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<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>API Usage &mdash; CKEditor Sample</title>
	<script src="../ckeditor.js"></script>
	<link href="sample.css" rel="stylesheet">

// The instanceReady event is fired, when an instance of CKEditor has finished
// its initialization.
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev ) {
	// Show the editor name and description in the browser status bar.
	document.getElementById( 'eMessage' ).innerHTML = 'Instance <code>' + ev.editor.name + '<\/code> loaded.';

	// Show this sample buttons.
	document.getElementById( 'eButtons' ).style.display = 'block';

function InsertHTML() {
	// Get the editor instance that we want to interact with.
	var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
	var value = document.getElementById( 'htmlArea' ).value;

	// Check the active editing mode.
	if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
		// Insert HTML code.
		// http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertHtml
		editor.insertHtml( value );
		alert( 'You must be in WYSIWYG mode!' );

function InsertText() {
	// Get the editor instance that we want to interact with.
	var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
	var value = document.getElementById( 'txtArea' ).value;

	// Check the active editing mode.
	if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
		// Insert as plain text.
		// http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertText
		editor.insertText( value );
		alert( 'You must be in WYSIWYG mode!' );

function SetContents() {
	// Get the editor instance that we want to interact with.
	var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
	var value = document.getElementById( 'htmlArea' ).value;

	// Set editor contents (replace current contents).
	// http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-setData
	editor.setData( value );

function GetContents() {
	// Get the editor instance that you want to interact with.
	var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;

	// Get editor contents
	// http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-getData
	alert( editor.getData() );

function ExecuteCommand( commandName ) {
	// Get the editor instance that we want to interact with.
	var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;

	// Check the active editing mode.
	if ( editor.mode == 'wysiwyg' )
		// Execute the command.
		// http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-execCommand
		editor.execCommand( commandName );
		alert( 'You must be in WYSIWYG mode!' );

function CheckDirty() {
	// Get the editor instance that we want to interact with.
	var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
	// Checks whether the current editor contents present changes when compared
	// to the contents loaded into the editor at startup
	// http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-checkDirty
	alert( editor.checkDirty() );

function ResetDirty() {
	// Get the editor instance that we want to interact with.
	var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
	// Resets the "dirty state" of the editor (see CheckDirty())
	// http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-resetDirty
	alert( 'The "IsDirty" status has been reset' );

function Focus() {

function onFocus() {
	document.getElementById( 'eMessage' ).innerHTML = '<b>' + this.name + ' is focused </b>';

function onBlur() {
	document.getElementById( 'eMessage' ).innerHTML = this.name + ' lost focus';


	<h1 class="samples">
		<a href="index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> &raquo; Using CKEditor JavaScript API
	<div class="description">
		This sample shows how to use the
		<a class="samples" href="http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.editor">CKEditor JavaScript API</a>
		to interact with the editor at runtime.
		For details on how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page.

	<!-- This <div> holds alert messages to be display in the sample page. -->
	<div id="alerts">
				<strong>CKEditor requires JavaScript to run</strong>. In a browser with no JavaScript
				support, like yours, you should still see the contents (HTML data) and you should
				be able to edit it normally, without a rich editor interface.
	<form action="../../../samples/sample_posteddata.php" method="post">
		<textarea cols="100" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10">&lt;p&gt;This is some &lt;strong&gt;sample text&lt;/strong&gt;. You are using &lt;a href="http://ckeditor.com/"&gt;CKEditor&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>

			// Replace the <textarea id="editor1"> with an CKEditor instance.
			CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
				on: {
					focus: onFocus,
					blur: onBlur,

					// Check for availability of corresponding plugins.
					pluginsLoaded: function( evt ) {
						var doc = CKEDITOR.document, ed = evt.editor;
						if ( !ed.getCommand( 'bold' ) )
							doc.getById( 'exec-bold' ).hide();
						if ( !ed.getCommand( 'link' ) )
							doc.getById( 'exec-link' ).hide();

		<p id="eMessage">

		<div id="eButtons" style="display: none">
			<input id="exec-bold" onclick="ExecuteCommand('bold');" type="button" value="Execute &quot;bold&quot; Command">
			<input id="exec-link" onclick="ExecuteCommand('link');" type="button" value="Execute &quot;link&quot; Command">
			<input onclick="Focus();" type="button" value="Focus">
			<input onclick="InsertHTML();" type="button" value="Insert HTML">
			<input onclick="SetContents();" type="button" value="Set Editor Contents">
			<input onclick="GetContents();" type="button" value="Get Editor Contents (HTML)">
			<textarea cols="100" id="htmlArea" rows="3">&lt;h2&gt;Test&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;This is some &lt;a href="/Test1.html"&gt;sample&lt;/a&gt; HTML code.&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>
			<input onclick="InsertText();" type="button" value="Insert Text">
			<textarea cols="100" id="txtArea" rows="3">   First line with some leading whitespaces.

Second line of text preceded by two line breaks.</textarea>
			<input onclick="CheckDirty();" type="button" value="checkDirty()">
			<input onclick="ResetDirty();" type="button" value="resetDirty()">
	<div id="footer">
			CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href="http://ckeditor.com/">http://ckeditor.com</a>
		<p id="copy">
			Copyright &copy; 2003-2014, <a class="samples" href="http://cksource.com/">CKSource</a> - Frederico
			Knabben. All rights reserved.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
assets Folder 0755
plugins Folder 0755
ajax.html File 2.37 KB 0644
api.html File 6.62 KB 0644
appendto.html File 1.98 KB 0644
datafiltering.html File 33.52 KB 0644
divreplace.html File 4.25 KB 0644
index.html File 5.4 KB 0644
inlineall.html File 9.46 KB 0644
inlinebycode.html File 5.74 KB 0644
inlinetextarea.html File 4.51 KB 0644
jquery.html File 7.06 KB 0644
readonly.html File 2.55 KB 0644
replacebyclass.html File 6.62 KB 0644
replacebycode.html File 6.5 KB 0644
sample.css File 4.91 KB 0644
sample.js File 1.59 KB 0644
sample_posteddata.php File 815 B 0644
tabindex.html File 2.08 KB 0644
uicolor.html File 2.28 KB 0644
uilanguages.html File 4.08 KB 0644
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