[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
  //2015-06-26 - nwmosses - added includes to display proper menu for logged in users
  include_once("../../php/common_functions.php"); //common functions in the course registartion system
  include_once("../../php/config.php"); //holds global config variables

  $page_title = "Telehealth Instructions";
  include("../../php/top.php"); //the HTML that outlines the top of the page

<article class="ces-wide">
    <div class="ces-header">
         <?php include("../../menu.php"); ?>
      <h2>CES - Telehealth Instructions<br>
          <small class="ces-sub-heading grey">All sessions are offered at no cost.</small>

            <h3>What is Telehealth/Video Conferencing?</h3>
            <p>Telehealth/Video Conferencing is a way to access a session using specialized equipment. Telehealth/Video Conference sessions <strong>can not</strong> be viewed from a personal computer.</p>

			<h3>Telehealth/Video Conferencing Session Instructions</h3>

            <p class='alert alert-success'>All Telehealth/Video Conference connection requests are required no later than <strong>7 days</strong> before the start of the session.</p>

			<h4>If you are an AHS employee:</h4>
			<p>Use <a href="https://ischeduler.albertahealthservices.ca/ischeduler/eceptionist.asp">iScheduler</a> to book and confirm your site.</p>
			<p>Once your site has been confirmed:</p>
				<li><strong>Register for the Session:</strong><br>
                    If you have a Community Education Service account, please <a href="../../login/">sign-in</a> and <a href="../" title="List of current sessions.">register for the session</a>. If you do not yet have an account, please <a href="../../registration/">sign-up</a> and confirm your email address before you <a href="../" title="List of current sessions.">register for a session</a>.
                <li><strong>Prior to the session (48 hrs):</strong><br>
					For handout, sign-in sheet and evaluation, visit the <a href="../">Current Sessions</a> page or login and view <a href="../../user/course-list/">Your Courses</a>.
				<li><strong>After the session:</strong><br>
					Return the sign-in sheet and evaluation within 2 days by:<br>
					Fax - <span class="tel">403-955-2444</span> or,
                    Email - <a href="mailto:ces@ahs.ca">ces@ahs.ca</a>
                <li><strong>Attendance Certificates are not available:</strong><br> It is recommended to use your confirmation email you received when registering as proof of registration and also a copy of the handout if one was provided.</li>
                <li>CES sessions should qualify for Category B credits with ACSW.</li>
                 <li><strong>For technical assistance during your Telehealth session call: 310-VTAC (8822)</strong><br>
Videoconference Technical Assistance Centre (VTAC) Inquiries: <br>
·         Within Alberta: no area code required, dial 9 if needed: 310-8822<br>
·         Outside Alberta: 1-647-252-1253 or 1-647-252-1254<br>

Please have your Meeting/Appointment ID# available when you call VTAC.

			<h4>If you are NOT an AHS employee:</h4>
				<li>If you know that your facility has the necessary equipment contact the AHS Bridge techs at <span class="tel">403-310-8822</span> to conduct a test connection. <a href="mailto:ces@ahs.ca">Email CES</a> indicating a successful connection, please include your <strong>IP Address</strong> in the email.</li>
				<li>If you would like to request to attend a site close to you (i.e. Local Hospital): email <a href="mailto:ces@ahs.ca">ces@ahs.ca</a> specifying the session title, date and the name and location of the site you are requesting.</li>
			<p>Once your site has been confirmed by a Telehealth Representative:</p>
                <li><strong>Register for the Session:</strong><br>
                    If you have a Community Education Service account, please <a href="../../login/">sign-in</a> and <a href="../" title="List of current sessions.">register for the session</a>. If you do not yet have an account, please <a href="../../registration/">sign-up</a> and confirm your email address before you <a href="../" title="List of current sessions.">register for a session</a>.
				<li><strong>Prior to the session (48 hrs):</strong><br>
					For handout, sign-in sheet and evaluation, visit the <a href="../">Current Sessions</a> page or login and view <a href="../../user/course-list/">Your Courses</a>.
				<li><strong>After the session:</strong><br>
					Return the sign-in sheet and evaluation within 2 days by:<br>
					Fax - <span class="tel">403-955-2444</span> or,
                    Email - <a href="mailto:ces@ahs.ca">ces@ahs.ca</a>
                <li><strong>Attendance Certificates are not available:</strong><br> It is recommended to use your confirmation email you received when registering as proof of registration and also a copy of the handout if one was provided.</li>
                <li>CES sessions should qualify for Category B credits with ACSW.</li>
                 <li><strong>For technical assistance during your Telehealth session call: 310-VTAC (8822)</strong><br>
Videoconference Technical Assistance Centre (VTAC) Inquiries: <br>
·         Within Alberta: no area code required, dial 9 if needed: 310-8822<br>
·         Outside Alberta: 1-647-252-1253 or 1-647-252-1254<br>

Please have your Meeting/Appointment ID# available when you call VTAC.


	</section><!-- #middle-->

</div><!-- #wrapper -->

<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/require/footer.php';?>


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