<?php # initialisation stuff /* init sets all the defaults * it is called after config, so that constants not defined in config can be set here * it cannot use the DB contents, as the DB connection hasn't been established yet */ define('PHPLISTINIT',true); if (empty($GLOBALS["commandline"]) && isset($GLOBALS["developer_email"]) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'dev.phplist.com' && !empty($GLOBALS['show_dev_errors'])) { error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1); foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) { unset($$key); } } else { error_reporting(0); } # record the start time(usec) of script $now = gettimeofday(); $GLOBALS["pagestats"] = array(); $GLOBALS["pagestats"]["time_start"] = $now["sec"] * 1000000 + $now["usec"]; $GLOBALS["pagestats"]["number_of_queries"] = 0; if (function_exists('iconv_set_encoding')) { iconv_set_encoding("input_encoding", "UTF-8"); iconv_set_encoding("internal_encoding", "UTF-8"); iconv_set_encoding("output_encoding", "UTF-8"); } if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); } #magic quotes are deprecated, so try to switch off if possible ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc","off"); $IsCommandlinePlugin = ''; $zlib_compression = ini_get('zlib.output_compression'); # hmm older versions of PHP don't have this, but then again, upgrade php instead? if (function_exists('ob_list_handlers')) { $handlers = ob_list_handlers(); } else { $handlers = array(); } $gzhandler = 0; foreach ($handlers as $handler) { $gzhandler = $gzhandler || $handler == 'ob_gzhandler'; } # @@@ needs more work $GLOBALS['compression_used'] = $zlib_compression || $gzhandler; # make sure these are set correctly, so they cannot be injected due to the PHP Globals Problem, # http://www.hardened-php.net/globals-problem $GLOBALS['language_module'] = $language_module; $GLOBALS['database_module'] = $database_module; ## this is mostly useful when using commandline, and the language is not detected ## with the browser if (!isset($GLOBALS['default_system_language'])) { $GLOBALS['default_system_language'] = 'en'; } if (!isset($table_prefix)) { $table_prefix = 'phplist_'; } if (!isset($usertable_prefix)) { $usertable_prefix = 'phplist_user_'; } /* this can probably go */ if (isset($GLOBALS['design'])) { $GLOBALS['ui'] = $GLOBALS['design']; #@todo # $GLOBALS['design'] = basename($GLOBALS['design']); } if (!isset($GLOBALS['ui']) || !is_dir(dirname(__FILE__).'/ui/'.$GLOBALS['ui'])) { ## prefer dressprow over orange if (is_dir(dirname(__FILE__).'/ui/dressprow')) { $GLOBALS['ui'] = 'dressprow'; } else { $GLOBALS['ui'] = 'default'; } } include_once dirname(__FILE__)."/structure.php"; if (!isset($tables)) { $tables = array(); } foreach ($GLOBALS["DBstructuser"] as $tablename => $tablecolumns) { $tables[$tablename] = $usertable_prefix . $tablename; }; foreach ($GLOBALS["DBstructphplist"] as $tablename => $tablecolumns) { $tables[$tablename] = $table_prefix . $tablename; }; # unset the struct arrays, DBStruct and tables globals remain for the rest of the program unset($GLOBALS["DBstructuser"]); unset($GLOBALS["DBstructphplist"]); $GLOBALS['show_dev_errors'] = $show_dev_errors; $magic_quotes = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc'); if ($magic_quotes == 'off' || empty($magic_quotes)) { define('NO_MAGIC_QUOTES',true); } else { define('NO_MAGIC_QUOTES',false); } if (empty($GLOBALS['language_module'])) { $GLOBALS['language_module'] = 'english.inc'; } if (empty($GLOBALS['database_module']) || !is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$GLOBALS['database_module'])) { $GLOBALS['database_module'] = 'mysqli.inc'; } if (!isset($database_connection_compression)) $database_connection_compression = false; if (!isset($database_connection_ssl)) $database_connection_ssl = false; ## @@ would be nice to move this to the config file at some point # http://mantis.phplist.com/view.php?id=15521 ## set it on the fly, although that will probably only work with Apache ## we need to save this in the DB, so that it'll work on commandline $GLOBALS['scheme'] = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on')) ? 'https' : 'http'; $GLOBALS['admin_scheme'] = $GLOBALS['scheme']; if (defined('PUBLIC_PROTOCOL')) { $GLOBALS['public_scheme'] = PUBLIC_PROTOCOL; } else { $GLOBALS['public_scheme'] = $GLOBALS['scheme']; } if (!isset($bounce_protocol)) { $bounce_protocol = 'pop'; } if (!isset($bounce_unsubscribe_threshold)) { $bounce_unsubscribe_threshold = 3; } ## spelling mistake in earlier version, make sure to set it correctly if (!isset($bounce_unsubscribe_threshold) && isset($bounce_unsubscribe_treshold)) { $bounce_unsubscribe_threshold = $bounce_unsubscribe_treshold; } if (!isset($bounce_mailbox_purge)) { $bounce_mailbox_purge = true; } if (!isset($bounce_mailbox_purge_unprocessed)) { $bounce_mailbox_purge_unprocessed = true; } # set some defaults if they are not specified if (!defined("REGISTER")) define("REGISTER",1); if (!defined("USE_PDF")) define("USE_PDF",0); if (!defined("VERBOSE")) define("VERBOSE",0); if (!defined("TEST")) define("TEST",1); if (!defined("DEVSITE")) define("DEVSITE",0); define('TRANSLATIONS_XML','https://translate.phplist.com/translations.xml'); //define('TLD_AUTH_LIST','http://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt'); //define('TLD_AUTH_MD5','http://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt.md5'); define('TLD_AUTH_LIST','https://www.phplist.com/files/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt'); define('TLD_AUTH_MD5','https://www.phplist.com/files/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt.md5'); define('TLD_REFETCH_TIMEOUT',15552000); ## 180 days, about 6 months define('PQAPI_URL','https://pqapi.phplist.com/1/t/pqapi'); if (!defined('SHOW_PQCHOICE')) define('SHOW_PQCHOICE',false); // obsolete by rssmanager plugin // if (!defined("ENABLE_RSS")) define("ENABLE_RSS",0); if (!defined("ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS")) define("ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS",0); if (!defined("EMAILTEXTCREDITS")) define("EMAILTEXTCREDITS",0); if (!defined("PAGETEXTCREDITS")) define("PAGETEXTCREDITS",0); if (!defined("USEFCK")) define("USEFCK",1); if (!defined("USECK")) define("USECK",0); ## ckeditor integration, not finished yet if (!defined("ASKFORPASSWORD")) define("ASKFORPASSWORD",0); if (!defined('SILENT_RESUBSCRIBE')) define('SILENT_RESUBSCRIBE',true); if (!defined("UNSUBSCRIBE_REQUIRES_PASSWORD")) define("UNSUBSCRIBE_REQUIRES_PASSWORD",0); if (!defined("UNSUBSCRIBE_JUMPOFF")) define("UNSUBSCRIBE_JUMPOFF",1); if (!defined("SHOW_UNSUBSCRIBELINK")) define("SHOW_UNSUBSCRIBELINK",true); if (ASKFORPASSWORD && defined("ENCRYPTPASSWORD") && ENCRYPTPASSWORD) { ##https://mantis.phplist.com/view.php?id=16787 # passwords are encrypted, so we need to stick to md5 to keep working ## we also need some "update" mechanism to handle an algo change if (!defined('ENCRYPTION_ALGO')) { define('ENCRYPTION_ALGO','md5'); } } if (ASKFORPASSWORD && !defined("ENCRYPTPASSWORD")) { ## we now always encrypt define('ENCRYPTPASSWORD',1); } if (!defined("ENCRYPTPASSWORD")) { ## old method to encrypt, used to be with md5, keep like this for backward compat. if (!defined('ENCRYPTION_ALGO')) { define('ENCRYPTION_ALGO','md5'); } # define("ENCRYPTPASSWORD",0); } if (!defined('ENCRYPTION_ALGO')) { if (function_exists('hash_algos') && in_array('sha256',hash_algos())) { define('ENCRYPTION_ALGO','sha256'); } else { define('ENCRYPTION_ALGO','md5'); } } ## remember the length of a hashed string $hash_length = strlen(hash(ENCRYPTION_ALGO,'some text')); if (!defined("PHPMAILER")) define("PHPMAILER",1); if (!defined('WARN_ABOUT_PHP_SETTINGS')) define('WARN_ABOUT_PHP_SETTINGS',1); if (!defined('NUMATTACHMENTS')) define('NUMATTACHMENTS',1); if (!defined('PLUGIN_ROOTDIR')) define('PLUGIN_ROOTDIR','plugins'); ##17270 - this will point to the plugins subdir of admin if (!defined('PLUGIN_ROOTDIRS')) define('PLUGIN_ROOTDIRS',''); if (!defined('PHPMAILERHOST')) define("PHPMAILERHOST",''); if (!defined("MANUALLY_PROCESS_QUEUE")) define("MANUALLY_PROCESS_QUEUE",1); if (!defined("CHECK_SESSIONIP")) define("CHECK_SESSIONIP",1); if (!defined("FILESYSTEM_ATTACHMENTS")) define("FILESYSTEM_ATTACHMENTS",0); if (!defined("MIMETYPES_FILE")) define("MIMETYPES_FILE","/etc/mime.types"); if (!defined("DEFAULT_MIMETYPE")) define("DEFAULT_MIMETYPE","application/octet-stream"); if (!defined("USE_REPETITION")) define("USE_REPETITION",0); if (!defined("USE_EDITMESSAGE")) define("USE_EDITMESSAGE",0); if (!defined("FCKIMAGES_DIR")) define("FCKIMAGES_DIR","uploadimages"); if (!defined('UPLOADIMAGES_DIR')) define('UPLOADIMAGES_DIR','images'); if (!defined("USE_MANUAL_TEXT_PART")) define("USE_MANUAL_TEXT_PART",0); if (!defined("ALLOW_NON_LIST_SUBSCRIBE")) define("ALLOW_NON_LIST_SUBSCRIBE",0); if (!defined("MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE")) define("MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE",1000); if (!defined("MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD")) define("MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD",30); if (!defined('MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE')) define('MAILQUEUE_THROTTLE',0); if (!defined('MAILQUEUE_AUTOTHROTTLE')) define('MAILQUEUE_AUTOTHROTTLE',0); if (!defined("NAME")) define("NAME",'phpList'); if (!defined("USE_OUTLOOK_OPTIMIZED_HTML")) define("USE_OUTLOOK_OPTIMIZED_HTML",0); if (!defined("EXPORT_EXCEL")) define("EXPORT_EXCEL",0); if (!defined("USE_PREPARE")) define("USE_PREPARE",0); if (!defined("HTMLEMAIL_ENCODING")) define("HTMLEMAIL_ENCODING","quoted-printable"); if (!defined('TEXTEMAIL_ENCODING')) define('TEXTEMAIL_ENCODING','7bit'); if (!defined("USE_LIST_EXCLUDE")) define("USE_LIST_EXCLUDE",0); if (!defined("WARN_SAVECHANGES")) define("WARN_SAVECHANGES",1); if (!defined("STACKED_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTION")) define("STACKED_ATTRIBUTE_SELECTION",0); if (!defined("REMOTE_URL_REFETCH_TIMEOUT")) define('REMOTE_URL_REFETCH_TIMEOUT',3600); if (!defined('CLICKTRACK')) define('CLICKTRACK',1); if (!defined('CLICKTRACK_SHOWDETAIL')) define('CLICKTRACK_SHOWDETAIL',0); if (!defined('USETINYMCEMESG')) define('USETINYMCEMESG',0); if (!defined('USETINYMCETEMPL')) define('USETINYMCETEMPL',0); if (!defined('TINYMCEPATH')) define('TINYMCEPATH',''); if (!defined('STATS_INTERVAL')) define('STATS_INTERVAL','weekly'); if (!defined('USE_DOMAIN_THROTTLE')) define('USE_DOMAIN_THROTTLE',0); if (!defined('DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE')) define('DOMAIN_BATCH_SIZE',1); if (!defined('DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD')) define('DOMAIN_BATCH_PERIOD',120); if (!defined('DOMAIN_AUTO_THROTTLE')) define('DOMAIN_AUTO_THROTTLE',0); if (!defined('LANGUAGE_SWITCH')) define('LANGUAGE_SWITCH',1); if (!defined('USE_ADVANCED_BOUNCEHANDLING')) define('USE_ADVANCED_BOUNCEHANDLING',0); if (!defined('DATE_START_YEAR')) define('DATE_START_YEAR',1900); if (!defined('DATE_END_YEAR')) define('DATE_END_YEAR',0); if (!defined('ALLOW_IMPORT')) define('ALLOW_IMPORT',1); if (!defined('EMPTY_VALUE_PREFIX')) define('EMPTY_VALUE_PREFIX','--'); if (!defined('USE_ADMIN_DETAILS_FOR_MESSAGES')) define('USE_ADMIN_DETAILS_FOR_MESSAGES',1); if (!defined('SEND_ONE_TESTMAIL')) define('SEND_ONE_TESTMAIL',1); if (!defined('USE_SPAM_BLOCK')) define('USE_SPAM_BLOCK',1); if (!defined('NOTIFY_SPAM')) define('NOTIFY_SPAM',1); if (!defined('CLICKTRACK_LINKMAP')) define('CLICKTRACK_LINKMAP',0); if (!defined('ALWAYS_ADD_USERTRACK')) define('ALWAYS_ADD_USERTRACK',1); if (!defined('MERGE_DUPLICATES_DELETE_DUPLICATE')) define('MERGE_DUPLICATES_DELETE_DUPLICATE',1); if (!defined('USE_PERSONALISED_REMOTEURLS')) define('USE_PERSONALISED_REMOTEURLS',1); if (!defined('USE_LOCAL_SPOOL')) define('USE_LOCAL_SPOOL',0); if (!defined('SEND_LISTADMIN_COPY')) define('SEND_LISTADMIN_COPY',false); if (!defined('EMAIL_ADDRESS_VALIDATION_LEVEL')) define('EMAIL_ADDRESS_VALIDATION_LEVEL',3); if (!defined('BLACKLIST_EMAIL_ON_BOUNCE')) define('BLACKLIST_EMAIL_ON_BOUNCE',5); if (!defined('UNBLACKLIST_IN_PROFILE')) define('UNBLACKLIST_IN_PROFILE',false); if (!defined('MANUALLY_PROCESS_BOUNCES')) define('MANUALLY_PROCESS_BOUNCES',1); if (!defined('ENCRYPT_ADMIN_PASSWORDS')) define('ENCRYPT_ADMIN_PASSWORDS',1); if (!defined('PASSWORD_CHANGE_TIMEFRAME')) define('PASSWORD_CHANGE_TIMEFRAME','1 day'); if (!defined('MAX_SENDPROCESSES')) define('MAX_SENDPROCESSES',1); if (!defined('MAXLIST')) define('MAXLIST',1); if (!defined('SHOW_LIST_OFALL_SUBSCRIBERS')) define('SHOW_LIST_OFALL_SUBSCRIBERS',false); if (!defined('SENDPROCESS_SERVERNAME')) define('SENDPROCESS_SERVERNAME','localhost'); if (!defined('CHECK_REFERRER')) define('CHECK_REFERRER',true); # if (!defined('PHPMAILER_PATH')) define ('PHPMAILER_PATH',dirname(__FILE__) . '/PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php'); # if (!defined('PHPMAILER_PATH')) define ('PHPMAILER_PATH',dirname(__FILE__) . '/PHPMailer_v5.1/class.phpmailer.php'); if (!defined('DB_TRANSLATION')) define('DB_TRANSLATION',0); if (!defined('MAX_PROCESS_MESSAGE')) define('MAX_PROCESS_MESSAGE',5); ## how many campaigns to work on at the same time if (!defined('ALLOW_DELETEBOUNCE')) define('ALLOW_DELETEBOUNCE',1); if (!defined('MESSAGE_SENDSTATUS_INACTIVETHRESHOLD')) define('MESSAGE_SENDSTATUS_INACTIVETHRESHOLD',120); if (!defined('MESSAGE_SENDSTATUS_SAMPLETIME')) define('MESSAGE_SENDSTATUS_SAMPLETIME',600); if (!defined('SEND_QUEUE_PROCESSING_REPORT')) define('SEND_QUEUE_PROCESSING_REPORT',true); if (!defined('MAX_AVATAR_SIZE')) define('MAX_AVATAR_SIZE',2000); if (!defined('DEFAULT_MESSAGEAGE')) define('DEFAULT_MESSAGEAGE',604800); ## 7 days in seconds if (!defined('ADD_EMAIL_THROTTLE')) define('ADD_EMAIL_THROTTLE',1); ## seconds between addemail ajax requests if (!defined('SENDTEST_THROTTLE')) define('SENDTEST_THROTTLE',1); ## seconds between send test if (!defined('SENDTEST_MAX')) define('SENDTEST_MAX',999); ## max number of emails in a send test if (!defined('MAX_PROCESSQUEUE_TIME')) define('MAX_PROCESSQUEUE_TIME',99999); if (!defined('LANGUAGE_AUTO_UPDATE')) define('LANGUAGE_AUTO_UPDATE',true); if (!defined('SESSION_TIMEOUT')) define('SESSION_TIMEOUT',1800); if (!defined('MAX_MAILSIZE')) define('MAX_MAILSIZE',209715200); // in bytes, 200Mb if (!defined('INTERFACELIB')) define('INTERFACELIB',1); if (!defined('PHPMAILERBLASTHOST') && defined('PHPMAILERHOST')) { define('PHPMAILERBLASTHOST',PHPMAILERHOST); } if (!defined('PHPMAILERBLASTPORT') && defined('PHPMAILERPORT')) { define('PHPMAILERBLASTPORT',PHPMAILERPORT); } if (!defined('PHPMAILERTESTHOST') && defined('PHPMAILERHOST')) { define('PHPMAILERTESTHOST',PHPMAILERHOST); } if (!defined('PHPMAILER_SECURE')) { define('PHPMAILER_SECURE',false); } if (!defined('USERSPAGE_MAX')) define('USERSPAGE_MAX',1000); if (!isset($plugins_disabled) || !is_array($plugins_disabled)) { $plugins_disabled = array(); } if (!isset($GLOBALS['installation_name'])) { $GLOBALS['installation_name'] = 'phpList'; } if (!defined('SESSIONNAME')) define('SESSIONNAME','phpList'.$GLOBALS['installation_name'].'session'); ## this doesn't yet work with the FCKEditor #ini_set('session.name',str_replace(' ','',SESSIONNAME)); if (!defined('USE_AMAZONSES')) define('USE_AMAZONSES',defined('AWS_ACCESSKEYID') && AWS_ACCESSKEYID && function_exists('curl_init')); if (!defined('AWS_POSTURL')) define('AWS_POSTURL','https://email.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/'); if (!defined('PHPLIST_POWEREDBY_URLROOT')) define('PHPLIST_POWEREDBY_URLROOT','http://powered.phplist.com/images'); if (!isset($allowed_referrers) || !is_array($allowed_referrers)) { $allowed_referrers = array(); } if (!defined('ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN')) define('ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN','http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if (!defined('PREFERENCEPAGE_SHOW_PRIVATE_LISTS')) define('PREFERENCEPAGE_SHOW_PRIVATE_LISTS',false); #https://mantis.phplist.com/view.php?id=15603 if (!defined('WORDWRAP_HTML')) define('WORDWRAP_HTML',0); if (!defined('USE_PRECEDENCE_HEADER')) define('USE_PRECEDENCE_HEADER',true); if (!defined('RFC_DIRECT_DELIVERY')) define('RFC_DIRECT_DELIVERY',false); ## Request for Confirmation, delivery with SMTP # check whether Pear HTTP/Request is available, and which version # try 2 first # @@TODO finish this, as it is more involved than just renaming the class #@include_once "HTTP/Request2.php"; if (0 && class_exists('HTTP_Request2')) { $GLOBALS['has_pear_http_request'] = 2; } else { @include_once "HTTP/Request.php"; $GLOBALS['has_pear_http_request'] = class_exists('HTTP_Request'); } $GLOBALS['has_curl'] = function_exists('curl_init'); $GLOBALS['can_fetchUrl'] = $GLOBALS['has_pear_http_request'] || $GLOBALS['has_curl']; $GLOBALS['jQuery'] = 'jquery-1.7.1.min.js'; ## fairly crude way to determine php version, but mostly needed for the stripos if (function_exists('stripos')) { define('PHP5',1); } else { define('PHP5',0); } $system_tmpdir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"); if (!isset ($GLOBALS["tmpdir"]) && !empty ($system_tmpdir)) { $GLOBALS["tmpdir"] = $system_tmpdir; } if (!isset($GLOBALS['tmpdir'])) { $GLOBALS['tmpdir'] = '/tmp'; } if (!is_dir($GLOBALS["tmpdir"]) || !is_writable($GLOBALS["tmpdir"]) && !empty ($system_tmpdir)) { $GLOBALS["tmpdir"] = $system_tmpdir; } if (!isset($attachment_repository)) { $attachment_repository = $tmpdir; } if (!isset($pageroot)) { $pageroot = '/lists'; $GLOBALS['pageroot'] = '/lists'; } ## as the "admin" in adminpages is hardcoded, don't put it in the config file $adminpages = $GLOBALS['pageroot'].'