[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

from cerberus import Validator, errors
from cerberus.tests import (assert_fail, assert_has_error, assert_normalized,

def test_coerce():
    schema = {'amount': {'coerce': int}}
    document = {'amount': '1'}
    expected = {'amount': 1}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_coerce_in_subschema():
    schema = {'thing': {'type': 'dict',
                        'schema': {'amount': {'coerce': int}}}}
    document = {'thing': {'amount': '2'}}
    expected = {'thing': {'amount': 2}}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_coerce_not_destructive():
    schema = {
        'amount': {'coerce': int}
    v = Validator(schema)
    doc = {'amount': '1'}
    assert v.document is not doc

def test_coerce_catches_ValueError():
    schema = {'amount': {'coerce': int}}
    _errors = assert_fail({'amount': 'not_a_number'}, schema)
    _errors[0].info = ()  # ignore exception message here
    assert_has_error(_errors, 'amount', ('amount', 'coerce'),
                     errors.COERCION_FAILED, int)

def test_coerce_catches_TypeError():
    schema = {'name': {'coerce': str.lower}}
    _errors = assert_fail({'name': 1234}, schema)
    _errors[0].info = ()  # ignore exception message here
    assert_has_error(_errors, 'name', ('name', 'coerce'),
                     errors.COERCION_FAILED, str.lower)

def test_coerce_unknown():
    schema = {'foo': {'schema': {}, 'allow_unknown': {'coerce': int}}}
    document = {'foo': {'bar': '0'}}
    expected = {'foo': {'bar': 0}}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_normalized():
    schema = {'amount': {'coerce': int}}
    document = {'amount': '2'}
    expected = {'amount': 2}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_rename(validator):
    schema = {'foo': {'rename': 'bar'}}
    document = {'foo': 0}
    expected = {'bar': 0}
    # We cannot use assertNormalized here since there is bug where
    # Cerberus says that the renamed field is an unknown field:
    # {'bar': 'unknown field'}
    validator(document, schema, False)
    assert validator.document == expected

def test_rename_handler():
    validator = Validator(allow_unknown={'rename_handler': int})
    schema = {}
    document = {'0': 'foo'}
    expected = {0: 'foo'}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema, validator)

def test_purge_unknown():
    validator = Validator(purge_unknown=True)
    schema = {'foo': {'type': 'string'}}
    document = {'bar': 'foo'}
    expected = {}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema, validator)

def test_purge_unknown_in_subschema():
    schema = {'foo': {'type': 'dict',
                      'schema': {'foo': {'type': 'string'}},
                      'purge_unknown': True}}
    document = {'foo': {'bar': ''}}
    expected = {'foo': {}}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_issue_147_complex():
    schema = {'revision': {'coerce': int}}
    document = {'revision': '5', 'file': NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')}
    normalized = Validator(schema, allow_unknown=True).normalized(document)
    assert normalized['revision'] == 5
    assert normalized['file'].read() == 'foobar'

def test_issue_147_nested_dict():
    schema = {'thing': {'type': 'dict',
                        'schema': {'amount': {'coerce': int}}}}
    ref_obj = '2'
    document = {'thing': {'amount': ref_obj}}
    normalized = Validator(schema).normalized(document)
    assert document is not normalized
    assert normalized['thing']['amount'] == 2
    assert ref_obj == '2'
    assert document['thing']['amount'] is ref_obj

def test_coerce_in_valueschema():
    # https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/155
    schema = {'thing': {'type': 'dict',
                        'valueschema': {'coerce': int,
                                        'type': 'integer'}}}
    document = {'thing': {'amount': '2'}}
    expected = {'thing': {'amount': 2}}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_coerce_in_keyschema():
    # https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/155
    schema = {'thing': {'type': 'dict',
                        'keyschema': {'coerce': int, 'type': 'integer'}}}
    document = {'thing': {'5': 'foo'}}
    expected = {'thing': {5: 'foo'}}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_coercion_of_sequence_items(validator):
    # https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/161
    schema = {'a_list': {'type': 'list', 'schema': {'type': 'float',
                                                    'coerce': float}}}
    document = {'a_list': [3, 4, 5]}
    expected = {'a_list': [3.0, 4.0, 5.0]}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema, validator)
    for x in validator.document['a_list']:
        assert isinstance(x, float)

