require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/accesscheck.php';
if (!$GLOBALS["commandline"]) {
} else {
print ClineSignature();
## when on cl, doit immediately
$_GET['doit'] = 'yes';
function output ($message) {
if ($GLOBALS["commandline"]) {
print strip_tags($message) . "\n";
} else {
print $message;
# output some stuff to make sure it's not buffered in the browser, hmm, would be nice to find a better way for this
for ($i=0;$i<10000; $i++) {
print ' '."\n";
$dbversion = getConfig("version");
if (!$dbversion)
$dbversion = "Older than 1.4.1";
output( '<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Your database version').': '.$dbversion.'</p>');
if ($GLOBALS['database_module'] == 'mysql.inc') {
print Warn(s('Please edit your config file and change "mysql.inc" to "mysqli.inc" to avoid future PHP incompatibility').
if ($dbversion == VERSION) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Your database is already the correct version, there is no need to upgrade'));
print '<p>'.PageLinkAjax('upgrade&update=tlds',s('update Top Level Domains'),'','button').'</p>';
print subscribeToAnnouncementsForm();
} else
if (isset($_GET["doit"]) && $_GET["doit"] == 'yes') {
$success = 1;
# once we are off, this should not be interrupted
# rename tables if we are using the prefix
include dirname(__FILE__) ."/structure.php";
while (list($table,$value) = each ($DBstruct)) {
if (isset($table_prefix)) {
if (Sql_Table_exists($table) && !Sql_Table_Exists($tables[$table])) {
Sql_Verbose_Query("alter table $table rename $tables[$table]",1);
print '<script language="Javascript" src="js/progressbar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
print '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.write(progressmeter); start();</script>';
# upgrade depending on old version
output( '<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Please wait, upgrading your database, do not interrupt').'</p>');
if (preg_match("/(.*?)-/",$dbversion,$regs)) {
$dbversion = $regs[1];
switch ($dbversion) {
case "1.4.1":
# nothing changed,
case "1.4.2":
# nothing changed,
case "dev":
case "1.4.3":
foreach (array("admin","adminattribute","admin_attribute","task","admin_task") as $table) {
if (!Sql_Table_Exists($table)) {
if ($table == "admin") {
# create a default admin
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s values(0,"%s","%s","%s",current_timestamp,current_timestamp,"%s","%s",current_timestamp,%d,0)',
} elseif ($table == "task") {
while (list($type,$pages) = each ($system_pages)) {
foreach ($pages as $page)
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (page,type) values("%s","%s")',
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["list"]} add column owner integer");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} change column status status enum('submitted','inprocess','sent','cancelled','prepared')");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["template"]} change column template template longblob");
# previous versions did not cleanup properly, fix that here
$req = Sql_Query("select userid from {$tables["user_attribute"]} left join {$tables["user"]} on {$tables["user_attribute"]}.userid = {$tables["user"]}.id where {$tables["user"]}.id IS NULL");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req))
Sql_query("delete from ".$tables["user_attribute"]." where userid = ".$row[0]);
$req = Sql_Query("select user from {$tables["user_message_bounce"]} left join {$tables["user"]} on {$tables["user_message_bounce"]}.user = {$tables["user"]}.id where {$tables["user"]}.id IS NULL");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req))
Sql_query("delete from ".$tables["user_message_bounce"]." where user = ".$row[0]);
$req = Sql_Query("select userid from {$tables["usermessage"]} left join {$tables["user"]} on {$tables["usermessage"]}.userid = {$tables["user"]}.id where {$tables["user"]}.id IS NULL");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req))
Sql_query("delete from ".$tables["usermessage"]." where userid = ".$row[0]);
$success = 1;
case "1.5.0":
# nothing changed
case "1.5.1":
# nothing changed
case "1.6.0":
case "1.6.1": # not released
# nothing changed
case "1.6.2":
# something we should have done ages ago. make checkboxes save "on" value in user_attribute
$req = Sql_Query("select * from {$tables["attribute"]} where type = \"checkbox\"");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
$req2 = Sql_Query("select * from $table_prefix"."listattr_$row[tablename]");
while ($row2 = Sql_Fetch_array($req2)) {
if ($row2["name"] == "Checked")
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set value = "on" where attributeid = %d and value = %d',
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set value = "" where attributeid = %d and value != "on"',
Sql_Drop_Table($table_prefix . 'listattr_' . $row['tablename']);
Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["task"]} (page,type) values(\"export\",\"user\")");
case "1.6.3":
case "1.6.4":
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add column bouncecount integer default 0");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column bouncecount integer default 0");
