<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/accesscheck.php'; /* Languages, countries, and the charsets typically used for them http://www.w3.org/International/O-charset-lang.html */ ## this array is now automatically build from the file system using the ## language_info file in each subdirectory of /locale/ ## and further on, from the XML data of the translation site $LANGUAGES = array( "nl"=> array("Dutch ","UTF-8"," UTF-8, windows-1252 "), "de" => array("Deutsch ","UTF-8","UTF-8, windows-1252 "), "en" => array("English ","UTF-8","UTF-8, windows-1252 "), "es"=>array("español","UTF-8","UTF-8, windows-1252"), #"fa" => array('Persian','utf-8','utf-8'), "fr"=>array("français ","UTF-8","UTF-8, windows-1252 "), "pl"=>array("Polish ","UTF-8","UTF-8"), "pt_BR"=>array("português ","UTF-8","UTF-8, windows-1252"), "zh_TW" => array("Traditional Chinese","utf-8","utf-8"), 'zh_CN' => array('Simplified Chinese',"utf-8","utf-8"), "vi" => array("Vietnamese","utf-8","utf-8"), ); ## pick up languages from the lan directory $landir = dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'; $d = opendir($landir); while ($lancode = readdir($d)) { # print "<br/>".$lancode; if (!in_array($landir,array_keys($LANGUAGES)) && is_dir($landir.'/'.$lancode) && is_file($landir.'/'.$lancode.'/language_info')) { $lan_info = file_get_contents($landir.'/'.$lancode.'/language_info'); $lines = explode("\n",$lan_info); $lan = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { // use utf8 matching if (preg_match('/(\w+)=([\p{L}\p{N}&; \-\(\)]+)/u',$line,$regs)) { # if (preg_match('/(\w+)=([\w&; \-\(\)]+)/',$line,$regs)) { # if (preg_match('/(\w+)=(.+)/',$line,$regs)) { $lan[$regs[1]] = $regs[2]; } } if (!isset($lan['gettext'])) $lan['gettext'] = $lancode; if (!isset($lan['dir'])) $lan['dir'] = 'ltr'; if (!empty($lan['name']) && !empty($lan['charset'])) { $LANGUAGES[$lancode] = array($lan['name'],$lan['charset'],$lan['charset'],$lan['gettext'],$lan['dir']); } # print '<br/>'.$landir.'/'.$lancode; } } ## pick up other languages from DB if (Sql_table_exists('i18n')) { $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select lan,translation from %s where original = "language-name" and lan not in ("%s")',$GLOBALS['tables']['i18n'], join('","',array_keys($LANGUAGES)))); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Assoc($req)) { $LANGUAGES[$row['lan']] = array($row['translation'],'UTF-8','UTF-8',$row['lan']); } } function lanSort($a,$b) { return strcmp(strtolower($a[0]),strtolower($b[0])); } uasort($LANGUAGES,"lanSort"); #var_dump($LANGUAGES); if (!empty($GLOBALS["SessionTableName"])) { require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sessionlib.php'; } @session_start(); if (isset($_POST['setlanguage']) && !empty($_POST['setlanguage']) && is_array($LANGUAGES[$_POST['setlanguage']])) { ## just in case $setlanguage = preg_replace('/[^\w_-]+/','',$_POST['setlanguage']); $_SESSION['adminlanguage'] = array( "info" => $setlanguage, "iso" => $setlanguage, "charset" => $LANGUAGES[$setlanguage][1], "dir" => $LANGUAGES[$setlanguage][4], ); # var_dump($_SESSION['adminlanguage'] ); } /* if (!empty($_SESSION['show_translation_colours'])) { $GLOBALS['pageheader']['translationtools'] = ' <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.contextMenu.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="js/jquery.contextMenu.css" /> <ul id="translationMenu" class="contextMenu"> <li class="translate"> <a href="#translate">Translate</a> </li> <li class="quit separator"> <a href="#quit">Quit</a> </li> </ul> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".translate").contextMenu({ menu: "translationMenu" }, function(action, el, pos) { alert( "Action: " + action + "\n\n" + "Element ID: " + $(el).attr("id") + "\n\n" + "X: " + pos.x + " Y: " + pos.y + " (relative to element)\n\n" + "X: " + pos.docX + " Y: " + pos.docY+ " (relative to document)" ); }); }); </script> '; } */ if (!isset($_SESSION['adminlanguage']) || !is_array($_SESSION['adminlanguage'])) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $accept_lan = explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); } else { $accept_lan = array($GLOBALS['default_system_language']); } $detectlan = ''; /* @@@TODO * we need a mapping from Accept-Language to gettext, see below * * eg nl-be becomes nl_BE * * currently "nl-be" will become "nl" and not "nl_BE"; */ foreach ($accept_lan as $lan) { if (!