namespace Twig\Tests;
* This file is part of Twig.
* (c) Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;
use Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension;
use Twig\Loader\ArrayLoader;
use Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError;
use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityPolicy;
use Twig\Template;
class TemplateTest extends TestCase
public function testDisplayBlocksAcceptTemplateOnlyAsBlocks()
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig);
$template->displayBlock('foo', [], ['foo' => [new \stdClass(), 'foo']]);
* @dataProvider getAttributeExceptions
public function testGetAttributeExceptions($template, $message)
$templates = ['index' => $template];
$env = new Environment(new ArrayLoader($templates), ['strict_variables' => true]);
$template = $env->load('index');
$context = [
'string' => 'foo',
'null' => null,
'empty_array' => [],
'array' => ['foo' => 'foo'],
'array_access' => new TemplateArrayAccessObject(),
'magic_exception' => new TemplateMagicPropertyObjectWithException(),
'object' => new \stdClass(),
try {
$this->fail('Accessing an invalid attribute should throw an exception.');
} catch (RuntimeError $e) {
$this->assertSame(sprintf($message, 'index'), $e->getMessage());
public function getAttributeExceptions()
return [
['{{ string["a"] }}', 'Impossible to access a key ("a") on a string variable ("foo") in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ null["a"] }}', 'Impossible to access a key ("a") on a null variable in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ empty_array["a"] }}', 'Key "a" does not exist as the array is empty in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ array["a"] }}', 'Key "a" for array with keys "foo" does not exist in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ array_access["a"] }}', 'Key "a" in object with ArrayAccess of class "Twig\Tests\TemplateArrayAccessObject" does not exist in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ string.a }}', 'Impossible to access an attribute ("a") on a string variable ("foo") in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ string.a() }}', 'Impossible to invoke a method ("a") on a string variable ("foo") in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ null.a }}', 'Impossible to access an attribute ("a") on a null variable in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ null.a() }}', 'Impossible to invoke a method ("a") on a null variable in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ array.a() }}', 'Impossible to invoke a method ("a") on an array in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ empty_array.a }}', 'Key "a" does not exist as the array is empty in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ array.a }}', 'Key "a" for array with keys "foo" does not exist in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ attribute(array, -10) }}', 'Key "-10" for array with keys "foo" does not exist in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ array_access.a }}', 'Neither the property "a" nor one of the methods "a()", "geta()"/"isa()"/"hasa()" or "__call()" exist and have public access in class "Twig\Tests\TemplateArrayAccessObject" in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{% from _self import foo %}{% macro foo(obj) %}{{ obj.missing_method() }}{% endmacro %}{{ foo(array_access) }}', 'Neither the property "missing_method" nor one of the methods "missing_method()", "getmissing_method()"/"ismissing_method()"/"hasmissing_method()" or "__call()" exist and have public access in class "Twig\Tests\TemplateArrayAccessObject" in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ magic_exception.test }}', 'An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Hey! Don\'t try to isset me!") in "%s" at line 1.'],
['{{ object["a"] }}', 'Impossible to access a key "a" on an object of class "stdClass" that does not implement ArrayAccess interface in "%s" at line 1.'],
* @dataProvider getGetAttributeWithSandbox
public function testGetAttributeWithSandbox($object, $item, $allowed)
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$policy = new SecurityPolicy([], [], [/*method*/], [/*prop*/], []);
$twig->addExtension(new SandboxExtension($policy, !$allowed));
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig);
try {
twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $object, $item, [], 'any', false, false, true);
if (!$allowed) {
} else {
} catch (SecurityError $e) {
if ($allowed) {
} else {
$this->assertStringContainsString('is not allowed', $e->getMessage());
public function getGetAttributeWithSandbox()
return [
[new TemplatePropertyObject(), 'defined', false],