def test_default_missing():
    _test_default_missing({'default': 'bar_value'})

def test_default_setter_missing():
    _test_default_missing({'default_setter': lambda doc: 'bar_value'})

def _test_default_missing(default):
    bar_schema = {'type': 'string'}
    schema = {'foo': {'type': 'string'},
              'bar': bar_schema}
    document = {'foo': 'foo_value'}
    expected = {'foo': 'foo_value', 'bar': 'bar_value'}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_default_existent():
    _test_default_existent({'default': 'bar_value'})

def test_default_setter_existent():
    def raise_error(doc):
        raise RuntimeError('should not be called')
    _test_default_existent({'default_setter': raise_error})

def _test_default_existent(default):
    bar_schema = {'type': 'string'}
    schema = {'foo': {'type': 'string'},
              'bar': bar_schema}
    document = {'foo': 'foo_value', 'bar': 'non_default'}
    assert_normalized(document, document.copy(), schema)

def test_default_none_nullable():
    _test_default_none_nullable({'default': 'bar_value'})

def test_default_setter_none_nullable():
    def raise_error(doc):
        raise RuntimeError('should not be called')
    _test_default_none_nullable({'default_setter': raise_error})

def _test_default_none_nullable(default):
    bar_schema = {'type': 'string',
                  'nullable': True}
    schema = {'foo': {'type': 'string'},
              'bar': bar_schema}
    document = {'foo': 'foo_value', 'bar': None}
    assert_normalized(document, document.copy(), schema)

def test_default_none_nonnullable():
    _test_default_none_nullable({'default': 'bar_value'})

def test_default_setter_none_nonnullable():
        {'default_setter': lambda doc: 'bar_value'})

def _test_default_none_nonnullable(default):
    bar_schema = {'type': 'string',
                  'nullable': False}
    schema = {'foo': {'type': 'string'},
              'bar': bar_schema}
    document = {'foo': 'foo_value', 'bar': 'bar_value'}
    assert_normalized(document, document.copy(), schema)

def test_default_none_default_value():
    schema = {'foo': {'type': 'string'},
              'bar': {'type': 'string',
                      'nullable': True,
                      'default': None}}
    document = {'foo': 'foo_value'}
    expected = {'foo': 'foo_value', 'bar': None}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_default_missing_in_subschema():
    _test_default_missing_in_subschema({'default': 'bar_value'})

def test_default_setter_missing_in_subschema():
        {'default_setter': lambda doc: 'bar_value'})

def _test_default_missing_in_subschema(default):
    bar_schema = {'type': 'string'}
    schema = {'thing': {'type': 'dict',
                        'schema': {'foo': {'type': 'string'},
                                   'bar': bar_schema}}}
    document = {'thing': {'foo': 'foo_value'}}
    expected = {'thing': {'foo': 'foo_value',
                          'bar': 'bar_value'}}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_depending_default_setters():
    schema = {
        'a': {'type': 'integer'},
        'b': {'type': 'integer', 'default_setter': lambda d: d['a'] + 1},
        'c': {'type': 'integer', 'default_setter': lambda d: d['b'] * 2},
        'd': {'type': 'integer',
              'default_setter': lambda d: d['b'] + d['c']}
    document = {'a': 1}
    expected = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 4, 'd': 6}
    assert_normalized(document, expected, schema)

def test_circular_depending_default_setters(validator):
    schema = {
        'a': {'type': 'integer', 'default_setter': lambda d: d['b'] + 1},
        'b': {'type': 'integer', 'default_setter': lambda d: d['a'] + 1}
    validator({}, schema)
    assert errors.SETTING_DEFAULT_FAILED in validator._errors