$detectlan) { if (preg_match('/^([\w-]+)/',$lan,$regs)) { $code = $regs[1]; if (isset($LANGUAGES[$code])) { $detectlan = $code; } elseif (strpos($code,'-') !== false) { list($language,$country) = explode('-',$code); if (isset($LANGUAGES[$language])) { $detectlan = $language; } } } } } if (!$detectlan) { $detectlan = $GLOBALS['default_system_language']; } $_SESSION['adminlanguage'] = array( "info" => $detectlan, "iso" => $detectlan, "charset" => $LANGUAGES[$detectlan][1], "dir" => $LANGUAGES[$detectlan][4], ); } ## this interferes with the frontend if an admin is logged in. ## better split the frontend and backend charSets at some point #if (!isset($GLOBALS['strCharSet'])) { $GLOBALS['strCharSet'] = $_SESSION['adminlanguage']['charset']; # #var_dump($_SESSION['adminlanguage']); #print '<h1>'. $GLOBALS['strCharSet'].'</h1>'; # internationalisation (I18N) class phplist_I18N { public $defaultlanguage = 'en'; public $language = 'en'; public $basedir = ''; public $dir = 'ltr'; private $hasGettext = false; private $hasDB = false; private $lan = array(); function phplist_I18N() { $this->basedir = dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'; $this->defaultlanguage = $GLOBALS['default_system_language']; $this->language = $GLOBALS['default_system_language']; if (isset($_SESSION['adminlanguage']) && isset($GLOBALS['LANGUAGES'][$_SESSION['adminlanguage']['iso']])) { $this->language = $_SESSION['adminlanguage']['iso']; $this->dir = $_SESSION['adminlanguage']['dir']; } else { unset($_SESSION['adminlanguage']); $this->language = $GLOBALS['default_system_language']; } if (function_exists('gettext')) { $this->hasGettext = true; } if (isset($_SESSION['hasI18Ntable'])) { $this->hasDB = $_SESSION['hasI18Ntable']; } elseif (Sql_Check_For_Table('i18n')) { $_SESSION['hasI18Ntable'] = true; $this->hasDB = true; } else { $_SESSION['hasI18Ntable'] = false; } if (isset($_GET['origpage']) && !empty($_GET['ajaxed'])) { ## used in ajaxed requests $page = basename($_GET["origpage"]); } elseif (isset($_GET["page"])) { $page = basename($_GET["page"]); } else { $page = "home"; } ## as we're including things, let's make sure it's clean $page = preg_replace('/\W/','',$page); if (!empty($_GET['pi'])) { $plugin_languagedir = $this->getPluginBasedir(); if (is_dir($plugin_languagedir)) { $this->basedir = $plugin_languagedir; if (isset($GLOBALS['plugins'][$_GET['pi']])) { $plugin = $GLOBALS['plugins'][$_GET['pi']]; if ($plugin->enabled && $plugin->needI18N && $plugin->i18nLanguageDir() ) { $this->basedir = $plugin->i18nLanguageDir(); } } } } $lan = array(); if (is_file($this->basedir.$this->language.'/'.$page.'.php')) { @include $this->basedir.$this->language.'/'.$page.'.php'; } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['developer_email'])) { @include $this->basedir.$this->defaultlanguage.'/'.$page.'.php'; } $this->lan = $lan; $lan = array(); if (is_file($this->basedir.$this->language.'/common.php')) { @include $this->basedir.$this->language.'/common.php'; } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['developer_email'])) { @include $this->basedir.$this->defaultlanguage.'/common.php'; } $this->lan += $lan; $lan = array(); if (is_file($this->basedir.$this->language.'/frontend.php')) { @include $this->basedir.$this->language.'/frontend.php'; } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS['developer_email'])) { @include $this->basedir.$this->defaultlanguage.'