# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from datetime import datetime, date
from random import choice
from string import ascii_lowercase
from pytest import mark
from cerberus import errors, Validator
from cerberus.tests import \
(assert_bad_type, assert_fail, assert_has_error, assert_not_has_error,
assert_success, assert_document_error)
def test_empty_document():
assert_document_error(None, None, None,
def test_bad_document_type():
document = "not a dict"
document, None, None, errors.DOCUMENT_FORMAT.format(
def test_unknown_field(validator):
field = 'surname'
assert_fail({field: 'doe'}, validator=validator,
error=(field, (), errors.UNKNOWN_FIELD, None))
assert validator.errors == {field: ['unknown field']}
def test_empty_field_definition(document):
field = 'name'
schema = {field: {}}
assert_success(document, schema)
def test_required_field(schema):
field = 'a_required_string'
required_string_extension = {
'a_required_string': {'type': 'string',
'minlength': 2,
'maxlength': 10,
'required': True}}
assert_fail({'an_integer': 1}, schema,
error=(field, (field, 'required'), errors.REQUIRED_FIELD,
def test_nullable_field():
assert_success({'a_nullable_integer': None})
assert_success({'a_nullable_integer': 3})
assert_success({'a_nullable_field_without_type': None})
assert_fail({'a_nullable_integer': "foo"})
assert_fail({'an_integer': None})
assert_fail({'a_not_nullable_field_without_type': None})
def test_readonly_field():
field = 'a_readonly_string'
assert_fail({field: 'update me if you can'},
error=(field, (field, 'readonly'), errors.READONLY_FIELD, True))
def test_readonly_field_first_rule():
# test that readonly rule is checked before any other rule, and blocks.
# See #63.
schema = {
'a_readonly_number': {
'type': 'integer',
'readonly': True,
'max': 1
v = Validator(schema)
v.validate({'a_readonly_number': 2})
# it would be a list if there's more than one error; we get a dict
# instead.
assert 'read-only' in v.errors['a_readonly_number'][0]
def test_readonly_field_with_default_value():
schema = {
'created': {
'type': 'string',
'readonly': True,
'default': 'today'
'modified': {
'type': 'string',
'readonly': True,
'default_setter': lambda d: d['created']
assert_success({}, schema)
expected_errors = [('created', ('created', 'readonly'),
('modified', ('modified', 'readonly'),
assert_fail({'created': 'tomorrow', 'modified': 'today'},
schema, errors=expected_errors)
assert_fail({'created': 'today', 'modified': 'today'},
schema, errors=expected_errors)
def test_nested_readonly_field_with_default_value():
schema = {
'some_field': {
'type': 'dict',
'schema': {
'created': {
'type': 'string',
'readonly': True,
'default': 'today'
'modified': {
'type': 'string',
'readonly': True,
'default_setter': lambda d: d['created']
assert_success({'some_field': {}}, schema)
expected_errors = [
(('some_field', 'created'),
('some_field', 'schema', 'created', 'readonly'),
(('some_field', 'modified'),
('some_field', 'schema', 'modified', 'readonly'),
assert_fail({'some_field': {'created': 'tomorrow', 'modified': 'now'}},
schema, errors=expected_errors)
assert_fail({'some_field': {'created': 'today', 'modified': 'today'}},
schema, errors=expected_errors)
def test_not_a_string():
assert_bad_type('a_string', 'string', 1)
def test_not_a_binary():
# 'u' literal prefix produces type `str` in Python 3
assert_bad_type('a_binary', 'binary', u"i'm not a binary")
def test_not_a_integer():
assert_bad_type('an_integer', 'integer', "i'm not an integer")
def test_not_a_boolean():
assert_bad_type('a_boolean', 'boolean', "i'm not a boolean")
def test_not_a_datetime():
assert_bad_type('a_datetime', 'datetime', "i'm not a datetime")
def test_not_a_float():
assert_bad_type('a_float', 'float', "i'm not a float")
def test_not_a_number():
assert_bad_type('a_number', 'number', "i'm not a number")
def test_not_a_list():
assert_bad_type('a_list_of_values', 'list', "i'm not a list")
def test_not_a_dict():
assert_bad_type('a_dict', 'dict', "i'm not a dict")
def test_bad_max_length(schema):
field = 'a_string'
max_length = schema[field]['maxlength']
value = "".join(choice(ascii_lowercase) for i in range(max_length + 1))
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'maxlength'), errors.MAX_LENGTH,
max_length, (len(value),)))
def test_bad_max_length_binary(schema):
field = 'a_binary'
max_length = schema[field]['maxlength']
value = b'\x00' * (max_length + 1)
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'maxlength'), errors.MAX_LENGTH,
max_length, (len(value),)))
def test_bad_min_length(schema):
field = 'a_string'
min_length = schema[field]['minlength']
value = "".join(choice(ascii_lowercase) for i in range(min_length - 1))
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'minlength'), errors.MIN_LENGTH,
min_length, (len(value),)))
def test_bad_min_length_binary(schema):
field = 'a_binary'
min_length = schema[field]['minlength']
value = b'\x00' * (min_length - 1)
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'minlength'), errors.MIN_LENGTH,
min_length, (len(value),)))
def test_bad_max_value(schema):
def assert_bad_max_value(field, inc):
max_value = schema[field]['max']
value = max_value + inc
