[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# Copyright 2008 Armin Ronacher.
# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.

"""Fixer for reduce().

Makes sure reduce() is imported from the functools module if reduce is
used in that module.

from lib2to3 import fixer_base
from lib2to3.fixer_util import touch_import

class FixReduce(fixer_base.BaseFix):

    BM_compatible = True
    order = "pre"

    PATTERN = """
    power< 'reduce'
        trailer< '('
            arglist< (
                (not(argument<any '=' any>) any ','
                 not(argument<any '=' any>) any) |
                (not(argument<any '=' any>) any ','
                 not(argument<any '=' any>) any ','
                 not(argument<any '=' any>) any)
            ) >
        ')' >

    def transform(self, node, results):
        touch_import('functools', 'reduce', node)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 47 B 0644
fix_apply.py File 2.29 KB 0644
fix_asserts.py File 984 B 0644
fix_basestring.py File 320 B 0644
fix_buffer.py File 590 B 0644
fix_dict.py File 3.67 KB 0644
fix_except.py File 3.27 KB 0644
fix_exec.py File 979 B 0644
fix_execfile.py File 2 KB 0644
fix_exitfunc.py File 2.44 KB 0644
fix_filter.py File 2.7 KB 0644
fix_funcattrs.py File 644 B 0644
fix_future.py File 547 B 0644
fix_getcwdu.py File 451 B 0644
fix_has_key.py File 3.12 KB 0644
fix_idioms.py File 4.76 KB 0644
fix_import.py File 3.18 KB 0644
fix_imports.py File 5.55 KB 0644
fix_imports2.py File 289 B 0644
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fix_isinstance.py File 1.57 KB 0644
fix_itertools.py File 1.51 KB 0644
fix_itertools_imports.py File 2.04 KB 0644
fix_long.py File 476 B 0644
fix_map.py File 3.55 KB 0644
fix_metaclass.py File 8 KB 0644
fix_methodattrs.py File 606 B 0644
fix_ne.py File 571 B 0644
fix_next.py File 3.1 KB 0644
fix_nonzero.py File 591 B 0644
fix_numliterals.py File 768 B 0644
fix_operator.py File 3.35 KB 0644
fix_paren.py File 1.2 KB 0644
fix_print.py File 2.78 KB 0644
fix_raise.py File 2.86 KB 0644
fix_raw_input.py File 454 B 0644
fix_reduce.py File 837 B 0644
fix_reload.py File 1.06 KB 0644
fix_renames.py File 2.17 KB 0644
fix_repr.py File 613 B 0644
fix_set_literal.py File 1.66 KB 0644
fix_standarderror.py File 449 B 0644
fix_sys_exc.py File 1.01 KB 0644
fix_throw.py File 1.54 KB 0644
fix_tuple_params.py File 5.43 KB 0644
fix_types.py File 1.73 KB 0644
fix_unicode.py File 1.23 KB 0644
fix_urllib.py File 8.17 KB 0644
fix_ws_comma.py File 1.06 KB 0644
fix_xrange.py File 2.63 KB 0644
fix_xreadlines.py File 689 B 0644
fix_zip.py File 1.26 KB 0644