<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/accesscheck.php'; if (!ALLOW_IMPORT) { print '<p>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('import is not available').'</p>'; return; } # import from a different PHPlist installation if ($require_login && !isSuperUser()) { $access = accessLevel("import4"); if ($access == "owner") $subselect = " where owner = ".$_SESSION["logindetails"]["id"]; elseif ($access == "all") $subselect = ""; elseif ($access == "none") $subselect = " where id = 0"; } function connectLocal() { $database_connection = Sql_Connect( $GLOBALS["database_host"], $GLOBALS["database_user"], $GLOBALS["database_password"], $GLOBALS["database_name"]); return $database_connection; } function connectRemote() { return Sql_Connect($_POST["remote_host"], $_POST["remote_user"], $_POST["remote_password"], $_POST["remote_database"]); } $result = Sql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ".$tables["list"]." $subselect ORDER BY listorder"); while ($row = Sql_fetch_array($result)) { $available_lists[$row["id"]] = $row["name"]; $some = 1; } if (!$some) # @@@@ not sure about this one: echo $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No lists available').', '.PageLink2("editlist",$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('add_list')); #foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { # print "$key => $val<br/>"; #} if (!$_POST["remote_host"] || !$_POST["remote_user"] || !$_POST["remote_password"] || !$_POST["remote_database"]) { printf( ' <p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Please enter details of the remote Server').'</p> <form method="post"> <table class="importForm"> <tr><td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Server:').'</td><td><input type="text" name="remote_host" value="%s" size="30"></td></tr> <tr><td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('user').'</td><td><input type="text" name="remote_user" value="%s" size="30"></td></tr> <tr><td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Password:').'</td><td><input type="text" name="remote_password" value="%s" size="30"></td></tr> <tr><td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Database Name:').'</td><td><input type="text" name="remote_database" value="%s" size="30"></td></tr> <tr><td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Table prefix:').'</td><td><input type="text" name="remote_prefix" value="%s" size="30"></td></tr> <tr><td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Usertable prefix:').'</td><td><input type="text" name="remote_userprefix" value="%s" size="30"></td></tr> ',$_POST["remote_server"],$_POST["remote_user"],$_POST["remote_password"], $_POST["remote_database"],$_POST["remote_prefix"],$_POST["remote_userprefix"]); $c = 0; print '<tr><td colspan="2">'; if (sizeof($available_lists) > 1) print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('select_lists').'<br/>'; print '<ul>'; foreach ($available_lists as $index => $name) { printf('<li><input type="checkbox" name="lists[%d]" value="%d" %s>%s</li>', $c,$index,is_array($_POST["lists"]) && in_array($index,array_values($_POST["lists"]))?"checked":"",$name); $c++; } printf(' <li><input type="checkbox" name="copyremotelists" value="yes" %s>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Copy lists from remote server (lists are matched by name)').'</li> </ul></td></tr> <tr><td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Mark new users as HTML:').'</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="markhtml" value="yes" %s></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('If you check "Overwrite Existing", information about a user in the database will be replaced by the imported information. Users are matched by email.').'</td></tr> <tr><td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Overwrite Existing:').'</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="overwrite" value="yes" %s></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('continue').'"></p></td></tr> </table></form> ',$_POST["copyremotelists"] == "yes"?"checked":"",$_POST["markhtml"] == "yes"?"checked":"",$_POST["overwrite"] == "yes"?"checked":"" ); } else { set_time_limit(600); ob_end_flush(); include_once("structure.php"); print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Making connection with remote database')."<br/>"; flush(); $remote = connectRemote(); if (!$remote) { Fatal_Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('cannot connect to remote database')); return; } $remote_tables = array( "user" => $_POST["remote_userprefix"] . "user", "list" => $_POST["remote_prefix"] . "list", "listuser" => $_POST["remote_prefix"] . "listuser", "attribute" => $_POST["remote_userprefix"] . "attribute", "user_attribute" => $_POST["remote_userprefix"] . "user_attribute", "config" => $_POST["remote_prefix"] . "config", ); print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Getting data from ').htmlentities($_POST["remote_database"])."@".htmlentities($_POST["remote_host"])."<br/>"; $query = "select value from {$remote_tables["config"]} where item = ?"; $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array('version')); $version = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs); print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Remote version is')." $version[0]<br/>\n"; $usercnt = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select count(*) from {$remote_tables["user"]}"); print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Remote version has')." $usercnt[0] ".