# we actually never used these tables, so we can just as well drop and recreate them
Sql_Query(sprintf('create table %s (
id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
date datetime,
header text,
data blob,
status varchar(255),
comment text)',$tables["bounce"]));
Sql_Query(sprintf('create table %s (
id integer not null primary key auto_increment,
user integer not null,
message integer not null,
bounce integer not null,
time timestamp,
index (user,message,bounce))',
Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["task"]} (page,type) values(\"bounce\",\"system\")");
Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["task"]} (page,type) values(\"bounces\",\"system\")");
Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["task"]} (page,type) values(\"processbounces\",\"system\")");
case "1.7.0":
case "1.7.1":
case "1.8.0":
Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["task"]} (page,type) values(\"spage\",\"system\")");
Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["task"]} (page,type) values(\"spageedit\",\"system\")");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add column subscribepage integer default 0");
case "1.9.0":
case "1.9.1":
case "1.9.2":
# no changes
case "1.9.3":
# add some indexes to speed things up
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["bounce"]} add index dateindex (date)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["sendprocess"]} add column page varchar(100)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column sendstart datetime");
# some cleaning up of data:
$req = Sql_Query("select {$tables["usermessage"]}.userid
from {$tables["usermessage"]} left join {$tables["user"]} on {$tables["usermessage"]}.userid = {$tables["user"]}.id
where {$tables["user"]}.id IS NULL group by {$tables["usermessage"]}.userid");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
Sql_Query("delete from {$tables["usermessage"]} where userid = $row[0]");
$req = Sql_Query("select {$tables["user_attribute"]}.userid
from {$tables["user_attribute"]} left join {$tables["user"]} on {$tables["user_attribute"]}.userid = {$tables["user"]}.id
where {$tables["user"]}.id IS NULL group by {$tables["user_attribute"]}.userid");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
Sql_Query("delete from {$tables["user_attribute"]} where userid = $row[0]");
$req = Sql_Query("select {$tables["listuser"]}.userid
from {$tables["listuser"]} left join {$tables["user"]} on {$tables["listuser"]}.userid = {$tables["user"]}.id
where {$tables["user"]}.id IS NULL group by {$tables["listuser"]}.userid");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
Sql_Query("delete from {$tables["listuser"]} where userid = $row[0]");
$req = Sql_Query("select {$tables["usermessage"]}.userid
from {$tables["usermessage"]} left join {$tables["user"]} on {$tables["usermessage"]}.userid = {$tables["user"]}.id
where {$tables["user"]}.id IS NULL group by {$tables["usermessage"]}.userid");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
Sql_Query("delete from {$tables["usermessage"]} where userid = $row[0]");
$req = Sql_Query("select {$tables["user_message_bounce"]}.user
from {$tables["user_message_bounce"]} left join {$tables["user"]} on {$tables["user_message_bounce"]}.user = {$tables["user"]}.id
where {$tables["user"]}.id IS NULL group by {$tables["user_message_bounce"]}.user");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
Sql_Query("delete from {$tables["user_message_bounce"]} where user = $row[0]");
case "2.1.0":
case "2.1.1":
# oops deleted tables columns that should not have been deleted:
if (!Sql_Table_Column_Exists($tables["message"],"tofield")) {
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column tofield varchar(255)");
if (!Sql_Table_Column_Exists($tables["message"],"replyto")) {
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column replyto varchar(255)");
case "2.1.2":
case "2.1.3":
case "2.1.4":
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} change column asboth astextandhtml integer default 0");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column aspdf integer default 0");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column astextandpdf integer default 0");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column rsstemplate varchar(100)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["list"]} add column rssfeed varchar(255)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add column rssfrequency varchar(100)");
case "2.2.0":
case "2.2.1":
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add column password varchar(255)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add column passwordchanged datetime");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add column disabled tinyint default 0");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add column extradata text");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column owner integer");
case "2.3.0":
case "2.3.1":
case "2.3.2":case "2.3.3":
case "2.3.4":case "2.4.0":
Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["task"]} (page,type) values(\"import3\",\"user\")");
