"""Cache lines from Python source files. This is intended to read lines from modules imported -- hence if a filename is not found, it will look down the module search path for a file by that name. """ import functools import sys import os import tokenize __all__ = ["getline", "clearcache", "checkcache", "lazycache"] # The cache. Maps filenames to either a thunk which will provide source code, # or a tuple (size, mtime, lines, fullname) once loaded. cache = {} def clearcache(): """Clear the cache entirely.""" cache.clear() def getline(filename, lineno, module_globals=None): """Get a line for a Python source file from the cache. Update the cache if it doesn't contain an entry for this file already.""" lines = getlines(filename, module_globals) if 1 <= lineno <= len(lines): return lines[lineno - 1] return '' def getlines(filename, module_globals=None): """Get the lines for a Python source file from the cache. Update the cache if it doesn't contain an entry for this file already.""" if filename in cache: entry = cache[filename] if len(entry) != 1: return cache[filename][2] try: return updatecache(filename, module_globals) except MemoryError: clearcache() return [] def checkcache(filename=None): """Discard cache entries that are out of date. (This is not checked upon each call!)""" if filename is None: filenames = list(cache.keys()) elif filename in cache: filenames = [filename] else: return for filename in filenames: entry = cache[filename] if len(entry) == 1: # lazy cache entry, leave it lazy. continue size, mtime, lines, fullname = entry if mtime is None: continue # no-op for files loaded via a __loader__ try: stat = os.stat(fullname) except OSError: cache.pop(filename, None) continue if size != stat.st_size or mtime != stat.st_mtime: cache.pop(filename, None) def updatecache(filename, module_globals=None): """Update a cache entry and return its list of lines. If something's wrong, print a message, discard the cache entry, and return an empty list.""" if filename in cache: if len(cache[filename]) != 1: cache.pop(filename, None) if not filename or (filename.startswith('<') and filename.endswith('>')): return [] fullname = filename try: stat = os.stat(fullname) except OSError: basename = filename # Realise a lazy loader based lookup if there is one # otherwise try to lookup right now. if lazycache(filename, module_globals): try: data = cache[filename][0]() except (ImportError, OSError): pass else: if data is None: # No luck, the PEP302 loader cannot find the source # for this module. return [] cache[filename] = ( len(data), None, [line + '\n' for line in data.splitlines()], fullname ) return cache[filename][2] # Try looking through the module search path, which is only useful # when handling a relative filename. if os.path.isabs(filename): return [] for dirname in sys.path: try: fullname = os.path.join(dirname, basename) except (TypeError, AttributeError): # Not sufficiently string-like to do anything useful with. continue try: stat = os.stat(fullname) break except OSError: pass else: return [] try: with tokenize.open(fullname) as fp: lines = fp.readlines() except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError, SyntaxError): return [] if lines and not lines[-1].endswith('\n'): lines[-1] += '\n' size, mtime = stat.st_size, stat.st_mtime cache[filename] = size, mtime, lines, fullname return lines def lazycache(filename, module_globals): """Seed the cache for filename with module_globals. The module loader will be asked for the source only when getlines is called, not immediately. If there is an entry in the cache already, it is not altered. :return: True if a lazy load is registered in the cache, otherwise False. To register such a load a module loader with a get_source method must be found, the filename must be a cacheable filename, and the filename must not be already cached. """ if filename in cache: if len(cache[filename]) == 1: return True else: return False if not filename or (filename.startswith('<') and filename.endswith('>')): return False # Try for a __loader__, if available if module_globals and '__name__' in module_globals: spec = module_globals.get('__spec__') name = getattr(spec, 'name', None) or module_globals['__name__'] loader = getattr(spec, 'loader', None) if loader is None: loader = module_globals.get('__loader__') get_source = getattr(loader, 'get_source', None) if name and get_source: get_lines = functools.partial(get_source, name) cache[filename] = (get_lines,) return True return False