/frontend.php'; } $this->lan += $lan; } function gettext($text) { bindtextdomain('phplist', './locale'); textdomain('phplist'); /* gettext is a bit messy, at least on my Ubuntu 10.10 machine * * if eg language is "nl" it won't find it. It'll need to be "nl_NL"; * also the Ubuntu system needs to have the language installed, even if phpList has it * it won't find it, if it's not on the system * * So, to e.g. get "nl" gettext support in phpList (on ubuntu, but presumably other linuxes), you'd have to do * cd /usr/share/locales * ./install-language-pack nl_NL * dpkg-reconfigure locales * * but when you use "nl_NL", the language .mo can still be in "nl". * However, it needs "nl/LC_MESSAGES/phplist.mo s, put a symlink LC_MESSAGES to itself * * the "utf-8" strangely enough needs to be added but can be spelled all kinds * of ways, eg "UTF8", "utf-8" * * * AND then of course the lovely Accept-Language vs gettext * https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=25051 * * Accept-Language is lowercase and with - and gettext is country uppercase and with underscore * * More ppl have come across that: http://grep.be/articles/php-accept * */ ## so, to get the mapping from "nl" to "nl_NL", use a gettext map in the related directory if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'.$this->language.'/gettext_code')) { $lan_map = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'.$this->language.'/gettext_code'); $lan_map = trim($lan_map); } else { ## try to do "fr_FR", or "de_DE", might work in most cases ## hmm, not for eg fa_IR or zh_CN so they'll need the above file # http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Language-Codes $lan_map = $this->language.'_'.strtoupper($this->language); } putenv("LANGUAGE=".$lan_map.'.utf-8'); setlocale(LC_ALL, $lan_map.'.utf-8'); bind_textdomain_codeset('phplist', 'UTF-8'); $gt = gettext($text); if ($gt && $gt != $text) return $gt; } function getCachedTranslation($text) { if (!isset($_SESSION['translations']) || !is_array($_SESSION['translations'])) { return false; } if (isset($_SESSION['translations'][$text])) { $age = time() - $_SESSION['translations'][$text]['ts']; if ($age < 3600) { ## timeout after a while return $_SESSION['translations'][$text]['trans']; } else { unset($_SESSION['translations'][$text]); } } } function setCachedTranslation($text,$translation) { if (!isset($_SESSION['translations']) || !is_array($_SESSION['translations'])) { $_SESSION['translations'] = array(); } $_SESSION['translations'][$text] = array( 'trans' => $translation, 'ts' => time(), ); } function resetCache() { unset($_SESSION['translations']); } function databaseTranslation($text) { if (!$this->hasDB) return ''; if (empty($GLOBALS['database_connection'])) return ''; if ($cache = $this->getCachedTranslation($text)) { return $cache; } $tr = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select translation from '.$GLOBALS['tables']['i18n'].' where original = "%s" and lan = "%s"', sql_escape(trim($text)),$this->language),1); if (empty($tr[0])) { $tr = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select translation from '.$GLOBALS['tables']['i18n'].' where original = "%s" and lan = "%s"', sql_escape($text),$this->language),1); } if (empty($tr[0])) { $tr = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select translation from '.$GLOBALS['tables']['i18n'].' where original = "%s" and lan = "%s"', sql_escape(str_replace('"','\"',$text)),$this->language),1); } $this->setCachedTranslation($text,stripslashes($tr[0])); return stripslashes($tr[0]); } function pageTitle($page) { ## try gettext and otherwise continue if ($this->hasGettext) { $gettext = $this->gettext($page); if (!empty($gettext)) { return $gettext; } } $page_title = ''; $dbTitle = $this->databaseTranslation('pagetitle:'.$page); if ($dbTitle) { ## quite a few translators keep the pagetitle: in the translation $dbTitle = str_ireplace('pagetitle:','',$dbTitle); $page_title = $dbTitle; } elseif (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'.$this->language.'/pagetitles.php')) { include dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'.$this->language.'/pagetitles.php'; } elseif (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/lan/'.$this->language.'/pagetitles.php')) { include dirname(__FILE__).'/lan/'.$this->language.'/pagetitles.php'; } if (preg_match('/pi=([\w]+)/',$page,$regs)) { ## @@TODO call plugin to ask for title if (isset($GLOBALS['plugins'][$regs[1]])) { $title = $GLOBALS['plugins'][$regs[1]]->pageTitle($page); } else { $title = $regs[1].' - '.$page; } } elseif (!empty($page_title)) { $title = $page_title; } else { $title = $page; } return $title; } function pageTitleHover($page) { $hoverText = ''; $dbTitle = $this->databaseTranslation('pagetitlehover:'.