use chdemko\BitArray\BitArray;
* SegmentPlugin for phplist.
* This file is a part of SegmentPlugin.
* SegmentPlugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* SegmentPlugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* @category phplist
* @author Duncan Cameron
* @copyright 2014-2017 Duncan Cameron
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU General Public License, Version 3
* Plugin class.
* @category phplist
class SegmentPlugin extends phplistPlugin
const VERSION_FILE = 'version.txt';
const GUIDANCE = 'https://resources.phplist.com/plugin/segment#add_segment_conditions';
private $error_level;
private $selectedSubscribers = null;
private $dao;
* Inherited variables
public $name = 'Segmentation';
public $authors = 'Duncan Cameron';
public $description = 'Send to a subset of subscribers using custom conditions';
public $documentationUrl = 'https://resources.phplist.com/plugin/segment';
public $settings;
private function filterEmptyFields(array $conditions)
return array_filter(
function ($c) {
return $c['field'] !== '';
private function filterIncompleteConditions(array $conditions)
return array_filter(
function ($c) {
return $c['field'] !== '' && isset($c['op']);
private function deleteNotSent($campaign)
private function selectionQueryJoins(array $conditions)
$cf = new SegmentPlugin_ConditionFactory($this->dao);
$joins = array();
foreach ($conditions as $i => $c) {
$field = $c['field'];
try {
$condition = $cf->createCondition($field);
$joins[] = $condition->joinQuery($c['op'], isset($c['value']) ? $c['value'] : '');
} catch (SegmentPlugin_ConditionException $e) {
// do nothing
return $joins;
private function loadSubscribers($messageId, array $conditions, $combine)
$highest = $this->dao->highestSubscriberId();
$subscribers = BitArray::fromInteger($highest + 1);
$joins = $this->selectionQueryJoins($conditions);
if (count($joins) > 0) {
foreach ($this->dao->subscribers($messageId, $joins, $combine) as $row) {
$subscribers[(int) $row['id']] = 1;
return $subscribers;
private function calculateSubscribers($messageId, array $conditions, $combine)
"Prior usage %s\nPrior peak usage %s\nPrior peak real usage %s",
memory_get_usage(), memory_get_peak_usage(), memory_get_peak_usage(true)
$joins = $this->selectionQueryJoins($conditions);
$count = $this->dao->calculateSubscribers($messageId, $joins, $combine);
"Post usage %s\nPost peak usage %s\nPost peak real usage %s",
memory_get_usage(), memory_get_peak_usage(), memory_get_peak_usage(true)
return $count;
private function render($template, $params)
require $this->coderoot . $template;
return ob_get_clean();
* Saves the segment as a message data field.
* @param int $messageId message id
* @param array $segment segment
* @param array $toUnset optional segment fields to be unset
private function saveMessageSegment($messageId, array $segment, array $toUnset = [])
foreach ($toUnset as $item) {
setMessageData($messageId, 'segment', $segment);
* Remove duplicate entries from a multi-dimensional array.
* @param array $input
* @return array
private function array_unique(array $input)
return array_values(
array_map('serialize', $input)
* Constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->coderoot = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . __CLASS__ . '/';
$this->settings = array(
'segment_campaign_max' => array(
'description' => s('The maximum number of earlier campaigns to select from'),
'type' => 'integer',
'value' => 10,
'allowempty' => 0,
'min' => 4,
'max' => 25,
'category' => 'Segmentation',
'segment_saved_summary' => array(
'description' => s('Summary of saved segments'),
'type' => 'textarea',
'value' => '',
'allowempty' => true,
'category' => 'Segmentation',
$this->error_level = E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_STRICT;
$this->version = (is_file($f = $this->coderoot . self::VERSION_FILE))
? file_get_contents($f)
: '';
* Provide the dependencies for enabling this plugin.
* @return array
public function dependencyCheck()
global $plugins;
return array(
'Common plugin version 3.5.6 or greater installed' => (
&& version_compare($plugins['CommonPlugin']->version, '3.5.6') >= 0
'PHP version 5.4.0 or greater' => version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4') > 0,
* Use this method as a hook to create the dao
* Need to create autoloader because of the unpredictable order in which plugins are called.
public function sendFormats()
global $plugins;
require_once $plugins['CommonPlugin']->coderoot . 'Autoloader.php';
$this->dao = new SegmentPlugin_DAO(new CommonPlugin_DB());
$this->logger = CommonPlugin_Logger::instance();
* List of items to add to menu.