/admin'; ## remove possibly duplicated // at the beginning $adminpages = preg_replace('~^//~','/',$adminpages); if (!isset($systemroot)) { $systemroot = dirname(__FILE__); } if (!defined('FORWARD_ALTERNATIVE_CONTENT')) define('FORWARD_ALTERNATIVE_CONTENT',0); if (!defined('KEEPFORWARDERATTRIBUTES')) define('KEEPFORWARDERATTRIBUTES',0); if (!defined('FORWARD_EMAIL_COUNT') ) define('FORWARD_EMAIL_COUNT',1); if (!defined('FORWARD_FRIEND_COUNT_ATTRIBUTE')) define('FORWARD_FRIEND_COUNT_ATTRIBUTE',0); ## when click track links are detected, block sending ## if false, will only show warning. For now defaulting to false, but may change that later if (!defined('BLOCK_PASTED_CLICKTRACKLINKS')) define('BLOCK_PASTED_CLICKTRACKLINKS',false); if (FORWARD_EMAIL_COUNT < 1) { print 'Config Error: FORWARD_EMAIL_COUNT must be > (int) 0'; exit; } # allows FORWARD_EMAIL_COUNT forwards per user per period in mysql interval terms if (!defined('FORWARD_EMAIL_PERIOD') ) define('FORWARD_EMAIL_PERIOD', '1 minute'); if (!defined('FORWARD_PERSONAL_NOTE_SIZE')) define('FORWARD_PERSONAL_NOTE_SIZE',0); if (!defined('EMBEDUPLOADIMAGES')) define('EMBEDUPLOADIMAGES',0); if (!defined('IMPORT_FILESIZE')) define('IMPORT_FILESIZE',5); if (!defined('SMTP_TIMEOUT')) define('SMTP_TIMEOUT',5); ## experimental, mark mails "todo" in the DB and process the "todo" list, to avoid the user query being run every queue run if (!defined('MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE')) { ## with a multi-process config, we need the queue prepare mechanism and memcache if (MAX_SENDPROCESSES > 1) { define('MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE',true); } else { define('MESSAGEQUEUE_PREPARE',false); } } if (!isset($GLOBALS["export_mimetype"])) $GLOBALS["export_mimetype"] = 'application/csv'; if (!isset($GLOBALS["admin_auth_module"])) $GLOBALS["admin_auth_module"] = 'phplist_auth.inc'; if (!isset($GLOBALS["require_login"])) $GLOBALS["require_login"] = 1; if (!isset($GLOBALS["noteditableconfig"])) $GLOBALS['noteditableconfig'] = array(); if (!defined("WORKAROUND_OUTLOOK_BUG") && defined("USE_CARRIAGE_RETURNS")) { define("WORKAROUND_OUTLOOK_BUG",USE_CARRIAGE_RETURNS); } if (!isset($GLOBALS["blacklist_gracetime"])) $GLOBALS["blacklist_gracetime"] = 5; if (!isset($GLOBALS["message_envelope"])) $GLOBALS["message_envelope"] = ''; if (!isset($GLOBALS['pageheader']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['pageheader'])) $GLOBALS['pageheader'] = array(); if (!isset($GLOBALS['pagefooter']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['pagefooter'])) $GLOBALS['pagefooter'] = array(); if (!isset($GLOBALS['check_for_host'])) $GLOBALS['check_for_host'] = 0; ## experimental, use minified JS and CSS if (!defined('USE_MINIFIED_ASSETS')) define('USE_MINIFIED_ASSETS',false); ## set up a memcached global object, and test it $GLOBALS['MC'] = null; if (defined('MEMCACHED')) { include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/class.memcached.php'; if (class_exists('phpListMC')) { $GLOBALS['MC'] = new phpListMC(); list($mc_server,$mc_port) = explode(':',MEMCACHED); $MC->addServer($mc_server,$mc_port); /* check that the MC connection is ok $MC->add('Hello','World'); $test = $MC->get('Hello'); if ($test != 'World') { unset($MC); } */ } } ## global counters array to keep track of things $counters = array( 'campaign' => 0, 'num_users_for_message' => 0, 'batch_count' => 0, 'batch_total' => 0, 'sendemail returned false total' => 0, 'send blocked by domain throttle' => 0, 'add attachment error' => 0, 'sendemail returned false' => 0, 'sentastest' => 0, ); $GLOBALS['disallowpages'] = array(); # list