[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $

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ddlmZddlm
ddlmZdd	lmZdd
lmZddlmZejd��Zd

Implements the Distutils 'build_ext' command, for building extension
modules (currently limited to C extensions, should accommodate C++
extensions ASAP).�N)�Command)�*)�customize_compiler�get_python_version)�get_config_h_filename)�newer_group)�	Extension)�get_platform)�log)�	USER_BASEz3^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)*$c�&�ddlm}|��dS)Nr��show_compilers)�distutils.ccompilerrrs �B/opt/alt/python311/lib64/python3.11/distutils/command/build_ext.pyrrs(��2�2�2�2�2�2��N������c� �eZdZdZdejzZddddde��zfdd	d
dezfdd
ddddezfddddddddddgZgd�Z	ddde
fgZd �Zd!�Z
d"�Zd#�Zd$�Zd%�Zd&�Zd'�Zd(�Zejd)���Zd*�Zd+�Zd,�Zd-�Zd.�Zd/�Zd0�Zd1�ZdS)2�	build_extz8build C/C++ extensions (compile/link to build directory)z (separated by '%s'))z
build-lib=�bz(directory for compiled extension modules)zbuild-temp=�tz1directory for temporary files (build by-products)z
plat-name=�pz>platform name to cross-compile for, if supported (default: %s))�inplace�iziignore build-lib and put compiled extensions into the source directory alongside your pure Python modulesz
include-dirs=�Iz.list of directories to search for header files)zdefine=�DzC preprocessor macros to define)zundef=�Uz!C preprocessor macros to undefine)z
libraries=�lz!external C libraries to link withz
library-dirs=�Lz.directories to search for external C libraries)zrpath=�Rz7directories to search for shared C libraries at runtime)z
link-objects=�Oz2extra explicit link objects to include in the link)�debug�gz'compile/link with debugging information)�force�fz2forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps))z	compiler=�czspecify the compiler type)z	parallel=�jznumber of parallel build jobs)�swig-cppNz)make SWIG create C++ files (default is C))z
swig-opts=Nz!list of SWIG command line options)zswig=Nzpath to the SWIG executable)�userNz#add user include, library and rpath)rr!r#r'r(z
help-compilerNzlist available compilersc�,�d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_	d|_
d|_d|_d|_
extensions�	build_lib�	plat_name�
build_tempr�package�include_dirs�define�undef�	libraries�library_dirs�rpath�link_objectsr!r#�compiler�swig�swig_cpp�	swig_optsr(�parallel��selfs r�initialize_optionszbuild_ext.initialize_optionsjs��������������������� ��������
���� �����
� �����
���	���
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���ddlm}|�ddddddd	d
��|j�|jj|_|jj|_|���}|�d���}|j	�|jj	pg|_	t|j	t��r)|j	�tj��|_	tjtjkrB|j	�tj�tjd
����|j	�|�tjj����||kr<|j	�|�tjj����|�d��|�d��|j�g|_|j�g|_nCt|jt��r)|j�tj��|_|j�g|_nCt|jt��r)|j�tj��|_tjdk�r�|j�tj�tjd����tjtjkrB|j�tj�tjd����|jr+tj�|jd��|_n*tj�|jd��|_|j	�tj�t?������tAtdd��}|r|j�|��|j!dkrd}n|j!dd�}tj�tjd��}|r tj�||��}|j�|��tj"dd�dkr�tj#�$tj�tjd����rT|j�tj�tjddtK��zd����n|j�d��|�&d��rO|j's.|j�|�&d ����n|j�d��|j(r+|j(�d!��}d"�|D��|_(|j)r|j)�d!��|_)|j*�g|_*n|j*�d#��|_*|j+r�tj�tXd
