of images used in your template. If an image is currently "
"unavailable, please upload it to the database."
msgstr ""
"M&aacute;s abajo est&aacute; la lista de las im&aacute;genes que usa en su "
"plantilla. Si alguna de estas im&aacute;genes no est&aacute; disponible, "
"carguela a la base de datos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:161
msgid ""
"This includes all images, also fully referenced ones, so you may choose not "
"to upload some. If you upload images, they will be included in the campaigns "
"that use this template."
msgstr ""
"Esto incluye todas las imágenes, incluso las totalmente refereridas, por lo "
"que puede elegir no subir algunas. Si sube imágenes, serán incluidas en las "
"campañas que usen esta plantilla."

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:172
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:176
msgid "Image name:"
msgstr "Nombre de la imagen:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:172
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:176
#, php-format
msgid "%d times used"
msgstr "%d veces usada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:182
msgid "Save Images"
msgstr "Salvar im&aacute;genes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:186
msgid "Template was successfully saved"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:195
msgid "Some errors were found, template NOT saved!"
msgstr "Se han encontrado errores. La plantilla no ha sido guardada."

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:204
msgid "Sending test"
msgstr "Enviando prueba"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:210
msgid "Sending test \"Request for confirmation\" to"
msgstr "Enviando prueba de \"Solicitud de confirmación\" a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:212
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:219
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:226
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:27
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:31
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:214
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:221
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:228
msgid "FAILED"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:217
msgid "Sending test \"Welcome\" to"
msgstr "Enviando prueba de \"Bienvenida\" a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:224
msgid "Sending test \"Unsubscribe confirmation\" to"
msgstr "Enviando prueba de \"Confirmación de baja\" a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:232
msgid "Error sending test messages to"
msgstr "Error al enviar los mensajes de prueba a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:266
msgid "List of Templates"
msgstr "Lista de plantillas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:274
msgid "Title of this template"
msgstr "Nombre de esta plantilla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:278
msgid "Content of the template."
msgstr "Contenido de la plantilla."

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:278
msgid "The content should at least have <b>[CONTENT]</b> somewhere."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:278
msgid "You can upload a template file or paste the text in the box below"
msgstr ""
"Puede subir un fichero de plantilla o pegar el texto en la caja de abajo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:281
msgid "Template file."
msgstr "Fichero de plantilla."

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:304
msgid "Check that all links have a full URL"
msgstr "Comprobar que todos los enlaces tienen una URL completa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:308
msgid "Check that all images have a full URL"
msgstr "Comprobar que todas las im&aacute;genes tienen una URL completa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:314
msgid "Check that all external images exist"
msgstr "Comprobar que todas la im&aacute;genes externas existen"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:319
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:5
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:110
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:298
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:440
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:469
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:384
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:410
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:49
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:258
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:112
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:359
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Guardar cambios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:328
msgid "Send test message"
msgstr "Enviar mensaje de prueba"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:328
msgid "to email addresses"
msgstr "a las direcciones de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:329
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:942
msgid "(comma separate addresses - all must be existing subscribers)"
msgstr ""
"(direcciones separadas por coma - todos deben ser suscriptos existentes)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:330
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:941
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1224
msgid "Send Test"
msgstr "Enviar Prueba"

#: public_html/lists/admin/pageaction.php:15
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:213
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:227
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:237
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:27
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:31
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Fallado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:7
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:146
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:33 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:64
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:260
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:29 public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:117
msgid "Deleting"
msgstr "Eliminando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:21
msgid "No template have been defined"
msgstr "No se ha definido ninguna plantilla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:26
msgid "Existing templates"
msgstr "Plantillas existentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:33
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:205
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:39
msgid "Campaign Default"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:41
msgid "System"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:49
msgid "Add new Template"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir plantilla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:53
msgid "Add default system template"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:12
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:43
msgid "Name cannot be empty:"
msgstr "El nombre no puede estar en blanco:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:14
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:81
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:45
msgid "Name is not unique enough"
msgstr "Este nombre ya est&aacute; en uso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:74
msgid "Existing attributes:"
msgstr "Atributos existentes:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:76
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:328
msgid "No Attributes have been defined yet"
msgstr "Aun no se ha definido ning&uacute;n atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:84
msgid "Attribute:"
msgstr "Atributo:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:84
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:323
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:378
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:402
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:85
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:96
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nombre:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:86
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:97
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:346
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:396
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:294
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:87
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:105
msgid "Default Value:"
msgstr "Valor por defecto:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:88
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:106
msgid "Order of Listing:"
msgstr "Orden de listado:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:89
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:107
msgid "Is this attribute required?:"
msgstr "¿Este atributo es obligatorio?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:94
msgid "Add a new Attribute:"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir nuevo atributo:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:16
msgid "The settings have been reset to the phpList default"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:25
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:10
msgid "invalid request"
msgstr "Solicitud no válida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:34
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset the configuration to the default?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:36
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset to default"
msgstr "Volver a la configuraci&oacute;n por defecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:39
msgid ""
"You can edit all of the values in this page, and click the \"save changes\" "
"button once to save all the changes you made."
msgstr ""
"Usted puede editar todos los valores de esta página y pulsar el botón \""
"guardar cambios\" una sola vez, para guardar todos los cambios que haya "

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:84
msgid "cannot be empty"
msgstr "no puede estar en blanco"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:91
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:248
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:107
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:94
msgid "Changes saved"
msgstr "Cambios salvados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:94
msgid "Changes not saved"
msgstr "Cambios no salvados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:114
msgid "settings"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:127
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:61
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:374
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:18
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:182 public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:199
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "S&iacute;"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:129
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:68
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:374
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:19
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:182 public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:200
msgid "No"
msgstr "N&#186;"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:139
msgid "edit this value"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:139
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:66 public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:67
msgid "edit"
msgstr "editar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:5
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:29 public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:35
msgid "No Access"
msgstr "Sin acceso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:13
msgid "Remote queue processing settings were saved successfully"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:16
msgid "Error, the API key is incorrect"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:23
msgid "Process the queue using the service from phpList.com"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:24
msgid ""
"This is only possible if your phpList installation is not behind a firewall"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:33
msgid "API key from phpList.com"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:34
msgid "Continue setup"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:23
#: public_html/lists/admin/massunconfirm.php:21
msgid "Blacklisted by"
msgstr "En la lista negra por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:38
#, php-format
msgid ""
"All done, %d emails processed<br/>%d emails blacklisted<br/>%d emails "
"deleted<br/>%d emails not found"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:39
msgid "Remove more"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:45
msgid "Mass remove email addresses"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:47
msgid "Check to also add the emails to the blacklist"
msgstr "Marcar para añadir también los correos a la lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:48
msgid "Paste the emails to remove in this box, and click continue"
msgstr "Pegue en esta caja los correos a eliminar, y haga click en continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:95
msgid ""
"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"
"    This is a notification of a possible spam attack to your phplist "
"subscribe page.\n"
"    The data submitted has been copied below, so you can check whether this "
"was actually the case.\n"
"    The submitted data has been converted into non-html characters, for "
"security reasons.\n"
"    If you want to stop receiving this message, set \n"
"    \n"
"     define(\"NOTIFY_SPAM\",0);  \n"
"     \n"
"     in your phplist config file.  \n"
"     \n"
"     This subscriber has NOT been added to the database. \n"
"     If there is an error, you will need to  add them manually.\n"
"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:115
msgid "phplist Spam blocked"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:323
msgid "Email is blacklisted, so request for confirmation has been sent."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:324
msgid "If user confirms subscription, they will be removed from the blacklist."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:8
msgid "Choose a message"
msgstr "Elija un mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:116
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:136
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:145
msgid "message"
msgstr "mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:12
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:47
msgid "subject"
msgstr "asunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Listing %s to %s"
msgstr "Listando del %s al %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:29
msgid " Total"
msgstr "Total"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:68
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:20
msgid "email"
msgstr "correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:49
msgid "Add a user"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir un usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:50
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:158
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:89
msgid "Add"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:56
msgid "Members of"
msgstr "Miembros de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:58
msgid "edit list details"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:59
msgid "Download subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:60
msgid "Import Subscribers to this list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:87
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:128
msgid "subscribers were moved to"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:96
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:136
msgid "subscribers were copied to"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:105
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:140
msgid "subscribers were deleted from this list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:149
msgid ""
"The \"list of all subscribers\" is not a real list, but it gives you access "
"to all subscribers in your system. There may be more subscribers in your "
"system than are members of your lists."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:156
msgid "Users found, click add to add this user"
msgstr ""
"Se han encontrado  usuarios. Haga click para a&ntilde;adir a este usuario."

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:163
msgid "No user found with that email"
msgstr "No se ha encontrado ningún usuario con ese correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:180
msgid "add user"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:190
msgid "Inserting user"
msgstr "Insertando usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:220
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:241
msgid "User added"
msgstr "Se a&ntilde;adi&oacute; al usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:226
#, php-format
msgid "Removing %d from this list "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:259
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "Listing subscriber %d to %d"
msgstr "Listando suscriptores del %d al %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:262
msgid "Listing subscriber 1 to 50"
msgstr "Mostrando suscritos 1 a 50"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:292
#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:27
msgid "confirmed"
msgstr "confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:293
#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:40
msgid "unconfirmed"
msgstr "sin confirmar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:304
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "%d subscribers"
msgstr "%d suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:310
msgid "Tag all users in this page"
msgstr "Seleccionar a todos los usuarios  enumerados en esta p&aacute;gina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:315
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:200 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:267
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Miembros"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:329
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:99
msgid "tag"
msgstr "seleccionar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:374
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Acciones"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:376
msgid "What to do with \"Tagged\" users"
msgstr "¿Qué hacer con los usuarios \"etiquetados\"?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:377
msgid ""
"This will only process the users in this page that have the \"Tag\" checkbox "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:378
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:402
msgid "from this list"
msgstr "de esta lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:388
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:405
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:388
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:392
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:405
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:409
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:426
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:428
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1031
msgid "to"
msgstr "a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:392
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:409
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copiar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:396
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:413
msgid "Nothing"
msgstr "Nada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:398
msgid "What to do with all subscribers"
msgstr "Qué hacer con todos los suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:399
msgid ""
"This will process all subscribers on this list, confirmed and unconfirmed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:415
msgid "do it"
msgstr "ejecutar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:41
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Eliminado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:45
msgid "subscribe pages"
msgstr "P&aacute;ginas de inscripci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:51
msgid "title"
msgstr "t&iacute;tulo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:53
msgid "owner"
msgstr "due&ntilde;o"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:59
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:186
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:175
msgid "default"
msgstr "por defecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:64 public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:65
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:83
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:61
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:66
msgid "active"
msgstr "activas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:65
msgid "not active"
msgstr "no activa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:70 public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:71
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:65
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:85
msgid "view"
msgstr "ver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:74
msgid "Add a new subscribe page"
msgstr "Añadir una nueva página de suscripción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:5
msgid "default login is"
msgstr "La conexi&oacute;n por defecto es"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:5
msgid "with password"
msgstr "con contrase&ntilde;a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:33
msgid "In order to login, you need to enable cookies in your browser"
msgstr ""
"Para poder iniciar sesión, necesita habilitar las cookies en su navegador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:41
msgid "Forgot password"
msgstr "Contraseña olvidada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:42
msgid "Enter your email address"
msgstr "Escriba su dirección de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:43
msgid "Send password"
msgstr "Enviar contraseña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:71
msgid "Your password was changed succesfully"
msgstr "Su contraseña ha sido cambiada correctamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:77
msgid "The passwords you entered are not the same."
msgstr "Las contraseñas que ha escrito no son iguales."

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:89
msgid "You have requested a password update"
msgstr "Ha solicitado un cambio de contraseña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:98
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Confirmar contraseña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:105
msgid ""
"Unknown token or time expired (More than 24 hrs. passed since the "
"notification email was sent)"
msgstr ""
"Solicitud desconocida o plazo expirado (transcurridas más de 24 horas desde "
"que se envió el correo de notificación)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:116
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:344
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:394
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:293
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:65 public_html/databasestructure.php:2
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:32 public_html/databasestructure.php:141
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:118
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:214
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:179 public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:187
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:23 public_html/databasestructure.php:136
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contrase&ntilde;a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:6
msgid "phplist test suite"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:39
msgid "Test passed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:41
msgid "Test failed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:46
msgid "Tests available"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:51
msgid "Purpose"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:10
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:298
msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Ordenar por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:11
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:13
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:15
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:17
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:12
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:14
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:16
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:18
msgid "Descending"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:13
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:14
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:351
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:66
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:79
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:95
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:117
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:126 public_html/databasestructure.php:17
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:34 public_html/databasestructure.php:44
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:54 public_html/databasestructure.php:83
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:98
msgid "Entered"
msgstr "Creado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:15
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:16
msgid "Embargo"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:17
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:18
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:362
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:67
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:80
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:96
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:127
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Enviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:84
msgid "draft"
msgstr "borrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:87
msgid "static"
msgstr "est&aacute;tico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:130
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:301
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:365
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:97
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Ir               "

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:130
msgid "Clear"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:151
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:186
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:200
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:493
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:344
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:94
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:137
msgid "failed"
msgstr "falló"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:161
msgid "Requeuing"
msgstr "Volviendo a poner en cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:178
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1176
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:48
msgid ""
"This campaign is scheduled to stop sending in the past. No mails will be "
msgstr ""
"Esta campaña ha sido programada para detener su envío en una fecha ya "
"pasada. No se enviará ningún correo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:179
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:372
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1171
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1176
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:49
msgid "Review Scheduling"
msgstr "Revisar la programación del envío"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:194
msgid "Suspending"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:207
msgid "Marking as sent "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:221
msgid "Suspending all"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:231
msgid "Marking all as sent "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:320
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:323
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:119
msgid "Campaigns"
msgstr "Mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:364
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:40
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:207 public_html/databasestructure.php:61
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:377
msgid "Viewed"
msgstr "Visto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:378
msgid "Unique Views"
msgstr "Vistas &uacute;nicas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:381
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:125
msgid "Clicks"
msgstr "Clicks"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:399
msgid "Time to send"
msgstr "Hora a la que hay que enviarlo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:421
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:130
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:131
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:136
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:138
msgid "total"
msgstr "total"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:421
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:788
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:151
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:83
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:170
msgid "text"
msgstr "texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:421
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:785
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:83
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:169
msgid "html"
msgstr "html"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:429
msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:430
msgid "both"
msgstr "ambos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:444
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:446
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:68
msgid "Requeue"
msgstr "Volver a añadir a la cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:450
msgid "Mark&nbsp;sent"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:450
msgid "Mark sent"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:451
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:462
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:456
#, fuzzy
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?"
msgstr "¿Seguro que desea eliminar esta lista?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:458
msgid "delete this campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:464
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:467
#, fuzzy
msgid "statistics"
msgstr "Estadísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:467
#: public_html/lists/admin/subscriberstats.php:6
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Estadísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:470
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:35
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:144
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:120
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Acci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:479
msgid "Suspend All"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:480
msgid "Mark All Sent"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:10
msgid "No such attribute:"
msgstr "No existe este atributo:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:31
msgid "This datatype does not have editable values"
msgstr "Este tipo de datos no tiene valores editables"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:41
msgid "Back to attributes"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:43
msgid "add new"
msgstr "añadir nuevo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:46
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all values?"
msgstr "¿Seguro que desea eliminar todos los valores?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:48
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:92
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:98
msgid "Delete all"
msgstr "Eliminar todos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:89
msgid "Alternatively you can replace all values with another one:"
msgstr "También puede reemplazar todos los valores con otro:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:90
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr "Reemplazar con"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:98
msgid "Delete and replace"
msgstr "Eliminar y reemplazar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:126
msgid "Cannot delete"
msgstr "No se puede eliminar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:128
msgid ""
"The following subscriber(s) are dependent on this value<br />Update the "
"subscriber profiles to not use this attribute value and try again"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:133
msgid "* Too many to list, total dependencies:"
msgstr "* Dependencias totales -demasiadas para mostrar-:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:158
msgid "* Too many errors, quitting"
msgstr "* Demasiados errores, abandonando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:170
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:172
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:170
msgid "one per line"
msgstr "uno por línea"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:180
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:189
msgid "Change order"
msgstr "Cambiar orden"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:37
msgid "Converting to UTF-8 requires sufficient diskspace on your system."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:38
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The maximum table size in your system is %s and space available on the root "
"filesystem is %s, which means %s is required."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:39
msgid ""
"This is not a problem if your Database server is on a different filesystem. "
"Click the button to continue."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:41
msgid "Otherwise, free up some diskspace and try again"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:42
msgid "Confirm UTF8 conversion"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:48
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:54
msgid "Converting DB to use UTF-8, please wait"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:76
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:435
msgid "Upgrading the database to use UTF-8, please wait"
msgstr "Actualizando la base de datos para utilizar UTF-8, por favor espere"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:79
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:81
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:438
msgid "Upgrading table "
msgstr "Actualización de la tabla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:87
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:89
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:444
msgid "Upgrading column "
msgstr "Actualización de la columna"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:93
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:448
msgid "upgrade to UTF-8, done"
msgstr "actualización a UTF-8, hecho"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:96
msgid "Unable to determine the name of the database to convert"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:99
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:100
msgid "The DB was already converted to UTF-8 on"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:103
msgid "All Done"
msgstr "Todo listo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:112
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:548
msgid "Access Denied"
msgstr "Acceso denegado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:119
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1207
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1212
msgid "Send Campaign"
msgstr "Enviar campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:147
msgid ""
"You should not paste the results of a test message back into the editor<br/"
">This will break the click-track statistics, and overload the server."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:190
msgid ""
"Warning: You indicated the content was not HTML, but there were  some HTML  "
"tags in it. This  may  cause  errors"
msgstr ""
"Advertencia: Ha indicado que el contenido no era HTML, pero se han detectado "
"algunas etiquetas HTML en el mismo. Esto puede causar errores."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:245
msgid ""
"You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP_Request or CURL is not "
"available, so this will fail"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:285
msgid "Mime Type is longer than 255 characters, this is trouble"
msgstr "Mime Type es mayor a 255 caracteres, puede causar problemas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:320
#, php-format
msgid "Attachment %d succesfully added"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:322
#, php-format
msgid "Adding attachment %d failed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:325
msgid "Uploaded file not properly received, empty file"
msgstr "El archivo no ha subido correctamente, está vacio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:336
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adding attachment"
msgstr "agregando adjunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:349
msgid "Campaign saved as draft"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:355
msgid "Campaign added"
msgstr "Campaña agregada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:371
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1171
msgid ""
"This campaign is scheduled to stop sending before the embargo time. No mails "
"will be sent."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:375
msgid "Campaign queued"
msgstr "Campaña añadida a la cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:392
msgid "Sorry, you used invalid characters in the Subject field."
msgstr "Lo siento, ha utilizado caracteres inválidos en el campo Asunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:394
msgid "Sorry, you used invalid characters in the From field."
msgstr "Lo siento, ha utilizado caracteres inválidos en el campo De"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:396
msgid "Please enter a from line."
msgstr "Por favor ingrese una dirección de remitente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:398
msgid "Please enter a message"
msgstr "Por favor ingrese un mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:400
msgid "Please enter a subject"
msgstr "Por favor ingrese un asunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:402
msgid "Error: you can use an attribute in one rule only"
msgstr "Error: solo puede utilizar un atributo en una regla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:404
msgid "Please select the list(s) to send the campaign to"
msgstr "Seleccione las listas a las que enviar la campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:437
#, php-format
msgid "You can send a test mail once every %d seconds"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:440
msgid "Sending test mails is currently not available"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:445
msgid "No target email addresses listed for testing."
msgstr "No se han indicado correos a los que enviar las pruebas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:462
#, php-format
msgid "There is a maximum of %d test emails allowed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:491
msgid "Sent test mail to"
msgstr "Enviar correo de prueba a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:495
msgid "success"
msgstr "éxito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:500
msgid "Email address not found to send test message."
msgstr ""
"No se ha encontrado la dirección de correo a la que enviar el mensaje de "

