�VF � @ s� d Z d d l m Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z e j e � Z Gd d � d e j � Z Gd d � d e j � Z y d d l m Z d Z e Z Wn e k r� d Z e Z Yn Xd S)a� setuptools/distutils commands to run testr via setup.py Currently provides 'testr' which runs tests using testr. You can pass --coverage which will also export PYTHON='coverage run --source <your package>' and automatically combine the coverage from each testr backend test runner after the run completes. To use, just use setuptools/distribute and depend on testr, and it should be picked up automatically (as the commands are exported in the testrepository package metadata. � )�cmdNc @ s� e Z d Z d Z d! d"