[new TemplatePropertyObject(), 'defined', true],
[new TemplateMethodObject(), 'defined', false],
[new TemplateMethodObject(), 'defined', true],
public function testRenderBlockWithUndefinedBlock()
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Block "unknown" on template "index.twig" does not exist in "index.twig".');
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig, 'index.twig');
try {
$template->renderBlock('unknown', []);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function testDisplayBlockWithUndefinedBlock()
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Block "unknown" on template "index.twig" does not exist in "index.twig".');
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig, 'index.twig');
$template->displayBlock('unknown', []);
public function testDisplayBlockWithUndefinedParentBlock()
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Block "foo" should not call parent() in "index.twig" as the block does not exist in the parent template "parent.twig"');
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig, 'parent.twig');
$template->displayBlock('foo', [], ['foo' => [new TemplateForTest($twig, 'index.twig'), 'block_foo']], false);
public function testGetAttributeOnArrayWithConfusableKey()
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig);
$array = ['Zero', 'One', -1 => 'MinusOne', '' => 'EmptyString', '1.5' => 'FloatButString', '01' => 'IntegerButStringWithLeadingZeros'];
$this->assertSame('Zero', $array[false]);
$this->assertSame('One', $array[true]);
$this->assertSame('One', $array[1.5]);
$this->assertSame('One', $array['1']);
$this->assertSame('MinusOne', $array[-1.5]);
$this->assertSame('FloatButString', $array['1.5']);
$this->assertSame('IntegerButStringWithLeadingZeros', $array['01']);
$this->assertSame('EmptyString', $array[null]);
$this->assertSame('Zero', twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $array, false), 'false is treated as 0 when accessing an array (equals PHP behavior)');
$this->assertSame('One', twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $array, true), 'true is treated as 1 when accessing an array (equals PHP behavior)');
$this->assertSame('One', twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $array, 1.5), 'float is casted to int when accessing an array (equals PHP behavior)');
$this->assertSame('One', twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $array, '1'), '"1" is treated as integer 1 when accessing an array (equals PHP behavior)');
$this->assertSame('MinusOne', twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $array, -1.5), 'negative float is casted to int when accessing an array (equals PHP behavior)');
$this->assertSame('FloatButString', twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $array, '1.5'), '"1.5" is treated as-is when accessing an array (equals PHP behavior)');
$this->assertSame('IntegerButStringWithLeadingZeros', twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $array, '01'), '"01" is treated as-is when accessing an array (equals PHP behavior)');
$this->assertSame('EmptyString', twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $array, null), 'null is treated as "" when accessing an array (equals PHP behavior)');
* @dataProvider getGetAttributeTests
public function testGetAttribute($defined, $value, $object, $item, $arguments, $type)
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig);
$this->assertEquals($value, twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $object, $item, $arguments, $type));
* @dataProvider getGetAttributeTests
public function testGetAttributeStrict($defined, $value, $object, $item, $arguments, $type, $exceptionMessage = null)
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class), ['strict_variables' => true]);
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig);
if ($defined) {
$this->assertEquals($value, twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $object, $item, $arguments, $type));
} else {
if (null !== $exceptionMessage) {
$this->assertEquals($value, twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $object, $item, $arguments, $type));
* @dataProvider getGetAttributeTests
public function testGetAttributeDefined($defined, $value, $object, $item, $arguments, $type)
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig);
$this->assertEquals($defined, twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $object, $item, $arguments, $type, true));
* @dataProvider getGetAttributeTests
public function testGetAttributeDefinedStrict($defined, $value, $object, $item, $arguments, $type)
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class), ['strict_variables' => true]);