��}tj�tXd��}	tj�-|��r|j	�|��tj�-|	��r4|j�|	��|j�|	��t|j.t��r9	t_|j.��|_.dS#t`$rtcd$���wxYwdS)%Nr)�	sysconfig�build)r+r+)r-r-)r6r6)r!r!)r#r#)r:r:)r,r,�)�
plat_specific�includer2r5�nt�libs�Debug�Release�_home�win32��PCbuild��cygwin�bin�lib�python�config�.�Py_ENABLE_SHARED�LIBDIR�,c��g|]}|df��S)�1�)�.0�symbols  r�
<listcomp>z.build_ext.finalize_options.<locals>.<listcomp>�s��?�?�?�V�F�C�=�?�?�?r� zparallel should be an integer)2�	distutilsr?�set_undefined_optionsr.�distribution�ext_package�ext_modulesr*�get_python_incr/�
startswithr�get_config_var�python_buildr0r1r9r(r�isdirr:�int�
py_include�plat_py_include�	_sys_home�suffix�new_lib�defines�user_include�user_libs
          r�finalize_optionszbuild_ext.finalize_options�s`��'�'�'�'�'�'��"�"�7�#=�#?�#;�#5�#5�#;�#=�	%�	%�	%��<���,�8�D�L��+�7����-�-�/�/�
�#�2�2��2�C�C����$� $� 1� >� D�"�D���d�'��-�-�	D� $� 1� 7� 7��
� C� C�D���?�c�2�2�2���$�$�R�W�\�\�#�/�9�%M�%M�N�N�N�	
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/�	D� $� 1� 7� 7��
� C� C�D���:���D�J�J�
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K�"$�'�,�,�t���"H�"H����"$�'�,�,�t��	�"J�"J���
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.��!�(�(��)A�)A�(�)K�)K�L�L�L�L��!�(�(��-�-�-��;�	@��k�'�'��,�,�G�?�?�w�?�?�?�D�K�
�:�	/���)�)�#�.�.�D�J��>�!��D�N�N�!�^�1�1�#�6�6�D�N��9�	,��7�<�<�	�9�=�=�L��w�|�|�I�u�5�5�H��w�}�}�\�*�*�
�!�!�(�+�+�+��d�m�S�)�)�	L�
L� #�D�M� 2� 2��
L����	L�	Ls�;]�]0c�v�ddlm}|jsdS|j���rb|�d��}|j�|���pg��|j	�
|j��||j|j
|j|j���|_t!|j��t"jdkr6|jt)��kr|j�|j��|j�|j�|j��|j�(|jD] \}}|j�||���!|j�$|jD]}|j�|���|j�|j�|j��|j	�|j�|j	��|j�|j�|j��|j �|j�!|j ��|�"��dS)Nr)�new_compiler�
initializer/�set_include_dirsr0�define_macror1�undefine_macro�
set_libraries�set_library_dirsr4�set_runtime_library_dirsr5�set_link_objects�build_extensions)r<r�r�rp�value�macros      r�runz
build_ext.runs2��4�4�4�4�4�4���	��F�
��,�,�.�.�	<��3�3�L�A�A�J��N�!�!�*�">�">�"@�"@�"F�B�G�G�G���$�$�Z�%:�;�;�;�%��d�m�-1�\�-1�\�+/�:�7�7�7��
�	�4�=�)�)�)��7�d�?�?�t�~����?�?��M�$�$�T�^�4�4�4���(��M�*�*�4�+<�=�=�=��;�"�!%��
�,�,�U�3�3�3�3��>�%��M�'�'���7�7�7���(��M�*�*�4�+<�=�=�=��:�!��M�2�2�4�:�>�>�>���(��M�*�*�4�+<�=�=�=�	
�������rc��t|t��std���t|��D�]	\}}t|t��r�t|t
|��dkrtd���|\}}tjd|��t|t��rt�|��std���t|t��std���t	||d��}dD]*}|�
��|_d|vrtjd��|�
��}|r�g|_g|_|D]�}	t|	t
|	��dvstd���t
|	��dkr!|j�|	d���kt
|	��dkr|j�|	����|||<��d	S)a�Ensure that the list of extensions (presumably provided as a
        command option 'extensions') is valid, i.e. it is a list of
        Extension objects.  We also support the old-style list of 2-tuples,
        where the tuples are (ext_name, build_info), which are converted to
        Extension instances here.