$page); if ($dbTitle) { $dbTitle = str_ireplace('pagetitlehover:','',$dbTitle); $hoverText = $dbTitle; } else { $hoverText = $this->pageTitle($page); ## is this returns itself, wipe it, so the linktext is used instead if ($hoverText == $page) { $hoverText = ''; } } if (!empty($hoverText)) { return $hoverText; } return ''; } function formatText($text) { # we've decided to spell phplist with uc L $text = str_ireplace('phplist','phpList',$text); if (isset($GLOBALS["developer_email"])) { if (!empty($_SESSION['show_translation_colours'])) { return '<span style="color:#A704FF">'.str_replace("\n","",$text).'</span>'; } # return 'TE'.$text.'XT'; } # return '<span class="translateabletext">'.str_replace("\n","",$text).'</span>'; return str_replace("\n","",$text); } /** * obsolete */ function missingText($text) { if (isset($GLOBALS["developer_email"])) { if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = $_GET["page"]; } else { $page = 'home'; } $pl = $prefix = ''; if (!empty($_GET['pi'])) { $pl = $_GET['pi']; $pl = preg_replace('/\W/','',$pl); $prefix = $pl.'_'; } $msg = ' Undefined text reference in page '.$page.' '.$text; $page = preg_replace('/\W/','',$page); #sendMail($GLOBALS["developer_email"],"phplist dev, missing text",$msg); $line = "'".str_replace("'","\'",$text)."' => '".str_replace("'","\'",$text)."',"; # if (is_file($this->basedir.'/en/'.$page.'.php') && $_SESSION['adminlanguage']['iso'] == 'en') { if (empty($prefix) && $_SESSION['adminlanguage']['iso'] == 'en') { $this->appendText($this->basedir.'/en/'.$page.'.php',$line); } else { $this->appendText('/tmp/'.$prefix.$page.'.php',$line); } if (!empty($_SESSION['show_translation_colours'])) { return '<span style="color: #FF1717">'.$text.'</span>';#MISSING TEXT } } return $text; } function appendText($file,$text) { return; $filecontents = ''; if (is_file($file)) { $filecontents = file_get_contents($file); } else { $filecontents = '<?php $lan = array( ); ?>'; } # print "<br/>Writing $text to $file"; $filecontents = preg_replace("/\n/","@@NL@@",$filecontents); $filecontents = str_replace(');',' '.$text."\n);",$filecontents); $filecontents = str_replace("@@NL@@","\n",$filecontents); $dir = dirname($file); if (!is_writable($dir) || (is_file($file) && !is_writable($file))) { $newfile = basename($file); $file = '/tmp/'.$newfile; } file_put_contents($file,$filecontents); } function getPluginBasedir() { $pl = $_GET['pi']; $pl = preg_replace('/\W/','',$pl); $pluginroot = ''; if (isset($GLOBALS['plugins'][$pl]) && is_object($GLOBALS['plugins'][$pl])) { $pluginroot = $GLOBALS['plugins'][$pl]->coderoot; } if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/lan/')) { return $pluginroot.'/lan/'; } else { return $pluginroot.'/'; } } function initFSTranslations($language = '') { if (empty($language)) { $language = $this->language; } $translations = parsePO(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'.$language.'/phplist.po')); $time = filemtime(dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'.$language.'/phplist.po'); $this->updateDBtranslations($translations,$time,$language); } function updateDBtranslations($translations,$time,$language = '') { if (empty($language)) { $language = $this->language; } if (sizeof($translations)) { foreach ($translations as $orig => $trans) { Sql_Replace($GLOBALS['tables']['i18n'],array('lan' => $language,'original' => $orig,'translation' => $trans),''); } } $this->resetCache(); saveConfig('lastlanguageupdate-'.$language,$time,0); } function getTranslation($text,$page,$basedir) { ## try DB, as it will be the latest if ($this->hasDB) { $db_trans = $this->databaseTranslation($text); if (!empty($db_trans)) { return $this->formatText($db_trans); } elseif (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'.$this->language.'/phplist.po')) { if (function_exists('getConfig')) { $lastUpdate = getConfig('lastlanguageupdate-'.$this->language); $thisUpdate = filemtime(dirname(__FILE__).'/locale/'.$this->language.'