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig);
$this->assertEquals($defined, twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $object, $item, $arguments, $type, true));
public function testGetAttributeCallExceptions()
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig);
$object = new TemplateMagicMethodExceptionObject();
$this->assertNull(twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $object, 'foo'));
public function getGetAttributeTests()
$array = [
'defined' => 'defined',
'zero' => 0,
'null' => null,
'1' => 1,
'bar' => true,
'foo' => true,
'baz' => 'baz',
'baf' => 'baf',
'09' => '09',
'+4' => '+4',
$objectArray = new TemplateArrayAccessObject();
$arrayObject = new \ArrayObject($array);
$stdObject = (object) $array;
$magicPropertyObject = new TemplateMagicPropertyObject();
$propertyObject = new TemplatePropertyObject();
$propertyObject1 = new TemplatePropertyObjectAndIterator();
$propertyObject2 = new TemplatePropertyObjectAndArrayAccess();
$propertyObject3 = new TemplatePropertyObjectDefinedWithUndefinedValue();
$methodObject = new TemplateMethodObject();
$magicMethodObject = new TemplateMagicMethodObject();
$anyType = Template::ANY_CALL;
$methodType = Template::METHOD_CALL;
$arrayType = Template::ARRAY_CALL;
$basicTests = [
// array(defined, value, property to fetch)
[true, 'defined', 'defined'],
[false, null, 'undefined'],
[false, null, 'protected'],
[true, 0, 'zero'],
[true, 1, 1],
[true, 1, 1.0],
[true, null, 'null'],
[true, true, 'bar'],
[true, true, 'foo'],
[true, 'baz', 'baz'],
[true, 'baf', 'baf'],
[true, '09', '09'],
[true, '+4', '+4'],
$testObjects = [
// array(object, type of fetch)
[$array, $arrayType],
[$objectArray, $arrayType],
[$arrayObject, $anyType],
[$stdObject, $anyType],
[$magicPropertyObject, $anyType],
[$methodObject, $methodType],
[$methodObject, $anyType],
[$propertyObject, $anyType],
[$propertyObject1, $anyType],
[$propertyObject2, $anyType],
$tests = [];
foreach ($testObjects as $testObject) {
foreach ($basicTests as $test) {
// properties cannot be numbers
if (($testObject[0] instanceof \stdClass || $testObject[0] instanceof TemplatePropertyObject) && is_numeric($test[2])) {
if ('+4' === $test[2] && $methodObject === $testObject[0]) {
$tests[] = [$test[0], $test[1], $testObject[0], $test[2], [], $testObject[1]];
// additional properties tests
$tests = array_merge($tests, [
[true, null, $propertyObject3, 'foo', [], $anyType],
// additional method tests
$tests = array_merge($tests, [
[true, 'defined', $methodObject, 'defined', [], $methodType],
[true, 'defined', $methodObject, 'DEFINED', [], $methodType],
[true, 'defined', $methodObject, 'getDefined', [], $methodType],
[true, 'defined', $methodObject, 'GETDEFINED', [], $methodType],
[true, 'static', $methodObject, 'static', [], $methodType],
[true, 'static', $methodObject, 'getStatic', [], $methodType],
[true, '__call_undefined', $magicMethodObject, 'undefined', [], $methodType],
[true, '__call_UNDEFINED', $magicMethodObject, 'UNDEFINED', [], $methodType],
// add the same tests for the any type
foreach ($tests as $test) {
if ($anyType !== $test[5]) {
$test[5] = $anyType;
$tests[] = $test;
$methodAndPropObject = new TemplateMethodAndPropObject();
// additional method tests
$tests = array_merge($tests, [
[true, 'a', $methodAndPropObject, 'a', [], $anyType],
[true, 'a', $methodAndPropObject, 'a', [], $methodType],
[false, null, $methodAndPropObject, 'a', [], $arrayType],
[true, 'b_prop', $methodAndPropObject, 'b', [], $anyType],
[true, 'b', $methodAndPropObject, 'B', [], $anyType],
[true, 'b', $methodAndPropObject, 'b', [], $methodType],
[true, 'b', $methodAndPropObject, 'B', [], $methodType],
[false, null, $methodAndPropObject, 'b', [], $arrayType],
[false, null, $methodAndPropObject, 'c', [], $anyType],
[false, null, $methodAndPropObject, 'c', [], $methodType],
[false, null, $methodAndPropObject, 'c', [], $arrayType],
$arrayAccess = new TemplateArrayAccess();
$tests = array_merge($tests, [
[true, ['foo' => 'bar'], $arrayAccess, 'vars', [], $anyType],
// tests when input is not an array or object
$tests = array_merge($tests, [
[false, null, 42, 'a', [], $anyType, 'Impossible to access an attribute ("a") on a integer variable ("42") in "index.twig".'],
[false, null, 'string', 'a', [], $anyType, 'Impossible to access an attribute ("a") on a string variable ("string") in "index.twig".'],
[false, null, [], 'a', [], $anyType, 'Key "a" does not exist as the array is empty in "index.twig".'],
return $tests;
public function testGetIsMethods()
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$getIsObject = new TemplateGetIsMethods();
$template = new TemplateForTest($twig, 'index.twig');
// first time should not create a cache for "get"