        Raise DistutilsSetupError if the structure is invalid anywhere;
        just returns otherwise.
        z:'ext_modules' option must be a list of Extension instances�zMeach element of 'ext_modules' option must be an Extension instance or 2-tuplezvold-style (ext_name, build_info) tuple found in ext_modules for extension '%s' -- please convert to Extension instancezRfirst element of each tuple in 'ext_modules' must be the extension name (a string)zOsecond element of each tuple in 'ext_modules' must be a dictionary (build info)�sources)r/r3r2�
extra_objects�extra_compile_args�extra_link_argsNr4�def_filez9'def_file' element of build info dict no longer supported�macros)rAr�z9'macros' element of build info dict must be 1- or 2-tuplerAr)rc�list�DistutilsSetupError�	enumerater	�tuple�lenr�warnrd�extension_name_re�match�dict�get�setattr�runtime_library_dirs�
define_macros�undef_macrosrk)
          r�check_extensions_listzbuild_ext.check_extensions_listVs����*�d�+�+�	P�%�N�P�P�
P� �
�+�+�>	 �>	 �F�A�s��#�y�)�)�
8�S��X�X��]�]�)�7�8�8�8�$'� �H�j��H�?�@H�
<�)�;�<�<�<��H�j��&;�<�<�C�+�
+��!�n�n�S�)�)���?��C��c�*�*�*��(2�~�~�g�'>�'>�C�$��Z�'�'���/�0�0�0�
8�$&��!�#%�� �#�8�8�E�&�u�e�4�4�7��U���v�9M�9M�1�6�7�7�7��5�z�z�Q����(�/�/��a��9�9�9�9��U���q����)�0�0��7�7�7���J�q�M�M�}>	 �>	 rc��|�|j��g}|jD]}|�|j���|S�N)r�r*rnr�)r<�	filenamesr�s   r�get_source_fileszbuild_ext.get_source_files�sO���"�"�4�?�3�3�3��	��?�	*�	*�C����S�[�)�)�)�)��rc��|�|j��g}|jD]/}|�|�|j�����0|Sr�)r�r*rk�get_ext_fullpathrp)r<�outputsr�s   r�get_outputszbuild_ext.get_outputs�s\��	
���?�	<�	<�C��N�N�4�0�0���:�:�;�;�;�;��rc��|�|j��|jr|���dS|���dSr�)r�r*r:�_build_extensions_parallel�_build_extensions_serialr;s rr�zbuild_ext.build_extensions�sR���"�"�4�?�3�3�3��=�	,��+�+�-�-�-�-�-��)�)�+�+�+�+�+rc������j}�jdurtj��}	ddlm}n#t
$rd}YnwxYw|�����dS||���5���fd��jD��}t�j|��D]F\}}��	|��5|�
��ddd��n#1swxYwY�G	ddd��dS#1swxYwYdS)NTr)�ThreadPoolExecutor)�max_workersc�F��g|]}���j|����SrX)�submit�build_extension)rYr��executorr<s  ��rr[z8build_ext._build_extensions_parallel.<locals>.<listcomp>�s:���3�3�3�� ���t�';�S�A�A�3�3�3r)r:rf�	cpu_count�concurrent.futuresr��ImportErrorr�r*�zip�_filter_build_errors�result)r<�workersr��futuresr��futr�s`     @rr�z$build_ext._build_extensions_parallel�s������-���=�D� � ��l�n�n�G�	�=�=�=�=�=�=�=���	�	�	��G�G�G�	�����?��)�)�+�+�+��F�
4�	!��3�3�3�3�3�"&�/�3�3�3�G�����9�9�
!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!����	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!sC�.�=�=�$AC#�(C	�=C#�	C
�C#�#C'�*C'c��|jD]D}|�|��5|�|��ddd��n#1swxYwY�EdSr�)r*r�r�)r<r�s  rr�z"build_ext._build_extensions_serial�s����?�	*�	*�C��*�*�3�/�/�
*��	*�	*s�A�A	�A	c#�K�	dV�dS#tttf$r3}|js�|�d|j�d|����Yd}~dSd}~wwxYw)Nzbuilding extension "z
" failed: )�CCompilerError�DistutilsError�CompileError�optionalr�rp)r<r��es   rr�zbuild_ext._filter_build_errors�s�����	%��E�E�E�E�E�����=�	%�	%�	%��<�
���I�I�I��x�x�x���$�
%�����	%���s�
�A�(A�Ac��|j}|�t|ttf��st	d|jz���t
|��}|�|j��}||jz}|j	s-t||d��stjd|j��dStj
d|j��|�||��}|jpg}|jdd�}|jD]}|�|f���|j�||j||j|j||j���}|dd�|_|jr|�|j��|jpg}|jp|j�|��}	|j�|||�|��|j|j ||�!|��|j|j|	��
dS)Nzjin 'ext_modules' option (extension '%s'), 'sources' must be present and must be a list of source filenames�newerz$skipping '%s' extension (up-to-date)zbuilding '%s' extension)�
output_dirr�r/r!�extra_postargs�depends)r2r3r�r��export_symbolsr!r-�target_lang)"r�rcr�r�r�rp�sortedr�r�r#rrr!�info�swig_sourcesr�r�r�rkr6�compiler-r/�_built_objectsr�rnr��language�detect_language�link_shared_object�
�	:�k�'�8�W�E�E�	:��I�<�c�h�G�G�G��F��H�.���9�9�9�
�#�#�G�S�1�1�� �+�1�r�
��"�1�1�1�%���%�	$�	$�E��M�M�5�(�#�#�#�#��-�'�'��48�O�06�69�6F�/3�z�8B�14��
��	.��N�N�3�,�-�-�-��(�.�B�
��<�I�4�=�#@�#@��#I�#I���
�(�(��X��(�(��-�-��)�!$�!9�%��2�2�3�7�7��*��� �	)�		"�		"�		"�		"�		"rc��g}g}i}|jrtjd��|jsd|jvs	d|jvrd}nd}|D]{}tj�|��\}}	|	dkr<|�|dz|z��|�|��|d||<�f|�|���||s|S|jp|�	��}
|j��|jr|�d��|js|jD]}|�|���|D];}||}
tjd	||
��|�|d
|gz���<|S)z�Walk the list of source files in 'sources', looking for SWIG
        interface (.i) files.  Run SWIG on all that are found, and
        return a modified 'sources' list with SWIG source files replaced
        by the generated C (or C++) files.
        z/--swig-cpp is deprecated - use --swig-opts=-c++z-c++z.cppz.cz.i�_wrap���z-pythonzswigging %s to %sz-o)
r8rr�r9rfrl�splitextrkr7�	find_swigrnr��spawn)r<r��	extension�new_sourcesr��swig_targets�
target_ext�source�baser�r7�swig_cmd�o�targets              rr�zbuild_ext.swig_sources2s����������=�	H��H�F�G�G�G��=�	�V�t�~�5�5��i�)�)�)��J�J��J��	+�	+�F��'�*�*�6�2�2�K�T�3��d�{�{��"�"�4�'�>�J�#>�?�?�?��#�#�F�+�+�+�'2�2���V�$�$��"�"�6�*�*�*�*��	����y�,�D�N�N�,�,���)�$�������'�'�'��=�	$��O�O�F�#�#�#��~�	#��(�
#������"�"�"�"�"�	:�	:�F�!�&�)�F��H�(�&�&�9�9�9��J�J�x�4���"8�8�9�9�9�9��rc��tjdkrdStjdkrMdD]H}tj�d|zd��}tj�|��r|cS�IdStdtjz���)z�Return the name of the SWIG executable.  On Unix, this is
        just "swig" -- it should be in the PATH.  Tries a bit harder on
        �posixr7rD)z1.3z1.2z1.1z	c:\swig%szswig.exez>I don't know how to find (much less run) SWIG on platform '%s')rfrprlrm�isfile�DistutilsPlatformError)r<�vers�fns   rr�zbuild_ext.find_swighs���
0rc�*�|�|��}|�d��}|�|d��}|jsDt	jj|dd�|gz�}tj�|j|��Sd�|dd���}|�d��}tj�	|�
|����}tj�||��S)z�Returns the path of the filename for a given extension.