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'max'), errors.MAX_VALUE, max_value))
field = 'an_integer'
assert_bad_max_value(field, 1)
field = 'a_float'
assert_bad_max_value(field, 1.0)
field = 'a_number'
assert_bad_max_value(field, 1)
def test_bad_min_value(schema):
def assert_bad_min_value(field, inc):
min_value = schema[field]['min']
value = min_value - inc
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'min'),
errors.MIN_VALUE, min_value))
field = 'an_integer'
assert_bad_min_value(field, 1)
field = 'a_float'
assert_bad_min_value(field, 1.0)
field = 'a_number'
assert_bad_min_value(field, 1)
def test_bad_schema(validator):
field = 'a_dict'
schema_field = 'address'
value = {schema_field: 34}
{field: value}, validator=validator,
((field, schema_field), (field, 'schema', schema_field, 'type'),
errors.BAD_TYPE, 'string'),
((field, 'city'), (field, 'schema', 'city', 'required'),
errors.REQUIRED_FIELD, True)
handler = errors.BasicErrorHandler
assert field in validator.errors
assert schema_field in validator.errors[field][-1]
assert handler.messages[errors.BAD_TYPE.code].format(constraint='string') \
in validator.errors[field][-1][schema_field]
assert 'city' in validator.errors[field][-1]
assert (handler.messages[errors.REQUIRED_FIELD.code]
in validator.errors[field][-1]['city'])
def test_bad_valueschema():
field = 'a_dict_with_valueschema'
schema_field = 'a_string'
value = {schema_field: 'not an integer'}
exp_child_errors = [
((field, schema_field), (field, 'valueschema', 'type'), errors.BAD_TYPE,
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'valueschema'), errors.VALUESCHEMA,
{'type': 'integer'}), child_errors=exp_child_errors)
def test_bad_list_of_values(validator):
field = 'a_list_of_values'
value = ['a string', 'not an integer']
assert_fail({field: value}, validator=validator,
error=(field, (field, 'items'), errors.BAD_ITEMS,
[{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'integer'}]),
child_errors=[((field, 1), (field, 'items', 1, 'type'),
errors.BAD_TYPE, 'integer')])
assert (errors.BasicErrorHandler.messages[errors.BAD_TYPE.code].
in validator.errors[field][-1][1])
value = ['a string', 10, 'an extra item']
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'items'), errors.ITEMS_LENGTH,
[{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'integer'}], (2, 3)))
def test_bad_list_of_integers():
field = 'a_list_of_integers'
value = [34, 'not an integer']
assert_fail({field: value})
def test_bad_list_of_dicts(schema, validator):
field = 'a_list_of_dicts'
subschema = schema['a_list_of_dicts']['schema']
value = [{'sku': 'KT123', 'price': '100'}]
exp_child_errors = [((field, 0, 'price'),
(field, 'schema', 'schema', 'price', 'type'),
errors.BAD_TYPE, 'integer')]
assert_fail({field: value}, validator=validator,
error=(field, (field, 'schema'), errors.SEQUENCE_SCHEMA,
assert field in validator.errors
assert 0 in validator.errors[field][-1]
assert 'price' in validator.errors[field][-1][0][-1]
exp_msg = errors.BasicErrorHandler.messages[errors.BAD_TYPE.code] \
assert exp_msg in validator.errors[field][-1][0][-1]['price']
value = ["not a dict"]
exp_child_errors = [((field, 0), (field, 'schema', 'type'),
errors.BAD_TYPE, 'dict', ())]
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'schema'), errors.SEQUENCE_SCHEMA,
def test_array_unallowed():
field = 'an_array'
value = ['agent', 'client', 'profit']
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'allowed'), errors.UNALLOWED_VALUES,
['agent', 'client', 'vendor'], ['profit']))
def test_string_unallowed():
field = 'a_restricted_string'
value = 'profit'
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'allowed'), errors.UNALLOWED_VALUE,
['agent', 'client', 'vendor'], value))
def test_integer_unallowed():
field = 'a_restricted_integer'
value = 2
assert_fail({field: value},
error=(field, (field, 'allowed'), errors.UNALLOWED_VALUE,
[-1, 0, 1], value))
def test_integer_allowed():
assert_success({'a_restricted_integer': -1})
def test_validate_update():
assert_success({'an_integer': 100,
'a_dict': {'address': 'adr'},
'a_list_of_dicts': [{'sku': 'let'}]
}, update=True)
def test_string():
assert_success({'a_string': 'john doe'})
def test_string_allowed():
assert_success({'a_restricted_string': 'client'})
def test_integer():
assert_success({'an_integer': 50})
def test_boolean():
assert_success({'a_boolean': True})
def test_datetime():
assert_success({'a_datetime': datetime.now()})
def test_float():
assert_success({'a_float': 3.5})
assert_success({'a_float': 1})
def test_number():
assert_success({'a_number': 3.5})
assert_success({'a_number': 3})
def test_array():
assert_success({'an_array': ['agent', 'client']})
def test_set():
assert_success({'a_set': set(['hello', 1])})
def test_one_of_two_types(validator):
field = 'one_or_more_strings'
assert_success({field: 'foo'})
assert_success({field: ['foo', 'bar']})
exp_child_errors = [((field, 1), (field, 'schema', 'type'),
errors.BAD_TYPE, 'string')]
assert_fail({field: ['foo', 23]}, validator=validator,
error=(field, (field, 'schema'), errors.SEQUENCE_SCHEMA,
{'type': 'string'}),
assert_fail({field: 23},
error=((field,), (field, 'type'), errors.BAD_TYPE,