of pages and categorisation in the system ## old version $system_pages = array ( "system" => array ( "adminattributes" => "none", "attributes" => "none", "upgrade" => "none", "configure" => "none", "spage" => "owner", "spageedit" => "owner", "defaultconfig" => "none", "defaults" => "none", "initialise" => "none", "bounces" => "none", "bounce" => "none", "processbounces" => "none", "eventlog" => "none", "reconcileusers" => "none", "getrss" => "owner", "viewrss" => "owner", "purgerss" => "none", "setup" => "none", "dbcheck" => "none", ), "list" => array ( "list" => "owner", "editlist" => "owner", "members" => "owner" ), "user" => array ( "user" => "none", "users" => "none", "dlusers" => "none", "editattributes" => "none", "usercheck" => "none", "import1" => "none", "import2" => "none", "import3" => "none", "import4" => "none", "import" => "none", "export" => "none", "massunconfirm" => "none", ), "message" => array ( "message" => "owner", "messages" => "owner", "processqueue" => "none", "send" => "owner", "preparesend" => "none", "sendprepared" => "all", "template" => "none", "templates" => "none" ), "clickstats" => array ( 'statsmgt' => 'owner', 'mclicks' => 'owner', 'uclicks' => 'owner', 'userclicks' => 'owner', 'mviews' => 'owner', 'statsoverview' => 'owner', ), "admin" => array ( "admins" => "none", "admin" => "owner" ) );
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
FCKeditor | Folder | 0755 |
PEAR | Folder | 0755 |
PHPMailer | Folder | 0755 |
PHPMailer6 | Folder | 0755 |
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auth | Folder | 0755 |
commonlib | Folder | 0755 |
css | Folder | 0755 |
data | Folder | 0755 |
help | Folder | 0755 |
images | Folder | 0755 |
inc | Folder | 0755 |
info | Folder | 0755 |
js | Folder | 0755 |
lan | Folder | 0755 |
locale | Folder | 0755 |
oldmailer | Folder | 0755 |
onyxrss | Folder | 0755 |
plugins | Folder | 0755 |
styles | Folder | 0755 |
tests | Folder | 0755 |
ui | Folder | 0755 |
uploadimages | Folder | 0755 |
.gitignore | File | 20 B | 0644 |
.htaccess | File | 171 B | 0644 |
.minceconf | File | 994 B | 0644 |
AnalyticsQuery.php | File | 985 B | 0644 |
CsvReader.php | File | 1.27 KB | 0644 |
EmailSender.php | File | 477 B | 0644 |
about.php | File | 4.22 KB | 0644 |
accesscheck.php | File | 1.51 KB | 0644 |
addprefix.php | File | 966 B | 0644 |
adduser.php | File | 46 B | 0644 |
admin.php | File | 10.68 KB | 0644 |
adminattributes.php | File | 6.39 KB | 0644 |
admins.php | File | 4.54 KB | 0644 |
adodb.inc | File | 6.49 KB | 0644 |
analytics.php | File | 2.84 KB | 0644 |
attributes.php | File | 102 B | 0644 |
blacklistemail.php | File | 1.04 KB | 0644 |
bounce.php | File | 10.09 KB | 0644 |
bouncemgt.php | File | 1.39 KB | 0644 |
bouncerule.php | File | 3 KB | 0644 |
bouncerules.php | File | 5.86 KB | 0644 |
bounces.php | File | 6.01 KB | 0644 |
catlists.php | File | 2.64 KB | 0644 |
checkbouncerules.php | File | 1.34 KB | 0644 |
checki18n.php | File | 2.69 KB | 0644 |
checkprerequisites.php | File | 1.05 KB | 0644 |
class.html.mime.mail-outlookfix.inc | File | 19.93 KB | 0644 |
class.html.mime.mail.inc | File | 19.35 KB | 0644 |
class.image.inc | File | 5.77 KB | 0644 |
class.phplistmailer.php | File | 24.23 KB | 0644 |
class.phplistmailerbase.php | File | 1.5 KB | 0644 |
community.php | File | 1.78 KB | 0644 |
communityfeed.php | File | 2.36 KB | 0644 |
configure.php | File | 5.25 KB | 0644 |
connect.php | File | 74.36 KB | 0644 |
convertstats.php | File | 5.51 KB | 0644 |
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