Sql_Query("insert into {$tables["task"]} (page,type) values(\"import4\",\"user\")");
case "2.5.0":case "2.5.1":
case "2.5.2":
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["subscribepage"]} add column owner integer");
Sql_Query("alter ignore table {$tables["task"]} add unique (page)");
case "2.5.3":case "2.5.4":
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add column foreignkey varchar(100)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add index fkey (foreignkey)");
case "2.5.5": case "2.5.6": case "2.5.7": case "2.5.8":
# some very odd value managed to sneak in
$cbgroups = Sql_Query("select id from {$tables["attribute"]} where type = \"checkboxgroup\"");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($cbgroups)) {
Sql_Query("update {$tables["user_attribute"]} set value = \"\" where attributeid = $row[0] and value=\"Empty\"");
case "2.6.0":case "2.6.1":case "2.6.2":case "2.6.3":case "2.6.4":case "2.6.5":
Sql_Verbose_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column embargo datetime");
Sql_Verbose_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column repeat integer default 0");
Sql_Verbose_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column repeatuntil datetime");
# make sure that current queued messages are sent
Sql_Verbose_Query("update {$tables["message"]} set embargo = current_timestamp where status = \"submitted\"");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} change column status status enum('submitted','inprocess','sent','cancelled','prepared','draft')");
case "2.6.6":case "2.7.0": case "2.7.1": case "2.7.2":
case "2.8.0":
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} add column textmessage text");
case "2.8.1": case "2.8.2": case "2.8.3":
case "2.8.4": case "2.8.5": case "2.8.6":
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add index index_uniqid (uniqid)");
case "whatever versions we will get later":
#Sql_Query("alter table table that altered");
# an unknown version, so we do a generic upgrade, if the version is older than 1.4.1
if ($dbversion > "1.4.1")
Error("Sorry, your version is too old to safely upgrade");
$success = 0;
# at 2.8.x we started to split into stable (2.8) and unstable (2.9)
# so upgrading is now mixed between major.minor versions
list($major,$minor,$sub) = explode(".",$dbversion);
switch ($major) {
case "2":
if ($minor < 9 || ($minor == 9 && $sub == 0)) {
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user"]} add column blacklisted tinyint default 0");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} change column repeat repeatinterval integer default 0");
# this one can take a long time
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["usermessage"]} change column entered entered datetime, add column status varchar(255)");
Sql_Query("update {$tables["usermessage"]} set status =\"sent\"");
if ($minor < 9 || ($minor == 9 && $sub < 2)) {
if ($minor < 9 || ($minor == 9 && $sub < 2)) {
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user_attribute"]} add index userindex (userid)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user_attribute"]} add index attindex (attributeid)");
if ($minor < 9 || ($minor == 9 && $sub < 3)) {
# this can take quite a while if there are a lot of users and or messages
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["usermessage"]} add index userindex (userid)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["usermessage"]} add index messageindex (messageid)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["usermessage"]} add index enteredindex (entered)");
if ($minor < 9 || ($minor == 9 && $sub <= 4)) {
SaveConfig("xormask",md5(uniqid(rand(), true)),0);
if ($minor < 9 || ($minor == 9 && $sub < 5)) {
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user_attribute"]} add index userattid (attributeid,userid)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["user_attribute"]} add index attuserid (userid,attributeid)");
Sql_Query("alter table {$tables["message"]} change column status status varchar(255)");
if ($minor < 11 || ($minor == 11 && $sub < 2)) {
if ($minor < 11 || ($minor == 11 && $sub < 3)) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('alter table %s add column optedin tinyint default 0',$tables['user']));
if ($minor < 11 || ($minor == 11 && $sub < 5)) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('alter table %s add column category varchar(255) default ""',$tables['list']));
Sql_Query(sprintf('alter table %s add column requeueinterval integer default 0',$tables['message']));
Sql_Query(sprintf('alter table %s add column requeueuntil datetime',$tables['message']));
if ($minor < 11 || ($minor == 11 && $sub < 7)) {
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select loginname,password from %s where length(password) < %d',$GLOBALS['tables']['admin'],$GLOBALS['hash_length']));
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Assoc($req)) {
$encryptedPassDB = hash(ENCRYPTION_ALGO,$row['password']);
$query = "update %s set password = '%s' where loginname = ?";
$query = sprintf($query, $GLOBALS['tables']['admin'], $encryptedPassDB);
Sql_Query_Params($query, array($row['loginname']));