['string', 'list']))
assert validator.errors == {field: [{1: ['must be of string type']}]}
def test_regex(validator):
field = 'a_regex_email'
assert_success({field: 'valid.email@gmail.com'}, validator=validator)
assert_fail({field: 'invalid'}, update=True,
error=(field, (field, 'regex'), errors.REGEX_MISMATCH,
def test_a_list_of_dicts():
'a_list_of_dicts': [
{'sku': 'AK345', 'price': 100},
{'sku': 'YZ069', 'price': 25}
def test_a_list_of_values():
assert_success({'a_list_of_values': ['hello', 100]})
def test_a_list_of_integers():
assert_success({'a_list_of_integers': [99, 100]})
def test_a_dict():
assert_success({'a_dict': {'address': 'i live here',
'city': 'in my own town'}})
assert_fail({'a_dict': {'address': 8545}}, errors=[
(('a_dict', 'address'), ('a_dict', 'schema', 'address', 'type'),
errors.BAD_TYPE, 'string'),
(('a_dict', 'city'), ('a_dict', 'schema', 'city', 'required'),
errors.REQUIRED_FIELD, True)
def test_a_dict_with_valueschema(validator):
{'an integer': 99, 'another integer': 100}})
error = (
'a_dict_with_valueschema', ('a_dict_with_valueschema', 'valueschema'),
errors.VALUESCHEMA, {'type': 'integer'})
child_errors = [
(('a_dict_with_valueschema', 'a string'),
('a_dict_with_valueschema', 'valueschema', 'type'),
errors.BAD_TYPE, 'integer')]
assert_fail({'a_dict_with_valueschema': {'a string': '99'}},
validator=validator, error=error, child_errors=child_errors)
assert 'valueschema' in \
v = validator.schema_error_tree
assert len(v['a_dict_with_valueschema']['valueschema'].descendants) == 1
def test_a_dict_with_keyschema():
assert_success({'a_dict_with_keyschema': {'key': 'value'}})
assert_fail({'a_dict_with_keyschema': {'KEY': 'value'}})
def test_a_list_length(schema):
field = 'a_list_length'
min_length = schema[field]['minlength']
max_length = schema[field]['maxlength']
assert_fail({field: [1] * (min_length - 1)},
error=(field, (field, 'minlength'), errors.MIN_LENGTH,
min_length, (min_length - 1,)))
for i in range(min_length, max_length):
value = [1] * i
assert_success({field: value})
assert_fail({field: [1] * (max_length + 1)},
error=(field, (field, 'maxlength'), errors.MAX_LENGTH,
max_length, (max_length + 1,)))
def test_custom_datatype():
class MyValidator(Validator):
def _validate_type_objectid(self, value):
if re.match('[a-f0-9]{24}', value):
return True
schema = {'test_field': {'type': 'objectid'}}
validator = MyValidator(schema)
assert_success({'test_field': '50ad188438345b1049c88a28'},
assert_fail({'test_field': 'hello'}, validator=validator,
error=('test_field', ('test_field', 'type'), errors.BAD_TYPE,
def test_custom_datatype_rule():
class MyValidator(Validator):
def _validate_min_number(self, min_number, field, value):
""" {'type': 'number'} """
if value < min_number:
self._error(field, 'Below the min')
def _validate_type_number(self, value):
if isinstance(value, int):
return True
schema = {'test_field': {'min_number': 1, 'type': 'number'}}
validator = MyValidator(schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': '0'}, validator=validator,
error=('test_field', ('test_field', 'type'), errors.BAD_TYPE,
assert_fail({'test_field': 0}, validator=validator,
error=('test_field', (), errors.CUSTOM, None,
('Below the min',)))
assert validator.errors == {'test_field': ['Below the min']}
def test_custom_validator():
class MyValidator(Validator):
def _validate_isodd(self, isodd, field, value):
""" {'type': 'boolean'} """
if isodd and not bool(value & 1):
self._error(field, 'Not an odd number')
schema = {'test_field': {'isodd': True}}
validator = MyValidator(schema)
assert_success({'test_field': 7}, validator=validator)
assert_fail({'test_field': 6}, validator=validator,
error=('test_field', (), errors.CUSTOM, None,
('Not an odd number',)))
assert validator.errors == {'test_field': ['Not an odd number']}
@mark.parametrize('value, _type',
(('', 'string'), ((), 'list'), ({}, 'dict'), ([], 'list')))
def test_empty_values(value, _type):
field = 'test'
schema = {field: {'type': _type}}
document = {field: value}
assert_success(document, schema)
schema[field]['empty'] = False
assert_fail(document, schema,
error=(field, (field, 'empty'),
errors.EMPTY_NOT_ALLOWED, False))
schema[field]['empty'] = True
assert_success(document, schema)
def test_ignore_none_values():
field = 'test'
schema = {field: {'type': 'string', 'empty': False, 'required': False}}
document = {field: None}
# Test normal behaviour
validator = Validator(schema, ignore_none_values=False)
assert_fail(document, validator=validator)
validator.schema[field]['required'] = True
_errors = assert_fail(document, validator=validator)
assert_not_has_error(_errors, field, (field, 'required'),
errors.REQUIRED_FIELD, True)
# Test ignore None behaviour
validator = Validator(schema, ignore_none_values=True)
validator.schema[field]['required'] = False
assert_success(document, validator=validator)
validator.schema[field]['required'] = True
_errors = assert_fail(schema=schema, document=document, validator=validator)
assert_has_error(_errors, field, (field, 'required'), errors.REQUIRED_FIELD,
assert_not_has_error(_errors, field, (field, 'type'), errors.BAD_TYPE,
def test_unknown_keys():
