<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/accesscheck.php'; $start = sprintf('%d',!empty($_GET['start'])?$_GET['start']:0); print PageLinkActionButton("admins",$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('List of Administrators'),"start=$start"); require dirname(__FILE__) . "/structure.php"; $struct = $DBstruct["admin"]; $id = !empty($_REQUEST["id"]) ? sprintf('%d',$_REQUEST["id"]) : 0; $find = isset($_REQUEST['find']) ? $_REQUEST['find'] : ''; $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? sprintf('%d',$_GET['start']):0; echo "<hr /><br />"; $noaccess = 0; $accesslevel = accessLevel("admin"); switch ($accesslevel) { case "owner": $id = $_SESSION["logindetails"]["id"];break; case "all": $subselect = "";break; case "none": default: $noaccess = 1; } if ($noaccess) { print Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No Access')); return; } if (!empty($_POST["change"])) { if (!verifyToken()) { ## csrf check, should be added in more places print Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No Access')); return; } if (empty($_POST["id"])) { # Check if fields login name and email are present if(!is_null($_POST["loginname"]) && $_POST["loginname"] !== '' && !is_null($_POST["email"]) && $_POST["email"] !== '') { if(validateEmail($_POST["email"])) { # new one $result = Sql_query(sprintf('SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE namelc="%s" OR email="%s"', $tables["admin"],strtolower(normalize($_POST["loginname"])),strtolower(normalize($_POST["email"])))); $totalres = Sql_fetch_Row($result); $total = $totalres[0]; if (!$total) { Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (loginname,namelc,password,created) values("%s","%s","%s",current_timestamp)', $tables["admin"],strtolower(normalize($_POST["loginname"])),strtolower(normalize($_POST["loginname"])),encryptPass(md5(rand(0,1000))))); $id = Sql_Insert_Id($tables['admin'], 'id'); } else { $id = 0; } } else { ## email doesn't validate $id = 0; } } else { $id = 0; } } else { $id = sprintf('%d',$_POST["id"]); ##17388 - disallow changing an admin email to an already existing one if (!empty($_POST['email'])) { $exists = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select id from %s where email = "%s"',$tables['admin'],sql_escape($_POST['email']))); if (!empty($exists[0]) && $exists[0] != $id) { Error(s('Cannot save admin, that email address already exists for another admin')); print PageLinkButton('admin&id='.$id,s('Back to edit admin')); return; } } } if ($id) { print '<div class="actionresult">'; reset($struct); while (list ($key,$val) = each ($struct)) { $a = $b = ''; if (strstr($val[1],':')) list($a,$b) = explode(":",$val[1]); if ($a != "sys" && isset($_POST[$key])){ Sql_Query("update {$tables["admin"]} set $key = \"".addslashes($_POST[$key])."\" where id = $id"); } } if (ENCRYPT_ADMIN_PASSWORDS && !empty($_POST['updatepassword'])){ //Send token email. print sendAdminPasswordToken($id). '<br/>'; ## check for password changes } elseif (isset($_POST['password'])) { # Sql_Query("update {$tables["admin"]} set password = \"".sql_escape($_POST['password'])."\" where id = $id"); } if (isset($_POST["attribute"]) && is_array($_POST["attribute"])) { while (list($key,$val) = each ($_POST["attribute"])) { Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (adminid,adminattributeid,value) values(%d,%d,"%s")',$tables["admin_attribute"],$id,$key,addslashes($val))); } } $privs = array( 'subscribers' => !empty($_POST['subscribers']), 'campaigns' => !empty($_POST['campaigns']), 'statistics' => !empty($_POST['statistics']), 'settings' => !empty($_POST['settings']) ); Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set modified=now(), modifiedby = "%s", privileges = "%s" where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']["admin"],adminName($_SESSION["logindetails"]["id"]),sql_escape(serialize($privs)),$id)); print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Changes saved'); print '</div>'; } else { Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Error adding new admin, login name and/or email not inserted, email not valid or admin already exists')); } } if (!empty($_GET["delete"])) { $delete = sprintf('%d',$_GET['delete']); # delete the index in delete print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Deleting')." $delete ..\n"; if ($delete != $_SESSION["logindetails"]["id"]) { Sql_query(sprintf('delete from %s where id = %d',$GLOBALS["tables"]["admin"],$delete)); Sql_query(sprintf('delete from %s where adminid = %d',$GLOBALS["tables"]["admin_attribute"],$delete)); print '..'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Done'); } else { print '..'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Failed, you cannot delete yourself'); } print "<br /><hr/><br />\n"; } print '<div class="panel">'; if ($id) { print '<h3>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Edit Administrator').': '; $result = Sql_query("SELECT * FROM {$tables["admin"]} where id = $id"); $data = sql_fetch_assoc($result); print $data["loginname"]. '</h3>'; if ($data["id"] != $_SESSION["logindetails"]["id"] && $accesslevel == "all") printf( "<br /><a href=\"javascript:deleteRec('%s');\">Delete</a> %s\n",PageURL2("admin","","delete=$id"),$data["loginname"]); } else { $data = array(); print '<h3>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Add a new Administrator').'