<?php # sql functions, currently only set up to work with MySql # replace functions in this file to make it work with other Databases if (!function_exists("mysqli_connect")) { print "Fatal Error: Mysql is not supported in your PHP, recompile and try again."; exit; } function Sql_Connect($host,$user,$password,$database) { $compress = (empty($GLOBALS['database_connection_compression'])) ? 0 : MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS; $secure = (empty($GLOBALS['database_connection_ssl'])) ? 0 : MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL; if ($host && $user) { $db = @mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, false, $compress | $secure); } $errno = mysqli_connect_errno(); if (!$errno) { $res = mysqli_select_db($db,$database); $errno = mysqli_errno($db); } if ($errno) { if (isset($GLOBALS['plugins']) && is_array($GLOBALS['plugins'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) { $plugin->processDBerror($errno); } } switch ($errno) { case 1049: # unknown database print "Unknown database, cannot continue"; exit; case 1045: # access denied print "Cannot connect to database, access denied. Please check your configuration or contact the administrator."; exit; case 2002: print "Cannot connect to database, Sql server is not running. Please check your configuration or contact the administrator."; exit; case 1040: # too many connections print "Sorry, the server is currently too busy, please try again later."; exit; case 2005: # "unknown host" print "Unknown database host to connected to, please check your configuration"; exit; case 2006: # "gone away" print "Sorry, the server is currently too busy, please try again later."; exit; case 0: break; default: if (isset($GLOBALS['database_connection'])) { print SQL_Error($GLOBALS['database_connection'],$errno); } else { print "Cannot connect to Database, please check your configuration"; } } exit; } if (!$db) { print "Cannot connect to Database, please check your configuration"; exit; } mysqli_query ($db,"SET NAMES 'utf8'"); unset($GLOBALS['lastquery']); return $db; } function Sql_has_error ($dbconnection) { return mysqli_errno($dbconnection); } function Sql_Error ($dbconnection,$errno = 0) { $msg = mysqli_error($dbconnection); if (!isset($GLOBALS['lastquery'])) { $GLOBALS['lastquery'] = ""; } if (empty($GLOBALS['commandline'])) { /* output('DB error'.$errno); print debug_print_backtrace(); */ return '<div id="dberror">Database error '. $errno.' while doing query '.$GLOBALS['lastquery']. ' ' .$msg.'</div>'; } else { cl_output('Database error '.$errno.' while doing query '.$GLOBALS['lastquery']. ' ' .$msg); } if (function_exists("logevent")) { logevent("Database error: $msg"); } # return "<table class="x" border=1><tr><td class=\"error\">Database Error</td></tr><tr><td><!--$errno: -->$msg</td></tr></table>"; } function Sql_Check_error($dbconnection,$errno = 0) { if (!$errno) $errno = Sql_has_error($dbconnection); if ($errno) { switch ($errno) { case 1049: # unknown database Fatal_Error("unknown database, cannot continue"); exit; case 1045: # access denied Fatal_Error("Cannot connect to database, access denied. Please contact the administrator"); exit; case 2002: Fatal_Error("Cannot connect to database, Sql server is not running. Please contact the administrator"); exit; case 1040: # too many connections Fatal_Error("Sorry, the server is currently too busy, please try again later."); exit; case 0: break; default: print Sql_error($dbconnection,$errno); } return 1; } } function Sql_Query($query,$ignore = 0) { if (empty($GLOBALS['database_connection'])) { $GLOBALS['database_connection'] = Sql_Connect( $GLOBALS['database_host'], $GLOBALS['database_user'], $GLOBALS['database_password'], $GLOBALS['database_name']); } if (isset($GLOBALS['lastquery'])) { unset($GLOBALS['lastquery']); } if (isset($GLOBALS["developer_email"])) { sqllog($query,'/tmp/queries.log'); # time queries to see how slow they are, so they can # be optimized $now = gettimeofday(); $start = $now["sec"] * 1000000 + $now["usec"]; $GLOBALS['lastquery'] = $query; # keep track of queries to see which ones to optimize if (function_exists('stripos')) { if (!stripos($query,'WebblerSessions') && !stripos($query,'cache')) { $store = $query; $store = preg_replace('/\d+/','X',$store); $store = trim($store); @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['database_connection'],sprintf('update querycount set count = count + 1 where query = "%s" and frontend = %d',$store,$frontend)); if (mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS['database_connection']) != 2) { @mysqli_query($GLOBALS['database_connection'],sprintf('insert into querycount set count = count + 1 , query = "%s",phplist = 1',$store)); } } } } $GLOBALS["pagestats"]["number_of_queries"]++; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['database_connection'],$query); if (!$ignore) { if (Sql_Check_Error($GLOBALS["database_connection"])) { # dbg("Sql error in $query"); cl_output('Sql error '. $query); } } if (isset($GLOBALS["developer_email"])) { # log time queries take $now = gettimeofday(); $end = $now["sec"] * 1000000 + $now["usec"]; $elapsed = $end - $start; if ($elapsed > 300000) { $query = substr($query,0,200); sqllog(' ['.$elapsed.'] '.$query,"/tmp/phplist-sqltimer.log"); } else { # sqllog(' ['.$elapsed.'] '.