schema = {}
# test that unknown fields are allowed when allow_unknown is True.
v = Validator(allow_unknown=True, schema=schema)
assert_success({"unknown1": True, "unknown2": "yes"}, validator=v)
# test that unknown fields are allowed only if they meet the
# allow_unknown schema when provided.
v.allow_unknown = {'type': 'string'}
assert_success(document={'name': 'mark'}, validator=v)
assert_fail({"name": 1}, validator=v)
# test that unknown fields are not allowed if allow_unknown is False
v.allow_unknown = False
assert_fail({'name': 'mark'}, validator=v)
def test_unknown_key_dict(validator):
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/177
validator.allow_unknown = True
document = {'a_dict': {'foo': 'foo_value', 'bar': 25}}
assert_success(document, {}, validator=validator)
def test_unknown_key_list(validator):
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/177
validator.allow_unknown = True
document = {'a_dict': ['foo', 'bar']}
assert_success(document, {}, validator=validator)
def test_unknown_keys_list_of_dicts(validator):
# test that allow_unknown is honored even for subdicts in lists.
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/67.
validator.allow_unknown = True
document = {'a_list_of_dicts': [{'sku': 'YZ069', 'price': 25,
'extra': True}]}
assert_success(document, validator=validator)
def test_unknown_keys_retain_custom_rules():
# test that allow_unknown schema respect custom validation rules.
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/#66.
class CustomValidator(Validator):
def _validate_type_foo(self, value):
if value == "foo":
return True
validator = CustomValidator({})
validator.allow_unknown = {"type": "foo"}
assert_success(document={"fred": "foo", "barney": "foo"},
def test_nested_unknown_keys():
schema = {
'field1': {
'type': 'dict',
'allow_unknown': True,
'schema': {'nested1': {'type': 'string'}}
document = {
'field1': {
'nested1': 'foo',
'arb1': 'bar',
'arb2': 42
assert_success(document=document, schema=schema)
schema['field1']['allow_unknown'] = {'type': 'string'}
assert_fail(document=document, schema=schema)
def test_novalidate_noerrors(validator):
In v0.1.0 and below `self.errors` raised an exception if no
validation had been performed yet.
assert validator.errors == {}
def test_callable_validator():
Validator instance is callable, functions as a shorthand
passthrough to validate()
schema = {'test_field': {'type': 'string'}}
v = Validator(schema)
assert v.validate({'test_field': 'foo'})
assert v({'test_field': 'foo'})
assert not v.validate({'test_field': 1})
assert not v({'test_field': 1})
def test_dependencies_field():
schema = {'test_field': {'dependencies': 'foo'},
'foo': {'type': 'string'}}
assert_success({'test_field': 'foobar', 'foo': 'bar'}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar'}, schema)
def test_dependencies_list():
schema = {
'test_field': {'dependencies': ['foo', 'bar']},
'foo': {'type': 'string'},
'bar': {'type': 'string'}
assert_success({'test_field': 'foobar', 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'foo'},
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'foo': 'bar'}, schema)
def test_dependencies_list_with_required_field():
schema = {
'test_field': {'required': True, 'dependencies': ['foo', 'bar']},
'foo': {'type': 'string'},
'bar': {'type': 'string'}
# False: all dependencies missing
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar'}, schema)
# False: one of dependencies missing
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'foo': 'bar'}, schema)
# False: one of dependencies missing
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'bar': 'foo'}, schema)
# False: dependencies are validated and field is required
assert_fail({'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'foo'}, schema)
# False: All dependencies are optional but field is still required
assert_fail({}, schema)
# True: dependency missing
assert_fail({'foo': 'bar'}, schema)
# True: dependencies are validated but field is not required
schema['test_field']['required'] = False
assert_success({'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'foo'}, schema)
def test_dependencies_list_with_subodcuments_fields():
schema = {
'test_field': {'dependencies': ['a_dict.foo', 'a_dict.bar']},
'a_dict': {
'type': 'dict',
'schema': {
'foo': {'type': 'string'},
'bar': {'type': 'string'}
assert_success({'test_field': 'foobar',
'a_dict': {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'a_dict': {}}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar',
'a_dict': {'foo': 'foo'}}, schema)
def test_dependencies_dict():
schema = {
'test_field': {'dependencies': {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}},
'foo': {'type': 'string'},
'bar': {'type': 'string'}
assert_success({'test_field': 'foobar', 'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'},
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'foo': 'foo'}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'foo': 'bar'}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'bar': 'bar'}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'bar': 'foo'}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar'}, schema)
def test_dependencies_dict_with_required_field():
schema = {
'test_field': {
'required': True,
'dependencies': {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}
'foo': {'type': 'string'},
'bar': {'type': 'string'}
# False: all dependencies missing
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar'}, schema)
# False: one of dependencies missing
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'foo': 'foo'}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'bar': 'bar'}, schema)
# False: dependencies are validated and field is required
assert_fail({'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}, schema)
# False: All dependencies are optional, but field is still required
assert_fail({}, schema)
# False: dependency missing
assert_fail({'foo': 'bar'}, schema)
assert_success({'test_field': 'foobar', 'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'},
# True: dependencies are validated but field is not required
schema['test_field']['required'] = False