        The file is located in `build_lib` or directly in the package
        (inplace option).
        rRr�Nr�build_py)�get_ext_fullnamere�get_ext_filenamerrfrlrmr+r��abspath�get_package_dir)r<r��fullname�modpath�filenamer.r�package_dirs        rr�zbuild_ext.get_ext_fullpath�s����(�(��2�2���.�.��%�%���(�(����5�5���|�	:��w�|�W�S�b�S�\�8�*�%<�=�H��7�<�<����9�9�9��(�(�7�1�R�4�=�)�)���-�-�j�9�9���g�o�o�h�&>�&>�w�&G�&G�H�H���w�|�|�K��2�2�2rc�.�|j�|S|jdz|zS)zSReturns the fullname of a given extension name.

        Adds the `package.` prefixNrR)r.)r<r�s  rrzbuild_ext.get_ext_fullname�s#���<���O��<�#�%��0�0rc�z�ddlm}|�d��}|d��}tjj|�|zS)z�Convert the name of an extension (eg. "foo.bar") into the name
        of the file from which it will be loaded (eg. "foo/bar.so", or
ext_suffixs     rrzbuild_ext.get_ext_filename�sJ��
��w�|�X�&��3�3rc�r�d|j�d��dz}	|�d��nO#t$rBd|�d���dd���d��z}YnwxYwd	|z}||jvr|j�|��|jS)
aReturn the list of symbols that a shared extension has to
        export.  This either uses 'ext.export_symbols' or, if it's not
        provided, "PyInit_" + module_name.  Only relevant on Windows, where
        the .pyd file (DLL) must export the module "PyInit_" function.
initfunc_names    rr�zbuild_ext.get_export_symbols�s����s�x�~�~�c�*�*�2�.�.��	Y�
�M�M�'�"�"�"�"��!�	Y�	Y�	Y��6�=�=��4�4�<�<�T�4�H�H�O�O�PW�X�X�X�F�F�F�	Y����!�6�)�
��� 2�2�2���%�%�m�4�4�4��!�!s�;�A	B�Bc��tjdkrYddlm}t	|j|��s=d}|jr|dz}|tjdz	tjdz	dzfz}|j|gzSn�dd	l	m
}|d��r\ttd��rd
}|r|d��}|jd|zgzS|jS)z�Return the list of libraries to link against when building a
        shared extension.  On most platforms, this is just 'ext.libraries';
        on Windows, we add the Python library (eg. python20.dll).
        rIr)�MSVCCompilerz
FrS�getandroidapilevelTrM�_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM�ANDROID_API_LEVEL�MACHDEP�	LDVERSIONrP)rhrt�distutils._msvccompilerrrcr6r!�
hexversionr2rrw�hasattrrf�environ)r<r�r�template�	pythonlibrw�link_libpython�	ldversions        rr�zbuild_ext.get_libraries�s]���<�7�"�"�<�<�<�<�<�<��d�m�\�:�:�
3�'���:�/�'�$��H�%���"�,�s�~��/C�t�.K�L�M�	��}�	�{�2�2�
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>�*�N�;�7�7�	��}��9�(<�'=�=�=��}�r) �__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�descriptionrfrg�sep_byr
�user_options�boolean_optionsr�help_optionsr=r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r��
0�F�	5�	>�	�s�
*�	+�	9�
�#�	9�F�	B�	D�	,�	.�	.�	�#�	9�F�	B�	D�	D�	?�	4�	?�	&�	*�	6�	.�	(�	0�O)
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
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