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('users')."<br/>"; if (!$usercnt[0]) { Fatal_Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No users to copy, is the prefix correct?')); return; } $totalusers = $usercnt[0]; $listcnt = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select count(*) from {$remote_tables["list"]}"); print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Remote version has')." $listcnt[0] ".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('lists')."<br/>"; flush(); print '<h3>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Copying lists').'</h3>'; # first copy the lists across $listmap = array(); $remote_lists = array(); $lists_req = Sql_Query("select * from {$remote_tables["list"]}"); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($lists_req)) { array_push($remote_lists,$row); } connectLocal(); foreach ($remote_lists as $list) { $query = sprintf('select id from %s where name = ?', $tables["list"]); $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($list["name"])); $localid_req = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs); if ($localid_req[0]) { $listmap[$list["id"]] = $localid_req[0]; print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('list').' '.$list["name"] .$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('exists locally')." <br/>\n"; } elseif ($_POST["copyremotelists"]) { # BUG This query is probably busted. As they say in math, # this one is left as an exercise for the reader. $query = ""; foreach ($DBstruct["list"] as $colname => $colspec) { if ($colname != "id" && $colname != "index" && $colname != "unique" && $colname != "primary key") { $query .= sprintf('%s = "%s",',$colname,addslashes($list[$colname])); } } $query = substr($query,0,-1); print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('list')." ".$list["name"] .$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('created locally')." <br/>\n"; Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["list"]} set $query"); $listmap[$list["id"]] = Sql_Insert_Id($tables['list'], 'id'); } else { print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Remote list')." ".$list["name"] .$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('not created')." <br/>\n"; } } connectRemote(); print '<h3>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Copying attributes').'</h3>'; # now copy the attributes $attributemap = array(); $remote_atts = array(); $att_req = Sql_Query("select * from {$remote_tables["attribute"]}"); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($att_req)) { array_push($remote_atts,$row); } connectLocal(); foreach ($remote_atts as $att) { $query = sprintf('select id from %s where name = ?', $tables["attribute"]); $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($att["name"])); $localid_req = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs); if ($localid_req[0]) { $attributemap[$att["id"]] = $localid_req[0]; print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Attribute')." ".$att["name"] .$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('exists locally')." <br/>\n"; } else { $query = ""; foreach ($DBstruct["attribute"] as $colname => $colspec) { if ($colname != "id" && $colname != "index" && $colname != "unique" && $colname != "primary key") { # BUG here V $query .= sprintf('%s = "%s",',$colname,addslashes($att[$colname])); } } $query = substr($query,0,-1);# print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Attribute')." ".$att["name"].$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('created locally')." <br/>\n"; Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["attribute"]} set $query"); $attributemap[$att["id"]] = Sql_Insert_Id($tables['attribute'], 'id'); if ($att["type"] == "select" || $att["type"] == "radio" || $att["type"] == "checkboxgroup") { $query = "create table if not exists $table_prefix"."listattr_".$att["tablename"]." (id integer not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(255) unique,listorder integer default 0)"; Sql_Query($query,0); connectRemote(); $attvalue_req = Sql_Query("select id,name,listorder from ".$_POST["remote_prefix"]."listattr_".$att["tablename"]); $values = array(); while ($value = Sql_Fetch_Array($attvalue_req)) { array_push($values,$value); } connectLocal(); foreach ($values as $value) { # Do they all have the same primary key? $tn = $table_prefix . 'listattr_' . $att['tablename']; Sql_Replace($tn, array('name' => $value['name'], 'id' => $value['id'], 'listorder' => $value['listorder']), array('id')); } } } } print '<h3>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Copying users').'</h3>'; # copy the users $usercnt = 0; $existcnt = 0; $newcnt = 0; while ($usercnt < $totalusers) { set_time_limit(60); connectRemote(); $req = Sql_Query("select * from {$remote_tables["user"]} limit 1 offset $usercnt"); $user = Sql_Fetch_Array($req); $usercnt++; $new = 0; if ($usercnt % 20 == 0) { print "$usercnt / $totalusers<br/>"; flush(); } connectLocal(); $query = sprintf('select id from %s where email = ?', $tables["user"]); $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($user['email'])); $exists = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs); if ($exists[0]) { $existcnt++; # print $user["email"] .$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('exists locally')." .."; if ($_POST["overwrite"]) { # print " .. ".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('overwriting local data')."