assert_success({'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'foo'}, schema)
def test_dependencies_dict_with_subodcuments_fields():
schema = {
'test_field': {'dependencies': {'a_dict.foo': ['foo', 'bar'],
'a_dict.bar': 'bar'}},
'a_dict': {
'type': 'dict',
'schema': {
'foo': {'type': 'string'},
'bar': {'type': 'string'}
assert_success({'test_field': 'foobar',
'a_dict': {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}}, schema)
assert_success({'test_field': 'foobar',
'a_dict': {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'bar'}}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'a_dict': {}}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar',
'a_dict': {'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'foo'}}, schema)
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'a_dict': {'bar': 'foo'}},
assert_fail({'test_field': 'foobar', 'a_dict': {'bar': 'bar'}},
def test_root_relative_dependencies():
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/288
schema = {'package': {'allow_unknown': True,
'schema': {'version': {'dependencies': '^repo'}}},
'repo': {}}
assert_fail({'package': {'repo': 'somewhere', 'version': 0}}, schema,
error=(('package', 'version'),
('package', 'schema', 'version', 'dependencies'),
errors.DEPENDENCIES_FIELD, '^repo', ('^repo',)))
assert_success({'repo': 'somewhere', 'package': {'version': 1}}, schema)
def test_dependencies_errors():
v = Validator({'field1': {'required': False},
'field2': {'required': True,
'dependencies': {'field1': ['one', 'two']}}})
assert_fail({'field1': 'three', 'field2': 7}, validator=v,
error=('field2', ('field2', 'dependencies'),
{'field1': ['one', 'two']}, ({'field1': 'three'},)))
def test_options_passed_to_nested_validators(validator):
validator.schema = {'sub_dict': {'type': 'dict',
'schema': {'foo': {'type': 'string'}}}}
validator.allow_unknown = True
assert_success({'sub_dict': {'foo': 'bar', 'unknown': True}},
def test_self_root_document():
""" Make sure self.root_document is always the root document.
* https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/pull/42
* https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/eve/issues/295
class MyValidator(Validator):
def _validate_root_doc(self, root_doc, field, value):
""" {'type': 'boolean'} """
if ('sub' not in self.root_document or
len(self.root_document['sub']) != 2):
self._error(field, 'self.context is not the root doc!')
schema = {
'sub': {
'type': 'list',
'root_doc': True,
'schema': {
'type': 'dict',
'schema': {
'foo': {
'type': 'string',
'root_doc': True
assert_success({'sub': [{'foo': 'bar'}, {'foo': 'baz'}]},
def test_validator_rule(validator):
def validate_name(field, value, error):
if not value.islower():
error(field, 'must be lowercase')
validator.schema = {
'name': {'validator': validate_name},
'age': {'type': 'integer'}
assert_fail({'name': 'ItsMe', 'age': 2}, validator=validator,
error=('name', (), errors.CUSTOM, None, ('must be lowercase',)))
assert validator.errors == {'name': ['must be lowercase']}
assert_success({'name': 'itsme', 'age': 2}, validator=validator)
def test_validated(validator):
validator.schema = {'property': {'type': 'string'}}
document = {'property': 'string'}
assert validator.validated(document) == document
document = {'property': 0}
assert validator.validated(document) is None
def test_anyof():
# prop1 must be either a number between 0 and 10
schema = {'prop1': {'min': 0, 'max': 10}}
doc = {'prop1': 5}
assert_success(doc, schema)
# prop1 must be either a number between 0 and 10 or 100 and 110
schema = {'prop1': {'anyof':
[{'min': 0, 'max': 10}, {'min': 100, 'max': 110}]}}
doc = {'prop1': 105}
assert_success(doc, schema)
# prop1 must be either a number between 0 and 10 or 100 and 110
schema = {'prop1': {'anyof':
[{'min': 0, 'max': 10}, {'min': 100, 'max': 110}]}}
doc = {'prop1': 50}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
# prop1 must be an integer that is either be
# greater than or equal to 0, or greater than or equal to 10
schema = {'prop1': {'type': 'integer',
'anyof': [{'min': 0}, {'min': 10}]}}
assert_success({'prop1': 10}, schema)
# test that intermediate schemas do not sustain
assert 'type' not in schema['prop1']['anyof'][0]
assert 'type' not in schema['prop1']['anyof'][1]
assert 'allow_unknown' not in schema['prop1']['anyof'][0]
assert 'allow_unknown' not in schema['prop1']['anyof'][1]
assert_success({'prop1': 5}, schema)
exp_child_errors = [
(('prop1',), ('prop1', 'anyof', 0, 'min'), errors.MIN_VALUE, 0),
(('prop1',), ('prop1', 'anyof', 1, 'min'), errors.MIN_VALUE, 10)
assert_fail({'prop1': -1}, schema,
error=(('prop1',), ('prop1', 'anyof'), errors.ANYOF,
[{'min': 0}, {'min': 10}]),
doc = {'prop1': 5.5}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': '5.5'}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
def test_allof():
# prop1 has to be a float between 0 and 10
schema = {'prop1': {'allof': [
{'type': 'float'}, {'min': 0}, {'max': 10}]}}
doc = {'prop1': -1}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': 5}
assert_success(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': 11}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
# prop1 has to be a float and an integer
schema = {'prop1': {'allof': [{'type': 'float'}, {'type': 'integer'}]}}
doc = {'prop1': 11}
assert_success(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': 11.5}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': '11'}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
def test_unicode_allowed():
# issue 280
doc = {'letters': u'♄εℓł☺'}
schema = {'letters': {'type': 'string', 'allowed': ['a', 'b', 'c']}}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
schema = {'letters': {'type': 'string', 'allowed': [u'♄εℓł☺']}}
assert_success(doc, schema)
schema = {'letters': {'type': 'string', 'allowed': ['♄εℓł☺']}}
doc = {'letters': '♄εℓł☺'}
assert_success(doc, schema)
@mark.skipif(sys.version_info[0] < 3,
reason='requires python 3.x')
def test_unicode_allowed_py3():
""" All strings are unicode in Python 3.x. Input doc and schema
have equal strings and validation yield success."""