</h3>'; } print '<div class="content">'; #var_dump($data); print formStart(' class="adminAdd"'); printf('<input type="hidden" name="id" value="%d" /><table class="adminDetails" border="1">',$id); if (isset($data['privileges'])) { $privileges = unserialize($data['privileges']); } else { $privileges = array( ); } reset($struct); while (list ($key,$val) = each ($struct)) { $a = $b = ''; if (empty($data[$key])) $data[$key] = ''; if (strstr($val[1],':')) list($a,$b) = explode(":",$val[1]); if ($a == "sys") { if ($b == 'Privileges') { ## this whole thing of using structure is getting silly, @@TODO rewrite without } else #If key is 'password' and the passwords are encrypted, locate two radio buttons to allow an update. if ($b == 'Password' && ENCRYPT_ADMIN_PASSWORDS){ $changeAdminPass = !empty($_SESSION['firstinstall']); if ($changeAdminPass) { $checkNo = ''; $checkYes = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checkYes = ''; $checkNo = 'checked="checked"'; } printf('<tr><td>%s (%s)</td><td>%s<input type="radio" name="updatepassword" value="0" %s>%s</input> <input type="radio" name="updatepassword" value="1" %s>%s</input></td></tr> ', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Password'), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('hidden'), (ENCRYPT_ADMIN_PASSWORDS?$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Update it?'):$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Remind it?')), $checkNo, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No'), $checkYes, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Yes')); } else { if ($b != 'Password'){ printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>',$GLOBALS['I18N']->get($b),$data[$key]); } else { printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td><input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" size="30" /></td></tr>'."\n",$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Password'),$key,stripslashes($data[$key])); } } } elseif ($key == "loginname" && $data[$key] == "admin") { printf('<tr><td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Login Name').'</td><td>admin</td>'); print('<td><input type="hidden" name="loginname" value="admin" /></td></tr>'); } elseif ($key == "superuser" || $key == "disabled") { if ($accesslevel == "all") { #If key is 'superuser' or 'disable' locate a boolean combo box. printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get($val[1])); printf('<select name="%s" size="1">', $key); print('<option value="1" '.(!empty($data[$key])?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Yes').'</option>'); print('<option value="0" '.(empty($data[$key])?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No').'</option></select>'); print('</td></tr>'."\n"); } } elseif (!empty($val[1]) && !strpos($key,'_')) { printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td><input type="text" name="%s" value="%s" size="30" /></td></tr>'."\n",$GLOBALS['I18N']->get($val[1]),$key,htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($data[$key]))); } } $res = Sql_Query("select {$tables["adminattribute"]}.id, {$tables["adminattribute"]}.name, {$tables["adminattribute"]}.type, {$tables["adminattribute"]}.tablename from {$tables["adminattribute"]} order by {$tables["adminattribute"]}.listorder"); while ($row = Sql_fetch_array($res)) { if ($id) { $val_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select value from {$tables["admin_attribute"]} where adminid = $id and adminattributeid = $row[id]"); $row["value"] = $val_req[0]; } else { $row['value'] = ''; } if ($row["type"] == "checkbox") { $checked_index_req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select id from $table_prefix"."adminattr_".$row["tablename"]." where name = \"Checked\""); $checked_index = $checked_index_req[0]; $checked = $checked_index == $row["value"]?'checked="checked"':''; printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td><input class="attributeinput" type="hidden" name="cbattribute[]" value="%d" /> <input class="attributeinput" type="checkbox" name="attribute[%d]" value="Checked" %s /></td></tr>'."\n",$row["name"],$row["id"],$row["id"],$checked); } else { if ($row["type"] != "textline" && $row["type"] != "hidden") { printf ("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",$row["name"],AttributeValueSelect($row["id"],$row["tablename"],$row["value"],"adminattr")); } else { printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td><input class="attributeinput" type="text" name="attribute[%d]" value="%s" size="30" /></td></tr>'."\n",$row["name"],$row["id"],htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row["value"]))); } } } print '<tr><td colspan="2">'; $checked = array(); foreach ($privileges as $section => $allowed) { if (!empty($allowed)) { $checked[$section] = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked[$section] = ''; } } print '<div id="privileges"> '.s('Privileges').': <label for="subscribers"><input type="checkbox" name="subscribers" '.$checked['subscribers'].' />'.s('Manage subscribers').'</label> <label for="campaigns"><input type="checkbox" name="campaigns" '.$checked['campaigns'].'/>'.s('Send Campaigns').'</label> <label for="statistics"><input type="checkbox" name="statistics" '.$checked['statistics'].'/>'.s('View Statistics').'</label> <label for="settings"><input type="checkbox" name="settings" '.$checked['settings'].'/>'.s('Change Settings').'</label> </div>'; print '</td></tr>'; print '<tr><td colspan="2"><input class="submit" type="submit" name="change" value="'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Save Changes').'" /></td></tr></table>'; print '</div>'; # content print '</div>'; # panel print "</form>";
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uclicks.php | File | 6.52 KB | 0644 |
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