<br/>"; # BUG $query = "replace into ".$tables["user"] . " set id = ".$exists[0].", "; } else { # print " .. ".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('keeping local data')."<br/>"; } $userid = $exists[0]; } else { $newcnt++; $new = 1; # print $user["email"] .$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('is a new user')."<br/>"; $query = "insert into ".$tables["user"]. " set "; } if ($query) { foreach ($DBstruct["user"] as $colname => $colspec) { if ($colname != "id" && $colname != "index" && $colname != "unique" && $colname != "primary key") { $query .= sprintf('%s = "%s",',$colname,addslashes($user[$colname])); } } $query = substr($query,0,-1); #print $query . "<br/>"; Sql_Query($query); $userid = Sql_Insert_Id($tables['user'], 'id'); } if ($userid && $_POST["markhtml"]) { $query = "update {$tables["user"]} set htmlemail = 1 where id = ?"; Sql_Query_Params($query, array($userid)); } if ($new || (!$new && $_POST["overwrite"])) { # now check for attributes and list membership connectRemote(); $useratt = array(); $query = "select * from {$remote_tables["user_attribute"]} ua, {$remote_tables["attribute"]} a where ua.attributeid = a.id and ua.userid = ?"; $req = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($user[0])); while ($att = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) { $value = ""; switch ($att["type"]) { case "select": case "radio": $query = sprintf('select name from %slistattr_%s where id = ?', sql_escape($_POST['remote_prefix']), $att['tablename']); $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($att['value'])); $valreq = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs); $value = $valreq[0]; break; case "checkboxgroup": $valreq = Sql_Query(sprintf('select name from %slistattr_%s where id in (%s)', sql_escape($_POST["remote_prefix"]),$att["tablename"],$att["value"])); while ($vals = Sql_fetch_Row($valreq)) { $value .= $vals[0].','; } break; } $att["displayvalue"] = $value; array_push($useratt,$att); } $userlists = array(); $userlists = array_merge($_POST["lists"],$userlists); if ($_POST["copyremotelists"]) { $query = "select * from {$remote_tables["listuser"]} lu, {$remote_tables["list"]} l where lu.listid = l.id and lu.userid = ?"; $req = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($user[0])); while ($list = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) { # print $list["name"]."<br/>"; array_push($userlists,$list); } } connectLocal(); foreach ($useratt as $att) { $localattid = $attributemap[$att["attributeid"]]; if (!localattid) { print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Error, no mapped attribute for')." ".$att["name"]."<br/>"; } else { $query = "select tablename from {$tables["attribute"]} where id = ?"; $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($localattid)); $tname = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs); switch ($att["type"]) { case "select": case "radio": $query = sprintf('select id from %slistattr_%s where name = ?', $table_prefix,$tname[0]); $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($att["displayvalue"])); $valueid = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs); if (!$valueid[0]) { $tn = $table_prefix . 'listattr_' . $tname[0]; $query = sprintf('insert into %s set name = ?', $tn); Sql_Query_Params($query, array($att["displayvalue"])); $att["value"] = Sql_Insert_Id($tn, 'id'); } else { $att["value"] = $valueid[0]; } break; case "checkboxgroup": $vals = explode(",",$att["displayvalue"]); array_pop($vals); $att["value"] = ""; foreach ($vals as $val) { $query = sprintf('select id from %slistattr_%s where name = ?', $table_prefix, $tname[0]); $rs = Sql_Query_Params($query, array($val)); $valueid = Sql_Fetch_Row($rs); if (!$valueid[0]) { $tn = $table_prefix . 'listattr_' . $tname[0]; $query = sprintf('insert into %s set name = ?', $tn); Sql_Query_Params($query, array($val)); $att["value"] .= Sql_Insert_Id($tn, 'id').','; } else { $att["value"] .= $valueid[0].","; } } $att["value"] = substr($att["value"],0,-1); break; } if ($att["value"]) { Sql_Replace($tables["user_attribute"], array('attributeid' => $localattid, 'userid' => $userid, 'value' => $att['value']), array('attributeid', 'userid')); } } } } if (is_array($userlists)) foreach ($userlists as $list) { if ($listmap[$list["listid"]]) { Sql_Replace($tables["listuser"], array('listid' => $listmap[$list["listid"]], 'userid' => $userid), array('userid', 'listid')); } else { print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Error, no local list defined for')." ".$list["name"]."<br/>"; } } } print "$totalusers / $totalusers<br/>"; flush(); # @@@@ Not sure about this one: printf('%s %d %s %s %d %s<br/>',$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Done'),$newcnt, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('new users'), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('and'), $existcnt,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('existing users')); } ?>
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EmailSender.php | File | 477 B | 0644 |
about.php | File | 4.22 KB | 0644 |
accesscheck.php | File | 1.51 KB | 0644 |
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plugins.php | File | 10.32 KB | 0644 |
preparesend.php | File | 627 B | 0644 |
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systemstats.php | File | 7.71 KB | 0644 |
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userhistory.php | File | 127 B | 0644 |
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