$this->assertNull(twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $getIsObject, 'get'));
// 0 should be in the method cache now, so this should fail
$this->assertNull(twig_get_attribute($twig, $template->getSourceContext(), $getIsObject, 0));
class TemplateForTest extends Template
private $name;
public function __construct(Environment $env, $name = 'index.twig')
$this->name = $name;
public function getZero()
return 0;
public function getEmpty()
return '';
public function getString()
return 'some_string';
public function getTrue()
return true;
public function getTemplateName()
return $this->name;
public function getDebugInfo()
return [];
protected function doGetParent(array $context)
return false;
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
public function block_name($context, array $blocks = [])
class TemplateArrayAccessObject implements \ArrayAccess
protected $protected = 'protected';
public $attributes = [
'defined' => 'defined',
'zero' => 0,
'null' => null,
'1' => 1,
'bar' => true,
'foo' => true,
'baz' => 'baz',
'baf' => 'baf',
'09' => '09',
'+4' => '+4',
public function offsetExists($name)
return \array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes);
public function offsetGet($name)
return \array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes) ? $this->attributes[$name] : null;
public function offsetSet($name, $value)
public function offsetUnset($name)
class TemplateMagicPropertyObject
public $defined = 'defined';
public $attributes = [
'zero' => 0,
'null' => null,
'1' => 1,
'bar' => true,
'foo' => true,
'baz' => 'baz',
'baf' => 'baf',
'09' => '09',
'+4' => '+4',
protected $protected = 'protected';
public function __isset($name)
return \array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes);
public function __get($name)
return \array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes) ? $this->attributes[$name] : null;
class TemplateMagicPropertyObjectWithException
public function __isset($key)
throw new \Exception('Hey! Don\'t try to isset me!');
class TemplatePropertyObject
public $defined = 'defined';
public $zero = 0;
public $null = null;
public $bar = true;
public $foo = true;
public $baz = 'baz';
public $baf = 'baf';
protected $protected = 'protected';
class TemplatePropertyObjectAndIterator extends TemplatePropertyObject implements \IteratorAggregate
public function getIterator()
return new \ArrayIterator(['foo', 'bar']);
class TemplatePropertyObjectAndArrayAccess extends TemplatePropertyObject implements \ArrayAccess
private $data = [
'defined' => 'defined',
'zero' => 0,
'null' => null,
'bar' => true,
'foo' => true,
'baz' => 'baz',
'baf' => 'baf',
public function offsetExists($offset)
return \array_key_exists($offset, $this->data);
public function offsetGet($offset)
return $this->offsetExists($offset) ? $this->data[$offset] : 'n/a';
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
public function offsetUnset($offset)
class TemplatePropertyObjectDefinedWithUndefinedValue
public $foo;
public function __construct()
$this->foo = @$notExist;
class TemplateMethodObject
public function getDefined()
return 'defined';
public function get1()
return 1;
public function get09()
return '09';
public function getZero()
return 0;
public function getNull()
public function isBar()
return true;
public function hasFoo()
return true;
public function hasBaz()
return 'should never be returned (has)';
public function isBaz()
return 'should never be returned (is)';
public function getBaz()
return 'Baz';
public function baz()
return 'baz';
public function hasBaf()
return 'should never be returned (has)';
public function isBaf()
return 'baf';
protected function getProtected()
return 'protected';
public static function getStatic()
return 'static';
class TemplateGetIsMethods
public function get()
public function is()
class TemplateMethodAndPropObject
private $a = 'a_prop';
public function getA()
return 'a';
public $b = 'b_prop';
public function getB()
return 'b';
private $c = 'c_prop';
private function getC()
return 'c';
class TemplateArrayAccess implements \ArrayAccess
public $vars = [
'foo' => 'bar',
private $children = [];
public function offsetExists($offset)
return \array_key_exists($offset, $this->children);
public function offsetGet($offset)
return $this->children[$offset];
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
$this->children[$offset] = $value;
public function offsetUnset($offset)
class TemplateMagicMethodObject
public function __call($method, $arguments)
return '__call_'.$method;
class TemplateMagicMethodExceptionObject
public function __call($method, $arguments)
throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Unknown method "%s".', $method));