� �f� � �\ � d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ dddd�Zdd �Z dd�Z dd �Z d� Z dS )zFdistutils.file_util Utility functions for operating on single files. � N)�DistutilsFileError)�log�copyingzhard linkingzsymbolically linking)N�hard�sym� @ c � � d}d} t | d� � }n,# t $ r}t d| �d|j ��� � �d}~ww xY wt j � |� � rB t j |� � n,# t $ r}t d|�d|j ��� � �d}~ww xY w t |d� � }n,# t $ r}t d|�d|j ��� � �d}~ww xY w |� |� � }n,# t $ r}t d | �d|j ��� � �d}~ww xY w|snD |� |� � n,# t $ r}t d |�d|j ��� � �d}~ww xY w�� |r|� � � |r|� � � dS dS # |r|� � � |r|� � � w w xY w)a5 Copy the file 'src' to 'dst'; both must be filenames. Any error opening either file, reading from 'src', or writing to 'dst', raises DistutilsFileError. Data is read/written in chunks of 'buffer_size' bytes (default 16k). No attempt is made to handle anything apart from regular files. N�rbzcould not open '�': zcould not delete '�wbzcould not create 'Tzcould not read from 'zcould not write to ')�open�OSErrorr �strerror�os�path�exists�unlink�read�write�close)�src�dst�buffer_size�fsrc�fdst�e�bufs �:/opt/alt/python311/lib64/python3.11/distutils/file_util.py�_copy_file_contentsr s� � � �D��D�&� T���T�?�?�D�D��� T� T� T�$�$�#�#�#�q�z�z�%R�S�S�S����� T���� �7�>�>�#��� G� G�� �#������� G� G� G�(�(�58�S�S�!�*�*�E�G� G� G����� G���� C���T�?�?�D�D��� C� C� C�$�$�14���a�j�j�A�C� C� C����� C���� I� J��i�i��,�,����� J� J� J�(�(�8;���Q�Z�Z�H�J� J� J����� J���� � �� I�� � �3������� I� I� I�(�(�7:�s�s�A�J�J�G�I� I� I����� I���� I� � � ��J�J�L�L�L�� ��J�J�L�L�L�L�L� � �� � ��J�J�L�L�L�� ��J�J�L�L�L�L� ���s� � �F � A�<�A�"F �$A9 �8F �9 B"�B�B"�"F �&B7 �6F �7 C �C�C � F �%C; �:F �; D$�D�D$�$F �+E � F � E*�E%�%E*�*F �/G� c � � ddl m} ddlm} m} m}m} t j � | � � st d| z � � �t j � |� � r@|} t j � |t j � | � � � � }nt j � |� � } |r+ || |� � s|dk rt j d| � � |dfS t"