# Sql_Create_Table($tables["gchartcache"],$DBstruct["gchartcache"],1); ## really need this?
## add index on bounces, but ignore the error
Sql_Query("create index statusindex on {$tables["user_attribute"]} (status(10))",1);
Sql_Query("create index message_lookup using btree on {$tables["user_message_bounce"]} (message)",1);
## add index to i18n to avoid duplicate translations
## alter ignore doesn't seem to work on InnoDB: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=40344
# convert to MyIsam first @@Mysql Specific code !
Sql_Query('alter table '.$tables["i18n"].' engine MyIsam',1 );
Sql_Query('alter ignore table '.$tables["i18n"].' add unique lanorigunq (lan(10),original(200))',1);
## mantis issue 9001, make sure that the "repeat" column in the messages table is renamed to repeatinterval
# to avoid a name clash with Mysql 5.
# problem is that this statement will fail if the DB is already running Mysql 5
if (Sql_Table_Column_Exists($GLOBALS['tables']['message'],'repeat')) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('alter ignore table %s change column repeat repeatinterval integer default 0',$GLOBALS['tables']['message']));
# check whether it worked and otherwise throw an error to say it needs to be done manually
if (Sql_Table_Column_Exists($GLOBALS['tables']['message'],'repeat')) {
print 'Error, unable to rename column "repeat" in the table '.$GLOBALS['tables']['message'].' to be "repeatinterval"<br/>
Please do this manually, refer to http://mantis.phplist.com/view.php?id=9001 for more information';
# fix the new powered by image for the templates
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set data = "%s",width=70,height=30 where filename = "powerphplist.png"',
print '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> finish(); </script>';
# update the system pages
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/defaultconfig.php';
## remember whether we've done this, to avoid doing it every time
## even thought that's not such a big deal
$isUTF8 = getConfig('UTF8converted');
if (empty($isUTF8)) {
$maxsize = 0;
$req = Sql_Query('select (data_length+index_length) tablesize
from information_schema.tables
where table_schema="'.$GLOBALS['database_name']. '"');
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Assoc($req)) {
if ($row['tablesize'] > $maxsize) {
$maxsize = $row['tablesize'];
$maxsize = (int) $maxsize;
$avail = disk_free_space('/'); ## we have no idea where MySql stores the data, so this is only a crude check and warning.
$maxsize = (int)($maxsize * 1.2); ## add another 20%
## convert to UTF8
$dbname = $GLOBALS["database_name"];
if ($maxsize < $avail && !empty($dbname)) {
## the conversion complains about a key length
Sql_Query(sprintf('alter table '.$GLOBALS['tables']['user_blacklist_data'].' change column email email varchar(150) not null unique'));
$req = Sql_Query('select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema = "'.$dbname.'" and CHARACTER_SET_NAME != "utf8"');
$dbcolumns = array();
$dbtables = array();
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Assoc($req)) {
## make sure to only change our own tables, in case we share with other applications
if (in_array($row['TABLE_NAME'],array_values($GLOBALS['tables']))) {
$dbcolumns[] = $row;
$dbtables[$row['TABLE_NAME']] = $row['TABLE_NAME'];
Sql_Query('use '.$dbname);
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Upgrading the database to use UTF-8, please wait').'<br/>');
foreach ($dbtables as $dbtable) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Upgrading table ').' '.$dbtable.'<br/>');
Sql_Query(sprintf('alter table %s default charset utf8',$dbtable),1);
foreach ($dbcolumns as $dbcolumn) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Upgrading column ').' '.$dbcolumn['COLUMN_NAME'].'<br/>');
Sql_Query(sprintf('alter table %s change column %s %s %s default character set utf8',
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('upgrade to UTF-8, done').'<br/>');
saveConfig('UTF8converted',date('Y-m-d H:i'),0);
} else {
print '<div class="error">'.s('Database requires converting to UTF-8.').'<br/>';
print s('However, there is too little diskspace for this conversion').'<br/>';
print s('Please do a manual conversion.').' '.PageLinkButton('converttoutf8',s('Run manual conversion to UTF8'));
print '</div>';
## 2.11.7 and up
Sql_Query(sprintf('alter table %s add column privileges text',$tables['admin']),1);
Sql_Query('alter table '.$tables['list'].' add column category varchar(255) default ""',1);
Sql_Query('alter table '.$tables['user_attribute'].' change column value value text');
Sql_Query('alter table '.$tables['message'].' change column textmessage textmessage longtext');
Sql_Query('alter table '.$tables['message'].' change column message message longtext');
Sql_Query('alter table '.$tables['messagedata'].' change column data data longtext');
Sql_Query('alter table '.$tables['bounce'].' add index statusidx (status(20))',1);
## fetch the list of TLDs, if possible
if (defined('TLD_AUTH_LIST')) {