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
__phello__ | Folder | 0755 |
__pycache__ | Folder | 0755 |
asyncio | Folder | 0755 |
collections | Folder | 0755 |
concurrent | Folder | 0755 |
config-3.11-x86_64-linux-gnu | Folder | 0755 |
ctypes | Folder | 0755 |
curses | Folder | 0755 |
dbm | Folder | 0755 |
distutils | Folder | 0755 |
Folder | 0755 |
encodings | Folder | 0755 |
ensurepip | Folder | 0755 |
html | Folder | 0755 |
http | Folder | 0755 |
importlib | Folder | 0755 |
json | Folder | 0755 |
lib-dynload | Folder | 0755 |
lib2to3 | Folder | 0755 |
logging | Folder | 0755 |
multiprocessing | Folder | 0755 |
pydoc_data | Folder | 0755 |
re | Folder | 0755 |
site-packages | Folder | 0755 |
sqlite3 | Folder | 0755 |
tomllib | Folder | 0755 |
unittest | Folder | 0755 |
urllib | Folder | 0755 |
venv | Folder | 0755 |
wsgiref | Folder | 0755 |
xml | Folder | 0755 |
xmlrpc | Folder | 0755 |
zoneinfo | Folder | 0755 |
LICENSE.txt | File | 13.61 KB | 0644 |
__future__.py | File | 5.1 KB | 0644 |
__hello__.py | File | 227 B | 0644 |
_aix_support.py | File | 3.31 KB | 0644 |
_bootsubprocess.py | File | 2.61 KB | 0644 |
_collections_abc.py | File | 29.49 KB | 0644 |
_compat_pickle.py | File | 8.56 KB | 0644 |
_compression.py | File | 5.55 KB | 0644 |
_markupbase.py | File | 14.31 KB | 0644 |
_osx_support.py | File | 21.51 KB | 0644 |
_py_abc.py | File | 6.04 KB | 0644 |
_pydecimal.py | File | 223.83 KB | 0644 |
_pyio.py | File | 91.99 KB | 0644 |
_sitebuiltins.py | File | 3.05 KB | 0644 |
_strptime.py | File | 24.58 KB | 0644 |
_sysconfigdata__linux_x86_64-linux-gnu.py | File | 57.51 KB | 0644 |
_sysconfigdata_d_linux_x86_64-linux-gnu.py | File | 56.76 KB | 0644 |
_threading_local.py | File | 7.05 KB | 0644 |
_weakrefset.py | File | 5.75 KB | 0644 |
abc.py | File | 6.38 KB | 0644 |
aifc.py | File | 33.41 KB | 0644 |
antigravity.py | File | 500 B | 0644 |
argparse.py | File | 97.93 KB | 0644 |
ast.py | File | 60 KB | 0644 |
asynchat.py | File | 11.3 KB | 0644 |
asyncore.py | File | 19.83 KB | 0644 |
base64.py | File | 20.55 KB | 0755 |
bdb.py | File | 31.7 KB | 0644 |
bisect.py | File | 3.06 KB | 0644 |
bz2.py | File | 11.57 KB | 0644 |
cProfile.py | File | 6.21 KB | 0755 |
calendar.py | File | 24.15 KB | 0644 |
cgi.py | File | 33.63 KB | 0755 |
cgitb.py | File | 12.13 KB | 0644 |
chunk.py | File | 5.37 KB | 0644 |
cmd.py | File | 14.52 KB | 0644 |
code.py | File | 10.37 KB | 0644 |
codecs.py | File | 36.28 KB | 0644 |
codeop.py | File | 5.77 KB | 0644 |
colorsys.py | File | 3.97 KB | 0644 |
compileall.py | File | 19.78 KB | 0644 |
configparser.py | File | 54.36 KB | 0644 |
contextlib.py | File | 26.77 KB | 0644 |
contextvars.py | File | 129 B | 0644 |
copy.py | File | 8.48 KB | 0644 |
copyreg.py | File | 7.5 KB | 0644 |
crypt.py | File | 3.82 KB | 0644 |
csv.py | File | 15.65 KB | 0644 |
dataclasses.py | File | 57.1 KB | 0644 |
datetime.py | File | 89.68 KB | 0644 |
decimal.py | File | 320 B | 0644 |
difflib.py | File | 81.36 KB | 0644 |
dis.py | File | 28.23 KB | 0644 |
doctest.py | File | 103.81 KB | 0644 |
enum.py | File | 77.72 KB | 0644 |
filecmp.py | File | 9.94 KB | 0644 |
fileinput.py | File | 15.35 KB | 0644 |
fnmatch.py | File | 5.86 KB | 0644 |
fractions.py | File | 28 KB | 0644 |
ftplib.py | File | 34.98 KB | 0644 |
functools.py | File | 37.51 KB | 0644 |
genericpath.py | File | 4.86 KB | 0644 |
getopt.py | File | 7.31 KB | 0644 |
