� �f � � � d Z ddlZddlZej dej � d� � � ZdZ ej eed� � dS )z�distutils The main package for the Python Module Distribution Utilities. Normally used from a setup script as from distutils.core import setup setup (...) � N� z�The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives� ) �__doc__�sys�warnings�version�index�__version__�_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE�warn�DeprecationWarning� � �9/opt/alt/python311/lib64/python3.11/distutils/__init__.py�<module>r sw ��� � � � � � �����k�1�3�;�,�,�S�1�1�1�2��=� � �� �"� �!�%� %� %� %� %r