* @return array
public function adminmenu()
return array();
* Build contents of additional tab.
* @param int $messageId
* @param array $messageData
* @return string the html for the tab
public function sendMessageTab($messageId = 0, $messageData = array())
global $pagefooter;
$er = error_reporting($this->error_level);
$segment = isset($messageData['segment']) ? $messageData['segment'] : array();
$conditions = (isset($segment['c']))
? array_values($this->filterEmptyFields($segment['c']))
: array();
$saved = new SegmentPlugin_SavedSegments();
if (isset($segment['remove'])) {
$this->saveMessageSegment($messageId, $segment, ['c', 'combine', 'remove']);
$conditions = [];
} elseif (isset($segment['save']) && $segment['savename'] != '') {
* Save the current set of conditions
$saved->addSegment($segment['savename'], $this->filterIncompleteConditions($conditions));
$this->saveMessageSegment($messageId, $segment, ['save']);
} elseif (isset($segment['load']) && isset($segment['usesaved']) && is_array($segment['usesaved'])) {
* Load saved segments and save the message data
try {
foreach ($segment['usesaved'] as $savedId) {
$savedConditions = $saved->segmentById($savedId);
$conditions = array_merge($conditions, $savedConditions);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// do nothing
$conditions = $this->array_unique($conditions);
$segment['c'] = $conditions;
$this->saveMessageSegment($messageId, $segment, ['load', 'usesaved']);
$combine = isset($segment['combine'])
? $segment['combine'] : SegmentPlugin_Operator::ALL;
$conditions[] = array('field' => '');
$selectPrompt = s('Select ...');
$params = array();
$params['condition'] = array();
$params['selectPrompt'] = $selectPrompt;
$cf = new SegmentPlugin_ConditionFactory($this->dao);
foreach ($conditions as $i => $c) {
$s = new stdClass();
$params['condition'][] = $s;
// display field selection drop-down list
$s->fieldList = CHtml::dropDownList(
array('Subscriber Data' => $cf->subscriberFields(), 'Attributes' => $cf->attributeFields()),
array('prompt' => $selectPrompt, 'class' => 'autosubmit')
// display hidden input to detect when field changes
$s->hiddenField = CHtml::hiddenField("segment[c][$i][_field]", $c['field']);
$field = $c['field'];
if ($field == '') {
try {
$condition = $cf->createCondition($field);
} catch (SegmentPlugin_ConditionException $e) {
$s->error = sprintf('Unable to display condition: %s', $e->getMessage());
$condition->messageData = $messageData;
// display operators drop-down list
$operators = $condition->operators();
$op = ($field == $c['_field'] && isset($c['op'])) ? $c['op'] : key($operators);
$s->operatorList = CHtml::dropDownList(
array('class' => 'autosubmit')
// display value field
$value = ($field == $c['_field'] && isset($c['value'])) ? $c['value'] : '';
$s->display = $condition->display($op, $value, "segment[c][$i]");
// display warning if no lists have been selected
if (!(is_array($messageData['targetlist']) && count($messageData['targetlist']) > 0)) {
$params['warning'] = s('Please select at least one list on the Lists tab before adding segmentation conditions');
// display fields for saved segments only where there are some
$savedListData = $saved->selectListData();
if (count($savedListData) > 0) {
$params['savedList'] = CHtml::dropDownList(
array('multiple' => 'multiple', 'style' => 'width: 50%')
$params['loadButton'] = CHtml::submitButton(s('Load segments'), array('name' => 'segment[load]'));
$params['settingsButton'] = new CommonPlugin_PageLink(
new CommonPlugin_PageURL('configure', array(), 'segmentation'),
'Edit saved segments',
array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'button')
// display calculate button
$params['calculateButton'] = CHtml::submitButton(s('Calculate'), array('name' => 'segment[calculate]'));
// display combine drop-down list
$params['combineList'] = CHtml::dropDownList(
array(SegmentPlugin_Operator::ONE => s('any'), SegmentPlugin_Operator::ALL => s('all'))
// display calculated number of subscribers
if (isset($segment['calculate'])) {
try {
$params['totalSubscribers'] = $this->calculateSubscribers(
} catch (SegmentPlugin_ValueException $e) {
$params['warning'] = s('One of the conditions has an invalid target value');
// display remove all, save button and input field only when there is at least one entered condition
if (count($conditions) > 1) {
$params['removeButton'] = CHtml::submitButton(s('Remove all'), array('name' => 'segment[remove]'));
$params['saveButton'] = CHtml::submitButton(s('Save segment'), array('name' => 'segment[save]'));
$params['saveName'] = CHtml::textField('segment[savename]', '', array('size' => 25, 'placeholder' => 'Name of segment'));
// display link to Help page
$params['help'] = CHtml::tag(
array('href' => self::GUIDANCE, 'target' => '_blank'),
new \phpList\plugin\Common\ImageTag('info.png', 'Guidance')
$html = $this->render('sendtab.tpl.php', $params);
$pagefooter[basename(__FILE__)] = file_get_contents($this->coderoot . 'script.html');
return $html;
* The title of the additional tab.