/phplist.po'); if (LANGUAGE_AUTO_UPDATE && $thisUpdate > $lastUpdate && !empty($_SESSION['adminloggedin'])) { ## we can't translate this, as it'll be recursive $GLOBALS['pagefooter']['transupdate'] = '<script type="text/javascript">initialiseTranslation("Initialising phpList in your language, please wait.");</script>'; } } #$this->updateDBtranslations($translations,$time); } } ## next try gettext, although before that works, it requires loads of setting up ## but who knows if ($this->hasGettext) { $gettext = $this->gettext($text); if (!empty($gettext)) { return $this->formatText($gettext); } } $lan = $this->lan; if (trim($text) == "") return ""; if (strip_tags($text) == "") return $text; if (isset($lan[$text])) { return $this->formatText($lan[$text]); } if (isset($lan[strtolower($text)])) { return $this->formatText($lan[strtolower($text)]); } if (isset($lan[strtoupper($text)])) { return $this->formatText($lan[strtoupper($text)]); } return ''; } function get($text) { if (trim($text) == "") return ""; if (strip_tags($text) == "") return $text; $translation = ''; $this->basedir = dirname(__FILE__).'/lan/'; if (isset($_GET['origpage']) && !empty($_GET['ajaxed'])) { ## used in ajaxed requests $page = basename($_GET["origpage"]); } elseif (isset($_GET["page"])) { $page = basename($_GET["page"]); } else { $page = "home"; } $page = preg_replace('/\W/','',$page); if (!empty($_GET['pi'])) { $plugin_languagedir = $this->getPluginBasedir(); if (is_dir($plugin_languagedir)) { $translation = $this->getTranslation($text,$page,$plugin_languagedir); } } ## if a plugin did not return the translation, find it in core if (empty($translation)) { $translation = $this->getTranslation($text,$page,$this->basedir); } # print $this->language.' '.$text.' '.$translation. '<br/>'; # spelling mistake, retry with old spelling if ($text == 'over threshold, user marked unconfirmed' && empty($translation)) { return $this->get('over treshold, user marked unconfirmed'); } if (!empty($translation)) { return $translation; } else { return $this->missingText($text); } } } function getTranslationUpdates() { ## @@@TODO add some more error handling $LU = false; $lan_update = fetchUrl(TRANSLATIONS_XML); if (!empty($lan_update)) { $LU = @simplexml_load_string($lan_update); } return $LU; } $I18N = new phplist_I18N(); if (!empty($setlanguage)) { $I18N->resetCache(); } /* add a shortcut that seems common in other apps * function s($text) * @param $text string the text to find * @params 2-n variable - parameters to pass on to the sprintf of the text * @return translated text with parameters filled in * * * eg s("This is a %s with a %d and a %0.2f","text",6,1.98765); * * will look for the translation of the string and substitute the parameters * **/ function s($text) { ## allow overloading with sprintf paramaters $translation = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get($text); if (func_num_args() > 1) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $translation = vsprintf($translation, $args); } return $translation; } /** * function snbr * similar to function s, but without overloading params * will return the translated text with spaces turned to so that they won't wrap * mostly useful for buttons */ function snbr($text) { $trans = s($text); $trans = str_replace(' ',' ',$trans); return $trans; } function parsePo($translationUpdate) { $translation_lines = explode("\n",$translationUpdate); $original = ''; $flagOrig = $flagTrans = false; $translation = ''; $translations = array(); foreach ($translation_lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/^msgid "(.*)"/',$line,$regs)) { $original = $regs[1]; $flagOrig = true; } elseif (preg_match('/^msgstr "(.*)"/',$line,$regs)) { $flagOrig = false; $flagTrans = true; $translation = $regs[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/^"(.*)"/',$line,$regs) && !(preg_match('/^#/',$line) || preg_match('/^\s+$/',$line) || $line == "")) { ## wrapped to multiple lines, can be both original and translation if ($flagTrans) { $translation .= $regs[1]; } else { $original .= $regs[1]; } } elseif (preg_match('/^#/',$line) || preg_match('/^\s+$/',$line) || $line == "") { $original = $translation = ''; $flagOrig = $flagTrans = false; } if (!empty($original) && !empty($translation)) { $translations[trim($original)] = trim($translation); } } return $translations; }
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