## changed terminology
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set status = "invalid email address" where status = "invalid email"',$tables['usermessage']));
## for some reason there are some config entries marked non-editable, that should be
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/defaultconfig.php';
foreach ($default_config as $configItem => $configDetails) {
if (empty($configDetails['hidden'])) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set editable = 1 where item = "%s"',$tables['config'],$configItem));
} else {
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set editable = 0 where item = "%s"',$tables['config'],$configItem));
## replace old header and footer with the new one
## but only if there are untouched from the default, which seems fairly common
$oldPH = @file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/ui/old_public_header.inc');
$oldPH2 = preg_replace("/\n/","\r\n",$oldPH); ## version with \r\n instead of \n
$oldPF = @file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/ui/old_public_footer.inc');
$oldPF2 = preg_replace("/\n/","\r\n",$oldPF); ## version with \r\n instead of \n
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set value = "%s" where item = "pageheader" and (value = "%s" or value = "%s")',$tables['config'],sql_escape($defaultheader),addslashes($oldPH),addslashes($oldPH2)));
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set value = "%s" where item = "pagefooter" and (value = "%s" or value = "%s")',$tables['config'],sql_escape($defaultfooter),addslashes($oldPF),addslashes($oldPF2)));
## and the same for subscribe pages
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set data = "%s" where name = "header" and (data = "%s" or data = "%s")',$tables['subscribepage_data'],sql_escape($defaultheader),addslashes($oldPH),addslashes($oldPH2)));
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set data = "%s" where name = "footer" and (data = "%s" or data = "%s")',$tables['subscribepage_data'],sql_escape($defaultfooter),addslashes($oldPF),addslashes($oldPF2)));
if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/ui/'.$GLOBALS['ui'].'/old_public_header.inc')) {
$oldPH = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/ui/'.$GLOBALS['ui'].'/old_public_header.inc');
$oldPH2 = preg_replace("/\n/","\r\n",$oldPH); ## version with \r\n instead of \n
$oldPF = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/ui/'.$GLOBALS['ui'].'/old_public_footer.inc');
$oldPF2 = preg_replace("/\n/","\r\n",$oldPF); ## version with \r\n instead of \n
$currentPH = getConfig('pageheader');
$currentPF = getConfig('pagefooter');
if (($currentPH == $oldPH2 || $currentPH . "\r\n" == $oldPH2) && !empty($defaultheader)) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set data = "%s" where name = "header" and data = "%s"',$tables['subscribepage_data'],sql_escape($defaultheader),addslashes($currentPH)));
## only try to change footer when header has changed
if ($currentPF == $oldPF2 && !empty($defaultfooter)) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set data = "%s" where name = "footer" and data = "%s"',$tables['subscribepage_data'],sql_escape($defaultfooter),addslashes($currentPF)));
## #17328 - remove list categories with quotes
Sql_Query(sprintf("update %s set category = replace(category,\"\\\\'\",\" \")",$tables['list']));
# mark the database to be our current version
if ($success) {
# mark now to be the last time we checked for an update
Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (item,value,editable) values("updatelastcheck",current_timestamp,0)',
## also clear any possible value for "updateavailable"
Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where item = "updateavailable"',$tables["config"]));
print subscribeToAnnouncementsForm();
## check for old click track data
$num = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(*) from %s',$GLOBALS['tables']['linktrack']));
if ($num[0] > 0) {
print '<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('The clicktracking system has changed').'</p>';
printf ($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('You have %s entries in the old statistics table'),$num[0]).' ';
print ' '.PageLinkButton("convertstats",$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Convert Old data to new'));
if ($GLOBALS['commandline']) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Upgrade successful'));
else {
Error("An error occurred while upgrading your database");
if ($GLOBALS['commandline']) {
output($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Upgrade failed'));
} else {
print '<p>'.s('Your database requires upgrading, please make sure to create a backup of your database first.').'</p>';
print '<p>'.s('If you have a large database, make sure you have sufficient diskspace available for upgrade.').'</p>';
print '<p>'.s('When you are ready click %s Depending on the size of your database, this may take quite a while. Please make sure not to interrupt the process, once it started.',PageLinkButton("upgrade&doit=yes",s('Upgrade'))).'</p>';