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:501
msgid "add"
msgstr "agregar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:524
msgid "Removed Attachment "
msgstr "Eliminado adjunto "

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:546
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:575
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:679
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Contenido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:549
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:553
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Reenviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:556
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formato"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:559
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Adjunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:562
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Agenda"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:568
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:150 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:167
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:559
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:596
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Finalizar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:627
msgid "What is prepare a message"
msgstr "Que es preparar un mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:671
msgid "From Line"
msgstr "Remitente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:680
msgid "Send a Webpage"
msgstr "Enviar pagina web"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:681
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:827
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:828
msgid "Compose Message"
msgstr "Componer Mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:692
msgid "Send a Webpage - URL"
msgstr "Enviar pagina web - URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:711
#, php-format
msgid "phpList operates in the time zone \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:714
msgid "Dates and times are relative to the Server Time"
msgstr "Fechas y horarios son relativos al horario del servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:714
msgid "Current Server Time is"
msgstr "El horario actual del servidor es"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:717
msgid "Embargoed Until"
msgstr "Retenido hasta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:719
msgid "Stop sending after"
msgstr "Detener el envío luego de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:729
msgid "Repeat campaign every"
msgstr "Repetir campaña cada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:733
msgid "no repetition"
msgstr "sin repetir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:736
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:765
msgid "hour"
msgstr "hora"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:739
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:768
msgid "day"
msgstr "día"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:742
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:771
msgid "week"
msgstr "semana"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:745
msgid "fortnight"
msgstr "quincenalmente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:749
msgid "four weeks"
msgstr "cuatro semanas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:751
msgid "Repeat Until"
msgstr "repetir hasta que"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:758
msgid "Requeue every"
msgstr "Volver a añadir a la cola cada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:762
msgid "do not requeue"
msgstr "no volver a añadir a la cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:774
msgid "Requeue Until"
msgstr "Volver a añadir a la cola hasta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:784
msgid "Send as"
msgstr "Enviar como"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:814
msgid "Use Template"
msgstr "Usar Plantilla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:815
msgid "select one"
msgstr "seleccionar una"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:854
msgid "Plain text version of message"
msgstr "Version en texto plano del mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:855
msgid "generate from HTML"
msgstr "generar desde el HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:861
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:191
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Pie"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:863
msgid "forwardfooter"
msgstr "reenviar pie"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:870
msgid "Add attachments to your campaign"
msgstr "Agregar adjunto a la campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:872
msgid "The upload has the following limits set by the server"
msgstr "La subida tiene los siguientes limites definidos por el servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:873
msgid "Maximum size of total data being sent to the server"
msgstr "El tamaño máximo total de los datos a enviar al servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:874
msgid "Maximum size of each individual file"
msgstr "El tamaño máximo de cada archivo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:884
msgid "Current Attachments"
msgstr "Adjuntos Actuales"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:888
msgid "filename"
msgstr "Nombre del archivo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:889
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:299
msgid "desc"
msgstr "descripción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:890
msgid "size"
msgstr "tamaño"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:894
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:896
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:91
msgid "file"
msgstr "archivo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:900
msgid "Delete checked"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:904
msgid ""
"The total size of attachments is very large. Sending this campaign may fail "
"due to resource limits."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:908
msgid "New Attachment"
msgstr "Nuevo Adjunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:908
msgid "Add (and save)"
msgstr "Agregar (y guardar)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:910
msgid "or"
msgstr "o"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:910
msgid "Path to file on server"
msgstr "Ubicación del archivo en el servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:913
msgid "Description of attachment"
msgstr "Descripción del adjunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:941
msgid " to email address(es)"
msgstr " a las direcciones de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:955
msgid "email to alert when sending of this message starts"
msgstr "Correo al que notificar el inicio del envío de este mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:956
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:958
msgid "separate multiple with a comma"
msgstr "Si son varios sep&aacute;relos con comas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:957
msgid "email to alert when sending of this message has finished"
msgstr "Correo al que notificar el final del envío de este mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:964
msgid "add Google Analytics tracking code"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:972
msgid "Reset click statistics"
msgstr "Resetear estadísticas de clicks"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:979
msgid "This is a test campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:986
msgid "Estimated size of HTML email"
msgstr "Tamaño estimado del correo HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:989
msgid "Estimated size of text email"
msgstr "Tamaño estimado del correo de texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1031
msgid "Estimated size of mailout"
msgstr "Tamaño estimado de envío"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1034
#, php-format
msgid ""
"About %d users to receive HTML and %s users to receive text version of email"
msgstr ""
"Alrededor de %d usuarios recibirán HTML y %s recibirán la version de texto "
"del correo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1141
msgid "subject missing"
msgstr "Falta el asunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1150
msgid "message content missing"
msgstr "Falta el contenido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1157
msgid "From missing"
msgstr "Falta el remitente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1183
msgid "destination lists missing"
msgstr "Falta lista de destino"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1189
msgid "Content contains click track links."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1211
msgid ""
"Some required information is missing. The send button will be enabled when "
"this is resolved."
msgstr ""
"Falta información requerida. El botón de envío será activado cuando se "
"resuelva este problema."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1217
msgid "Save as draft"
msgstr "Guardar como borrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1219
msgid "Save and continue editing"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:6
#, fuzzy
msgid "Existing subscribers"
msgstr "suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:7
#, fuzzy
msgid "Non existing subscribers "
msgstr "suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:21
msgid "key"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:38
msgid "What is the type of information you want to check"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:39
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:358
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:27 public_html/databasestructure.php:28
msgid "Foreign Key"
msgstr "Clave Externa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:40
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:355
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:12 public_html/databasestructure.php:85
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:87 public_html/databasestructure.php:132
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:41
msgid "Paste the values to check in this box, one per line"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:6
msgid "Please select a message to display"
msgstr "Escoja el mensaje que hay que mostrar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:43
msgid "campaign requeued"
msgstr "campaña añadida de nuevo a la cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:71
msgid "No such message"
msgstr "No existe tal mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:80
msgid "Edit this message"
msgstr "Editar este mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:86
msgid ""
"Editing an active or finished campaign will place it back in the draft "
"queue, continue?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:88
msgid "Edit campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:116
msgid "Attachments for this message"
msgstr "Archivos adjuntos para este mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:121
msgid "No attachments"
msgstr "No hay adjuntos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:123
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:111
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Nombre del archivo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:124
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:125
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:110
msgid "Mime Type"
msgstr "MIME Type"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:126
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:33 public_html/databasestructure.php:94
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:131
msgid ""
"This campaign has been sent to subscribers, who are member of the following "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:136
msgid "None yet"
msgstr "Ninguna todavía"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:143
msgid "Except when they were also member of these lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:155
msgid "Send this (same) message to (a) new list(s)"
msgstr "Enviar este (mismo) mensaje a nuevas listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:180
msgid ""
"<b>Note:</b> this message has already been sent to all lists. To resend it "
"to new users use the \"Requeue\" function."
msgstr ""
"<b>Nota:</b> este mensaje ya ha sido enviado a todas las listas. Para "
"volverlo a enviar a los nuevos usuarios, use la función \"Volver a añadir a "
"la cola\"."

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:182
msgid "Resend"
msgstr "Reenviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:47
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1233
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "Desconocido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:61
#, php-format
msgid "%s left until embargo"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:96
msgid "limit reached"
msgstr "límite alcanzado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:102
#, php-format
msgid "next batch of %s in %s"
msgstr "próximo lote de %s en %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:106
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:108
msgid "Send the queue"
msgstr "Enviar la cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:110
msgid "Check status"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:7
msgid "Deleting subscribers with an invalid email"
msgstr "Eliminando suscriptores con correo no válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:19
msgid "subscribers deleted"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:26
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Editando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:72
msgid "Don't know how to handle type "
msgstr "No sé cómo manejar este tipo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:74
msgid "save changes"
msgstr "Salvar cambios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:9
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:163
msgid "Reading emails from file ... "
msgstr "Leyendo correos del archivo ... "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:29
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:201
#, php-format
msgid "ok, %d lines"
msgstr "ok, %d líneas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:98
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:501
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:122
msgid "Record has no email"
msgstr "El registro no tiene correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:101
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:504
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:123
msgid "Invalid Email"
msgstr "Correo no válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:149
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:550
#, fuzzy
msgid "clear value"
msgstr "limpiar valor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:159
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:560
msgid "New Attribute"
msgstr "Nuevo Atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:163
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:563
msgid "Skip value"
msgstr "Omitir valor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:218
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:228
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:229
msgid "duplicate"
msgstr "duplicado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:228
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:263
msgid "Duplicate Email"
msgstr "Correo Duplicado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:228
msgid " user imported as "
msgstr "usuario importado como"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:468
msgid ""
"All the emails already exist in the database and are member of the lists"
msgstr ""
"Todos los correos existen ya en la base de datos y son miembros de las listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:470
#, php-format
#, php-format,
msgid "%s emails succesfully imported to the database and added to %d lists."
msgstr ""
"%s correos importados correctamente a la base de datos y añadidos a %d "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:471
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails subscribed to the lists"
msgstr "%d correos suscritos a las listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:473
#, php-format
#, php-format,
msgid "%s emails already existed in the database"
msgstr "%s correos ya estaban en la base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:477
#, php-format
#, php-format,
msgid "%d Invalid Emails found."
msgstr "%d correos no válidos encontrados."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:479
msgid "These records were added, but the email has been made up from "
msgstr "Estos registros fueron añadidos, pero el correo fue hecho desde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:481
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:487
msgid ""
"These records were deleted. Check your source and reimport the data. "
"Duplicates will be identified."
msgstr ""
"Se eliminaron estos registros. Compruebe el origen e importe los datos de "
"nuevo. Se identificar&aacute;n los registros duplicados."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:485
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "%d duplicate emails found."
msgstr "se encontraron %d correos duplicados."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:488
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber data was updated for %d subscribers"
msgstr "Los datos de suscripción fueron actualizados para %d suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:491
#, php-format
msgid "%s emails were on the blacklist and have not been added to the lists"
msgstr "%s correos estaban en la lista negra y no se han añadido a las listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:493
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "%d subscribers were matched by foreign key, %d by email"
msgstr "%d suscriptores coincidieron con la clave externa, %d con el correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:497
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:104
msgid "phplist Import Results"
msgstr "Resultados de Importación de phplist"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:508
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:222
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:584
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:493
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:100
msgid "Import some more emails"
msgstr "Importar algunos correos más"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/viewtemplate.php:4
#: public_html/lists/admin/viewtemplate.php:22
msgid "Sample Newsletter Content"
msgstr "Contenido de ejemplo para el Boletín"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:7
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "Fichero no encontrado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:110
msgid "Import of existing subscriber"
msgstr "Importar suscrito existente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:135
msgid "Import of new subscriber"
msgstr "Importar usuario nuevo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:184
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:236
msgid "No data changed"
msgstr "No se cambi&oacute; ning&uacute;n dato de usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:192
msgid "List subscriptions:"
msgstr "Suscripciones a listas:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:194
msgid "Was subscribed to:"
msgstr "Estaba suscrito a:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:197
msgid "Is now subscribed to:"
msgstr "Ahora est&aacute; suscrito a:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:200
msgid "Not subscribed to any lists"
msgstr "No est&aacute; suscrito a ninguna lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:203
msgid "Import by "
msgstr "Importar por "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:210
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:473
msgid "new email was"
msgstr "el nuevo correo fue"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:210
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:473
msgid "new emails were"
msgstr "los nuevos correos fueron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:211
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:474
msgid "email was"
msgstr "el correo fue"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:211
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:474
msgid "emails were"
msgstr "los correos fueron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:214
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "%d emails already existed in the database"
msgstr "%d correos ya existían en la base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:217
msgid "All the emails already exist in the database."
msgstr "todos los correos existían ya en la base de datos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:219
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:479
msgid "succesfully imported to the database and added to"
msgstr "correctamente importado a la base de datos y añadido a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:219
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:479
msgid "subscribed to the"
msgstr "suscrito a la"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/user.php:17
#, php-format
msgid "Manually blacklisted by %s"
msgstr "Puesto en lista negra manualmente por %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/updatetranslation.php:12
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:17
msgid ""
"Unable to fetch list of languages, please check your network or try again "
msgstr ""
"No se ha podido obtener la lista de idiomas. Por favor, compruebe el estado "
"de su red o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/updatetranslation.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "updated %d language terms"
msgstr "%d términos de lenguaje actualizados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/updatetranslation.php:30
msgid "Network error updating language, please try again later"
msgstr ""
"Error de red actualizando el lenguaje, por favor intente de nuevo más tarde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:56
#, php-format
msgid "phpList Export on %s from %s to %s (%s).csv"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:58
#, php-format
msgid "phpList Export from %s to %s (%s).csv"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:139
msgid "List Membership"
msgstr "Miembros de la lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:187
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:285
msgid "All done"
msgstr "Todo listo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:15
msgid "Email address added"
msgstr "Direcciones de correo agregadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:21
msgid "Adding email address failed"
msgstr "Falla al agregar direcciones de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:41
msgid "Unable get lock for processing"
msgstr "No es posible obtener el bloqueo para el procesamiento"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:42
msgid "Error processing"
msgstr "Error procesando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:65
#, php-format
msgid "Giving a Unique ID to %d subscribers, this may take a while"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:91
msgid "The following restrictions have been set by your ISP:"
msgstr "Su ISP ha establecido las siguientes restricciones:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:152
msgid "Maximum time for queue processing"
msgstr "Tiempo máximo de procesamiento de la cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:174
msgid "Running in safe mode"
msgstr "Ejecutando en modo seguro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:215
msgid "Script stage"
msgstr "Estadio de script"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:220
msgid "Finished, Nothing to do"
msgstr "Acabado. No hay nada que hacer"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:228
msgid "Calculating"
msgstr "Calculando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:231
msgid "messages sent in"
msgstr "mensajes enviados en"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:232
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "segundos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:235
#, php-format
msgid "%d invalid email addresses"
msgstr "%d direcciones de correo no válidas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:238
#, php-format
msgid "%d failed (will retry later)"
msgstr "%d fallaron (se reintentará más tarde)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:245
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails unconfirmed (not sent)"
msgstr "%d correos sin confirmar (no se enviaron)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:257
msgid "Warning: script never reached stage 5"
msgstr "Atenci&oacute;n: el script no alcanz&oacute; el estadio 5"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:257
msgid "This may be caused by a too slow or too busy server"
msgstr ""
"Esto puede ser debido a que el servidor es demasiado lento o est&aacute; "
"demasiado ocupado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:263
msgid "Less than batch size were sent, so reloading imminently"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:268
#, php-format
msgid "Waiting for %d seconds before reloading"
msgstr "Esperando %d segundos antes de recargar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:282
msgid "Finished, All done"
msgstr "Acabado, todo hecho"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:288
msgid "Script finished, but not all messages have been sent yet."
msgstr "El script ha finalizado, pero aun no se han enviado todos los mensajes."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:310
msgid "Maillist errors"
msgstr "Errores de la lista de correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:312
msgid "Maillist Processing info"
msgstr "Información de Procesamiento de la lista de correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:315
msgid "Finished this run"
msgstr "Acabada esta pasada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:333
msgid "To stop receiving these reports read:"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:426
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:428
msgid "(test)"
msgstr "(prueba)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:426
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:428
msgid "Would have sent"
msgstr "Habr&iacute;a enviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:441
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Comenzado..."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:443
msgid "Time now "
msgstr "Hora actual"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:452
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:453
#, php-format
msgid "Processing blocked by plugin %s"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:463
msgid "Processing has been suspended by your ISP, please try again later"
msgstr ""
"Su ISP ha detenido la ejecuci&oacute;n, int&eacute;ntelo de nuevo m&aacute;s "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:469
msgid "In safe mode, batches are set to a maximum of 100"
msgstr "En modo seguro, los lotes tienen asignado un m&aacute;ximo de 100"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:473
#, php-format
msgid "Sending in batches of %d messages"
msgstr "enviando en lotes de %d mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:477
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This batch will be %d emails, because in the last %d seconds %d emails were "
msgstr ""
"Este lote será de %d correos, ya que en los últimos %d segundos %d correos "
"fueron enviados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:479
#, php-format
msgid "Sending in batches of %d emails"
msgstr "Enviando en lotes de %d correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:482
#, php-format
msgid ""
"In the last %d seconds more emails were sent (%d) than is currently allowed "
"per batch (%d)"
msgstr ""
"En los últimos %d segundos fueron enviados más correos (%d) de los "
"actualmente permitidos por lote (%d)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:494
msgid "Sent in last run"
msgstr "Enviados en la &uacute;ltima pasada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:495
msgid "Skipped in last run"
msgstr "Saltados en la &uacute;ltima pasada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:533
msgid "Processing has started,"
msgstr "Ha comenzado el procesamiento,"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:535
msgid "One campaign to process."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:537
#, php-format
msgid "%d campaigns to process."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:542
msgid "Please leave this window open."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:542
msgid "phpList will process your queue until all messages have been sent."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:542
msgid "This may take a while"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:544
msgid "Report of processing will be sent by email"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:595
#, php-format
msgid "sending of this campaign will stop, if it is still going in %s"
msgstr "el envío de esta campaña se detendrá, si está todavía en curso en %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:608
msgid "Error loading message, please check the eventlog for details"
msgstr ""
"error cargando mensaje, por favor compruebe el registro de eventos para "
"obtener más información "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:623
msgid "Campaign started"
msgstr "Campaña iniciada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:624
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "phplist has started sending the campaign with subject %s"
msgstr "phplist ha comenzado a enviar la campaña con el asunto %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:625
#, php-format
#, php-format,
msgid "to view the progress of this campaign, go to http://%s"
msgstr "para ver el progreso de esta campaña, vaya a http://%s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:632
msgid "Processing message"
msgstr "Procesando mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:655
msgid "Looking for users"
msgstr "Buscando usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:674
msgid "users apply for attributes, now checking lists"
msgstr "usuarios corresponden a los atributos. Comprobando listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:685
msgid "No users apply for attributes"
msgstr "Ning&uacute;n usuario corresponde a los atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:740
msgid "looking for users who can be excluded from this mailing"
msgstr "buscando usuarios que pueden ser excluidos de este envío"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:830
msgid ""
"Warning, finding the subscribers to send out to takes a long time, consider "
"changing to commandline sending"
msgstr ""
"Advertencia, la búsqueda de los suscriptores para envió toma mucho tiempo, "
"considere la posibilidad de cambiar a envió por línea de comandos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:834
msgid "Found them"
msgstr "Encontrados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:834
msgid "to process"
msgstr "para procesar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:868
msgid "No users to process for this batch"
msgstr "No hay usuarios que procesar en este lote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:872
msgid "Processing batch of "
msgstr "procesando lote de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:879
msgid "batch limit reached"
msgstr "procesando lote de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:899
msgid "queue processing time has exceeded max processing time "
msgstr ""
"el tiempo de proceso de la cola ha superado el tiempo máximo de proceso "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:904
msgid "Campaign sending timed out, is past date to process until"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:913
msgid "Message I was working on has disappeared"
msgstr "El mensaje en el que estaba trabajando ha desaparecido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:916
msgid "Sending of this message has been suspended"
msgstr "El envío de este mensaje fue suspendido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:996
#, php-format
msgid ""
"There have been more than 10 attempts to send to %s that have been blocked "
"for domain throttling."
msgstr ""
"M&aacute;s de 10 intentos de enviar mensajes a %s han sido bloqueados por "
"regulaci&oacute;n de tr&aacute;fico entre dominios."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:997
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:999
msgid "Introducing extra delay to decrease throttle failures"
msgstr ""
"Incrementando el tiempo de espera para reducir fracasos debidos a la "
"regulaci&oacute;n de tr&aacute;fico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1008
#, php-format
msgid "%s is currently over throttle limit of %d per %d seconds"
msgstr ""
"%s actualmente est&aacute; por encima del l&iacute;mite de regulaci&oacute;n "
"de tr&aacute;fico, establecido en %d por %d segundos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1031
msgid "Sending"
msgstr "Enviando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1043
#, php-format
msgid "Warning: a lot of errors while sending campaign %d"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1048
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1273
msgid "It took"
msgstr "Llev&oacute;"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1048
msgid "seconds to send"
msgstr "segundos enviarlo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1096
msgid "Failed sending to"
msgstr "Fracas&oacute; el env&iacute; a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1136
#, php-format
msgid "waiting for %.1f seconds to meet target of %s seconds per message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1147
msgid "not sending to "
msgstr "no se env&iacute;a a "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1166
msgid "Unconfirmed user"
msgstr "Usuario no confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1175
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1177
msgid "Invalid email address"
msgstr "Dirección de correo no válida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1185
msgid "Subscriber marked unconfirmed for invalid email address"
msgstr "Suscriptor marcado sin confirmar porque el correo no es válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1186
#, php-format
msgid "Marked unconfirmed while sending campaign %d"
msgstr "Marcado como sin confirmar durante el envío de la campaña %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1204
msgid "Not sending to"
msgstr "No se enviar&aacute; a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1204
msgid "already sent"
msgstr "ya se envi&oacute;"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1246
#, php-format
msgid "Processed %d out of %d subscribers"
msgstr "Se procesaron %d de %d suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1251
msgid "Hmmm, No users found to send to"
msgstr "Vaya vaya, no se encontraron usuarios a los que enviarlo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1259
msgid "Message campaign finished"
msgstr "Campaña finalizada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1260
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "phpList has finished sending the campaign with subject %s"
msgstr "phpList ha terminado de enviar la campaña con el asunto %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1261
#, php-format
msgid "to view the results of this campaign, go to http://%s"
msgstr "para ver los resultados de esta campaña, vaya a http://%s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1273
msgid "to send this message"
msgstr "segundos enviar este mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:21
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:23
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:28
msgid "Error fetching URL"
msgstr "error trayendo URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:21
msgid "Check your \"remoteurl_append\" setting."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:33
msgid "URL is valid"
msgstr "URL es válida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:35
msgid "Please verify that the URL entered is correct."
msgstr "Por favor, compruebe que la URL ingresada es correcta."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/upgrade.php:10
msgid "Top level domains were updated successfully"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/storemessage.php:20
msgid ""
"You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP_Request is not "
"available, so this will fail"
msgstr ""
"Esta intentando enviar una URL remota, pero PEAR:HTTP_Request no está "
"disponible, esto fallará."

