[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
import binascii
import json
import warnings
from collections import Mapping
    # import required by mypy to perform type checking, not used for normal execution
    from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union # NOQA
except ImportError:

from .algorithms import (
    Algorithm, get_default_algorithms, has_crypto, requires_cryptography  # NOQA
from .compat import binary_type, string_types, text_type
from .exceptions import (
    DecodeError, InvalidAlgorithmError, InvalidSignatureError,
from .utils import base64url_decode, base64url_encode, force_bytes, merge_dict

class PyJWS(object):
    header_typ = 'JWT'

    def __init__(self, algorithms=None, options=None):
        self._algorithms = get_default_algorithms()
        self._valid_algs = (set(algorithms) if algorithms is not None
                            else set(self._algorithms))

        # Remove algorithms that aren't on the whitelist
        for key in list(self._algorithms.keys()):
            if key not in self._valid_algs:
                del self._algorithms[key]

        if not options:
            options = {}

        self.options = merge_dict(self._get_default_options(), options)

    def _get_default_options():
        return {
            'verify_signature': True

    def register_algorithm(self, alg_id, alg_obj):
        Registers a new Algorithm for use when creating and verifying tokens.
        if alg_id in self._algorithms:
            raise ValueError('Algorithm already has a handler.')

        if not isinstance(alg_obj, Algorithm):
            raise TypeError('Object is not of type `Algorithm`')

        self._algorithms[alg_id] = alg_obj

    def unregister_algorithm(self, alg_id):
        Unregisters an Algorithm for use when creating and verifying tokens
        Throws KeyError if algorithm is not registered.
        if alg_id not in self._algorithms:
            raise KeyError('The specified algorithm could not be removed'
                           ' because it is not registered.')

        del self._algorithms[alg_id]

    def get_algorithms(self):
        Returns a list of supported values for the 'alg' parameter.
        return list(self._valid_algs)

    def encode(self,
               payload,  # type: Union[Dict, bytes]
               key,  # type: str
               algorithm='HS256',  # type: str
               headers=None,  # type: Optional[Dict]
               json_encoder=None  # type: Optional[Callable]
        segments = []

        if algorithm is None:
            algorithm = 'none'

        if algorithm not in self._valid_algs:

        # Header
        header = {'typ': self.header_typ, 'alg': algorithm}

        if headers:

        json_header = force_bytes(
                separators=(',', ':'),


        # Segments
        signing_input = b'.'.join(segments)
            alg_obj = self._algorithms[algorithm]
            key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
            signature = alg_obj.sign(signing_input, key)

        except KeyError:
            if not has_crypto and algorithm in requires_cryptography:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Algorithm '%s' could not be found. Do you have cryptography "
                    "installed?" % algorithm
                raise NotImplementedError('Algorithm not supported')


        return b'.'.join(segments)

    def decode(self,
               jwt,  # type: str
               key='',   # type: str
               verify=True,  # type: bool
               algorithms=None,  # type: List[str]
               options=None,  # type: Dict

        merged_options = merge_dict(self.options, options)
        verify_signature = merged_options['verify_signature']

        if verify_signature and not algorithms:
                'It is strongly recommended that you pass in a ' +
                'value for the "algorithms" argument when calling decode(). ' +
                'This argument will be mandatory in a future version.',

        payload, signing_input, header, signature = self._load(jwt)

        if not verify:
            warnings.warn('The verify parameter is deprecated. '
                          'Please use verify_signature in options instead.',
                          DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        elif verify_signature:
            self._verify_signature(payload, signing_input, header, signature,
                                   key, algorithms)

        return payload

    def get_unverified_header(self, jwt):
        """Returns back the JWT header parameters as a dict()

        Note: The signature is not verified so the header parameters
        should not be fully trusted until signature verification is complete
        headers = self._load(jwt)[2]

        return headers

    def _load(self, jwt):
        if isinstance(jwt, text_type):
            jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')

        if not issubclass(type(jwt), binary_type):
            raise DecodeError("Invalid token type. Token must be a {0}".format(

            signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
            header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise DecodeError('Not enough segments')

            header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
        except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
            raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')

            header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
        except ValueError as e:
            raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)

        if not isinstance(header, Mapping):
            raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')

            payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
        except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
            raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')

            signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
        except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
            raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')

        return (payload, signing_input, header, signature)

    def _verify_signature(self, payload, signing_input, header, signature,
                          key='', algorithms=None):

        alg = header.get('alg')

        if algorithms is not None and alg not in algorithms:
            raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')

            alg_obj = self._algorithms[alg]
            key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)

            if not alg_obj.verify(signing_input, key, signature):
                raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed')

        except KeyError:
            raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')

    def _validate_headers(self, headers):
        if 'kid' in headers:

    def _validate_kid(self, kid):
        if not isinstance(kid, string_types):
            raise InvalidTokenError('Key ID header parameter must be a string')

_jws_global_obj = PyJWS()
encode = _jws_global_obj.encode
decode = _jws_global_obj.decode
register_algorithm = _jws_global_obj.register_algorithm
unregister_algorithm = _jws_global_obj.unregister_algorithm
get_unverified_header = _jws_global_obj.get_unverified_header


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
contrib Folder 0755
__init__.py File 810 B 0644
__main__.py File 4.23 KB 0644
algorithms.py File 13.02 KB 0644
api_jws.py File 7.93 KB 0644
api_jwt.py File 7.74 KB 0644
compat.py File 1.41 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 986 B 0644
help.py File 1.57 KB 0644
utils.py File 2.57 KB 0644