* @param int $messageId
* @return string the title
public function sendMessageTabTitle($messageid = 0)
return s('Segment');
* Use this hook to delete the 'not sent' rows from the usermessage table
* so that they will be re-evaluated.
* @param int $id the message id
* @return none
public function messageQueued($id)
* The same processing as when queueing a message.
* @param int $id the message id
* @return none
public function messageReQueued($id)
* Use this hook to select the subscribers who meet the segment conditions.
* $selectedSubscribers will contain the selected subscribers.
* @param array $messageData the message data
* @return none
public function campaignStarted($messageData = array())
$er = error_reporting($this->error_level);
if (isset($messageData['segment']['c'])) {
$conditions = $this->filterIncompleteConditions($messageData['segment']['c']);
if (count($conditions) > 0) {
try {
$this->selectedSubscribers = $this->loadSubscribers(
} catch (SegmentPlugin_ValueException $e) {
logEvent("Invalid segment condition, message {$messageData['id']}");
* Determine whether the campaign should be sent to a specific user.
* @param array $messageData the message data
* @param array $userData the user data
* @return bool
public function canSend($messageData, $userData)
return ($this->selectedSubscribers === null)
? true
: (bool) $this->selectedSubscribers[(int) $userData['id']];
* Build the html to be added to the view message page.
* @param int $messageId the message id
* @param array $messageData the message data
* @return array|false the caption and html to be added, or false if the message
* does not use segments
public function viewMessage($messageId, array $messageData)
$er = error_reporting($this->error_level);
if (!isset($messageData['segment'])) {
return false;
$segment = $messageData['segment'];
if (!isset($segment['c'])) {
return false;
$conditions = array_values($this->filterEmptyFields($segment['c']));
if (count($conditions) == 0) {
return false;
$combine = isset($segment['combine'])
? $segment['combine'] : SegmentPlugin_Operator::ALL;
$params = array();
$params['condition'] = array();
$cf = new SegmentPlugin_ConditionFactory($this->dao);
foreach ($conditions as $i => $c) {
$s = new stdClass();
$params['condition'][] = $s;
$field = $c['field'];
try {
$condition = $cf->createCondition($field);
} catch (SegmentPlugin_ConditionException $e) {
$s->error = sprintf('Unable to display condition: %s', $e->getMessage());
$condition->messageData = $messageData;
// display field selection
$fields = $cf->subscriberFields() + $cf->attributeFields();
$s->field = $fields[$field];
// display operator
$operators = $condition->operators();
$op = ($field == $c['_field'] && isset($c['op'])) ? $c['op'] : key($operators);
$s->operator = $operators[$op];
// display value field
$value = ($field == $c['_field'] && isset($c['value'])) ? $c['value'] : '';
$s->display = $condition->display($op, $value, "segment[c][$i]");
// display combine
$combineOps = array(SegmentPlugin_Operator::ONE => s('any'), SegmentPlugin_Operator::ALL => s('all'));
$params['combine'] = $combineOps[$combine];
$html = $this->render('viewmessage.tpl.php', $params);
return array('Segment conditions', $html);
* Called when a campaign is being copied.
* Allows this plugin to specify which rows of the messagedata table should also
* be copied.
* @return array rows of messagedata table that should be copied
public function copyCampaignHook()
return array('segment');