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:14
msgid "Test email not set "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:24
msgid "Sending HTML version to "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:29
msgid "Sending Text version to "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:34
msgid ""
"Note: Links in emails will not work, because this is a test message, which "
"is deleted after sending"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:36
msgid "Check your INBOX to see if all worked ok"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/languages.php:604
msgid "over treshold, user marked unconfirmed"
msgstr "sobre el umbral, el usuario es marcado como no confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massunconfirm.php:25
#, php-format
msgid ""
"All done, %d emails processed, %d emails marked unconfirmed, %d emails "
msgstr ""
"Todo realizado: %d correos procesados, %d correos marcados como no "
"confirmados, %d correos añadidos a la lista negra.<br/>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massunconfirm.php:26
msgid "Add more"
msgstr "Añadir más"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massunconfirm.php:32
msgid "Manage suppression list"
msgstr "Gestionar lista de supresión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massunconfirm.php:33
msgid "Make suppression permanent"
msgstr "Hacer la supresión permanente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massunconfirm.php:34
msgid "Paste the emails to mark unconfirmed in this box, and click continue"
msgstr ""
"Pegue en esta caja los correos a marcar como no confirmados y pulse \""

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:46
msgid "Deleted all entries older than 2 months"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:51
msgid "Deleted all entries"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:62
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:108
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Eventos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:85
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all events older than 2 months?"
msgstr ""
"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar todos los rebotes que tengan más de 2 "
"meses de antigüedad?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:87
msgid "Delete all (&gt; 2 months old)"
msgstr "Eliminar todo (> 2 meses)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:90
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all events matching this filter?"
msgstr ""
"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar todos los eventos que coincidan con este "

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:96
msgid "No events available"
msgstr "No hay eventos disponibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:103
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:105
msgid "Exclude filter"
msgstr "Excluir filtro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:118
msgid "page"
msgstr "p&aacute;gina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initlanguages.php:23
msgid "Initialising language"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initlanguages.php:26
msgid "Up to date"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:46 public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:60
msgid "Categorise lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:189 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:196
#, fuzzy
msgid "All subscribers"
msgstr "%d suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:191 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:252
msgid "Confirmed members"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:191 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:252
msgid "Unconfirmed members"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:200 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:267
msgid "View Members"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:204
msgid "This is a system list. You cannot delete it."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:206 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:289
msgid "delete this list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:208
msgid "start a new campaign targetting all lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:209 public_html/lists/admin/list.php:292
msgid "Add Members"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:215
msgid ""
"You seem to have quite a lot of lists, do you want to organise them in "
"categories? "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:215
msgid "Great idea!"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:270
msgid "Public"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:283
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Orden"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:287
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this list?"
msgstr "¿Seguro que desea eliminar esta lista?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:291
msgid "Edit this list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:291
msgid "start a new campaign targetting this list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:301
msgid "No lists, use Add List to add one"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/viewtemplate.php:17
msgid "Back to edit template"
msgstr "Volver al editor de plantillas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/dbcheck.php:4
msgid "Database structure check"
msgstr "Comprobar la estructura de la base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/dbcheck.php:9
msgid "Database structure"
msgstr "Estructura de la base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:21
msgid ""
"You only have privileges to view this page, not change any of the information"
msgstr ""
"Usted sólo tiene privilegios para ver esta página, no para cambiar "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:32
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:57
msgid "Delete will remove subscriber from the list"
msgstr "Eliminar, borrará al suscriptor de la lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:34
msgid "Delete will remove subscriber from the system"
msgstr "Eliminar, borrará al suscriptor del sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:60
msgid "Error adding subscriber, please check that the subscriber exists"
msgstr ""
"Error agregando suscriptor, por favor, verifique que existe el suscriptor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:118
msgid "Uploaded avatar file too big"
msgstr "El fichero de foto subido es demasiado grande"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:176
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:186
msgid "Subscriber added to group"
msgstr "Suscriptor añadido al grupo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:207
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:214
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber removed from list %s"
msgstr "Suscriptor eliminado de la lista %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:220
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber added to list %s"
msgstr "Suscriptor añadido a la lista %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:231
msgid "(no data)"
msgstr "(sin datos)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:232
msgid "changed from"
msgstr "modificado desde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:240
#, php-format
#, php-format, php-format
msgid "Subscribed to %s"
msgstr "Suscrito a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:243
#, php-format
msgid "Unsubscribed from %s"
msgstr "Dado de baja de %s                "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:246
#, php-format
msgid "Update by %s"
msgstr "Actualizar por %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:279
msgid "Subscriber removed from group"
msgstr "Suscriptor eliminado del grupo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:293
msgid "No such subscriber"
msgstr "No existe el suscriptor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:306
msgid "No Lists"
msgstr "No hay listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:311
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historial"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:320
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this subscriber from the system."
msgstr "está seguro de querer eliminar a este suscriptor de la lista negra?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:321
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:322
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:51
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:52
#, fuzzy
msgid "remove subscriber"
msgstr "Eliminar suscrito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:336
msgid "Add a new subscriber"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo suscriptor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:339
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Dirección de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:377
msgid "Add to blacklist"
msgstr "Añadir a lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:379
msgid "Remove from blacklist"
msgstr "Eliminar de lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:444
msgid ""
"Subscriber is blacklisted. No emails will be sent to this email address."
msgstr ""
"El suscriptor esta en lista negra. Ningún mensaje se enviará a esta "
"dirección de correo electrónico."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:447
msgid "Mailinglist membership"
msgstr "Miembro de las lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:474
msgid "Group Membership"
msgstr "Miembro de los grupos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:477
msgid "Please select the groups this subscriber is a member of"
msgstr "Por favor, seleccione los grupos a los que pertenece este suscriptor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:552
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Salvar cambios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:558
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:47
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/user.php:572
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Grupos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:25
msgid "Email is a system attribute"
msgstr "El correo electrónico es un atributo del sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:73
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:110
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:119
#, php-format
msgid "Converting %s from %s to %s"
msgstr "Convirtiendo %s de %s a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:166
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:218
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:9
msgid "deleting"
msgstr "borrando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:173
msgid "Cannot delete attribute, it is being used by the following forms:"
msgstr ""
"No se puede eliminar el atributo, está siendo utilizado por los siguientes "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:184
msgid "cannot merge just one attribute"
msgstr "no puede combinar sólo un atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:188
#, php-format
msgid "Merging %s into %d"
msgstr "Mezclando %s en %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:192
msgid "Can only merge attributes of the same type"
msgstr "Sólo se pueden combinar atributos del mismo tipo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:289
msgid "Sorry, merging of checkbox groups is not implemented yet"
msgstr ""
"Lo siento, la unificación de grupos de checkbox no está implementada aún"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:316
msgid "Warning, changing types of attributes can take a long time"
msgstr "Advertencia, el cambio de tipos de atributos puede llevar mucho tiempo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:322
msgid "Load data from"
msgstr "Cargar los datos de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:322
msgid "predefined defaults"
msgstr "por defecto predefinidas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:326
msgid "Existing attributes"
msgstr "Atributos existentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:338
msgid "used in"
msgstr "utilizado en"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:338
msgid "forms"
msgstr "formularios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:341
msgid "Tag"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:358
msgid "authoritative list"
msgstr "lista oficial"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:370
msgid "edit values"
msgstr "editar valores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:374
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:403
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:295
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "Valor por defecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:376
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:405
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:296
msgid "Order of Listing"
msgstr "Orden de lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:378
msgid "Is this attribute required ?"
msgstr "¿Este atributo es obligatorio?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:388
msgid "Delete tagged attributes"
msgstr "Eliminar atributos marcados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:388
msgid "Merge tagged attributes"
msgstr "Combinar atributos marcados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:393
msgid "Add new Attribute"
msgstr "Añadir nuevo atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/attributes.php:407
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:297
msgid "Is this attribute required?"
msgstr "¿Atributo obligatorio?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:170
msgid "Your privileges for this page are insufficient"
msgstr "Sus privilegios para esta página son insuficientes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:173
msgid "Delete will delete user from the list"
msgstr "Eliminar, borrará al usuario de la lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:230
msgid "Sorry, only super users can delete users"
msgstr "Lo sentimos, sólo los superusuarios pueden eliminar usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:244
#, php-format
msgid "%s users in total"
msgstr "%s usuarios en total"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:245
msgid "Users marked <span class=\"highlight\">red</span> are unconfirmed"
msgstr ""
"Usuarios marcados en <span class=\"highlight\">rojo</span> están sin "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:273
msgid "Show only unconfirmed users"
msgstr "Mostrar sólo usuarios sin confirmar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:275
msgid "Show only blacklisted users"
msgstr "Mostrar sólo usuarios en la lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:300
msgid "asc"
msgstr "asc"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:319
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:323
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:144
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:148
#, php-format
msgid "Listing user %d to %d"
msgstr "Enumerando usuarios del %d al %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:332
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:116
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:119
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:346
msgid "Find a user"
msgstr "Buscar a un usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:365
msgid "reset"
msgstr "reiniciar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:373
msgid "Find subscribers"
msgstr "Buscar suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:378
msgid "Download all users as CSV file"
msgstr "Descargar todos los usuarios como fichero CSV"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:379
msgid "Add a User"
msgstr "Añadir un Usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:429
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:55
msgid "msgs"
msgstr "mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:449
msgid "no results"
msgstr "Ningún resultado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/users.php:449
msgid "No users apply"
msgstr "No se encontraron usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:24
#, php-format
#, php-format,
msgid ""
"The temporary directory for uploading (%s) is not writable, so import will "
msgstr ""
"El directorio temporal para las subidas de datos (%s) no tiene permisos de "
"escritura, por lo que la importación fallará."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:30
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The maximum POST size is smaller than the maximum upload filesize. If your "
"upload file is too large, import will fail. See the PHP documentation at <a "
msgstr ""
"El tamaño máximo de POST es menor que el tamaño máximo del archivo a cargar. "
"Si el archivo de carga es demasiado grande la importación fallará. Consulte "
"la documentación de PHP en <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:42
msgid "Import cleared"
msgstr "Importación despejada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:48
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset the import session?"
msgstr "Está seguro que desea reiniciar la sesión de importación?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:50
msgid "Reset Import session"
msgstr "Reiniciar la sesión de Importación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:65
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:43
msgid "File is either too large or does not exist."
msgstr "El fichero es demasiado grande o no existe."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:69
msgid "No file was specified. Maybe the file is too big? "
msgstr ""
"No se especificó ningún archivo. O el archivo especificado es demasiado "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:76
msgid ""
"Please upload a plain text file only. You cannot use a spreadsheet. You need "
"to export the data from the spreadsheet into a TAB delimited text file"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:85
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:47
msgid "File too big, please split it up into smaller ones"
msgstr "El fichero es demasiado grande. Divídalo en ficheros más pequeños."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:98
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:61
msgid "Please choose whether to sign up immediately or to send a notification"
msgstr ""
"Elija si se confirma la inscripción inmediatamente o se envía una "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:114
#, php-format
#, php-format,
msgid "Cannot read %s. file is not readable !"
msgstr "No se puede leer %s (el fichero no tiene permisos de lectura)."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:119
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:81
msgid ""
"Something went wrong while uploading the file. Empty file received. Maybe "
"the file is too big, or you have no permissions to read it."
msgstr ""
"Error al cargar el fichero. Se ha recibido un fichero vacío. Es posible que "
"el fichero sea demasiado grande o no tenga permisos de lectura."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:332
msgid "Create new one"
msgstr "Crear uno nuevo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:333
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:394
msgid "Skip Column"
msgstr "Saltar Columna"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:341
msgid "Import Attributes"
msgstr "Importar Atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:356
msgid "select"
msgstr "seleccionar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:361
msgid "Please identify the target of the following unknown columns"
msgstr ""
"Por favor identifique el objetivo de las siguientes columnas desconocidas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:379
msgid ""
"Cannot find column with email, you need to map at least one column to \"Email"
msgstr ""
"No se encontró la columna con el correo, necesita asignar por lo menos una "
"columna a \"Email\""