def test_custom_coerce_and_rename():
    class MyNormalizer(Validator):
        def __init__(self, multiplier, *args, **kwargs):
            super(MyNormalizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.multiplier = multiplier

        def _normalize_coerce_multiply(self, value):
            return value * self.multiplier

    v = MyNormalizer(2, {'foo': {'coerce': 'multiply'}})
    assert v.normalized({'foo': 2})['foo'] == 4

    v = MyNormalizer(3, allow_unknown={'rename_handler': 'multiply'})
    assert v.normalized({3: None}) == {9: None}

def test_coerce_chain():
    drop_prefix = lambda x: x[2:]
    upper = lambda x: x.upper()
    schema = {'foo': {'coerce': [hex, drop_prefix, upper]}}
    assert_normalized({'foo': 15}, {'foo': 'F'}, schema)

def test_coerce_chain_aborts(validator):
    def dont_do_me(value):
        raise AssertionError('The coercion chain did not abort after an '
    schema = {'foo': {'coerce': [hex, dont_do_me]}}
    validator({'foo': '0'}, schema)
    assert errors.COERCION_FAILED in validator._errors

def test_coerce_non_digit_in_sequence(validator):
    # https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/211
    schema = {'data': {'type': 'list',
                       'schema': {'type': 'integer', 'coerce': int}}}
    document = {'data': ['q']}
    assert validator.validated(document, schema) is None
    assert (validator.validated(document, schema, always_return_document=True)
            == document)  # noqa: W503

def test_issue_250():
    # https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/250
    schema = {
        'list': {
            'type': 'list',
            'schema': {
                'type': 'dict',
                'allow_unknown': True,
                'schema': {'a': {'type': 'string'}}
    document = {'list': {'is_a': 'mapping'}}
    assert_fail(document, schema,
                error=('list', ('list', 'type'), errors.BAD_TYPE,

def test_issue_250_no_type_pass_on_list():
    # https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/250
    schema = {
        'list': {
            'schema': {
                'allow_unknown': True,
                'type': 'dict',
                'schema': {'a': {'type': 'string'}}
    document = {'list': [{'a': 'known', 'b': 'unknown'}]}
    assert_normalized(document, document, schema)

def test_issue_250_no_type_fail_on_dict():
    # https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/250
    schema = {
        'list': {
            'schema': {
                'allow_unknown': True,
                'schema': {'a': {'type': 'string'}}
    document = {'list': {'a': {'a': 'known'}}}
    assert_fail(document, schema,
                error=('list', ('list', 'schema'), errors.BAD_TYPE_FOR_SCHEMA,

def test_issue_250_no_type_fail_pass_on_other():
    # https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/250
    schema = {
        'list': {
            'schema': {
                'allow_unknown': True,
                'schema': {'a': {'type': 'string'}}
    document = {'list': 1}
    assert_normalized(document, document, schema)

def test_allow_unknown_with_of_rules():
    # https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/251
    schema = {
        'test': {
            'oneof': [
                    'type': 'dict',
                    'allow_unknown': True,
                    'schema': {'known': {'type': 'string'}}
                    'type': 'dict',
                    'schema': {'known': {'type': 'string'}}
    # check regression and that allow unknown does not cause any different
    # than expected behaviour for one-of.
    document = {'test': {'known': 's'}}
    assert_fail(document, schema,
                error=('test', ('test', 'oneof'),
                       errors.ONEOF, schema['test']['oneof']))
    # check that allow_unknown is actually applied
    document = {'test': {'known': 's', 'unknown': 'asd'}}
    assert_success(document, schema)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 4.45 KB 0644
conftest.py File 2.78 KB 0644
test_assorted.py File 741 B 0644
test_customization.py File 1.76 KB 0644
test_errors.py File 8.8 KB 0644
test_legacy.py File 30 B 0644
test_normalization.py File 13.05 KB 0644
test_registries.py File 2.42 KB 0644
test_schema.py File 3.18 KB 0644
test_validation.py File 49.8 KB 0644