$query,"/tmp/phplist-sqltimer.log"); } } return $result; } function Sql_Close() { mysqli_close($GLOBALS["database_connection"]); unset($GLOBALS["database_connection"]); } function Sql_Query_Params($query,$params,$ignore = 0) { if (empty($GLOBALS['database_connection'])) { $GLOBALS['database_connection'] = Sql_Connect( $GLOBALS['database_host'], $GLOBALS['database_user'], $GLOBALS['database_password'], $GLOBALS['database_name']); } if (!is_array($params)) $params = Array($params); foreach ($params as $index => $par) { $qmark = strpos ( $query , '?'); if ($qmark === FALSE) { # dbg("Error, more parameters than placeholders"); } else { ## first replace the ? with some other placeholder, in case the parameters contain ? themselves $query = substr($query,0,$qmark).'"PARAM'.$index.'MARAP"'.substr($query,$qmark+1); } } foreach ($params as $index => $par) { if (is_numeric($par)) { $query = str_replace('"PARAM'.$index.'MARAP"',sql_escape($par),$query); } else { $query = str_replace('PARAM'.$index.'MARAP',sql_escape($par),$query); } } return Sql_Query($query,$ignore); } function sqllog($msg,$logfile = "") { if (!$logfile) return; $fp = @fopen($logfile,"a"); $line = "[".date("d M Y, H:i:s")."] ".getenv("REQUEST_URI").'('.$GLOBALS["pagestats"]["number_of_queries"].") $msg \n"; @fwrite($fp,$line); @fclose($fp); } function Sql_Verbose_Query($query,$ignore = 0) { if (isset($GLOBALS['developer_email'])) { print "<b>$query</b><br>\n"; } flush(); if (!empty($GLOBALS["commandline"])) { ob_end_clean(); print "Sql: $query\n"; ob_start(); } return Sql_Query($query,$ignore); } function Sql_Fetch_Array($dbresult) { return mysqli_fetch_array($dbresult); } function Sql_Fetch_Assoc($dbresult) { return mysqli_fetch_assoc($dbresult); } function Sql_Fetch_Row($dbresult) { if ($dbresult) { return mysqli_fetch_row($dbresult); } return false; } function Sql_Fetch_Row_Query($query,$ignore = 0) { $req = Sql_Query($query,$ignore); return Sql_Fetch_Row($req); } function Sql_Fetch_Array_Query($query,$ignore = 0) { $req = Sql_Query($query,$ignore); return Sql_Fetch_Array($req); } function Sql_Fetch_Assoc_Query($query,$ignore = 0) { $req = Sql_Query($query,$ignore); return Sql_Fetch_Assoc($req); } function Sql_Affected_Rows() { return mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS["database_connection"]); } function Sql_Num_Rows($result = "") { return mysqli_num_rows($result); } function Sql_Insert_Id() { return mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS["database_connection"]); } function Sql_Result($result,$index,$column) { return mysqli_result($result,$index,$column); } function Sql_Free_Result($dbresult) { mysqli_free_result($dbresult); }; function Sql_Table_exists($table,$refresh = 0) { ## table is the full table name including the prefix if (!empty($_GET['pi']) || $refresh || !isset($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION["dbtables"]) || !is_array($_SESSION["dbtables"])) { $_SESSION["dbtables"] = array(); # need to improve this. http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=19588 $req = Sql_Query('select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = "'.$GLOBALS['database_name'].'"'); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) { array_push($_SESSION["dbtables"],$row[0]); } } return in_array($table,$_SESSION["dbtables"]); } function Sql_Table_Column_Exists($table,$column) { ## table is the full table name including the prefix if (Sql_Table_exists($table)) { # need to improve this. http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=19588 $req = Sql_Query("show columns from $table"); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) { if ($row[0] == $column) return 1; } } } function Sql_Check_For_Table($table) { ## table is the full table name including the prefix, or the abbreviated one without prefix return Sql_Table_exists($table) || (isset($GLOBALS['tables'][$table]) && Sql_Table_exists($GLOBALS['tables'][$table])); } function createTable($table) { ## table is the abbreviated table name one without prefix if (!isset($GLOBALS['tables'][$table])) return false; include dirname(__FILE__).'/structure.php'; if (!empty($DBstruct[$table]) && is_array($DBstruct[$table])) { Sql_Create_table($GLOBALS['tables'][$table],$DBstruct[$table]); return true; } return false; } function Sql_create_Table ($table,$structure) { $query = "CREATE TABLE $table (\n"; while (list($column, $val) = each($structure)) { if (preg_match('/index_\d+/',$column)) { $query .= "index " . $structure[$column][0] . ","; } elseif (preg_match('/unique_\d+/',$column)) { $query .= "unique " . $structure[$column][0] . ","; } else { $query .= "$column " . $structure[$column][0] . ","; } } # get rid of the last , $query = substr($query,0,-1); $query .= "\n) default character set utf8"; # submit it to the database $res = Sql_Query($query,1); unset($_SESSION["dbtables"]); } function Sql_Drop_Table($table) { # print '<br/>DROP '.$table; return mysqli_query($GLOBALS['database_connection'],'drop table if exists '.$table); } function sql_escape($text) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['database_connection'])) { return mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['database_connection'],$text); } else { ## better than returning $text. This is very much in the beginning when the DB connection hasn't been created yet. return ''; } } function Sql_Replace ($table,$values,$pk) { $query = ' replace into '.$table.' set '; foreach ($values as $key => $val) { if (is_numeric($val) || $val == 'current_timestamp') { $query .= ' '.$key .'= '.sql_escape($val).','; } else { $query .= ' '.$key .'="'.sql_escape($val).'",'; } } $query = substr($query,0,-1); # output($query); return Sql_Query($query); } function Sql_Set_Search_Path($searchpath) { return; }
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