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:382
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumen"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:385
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:392
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:394
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:396
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:398
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:400
#, fuzzy
msgid "maps to"
msgstr "asignados a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:392
msgid "Create new Attribute"
msgstr "Crear Atributo nuevo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:400
msgid "none"
msgstr "ninguno"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:411
#, php-format
msgid "%d lines will be imported"
msgstr "%d líneas serán importadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:413
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:582
msgid "Confirm Import"
msgstr "Confirmar Importación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:414
msgid "Test Output"
msgstr "Probar resultado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:417
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:152
#, php-format
msgid "Importing %d subscribers to %d lists, please wait"
msgstr "Importando %d  suscriptores a  %d listas, por favor espere"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:582
#, php-format
msgid "Test output<br/>If the output looks ok, click %s to submit for real"
msgstr ""
"Prueba de salida.<br />Si el resultado parece ser correcto, pulse %s para "
"hacer el envío real."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:608
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:229
msgid "Adding users to list"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adiendo usuarios a la lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:610
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:625
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:183
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:224
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:142
msgid "Select the lists to add the emails to"
msgstr "Seleccione las listas a las que hay que añadir los correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:642
msgid "Select the groups to add the users to"
msgstr "Seleccione los grupos a los que añadir los usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:645
msgid "automatically added"
msgstr "automáticamente añadido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:670
msgid ""
"The file you upload will need to have the attributes of the records on    "
"the first line.     Make sure that the email column is called \"email\" and "
"not something like \"e-mail\" or     \"Email Address\".     Case is not "
"important.          If you have a column called \"Foreign Key\", this will "
"be used for synchronisation between an     external database and the phpList "
"database. The foreignkey will take precedence when matching     an existing "
"subscriber. This will slow down the import process. If you use this, it is "
"allowed to have     records without email, but an \"Invalid Email\" will be "
"created instead. You can then do     a search on \"invalid email\" to find "
"those records. Maximum size of a foreign key is 100.          Warning: the "
"file needs to be plain text. Do not upload binary files like a Word "
"Document.     "
msgstr ""
"El fichero que subas necesita tener los atributos de los registros en la "
"primera linea. Asegúrese que la columna del email se llama \"email\" y no "
"algo como \"e-mail\" o \"Dirección de Correo\". Las mayúsculas no se toman "
"en cuenta. Si tiene una columna llamada \"Foreign Key\", ésta se usará para "
"la sincronización entre una base de datos externa y la base de datos de "
"phpList. La \"foreignkey\" tendrá preferencia para actualizar un suscriptor "
"existente. Esto ralentizará el proceso de importación. Si usa esto, se "
"permite tener registros sin email, pero entonces se creará un \"Email "
"Invalido\". Entonces puede realizar un búsqueda por \"Email Invalido\" para "
"encontrar esos registros erróneos. El tamaño máximo de la clave externa ("
"foreign key) es 100. Importante: el fichero necesita ser texto plano. No "
"suba ficheros binarios como, por ejemplo, un Documento Word.                 "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:672
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:300
msgid "File containing emails"
msgstr "Fichero que contiene los correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:674
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The following limits are set by your server:<br/>Maximum size of a total "
"data sent to server: %s<br/>Maximum size of each individual file: %s"
msgstr ""
"Los limites siguientes están configurados por su servidor:<br/>Tamaño máximo "
"de datos totales enviados al servidor: %s<br/>Tamaño máximo de cada fichero "
"individual: %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:675
#, php-format
msgid "phpList will not process files larger than %dMB"
msgstr "phpList no procesará ficheros mayores que %dMB"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:677
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:301
msgid "Field Delimiter"
msgstr "Delimitador de campos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:677
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:301
msgid "default is TAB"
msgstr "por defecto es TAB"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:678
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:302
msgid "Record Delimiter"
msgstr "Delimitador de registros"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:678
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:302
msgid "default is line break"
msgstr "por defecto es el salto de línea"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:679
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:205
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:303
msgid ""
"If you check \"Test Output\", you will get the list of parsed emails on "
"screen, and the database will not be filled with the information. This is "
"useful to find out whether the format of your file is correct. It will only "
"show the first 50 records."
msgstr ""
"Si marca la casilla \"Probar\" verá en su pantalla la lista de los correos "
"analizados y la información no será añadida a su base de datos. Esto sirve "
"para saber si el formato de su fichero es correcto. Sólo se mostrarán los "
"primeros 50 registros."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:680
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:304
msgid "Test output"
msgstr "Probar salida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:681
msgid ""
"If you check \"Show Warnings\", you will get warnings for invalid records. "
"Warnings will only be shown if you check \"Test Output\". They will be "
"ignored when actually importing. "
msgstr ""
"Si marca \"Mostrar Advertencias\", usted recibirá avisos de registros no "
"válidos. Las advertencias sólo se mostrarán si se selecciona \"Salida de "
"prueba\" (Test Output). Los avisos serán ignorados cuando en realidad se "
"este importando."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:682
msgid "Show Warnings"
msgstr "Mostrar Advertencias"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:683
msgid ""
"If you check \"Omit Invalid\", invalid records will not be added. Invalid "
"records are records without an email. Any other attributes will be added "
"automatically, ie if the country of a record is not found, it will be added "
"to the list of countries."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:684
msgid "Omit Invalid"
msgstr "Omitir Inválidos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:685
msgid ""
"Assign Invalid will be used to create an email for subscribers with an "
"invalid email address. You can use values between [ and ] to make up a value "
"for the email. For example if your import file contains a column \"First Name"
"\" and one called \"Last Name\", you can use \"[first name] [last name]\" to "
"construct a new value for the email for this subscriber containing their "
"first name and last name. The value [number] can be used to insert the "
"sequence number for importing."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:687
msgid "Assign Invalid"
msgstr "Asignar Inválidos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:688
msgid ""
"If you check \"Overwrite Existing\", information about a subscriber in the "
"database will be replaced by the imported information. Subscribers are "
"matched by email or foreign key."
msgstr ""
"Si marca \"Sobreescribir existente\", la información del suscrito en la base "
"de datos será reemplazada por la información importada. Los suscritos son "
"identificados por su dirección de correo o una clave externa."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:689
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:240
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:241
msgid "Overwrite Existing"
msgstr "Sobreescribir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:690
msgid ""
"If you check \"Retain Old Email\", a conflict of two emails being the same "
"will keep the old one and add \"duplicate\" to the new one. If you don&quot;"
"t check it, the old one will get \"duplicate\" and the new one will take "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:691
msgid "Retain Old User Email"
msgstr "Conservar el Correo Anterior del Usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:697
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:207
msgid ""
"If you choose \"send notification email\" the subscribers you are adding "
"will be sent the request for confirmation of subscription to which they will "
"have to reply. This is recommended, because it will identify invalid emails."
msgstr ""
"Si elige \"enviar correo de notificación\", los suscritos a los que usted "
"está añadiendo recibirán una solicitud de confirmación a la que tendrán que "
"responder. Esto es recomendable, ya que permitirá identificar los correos no "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:698
msgid "Send&nbsp;Notification&nbsp;email"
msgstr "Enviar&nbsp;correo&nbsp;de&nbsp;Notificación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:698
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:208
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:245
msgid "Make confirmed immediately"
msgstr "Marcar como confirmados inmediatamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:699
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:209
msgid ""
"If you are going to send notification to users, you may want to add a little "
"delay between messages"
msgstr ""
"Si va a enviar notificación a los usuarios, tal vez quiera agregar algo de "
"demora entre los mensajes."

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:700
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:210
msgid "Notification throttle"
msgstr "Regular las notificaciones"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:700
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:210
msgid "(default is nothing, will send as fast as it can)"
msgstr "(por defecto es vació, se enviara tan rápido como se pueda)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/importcsv.php:702
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:5
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:37
msgid "no such User"
msgstr "No existe ese usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:20
msgid ""
"you only have privileges to view this page, not change any of the information"
msgstr ""
"usted sólo tiene privilegios para ver esta página, no para cambiar "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:58
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:121
msgid "Bounces"
msgstr "Rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:66
msgid "msg"
msgstr "mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:67
msgid "time"
msgstr "hora"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:72
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:80
msgid "messages sent to this user"
msgstr "mensajes enviados a este usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:91
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:94
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:149
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:163
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:189
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:57
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:123
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:136
msgid "clicks"
msgstr "clicks"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:100
msgid "viewed"
msgstr "visto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:101
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:113
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:200
msgid "responsetime"
msgstr "tiempo de respuesta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:106
msgid "bounce"
msgstr "rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:111
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:112
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:113
msgid "average"
msgstr "media"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:123
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "Suscripción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:135
msgid "subscriber is blacklisted since"
msgstr "el suscriptor está en la lista negra desde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:142
msgid "Blacklist info"
msgstr "Información de lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:148
msgid "value"
msgstr "valor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:153
msgid "are you sure you want to delete this subscriber from the blacklist"
msgstr "está seguro de querer eliminar a este suscriptor de la lista negra?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:153
msgid "it should only be done with explicit permission from this subscriber"
msgstr "solo se puede hacer con permiso explícito de este suscriptor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:154
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:155
msgid "remove subscriber from blacklist"
msgstr "eliminar al suscriptor de la lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:157
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:160
msgid "remove"
msgstr "eliminar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:160
msgid ""
"For this subscriber to be removed from the blacklist, you need to ask them "
"to re-subscribe using the phpList subscribe page"
msgstr ""
"Para que este suscriptor sea retirado de la lista negra, es necesario "
"pedirle que se suscriba nuevamente, utilizando la página de suscripción de "

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:166
msgid "Subscription History"
msgstr "Historial de Suscripción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:169
msgid "no details found"
msgstr "No se encontr&oacute; informaci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:173
msgid "ip"
msgstr "ip"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:175
msgid "summary"
msgstr "resumen"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:176
msgid "detail"
msgstr "detalle"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/pages/userhistory.php:177
msgid "info"
msgstr "informaci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/userlib.php:377
#, php-format
msgid "Removed from blacklist by %s"
msgstr "Eliminado de la lista negra por %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/userlib.php:379
msgid "Removed from blacklist"
msgstr "Eliminado de la lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/userlib.php:419
msgid "Added to blacklist"
msgstr "Añadido a la lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/userlib.php:419
#, php-format
msgid "Added to blacklist for reason %s"
msgstr "Añadido a la lista negra por el motivo %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:213
#, php-format
msgid "sort by %s"
msgstr "ordenar por %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:898
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Atrás"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:1048
msgid "Close this box"
msgstr "Cerrar esta caja"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:1050
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Ocultar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:1263
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:1318
msgid "open"
msgstr "abrir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:1271
#: public_html/lists/admin/commonlib/lib/interfacelib.php:1316
msgid "close"
msgstr "cerrar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:8
msgid "search subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:9
msgid "manage subscriber attributes"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:28
msgid "edit values for attributes"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:31
msgid "Reconcile Subscribers"
msgstr "Conciliar usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:32
msgid "Suppression list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:33
msgid "Bulk remove subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:34
msgid "Verify subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:36
msgid "Import subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:38
msgid "Export subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:41
msgid "subscriber management functions"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:23
msgid ""
"The temporary directory for uploading is not writable, so import will fail"
msgstr ""
"El directorio temporal de carga no es escribible, por lo que la importación "

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:39
msgid "No file was specified. Maybe the file is too big?"
msgstr "No se ha especificado un fichero. ¿Quizás es demasiado grande?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:54
msgid ""
"Please upload a plain text file only. You cannot use a spreadsheet. You can "
"only upload a plain text file with one email address per line."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:75
msgid "Cannot read file. It is not readable !"
msgstr "No se puede leer el fichero (no tiene permisos de lectura)."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:131
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:206
msgid "Test output:"
msgstr "Probar salida:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:131
msgid "There should only be ONE email per line."
msgstr "Sólo debe haber un correo por línea."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:131
msgid "If the output looks ok, go"
msgstr "Si el resultado se ve bien, continúe."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:131
msgid "back"
msgstr "volver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:131
msgid " to resubmit for real"
msgstr " para procesar realmente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:181
msgid "adding_users"
msgstr "añadiendo usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:203
msgid ""
"The file you upload will need to contain the emails you want to add to these "
"lists. Anything after the email will be added as attribute \"Info\" of the "
"Subscriber. You can specify the rest of the attributes of these subscribers "
"below. Warning: the file needs to be plain text. Do not upload binary files "
"like a Word Document."
msgstr ""
"El fichero que suba debe contener los correos que desea añadir a estas "
"listas. Cualquier otra cosa después del correo será añadida como atributo \""
"Info\" del suscrito. A continuación puede especificar el resto de atributos "
"de estos suscritos. Advertencia: el fichero debe estar en texto plano (no "
"suba binarios, como, por ejemplo, un documento de Word)."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:204
msgid "File containing emails:"
msgstr "Fichero que contiene los correos:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:208
msgid "Send Notification email"
msgstr "Enviar Correo de Notificación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:21
msgid "Import emails from IMAP folders"
msgstr "Importar correos desde directorios IMAP"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:142
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:173
msgid "can't connect"
msgstr "no se puede conectar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:161
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:399
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:14
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:67
msgid "done"
msgstr "listo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:181
msgid "imap_getmailboxes failed"
msgstr "imap_getmailboxes fracas&oacute;"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:209
msgid "Please enter details of the IMAP account"
msgstr "Introduzca los datos  de la cuenta IMAP"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:212
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:215
msgid "Select the headers fields to search"
msgstr "Seleccione los campos de la  cabecera en los que hay que buscar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:239
msgid "Mark new users as HTML"
msgstr "Seleccionar HTML para los nuevos usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:240
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:242
msgid "If you check"
msgstr "Si marca la casilla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:240
msgid ""
"information about a user in the database will be replaced by the imported "
"information. Users are matched by email."
msgstr ""
"la información que hay en la base sobre el usuario será reemplazada por la "
"información importada. A los usuarios se les identifica por su correo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:242
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:243
msgid "Only use complete addresses"
msgstr "Utilice solamente direcciones completas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:242
msgid ""
"addresses that do not have a real name will be ignored. Otherwise all emails "
"will be imported."
msgstr ""
"las direcciones que no tengan un nombre real serán ignoradas. Todos los "
"demás correos serán importados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:244
msgid "If you choose"
msgstr "Si escoje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:244
msgid "send notification email"
msgstr "enviar correo de notificaci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:244
msgid ""
"the users you are adding will be sent the request for confirmation of "
"subscription to which they will have to reply. This is recommended, because "
"it will identify invalid emails."
msgstr ""
"los usuarios a los que usted está añadiendo recibirán una solicitud de "
"confirmación a la que tendrán que responder. Esto es recomendable, porque "
"identificará los correos no válidos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:245
msgid "Send&nbsp;Notification&nbsp;email&nbsp;"
msgstr "Enviar&nbsp;correo&nbsp;de&nbsp;notificaci&oacute;n&nbsp;"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:246
msgid ""
"There are two ways to add the names of the users,  either one attribute for "
"the entire name or two attributes, one for first name and one for last name. "
"If you use &quot;two attributes&quot;, the name will be split after the "
"first space."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:248
msgid "Use one attribute for name"
msgstr "Utilizar un solo atributo por nombre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:248
msgid "Use two attributes for the name"
msgstr "Utilizar dos atributos por nombre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:249
msgid "Attribute one"
msgstr "Primer atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:250
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:258
msgid "Create Attribute"
msgstr "Crear atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:257
msgid "Attribute two"
msgstr "Segundo atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:270
msgid "Cannot continue"
msgstr "No se puede continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:325
msgid "Process Selected Folders"
msgstr "Procesar los directorios seleccionados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:342
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:134
msgid "ok"
msgstr "ok"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:350
msgid "Processed"
msgstr "Procesado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:350
msgid "folders and"
msgstr "directorios y"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:351
msgid "unique emails found"
msgstr "correos únicos encontrados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:477
msgid "All the emails already exist in the database and are members of the"
msgstr "Todos los correos existían ya en la base de datos y son miembros de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:481
msgid "emails already existed in the database"
msgstr "correos ya existentes en la base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:483
msgid "Invalid Emails found."
msgstr "Se han encontrado correos no válidos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:485
msgid ""
"These records were added, but the email has been made up. You can find them "
"by doing a search on"
msgstr ""
"Estos registros fueron añadidos, pero el correo ha sido inventado. Puede "
"encontrarlos buscando en"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:491
msgid "No emails found"
msgstr "No se encontr&oacute; ning&uacute;n correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:59
msgid "Delete will remove subscriber from the database"
msgstr "Eliminar removerá al suscriptor de la base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:39
msgid "Process Next Batch"
msgstr "Procesar el siguiente lote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:134
msgid "Hmm, duplicate entry, "
msgstr "Hmm, entrada duplicada, "

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:146
msgid "new rules found"
msgstr "normas nuevas encontradas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:147
msgid "bounces not matched"
msgstr "rebotes sin correspondencia"

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:148
msgid "bounces matched to existing rules"
msgstr "rebotes corresponden con normas existentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:6
msgid "Overview"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:7
msgid "View Clicks by URL"
msgstr "Ver clicks por URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:8
msgid "View Clicks by Message"
msgstr "Ver clicks por Mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:9
msgid "View Opens by Message"
msgstr "Ver lecturas por mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:10
msgid "Domain Statistics"
msgstr "Estad&iacute;sticas de dominios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:14
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:539
msgid "The clicktracking system has changed"
msgstr "El sistema de seguimiento de clics ha cambiado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:15
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:540
#, php-format
msgid "You have %s entries in the old statistics table"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:16
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:541
msgid "Convert Old data to new"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:17
msgid ""
"To avoid overloading the system, this will convert 10000 records at a time"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/class.phplistmailer.php:261
#, php-format
msgid "Error sending email to %s"
msgstr "Error enviando correo a %s                "