# issue 280
doc = {'letters': u'♄εℓł☺'}
schema = {'letters': {'type': 'string', 'allowed': ['♄εℓł☺']}}
assert_success(doc, schema)
@mark.skipif(sys.version_info[0] > 2,
reason='requires python 2.x')
def test_unicode_allowed_py2():
""" Python 2.x encodes value of allowed using default encoding if
the string includes characters outside ASCII range. Produced string
does not match input which is an unicode string."""
# issue 280
doc = {'letters': u'♄εℓł☺'}
schema = {'letters': {'type': 'string', 'allowed': ['♄εℓł☺']}}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
def test_oneof():
# prop1 can only only be:
# - greater than 10
# - greater than 0
# - equal to -5, 5, or 15
schema = {'prop1': {'type': 'integer', 'oneof': [
{'min': 0},
{'min': 10},
{'allowed': [-5, 5, 15]}]}}
# document is not valid
# prop1 not greater than 0, 10 or equal to -5
doc = {'prop1': -1}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
# document is valid
# prop1 is less then 0, but is -5
doc = {'prop1': -5}
assert_success(doc, schema)
# document is valid
# prop1 greater than 0
doc = {'prop1': 1}
assert_success(doc, schema)
# document is not valid
# prop1 is greater than 0
# and equal to 5
doc = {'prop1': 5}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
# document is not valid
# prop1 is greater than 0
# and greater than 10
doc = {'prop1': 11}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
# document is not valid
# prop1 is greater than 0
# and greater than 10
# and equal to 15
doc = {'prop1': 15}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
def test_noneof():
# prop1 can not be:
# - greater than 10
# - greater than 0
# - equal to -5, 5, or 15
schema = {'prop1': {'type': 'integer', 'noneof': [
{'min': 0},
{'min': 10},
{'allowed': [-5, 5, 15]}]}}
# document is valid
doc = {'prop1': -1}
assert_success(doc, schema)
# document is not valid
# prop1 is equal to -5
doc = {'prop1': -5}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
# document is not valid
# prop1 greater than 0
doc = {'prop1': 1}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
# document is not valid
doc = {'prop1': 5}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
# document is not valid
doc = {'prop1': 11}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
# document is not valid
# and equal to 15
doc = {'prop1': 15}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
def test_anyof_allof():
# prop1 can be any number outside of [0-10]
schema = {'prop1': {'allof': [{'anyof': [{'type': 'float'},
{'type': 'integer'}]},
{'anyof': [{'min': 10},
{'max': 0}]}
doc = {'prop1': 11}
assert_success(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': -1}
assert_success(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': 5}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': 11.5}
assert_success(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': -1.5}
assert_success(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': 5.5}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
doc = {'prop1': '5.5'}
assert_fail(doc, schema)
def test_anyof_schema(validator):
# test that a list of schemas can be specified.
valid_parts = [{'schema': {'model number': {'type': 'string'},
'count': {'type': 'integer'}}},
{'schema': {'serial number': {'type': 'string'},
'count': {'type': 'integer'}}}]
valid_item = {'type': ['dict', 'string'], 'anyof': valid_parts}
schema = {'parts': {'type': 'list', 'schema': valid_item}}
document = {'parts': [{'model number': 'MX-009', 'count': 100},
{'serial number': '898-001'},
# document is valid. each entry in 'parts' matches a type or schema
assert_success(document, schema, validator=validator)
document['parts'].append({'product name': "Monitors", 'count': 18})
# document is invalid. 'product name' does not match any valid schemas
assert_fail(document, schema, validator=validator)
# document is valid again
assert_success(document, schema, validator=validator)
document['parts'].append({'product name': "Monitors", 'count': 18})