getpass.py | File | 5.85 KB | 0644 |
gettext.py | File | 20.82 KB | 0644 |
glob.py | File | 8.53 KB | 0644 |
graphlib.py | File | 9.43 KB | 0644 |
gzip.py | File | 23.51 KB | 0644 |
hashlib.py | File | 11.49 KB | 0644 |
heapq.py | File | 22.48 KB | 0644 |
hmac.py | File | 7.54 KB | 0644 |
imaplib.py | File | 53.58 KB | 0644 |
imghdr.py | File | 3.86 KB | 0644 |
imp.py | File | 10.36 KB | 0644 |
inspect.py | File | 120.53 KB | 0644 |
io.py | File | 4.22 KB | 0644 |
ipaddress.py | File | 73.32 KB | 0644 |
keyword.py | File | 1.04 KB | 0644 |
linecache.py | File | 5.52 KB | 0644 |
locale.py | File | 77.24 KB | 0644 |
lzma.py | File | 12.97 KB | 0644 |
mailbox.py | File | 76.98 KB | 0644 |
mailcap.py | File | 9.15 KB | 0644 |
mimetypes.py | File | 22.42 KB | 0644 |
modulefinder.py | File | 23.14 KB | 0644 |
netrc.py | File | 6.77 KB | 0644 |
nntplib.py | File | 40.12 KB | 0644 |
ntpath.py | File | 29.51 KB | 0644 |
nturl2path.py | File | 2.82 KB | 0644 |
numbers.py | File | 10.11 KB | 0644 |
opcode.py | File | 10.2 KB | 0644 |
operator.py | File | 10.71 KB | 0644 |
optparse.py | File | 58.95 KB | 0644 |
os.py | File | 38.6 KB | 0644 |
pathlib.py | File | 47.43 KB | 0644 |
pdb.py | File | 62.68 KB | 0755 |
pickle.py | File | 63.61 KB | 0644 |
pickletools.py | File | 91.66 KB | 0644 |
pipes.py | File | 8.77 KB | 0644 |
pkgutil.py | File | 24.06 KB | 0644 |
platform.py | File | 41.3 KB | 0755 |
plistlib.py | File | 27.69 KB | 0644 |
poplib.py | File | 14.84 KB | 0644 |
posixpath.py | File | 16.61 KB | 0644 |
pprint.py | File | 24.01 KB | 0644 |
profile.py | File | 22.36 KB | 0755 |
pstats.py | File | 28.67 KB | 0644 |
pty.py | File | 6.17 KB | 0644 |
py_compile.py | File | 7.65 KB | 0644 |
pyclbr.py | File | 11.13 KB | 0644 |
pydoc.py | File | 110.02 KB | 0755 |
queue.py | File | 11.23 KB | 0644 |
quopri.py | File | 7.11 KB | 0755 |
random.py | File | 31.41 KB | 0644 |
reprlib.py | File | 5.31 KB | 0644 |
rlcompleter.py | File | 7.64 KB | 0644 |
runpy.py | File | 12.85 KB | 0644 |
sched.py | File | 6.2 KB | 0644 |
secrets.py | File | 1.98 KB | 0644 |
selectors.py | File | 19.21 KB | 0644 |
shelve.py | File | 8.36 KB | 0644 |
shlex.py | File | 13.18 KB | 0644 |
shutil.py | File | 55.19 KB | 0644 |
signal.py | File | 2.44 KB | 0644 |
site.py | File | 22.45 KB | 0644 |
smtpd.py | File | 30.44 KB | 0755 |
smtplib.py | File | 44.37 KB | 0755 |
sndhdr.py | File | 7.27 KB | 0644 |
socket.py | File | 36.46 KB | 0644 |
socketserver.py | File | 26.94 KB | 0644 |
sre_compile.py | File | 231 B | 0644 |
sre_constants.py | File | 232 B | 0644 |
sre_parse.py | File | 229 B | 0644 |
ssl.py | File | 53.03 KB | 0644 |
stat.py | File | 5.36 KB | 0644 |
statistics.py | File | 46.59 KB | 0644 |
string.py | File | 11.51 KB | 0644 |
stringprep.py | File | 12.61 KB | 0644 |
struct.py | File | 257 B | 0644 |
subprocess.py | File | 86.65 KB | 0644 |
sunau.py | File | 18.05 KB | 0644 |
symtable.py | File | 10.13 KB | 0644 |
sysconfig.py | File | 29.6 KB | 0644 |
tabnanny.py | File | 11.05 KB | 0755 |
tarfile.py | File | 103.86 KB | 0755 |
telnetlib.py | File | 22.75 KB | 0644 |
tempfile.py | File | 31.13 KB | 0644 |
textwrap.py | File | 19.26 KB | 0644 |
this.py | File | 1003 B | 0644 |
threading.py | File | 56.87 KB | 0644 |
timeit.py | File | 13.21 KB | 0755 |
token.py | File | 2.33 KB | 0644 |
tokenize.py | File | 25.72 KB | 0644 |
trace.py | File | 28.51 KB | 0755 |
traceback.py | File | 39.6 KB | 0644 |
tracemalloc.py | File | 17.62 KB | 0644 |
tty.py | File | 879 B | 0644 |
types.py | File | 9.83 KB | 0644 |
typing.py | File | 118.12 KB | 0644 |
uu.py | File | 7.17 KB | 0644 |
uuid.py | File | 26.95 KB | 0644 |
warnings.py | File | 20.62 KB | 0644 |
wave.py | File | 21.31 KB | 0644 |
weakref.py | File | 21.01 KB | 0644 |
webbrowser.py | File | 24.56 KB | 0755 |
xdrlib.py | File | 5.84 KB | 0644 |
zipapp.py | File | 7.36 KB | 0644 |
zipfile.py | File | 91.46 KB | 0644 |
zipimport.py | File | 30.17 KB | 0644 |