#: public_html/lists/admin/class.phplistmailer.php:265
#, php-format
msgid "Error, empty message-body sending email to %s"
msgstr "Error, cuerpo del mensaje vacío al enviar correo a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:37
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nunca"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:50
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:52
msgid "Last updated"
msgstr "Última actualización"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:50
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:52
msgid "Last modified"
msgstr "Última modificación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:16
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Domingo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:17
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lunes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:18
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Martes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:19
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mi&eacute;rcoles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:20
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Jueves"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:21
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Viernes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:22
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "S&aacute;bado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid security token. Please reload the page and try again."
msgstr ""
"El certificado de seguridad no es válido, por favor recargue la página y "
"vuelva a intentarlo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:64
msgid "Processing export, this may take a while. Please wait"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:72
#, php-format
msgid "Export subscribers on %s"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:78
msgid "What date needs to be used:"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:79
msgid "Any date"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:79
msgid "Export all subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:80
msgid "When they signed up"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:81
msgid "When the record was changed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:82
msgid "Based on changelog"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:83
msgid "When they subscribed to"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:100
msgid "Date From:"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:101
msgid "Date To:"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:105
msgid "Select the columns to include in the export"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:106
msgid "Select all"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:125
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:11
msgid "Certified Secure by "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:15
#, php-format
msgid "phpList is licensed with the %sGNU Public License (GPL)%s"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:17
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "Programaci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:21
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr "Contribuciones"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:27
msgid "Design"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:32
msgid "Design implementation"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:37
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:42
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Traducciones"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:43
msgid ""
"The translations are provided by the phpList community (that includes "
"you :-) )"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:44
msgid ""
"The <a href=\"http://translate.phplist.com/\" target=\"translate"
"\">translation site</a> runs <a href=\"http://translate.sourceforge.net/\" "
"target=\"pootle\">Pootle</a> an Open Source translation tool, provided by <a "
"href=\"http://translatehouse.org\" target=\"translatehouse\">Translate "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:45
msgid "Acknowledgements"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:47
msgid ""
"The developers wish to thank the many contributors to this system, who have "
"helped out with bug reports, suggestions, donations, feature requests, "
"sponsoring, translations and many other contributions."
msgstr ""
"Los programadores quieren expresar su  agradecimiento a todas las personas "
"que han contribu&iacute;do a crear este  sistema, a quienes han ayudado "
"se&ntilde;alando fallos, haciendo  sugerencias, aportando donaciones, "
"pidiendo mejoras,  subvencion&aacute;ndo el proyecto, traduciendo y de otros "
"muchos modos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:49
msgid "Portions of the system include"
msgstr "El sistema incluye  c&oacute;digo de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:21
#, php-format
msgid "Process Next %d"
msgstr "Procesar el siguiente %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:36
msgid "No match"
msgstr "Nada corresponde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:41
msgid "bounces did not match any current active rule"
msgstr "rebotes no corresponden con ninguna norma activa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:42
msgid "bounce matched current active rules"
msgstr "rebotes corresponden con alguna norma activa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:17
msgid ""
"Updating the regular expression of this rule caused an Sql conflict<br/>This "
"is probably because there is already a rule like that. Do you want to delete "
"this rule instead?"
msgstr ""
"Actualización de la expresión regular de esta norma provocó un conflicto Sql "
"<br/> Esto es probablemente debido a que ya existe una regla como esa. ¿"
"Quieres eliminar esta regla en su lugar?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:25
msgid "back to list of bounce rules"
msgstr "volver a la lista de normas para rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:32
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:143
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:119
msgid "Regular Expression"
msgstr "Expresi&oacute;n regular"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:34
msgid "Created By"
msgstr "Creada por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:41
msgid "Select Status"
msgstr "Seleccionar estado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:48
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:150
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:126
msgid "Memo for this rule"
msgstr "Nota para esta norma"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:55
msgid "related bounces"
msgstr "rebotes relacionados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:57
msgid "no related bounces found"
msgstr "no se han encontrado rebotes relacionados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:66
#, php-format
msgid "and more, %d in total"
msgstr "y m&aacute;s, %d en total"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:28
msgid "Invalid Request"
msgstr "Solicitud no v&aacute;lida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:47
msgid "User Click Statistics"
msgstr "Estad&iacute;sticas de cliscks de usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:61
msgid "User Click Details for a URL in a message"
msgstr "Detalles de click deusuario para una URL en un mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:74
msgid "User Click Details for a message"
msgstr "Detalles de click de usuariopara un mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:86
msgid "User Click Details for a URL"
msgstr "Detalles de click de usuario para una URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:92
msgid "User Click Details for a Message"
msgstr "Detalles de click de usuariopara un mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:103
msgid "User Click Details"
msgstr "Detalles de click de usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:145
msgid "view user"
msgstr "ver usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:147
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:173
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:115
msgid "firstclick"
msgstr "primer click"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:148
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:174
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:116
msgid "latestclick"
msgstr "&uacute;ltimo click"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:150
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:22
msgid "Add new admin"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir nuevo administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:27
msgid "You cannot delete yourself"
msgstr "Usted no puede eliminarse a sí mismo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:48
msgid "Admin added"
msgstr "Administrador a&ntilde;adido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:56 public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:71
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:76
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:100
msgid "Administrators"
msgstr "Administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:97
msgid "Find an admin"
msgstr "Buscar a un administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:104
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Mostrar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:106
msgid "Del"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:110
msgid "Add a new administrator"
msgstr "Añadir un nuevo administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:111
msgid "Import list of admins"
msgstr "Importar la lista de administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:6
msgid "List of Administrators"
msgstr "Lista de administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:67
msgid "Cannot save admin, that email address already exists for another admin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:68
msgid "Back to edit admin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:110
msgid ""
"Error adding new admin, login name and/or email not inserted, email not "
"valid or admin already exists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:123
msgid "Failed, you cannot delete yourself"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:131
msgid "Edit Administrator"
msgstr "Editar administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:139
msgid "Add a new Administrator"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:179
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "oculto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:180
msgid "Update it?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:180
msgid "Remind it?"
msgstr "¿Recordarlo?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:191
msgid "Login Name"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:250
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:309
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:140
msgid "Privileges"
msgstr "Privilegios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:251
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:310
msgid "Manage subscribers"
msgstr "Administrar suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:252
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:311
msgid "Send Campaigns"
msgstr "Enviar campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:254
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:313
msgid "Change Settings"
msgstr "Cambiar la configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:57
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:67
msgid "Available Messages"
msgstr "Mensajes disponibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:65
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:113
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/D"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:75
msgid "links"
msgstr "enlaces"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:77
msgid "user clicks"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:78
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:165
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:191
msgid "clickrate"
msgstr "Tasa de clicks"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:80
msgid "total clicks"
msgstr "clicks totales"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:105
msgid "Click Details for a Message"
msgstr "Detalles de clicks de un mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:119
msgid "Sent to"
msgstr "Enviado a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:126
#, fuzzy
msgid "Click rate"
msgstr "Tasa de clicks"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:129
msgid "Campaign click statistics"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:58
msgid "import_by"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:77
msgid "Imported"
msgstr "Importado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:81
#, php-format
msgid "%d lines processed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "%d email imported"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:83
#, php-format
msgid "%d duplicates"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:84
#, php-format
msgid "%d invalidated"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "%d addresses were blacklisted and have not been subscribed to the list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:140
msgid "Adding subscribers"
msgstr "Agregando suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:148
msgid ""
"Please enter the emails to import, one per line, in the box below and click "
"\"Import Emails\""
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:151
msgid "Check to skip emails that are not valid"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:152
msgid "Import emails"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:38
msgid "No such record"
msgstr "No existe ese registro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:53 public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:96
msgid "Back to the list of bounces"
msgstr "Volver a la lista de rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:62
msgid "Not Found"
msgstr "No encontrado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:69 public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:71
#, php-format
msgid "Added %s to bouncecount for subscriber %s"
msgstr "Añadido %s al contador de rebotes del suscrito %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:78
#, php-format
msgid "Made subscriber %s unconfirmed"
msgstr "Convertir al suscrito %s en no confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:84
#, php-format
#, php-format,
msgid "Made subscriber %d to receive text"
msgstr "Hacer que el suscriptor %d reciba texto plano"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:89
#, php-format
msgid "Deleted subscriber %d"
msgstr "Eliminado el suscrito %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:93
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting bounce %d .. "
msgstr "Eliminando el rebote %d ... "

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:95
msgid "..Done, loading next bounce.."
msgstr "...Hecho. Cargando el siguiente rebote..."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:129
msgid "This bounce no longer exists in the database."
msgstr "Este rebote ya no existe en la base de datos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:151
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:127
msgid "Add new Rule"
msgstr "A&ntilde;adir norma nueva"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:160
msgid "For subscriber with email"
msgstr "Para suscrito con correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:161
msgid "Increase bouncecount with"
msgstr "Incrementar el contador de rebotes con"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:161
msgid "(use negative numbers to decrease)"
msgstr "(usar números negativos para reducir)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:162
msgid "Mark subscriber as unconfirmed"
msgstr "Marcar al suscrito como no confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:162
msgid "(so you can resend the request for confirmation)"
msgstr ""
"(de modo que usted pueda volver a enviarle la solicitud de confirmación)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:163
msgid "Set subscriber to receive text instead of HTML"
msgstr "Establecer que el suscrito reciba texto en lugar de HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:164
msgid "Delete subscriber"
msgstr "Eliminar suscrito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:166
msgid "Delete this bounce and go to the next"
msgstr "Eliminar este rebote e ir al siguiente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:168
msgid "Do the above"
msgstr "Hacer lo anterior"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:171
msgid "Create New Rule based on this bounce"
msgstr "Crear norma nueva basada en este rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:174
msgid "Possible Actions:"
msgstr "Acciones posibles:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:206
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:209
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:210
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:188
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Cabecera"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:211
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Cuerpo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:216
msgid "Bounce Details"
msgstr "Detalles del Rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:220
msgid "New Rule"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:33
msgid "Please choose one of the import methods below"
msgstr "Por favor, elija uno de los siguientes métodos de importación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:37
msgid "copy and paste list of emails"
msgstr "copiar y pegar la lista de correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:38
msgid "import by uploading a file with emails"
msgstr "importar subiendo un fichero con correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:39
msgid "import by uploading a CSV file with emails and additional data"
msgstr "importar subiendo un fichero CSV con correos y datos adicionales"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:50
msgid "Website address (without http://)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:59
msgid "Domain Name of your server (for email)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:68
msgid "Person in charge of this system (one email address)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:76
msgid "Name of the organisation"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:85
msgid "How often do you want to check for a new version of phplist (days)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:95
msgid "Secret for remote processing"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:103
msgid "List of email addresses to CC in system messages (separate by commas)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:110
msgid "Default for 'From:' in a campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:117
msgid "Default for 'address to alert when sending starts'"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:124
msgid "Default for 'address to alert when sending finishes'"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:131
msgid "Always add Google tracking code to campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:139
msgid ""
"Who gets the reports (email address, separate multiple emails with a comma)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:148
msgid "From email address for system messages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:155
msgid "Webmaster"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:156
msgid "Name for system messages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:165
msgid "Reply-to email address for system messages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:176
msgid ""
"If there is only one visible list, should it be hidden in the page and "
"automatically subscribe users who sign up"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:186
msgid "Categories for lists. Separate with commas."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:195
msgid "Width of a textline field (numerical)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:205
msgid "Dimensions of a textarea field (rows,columns)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:214
msgid "Send notifications about subscribe, update and unsubscribe"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:223
msgid "The default subscribe page when there are multiple"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:234
msgid "The default HTML template to use when sending a message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:243
msgid "The HTML wrapper template for system messages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:257
msgid "URL where subscribers can sign up"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:266
msgid "URL where subscribers can unsubscribe"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:276
msgid "URL where unknown users can unsubscribe (do-not-send-list)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:285
msgid "URL where subscribers have to confirm their subscription"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:294
msgid "URL where subscribers can update their details"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:303
msgid "URL for forwarding messages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:310
msgid ""
"<h3>Thanks, you have been added to our newsletter</h3><p>You will receive an "
"email to confirm your subscription. Please click the link in the email to "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:311
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:198
msgid "Text to display when subscription with an AJAX request was successful"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:323
msgid "Request for confirmation"
msgstr "Petición de confirmación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:324
msgid "Subject of the message subscribers receive when they sign up"
msgstr "Asunto del mensajes que recibirán los suscriptores cuando se inscriban"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:353
msgid "Message subscribers receive when they sign up"
msgstr "Mensaje recibirán los suscriptores cuando se inscriban"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:361
msgid "Goodbye from our Newsletter"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:362
msgid "Subject of the message subscribers receive when they unsubscribe"
msgstr ""
"Asunto del mensajes que recibirán los suscriptores cuando se den de baja"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:385
msgid "Message subscribers receive when they unsubscribe"
msgstr "Mensajes que recibirán los suscriptores cuando se den de baja"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:393
msgid "Welcome to our Newsletter"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:394
msgid ""
"Subject of the message subscribers receive after confirming their email "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:417
msgid "Message subscribers receive after confirming their email address"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:425
msgid "[notify] Change of List-Membership details"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:426
msgid ""
"Subject of the message subscribers receive when they have changed their "
msgstr ""
" Asunto del mensajes que recibirán los suscriptores cuando cambien su "

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:458
msgid "Message subscribers receive when they have changed their details"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:475
msgid ""
"Part of the message that is sent to their new email address when subscribers "
"change their information, and the email address has changed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:492
msgid ""
"Part of the message that is sent to their old email address when subscribers "
"change their information, and the email address has changed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:499
msgid "Your personal location"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:500
msgid "Subject of message when subscribers request their personal location"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:518
msgid "Message when subscribers request their personal location"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:535
msgid "Default footer for sending a campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:550
msgid "Footer used when a message has been forwarded"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:558
msgid "Header of public pages."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:566
msgid "Footer of public pages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:595
msgid "Message to send when they request their personal location"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:603
msgid "String to always append to remote URL when using send-a-webpage"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:611
msgid "Width for Wordwrap of Text messages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:619
msgid "CSS for HTML messages without a template"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:627
msgid "Domains that only accept text emails, one per line"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:635
msgid "last time TLDs were fetched"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:643
msgid "Top level domains"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:17
msgid "processing "
msgstr "procesando "

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:20
#, php-format
msgid "Adding index <b>%s</b> to %s</li>"
msgstr "Añadiendo índice <b>%s</b> a %s</li>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:21
#, php-format
msgid "Adding index <b>%s</b> to %s<br/>"
msgstr "Añadiendo índice <b>%s</b> a %s<br/>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:26
#, php-format
msgid "Adding unique index <b>%s</b> to %s</li>"
msgstr "Añadiendo índice único <b>%s</b> a %s</li>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Adding unique index <b>%s</b> to %s<br/>"
msgstr "Añadiendo índice único <b>%s</b> a %s<br/>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:34
msgid "To install phpList, you need to enable Javascript"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:39
msgid "The default system language is different from your browser language."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:40
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You can set <pre>$default_system_language = \"%s\";</pre> in your config "
"file, to use your language as the fallback language."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:41
msgid "It is best to do this before initialising the database."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:46
msgid "phpList initialisation"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:49
msgid "Please enter your name."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:51
msgid "The name of your organisation"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:53
msgid "Please enter your email address."
msgstr "Por favor, escriba su dirección de correo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:56
msgid "The initial <i>login name</i> will be"
msgstr "El <i>nombre de usuario</i> inicial será"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:57
msgid "Please enter the password you want to use for this account."
msgstr "Por favor, escriba la contraseña que desea usar para esta cuenta."

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:57
msgid "minimum of 8 characters."
msgstr "mínimo de 8 caracteres"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:66
msgid "Creating tables"
msgstr "Creando tablas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:91
msgid "Initialising table"
msgstr "Inicializando tabla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:93
msgid "Table already exists"
msgstr "La tabla ya  existe."

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:147
msgid "Initialise plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:180
msgid "List for testing."
msgstr "Lista de prueba."

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:188
msgid "Sign up to our newsletter"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:210
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:530
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Logrado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:212
msgid "Tell us about it"
msgstr "Cu&eacute;ntenoslo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:228
msgid "Continue with"
msgstr "Continuar con"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:228
msgid "phpList Setup"
msgstr "Configuración de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:236
msgid "Maybe you want to"
msgstr "&#191;Quizá prefiera"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:236
msgid "instead?"
msgstr "en su lugar?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:237
msgid "Force Initialisation"
msgstr "Forzar Inicializaci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:237
msgid "(will erase all data!)"
msgstr "(esto borrará todos los datos)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:5
msgid "Hint: this page also works from commandline"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "creating tables"
msgstr "Creando tablas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:51
#, fuzzy
msgid "creating tables done"
msgstr "Creando tablas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:63
#, php-format
msgid "%d entries still to convert"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:69
msgid "converting data"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:76
msgid "processing cancelled"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:161
msgid "Optimizing table to recover space"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:163
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Finalizado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:166
msgid "Convert some more"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:230
msgid "Admin Authentication initialisation failure"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:239
#, php-format
msgid "invalid login from %s, tried logging in as %s"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:262
msgid "Failed sending a change password token"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:286
#, php-format
msgid "login ip invalid from %s for %s (was %s)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:287
msgid "Your IP address has changed. For security reasons, please login again"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:294
#, php-format
msgid "invalidated login from %s for %s (error %s)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:312
msgid "Your session timed out, please log in again"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:317
msgid "Your session timed out, please login again"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:377
msgid "goodbye"
msgstr "adi&oacute;s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:381
msgid "good morning"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:383
msgid "good afternoon"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:385
msgid "good evening"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:399
msgid ""
"phpList will work without Javascript, but it will be easier to use if you "
"switch it on."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:412
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:29
msgid "Running in testmode, no emails will be sent. Check your config file."
msgstr ""
"Ejecutando en modo prueba, no se enviar&aacute; ning&uacute;n correo. "
"Compruebe su fichero de configuraci&oacute;n."

