[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $

 * v0.4 - 2018-02-01 - bug fixes.
 * v0.3 - 2013-08-29 - add config for target list, where subscribers who confirm are added to.
 * v0.2 - 2013-08-28 - set invite via the "sendformat" instead of adding it's own tab.
 * v0.1 - initial.
class inviteplugin extends phplistPlugin
    public $name = 'Invite plugin for phpList';
    public $coderoot = '';
    public $version = '0.4';
    public $authors = 'Michiel Dethmers';
    public $enabled = 1;
    public $description = 'Send an invite to subscribe to the phpList mailing system';
    public $documentationUrl = 'https://resources.phplist.com/plugin/invite';
    public $settings = array(
        'inviteplugin_subscribepage' => array(
            'value' => 0,
            'description' => 'Subscribe page for invitation responses',
            'type' => 'integer',
            'allowempty' => 0,
            'min' => 0,
            'max' => 999999,
            'category' => 'Invite plugin',
        'inviteplugin_targetlist' => array(
            'value' => 0,
            'description' => 'Add subscribers confirming an invitation to this list',
            'type' => 'integer',
            'allowempty' => 0,
            'min' => 0,
            'max' => 999999,
            'category' => 'Invite plugin',

    public function adminmenu()
        return array();

    public function sendFormats()
        return array('invite' => s('Invite'));

    public function allowMessageToBeQueued($messagedata = array())
        // we only need to check if this is sent as an invite
        if ($messagedata['sendformat'] == 'invite') {
            $hasConfirmationLink = false;
            foreach ($messagedata as $key => $val) {
                if (is_string($val)) {
                    $hasConfirmationLink = $hasConfirmationLink || (strpos($val, '[CONFIRMATIONURL]') !== false);
            if (!$hasConfirmationLink) {
                return $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Your campaign does not contain a the confirmation URL placeholder, which is necessary for an invite mailing. Please add [CONFIRMATIONURL] to the footer or content of the campaign.');

        return '';

    public function processSendSuccess($messageid, $userdata, $isTestMail = false)
        $messagedata = loadMessageData($messageid);
        if (!$isTestMail && $messagedata['sendformat'] == 'invite') {
            if (!isBlackListed($userdata['email'])) {
                addUserToBlackList($userdata['email'], s('Blacklisted by the invitation plugin'));
                'update %s
                set confirmed = 0
                where id = %d',
            // if subscribe page is set, mark this subscriber for that page
            $sPage = getConfig('inviteplugin_subscribepage');
            if (!empty($sPage)) {
                    'update %s set subscribepage = %d where id = %d',

    public function subscriberConfirmation($subscribepageID, $userdata = array())
        $sPage = getConfig('inviteplugin_subscribepage');
        $newList = getConfig('inviteplugin_targetlist');
        if (!empty($sPage) && !empty($newList) && $sPage == $subscribepageID) {
            if ($userdata['blacklisted']) {
                // the subscriber has not been unblacklisted yet at this stage
                    'insert ignore into %s (userid,listid) values(%d,%d)',


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CKEditorPlugin Folder 0755
CaptchaPlugin Folder 0755
Common Folder 0755
CommonPlugin Folder 0755
SegmentPlugin Folder 0755
defaultplugin Folder 0755
fckphplist Folder 0755
sidebar Folder 0755
.htaccess File 145 B 0644
CKEditorPlugin.php File 10.37 KB 0644
COPYING.txt File 34.32 KB 0644
CaptchaPlugin.php File 7.96 KB 0644
CommonPlugin.php File 3.78 KB 0644
SegmentPlugin.php File 18.37 KB 0644
fckphplist.php File 2.44 KB 0644
helloworld.php File 265 B 0644
inviteplugin.php File 3.89 KB 0644
sidebar.php File 241 B 0644
subjectLinePlaceholdersPlugin.php File 5.27 KB 0644
update.sh File 66 B 0644