# and invalid. numbers are not allowed.
exp_child_errors = [
(('parts', 3), ('parts', 'schema', 'anyof'), errors.ANYOF,
(('parts', 4), ('parts', 'schema', 'type'), errors.BAD_TYPE,
['dict', 'string'])
_errors = assert_fail(document, schema, validator=validator,
error=('parts', ('parts', 'schema'),
errors.SEQUENCE_SCHEMA, valid_item),
assert_not_has_error(_errors, ('parts', 4), ('parts', 'schema', 'anyof'),
errors.ANYOF, valid_parts)
v_errors = validator.errors
assert 'parts' in v_errors
assert 3 in v_errors['parts'][-1]
assert 'anyof' in v_errors['parts'][-1][3][-1]
assert v_errors['parts'][-1][3][-1]['anyof'][0] == "no definitions validate"
scope = v_errors['parts'][-1][3][-1]['anyof'][-1]
assert 'anyof definition 0' in scope
assert 'anyof definition 1' in scope
assert scope['anyof definition 0'] == ["unknown field"]
assert scope['anyof definition 1'] == ["unknown field"]
assert v_errors['parts'][-1][4] == ["must be of ['dict', 'string'] type"]
def test_anyof_2():
# these two schema should be the same
schema1 = {'prop': {'anyof': [{'type': 'dict',
'schema': {
'val': {'type': 'integer'}}},
{'type': 'dict',
'schema': {
'val': {'type': 'string'}}}]}}
schema2 = {'prop': {'type': 'dict', 'anyof': [
{'schema': {'val': {'type': 'integer'}}},
{'schema': {'val': {'type': 'string'}}}]}}
doc = {'prop': {'val': 0}}
assert_success(doc, schema1)
assert_success(doc, schema2)
doc = {'prop': {'val': '0'}}
assert_success(doc, schema1)
assert_success(doc, schema2)
doc = {'prop': {'val': 1.1}}
assert_fail(doc, schema1)
assert_fail(doc, schema2)
def test_anyof_type():
schema = {'anyof_type': {'anyof_type': ['string', 'integer']}}
assert_success({'anyof_type': 'bar'}, schema)
assert_success({'anyof_type': 23}, schema)
def test_oneof_schema():
schema = {'oneof_schema': {'type': 'dict',
[{'digits': {'type': 'integer',
'min': 0, 'max': 99}},
{'text': {'type': 'string',
'regex': '^[0-9]{2}$'}}]}}
assert_success({'oneof_schema': {'digits': 19}}, schema)
assert_success({'oneof_schema': {'text': '84'}}, schema)
assert_fail({'oneof_schema': {'digits': 19, 'text': '84'}}, schema)
def test_nested_oneof_type():
schema = {'nested_oneof_type':
{'valueschema': {'oneof_type': ['string', 'integer']}}}
assert_success({'nested_oneof_type': {'foo': 'a'}}, schema)
assert_success({'nested_oneof_type': {'bar': 3}}, schema)
def test_no_of_validation_if_type_fails(validator):
valid_parts = [{'schema': {'model number': {'type': 'string'},
'count': {'type': 'integer'}}},
{'schema': {'serial number': {'type': 'string'},
'count': {'type': 'integer'}}}]
validator.schema = {'part': {'type': ['dict', 'string'],
'anyof': valid_parts}}
document = {'part': 10}
_errors = assert_fail(document, validator=validator)
assert len(_errors) == 1
def test_issue_107(validator):
schema = {'info': {'type': 'dict',
'schema': {'name': {'type': 'string',
'required': True}}}}
document = {'info': {'name': 'my name'}}
assert_success(document, schema, validator=validator)
v = Validator(schema)
assert_success(document, schema, v)
# it once was observed that this behaves other than the previous line
assert v.validate(document)
def test_dont_type_validate_nulled_values(validator):
assert_fail({'an_integer': None}, validator=validator)
assert validator.errors == {'an_integer': ['null value not allowed']}
def test_dependencies_error(validator):
schema = {'field1': {'required': False},
'field2': {'required': True,
'dependencies': {'field1': ['one', 'two']}}}
validator.validate({'field2': 7}, schema)
exp_msg = errors.BasicErrorHandler \
.messages[errors.DEPENDENCIES_FIELD_VALUE.code] \
.format(field='field2', constraint={'field1': ['one', 'two']})
assert validator.errors == {'field2': [exp_msg]}
def test_dependencies_on_boolean_field_with_one_value():
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/138
schema = {'deleted': {'type': 'boolean'},
'text': {'dependencies': {'deleted': False}}}
assert_success({'text': 'foo', 'deleted': False}, schema)
assert_fail({'text': 'foo', 'deleted': True}, schema)
assert_fail({'text': 'foo'}, schema)
except TypeError as e:
if str(e) == "argument of type 'bool' is not iterable":
raise AssertionError(
"Bug #138 still exists, couldn't use boolean in dependency "
"without putting it in a list.\n"
"'some_field': True vs 'some_field: [True]")
def test_dependencies_on_boolean_field_with_value_in_list():
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/138
schema = {'deleted': {'type': 'boolean'},
'text': {'dependencies': {'deleted': [False]}}}
assert_success({'text': 'foo', 'deleted': False}, schema)
assert_fail({'text': 'foo', 'deleted': True}, schema)
assert_fail({'text': 'foo'}, schema)
def test_document_path():
class DocumentPathTester(Validator):
def _validate_trail(self, constraint, field, value):
""" {'type': 'boolean'} """