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:415
msgid "phpList requires PHP version 5.1.2 or higher"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:418
msgid "You are trying to use RSS, but XML is not included in your PHP"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:422
msgid ""
"open_basedir restrictions are in effect, which may be the cause of the next "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:424
msgid "The attachment repository does not exist or is not writable"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:435
msgid "Process the queue"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:436
msgid "View the queue"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:438
#, php-format
msgid "You have %s message(s) waiting to be sent"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:473
msgid "You are trying to use PDF support without having FPDF loaded"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:481
msgid ""
"The pageroot in your config does not match the current locationCheck your "
"config file."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:533 public_html/lists/admin/index.php:534
msgid "Sorry this page was not found in the plugin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:538
msgid "Sorry, that module does not exist"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:544
msgid "Sorry, not implemented yet"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultplugin.php:254
msgid "choose"
msgstr "elegir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:14
msgid "File is either to large or does not exist."
msgstr "El fichero es demasiado grande, o bien no existe."

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:16
msgid "No file was specified."
msgstr "No se especific&oacute; ning&uacute;n fichero."

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:50
msgid ""
"Some characters that are not valid have been found. These might be "
"delimiters. Please check the file and select the right delimiter. Character "
msgstr ""
"Se han encontrado caracteres no v&aacute;lidos. Tal vez sean delimitadores. "
"Compruebe el fichero y seleccione el delimitador adecuado. Car&aacute;cter "

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:79
msgid "Name cannot be empty"
msgstr "El nombre no puede estar en blanco"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:95
msgid "Cannot find the email in the header"
msgstr "No se puede encontrar el correo (email) en la cabecera"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:97
msgid "Cannot find the password in the header"
msgstr "No se puede encontrar la contraseña (password) en la cabecera"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:99
msgid "Cannot find the loginname in the header"
msgstr "No se puede encontrar el nombre de usuario (loginname) en la cabecera"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:110
msgid "Import administrators, please wait"
msgstr "Importando administradores, por favor espere"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:128
msgid "Record has more values than header indicated, this may cause trouble"
msgstr ""
"El registro tiene más valores que los indicados en el cabezal, esto puede "
"causar problemas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:146
msgid "Test output: If the output looks ok, go Back to resubmit for real"
msgstr ""
"Prueba de salida: Si el resultado se ve bien, vuelva atrás para hacer el "
"verdadero envío."

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:153
msgid "password"
msgstr "contrase&ntilde;a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:154
msgid "login"
msgstr "conectarse"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:179
msgid "Empty loginname, using email:"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario vacío, usando el correo:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:230
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:127
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:230
msgid "added to attribute"
msgstr "a&ntilde;adido al atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:261
msgid "List for"
msgstr "Lista para"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:270
msgid "new administrator was"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:270
msgid "new administrators were"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:273
msgid "All the administrators already exist in the database"
msgstr "Todos los administradores ya existen en la base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:274
msgid "Information has been updated from the import"
msgstr " La información ha sido actualizada desde la importación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:276
msgid "succesfully imported to the database and added to the system."
msgstr "importado a la base de datos y a&ntilde;adido al sistema."

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:279
msgid "Import some more administrators"
msgstr "Importar más administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:299
msgid ""
"   The file you upload will need to contain the administrators you want to "
"add to the system. The columns need to have the following headers: email, "
"loginname, password. Any other columns will be added as admin attributes.  "
"Warning: the file needs to be plain text. Do not upload binary files like a "
"Word Document.   "
msgstr ""
"   El fichero que suba debe contener los datos de los administradores que "
"desea añadir al sistema. Las columnas deben tener las siguientes cabeceras: "
"email, loginname y password. Cualquier otra columna será añadida como "
"atributo de administrador. Advertencia: el fichero debe estar en texto "
"plano. No suba ficheros binarios como un documento Word.   "

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:305
msgid ""
"Check this box to create a list for each administrator, named after their "
msgstr ""
"Marque esta casilla para crear una lista para cada administrador, enunciada "
"a continuación de sus nombres de usuario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:318
msgid "Do Import"
msgstr "Importar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:18 public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:34
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:53 public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:73
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:85 public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:96
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:107
msgid "Go there"
msgstr "Ir all&iacute;"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:36
msgid "Change admin password"
msgstr "Cambiar la contraseña del administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:55
msgid "Verify Settings"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:72
msgid "Configure attributes"
msgstr "Configurar atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:84
msgid "Create public lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:95
msgid "Create a subscribe page"
msgstr "Crear una página de suscripción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:106
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:102
msgid "Add some subscribers"
msgstr "Agregar algunos suscriptores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:121
msgid "Congratulations, phpList is set up, you are ready to start mailing"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:121
msgid "Start a message campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:125
msgid "configuration steps"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:18
msgid "The default system template already exists"
msgstr "Ya existe la plantilla predeterminada del sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:19
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:26
msgid "Go back to templates"
msgstr "Volver a las plantillas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:25
msgid "The default system template has been added as template with ID"
msgstr ""
"La plantilla por defecto del sistema se ha añadido como plantilla con ID"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:27
msgid "Edit template"
msgstr "Editar plantilla"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:26
msgid ""
"You cannot create a new list because you have reached maximum number of "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:48
msgid "Members of this list"
msgstr "Miembros de esta lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "New list added"
msgstr "Nueva lista añadida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:102
msgid "Add another list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:131
msgid "List name"
msgstr "Nombre de la lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:140
msgid "Public list (listed on the frontend)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:141
msgid "Order for listing"
msgstr "Orden de lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:149
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:341
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Due&ntilde;o"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:163
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:73
msgid "Category"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:165
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:67
msgid "choose category"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:179
msgid "List Description"
msgstr "Descripci&oacute;n de la lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:182
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salvar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:183
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:183
msgid "Do not save, and go back to the lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:22
msgid "Top 50 domains with more than 5 emails"
msgstr "Los primeros 50 dominios con más de 5 correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:29
#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:42
#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:46
#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:66
msgid "perc"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:44
msgid "num"
msgstr "n&#186;"

#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:60
msgid "Top 25 pre-@ of email addresses"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/domainstats.php:64
msgid "amount"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:32
msgid "This page requires Javascript to be enabled."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:50
msgid "To send your queue, you can now use the phpList Hosted service"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:57
msgid "Set up using the service"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:64
msgid "Use local processing"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:71
msgid "Processing queued campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:90
msgid "Using local processing"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:90
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "reiniciar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:94
msgid "To send your queue, you use the service from phpList.com"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:95
#, fuzzy
msgid "View progress"
msgstr "Ver progreso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:97
msgid "Reset choice"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:50
msgid "That rule exists already"
msgstr "Esa norma ya existe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:57
#, php-format
msgid "Number of %s rules: %d"
msgstr "N&uacute;mero de normas %s: %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:62
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:64
msgid "candidate"
msgstr "candidatas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:74
msgid "Bounce Regular Expressions"
msgstr "Expresiones regulares para rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:76
msgid "No Rules found"
msgstr "No se encontr&oacute; ninguna norma"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:83
msgid "rule"
msgstr "norma"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:89
msgid "match"
msgstr "correspondencia"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:93
msgid "expression"
msgstr "expresi&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:94
msgid "action"
msgstr "acci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:97
msgid "#bncs"
msgstr "n&#186; rebts"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:100
msgid "order"
msgstr "orden"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:105
msgid "with tagged rules: "
msgstr "normas seleccionadas: "

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:108
msgid "make active"
msgstr "activar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:110
msgid "make inactive"
msgstr "desactivar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:116
msgid "add a new rule"
msgstr "a&ntilde;adir norma nueva"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:19
msgid "processed"
msgstr "procesado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:20
msgid "unidentified"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:86
msgid ""
"are you sure you want to delete all unidentified bounces older than 2 months"
msgstr ""
"¿Seguro que desea eliminar todos los rebotes no identificados que tengan más "
"de dos meses de antigüedad?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:88
msgid "delete all unidentified (&gt; 2 months old)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:91
msgid "are you sure you want to delete all bounces older than 2 months"
msgstr ""
"&#191;Est&aacute; seguro de que quiere eliminar todos los rebotes que tengan "
"m&aacute;s de 2 meses?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:93
msgid "delete all processed (&gt; 2 months old)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:96
msgid "are you sure you want to delete all bounces"
msgstr "¿seguro que desea eliminar todos los rebotes?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:105
msgid "view bounces by list"
msgstr "ver rebotes por lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:116
msgid "no unidentified bounces available"
msgstr "no hay rebotes sin identificar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:119
#, fuzzy
msgid "no processed bounces available"
msgstr "No hay correos rebotados sin procesar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:134
msgid "System Message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:39
msgid "Loading"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:69
msgid "return to editing attributes"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "test processing error"
msgstr "Información de Procesamiento de la lista de correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:52
#, fuzzy
msgid "test Processing info"
msgstr "Información de Procesamiento de la lista de correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:222
msgid "mails in mailbox"
msgstr "mensajes en el buzón"

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:225
msgid "tests"
msgstr "pruebas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:301
msgid "test_protocol not supported"
msgstr "test_protocol no está soportado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:7
msgid "List Bounce Rules"
msgstr "Enumerar las normas para rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:9
msgid "View Bounces per list"
msgstr "Ver rebotes por lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:10
msgid "Check Current Bounce Rules"
msgstr "Comprobar las normas para rebotes actuales"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:16
msgid ""
"You currently have no rules defined.      You can click \"Generate Bounce "
"Rules\" in order to auto-generate rules from your existing bounces.      "
"This will results in a lot of rules which you will need to review and "
"activate.      It will however, not catch every single bounce, so it will be "
"necessary to add new rules over      time when new bounces come in."
msgstr ""
"Actualmente no tiene reglas definidas. Puede pulsar \"Generar reglas de "
"rebote\" para generar automáticamente reglas desde sus actuales rebotes. "
"Esto generará muchas reglas que usted tendrá que revisar y activar. No "
"obstante, esto no servirá para todo tipo de rebote, por lo que será "
"necesario añadir nuevas reglas en el futuro, cuando entren más rebotes."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:18
msgid ""
"You have already defined bounce rules in your system.      Be careful with "
"generating new ones, because these may interfere with the ones that exist."
msgstr ""
"Ya ha definido las normas de rebote de su sistema. Tenga cuidado al crear "
"nuevas normas, porque podrían interferir con las ya existentes."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:20
msgid "Generate Bounce Rules"
msgstr "Crear normas para rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:46
msgid "Available URLs"
msgstr "URLs disponibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:56
msgid "last clicked"
msgstr "últimos clicks"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:64
msgid "Select URL to view"
msgstr "Elija la URL que quiere ver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:68
msgid "There are currently no statistics available"
msgstr "Actualmente no hay estadísticas disponibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:75
msgid "URL Click Statistics"
msgstr "Estadísticas clicks URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:79
msgid "Click Details for a URL"
msgstr "Detalles de clicks de una URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:123
msgid "view subscribers who clicked"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:125
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:138
msgid "click rate"
msgstr "Tasa de clicks"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:34
msgid "Your database version"
msgstr "La versión de su base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:37
msgid ""
"Please edit your config file and change \"mysql.inc\" to \"mysqli.inc\" to "
"avoid future PHP incompatibility"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:43
msgid ""
"Your database is already the correct version, there is no need to upgrade"
msgstr ""
"La versión de su base de datos es la correcta, no hay necesidad de actualizar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:45
msgid "update Top Level Domains"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:73
msgid "Please wait, upgrading your database, do not interrupt"
msgstr "Por favor espere, actualizando su base de datos, no interrumpir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:451
msgid "Database requires converting to UTF-8."
msgstr "Base de datos requiere la conversión a UTF-8."

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:452
msgid "However, there is too little diskspace for this conversion"
msgstr "Sin embargo, hay muy poco espacio en disco para esta conversión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:453
msgid "Please do a manual conversion."
msgstr "Por favor, haga una conversión manual."

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:453
msgid "Run manual conversion to UTF8"
msgstr "Ejecute la conversión manual a UTF8"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:545
msgid "Upgrade successful"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:551
msgid "Upgrade failed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:556
msgid ""
"Your database requires upgrading, please make sure to create a backup of "
"your database first."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:557
msgid ""
"If you have a large database, make sure you have sufficient diskspace "
"available for upgrade."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:558
#, php-format
msgid ""
"When you are ready click %s Depending on the size of your database, this may "
"take quite a while. Please make sure not to interrupt the process, once it "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:92
msgid "Subscribe page information saved"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:102
msgid "Subscribe to our newsletter"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:119
msgid "Please indicate how often you want to receive messages"
msgstr "Indiquela frecuencia con la que quiere recibir mensajes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:155
msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informaci&oacute;n general"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:159
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:107 public_html/databasestructure.php:154
msgid "Title"
msgstr "T&iacute;tulo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:182
msgid "Language file to use"
msgstr "Fichero de idioma a usar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:185
msgid "Intro"
msgstr "Introducci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:194
msgid "Thank you page"
msgstr "P&aacute;gina de agradecimiento"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:202
msgid "Text for Button"
msgstr "Texto para el bot&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:204
msgid "HTML Email choice"
msgstr "Opci&oacute;n de mensajes HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:208
msgid "Don't offer choice, default to <b>text</b>"
msgstr "No ofrecerelecci&oacute;n, enviar <b>texto plano</b> por defecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:212
msgid "Don't offer choice, default to <b>HTML</b>"
msgstr "No ofrecerelecci&oacute;n, enviar <b>HTML</b> por defecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:216
msgid "Offer checkbox for text"
msgstr "Ofrecer casilla de verificaci&oacute;npara texto plano"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:220
msgid "Offer checkbox for HTML"
msgstr "Ofrecer casilla de verificaci&oacute;n para HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:224
msgid "Radio buttons, default to text"
msgstr "Radiobotones, valor por defectotexto plano"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:228
msgid "Radio buttons, default to HTML"
msgstr "Radiobotones, valor por defecto HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:230
msgid "Display Email confirmation"
msgstr "Mostrar confirmaci&oacute;npor correo electr&oacute;nico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:233
msgid "Display email confirmation"
msgstr "Mostrar confirmaci&oacute;npor correo electr&oacute;nico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:236
msgid "Don't display email confirmation"
msgstr "No mostrar confirmaci&oacute;npor correo electr&oacute;nico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:242
msgid "Transaction messages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:245
msgid "Message they receive when they subscribe"
msgstr "Mensaje que reciben al inscribirse"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:250
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:257
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:264
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:51
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensaje"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:252
msgid "Message they receive when they confirm their subscription"
msgstr "Mensaje que reciben al confirmar su inscripci&oacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:259
msgid "Message they receive when they unsubscribe"
msgstr "Mensaje que reciben al desuscribirse"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:272
msgid "Select the attributes to use"
msgstr "Escoja los atributos que quiere usar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:292
msgid "Check this box to use this attribute in the page"
msgstr "Marque estacasilla para utilizar este atributo en la p&aacute;gina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:313
#, php-format
msgid "Information needed for %s"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:318
msgid "Select the lists to offer"
msgstr "Escojer las listas que se ofrecer&aacute;n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:320
msgid "You can only select \"public\" lists for subscribe pages."
msgstr "Sólo puede seleccionar listas públicas en las páginas de suscripción."

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:323
msgid "No lists available, please create one first"
msgstr "No hay listasdisponibles, cree una"

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:35
msgid "No list categories have been defined"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:36
msgid ""
"Once you have set up a few categories, come back to this page to classify "
"your lists with your categories."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:37
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:57
msgid "Configure Categories"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:49
msgid "Categories saved"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:55
msgid "All lists have already been assigned a category"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "save"
msgstr "guardado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:81
msgid "in progress"
msgstr "en curso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open statistics"
msgstr "Ver estadísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:169
msgid "Entries"
msgstr "entradas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:195
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:199
msgid "firstview"
msgstr "primera lectura"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:196
msgid "lastview"
msgstr "&uacute;ltima lectura"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:3 public_html/databasestructure.php:142
msgid "Type of attribute"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:4 public_html/databasestructure.php:143
#, fuzzy
msgid "order of listing"
msgstr "Orden de lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:5 public_html/databasestructure.php:144
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valor por defecto"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:6
msgid "Required for subscriber to fill out"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:7 public_html/databasestructure.php:146
msgid "Name of table with values"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:8
#, fuzzy
msgid "attribute"
msgstr "Atributos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:9
#, fuzzy
msgid "subscriber id"
msgstr "suscriptores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:10
msgid "Value of this attribute for this subscriber"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:11 public_html/databasestructure.php:150
msgid "PKey"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:13
msgid "Is this subscriber confirmed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:14
msgid "Is this subscriber blacklisted"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:15
msgid "Did this subscriber manually confirm"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:16
msgid "Number of bounces"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:18
#, fuzzy
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Última modificación"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:19
msgid "Unique ID"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:20
msgid "Send this subscriber HTML emails"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:21
msgid "Which page was used to subscribe"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:22
msgid "RSS Frequency"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:24 public_html/databasestructure.php:137
msgid "Last time password was changed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:25 public_html/databasestructure.php:139
msgid "Is this account disabled?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:26
msgid "Additional data"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:29
msgid "History Summary"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:30
msgid "History Detail"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:31
msgid "System Information"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "Order of listing"
msgstr "Orden de lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:36
msgid "Subject prefix"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:37
msgid "Rss Feed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:38 public_html/databasestructure.php:45
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:55 public_html/databasestructure.php:84
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:103
msgid "Modified"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:39
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active"
msgstr "activas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:40
msgid "Admin who is owner of this list"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:41
msgid "List category"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:42
#, fuzzy
msgid "Subscriber ID"
msgstr "usuarios"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:43 public_html/databasestructure.php:82
msgid "List ID"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:46
msgid "Primary Key"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:48
msgid "from"
msgstr "de"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:49
msgid "tofield"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:50
msgid "reply-to"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:52
msgid "Text version of Message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:53
msgid "Footer for a message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:56
msgid "Time to send message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:57
msgid "Number of seconds to repeat the message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:58
msgid "Final time to stop repetition"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:59
msgid "Number of seconds to requeue the message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:60
msgid "Final time to stop requeueing"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:62
msgid "query to select the subscribers for this message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:64
msgid "Is this message HTML formatted"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:65
msgid "Format to send this message in"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:66
msgid "Template to use"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:67
msgid "Number Processed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:70
msgid "Sent as Text and HTML"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:71
msgid "Sent as PDF"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:72
msgid "Sent as Text and PDF"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:73
msgid "Was the message viewed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:74
msgid "How many bounces on this message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:75
msgid "When did sending of this message start"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:76
msgid "if used as a RSS template, what frequency"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:77
msgid "Admin who is owner"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:78 public_html/databasestructure.php:156
msgid "Name of field"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:79 public_html/databasestructure.php:81
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:89 public_html/databasestructure.php:96
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:119 public_html/databasestructure.php:123
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:160 public_html/databasestructure.php:167
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:175
msgid "Message ID"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:80
#, fuzzy
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Fecha"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:86
msgid "When added to blacklist"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:88
msgid "Name of Dataitem"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:90
msgid "Attachment ID"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:92
msgid "The original location on the uploader machine"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:93
msgid "The type of attachment"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:95
msgid "Size of the file"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:97 public_html/databasestructure.php:118
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:122 public_html/databasestructure.php:161
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:176
#, fuzzy
msgid "subscriber ID"
msgstr "suscriptores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:99
msgid "When viewed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:100
msgid "Status of message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:101
msgid "Primary key"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:102
msgid "Start Time"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:104
msgid "Is this process still alive?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:105
msgid "IP Address of who started it"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:106
msgid "The page that this process runs in"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "The template"
msgstr "Usar Plantilla"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:109
msgid "id of template"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:112
msgid "The image"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:113
msgid "Date received"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:114
msgid "Header of bounce"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:115
msgid "The bounce"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:116
msgid "Status of this bounce"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:117
msgid "System Comment"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:120
msgid "Bounce ID"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:121
msgid "When did it bounce"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:124
msgid "Forward email"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:125
msgid "Status of forward"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:126
msgid "When was it forwarded"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:128
msgid "Editable?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:129
msgid "Type of data"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:130
msgid "Login Name (max 25 chars)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:131
msgid "Normalised loginname"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:133
msgid "Time Created"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:134
msgid "Time modified"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:135
msgid "Modified by"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:138
msgid "Is this admin Super Admin?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:145
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:147
msgid "attribute number"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:148
msgid "id of admin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:149
msgid "Value of this attribute for this admin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:151
msgid "When the password change request was made"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:152
msgid "Admin's Id"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:153
msgid "Key"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:155
msgid "Admin who is owner of this page"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:157
#, fuzzy
msgid "data"
msgstr "fecha"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:158
msgid "page this log was for"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:159
msgid "Link ID"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:162 public_html/databasestructure.php:184
msgid "URL to log"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:163
msgid "URL to forward to"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:164 public_html/databasestructure.php:169
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:178
msgid "When first clicked"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:165 public_html/databasestructure.php:170
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:179
msgid "When last clicked"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:166 public_html/databasestructure.php:172
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:180
msgid "Number of clicks"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:168 public_html/databasestructure.php:177
msgid "ID in forward table"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:171
msgid "Number of times this link has been sent to subscribers for this message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:173 public_html/databasestructure.php:181
msgid "Number of clicks from HTML emails"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:174 public_html/databasestructure.php:182
msgid "Number of clicks from text emails"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:183
msgid "forward ID"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:185
msgid "Forward adding the UID?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:186
msgid "URL should be unique"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:187
msgid "Name of data"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:188
msgid "date in unix format"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:189
msgid "Regex"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:190
msgid "Action on rule"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:191
msgid "Count of matching bounces on this rule"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:192
msgid "Related regex"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "Related bounce"
msgstr "rebotes relacionados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:194
msgid "adminid"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:195
msgid "Language ISO"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:196
msgid "Original string"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:197
msgid "Translated string"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:198
msgid "pagetitle:home"
msgstr "inicio"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:199
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:home"
msgstr "rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:200
msgid "pagetitle:setup"
msgstr "Instalación"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:201
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:setup"
msgstr "Instalación"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:202
msgid "pagetitle:about"
msgstr "acerca de phpList"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:about"
msgstr "acerca de phpList"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:204
msgid "pagetitle:attributes"
msgstr "atributos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:attributes"
msgstr "atributos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:206
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitle:stresstest"
msgstr "mensajes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:207
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:stresstest"
msgstr "mensajes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:208
msgid "pagetitle:list"
msgstr "Por lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:209
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:list"
msgstr "categorizar listas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitle:config"
msgstr "configurar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:211
msgid "pagetitlehover:config"
msgstr "configurar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:212
msgid "pagetitle:catlists"
msgstr "categorizar listas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:213
msgid "pagetitlehover:catlists"
msgstr "categorizar listas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:214
msgid "pagetitle:editattributes"
msgstr "editar atributos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:215
msgid "pagetitlehover:editattributes"
msgstr "editar atributos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:216
msgid "pagetitle:editlist"
msgstr "editar lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:217
msgid "pagetitlehover:editlist"
msgstr "editar lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:218
msgid "pagetitle:checki18n"
msgstr "comprobar i18n"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:219
msgid "pagetitlehover:checki18n"
msgstr "comprobar i18n"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:220
msgid "pagetitle:importsimple"
msgstr "importación directa"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:221
msgid "pagetitlehover:importsimple"
msgstr "importación directa"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitle:import4"
msgstr "importar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:223
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:import4"
msgstr "importar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitle:import3"
msgstr "importar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:import3"
msgstr "importar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:226
msgid "pagetitle:import2"
msgstr "importar desde csv"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:import2"
msgstr "importar desde csv"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:228
msgid "pagetitle:import1"
msgstr "importar desde un archivo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:import1"
msgstr "importar desde un archivo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:230
msgid "pagetitle:import"
msgstr "importar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:import"
msgstr "importar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:232
msgid "pagetitle:export"
msgstr "exportar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:233
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:export"
msgstr "exportar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:234
msgid "pagetitle:initialise"
msgstr "inicializar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:235
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:initialise"
msgstr "inicializar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:236
msgid "pagetitle:send"
msgstr "enviar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:237
msgid "pagetitlehover:send"
msgstr "enviar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:238
msgid "pagetitle:preparesend"
msgstr "preparar para enviar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:239
msgid "pagetitlehover:preparesend"
msgstr "preparar para enviar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:240
msgid "pagetitle:sendprepared"
msgstr "enviar preparados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:241
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:sendprepared"
msgstr "enviar preparados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:242
msgid "pagetitle:members"
msgstr "miembros"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:243
msgid "pagetitlehover:members"
msgstr "miembros"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:244
msgid "pagetitle:users"
msgstr "usuarios"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:245
msgid "pagetitlehover:users"
msgstr "usuarios"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:246
msgid "pagetitle:reconcileusers"
msgstr "conciliar usuarios"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:247
msgid "pagetitlehover:reconcileusers"
msgstr "conciliar usuarios"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:248
msgid "pagetitle:user"
msgstr "usuario"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:249
msgid "pagetitlehover:user"
msgstr "usuario"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:250
msgid "pagetitle:userhistory"
msgstr "historial de usuario"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:251
msgid "pagetitlehover:userhistory"
msgstr "historial de usuario"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:252
msgid "pagetitle:messages"
msgstr "mensajes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:253
msgid "pagetitlehover:messages"
msgstr "mensajes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:254
msgid "pagetitle:message"
msgstr "mensaje"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:255
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:message"
msgstr "mensaje"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:256
msgid "pagetitle:processqueue"
msgstr "procesar cola"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:257
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:processqueue"
msgstr "procesar cola"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:258
msgid "pagetitle:defaults"
msgstr "valores por defecto"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:259
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:defaults"
msgstr "valores por defecto"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:260
msgid "pagetitle:upgrade"
msgstr "actualizar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:261
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:upgrade"
msgstr "actualizar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:262
msgid "pagetitle:templates"
msgstr "plantillas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:263
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:templates"
msgstr "plantillas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:264
msgid "pagetitle:template"
msgstr "plantilla"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:265
msgid "pagetitlehover:template"
msgstr "plantilla"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:266
msgid "pagetitle:viewtemplate"
msgstr "ver plantilla"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:267
msgid "pagetitlehover:viewtemplate"
msgstr "ver plantilla"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:268
msgid "pagetitle:configure"
msgstr "configurar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:269
msgid "pagetitlehover:configure"
msgstr "configurar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:270
msgid "pagetitle:admin"
msgstr "administrador"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:271
msgid "pagetitlehover:admin"
msgstr "administrador"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:272
msgid "pagetitle:admins"
msgstr "administradores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:273
msgid "pagetitlehover:admins"
msgstr "administradores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:274
msgid "pagetitle:adminattributes"
msgstr "atributos de administradores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:275
msgid "pagetitlehover:adminattributes"
msgstr "atributos de administradores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:276
msgid "pagetitle:processbounces"
msgstr "procesar rebotes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:277
msgid "pagetitlehover:processbounces"
msgstr "procesar rebotes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:278
msgid "pagetitle:bounces"
msgstr "rebotes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:279
msgid "pagetitlehover:bounces"
msgstr "rebotes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:280
msgid "pagetitle:bounce"
msgstr "rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:281
msgid "pagetitlehover:bounce"
msgstr "rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:282
msgid "pagetitle:spageedit"
msgstr "editar página de suscripción"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:spageedit"
msgstr "editar página de suscripción"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:284
msgid "pagetitle:spage"
msgstr "página de suscripción"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:285
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:spage"
msgstr "página de suscripción"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:286
msgid "pagetitle:eventlog"
msgstr "registro de eventos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:287
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:eventlog"
msgstr "registro de eventos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:288
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitle:getrss"
msgstr "levantar rss"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:289
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:getrss"
msgstr "levantar rss"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:290
msgid "pagetitle:viewrss"
msgstr "ver rss"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:291
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:viewrss"
msgstr "ver rss"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:292
msgid "pagetitle:community"
msgstr "comunidad"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:293
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:community"
msgstr "comunidad"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:294
msgid "pagetitle:vote"
msgstr "votar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:vote"
msgstr "rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:296
msgid "pagetitle:login"
msgstr "ingresar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:297
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:login"
msgstr "ingresar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:298
msgid "pagetitle:logout"
msgstr "salir"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:299
msgid "pagetitlehover:logout"
msgstr "salir"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:300
msgid "pagetitle:mclicks"
msgstr "mensajes cliqueados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:301
msgid "pagetitlehover:mclicks"
msgstr "mensajes cliqueados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:302
msgid "pagetitle:uclicks"
msgstr "urls cliqueadas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:303
msgid "pagetitlehover:uclicks"
msgstr "urls cliqueadas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:304
msgid "pagetitle:massunconfirm"
msgstr "desuscbribir masivamente"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:305
msgid "pagetitlehover:massunconfirm"
msgstr "desuscbribir masivamente"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:306
msgid "pagetitle:massremove"
msgstr "eliminar masivamente"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:307
msgid "pagetitlehover:massremove"
msgstr "eliminar masivamente"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:308
msgid "pagetitle:usermgt"
msgstr "administrar usuarios"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:309
msgid "pagetitlehover:usermgt"
msgstr "administrar usuarios"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:310
msgid "pagetitle:bouncemgt"
msgstr "administrar rebotes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:311
msgid "pagetitlehover:bouncemgt"
msgstr "administrar rebotes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:312
msgid "pagetitle:domainstats"
msgstr "estadísticas de dominio"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:313
msgid "pagetitlehover:domainstats"
msgstr "estadísticas de dominio"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:314
msgid "pagetitle:mviews"
msgstr "mensajes vistos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:315
msgid "pagetitlehover:mviews"
msgstr "mensajes vistos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:316
msgid "pagetitle:statsmgt"
msgstr "estadísticas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:317
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:statsmgt"
msgstr "estadísticas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:318
msgid "pagetitle:statsoverview"
msgstr "estadísticas generales"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:319
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:statsoverview"
msgstr "estadísticas generales"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:320
msgid "pagetitle:subscriberstats"
msgstr "estadísticas de suscriptor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:321
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:subscriberstats"
msgstr "estadísticas de suscriptor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:322
msgid "pagetitle:dbcheck"
msgstr "comprobar base de datos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:323
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:dbcheck"
msgstr "comprobar base de datos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:324
msgid "pagetitle:importadmin"
msgstr "importar administrador"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:325
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:importadmin"
msgstr "importar administrador"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:326
msgid "pagetitle:dbadmin"
msgstr "administrador de base de datos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:327
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:dbadmin"
msgstr "administrador de base de datos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:328
msgid "pagetitle:usercheck"
msgstr "comprobar usuario"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:329
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:usercheck"
msgstr "comprobar usuario"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:330
msgid "pagetitle:listbounces"
msgstr "rebotes por lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:331
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:listbounces"
msgstr "rebotes por lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:332
msgid "pagetitle:bouncerules"
msgstr "reglas de rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:333
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:bouncerules"
msgstr "reglas de rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:334
msgid "pagetitle:checkbouncerules"
msgstr "comprobar reglas de rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:335
msgid "pagetitlehover:checkbouncerules"
msgstr "comprobar reglas de rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:336
msgid "pagetitle:translate"
msgstr "traducir"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:337
msgid "pagetitlehover:translate"
msgstr "traducir"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:338
msgid "pagetitle:ajaxform"
msgstr "forlumario ajax"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:339
msgid "pagetitlehover:ajaxform"
msgstr "forlumario ajax"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:340
msgid "pagetitle:updatetranslation"
msgstr "actualizar traducción"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:341
msgid "pagetitlehover:updatetranslation"
msgstr "actualizar traducción"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:342
msgid "pagetitle:reindex"
msgstr "reindexar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:343
msgid "pagetitlehover:reindex"
msgstr "reindexar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:344
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitle:plugins"
msgstr "ingresar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:345
#, fuzzy
msgid "pagetitlehover:plugins"
msgstr "ingresar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:346
msgid "pagetitle:hostedprocessqueuesetup"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:347
msgid "pagetitlehover:hostedprocessqueuesetup"
msgstr ""

#~ msgid "You do not have enough priviliges to view this page"
#~ msgstr "No tiene sufucientes privilegios para ver esta p&aacute;gina"

#~ msgid "List is Active"
#~ msgstr "Lista Activa"

#~ msgid "List is not Active"
#~ msgstr "La lista no est&aacute; activa"

#~ msgid "Template does not contain local images"
#~ msgstr "La plantilla no contiene im&aacute;genes locales"

#~ msgid "message(s) to process."
#~ msgstr "mensaje(s) para procesar."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please leave this window open. You have batch processing enabled, so it will "
#~ "reload several times to send the messages. Reports will be sent by email to"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Por favor deje esta ventana abierta. Usted tiene el procesamiento por lotes "
#~ "habilitado, por lo que va a recargar varias veces para enviar los mensajes. "
#~ "Los informes se pueden enviar por correo electrónico a"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your webserver is running in safe_mode. Please keep this window open. It may "
#~ "reload several times to make sure all messages are sent."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Su servidor est&aacute; funcionando en &#171;safe_mode&#187; (modo seguro). "
#~ "Mantenga esta ventana abierta. Puede que se recargue varias veces para "
#~ "asegurar que se env&iacute;n todos los mensajes."

#~ msgid "Reports will be sent by email to"
#~ msgstr "Los informes se enviar&aacute;n por correo a"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Please make sure to read the file README.security that can be found in the "
#~ "zip file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Por favor, asegúrese de leer el fichero README.security que encontrará en el "
#~ "archivo .zip."

#~ msgid "Please make sure to"
#~ msgstr "No deje de"

#~ msgid "subscribe to the announcements list"
#~ msgstr "suscribirse a la lista de anuncios"

#~ msgid "Title of this set of lists"
#~ msgstr "T&iacute;tulo de este conjunto de listas"

#~ msgid "delchecked"
#~ msgstr "eliminar marcado"

#~ msgid "Campaigns in the last year"
#~ msgstr "Campañas durante el último año"

#~ msgid "view users"
#~ msgstr "ver usuarios"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "pagetitle:info"
#~ msgstr "importar"

#~ msgid "pagetitlehover:info"
#~ msgstr "información"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Click Rate"
#~ msgstr "Tasa de clicks"

#~ msgid "Message Click Statistics"
#~ msgstr "Estad&iacute;sticas de clicks de un mensaje"

#~ msgid "addingattachment"
#~ msgstr "agregando adjunto"

#~ msgid "delete user"
#~ msgstr "eliminar usuario"

#~ msgid "unconfirm user"
#~ msgstr "marcar al usuario como no confirmado"

#~ msgid "blacklist user"
#~ msgstr "añadir al usuario a la lista negra"

#~ msgid "delete user and bounce"
#~ msgstr "eliminar usuario y rebote"

#~ msgid "unconfirm user and delete bounce"
#~ msgstr "marcar al usuario como no confirmado y eliminar el rebote"

#~ msgid "blacklist user and delete bounce"
#~ msgstr "añadir al usuario a la lista negra y eliminar el rebote"

#~ msgid "What to do with all users"
#~ msgstr "&#191;Qu&eacute; hacer con todos los usuarios?"

#~ msgid "This will process all users on this list"
#~ msgstr "Esto afectar&aacute;  a todos los usuarios de esta lista"

#~ msgid "Add a new one"
#~ msgstr "A&ntilde;adir uno nuevo"

#~ msgid "invalid emails"
#~ msgstr "correos no válidos"

#, php-format
#, php-format, fuzzy
#~ msgid "phplist has finished sending the campaign with subject %s"
#~ msgstr "PHPList ha terminado de enviar el mensaje cuyo asunto es %s"

#~ msgid "View Details for a Message"
#~ msgstr "Ver los detalles de un mensaje"

#~ msgid "Message Open Statistics"
#~ msgstr "Estad&iacute;sticas de lectura del mensaje"

#~ msgid "sec"
#~ msgstr "segs."