test_doc = self.root_document
for crumb in self.document_path:
test_doc = test_doc[crumb]
assert test_doc == self.document
v = DocumentPathTester()
schema = {'foo': {'schema': {'bar': {'trail': True}}}}
document = {'foo': {'bar': {}}}
assert_success(document, schema, validator=v)
def test_excludes():
schema = {'this_field': {'type': 'dict',
'excludes': 'that_field'},
'that_field': {'type': 'dict'}}
assert_success({'this_field': {}}, schema)
assert_success({'that_field': {}}, schema)
assert_success({}, schema)
assert_fail({'that_field': {}, 'this_field': {}}, schema)
def test_mutual_excludes():
schema = {'this_field': {'type': 'dict',
'excludes': 'that_field'},
'that_field': {'type': 'dict',
'excludes': 'this_field'}}
assert_success({'this_field': {}}, schema)
assert_success({'that_field': {}}, schema)
assert_success({}, schema)
assert_fail({'that_field': {}, 'this_field': {}}, schema)
def test_required_excludes():
schema = {'this_field': {'type': 'dict',
'excludes': 'that_field',
'required': True},
'that_field': {'type': 'dict',
'excludes': 'this_field',
'required': True}}
assert_success({'this_field': {}}, schema, update=False)
assert_success({'that_field': {}}, schema, update=False)
assert_fail({}, schema)
assert_fail({'that_field': {}, 'this_field': {}}, schema)
def test_multiples_exclusions():
schema = {'this_field': {'type': 'dict',
'excludes': ['that_field', 'bazo_field']},
'that_field': {'type': 'dict',
'excludes': 'this_field'},
'bazo_field': {'type': 'dict'}}
assert_success({'this_field': {}}, schema)
assert_success({'that_field': {}}, schema)
assert_fail({'this_field': {}, 'that_field': {}}, schema)
assert_fail({'this_field': {}, 'bazo_field': {}}, schema)
assert_fail({'that_field': {}, 'this_field': {}, 'bazo_field': {}}, schema)
assert_success({'that_field': {}, 'bazo_field': {}}, schema)
def test_bad_excludes_fields(validator):
validator.schema = {'this_field': {'type': 'dict',
'excludes': ['that_field', 'bazo_field'],
'required': True},
'that_field': {'type': 'dict',
'excludes': 'this_field',
'required': True}}
assert_fail({'that_field': {}, 'this_field': {}}, validator=validator)
handler = errors.BasicErrorHandler
assert (validator.errors ==
"'this_field'", field="that_field")],
"'that_field', 'bazo_field'", field="this_field")]})
def test_boolean_is_not_a_number():
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/144
assert_fail({'value': True}, {'value': {'type': 'number'}})
def test_min_max_date():
schema = {'date': {'min': date(1900, 1, 1), 'max': date(1999, 12, 31)}}
assert_success({'date': date(1945, 5, 8)}, schema)
assert_fail({'date': date(1871, 5, 10)}, schema)
def test_dict_length():
schema = {'dict': {'minlength': 1}}
assert_fail({'dict': {}}, schema)
assert_success({'dict': {'foo': 'bar'}}, schema)
def test_forbidden():
schema = {'user': {'forbidden': ['root', 'admin']}}
assert_fail({'user': 'admin'}, schema)
assert_success({'user': 'alice'}, schema)
def test_mapping_with_sequence_schema():
schema = {'list': {'schema': {'allowed': ['a', 'b', 'c']}}}
document = {'list': {'is_a': 'mapping'}}
assert_fail(document, schema,
error=('list', ('list', 'schema'), errors.BAD_TYPE_FOR_SCHEMA,
def test_sequence_with_mapping_schema():
schema = {'list': {'schema': {'foo': {'allowed': ['a', 'b', 'c']}},
'type': 'dict'}}
document = {'list': ['a', 'b', 'c']}
assert_fail(document, schema)
def test_type_error_aborts_validation():
schema = {'foo': {'type': 'string', 'allowed': ['a']}}
document = {'foo': 0}
assert_fail(document, schema,
error=('foo', ('foo', 'type'), errors.BAD_TYPE, 'string'))
def test_dependencies_in_oneof():
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/241
schema = {'a': {'type': 'integer',
'oneof': [
{'allowed': [1], 'dependencies': 'b'},
{'allowed': [2], 'dependencies': 'c'}
'b': {},
'c': {}}
assert_success({'a': 1, 'b': 'foo'}, schema)
assert_success({'a': 2, 'c': 'bar'}, schema)
assert_fail({'a': 1, 'c': 'foo'}, schema)
assert_fail({'a': 2, 'b': 'bar'}, schema)
def test_allow_unknown_with_oneof_rules(validator):
# https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus/issues/251
schema = {
'test': {
'oneof': [
'type': 'dict',
'allow_unknown': True,
'schema': {'known': {'type': 'string'}}
'type': 'dict',
'schema': {'known': {'type': 'string'}}
# check regression and that allow unknown does not cause any different
# than expected behaviour for one-of.
document = {'test': {'known': 's'}}
validator(document, schema)
_errors = validator._errors
assert len(_errors) == 1
assert_has_error(_errors, 'test', ('test', 'oneof'),
errors.ONEOF, schema['test']['oneof'])
assert len(_errors[0].child_errors) == 0
# check that allow_unknown is actually applied
document = {'test': {'known': 's', 'unknown': 'asd'}}
assert_success(document, validator=validator)