#~ msgid "Changes Saved"
#~ msgstr "Cambios guardados"

#~ msgid "no unprocessed bounces available"
#~ msgstr "No hay correos rebotados sin procesar"

#~ msgid "click stats"
#~ msgstr "estad&iacute;sticas de clicks"

#~ msgid "Check for Subscribers"
#~ msgstr "Comprobar usuarios"

#~ msgid "status"
#~ msgstr "estado"

#~ msgid "cannot check, \"allow_url_fopen\" disabled in PHP settings"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "no se puede comprobar: \"allow_url_fopen\" está deshabilitado en la "
#~ "configuración PHP"

#~ msgid "unique clicks"
#~ msgstr "clicks &uacute;nicos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unique click rate"
#~ msgstr "tasa de clicks &uacute;nica"

#~ msgid "unique clickrate"
#~ msgstr "tasa de clicks &uacute;nica"

#~ msgid "Save and Activate"
#~ msgstr "Salvar y activar"

#~ msgid "Save and Deactivate"
#~ msgstr "Salvar y desactivar"

#~ msgid "Sending in batches of"
#~ msgstr "Enviando en lotes de"

#~ msgid "emails"
#~ msgstr "correos"

#~ msgid "This batch will be"
#~ msgstr "Este lote tendr&aacute;"

#~ msgid "emails, because in the last"
#~ msgstr "correos, porque en el último"

#~ msgid "emails were sent"
#~ msgstr "correos fueron enviados"

#~ msgid "In the last"
#~ msgstr "En los &uacute;ltimos"

#~ msgid "seconds more emails were sent"
#~ msgstr "segundos se enviaron más correos"

#~ msgid "than is currently allowed per batch"
#~ msgstr "de lo que actualmente se permite por lote"

#~ msgid "Continue phpList configuration"
#~ msgstr "Continuar configurando phpList"

#~ msgid "credits for this translation"
#~ msgstr "Germ&aacute;n Guillot"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Test output:There should only be ONE email per line.If the output looks ok, "
#~ "go Back to resubmit for real"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Prueba de salida: Sólo debe haber un correo por línea.Si el resultado parece "
#~ "estar bien, vuelva atrás y procese de verdad."

#~ msgid "All the emails already exist in the database"
#~ msgstr "Todos los correos existen ya en la base de datos"

#~ msgid "saved"
#~ msgstr "guardado"

#~ msgid "Save as Draft"
#~ msgstr "Guardar como borrador"

#~ msgid "Admin Details"
#~ msgstr "Detalles de administrador"

#~ msgid "Listing admin"
#~ msgstr "Mostrando lista de administradores"

#~ msgid "Listing admin 1 to 50"
#~ msgstr "Mostrando lista de administradores del 1 al 50"

#~ msgid "of"
#~ msgstr "de"

#~ msgid "users processed"
#~ msgstr "usuarios procesados."

#, php-format
#~ msgid "%d Duplicate Emails found."
#~ msgstr "%d correos duplicados encontrados."

#, php-format
#~ msgid "User data was updated for %d users"
#~ msgstr "Datos de usuario actualizados en %d usuarios."

#, php-format
#~ msgid "%d users were matched by foreign key, %d by email"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "%d usuarios se correspondieron con la clave externa y %d usuarios con el "
#~ "correo."

#~ msgid "user is Blacklisted since"
#~ msgstr "El usuario est&aacute; en la lista negra desde"

#~ msgid "are you sure you want to delete this user from the blacklist"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "&#191;Est&aacute; seguro de que quiere sacar a este usuario de la lista "
#~ "negra?"

#~ msgid "it should only be done with explicit permission from this user"
#~ msgstr "Solo se puede hacer con permiso expl&iacute;cito de este usuario"

#~ msgid "remove User from Blacklist"
#~ msgstr "Sacar al usuario de la lista negra"

#~ msgid "into"
#~ msgstr "en"

#~ msgid "emails existed in the database"
#~ msgstr "correos ya existían en la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Sample Newsletter text"
#~ msgstr "Texto de ejemplo para el boletín"

#~ msgid "Change Admin Password"
#~ msgstr "Cambiar la contrase&ntilde;a del administrador"

#~ msgid "Create Lists"
#~ msgstr "Crear listas"

#~ msgid "Create Subscribe Pages"
#~ msgstr "Crear p&aacute;ginas de inscripci&oacute;n"

#~ msgid "add Google tracking code"
#~ msgstr "agregar codigo de tracking de Google"

#~ msgid "A new version of PHPlist is available!"
#~ msgstr "¡Nueva  versión de phpList disponible!"

#~ msgid "Getting and Parsing the RSS sources"
#~ msgstr "Obteniendo y procesando las fuentes de RSS"

#~ msgid "Rss Errors"
#~ msgstr "Errores de RSS"

#~ msgid "Rss Results"
#~ msgstr "Resultados de RSS"

#~ msgid "Rss Failure report"
#~ msgstr "Informe de fracaso de RSS"

#~ msgid "Parsing"
#~ msgstr "Procesando"

#~ msgid "items"
#~ msgstr "elementos"

#~ msgid "new items"
#~ msgstr "elementos nuevos"

#~ msgid "No tables to process, your database has probably been converted already"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No hay tablas a procesar: probablemente su base de datos ya ha sido "
#~ "convertida"

#~ msgid "Lists this message has been sent to"
#~ msgstr "Listas a las que se ha enviado este mensaje"

#~ msgid "Sorry, only super users can purge RSS items from the database"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Lo siento, solo los super usuarios pueden purgar los items RSS de la base de "
#~ "datos"

#, php-format
#~ msgid "%d RSS items purged"
#~ msgstr "se han purgado %d items de RSS"

#~ msgid "Purge RSS items from database"
#~ msgstr "Purgar items de RSS de la base de datos"

#~ msgid "Enter the number of days to go back purging entries"
#~ msgstr "Indique el número de días que se debe ir hacia atrás purgando entradas"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "All entries that are older than the number of days you enter will be purged."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Todas las entradas que estén dentro del número de días indicado, serán "
#~ "purgadas."

#~ msgid "New List added"
#~ msgstr "Nueva lista añadida"

#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all records?"
#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que desea eliminar todos los registros?"

#~ msgid "who"
#~ msgstr "qui&eacute;n"

#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to clear all click statistics? "
#~ msgstr "¿Seguro que desea limpiar todas las estadísticas de clicks?"

#~ msgid "Yes, sure"
#~ msgstr "Sí, estoy seguro"

#~ msgid "Statistics erased"
#~ msgstr "Estadísticas borradas"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "View a bounce"
#~ msgstr "Ver mensaje rebotado"

#~ msgid "Marking all users confirmed"
#~ msgstr "todos los usuarios quedar&aacute;n confirmados"

#, php-format
#~ msgid "Marking all users on list %s confirmed"
#~ msgstr "Marcando a todos los usuarios de la lista %s como confirmados"

#~ msgid "users apply"
#~ msgstr "usuarios corresponden"

#~ msgid "Creating UniqID for all users who do not have one"
#~ msgstr "Creando UniqID a todos los usuarios que no tienen ya una."

#~ msgid "Marking all users to receive HTML"
#~ msgstr "Todos los usuarios recibir&aacute;n HTML"

#~ msgid "Marking all users to receive text"
#~ msgstr "Marcando a todos los usuarios para que reciban texto plano."

#~ msgid "Deleting users who are not on any list"
#~ msgstr "Eliminando a los usuarios que no están en ninguna lista."

#~ msgid "Moving users who are not on any list to"
#~ msgstr "Moviendo a los usuarios que no están en ninguna lista a"

#~ msgid "Deleting users with more than"
#~ msgstr "Eliminando a los usuarios con más de"

#~ msgid "Resending request for confirmation to users who signed up after"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Volviendo a enviar la solicitud de confirmación a los usuarios que se "
#~ "apuntaron después"

#~ msgid "Deleting unconfirmed users who signed up after"
#~ msgstr "Eliminando a los usuarios no confirmados que se apuntaron después"

#~ msgid "Trying to fix users with an invalid email"
#~ msgstr "Intentando arreglar los usuarios que tienen correos no válidos."

#~ msgid "Users fixed"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios arreglados"

#~ msgid "Users could not be fixed"
#~ msgstr "Algunos usuarios no pudieron ser arreglados"

#~ msgid "Deleting users with an invalid email"
#~ msgstr "Eliminando a los usuarios que tienen un correo no válido."

#~ msgid "Users deleted"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios eliminados"

#~ msgid "Marking users with an invalid email as unconfirmed"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Marcando como no confirmados a los usuarios que tienen correos no válidos"

#~ msgid "Users updated"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios actualizados"

#~ msgid "Users"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios"

#~ msgid "To delete all users with more than"
#~ msgstr "Para eliminar a todos los usuarios con más de"

#~ msgid "Note: this will use the total count of bounces on a user, not consecutive bounces"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nota: esto tendrá en cuenta el contador total de rebotes de un usuario, no "
#~ "sus rebotes consecutivos"

#~ msgid "To delete users who signed up and have not confirmed their subscription"
#~ msgstr "Para eliminar a los usuarios que se inscribieron pero no confirmaron"

#~ msgid "n/a"
#~ msgstr "no corresponde"

#~ msgid "DelAll"
#~ msgstr "eliminar todos"

#~ msgid "Delete and Replace"
#~ msgstr "Eliminar y reemplazar"

#~ msgid "cannotdelete"
#~ msgstr "no se puede eliminar "

#~ msgid "dependentrecords"
#~ msgstr "Registros dependientes"

#~ msgid "addnew"
#~ msgstr "a&ntilde;adir nuevo"

#~ msgid "oneperline"
#~ msgstr "uno por l&iacute;nea"

#~ msgid "changeorder"
#~ msgstr "cambiar orden"

#~ msgid "bounced"
#~ msgstr "rebotado"

#~ msgid "forwarded"
#~ msgstr "reenviado"

#~ msgid "sendingmessage"
#~ msgstr "enviando mensaje"

#~ msgid "withsubject"
#~ msgstr "con asunto"

#~ msgid "Mass unconfirm email addresses"
#~ msgstr "Marcar masivamente correos sin confirmar"

#~ msgid "Daily"
#~ msgstr "a diario"

#~ msgid "Weekly"
#~ msgstr "semanalmente"

#~ msgid "Monthly"
#~ msgstr "mensualmente"

#~ msgid "Get RSS feeds"
#~ msgstr "Obtener canales RSS"

#~ msgid "View RSS items"
#~ msgstr "Ver elementos RSS"

#~ msgid "rss freq"
#~ msgstr "frecuancia de RSS"

#~ msgid "last sent"
#~ msgstr "&uacute;ltimo enviado"

#~ msgid "RSS source"
#~ msgstr "origen de RSS"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "(View Items)"
#~ msgstr "Ver elementos"

#~ msgid "validate"
#~ msgstr "validar"

#~ msgid "View Items"
#~ msgstr "Ver elementos"

#~ msgid "RSS Source"
#~ msgstr "Origen de RSS"

#~ msgid "RSS settings"
#~ msgstr "Configuraci&oacute;n RSS"

#~ msgid "Intro Text"
#~ msgstr "Texto de introducci&oacute;n"

#~ msgid "Offer option to receive"
#~ msgstr "Ofrecer opci&oacute;n para recibir"

#~ msgid "user subscription history"
#~ msgstr "Historial de inscripci&oacute;n del usuario"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "resend verification email"
#~ msgstr "enviar correo de notificaci&oacute;n"

#, php-format
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%d users apply"
#~ msgstr "usuarios corresponden"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "criterion"
#~ msgstr "A&ntilde;adir criterio"

#~ msgid "is"
#~ msgstr "es"

#, php-format
#, php-format, fuzzy
#~ msgid "%d to process"
#~ msgstr "para procesar"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "users deleted"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios eliminados"

#~ msgid "You should not paste the results of a test email back into the editor"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No debería pegar los resultados de un correo de prueba nuevamente en el "
#~ "editor."

#~ msgid "This will break the click track statistics."
#~ msgstr "Esto romperá las estadísticas click track"

#~ msgid "Error adding new admin"
#~ msgstr "Error al a&ntilde;adir nuevo administrador"

#~ msgid "out of"
#~ msgstr "de"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No such User"
#~ msgstr "No existe ese usuario"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "unsubscribe page"
#~ msgstr "P&aacute;ginas de inscripci&oacute;n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add a new User"
#~ msgstr "A&ntilde;adir uno nuevo"

#~ msgid "seconds ago"
#~ msgstr "segundos atrás"

#~ msgid "PHPList Users"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios de PHPList"

#~ msgid "on"
#~ msgstr "en"

#~ msgid "Current set of permissions made default"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Se ha establecido la configuraci&oacute;n de  permisos actual como "
#~ "configuraci&oacute;n por defecto"

#~ msgid "Access Details"
#~ msgstr "Ver detalles"

#~ msgid "Access Privileges"
#~ msgstr "Ver privilegios"

#~ msgid "Page"
#~ msgstr "P&aacute;gina"

#~ msgid "Set these permissions as default"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Establecer esta configuraci&oacute;n de permisos como configuraci&oacute;n "
#~ "por defecto"

#~ msgid "Reset to Default"
#~ msgstr "Volver a la configuraci&oacute;n por defecto"

#~ msgid "Reload required"
#~ msgstr "Se necesita volver a cargar"

#~ msgid "It is safe to click your stop button now, report will be sent by email to"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "es seguro hacer click en el bo&oacute;n &#171;detener&#187; ahora. Se "
#~ "enviar&aacute; un informe por correo a"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Terms updated"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios actualizados"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "test_output"
#~ msgstr "Probar salida"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "no_data_changed"
#~ msgstr "No se cambi&oacute; ning&uacute;n dato de usuario"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "lists_subscriptions"
#~ msgstr "Suscripciones a listas:"

#~ msgid "new_email_was"
#~ msgstr "el nuevo correo fue"

#~ msgid "new_emails_were"
#~ msgstr "los nuevos correos fueron"

#~ msgid "email_was"
#~ msgstr "el correo fue"

#~ msgid "emails_were"
#~ msgstr "los correos fueron"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "subscribed"
#~ msgstr "usuarios"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "field_delimiter"
#~ msgstr "Delimitador de campos"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "record_delimiter"
#~ msgstr "Delimitador de registros"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "confirmed_immediately"
#~ msgstr "Confirmar inmediatamente&nbsp;"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Subscriptions"
#~ msgstr "Descripci&oacute;n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Confirmed"
#~ msgstr "confirmado"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Unconfirmed"
#~ msgstr "confirmado"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "values"
#~ msgstr "valor"

#~ msgid "noaccess"
#~ msgstr "Este mensaje no existe, o bien usted no tiene acceso  a &eacute;l"

#~ msgid "Text to prepend to email"
#~ msgstr "Texto que ir&aacute; al comienzo del correo"

#~ msgid " Sorry to bother you: we are cleaning up our database and  it appears that you have previously signed up to our mailinglists  and not confirmed your subscription.  We would like to give you the opportunity to re-confirm your  subscription. The instructions on how to confirm are below.   "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sentimos molestarle: estamos haciendo limpieza en nuestra base de datos y "
#~ "parece que usted se inscribi&oacute; a alguna de nuestras listas, pero no "
#~ "confirm&oacute; su inscripci&oacute;n.Quisi&eacute;ramos darle una nueva "
#~ "oportunidad de confirmar su inscripci&oacute;n. M&aacute;s abajo tiene las "
#~ "instrucciones para ello.  "

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Existing Users"
#~ msgstr "usuarios existentes"

#~ msgid "alllists"
#~ msgstr "Todas las listas"

#~ msgid "listactive"
#~ msgstr "La lista est&aacute; activa"

#~ msgid "listnotactive"
#~ msgstr "La lista no est&aacute; activa"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "nolistsavailable"
#~ msgstr "No hay listas disponibles"

#~ msgid "enter your email"
#~ msgstr "Introduzca su email"

#~ msgid "Message Sending has started"
#~ msgstr "Se ha comenzado a enviar el mensaje"

#~ msgid "Message Sending has finished"
#~ msgstr "Finaliz&oacute; el env&iacute;o del mensaje"

#~ msgid "Hello World"
#~ msgstr "Wello Horld"

#~ msgid "foreignkey"
#~ msgstr "Clave externa"

#~ msgid "pastevalues"
#~ msgstr "Copie los valores que quiera comprobar en este"
#~ "  recuadro, uno por l&iacute;nea"

#~ msgid "selectattribute"
#~ msgstr "seleccionar atributo"

#~ msgid "matchallrules"
#~ msgstr "Concuerda con todas estas normas"

#~ msgid "matchanyrules"
#~ msgstr "Concuerda con alguna de estas normas"

#~ msgid "isnot"
#~ msgstr "no es"

#~ msgid "unchecked"
#~ msgstr "No seleccionado"

#~ msgid "checked"
#~ msgstr "Seleccionado"

#~ msgid "dd-mm-yyyy"
#~ msgstr "dd-mm-yyyy"

#~ msgid "isbefore"
#~ msgstr "es anterior a"

#~ msgid "isafter"
#~ msgstr "es posterior a"

#~ msgid "buggywithie"
#~ msgstr "Atenci&oacute;n: esta funci&oacute;n da errores y"
#~ "  no es fiable con IE.\nEs preferible utilizar Mozilla, Firefox u"
#~ "  Opera\nTambi&eacute;n puede desconectar STACKED_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTION"
#~ "  en su fichero de configuraci&oacute;n"

#~ msgid "Users apply"
#~ msgstr "Usuarios corresponden"

#~ msgid "savechanges"
#~ msgstr "Salvar cambios"


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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pagetitles.php File 3.3 KB 0644
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phplist.po.pending File 145.96 KB 0644